فهرست مطالب

اطلاعات جغرافیایی (سپهر) - پیاپی 129 (بهار 1403)

نشریه اطلاعات جغرافیایی (سپهر)
پیاپی 129 (بهار 1403)

  • تاریخ انتشار: 1403/03/01
  • تعداد عناوین: 10
  • علیرضا آفری * صفحات 7-19

    تبدیل متشابه سه بعدی در کاربردهای مختلفی مانند فتوگرامتری، ژئودزی، رباتیک و بینایی ماشین مورد استفاده قرار می گیرد. محاسبه پارامتر های این تبدیل با استفاده از روش سرشکنی کمترین مربعات مستلزم تعیین مقادیر اولیه نزدیک به مقادیر نهایی است. در صورتی که مقادیر اولیه مورد استفاده به مقادیر نهایی نزدیک نباشد و به خصوص در حالتی که زوایای دوران مربوط به این تبدیل دارای مقادیر بزرگی باشند، روش کمترین مربعات یا همگرا نخواهد شد و یا به یک جواب اشتباه همگرا می شود. در این مقاله، یک روش مستقیم و بسته ی جدید برای تعیین پارامتر های این تبدیل با استفاده از حداقل سه زوج نقطه متناظر در دو سیستم مختصات ارائه شده است. نتایج حاصل از این روش به مقادیر نهایی این پارامترها نزدیک بوده و در کاربردهای کم دقت می تواند به صورت مستقیم مورد استفاده قرار گیرد. در کاربردهای دقیق نیز می توان از نتایج این روش به عنوان مقادیر اولیه برای محاسبات کمترین مربعات استفاده کرد. نتایج روش ارائه شده با نتایج روش کمترین مربعات و دو روش بسته و مستقیم دیگر یعنی روش SVD و روش کواترنیون دوگانه مقایسه و مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفت. در ارزیابی روش ارائه شده از دو سری داده شبیه سازی شده و داده واقعی استفاده شد. اختلاف نتایج بدست آمده از این روش با نتایج به دست آمده از روش کمترین مربعات دارای خطایی در حدود 0.02° در مورد پارامتر های دورانی و خطایی در حدود 0.2m در مورد پارامتر های بردار جابجایی و خطایی کمتر از 0.002 در مورد پارامتر مقیاس هستند. این ارزیابی، کارآیی خوب این روش را نشان می دهد.

    کلیدواژگان: تبدیل متشابه سه بعدی، روش مستقیم و بسته، کمترین مربعات، SVD، کواترنیون
  • حسین نساری، رضا شاه حسینی*، امیررضا گودرزی، سهیل سبحان اردکانی، سعید فرزانه صفحات 21-37

    محصولات عمق نوری ریزگرد اتمسفری (AOD) مبتنی بر ماهواره های در حال گردش مانند MODIS، VIIRS و NOAA می توانند توزیع روزانه AOD جهانی و منطقه ای را ارائه دهند. کاربرد آنها برای نظارت بر کیفیت هوا در مقیاس های محلی مانند محیط های شهری به دلیل قدرت تفکیک مکانی پایین آنها محدود است. اخیرا، علاقه فزاینده ای به بازیابی محصولات AOD بر اساس تصاویر نوری با قدرت تفکیک بالا شکل گرفته است. هدف اصلی این پژوهش، ارزیابی بازیابی AOD در مناطق شهری با استفاده از تصاویر ماهواره ای با قدرت تفکیک مکانی بالا است. با فرض سطح لامبرتی، اصل بازیابی AOD توسعه یافته بر اساس تئوری انتقال تابشی با استفاده از معادله Tanré می باشد. برای حل معادله انتقال تابشی، مطالعه حاضر مدل انتقال تابشی شبیه سازی دوم سیگنال ماهواره ای در طیف خورشیدی (6S) را اتخاذ و یک جدول جستجو را با فرض یک مدل ریزگرد قاره ای ساخت. بازتاب سطح زمین در کل دوره مطالعه با استفاده از Landsat 8 OLI برای دوره 2016-2015 تنوع بسیار کمی به صورت ماهانه نشان داد. بازیابی AOD با مقایسه بازتاب TOA اندازه گیری شده و شبیه سازی شده انجام گرفت. اعتبارسنجی با استفاده از یک سایت زمینی مستقر در پشت بام مرکز منطقه ای هواشناسی با نام Tamanrasset_INM واقع در منطقه تامنراست، الجزایر انجام شد. اعتبارسنجی نشان می دهد که روش بازیابی AOD منجر به خطای استاندارد 0.1068 می شود و با  برابر با 70.9% همبستگی خوبی نشان می دهد.

    کلیدواژگان: عمق نوری ریزگرد، مناطق شهری، مناطق خشک و نیمه خشک، شهر تامنراست الجزایر، Landsat-8
  • حسین عساکره*، فاطمه متولی میدانشاه، لیلا احدی صفحات 39-58

    در سال های اخیر فعالیت های انسانی، افزایش غلظت گازهای گلخانه ای در جو، گرمایش جهانی و تغییر اقلیم در مقیاس جهانی و محلی را به همراه داشته است. از این رو شبیه سازی رفتار و تغییرات محتمل هریک از متغیرهای جوی - اقیلمی در آینده و بررسی پاسخ های احتمالی دستگاه اقلیم به آن تغییرات، بسیار حائز اهمیت است. در پژوهش حاضر به منظور ریزگردانی آماری، برازش و آزمون صحت مدل شبکه عصبی مصنوعی، داده های روزانه دمای بیشینه ایستگاه همدید یزد و متغیرهای جوی مدل HadCM3 در دوره آماری 2005 - 1961 مورد استفاده قرار گرفت. پس از انتخاب معماری و ساختار مناسب شبکه عصبی، از مقادیر شبیه سازی شده مدل HadCM3 تحت واداشت های تابشی RCP2.6، RCP4.5 و RCP8.5 در دو دوره آماری 2050 - 2006 و 2095 - 2051 استفاده شد. نتایج حاکی از این بود که در هر دو دوره یاد شده افزایش دمای بیشینه ایستگاه همدید یزد در فصول زمستان (0.4 تا 6.9 درجه سلسیوس)، بهار (1.1 تا 5.7 درجه سلسیوس) و تابستان (1.1 تا 5.7 درجه سلسیوس) مورد انتظار است. در فصل پاییز فقط در ماه های نوامبر و دسامبر و تحت سناریوهای RCP4.5 و RCP8.5 افزایش دما در دوره دوم مورد انتظار است و در ماه اکتبر دمای بیشینه کاسته (0.6 تا 4.1 درجه سلسیوس) می شود.

    کلیدواژگان: ایستگاه همدید یزد، میانگین دمای بیشینه، ریزگردانی، شبیه سازی، شبکه عصبی مصنوعی
  • ترانه کریمی، علی محمد صفانیا*، رحیم سرور، صلاح الدین نقشبندی‎ صفحات 59-77

