فهرست مطالب

Archives of Razi Institute - Volume:79 Issue: 3, May-Jun 2024

Archives of Razi Institute
Volume:79 Issue: 3, May-Jun 2024

  • تاریخ انتشار: 1403/03/12
  • تعداد عناوین: 29
  • صفحات 449-458
    همیشه نگرانی در مورد کیفیت محصولات سلولی از نظر آلودگی سلول ها و عدم کارایی آنها وجود دارد. بنابراین، اطمینان از هویت، خلوص، کارایی و مناسب بودن این سلول ها برای تولید محصولات بیولوژیکی و مصارف تشخیصی بسیار مهم است. لذا، سلول ها باید شناسایی، ارزیابی، مستندسازی و ذخیره شوند تا به طور مداوم و کارآمد مورد استفاده قرار گیرند. با این شرایط، سازندگان واکسن ذخیره مناسبی از سلول های کارآمد و ارزشمند برای تولید و کنترل کیفیت محصولات بیولوژیکی دارند.در این مقاله مروری، یک برنامه راهبردی مناسب برای شناسایی و ارزیابی سلول با توجه به اصول علمی، تجربه کاری نویسنده و منابع معتبر برای استفاده بهینه از آن سلول در مطالعات تحقیقاتی و تشخیصی و به ویژه برای تولید محصول بیولوژیکی ارائه شده است. به این منظور تمام جنبه های شناسایی سلولی، ارزیابی سلولی و تعیین خصوصیات سلولی مورد بحث قرار می گیرد. به دلیل اهمیت هویت سلولی در مناسب بودن یک بستر سلولی، در بخش شناسایی سلول، تمام جنبه های شناسایی سلول، از جمله اطلاعات عمومی سلول، و ویژگی های خاص سلول، به ویژه از نظر تاریخچه پاساژ سلولی، شرایط ذخیره سازی سلول، کدگذاری و برچسب گذاری سلول مورد مطالعه قرار گرفت. در بخش ارزیابی سلولی و تعیین خصوصیات سلولی، کلیه آزمایشات لازم برای تعیین خصوصیات سلولی از جنبه های مختلف از جمله تعیین هویت سلولی، شرایط رشد سلولی، کیفیت و کارایی سلول و احتمال آلودگی سلولی با عوامل ناخواسته از جمله عوامل سلولی، ویروسی، باکتریایی، مایکوپلاسمایی و مایکوباکتریومی توضیح داده شده است. با توجه به اهمیت آلودگی ویروسی درون زا، این موضوع به طور ویژه مورد بحث قرار گرفته است. همچنین پایداری سلول هم از بعد پایداری ژنتیکی و هم از بعد پایداری کارایی سلول مورد بحث قرار گرفت.در پایان ضمن بررسی مستندات لازم جهت قرار گرفتن تحت کنترل سلول برای استفاده در آزمایشگاه، بر اساس مطالعات انجام شده، شناسنامه سلول تدوین گردیده است.بنابراین، بر این اساس، سلول مورد مطالعه می تواند برای تحقیقات و مطالعات تشخیصی ویروس شناسی و به ویژه برای تولید و کنترل کیفیت محصولات بیولوژیکی مورد استفاده قرار گیرد.
  • صفحات 475-490

