فهرست مطالب

توسعه علوم انسانی - پیاپی 5 (بهار و تابستان 1401)

مجله توسعه علوم انسانی
پیاپی 5 (بهار و تابستان 1401)

  • تاریخ انتشار: 1401/06/12
  • تعداد عناوین: 9
  • صفحه 1
  • سید حسین صفایی، محمدهادی جواهرکلام صفحه 5

    در این مقاله، بحران کرونا به مثابه قوه قاهره، به صورت تطبیقی در حقوق ایران و فرانسه، با روش تحقیق توصیفی تحلیلی، مورد مطالعه قرار گرفته است. پرسش اصلی این است که آیا پاندمی کرونا یا اقدامات دولتها برای مقابله با آن، فورس ماژور محسوب میشود و متعهد را از اجرای تعهد یا جبران خسارت معاف میکند؟ افزون بر آن، قانونگذار ایران و فرانسه چه تدابیری را برای حمایت از طرفین قرارداد در مقابل آثار ز یانبار بحران کرونا اندیشیده اند؟ مطالعه دکترین حقوقی، رو یه قضایی و قوانین و مقررات وضع شده در حقوق ایران و فرانسه، و ملاحظه خطرات مرگبار و ترس و نگرانی شدید ناشی از ابتا به ویروس و به ویژه اقدامات دولتها برای مهار کروناویروس، مانند تعطیلی بسیار ی از مشاغل و اصناف، بستن مرزها و لغو پروازها و ممنوعیت یا محدودیت سفر و نظایر آنها در دو کشور ، نشان میدهد که برخاف سایر بیماری های همه گیر ، پاندمی کرونا این قابلیت را دارد که، به خصوص در زمان اجرای قرنطینه و محدودیتهای دولتی، قوه قاهره به شمار آید. لیکن نمیتوان بحران کرونا را و در همه موارد مصداق فورس ماژور شناخت؛ بلکه تنها در مواردی که بحران کرونا، حادثه مطلقا خارجی، غیرقابل اجتناب و غیرقابل پیش بینی باشد، مشمول قوه قاهره و آثار آن است. وانگهی، برای مقابله با آثار مخرب بحران کرونا بر قراردادها، قانونگذار فرانسه بسیار فور ی و موثرتر از مقنن ایرانی تمهیدهای ویژهای را برای حمایت از متعهد اتخاذ نموده است. در هر حال، رو یه قضایی و قانونگذار (از طریق الحاق تبصرهای به ماده 229 قانون مدنی*، میتوانند از نتایج پژوهش حاضر برای تلقی بیماریهای همه گیر خطرنا ک (مانند بحران ناشی از کوو ید-19 و سایر پاندمیهای مشابه) بهعنوان فورس ماژور استفاده نمایند.

    کلیدواژگان: کرونا ویروس (کووید 19)، پاندمی، اپیدمی، قوه قاهره (فورس ماژور)، اجرای تعهدات، قراردادها
  • محمد آشوری، عرفان باباخانی صفحه 31

    از جمله جرایمی که در پهنه نظامهای سیاست جنایی به طور افتراقی مورد توجه قرار میگیرد، جرایم مربوط به مواد مخدر است. دلایل مهم اقتصادی، اجتماعی و بهداشتی برخورد افتراقی نظام عدالت کیفری را در این زمینه اجتنا بناپذیر کرده است. امری که با گذشت زمان از طیف متنوعی از راهبردها در چارچوب افتراقی سازی برخوردار شده است. بی گمان توجه به مواردی چون افتراقی سازی در پهنه نظامهای سیاست جنایی از ابعاد گوناگون، امری ضروری است. از این رو، امروزه مظاهر متنوعی از افتراقی سازی را در بستر علوم جنایی مشاهده میکنیم. گاه از حیث دادرسی کیفری در خصوص اشخاص یا جرایمی مشخص، رویکردهای متفاوتی اتخاذ میشود و گاه از حیث جر مانگاری و کیفرگذاری با اشخاص یا جرایمی به شکل ویژه برخورد می شود. کشور فرانسه از جمله کشورهایی است که تاش کرده با اتخاذ یک سیاست جنایی افتراقی شده و هدفمند، به اهداف از پیش تعیین شده خود در حوزه مواد مخدر دست یابد. امری که چند جانبه گرایی کامل را در چارچوب افتراقی سازی سخ تگیرانه تا افتراقی سازی حمایتی فراهم ساخته است. در این پژوهش با رویکردی توصیفی-تحلیلی راهبردهای سیاست جنایی این کشور در برابر مواد مخدر تجزیه و تحلیل می شود.