    وجود انواع تفرق های قانونی، نهادی، وظیفه ای، ساختاری همچنین انواع بازیگران با قدرت های متفاوت  و در برخی اوقات  نابرابر سبب شده که تحقق یکپارچگی به یک مسئله اساسی در گردشگری ورزشی تبدیل شود. این پژوهش در راستای طراحی الگوی مدیریت یکپارچه در گردشگری ورزشی ایران صورت گرفت. پژوهش حاضر با رویکرد آمیخته(کیفی-کمی) و با استراتژی اکتشافی(توسعه ابزار) انجام شد. دربخش کیفی؛ شاخص های مدیریت یکپارچه صنعت گردشگری ورزشی ایران از طریق مصاحبه عمیق و نیمه ساختار یافته با متخصصان و کلیه صاحبنظران درگردشگری، گردشگری ورزشی و مدیریت ورزشی شناسایی و با بهره گیری از نظریه داده بنیاد(رویکرد گلیزر) با سه مرحله کدگذاری تجزیه و تحلیل شد. به این ترتیب پرسشنامه ای براساس هشت معیار: همچنین 29 زیرمعیار، در مقیاس پنج ارزشی لیکرت با 119سوال تدوین شد. روایی و پایایی پرسشنامه با تحلیل عاملی تاییدی اکتشافی و آلفای کرونباخ(96%) بررسی شد. جامعه آماری بخش کمی شامل 600 نفر از کارشناسان و مدیران وزارت های میراث فرهنگی، ورزش و جوانان همچنین سازمان حفاظت محیط زیست، سازمان هواپیمایی کشوری، کمیته ملی المپیک و پارالمپیک، دفاتر خدمات مسافرتی و فعالان بخش خصوصی همچنین دانشجویان و اساتید دکتری مدیریت ورزشی بود. به منظور تجزیه و تحلیل اطلاعات در بخش توصیفی از روش های فراوانی، میانگین و انحراف استاندارد استفاده شد. نرمال بودن داده ها با آزمون کلومووگروف-اسپیروف(0.05<) بررسی شد. در بخش آمار استنباطی از آزمون مدل یابی معادلات ساختاری، آزمون فریدمن(0.001=P) و ضریب همبستگی پیرسون با کمک نرم افزار های AMOS و SPSS استفاده شد. برمبنای یافته ها هشت شاخص سیاستی - برنامه ای، وظیفه ای، مدیریتی، قانونی، نهادی، ساختاری، ذینفعان، ابزار و منابع به عنوان عوامل موثر مدیریت یکپارچه گردشگری ورزشی ایران شناسایی شدند. در این بین؛ شاخص قانونی با آماره(13.077=  t) و زیر معیار بودجه" با مقدار آماره(27.606=  t) بیشترین تاثیر را دارند. همچنین بین معیارهای اصلی پژوهش ارتباط معنی داری در سطح99% وجود دارد. به این ترتیب پیشنهاد می شود، مسئولین و سیاست گذاران در این حوزه با بهره گیری از نتایج پژوهش، در راستای کاربست مدیریت یکپارچه در تمامی ابعاد، زمینه را برای قرار گرفتن گردشگری ورزشی ایران در مدار توسعه همه جانبه، فراهم کنند.

    کلیدواژگان: گردشگری ورزشی، مدیریت یکپارچه، سیاست گذاری، نظریه داده بنیاد
  • آتیکه افضلی*، مسعود مقنعی طبری صفحات 79-89

    افزایش جمعیت و توسعه شهرها، استفاده ی روز افزون از خودروها، افزایش تعداد خودروهای شخصی، همچنین عرض کم خیابان ها و کمبود عرضه ی فضای پارک حاشیه ای به ویژه در بخش های مرکزی، مشکلات فراوانی را برای شهرهای بزرگ و پرجمعیت در پی داشته است. پارکینگ ها به عنوان یکی از مهم ترین زیرساخت های شهری نقش عمده ای در کاهش این مشکلات ایفا می کنند. امروزه در شهرهای بزرگ با مکانیابی صحیح پارکینگ های عمومی می توان با افزایش خدمات دهی به حجم زیادی از وسائط نقلیه اقدام به مدیریت بهینه ترافیک شهری نمود. هدف پژوهش حاضر، شناسایی و اولویت بندی معیارهای موثر در مکان یابی پارکینگ های عمومی با استفاده از نظرات کارشناسی و در نهایت شناسایی مکان های مناسب برای ایجاد پارکینگ های عمومی در محدوده ی شهر بابل  با استفاده از مدل تحلیل شبکه (ANP) است. در این پژوهش، ابتدا با توجه به نظر خبرگان و کارشناسان شهرداری بابل، معیارهای موثر استخراج شدند. پس از تهیه ی لایه های اطلاعاتی هر معیار در محیط GIS، به منظور یکسان سازی لایه ها، هر معیار طبقه بندی شد. سپس با بکارگیری تکنیک ANP و به کمک نرم افزار Super Decision، معیارهای شناسایی شده وزن دهی و سپس مقایسات زوجی انجام شد. مقدار ضریب ناسازگاری به دست آمده 0.07 بوده است. لایه های وزن دار توسط روش ANP ترکیب شدند و براساس میزان تاثیر گذاری هر لایه (وزن نسبی) در محیط GIS روی یکدیگر قرار گرفتند و نقشه مناطق بهینه برای احداث پارکینگ های عمومی به دست آمد. اولویت بندی معیارها نشان داد که، معیارهای « فاصله از جاده»، « فاصله از کاربری اداری» و « فاصله از کاربری تجاری» به ترتیب با میزان ضریب اهمیت 0.25، 0.24 و 0.15 دارای بیشترین وزن ها بوده اند. برای تهیه ی نقشه های نهایی از نرم افزار Arc GIS بهره گرفته شد. درنهایت با اعمال وزن نهایی معیارها و همپوشانی لایه ها، مکان های مناسب برای ایجاد پارکینگ های عمومی مشخص شدند. با توجه به نقشه مکانیابی نهایی مناطق با قابلیت خیلی زیاد، مناطق با قابلیت زیاد و مناطق با قابلیت متوسط هر کدام به ترتیب 3.11،  55.75 و36.56 درصد از اراضی شهری را به خود اختصاص داده اند. مناطق با قابلیت خیلی زیاد و زیاد، بیشتر در بخش های شمال غربی، شمال شرقی، جنوب غربی و مرکزی شهر بابل قرار گرفته اند.

    کلیدواژگان: پارکینگ عمومی، مکان یابی، مدل سازی، شهر بابل
  • الهام فروتن* صفحات 91-105

    در سال های اخیر، رشد جمعیت، افزایش سطح اراضی فاریاب و توسعه اقتصادی، موجب افزایش تقاضا برای آب های زیرزمینی در سراسر جهان شده است. در نتیجه، شناسایی مناطق بالقوه ی دارای آب زیرزمینی و تعیین مناطق تغذیه آن با استفاده از فناوری های دقیق به منظور کاهش افت و همچنین برنامه ریزی و نظارت بر سیستم منابع آب زیرزمینی ضروری است. در این تحقیق هدف آن است که روش های  عامل چند گانه تاثیرگذار و فازی برای تعیین پتانسیل آب زیرزمینی در بخشی از حوضه آبخیز کبار- فردو واقع در استان قم مورد مقایسه قرار گیرد. به این منظور، شش عامل شیب، بارندگی سالانه، فاصله از رودخانه، زمین شناسی، خاکشناسی و کاربری اراضی مد نظر قرار گرفتند و روش های فازی و عامل چندگانه تاثیر گذار (MIF) با استفاده از آنها اجرا شده است. در روش عامل چندگانه تاثیر گذار عامل فاصله از آبراهه دارای کم ترین وزن (8.33%) و عامل زمین شناسی دارای بیش ترین وزن است (25%) و عوامل بارش، شیب، خاک شناسی، کاربری اراضی به ترتیب دارای وزن های 20.83 %، 16.67% ، 16.67% و 12.5% هستند. سپس نقشه پتانسیل آب زیرزمینی از طریق هم پوشانی در ArcGIS تهیه شده و منطقه مورد مطالعه به چهار طبقه پتانسیل خیلی کم، کم، متوسط و زیاد طبقه بندی شده است که به ترتیب 5.16، 19.69 ، 32.06 و 43.09 درصد از مساحت منطقه را شامل می شود. در روش فازی نیز لایه های موضوعی بر اساس تابع خطی به فازی تبدیل شده و هم پوشانی لایه ها با استفاده از تابع گاما صورت پذیرفته که در نقشه نهایی طبقات خیلی کم، کم، متوسط و زیاد 25.61، 18.02، 41.40 و14.97 درصد از منطقه را در برمی گیرند. به منظور ارزیابی مدل ها، از آمار نقاط مشاهداتی استفاده و در نهایت صحت مدل های عامل چندگانه تاثیرگذار و فازی به ترتیب 71.42 و 78.57 درصد محاسبه شده که به نظر می رسد مقادیر قابل قبولی هستند. نتایج این تحقیق می تواند برای اجرای طرح های تغذیه مصنوعی در راستای مدیریت پایدار منابع آب زیرزمینی منطقه مورد استفاده قرار گیرد.