    عسل، یک محصول شیرین و مغذی از زنبورهای Apis mellifera، دارای گلوکز، فروکتوز، آب، مواد معدنی، ویتامین ها، اسیدهای آلی، ترکیبات فنلی و آنزیم ها است. همچنین دارای خواص آنتی اکسیدانی، ضد باکتریایی، ضد قارچی، پری بیوتیکی و ضد سرطانی است که برای سلامت انسان مفید است. عسل نه تنها یک ادویه خوش طعم است، بلکه یک داروی شفابخش است. با این حال، عسل یک محلول قند متراکم است که می تواند در شرایط مختلف (مانند سطح گلوکز، رطوبت، دما، ناخالصی و محیط زیست) بلورهای درشت تشکیل دهد و کیفیت خود را از دست بدهد. این مطالعه با هدف تعیین تاثیر امواج فراصوت در دو فرکانس مختلف 30 و 42 کیلوهرتز بر خواص فیزیکی، بیوشیمیایی، آنتی اکسیدانی و ضد میکروبی عسل صنعتی ایران انجام شد. تمام نمونه ها (به جز شاهد) با استفاده از امواج فراصوت در فرکانس 30 یا 42 کیلوهرتز به مدت 1، 5 یا 10 دقیقه در دمای 20 یا 45 درجه سانتیگراد تحت تیمار قرار گرفتند. سپس پارامترهای ذیل در روزهای 1، 30، 90 و 180 اندازه گیری شد: محتوای HMF، pH، اسیدیته، پرولین، تعداد کل باکتری های مزوفیل هوازی، دیاستاز، رطوبت، ساکارز، فروکتوز، گلوکز، نسبت فروکتوز به گلوکز، ABTS، اسموفیل ها، فنل، قندهای احیا شده و کل قندها . در هر دو گروه مطالعه در معرض امواج، تغییراتی در این پارامترها مشاهده شد. گروه تحت تیمار با امواج 42 کیلوهرتز کاهش رطوبت، pH، اسیدیته، نسبت فروکتوز به گلوکز، کل قندها، کلستریدیوم، تعداد کل بار میکروبی، کپک، اسموفیل ها، HMF و افزایش دیاستاز، پرولین و فنل را نشان دادند. تغییرات در روزهای 90 و 180 قابل توجه تر بود. تیمار با امواج فراصوت در 42 کیلوهرتز به مدت 10 دقیقه در دمای 45 درجه سانتی گراد می تواند منجر به افزایش کیفیت و ماندگاری عسل صنعتی شود. بنابراین می توان از این تکنیک در صنایع غذایی برای ارائه محصول با کیفیت بالاتر و همچنین صادرات موفق تر استفاده کرد.

  • صفحات 499-506

    آنفلوانزای فوق حاد پرندگان (HPAI) بیماری ویروسی است که در بسیاری از گونه های پرندگان بویژه ماکیان توسط برخی از تحت تیپ های H5 و H7 ویروس آنفلوانزای نوع A، ایجاد می گردد. ویروس های HPAI یکی از چالش برانگیزترین ویروس هایی هستند که سلامت انسان و حیوان را تهدید می کنند. به همین دلیل استراتژی های مختلفی مانند استفاده از واکسن جهت مهار بیماری مطرح شده است. در ایران پس از اپیدمی خسارت بار و عدم توفیق روش های معمول (حذف و معدوم سازی)، از واکسن جهت کنترل و مهار بیماری استفاده شد. این تحقیق با هدف بررسی ایمنی زایی دو واکسن تجاری غیرفعال نوترکیب تحت تیپ های H5N1 و H5N3 در گله های پولت تخم گذار استان تهران اجرا گردید. در این بررسی از مجموع 32 سالن در 6 واحد پرورشی پولت تخم گذار ، تعداد 3200 سرم و تعداد 800 سواب نای و کلواک اخذ گردید. پس از جمع آوری نمونه ها، تست های خنثی سازی سرمی (SN) و مهار هماگلوتیناسیون (HI) روی سرم ها برای تعیین تیتر سرمی آنتی بادی اختصاصی H5 حاصل از تلقیح واکسن در سه مرحله قبل، بعد از واکسیناسیون اول و بعد از واکسیناسیون دوم (تقویت کننده) انجام شد. SN و HI به روش آلفا و بتا بر روی نمونه های تجمیعی به تفکیک نوع واکسن (به عنوان آنتی ژن برای HI و SN)، انجام گرفت و نتایج مقایسه گردید. آزمایش PCR بر روی نمونه های سواب نای و کلواک به منظور ردیابی احتمالی ویروس HA (H5) در گله های تحت مطالعه انجام گردید. آزمون HI نشان داد که برای هر دو واکسن استفاده شده پس از دو نوبت واکسیناسیون، تیتر سرمی بالای 5 (log2) داشتند که نشان دهنده پاسخ ایمنی زایی مطلوب است. همچنین در آزمون SN،Neutralisation index در هر دو واکسن بالای 5/104 بود که به معنی کاهش بیش از 50% توان آنتی ژنیسیته ویروس می باشد. آزمایش PCR بر روی نمونه ها به منظور ردیابی ویروس در گله های تحت مطالعه، منفی بود. مطالعه حاضر، اولین بررسی ایمنی زایی پس از دو بار واکسیناسیون علیه H5 در گله های طیور ایران بود که نشانگر وجود تیتر آنتی بادی مطلوب بر علیه ویروس آنفلوانزا در گله های واکسینه بود.