    کلیدواژگان: مواد مخدر، سیاس تکیفری، افتراقی سازی، تعدیل کیفری، سخت گیری کیفری
  • سید حسین کاظمی صفحه 77

    حیرت یکی از کیفیتهای اصیل تجربه انسانی و خاستگاه اصلی هرگونه پژوهشی است. با ای نحال در جهان افسون زدایی شده معاصر پژوهش، از جمله پژوهش سازمانی، از حیرت شروع نم یشود. حتی باید گفت جهان سازمانی امروز ما جهانی غیرحیرت انگیز است که در آن تصور م یشود همه چیز قابل شناخت است و راز و رمز و افسون و ممکناتی در جهان وجود ندارد که مایه حیرت باشد. با این حال، سازمانها به مثابه عرصه های تجلی عاملیت جمعی، اساسا عرصه تحقق ممکنات بی شمار بشری برای جهان سازی هستند و بدین روی پژوهش در سازمان ها باید به طریق اولی مبتنی بر حیرت و واکاوی ممکنات نو باشد. این جستار م یکوشد با معرفی ابعاد حیرت و طرق ارتباط آن با پژوهش سازمانی، فراخوانی باشد به بازافسو نسازی عرصه های سازمانی به طوری که «سازمان» عرصه تحقق ممکناتی نو در زیستبوم جهان باشد.

    کلیدواژگان: حیرت، پژوهش سازمانی، بازافسو نسازی
  • پخشان ملایی صفحه 101
  • محمدتقی خوبرو، محمدحسین رحمتی صفحه 145
  • محمدامین حسامی صفحه 171
  • Seyed Hossein Safaei, Mohammad Hadi Javaherkalam Page 5

    In this paper, the corona pandemic, as force majeure, has been analyzed by comparative study of Iranian and French law using descriptive-analytical research method. The main question is whether the corona pandemic or the actions of governments to deal with it are considered force majeure and exempt the obligor from fulfilling the obligation or paying compensation. In addition, what measures have the Iranian and French legislators devised to protect the parties to the agreement against the harmful effects of the corona crisis? By studying the legal doctrine, jurisprudence, acts and regulations approved in Iranian and French law, and by considering the deadly dangers and extreme fears of the virus, and in particular governments' efforts to curb the coronavirus, such as the closure of many businesses and guilds, closing borders and canceling flights and banning or restricting travel and the similar cases in the two countries, it can be said that unlike other pandemics, the corona pandemic has the potential to be a force majeure, especially during quarantine and government restrictions. But the corona pandemic cannot be considered absolutely and in all cases an example of force majeure; rather, it is subject to force majeure and its effects only in cases where the corona crisis is an external accident, unavoidable and unpredictable. Moreover, the French legislature has taken special measures to deal with corona's destructive effects on contracts, much more urgently and effectively than the Iranian legislature, to protect the obligor. However, the judiciary as well as the legislature, by adding a section to Article 229 of the Civil Code, can use the results of the present study to consider dangerous epidemic diseases (such as the crisis caused by Covid19- and other similar pandemics) as force majeure.

    Keywords: coronavirus (COVID19-), pandemic, epidemic, force majeure, performance ofobligations, contracts
  • Mohammad Ashouri, Erfan Babakhani Page 31

    Among the crimes that are discriminated against in the criminal justice system are drug-related crimes. Important economic, social, health, etc. reasons for the discriminatory treatment of the criminal justice system in this regard have become inevitable. This has evolved over time from a variety of differentiated strategies. Hence, today we see various manifestations of differentiation in the context of criminal law. Sometimes different approaches are taken in terms of criminal proceedings against specific persons or crimes, and sometimes in terms of criminalization and punishment, persons or crimes are treated in a special-different way. France is one of the countries that has tried to achieve its predetermined goals in the field of drugs by adopting a differentiated and targeted criminal policy. This has provided complete multilateralism in the context of strict differentiation to supportive differentiation. In this paper, with a descriptive-analytical approach, the criminal policy strategies of this country against drugs are analyzed.

    Keywords: drug, crime policy, differentiation, criminal moderation, criminal strictness
  • Elnaz Bagherpour Oskouie, Abbas Shakeri Page 49

    In liquidity analysis, the degree of fluidity is an important factor affecting its quality and efficiency, and therefore focusing on the amount and volume of liquidity regardless of its quality can be misleading and lead to inappropriate policy. Therefore, one of the points that can be mentioned about the quality of money is the study of the trend of the share of money and quasi-money of changes in liquidity and its relationship with production and inflation in recent years. For this purpose, the present study uses the continuous wavelet transform approach to study the dynamics of the causal relationship between the components of liquidity and inflation during the years 1982 to 2021. Results imply that inflation in Iran economy is not just a monetary phenomenon and liquidity is endogenous according to post-Keynesian economists. Also, in this study, in examining the causal relationship between the effect of money growth rate and quasi-money on changes of GDP during the years 1988 to 2021, the results show that in Iran economy, increasing in quasi-money share of liquidity leads to a decrease in investment and future production growth, while increasing money share of liquidity according to wavelet coherence analysis shows positive effects on production changes.