    کلیدواژگان: عامل چندگانه تاثیرگذار (MIF)، فازی، پهنه بندی، آب زیرزمینی، اقلیم خشک و نیمه خشک
  • کلثوم شکرالهی زاده، حامد نقوی، مرتضی قبادی*، رحیم ملک نیا صفحات 107-120

    فضاهای سبز شهری به عنوان بخش مهمی از اکوسیستم های شهری، اثرات و خدمات اکولوژیکی بسیاری را به شهرها ارائه می دهند. هدف از تحقیق حاضر، ارزیابی و تحلیل کمی تغییرات فضای سبز شهری در شهر خرم آباد با استفاده از داده های سنجش از دور و سنجه های سیمای سرزمین است.در این پژوهش، به منظور تهیه نقشه های شهر از تصاویر سنجنده های +TM ، ETM و OLI ماهواره های لندست 5، 7و 8 به ترتیب متعلق به سال های 1987، 2003 و 2019 استفاده شد. پس از انجام پیش پردازش های لازم، طبقه بندی تصاویر به روش حداکثر احتمال در محیط نرم افزار ENVI انجام گرفت. به کمک سنجه های منتخب سیمای سرزمین شامل مساحت طبقه (CA)، تعداد لکه (NP)، درصد پوشش (PLAND) و متوسط نزدیک ترین فاصله همسایگی (ENN-MN)، تجزیه و تحلیل ترکیب و توزیع فضای سبز در سطح مناطق سه گانه شهر خرم آباد انجام شد. نتایج نشان داد که فضاهای سبز به میزان قابل توجهی چه از لحاظ تعداد لکه و چه از لحاظ مساحت روند کاهشی را داشته اند به طوری که از 703/8 هکتار در سال 1987به میزان 629/88 هکتار در سال 2019 رسیده است. همچنین نتایج حاصل از بررسی سنجه های سیمای سرزمین برای ارزیابی ترکیب و توزیع لکه های سبز بیانگر عدم توزیع یکنواخت در سطح شهر بوده، به طوری که محدوده ی منطقه یک و سه شهر خرم آباد به لحاظ ترکیب و توزیع لکه های سبز در وضعیت نامناسبی قرار دارند. همچنین یافته ها گویای آن است که شهر خرم آباد در زمینه پراکنش متعادل فضاهای شهری دچار کمبودهایی بوده و توزیع فضایی آنها دارای شرایط مطلوب نیست. بنابراین باید از طریق ایجاد پیوستگی بین مناطق دارای لکه های سبز گسسته و با مساحت کم، در راستای بهبود وضعیت این مناطق، برنامه ریزی لازم صورت گیرد. یافته های این تحقیق بر لزوم توجه بیشتر به مدیریت پایدار سیمای فضای سبز شهری خرم آباد و جلوگیری از تخریب آن در این شهر تاکید دارد.

    کلیدواژگان: اکولوژی سیمای سرزمین، تصاویر ماهواره ای، شهر پایدار، فضای سبز شهری، شهر خرم آباد
  • سید اسدالله حجازی*، فریبا کرمی، سایه حبیب زاده صفحات 121-138

    در چند دهه اخیر شهرها به عنوان مهم ترین سکونتگاه های بشر به واسطه افزایش درجه شهرنشینی و جمعیت شهری که از مهم ترین جنبه های تغییر جهانی است، مقدمه رشد و توسعه گسترده ی شهری را فراهم آورده اند. عوامل متعددی از قبیل ویژگی های ژئومورفولوژی، شرایط اقلیمی و خصایص زمین شناختی در مکان گزینی شهرها موثرند. در این پژوهش نقش ژئومورفولوژی و عوامل محیطی به عنوان یکی از عوامل مهم تاثیرگذار در مکان یابی و توسعه فیزیکی شهر ماکو مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفت. عوامل ژئومورفولوژیکی، مهم ترین و اثرگذارترین پارامترهای موثر در پیدایش، استقرار و توسعه یک شهر هستند. برای دستیابی به هدف مور نظر و ارزیابی آن، داده های موردنیاز از نقشه های توپوگرافی 1:500000 و زمین شناسی 1:100000 استخراج شده و سپس با استفاده از نرم افزار Arc GIS نقشه های موردنظر تهیه شده اند. همچنین در این تحقیق از مدل تصمیم گیری الکتره - فازی استفاده شد که بر مبنای آن محورها و جهت های جغرافیایی محتمل توسعه شهر ماکو و ضریب اهمیت نسبی مولفه های ژئومورفولوژیک محاسبه و تعیین شدند. معیارهای دخیل در توسعه شهر ماکو، شیب، جهت شیب، ارتفاع، فاصله از رودخانه، فاصله از گسل، فاصله از جاده، لیتولوژی، خاک و کاربری اراضی هستند. نقشه های مربوط به هریک از این مولفه ها با استفاده از نرم افزار Arc GIS، مورد مقایسه و ارزیابی قرار گرفتند. سپس با روی هم گذاری لایه های طبقه بندی شده، نقشه پهنه بندی مناسب توسعه شهر تهیه و در پنج کلاس کاملا مناسب، نسبتا مناسب، مناسب، نامناسب و کاملا نامناسب برای توسعه تقسیم بندی شد. نتایج نشان داد مناسب ترین مسیر برای توسعه آتی شهر ماکو، سمت شرقی و غربی تا حدی جنوب شرقی این شهر است.

    کلیدواژگان: عوامل ژئومورفولوژیکی و محیطی، الکتره - فازی، مکان یابی، توسعه فیزیکی، ماکو
  • مهدی صفری نامیوندی*، سید علی عبادی نژاد، مهدی کاظمی، یحیی قبادی، صادق یاسمی صفحات 139-148

    وضعیت ژئومورفولوژیکی نوار مرزی، نقش مهمی در تامین امنیت مرزها و در نتیجه امنیت کشور دارد. بر این اساس، توجه به وضعیت ژئومورفولوژی مرزها در اهداف نظامی ضروری است. با توجه به اهمیت موضوع، پژوهش حاضر به شناسایی مناطق آسیب پذیر شهرستان مریوان در برابر نفوذ دشمن و همچنین مناطق مستعد این شهرستان برای احداث پایگاه های نظامی و مراکز دید بانی پرداخته است. در این پژوهش از اطلاعات کتابخانه ای، مدل رقومی ارتفاعی 30 متر SRTM و لایه های رقومی اطلاعاتی به عنوان داده های پژوهش استفاده شده است. مهم ترین ابزارهای پژوهش ArcGIS 10.3 (به منظور تهیه نقشه های مورد نیاز) وExpert Choice 11  (به منظور اجرای مدل AHP) بوده و همچنین از مدل تلفیقی منطق فازی و AHP استفاده شده است. بر اساس نتایج حاصله، بخش های غربی و جنوب غربی شهرستان مریوان به دلیل دور بودن از پایگاه های نظامی و نقاط شهری و نزدیکی به پادگانه های رودخانه، توان آسیب پذیری بیش تری در برابر نفوذ دشمن دارند. همچنین نتایج تحقیق نشان داد بخش هایی از محدوده شهرستان مریوان که عمدتا منطبق بر مناطق مرکزی شهرستان هستند، توان بالایی برای احداث پایگاه های نظامی و مراکز دید بانی دارند. این مناطق به دلیل ارتفاع زیاد، شیب کم، جهات غربی، داشتن میدان دید وسیع، نزدیکی به جاده های اصلی و دور بودن از پایگاه های نظامی، توان بالایی در راستای اهداف مورد نظر دارند. مجموع نتایج حاصل از این پژوهش نشان داده است که در مکا ن یابی پایگاه های نظامی موجود در شهرستان مریوان، به عوامل ژئومورفولوژیکی توجه زیادی نشده و ضروری است تا برای ایجاد امنیت در این منطقه، پایگاه های نظامی و مراکز دید بانی جدیدی متناسب با توان ژئومورفولوژیکی منطقه احداث شوند.

    کلیدواژگان: امنیت، مناطق مرزی، ژئومورفولوژی، شهرستان مریوان
  • نرگس اسکندر شکوهی، رضا ذاکری نژاد* صفحات 149-162

    امروزه گردشگری یکی از منابع اصلی درآمد ملی کشورهای توسعه یافته و برخی کشورهای درحال توسعه را تشکیل می دهد. ایران نیز به لحاظ شرایط و ویژگی های اکولوژیکی متنوع توان بسیار بالایی در جذب توریست دارد. بطور خاص شهرک توریستی نمک آبرود به دلیل برخورداری از سه پهنه اکولوژیکی مهم (کوهپایه، جلگه و ساحل)  در سال های اخیر به عنوان یک مقصد گردشگری جذاب پیشرفت زیادی داشته است. در این مطالعه توان اکولوژیکی شهرک نمک آبرود با روش تحلیل سلسله مراتبی (AHP) و سیستم اطلاعات جغرافیایی (GIS) در هشت لایه شامل شیب، جهت شیب، ارتفاع از سطح دریا، میزان بارش های سالیانه، فاصله از شبکه راه ها، میزان دمای سالانه، کاربری اراضی و حوضه های آبریز مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. یافته های این پژوهش نشان داد چهار لایه شیب اراضی، جهت شیب، ارتفاع از سطح دریا و میزان بارش سالانه در انتخاب و یافتن مکان های اکوتوریستی شهرک نمک آبرود دارای اهمیت بیشتری هستند. برهمین اساس، چهار ناحیه دارای اهمیت اکوتوریستی در شهرک با استفاده از روش مذکور شناسایی شد که در دو ناحیه شمال شرق و جنوب شرق به واسطه استفاده نادرست همچون اجرای طرح های گردشگری، تفریحی، مسکونی ناسازگار با حفاظت از مناطق اکوتوریستی، توان این مکان های پراهمیت به خطر افتاده است. در مقابل دو ناحیه شمال شرق و شمال غرب منطبق بر جنگل های ساحلی که هنوز مورد بهره برداری قرار نگرفته اند، دارای توان بالقوه مهمی در بخش اکوتوریستم خواهند بود. به همین ترتیب، بهره برداری از مناطق اکولوژیکی شایسته، نیازمند برنامه ریزی درست و تاکید بر رویکرد توسعه متعادل و متوازن است. .