  • صفحات 513-518
    استرونژیلوئیدس استرکورالیس یک نماتد انگلی است که در مخاط روده کوچک زندگی می کند و باعث ایجاد استرونژیلوئیدیازیس در انسان می شود. مازندران یکی از مناطق بومی این انگل در ایران است. برای شناسایی لارو استرونژیلوئیدس استرکورالیس در نمونه های مدفوع از روش های مختلفی مانند روش PCR استفاده شده است. مطالعه حاضر به منظور تعیین ویژگی های مولکولی استرونژیلوئیدس استرکورالیس جمع آوری شده از ساکنان مازندران، شمال ایران انجام شد. بدین منظور از فروردین تا شهریور 1396 تعداد 2195 نمونه مدفوع انسان از مناطق مختلف استان مازندران جمع آوری شد. ابتدا تمام نمونه های مدفوع با استفاده از روش فرمالین اتر مورد آزمایش قرار گرفتند. سپس نمونه های مدفوع مثبت استرونژیلوئیدس استرکورالیس و 300 نمونه تصادفی برای مطالعه مولکولی انتخاب شدند. مجموعه ای از جفت های پرایمر برای PCR معمولی در یک واکنش PCR برای تکثیر ژن سیتوکروم c اکسیداز 1 (Cox1) میتوکندری مورد استفاده قرار گرفت. برای تایید نتایج PCR، نمونه های مثبت برای تعیین توالی ارسال و توالی بدست آمده با توالی های مرجع بانک ژن مقایسه شد. و در نهایت روابط فیلوژنتیکی ژن Cox1 استرونژیلوئیدس استرکورالیس با روش maximum likelihood algorithm مورد آنالیز قرار گرفت. بر اساس نتایج حاصله، در آزمایش مدفوع با روش فرمل اتر ، 21 نمونه مدفوع (95/0 درصد) برای استرونژیلوئیدس استرکورالیس و 162 نمونه (7/38 درصد) برای سایر انگل ها مثبت شدند. تمامی 21 نمونه مثبت فرمل اتر به روش PCR نیز به عنوان استرونژیلوئیدس استرکورالیس تایید شدند. توالی نمونه ها 99 درصد با استرونژیلوئیدس استرکورالیس در بان ژن همپوشانی داشت. نتایج ما نشان داد که PCR معمولی می تواند تمام نمونه هایی را که از نظر میکروسکوپی مثبت بودند شناسایی کند.
  • صفحات 519-528

