Comparative of the role of credit perceptions in the realization of spatial justice from the perspective of Tabatabai and John Rawls
Justice is one of the most fundamental social words and one of the indisputable principles of divine systems, the achievement of which is one of the fixed goals of all popular uprisings and the promise of all social systems when attracting the votes of different segments of the people, but the question is whether justice is obvious or credible. ? In each of these two cases, the view of this category will be different from each other and as a result will have different perceptions and effects. He has explained them himself. In Western philosophy, too, John Rawls, a contemporary American philosopher and one of the leading figures in political philosophy and ethics, in addition to freedom and equality, had a concern for justice rooted in his mind, which led to the creation of his important works. In this article, with descriptive-analytical method, we try to examine the views of both philosophers on the perceptions of credit and credentials and to understand the impact of these credentialisms on their theory of justice.
A Critique of Ibn ‘Arabī’s Ideas on the Concept of Manifestation Based on the Qur’ān and Shi’ite Traditions
Fereshteh Samiee, Amir Tohidi *,
Kheradname-ye Sadra, -
Nature and Essence of Complete and Pure Faith in Nahj Al-Balaghah's DescriptionAccording to Ibn Maitham Al-Bahrani
Leila Azizi Nesari, Mohammad Kazem Reza Zade Joodi *, Nafise Fayazbakhsh
Journal of Nahjolbalagheh,