    کلیدواژگان: اکوتوریسم، مدیریت مناطق اکوتوریستی، نمک آبرود، تحلیل سلسله مراتبی
  • Alireza Afary Pages 7-19

    3D similar transformation is used in various applications such as photogrammetry, geodesy, robotics and machine vision. Calculating the parameters of this transformation using the least squares method requires determining the initial values as close as to the final values. If the initial values used are not close to the final values, especially in the case that the rotation angles related to this transformation have large values, the least squares method will either not converge or converge to a wrong solution. In this paper, a direct and new closed-form method for determining the parameters of this transformation is presented. This method is able to determine 3D similar transmission parameters by using at least three corresponding points in both model and ground coordinate systems. In general, direct and non-iterative methods are faster and have lower computational cost, and most importantly, they do not require initial values. In contrast to these advantages, these methods are sensitive to noise in observations and outliers and have less accuracy than iterative methods. Iterative methods, although they have better accuracy, on the other hand, have more computational cost and their speed is low. Most importantly, these methods require initial values and if the initial values used in these methods are not close enough to the final values of the parameters, these methods will either not converge to the correct solution or converge to a wrong solution.

    Methods and Materials

    The method presented in this article is based on one of the characteristics of 3D similar transformation, i.e., establishing the same 3D similar transformation relationship between the gravity centers of corresponding points. By transferring the origin of the coordinate systems of the corresponding points to the gravity center points, the 3D similar transformation parameters between these two sets of points can be calculated in a closed-form manner, with the presented method. Two datasets were used to show the effectiveness of the presented method. The first dataset was created by simulation with large rotation angles and four times scale factor and with the minimum number of required points, i.e., three points. To simulate the real state in this dataset, random errors with normal distribution were added to each set of the corresponding points. The second dataset was selected from the real data obtained from LiDAR operations.

    Results and discussion

    The results of the method presented in this article were compared and evaluated with the results of the least squares method and two other closed-form and direct methods, i.e., the SVD method and the dual quaternion method. The results of the method presented in this article are close to the final values of these parameters and the values obtained from other methods. Tables (6) and (8), respectively, show the difference values of 3D similar transmission parameters between the results of using direct and closed-form methods with the least squares method for simulated dataset and real LiDAR dataset.
    The data in Tables (5) and (8) show that the presented closed-form method in this paper provides similar 3D transmission parameters for both simulated data sets and real data with a slight difference of about 0.02° for rotational parameters and with a slight difference of less than 0.2m in the displacement vector parameters and with a slight difference of less than 0.002 in the scale parameter.


    As can be seen from the obtained results, the accuracy of the values calculated by the presented method in this article is to the extent that it can be used directly for most applications, especially in online applications. On the other hand, the lower volume of calculations of the method presented in this article, compared to the SVD and dual quaternion methods as well as the iterative least squares method, justifies the use of this method for online applications. Also, the results of this method can be used as accurate initial values for the least squares method, in Close-range and UAV photogrammetry applications, where the rotational angular parameters can have large values.

    Keywords: 3D Similar Transformation, Direct, Closed-Form Methods, Least Square, SVD, Quaternion
  • Hosein Nesari, Reza Shah-Hosseini *, Amirreza Goodarzi, Soheil Sobhan Ardakani, Saeed Farzaneh Pages 21-37

    Atmospheric aerosols are a colloid of solid particles or liquid droplets suspended in the atmosphere. Their diameter is between 10-2 to 10-3 micrometers. They directly and indirectly affect the global climate by absorbing and scattering solar radiation, and they also have a serious impact on human health by emitting harmful substances. In addition, high concentrations of aerosols on a local scale due to natural or human activities have adverse effects on human health, including cancers, pulmonary inflammation, and cardiopulmonary mortality. Monitoring the temporal and spatial variability of high concentrations of aerosols requires regular measurement of their optical properties such as aerosol optical depth (AOD).

    Materials & Methods

    Algeria is a large country with little knowledge of the spatial and temporal diversity of AOD, and the low spatial resolution of existing products makes it very difficult to predict aerosols (airborne particles) at the local scale, especially in arid southern regions. As a result, AOD recovery with data with higher spatial resolution is crucial for determining air pollution and air quality information. Several AERONET stations have been installed in Algeria. The Tamanrasset_INM station has been selected based on its location and the availability of historical AOD data for the period (2015-2016).
    In this study, Landsat-8 / OLI image from tile 192/44 was used for satellite images. To this end, 23 TOA-corrected L1G-level Landsat-8 / OLI cloudless scenes were downloaded from January 2015 to December 2016 in the study area. DN values ​​are converted to TOA reflections using the scaling factor coefficients in the OLI Landsat-8 metadata file. In this study, the minimum monthly reflectance technique was used to recover AOD in this area. As a result, LSR images were used in the recovery process in different months of 2015 and 2016. The process of selecting reference LSRs was initially based on the selection of clear, foggy / cloudless sky images. The selected images were then used to construct artificial images in which each pixel corresponds to the second lowest surface reflection of all selected monthly images to be the LSR pixel for the respective month. The AOD retrieval method developed in this study is based on a LUT, using the 6S radiative transfer model. The advantage of using the 6S model is its ability to estimate direct components and scattering using a limited number of inputs for each spectral band in the entire solar domain. The effect of the viewing angle is limited because Landsat data are usually obtained with a fixed viewing angle. Surface reflectance can be estimated from a pre-calculated LSR database. The accuracy of AOD recovery depends on the use of the appropriate aerosol model. A continental model was selected from the available aerosol models. Other atmospheric parameters such as ozone, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and water vapor are considered by default. The AOD values ​​used to make LUT are set as follows: 0.0, 0.05, 0.1, 1.5, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.2 and 1.5. The zenith angles of the sun and the sensor range from 0 to 70 degrees with a step of 5 degrees and the range of azimuth angles from 0 to 180 degrees with a step of 12 degrees. Using these parameters, the radiative transfer equation was run in forward to obtain the TOA reflection. Different combinations of input and TOA output parameters are stored in LUT. AOD retrieval is based on a comparison between the TOAs estimated with the model and the observed items using the best fit approach. Using such an approach, the estimated AODs are simulated in accordance with those used in the production of TOAs, using a competency function that minimizes the distance.

    Results & Discussion

    In this study, the AODs recovered at 550 nm in a 5-by-5-pixel window around the AERONET site were averaged. The considered AERONET values ​​are the average of all measurements taken within ± 30 minutes of image acquisition time. Observation regression results (AOD from Landsat 8 images and AERONET stations) showed that the correlation coefficient is about 84%. This study shows a good fit of the model on the research data and shows the high capability of the model. This study showed a strong recovery of AOD against AERONET data of more than 70% at . The differences can be attributed to a limited number of points or hypotheses related to the aerosol model used in this study. The assumption of using a pre-calculated LSR does not limit the accuracy of this method because we have shown that in arid regions where the change in land cover in different months of the year is small, a pre-calculated LSR image can be representation used the share of surface reflection in the radiative transfer model throughout the month.


    In this study, an AOD derived from a high-resolution satellite at an urban scale was produced in the city of Tamanrasset, Algeria. The developed method assumes that the change in land cover is minimal and the temporal change in LSR is not significant. A pre-calculated LSR image is created to show the surface reflection in the retrieval process. Based on the 6S radiative transfer model, an LUT was constructed to simulate the TOA reflection of the built-in LSRs and a set of geometric and atmospheric parameters. The retrieved AODs were compared with the AERONET ground data. The results show that this approach can achieve reasonable accuracy in AOD recovery, which reaches about 70.9% at . In addition, this approach is suitable for estimating AOD in urban areas compared to existing AOD products with low spatial resolution. The results of this study show a 4% improvement compared to the results of Omari et al. (2019). The results of this study showed that ignoring the monthly changes in LSR values leads to good results in AOD recovery.