    Keywords: continuous wavelet transform, wavelet coherence, inflation, liquidity, growth rate
  • Seyed Hosein Kazemi Page 77

    Wonder as a primordial dimension of the human experience is the origin of every research activity. However, contemporary research in general and organizational research in particular does not start from wonder where it belongs to. Further, our current organizational world is an anti-wonder one characterized by a prevailing belief that everything is knowable in principle and the world is free of any mystery and possibility that can raise our sense of wonder. Nonetheless, organizations as the manifestations of collective human agency are the sphere of realization infinite world-making possibilities. This necessitates that organizational research must be based on wonder and exploring new possibilities. By introducing the different dimensions of wonder and its possible contributions to organizational research, this essay calls for the re-enchantment of organizational areas so that the “organization” can act as a possibility realization domain for our increasingly disenchanted world.

    Keywords: wonder, organizational research, re-enchantment
  • Pakhshan Molaei Page 101

    The present qualitative research aims to identify the elements of the model of women's promotion to executive positions in Iranian public organizations using the thematic analysis method. Using purposive sampling method, 42 male-female government managers and women experts in the field of study were present in the study area. Data collection was based on individual and centralized semi-structured interview methods and three stages of descriptive, interpretive and integration coding were used to analyze the data. According to the findings, the elements of women's promotion model in 4 main themes and 12 subthemes were identified as follows: gender awareness and re-defining of women's identity (Thoughtful awareness instead of passive acceptance, re-defining women's identity, empathy instead of self-suppression, role management) political determination (Supportive and determined government, jurisprudential and legal reconsideration, the formation of women's parties), the system of equal promotion opportunity (The strategy of selecting the elite instead of appointing the relatives, encouraging promotion instead of persuading the job), collective awakening and national determination (Collective awareness, cooperation of reference groups and formation of civil institutions). The results show that the establishment of the designed model will be possible by creating an interactive space among social actors in the heart of structures. To create such an atmosphere, the formation of human-centered discourse is essential. This discourse has four dimensions: interpersonal discourse, inter-party discourse, competency discourse and social discourse.

    Keywords: women's promotion, women, management, women's promotion model, public organizations
  • Amir Ahmad Mahdianrad Page 125

    Tax arrears are one of the most challenging issues in the country's tax system, which due to the role of tax revenue in the annual budget, tax uncertainty and timely collection of taxes, especially in inflationary conditions, impose great losses on the country's economy. Therefore, in this paper, a simulated model of tax arrears in the tax base of legal entities and the amount of tax collection of this source in a specific time horizon with the dynamics of the system is presented. In this study, using the opinion of experts, causal relationships were discovered and causal-circular diagrams and flow diagrams were drawn. Using dynamic systems thinking, the model was developed and by examining the outputs, the factors with the most impact and communication with other components of the system were identified and the necessary corrections were made in the model. The results of the model in Vensim software showed that two main factors are effective in increasing tax revenues. These factors are, respectively, reducing the processing time and certainty of the tax file that leads to an increase in the amount of tax receivable and the other is reducing uncollectible arrears by creating full access to the databases and information of activities of the Tax Affairs Organization. Taxpayers' economy and speeding up the submission of final tax returns to the collection and enforcement sector will eventually provide the basis for more tax revenue collection and reduction of arrears.

    Keywords: tax arrears, corporate taxes, tax evasion, tax compliance, intelligent tax system, system dynamics
  • Mohammad Taghi Khoobroo, Mohammad Hosein Rahmati Page 145

    over the years, one of the most challenging issues in the policy-making of Iran's public service sector has been the formation of a kind of bubble, both positive and negative, which has led to the occurrence of inflation and stagnation in policies in this area. In general, the bubble phenomenon addresses the issue of the existence of a discrete policy balance in terms of the amount of attention, investment, and reactions that are more or less and more than the size of the government in solving public problems. The purpose of this study is to understand what has happened in the public service sector of Iran.


    in this Article, by studying the texts of public policy and in-depth interviews with some knowledgeable experts, with the Grounded Theory Strategy, makes the understanding of this phenomenon possible. Research


    Initially, 80 concepts were identified as open source. These findings are based on the micro-objectives of the research in three sections: causes of out-ofmoderation, the context affecting out of moderation, typology out-of- moderation policy in the public services sector and according to theme analysis in 26 sub-themes and seven main themes.


    The results show that the policy bubble is based on the involvement of four factors: supply context, demand context, supply and demand environment context and the essence of the policy context in the policy-making process of Iran's public services by distorting the supply and demand of the policy, from three axes: recession, inflation, inflationary stagnation policy is formed; and also based on the confrontation between factors and reasons, 12 types of policy bubbles have been identified in this study.

    Keywords: public policy making, public service sector, policy bubble