    این پژوهش بدنبال بررسی عوامل ماهیت سازمان و نقش آن در هویت برند است قلمرو تحقیق صنعت بیولوژیک می باشد .موسسه رای با تنوع تولیدی 70 نوع محصول مختلف دامی ،طیور و انسانی به عنوان رهبر بازار در این صنعت بوده و حدود 40 درصد از سهم بازار را در اختیار دارد و بررسی آن می تواند ما را به درک جامعی از صنعت بیولوژیک در کشور رساند. مدل بدست آمده از نتایج روش کیفی در قالب مدل معادلات ساختار مورد بررسی قرار گرفت با توجه به اکتشافی بودن مدل و عدم نرمال بودن توزیع داده های متغیر ها از روش های واریانس محور برای پیشبینی نتیجه فرضیات استفاده گردید جامعه آماری 1870 نفر شامل نمایندگان فروش در کشور ، مراکز مایه کوبی و دامپزشگان می باشد .پرسش نامه حاوی 40 سوال برای 270 نمونه که آزمون کرویت بارتلت کفایت آن را تایید نمود و با نرخ بازکشت 82 درصد توزیع گردید. متغییر های مدل شامل 8 متغییر مکنون برونزا ، دو متغییر مکنون درونزا، دو متغییر تعدیل گر و یک متغییر میانجی می باشد .15 فرضیه روابط بین متغییر ها در آزمون های مختلف تحلیل مدل درونی و بیرونی بررسی گردید . که در نهایت فرضیات بر اساس ظریب عاملی و ظرایب تاثیر معناداری و اثر گذاری آن بررسی گردید متغیرهای مدل روی هم رفته با ضریب تعیین 0.731در سطحی نزدیک به قوی اقدام به پیش بینی در مدل می نمایند. برازش بدست آمده GoF=0.593 نشان می دهد که مدل دارای اعتبار بالایی بوده و با دقت 97 درصد به آزمون فرضیات پرداخته است.در نهایت ضمن تایید مدل بدست آمده روابط در معادلات ساختاری مورد سنجش قرار گرفت که در نتایج علاوه بر بررسی فرضیات طریب تاثیر آن نیز مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفت و دلایل ظریب تاثیر و متوسط آن نیز بر اساس هر متغییر تحلیل گر دید.