    Keywords: Aerosol Optical Depth, Urban Areas, Arid, Semi-Arid Regions, Algeria's Tamanrasset City, Landsat-8
  • Hossein Asakereh *, Fatemeh Motevali Meydanshah, Leila Ahadi Pages 39-58

    Temperature is a significant atmospheric element that manifests climate change, specifically global warming resulting from an increase in greenhouse gas concentration. Atmospheric simulation is a critical tool in studying changes in atmospheric-climatic elements, particularly temperature.
    The most commonly used tool for simulating the responses of the climate to greenhouse gas increases and examining future temperature changes is the use of climate variables simulated by coupled atmosphere-ocean models (AOGCMs). General circulation models (GCMs) are powerful tools aimed at generating climate scenarios. However, GCMs cannot provide effective information on climate simulation at local and regional scales. Therefore, the downscaling method is used to bridge the gap between local and global scales.
    The current research aims to simulate maximum temperature using an artificial neural network model that adopts data from the atmospheric general circulation model (HadCM3) under RCP8.5, RCP4.5, and RCP2.6 scenarios for the Yazd synoptic station from 2006 to 2095. The independent variable, as the input to the artificial neural network, was selected for statistical downscaling using four statistical criteria: Percentile Reduction, Backward Variable Elimination, Forward Variable Selection, and Stepwise Variable Entry. Finally, the maximum temperature of the Yazd synoptic station for the next century was simulated.

    Data and Methodology

    The present study aims to investigate the maximum temperature of Yazd's synoptic station in the context of climate change based on valid scenarios until 2095. To achieve this, three sets of data were used: average daily maximum temperature data from Yazd's synoptic station, observed atmospheric data for the period of 1961 to 2005 (NCEP data), and simulated data from 2006 to 2095 based on release RCP scenarios. The NCEP data from 1961 to 2005 included 26 atmospheric variables that will be used as independent or predictor variables.
    Modeling, simulating, and forecasting temperature based on nonlinear and chaotic time series is a challenging task. Prior studies have shown that artificial neural networks (ANNs) are suitable for simulating and predicting basic processes that are not well known. It is crucial to select the correct input variables intelligently and according to the purpose of the artificial neural network's design for prediction and simulation. Accordingly, in this study, the most suitable atmospheric parameters as the input of the artificial neural network were selected by pre-processing and selecting the atmospheric variables for the base period (1961-2005) to simulate with four statistical criteria (Percentile Reduction, Backward Variable Elimination, Forward Variable Selection, and Stepwise Variable Entry). The resulting mean square error (MSE) obtained from the statistical criteria was compared, and the correlation coefficient and the similarity of the monthly time series trend of the simulated values with the target values were also analyzed. The best network architecture was selected to simulate the maximum temperature of Yazd's synoptic station from 2006 to 2095 under different RCP emission scenarios.


    The selection of explanatory variables for downscaling was based on four statistical methods Percentile Reduction, Backward Variable Elimination, Forward Variable Selection, and Stepwise Variable Entry. After analyzing the mean square error (MSE), correlation coefficient, monthly average values of the maximum temperature of Yazd station, and estimated values from 1961 to 2005, the probability density function, cumulative probability function, and monthly time series trend obtained from all four methods, the explanatory variables were selected. These variables include mean sea level pressure, the divergence of 1000 hPa, zonal wind component, zonal wind intensity of 850 and 500 hPa, altitude and vorticity of 500 hPa, average temperature, and relative humidity at a 2 m height.
    The structure and architecture of the neural network were designed based on these selected variables. The network consisted of a two-layer feedforward, with a sigmoid transfer function in the hidden layer, a linear function in the output layer, an input layer with eight variables, eight neurons, and the Lunberg-Marquardt training algorithm. This architecture was used to simulate the maximum temperature of Yazd's synoptic station under RCP2.6, RCP4.5, and RCP8.5 scenarios for two periods of 2050-2006 and 2095-2051.
    Comparing the monthly average values of RCPs (RCP2.6, RCP4.5, and RCP8.5) in the first statistical period (2050-2006) with the base period (1961-2005), the maximum temperature of Yazd station indicates an increase in temperature in winter, spring, and summer, and a decrease in the autumn season under all three RCPs.
    Comparing the monthly mean values of RCPs (RCP2.6, RCP4.5, and RCP8.5) of the second period (2051-1995) with measured mean maximum temperature (2005-1961) showed that temperature will increase the most in winter, spring, and summer, similar to the first period of the RCP8.5 scenario. In this scenario, unlike the other scenarios, the increase in temperature is evident in both subperiods for the autumn season. Finally, in the second period (2051-1995), the increase in the average maximum temperature of Yazd station in winter, spring, and summer, and the decrease in the average maximum temperature in autumn will be more significant.


    The increase in greenhouse gas concentration resulting from human industrial activities is expected to cause global and regional warming in the future. The current study's findings indicate that the average maximum temperature of Yazd station will rise between 0.4 to 6.9  in winter, 0.2 to 8.1  in spring, and 1.1 to 7.7 in summer from 2006 to 2095. However, a decrease in the maximum temperature between 0.6 and 1.4  is expected in autumn. These results are consistent with those of other researchers.

    Keywords: Yazd's Synoptic Station, The Maximum Temperature, Downscaling, Simulation, Artificial Neural Network
  • Taraneh Karimi, Ali Mohammad Safania *, Rahim Sarvar, Salaheddin Naghshbandi Pages 59-77

    The tourism industry is the world's largest industry in terms of income and cultural exchanges. Progress in the field of sports is one of the strategic priorities of planners in countries. Sports tourism is one of the most important developed sectors of the tourism industry. In this regard, the Ministry of Sports and Youth, the National Olympic and Paralympic Committee, the National Olympic and Paralympic Academy, sports federations, physical education, the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology Sports and Education Federation, Ministry of Education and Culture, Sports and Youth Fraction of the Islamic Council, Provincial Sports and Youth Departments, Sports Associations, each of which is a decision-making body in the field are sports The existence of multiple, as well as the simultaneous existence of policy-making and implementation in the Ministry of Sports and Youth, have created inadequacies in these sectors, which, of course, have denied the possibility of competition from the private sector. It seems that the general spirit governing the constitution of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Tourism, like the provisions related to tourism in the country's five-year development laws, is a reductionist attitude towards the tourism industry. Due to the uncertainty of the coordination authority in the field of sports tourism decision-making and policy-making, the lack of legal commitment and the need for coordination between sports executive bodies, the multiplicity and diversity of sports tourism tasks. Institutions in charge, the emphasis and clarity of Article 100 of the Law of the Sixth Five-Year Development Plan, based on integrated management, the lack of attention of upstream laws and documents to the priority of sports tourism, the lack of cooperation and the establishment of coherent relations between the government, government and private institutions in the sports tourism industry, preparation An integrated model is important in the sports tourism industry in the country. Considering the number of related organizations in sports tourism and the lack of clarity about the interaction of these organizations with each other, the present research aims to investigate the integrated management of related institutions in the sports tourism industry. This research can play an important role in optimizing management planning in the tourism industry by identifying the effective factors of integrated management of Iran's sports tourism industry. Therefore, the current research aims to provide an integrated management model in Iran's sports tourism industry and seeks to answer this question: What are the effective factors of integrated management in Iran's sports tourism industry?

    Research methodology and Fndings

    The current research has a mixed (qualitative-quantitative) approach based on data search. In the qualitative part, the foundational data approach (Glaser method) has been used to present and develop the theory in the study area of the research. The statistical (qualitative) community includes all the experts in the field of tourism, sports management as well as sports tourism. In this research, the purposeful sampling method was used. Sampling continued until reaching a point where adding a new sample no longer has an effect on the development of research theory, theoretical saturation was achieved after the 20th interview. The main method of data collection was semi-structured in-depth interviews. In the process of qualitative data analysis and performing three stages of coding (open, central and selective), a number of 1167 open codes were obtained, which were reduced to 377 unique open codes after merging and removing commonalities, then the open codes were categorized into 29 central codes and finally In selective coding, they were divided into 8 groups: program policy, task, management, legal, institutional, structural, beneficiaries, tools and resources. In this way, a questionnaire based on the main factors and sub-criteria was compiled on a five-point Likert scale with 119 questions. The validity and reliability of the questionnaire was checked with exploratory confirmatory factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha (96%). The statistical population of the quantitative part included 600 experts and managers of the ministries of cultural heritage, sports and youth, as well as the Environmental Protection Organization, the Civil Aviation Organization, the National Olympic and Paralympic Committee. , travel service offices and private sector activists as well as sports management doctoral students and professors. Frequency, mean and standard deviation methods were used to analyze the information in the descriptive part. The normality of the data was checked with the Kolomogorov-Spirov test (<0.05). In the inferential statistics section of the structural equation modeling test, Friedman's test (P=0.001) and Pearson's correlation coefficient, which showed a significant correlation at the 99% level between the main research criteria; It was used with the help of AMOS and SPSS software.


    Undoubtedly, the existence of various institutional, legal, structural and managerial differences and the involvement of various organizations and institutions in the tourism cause create complicated problems. The current research by observing the situation of sports tourism in Iran, as a strategy for development; He also carefully specified documents and strategic plans at the macro levels; What is observed in the sports tourism industry is the presence of various actors with unequal powers, which has become a fundamental issue in this field of tourism. Despite the emphasis in the general policies of the sixth development plan and the importance of various aspects of development, the laws of some ministries and organizations related to sports tourism do not have the necessary overlap. In this way, it is necessary for the officials and legislators to act transparently, to remove the dispersal of the same laws and the uniform and unsavory implementation of the laws. It should also be noted that; Among the different components of the sports tourism system, management activities and tasks are distributed disproportionately and have led to functional, institutional and managerial differences. The use of tasteful management instead of scientific management and the incompatibility of the actions taken by the previous managers with the attitude of the new managers are among the many problems in the division of the field of sports tourism. It is included in the development of the country.Therefore, integrated management in this field, taking into account the indicators of the current research, is a balance between barriers and facilitating factors of costs and benefits. Considering the participation of various elements to play a role in sports tourism; This integration leads to the creation of a network of actors with different powers, the imbalance in the power of the beneficiaries in the field of sports tourism will lead to forward movement if there is inter-sectoral coordination and systematic dialogue between the relevant institutions. According to the obtained results, in order to achieve the integrated management of sports tourism in Iran, the following solutions can be presented to lay the groundwork and facilitate the implementation of integrated management.

    Keywords: Sports Tourism, Integrated Management, Policy Making, Grounded Theory
  • Atikeh Afzali *, Masoud Moghnee Tabari Pages 79-89

    Increasing population and urban development, increasing use of cars, increasing the number of private cars, Also the narrow width of the streets and the lack of supply of marginal park space, especially in the central parts, have caused many problems for large and densely populated cities. Parking lots as one of the most important urban infrastructures play a major role in reducing these problems. Today, in large cities, with the correct location of public parking lots, optimally manage of urban traffic is possible by increasing the provision of services to a large number of vehicles. 

    Materials and Methods

    In this research, first, effective criteria were extracted according to the opinion of Babol Municipality experts. The information layers of each criterion were prepared in the GIS environment and to equalize the layers, each criterion was classified, Then, the identified criteria were weighted using ANP technique and with the help of Super Decision software, and then pairwise comparisons were done. Weighted layers were combined by ANP method, were placed on top of each other in the GIS environment based on the influence of each layer (relative weight) and the map of the optimal areas for the construction of public parking lots was obtained. 

    Results and Discussion

    In this research, the inconsistency coefficient obtained was 0.07. Criteria prioritization showed that, "Distance from the road", "Distance from offices use" and "Distance from business use" criteria with a significance coefficient of 0.25, 0.24 and 0.15 respectively had the highest weights. Arc GIS software was used to prepare the final maps. Finally, suitable places for creating public parking lots were determined by applying the final weight of the criteria and overlapping the layers. According to the final location map, areas with very high potential, areas with high capability and areas with medium capability each have 3.11, 55.75 and 36.56 percent of urban lands, respectively. Areas with very high and high potential are mostly located in the northwestern, northeastern, southwestern and central parts of the city.            


    The results indicate that the spatial distribution of existing parking lots in the city is not related to the effective criteria in these parking lots. According to the residential use map and population density and due to the epidemic of private car use, there is no match between the number of parking spaces in the city and their spatial distribution and population density. The result of urban parking location zoning using the ANP model and comparing it with existing parking lots in the city shows that The class of areas with high capacity for parking lots is located in parts of the city where there are no parking areas and there is an urgent need to create these types of users. This factor indicates that the location of existing parking lots in Babol city has been done without considering effective factors and criteria. All parking lots are located in one part of the city and at a close distance from each other. There is a need to create many public parking lots in other parts of the city, according to the urban population, until the per capita is closer to the reality. Considering the population of Babol city, which is 250,217 people, and the number of public parking lots, which is 6, this amount per capita is very low.

    Keywords: Public Parking, Modeling, Locating, Babol City
  • Elham Forootan * Pages 91-105

    In recent years, the population growth, the increase in irrigated land and economic development have caused the increase in the demand for groundwater resources all over the world. In arid and semi-arid regions where surface water does not have a significant amount due to low rainfall and high evapotranspiration, people lives mainly depend on groundwater. As a result, it is necessary to identify the groundwater potential areas and determine its recharge areas using accurate technologies. So, the aim of this research is to compare the method of multi- influencing factors with the fuzzy method for determining the potential of groundwater in a part of Kebar-Fordo watershed, Qom city, Iran.

    Materials & Methods

    For this purpose, a part of Kebar-Fordo watershed located in Qom province was selected. Six factors layer, viz. slope, annual rainfall, distance from river, geology, soil, and landuse were considered and classified based on groundwater potential susceptibility in different scales. Multi-influencing factor method can determine the groundwater potential of the region by assigning appropriate weight to different effective factors. In this approach, the layers were combined in Arc-GIS after determining the weight of the layers. In the fuzzy method, the layers of six factors were converted to fuzzy based on the linear function, and then the layers were incorporated using the gamma function. Finally, the statistics of observation points and accuracy index were used in order to evaluate the models,

    Results & Discussion

    The slope map represents that most part of the studied area (78.56%) has a "0-1" class while "1-3", "3-9" and "9-25" slope classes could be observed in 19.97, 1.29 and 0.18% of the total area, respectively. The soil texture has a significant effect on the infiltration and percolation of the surface water movement towards the groundwater. Therefore, in this research, the soil factor has been investigated as one of the input factors to the models. Soils with high permeability are more suitable for groundwater recharge and vice versa. The soil texture of the area consists of sandy loam, loam, sandy clay loam, and clay loam textures, which cover 3.73, 90.72, 0.23, and 5.32% of the total area, respectively, with a rank of four to one  for groundwater potential. In this study, geology map showed that Qft2 formation has the largest area (88.98%) and Plc formation is in the second rank (4.9%). Qft1, Qs.d and Mur units have an area of 2.22, 2.12 and 1.10% and the smallest area belongs to OMq formation (0.68%). Also, different types of land use in the study area were agriculture, garden, rangeland, bareland, and resendential area. The land use map showed that the largest area of this area was ariculture landuse (77.18%), while garden and rangeland covered 0.07 and 6.5% of the total area, respectively. Bareland and residential area comprise 2.94%, 13.31% of the total area, respectively. Among the different landuses, agriculture and residential area have the highest and lowest ranks in groundwater recharge. The rainfall map was categorized with four classes. The classes of 140-156, 156-168, 168-182, and 182-203 mm layers include 14.15, 48.92, 21.84 and 15.09% of the total area with the rank of one to four for groundwater recharge, respectively. The map of distance from the stream was divided into four categories: "0-659", "659-1480", "1480-2675" and "2675-4939" meters, which comprise 46.33%, 34.15%, 15.72% and 3.8% of the total area, respectively. In the method of multi influencing factor, the distance from the stream (8.33%) and the geological factor (25%) were the lowest and highest weights. In this regard, the factors of rainfall, slope, soil, landuse have 20.83%, 16.67%, 16.67% and 12.5% weights, respectively. Then, the groundwater potential map was prepared through overlaying in ArcGIS and the studied area was classified into suitable and unsuitable classes. The suitable class covers 75.15% of the studied area and the unsuitable class covers 24.85% of the total area. In the fuzzy method, the unsuitable class comprises 43.63% and suitable class covers 56.37% of the area. In order to evaluate the models, the statistics of the observation points were applied which the accuracy of the multi- influencing factor and fuzzy models was calculated as 71.42 and 78.57%, respectively.


    Preparation of groundwater potential map is necessary to adopt management measures of rainfall storage and groundwater recharge in arid and semi-arid regions and it can be used for sustainable management of groundwater resources. The findings of this research revealed both model's accuracy in the studied area.

    Keywords: Multi- Influencing Factor (MIF), Fuzzy, Zoning, Groundwater, Arid, Semi- Arid Climate
  • Kolsoom Shokrilahizadeh, Hamed Naghavi, Morteza Ghobadi *, Rahim Maleknia Pages 107-120

    Urban green spaces constitute a pivotal component of urban ecosystems, offering a plethora of ecological benefits and services to cities. Augmenting these green patches within urban landscapes and establishing interconnected ecological networks therein represent viable strategies to mitigate the adverse repercussions of inadequate urban development while bolstering urban environment resilience. In the past few decades, the landscape ecology paradigm has introduced innovative methodologies aimed at comprehending the intricacies of urban green space dynamics and how landscape configurations wield influence over the environmental processes within cities. This research, consequently, sets out with the intention of quantitatively assessing and dissecting the transformations transpiring within Khorramabad's urban green spaces. It does so by harnessing remote sensing data and leveraging landscape metrics to gain deeper insights into the urban landscape's evolution. 

    Materials & Methods

    The focus of this research centers on Khorramabad city, which serves as the capital of Lorestan province and holds the distinction of being the province's largest city in terms of both population and geographical expanse. Municipally zoned into three distinct regions, the study unfolds across two main phases. Initially, the endeavor involved the creation of comprehensive synoptic maps capturing Khorramabad city's green spaces. This process relied on satellite imagery, followed by a subsequent phase of scrutinizing these maps through the application of landscape metrics.To execute this, satellite images from various sensors—namely TM, ETM+, and OLI on Landsat 5, 7, and 8 satellites—were harnessed for the years 1987, 2003, and 2019, respectively. These images underwent meticulous preprocessing, culminating in their classification using the maximum likelihood method within the ENVI software environment. To validate the accuracy of the resultant maps, an error matrix was employed. In order to model the quantitative alterations and patterns within Khorramabad's urban green spaces, landscape metrics were harnessed. Notably, the Fragstat software facilitated the analysis of selected landscape metrics, which encompassed four key measures: class area (CA), number of patches (NP), percent of landscape (PLAND), and mean Euclidean nearest neighbor distance (ENN-MN). 


    The analysis of spatial-temporal changes in Khorramabad city's green spaces reveals an evident declining trend in their overall pattern. The outcomes underscore a substantial reduction both in the quantity of green patches and the area they encompass, dwindling from 703.8 hectares in 1987 to 629.88 hectares in 2019. Additionally, the investigation into landscape metrics' composition and distribution underscores an absence of cohesive dispersion on the city-wide scale. Within Khorramabad city, regions 1 and 3 exhibit inadequate green space composition and distribution. The computed metric for Class Area (CA) reflects a decrease from 195.66 hectares in 1987 to 191.63 hectares in 2003, further diminishing to 170.145 hectares by 2019. Correspondingly, the metric for Number of Patches (NP) indicates the lowest count of patches (33) in 1987, which escalated to 122 patches in 2003, and ultimately reaching 183 patches by 2019. Moreover, Proportion of Landscape (PLAND) data highlights that regions 3 and 2 demonstrate the highest (19.45%) and lowest (7.18%) green area proportions, respectively. Notably, the PLAND metric underwent modification from 229.81 meters in 1987 to 88.47 meters in 2003, further diminishing to 78.65 meters in 2019. The findings underscore deficiencies in Khorramabad city's urban green spaces, indicating a lack of favorable conditions for their development.


    The research conducted an assessment of urban green spaces within the urban areas of Khorramabad, utilizing remote sensing data and landscape metrics. The findings indicated a consistent downward trend in the overall extent of green spaces in Khorramabad city over various years. The distribution of green patches within the city was deemed relatively inappropriate, lacking an optimal arrangement. To enhance the status of green spaces, there is a need to establish continuity between discrete green patches and smaller green areas. This study underscores the significance of prioritizing sustainable management for Khorramabad's urban green space, aiming to prevent its degradation. The study's limitation lies in its reliance on medium-resolution Landsat image data. Overcoming this constraint through the incorporation of high-resolution data holds promise, particularly for fragmented green spaces in urban areas.

    Keywords: Landscape Ecology, Satellite Images, Sustainable City, Urban Green Space, Khorramabad City
  • Seyed Asadallah Hejazi *, Fariba Karami, Saye Habibzadeh Pages 121-138

    In recent decades, cities have provided the prelude to widespread urban growth and development as the most important human settlements, due to the increasing degree of urbanization and the increase in urban population, which is one of the most important aspects of global transformation. In recent decades, following the growing expansion of urbanization and urbanization, as well as the continuous increase in population, many cities in the country have faced significant physical development, which has left planners and city managers with the problem of determining the right axes. And the boundaries of future physical growth of cities have faced. Maku is one of the cities that experienced an annual growth of 3.7 percent between 1996 and 2016, with a population of 46,581. Given the forecast of the increase in the population of the city in the coming years, the identification of suitable land for its physical development is an inevitable necessity. Several factors, including geomorphological features, climatic conditions, geological features, are effective in choosing the location of cities. The study evaluated the role of geomorphology as one of the factors influencing the location and physical development of the city of Maku.

    Materials and Methods

    The research method is of a descriptive-analytical type with a functional purpose. In this study, raw data was collected through documented and field studies. This study examines the geomorphological factors influencing the physical-physical development of the city of Maku. To evaluate the optimal development of urban land, the components of lithology, soil, slope, distance from the river, direction of slope, height, land use, distance from fault and Road in the area of the surrounding city of Maku were used. To analyze data and select the optimal location, a combination of two phase - electro and Shannon entropy models has been used. To prepare the ground fit layer, the layers in question are standardized and phased in the ArcGis environment using the Phase model and by the calculator instrument and in the form of a raster in the form of a value of zero to one. Finally, the coating of layers using phase logic (gamma) to optimize the development of the city of Maku was determined, and then the development path of the city of Maku was classified into five groups: completely appropriate, relatively appropriate, appropriate, inappropriate and very inappropriate.


    After determining the effective criteria in locating and detecting the weight of the criteria, the information layers should be combined with the appropriate method. The composition of the map is obtained by overlapping weighted maps. Merging and combining different spatial layers from different sources together is the main goal of GIS projects and its unique feature, so that the interactions are described and analyzed with the help of predictive models to support decision-makers. The final map of the development potential of the city of Maku was prepared by combining different layers of information and classified according to the Likert scale. In this classification, land was considered suitable for urban development in 5 groups of lands with very low, low, medium, high and very high development potential. According to the above map, most of the city's immediate land is located in the eastern and western parts of the city for Urban Development. The southern and northern lands of the kalbdi District of Maku are also small or very small for the future development of the city. The proximity to the epicenter of earthquakes, the short distance from the river and the location of the flood path are the main reasons for the inadequacy of the above land for the physical development of the city of Maku. The lands located east and West at the entrance of the city from the shout and merchant side are the only immediate areas of the city that are very suitable for the future development of the city.


    Among the seven geomorphological factors studied, the two factors "altitude" and "lithology" are the highest coefficients of importance, and the factors "slope direction" and "distance from the river" are also the least important. The results of comparative analysis of the eight geographical directions in terms of geomorphological factors also show that in terms of the litholysis factor, the east, west and northwest directions are more desirable compared to other options. In terms of the elevation factor, the Northeast and East Directions are more suitable, and in terms of the distance factor, the West and northwest directions are more preferred. Comparing options in terms of soil factor also indicates a greater favorability of the Northeast and northwest directions. Distance from the river was another component that, based on the analyses, the East and Southeast directions, identified more favorable areas for urban development in terms of this component; and finally, in terms of the slope direction criterion, the lands located in the southeast of the City face greater desirability. After determining the coefficient of importance of the criteria and the relative score of the options in terms of each of the factors studied the coefficients of importance of the criteria and the relative weight of the options were calculated within the framework of the method of the process of hierarchical analysis of the integration and score of each of the eight geographical directions as follows the East was calculated with a gradient of 5 West 5 southwest 1 northeast 2 North 0 south 0 Southeast 4 Northwest 0 thus in terms of geomorphological factors the study word in the ین research orientations east west and the southeast is proposed as a priority for the future development of the city of Maku.

    Keywords: Geomorphological Factors, Electro-Phasic, Positioning, Physical Development, Maku
  • Mehdi Safari Namivandi *, Seyed Ali Ebadinejad, Mehdi Kazemi, Yahya Ghobadi, Sadegh Yasami Pages 139-148

    Protecting the borders and establishing security and defense in the border and internal areas of every country has been the concern of the rulers of their time. To some extent, all countries throughout history have faced insecurity, chaos, crisis and war at the borders to stabilize their country. In the past years, many ethnic, racial and religious groups have lived side by side in unstable political and social frameworks and have lived on the borders. Throughout history, the country's border strips have seen the most significant conflicts and confrontations between governments and nations; therefore, the issue of borders has always been one of the basic and important issues of governments, so borders have a special place in every country. One of the most difficult tasks of any government is the control and security of political borders, and if this issue is not paid attention to and there are no appropriate plans and solutions, the country's political sovereignty will be threatened. In order to turn threats into opportunities and benefit from conditions and situations in order to maintain security and secure national interests, we must have a deep and comprehensive understanding of the level of border areas and its surrounding spaces. In the meantime, one of the most important measures is planning according to the geomorphological capabilities of the border areas. One of the measures that increase security in the border strip is to identify areas prone to establishing military bases and surveillance centers. Considering that the border strip of Kurdistan province, including Marivan city, has a sensitive location, therefore, in this research, the areas prone to the construction of military bases and observation centers in this city have been identified.

    Materials and methods

    In this research, according to the subject and objectives, library information, SRTM 30 meters high digital model and digital layers of information have been used as research data. The most important research tools are ArcGIS (for the purpose of preparing necessary maps) and Expert Choice (for the implementation of the AHP model). In this research, in order to identify the vulnerable areas of Marivan city against the enemy's influence, as well as areas susceptible to the construction of military bases and observation centers, the integrated model of fuzzy logic and AHP has been used. This research has been done in several stages. In the first step, the parameters used are identified. In the second step, the used parameters are fuzzification. In the third step, using the Analytical Hierarchy Model (AHP) and based on the opinions of experts, weight has been given to the information layers and then the obtained weight has been applied to the information layers. In the fourth stage, the layers of information are combined and finally, a map of areas prone to enemy infiltration and areas prone to establishing military bases and observation centers is prepared.

     Discussion and results

    In this research, in order to identify vulnerable areas against enemy infiltration, 6 parameters of height, slope, field of view, distance from the river, distance from urban areas and distance from military bases have been used. Also, considering that the study area corresponds to the border strip, therefore monitoring and controlling these areas is very important. One of the ways to control and monitor the border areas is to create military bases and observation centers, which has been addressed in this research using 6 parameters. Investigations have shown that Marivan city has a lot of diversity in terms of geomorphology, and this problem has caused its different parts to have different potentials for creating military objectives. Considering the importance of creating security in the border strip, it is necessary to pay attention to the geomorphological capabilities of this city in order to create security in the region. In this research, based on the geomorphological capabilities of Marivan city, vulnerable areas were identified against the enemy's influence, as well as areas susceptible to the construction of military bases and observation centers.


    According to the results, due to the geomorphological situation of Marivan city, parts of this city lack sufficient visibility and are far from the monitoring and control of military bases, and this problem has caused these areas, which mainly include the southwestern and southern regions. Is a city, have a high vulnerability potential. Also, the results of this research have shown that parts of Marivan city, which mostly correspond to the central areas of the city, have a high potential for building military bases and observation centers. Due to high altitude, low slope, western directions, wide field of view, proximity to main roads and being far from military bases, these areas have high potential for the desired goals. The total results of this research have shown that in locating military bases in Marivan city, geomorphological factors have not been given much attention and it is necessary to establish security in this region, military bases and observation centers. He built a new building in accordance with the geomorphological strength of the region.

    Keywords: Security, Border, Geomorphology, Marivan City
  • Nargas Shokohi, Reza Zakerinejad * Pages 149-162

     Today, tourism is one of the main sources of income for developed countries and some developing countries and the countries of the world, especially the developing ones, are seeking to advance and develop their tourism industry with well-codified plans. One of the types of tourism that has received more attention in recent decades is ecotourism or nature tourism. Iran has a very high potential in attracting tourists in terms of various ecological conditions and characteristics. The northern regions leading to the Caspian Sea are among the regions of Iran that at the same time, it has three important ecological zones (foothills, plains and coasts). Namka Abroud tourist town is one of the areas that has improved in recent years in attracting tourists and ecotourism. Studies on ecotourism and its development have been conducted. These studies can be divided into three main categories. Studies have identified ecological factors that determine ecotourism areas, most of which have focused on factors such as land slope, slope direction, altitude, water resources, access to roads, rainfall, and annual temperature. Other studies emphasize the methodological identification of ecotourism areas. The main methods emphasized are hierarchical analysis methods and geographical systems. The third group of studies focused on how regions were developed. Among the points emphasized by these studies measured to attract ecotourism to preserve its resources and its sustainability, and finally to develop the economic situation of the region.

    Materials and Methods

    The study data were collected from the Meteorological Organization of Iran, the National Mapping Organization and the Road Engineering Company. Point temperature and precipitation data were obtained using the Kriging spatial interpolation method for the town surface. In this study, the ecological capabilities of Namak Abroud tourist town have been tried by AHP hierarchical analysis method and GIS geographical analysis system of eight layers of ecological slope and slope direction, altitude, annual rainfall, distance from road network, annual temperature, Land use and catchments should be investigated. The hierarchical analysis process is a flexible, simple, and robust method used to make decisions in situations where conflicting decision criteria make it difficult to select options. This method was developed in 1980 by El Thomas Saati. It has been proposed and has had several applications in various sciences. A basic method for testing the AHP method is the pairwise comparison method. This method significantly reduces the conceptual complexity of decision making. Because only two components are examined at a time.

    Results and discussion

     he results showed that the importance of land slope compared to the slope direction layer is quadruple, furthermore the importance of land slope compared to altitude is sextuple, the average annual rainfall triple, the distance from the road network five times, Moderate annual temperature Eight times, land use is sextuple, and the catchments of the region are double. In other words, the slope is the most influential factor in choosing the Eco-tourism locations of Namkabroud town. After that, three-factor of slope direction, altitude, and annual rainfall is influential in selecting and finding Ecotourism places in Namkabroud town, respectively. Then, using overlapping layers, the important Eco-tourism places of the town were identified, in which four places of Ecotourism importance could be trusted and studied. Two of these four places are parts of the coastal forests of violet and boxwood. Areas that remain almost intact. Therefore, codified management plans can be designed and implemented based on the preservation of Ecotourism attractions on them. But the important point is in a part of the important southern place of Banafsheh Park. Contradictory constructions have been carried out in this area while preserving Ecotourism areas. Most of these constructions are places of entertainment and tourism, including a flight site, restaurant, coffee shop, karting, and shooting club, each of which can cause damage to its Ecotourism features. Government places such as the municipality and the fire brigade are also located in this area, which has no justification for maintaining strategic Ecotourism sites. Important Ecotourism sites located in the east and southeast of the town have become inefficient with unprofessional and irresponsible constructions and have been turned into residential neighborhoods. The last important Ecotourism place in the town is Madoban base mountain, which is known as the cable car area. This place, which is located in the 5th residential neighborhood of town, has created several tourist entertainments sites, such as lines one and two, cable cars, sleds, a cinema, and a smashing machine. In addition, the construction of commercial and residential sites has caused irreparable damage to its Ecotourism importance.


     The following results were obtained in the study of important places in Namakabroud town. Only the places located in the two coastal forests of Banafsheh and Shamshad are almost safe from the bite of unprofessional constructions, while other places have either been inhabited or government and recreational places have been created in them. It is not in line with the goals of preserving sustainable Ecotourism places. Therefore, the proper management of ecotourism areas was evaluated. To be able to properly manage the preservation and sustainability of Namak Abroud Ecotourism vulnerable places are to be proposed. The results of the studies in this section showed that the coastal and foothill areas of the town have the potential for extensive recreation and other important places can develop central recreation, which planners and investors in the tourism sector should implement and Consider constructing tourist sites.

    Keywords: Ecotourism, Ecotourism Management, Namak Abroud, Hierarchical Analysis