  • صفحات 541-548
    بیماری نیوکاسل یکی از شایعترین و کشنده ترین بیماری های طیور در سرتاسر دنیا می باشد. واکسن نیوکاسل مقاوم به حرارت V4 (NDV4HR) یک واکسن زنده مقاوم به حرارت غیربیماریزا است که در ماکیان ایمنی ایجاد می کند. در این مطالعه 60 جوجه یکروزه گوشتی نژاد آرین به سه گروه 20 تایی نقسیم شدند. در گروه A از برنامه واکسیناسیون معمول در گله های گوشتی (7 روزگی B1 قطره چشمی+کشته تزریقی؛ 18 و 28 روزگی لاسوتا خوراکی) استفاده شد، گروه B واکسنی دریافت نکرد و در گروه C واکسن NDV4HR از یکروزگی تا روز 35 پرورش 6 مرتبه و به صورت هفتگی مصرف شد. تمام پرنده های مطالعه در روز 35 و از راه بینی با ویروس حاد نیوکاسل چالش داده شدند. در مورد تیتر ایمنی بعد از چالش، بالاترین تیتر در گروه B (7.12 ± 1.05)دیده شد. گروه C (6.37 ± 1.31) تیتر بالاتری نسبت به A (6 ± 1.22) داشت. بعد از چالش با ویروس نیوکاسل، یافته های بالینی و کالبدگشایی بیماری در گروه A و C مشابه بود. بیشترین ضایعات و علائم در گروه B مشاهده شد. در مورد وزن گیری، گروه C بالاترین وزن (2204 ± 106) را در انتهای دوره داشت. دو روز بعد از چالش، گروه های A و B دفع ویروس از نای و کلواک داشتند، هر چند در گروه B دفع ویروس صرفا از نای بود. ضمنا، روز 7 پس از چالش، گروه A دفع ویروس از نای داشت و گروه B از نای و کلواک دفع ویروس داشت. در این روز دفع ویروس در گروه C مشاهده نشد. نتایج این مطالعه نشان داد که واکسن V4HR پاسخ آنتی بادی در بدن تحریک می کند که پرنده را در برابر چالش با ویروس نیوکاسل حاد حفاظت می کند.
  • صفحات 555-564
    در مطالعه حاضر، مکانیسم های دخیل در اختلال حافظه ناشی از اسکوپولامین بررسی شده است. رویدادهای مولکولی که در طول حافظه اتفاق می افتند بیشتر شامل مکانیسم هایی هستند که در مرحله اکتساب دیده می شوند. نتایج نشان می دهد که یکی از مکانیسم های تخریب حافظه ناشی از اسکوپولامین، علاوه بر تضعیف سیستم کولینرژیک، اثر غیر مستقیم اسکوپولامین بر سایر سیستم های انتقال دهنده عصبی از جمله سیستم گلوتاماترژیک است. تزریق اسکوپولامین با مهار گیرنده های خودکار موسکارینی M2/4 دوپامین را افزایش می دهد. این گیرنده های خودکار روی نورون های پیش سیناپسی دوپامینرژیک قرار دارند و فعال شدن آنها باعث کاهش آزاد شدن دوپامین می شود. بنابراین، مسدود کردن این گیرنده های خودکار توسط اسکوپولامین می تواند ترشح دوپامین را افزایش دهد. هر دو گیرنده D1 و D2 در فرآیند یادگیری و حافظه نقش دارند. به طور کلی، تحریک گیرنده های دوپامین D1 از منحنی دوز-پاسخ U شکل معکوس پیروی می کند، به این معنی که هم مقادیر ناکافی و هم بیش از حد دوپامین باعث اختلال در حافظه می شود. بنابراین، یکی از مکانیسم های اختلال حافظه ناشی از اسکوپولامین می تواند تاثیر غیرمستقیم بر سیستم دوپامینرژیک باشد. تاثیر بر پتانسیل غشای سلولی، تاثیر بر انعطاف پذیری نورون و برهمکنش با استیل کولین. سروتونین نقش پیچیده ای در حافظه و یادگیری دارد. گیرنده های سروتونین (5-HT2A) همچنین از طریق تاثیر بر انتقال کلسیم در عملکرد حافظه نقش دارند. این عمل شبیه گیرنده های دوپامین و سایر گیرنده های جفت شده با پروتئین G است که فسفولیپاز C را فعال می کند، کلسیم را وارد سلول می کند و کلسینورین را فعال می کند. فعال شدن گیرنده های 5-HT2A و همچنین گیرنده های 5-HT4 توسط آگونیست های خاص این گیرنده هاباعث افزایش LTP می شود که نقش بسیار مهمی در حافظه دارد. از سوی دیگر، آنتاگونیست خاص گیرنده 5-HT3 LTP را بهبود می بخشد. آنتاگونیست گیرنده 5-HT6 می تواند عملکرد حافظه را بهبود بخشد. بنابراین، گیرنده های سروتونین مختلف نقش های متفاوتی بر عملکرد حافظه دارند و تعامل بین اسکوپولامین و این گیرنده ها نیاز به مطالعه بیشتر دارد. نشان داده شده است که هیستامین ترشح استیل کولین را در هیپوکامپ افزایش می دهد و گیرنده های H1 و H3 پیش سیناپسی نقش مهمی در حافظه و یادگیری دارند، اما اینکه آیا اسکوپولامین می تواند از طریق تعامل با گیرنده های هیستامینی باعث اختلال در حافظه شود، بررسی نشده است
  • صفحات 575-586
    ویروس برونشیت عفونی (IBV) دارای سروتیپ های مختلفی است که باعث ایجاد مشکلات زیادی در صنعت طیور می شود. دو واکسن زنده H120 و H120-D274 در برابر چالش ویروس برونشیت عفونی سویه IS/1494/06 (نوع 2) مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفتند. پس از انتخاب تصادفی 100 جوجه SPF، چهار گروه آزمایشی 25 جوجه/گروه در گروه های کنترل و چالش شده (بدون دریافت واکسن)، H120 (واکسینه شده علیه سویه IB-H120 در روز اول و سویه IB-793B در روز 14) و H120-D274 (واکسینه شده علیه سویه های IB-H120-D274 در روز اول، و سویه IB-793B در روز 14) قرار گرفتند. همه گروه ها به جز گروه شاهد با سویه IS/1494/06 variant2 داخل چشمی در 14 روز پس از واکسیناسیون بوستر(روز 28) آلوده شدند. پس از اتانازی حیوانات در روز 42 تحقیق، آزمایشات خنثی سازی سرم (روزهای 14، 28 و 42)، الایزا (14 روز پس از واکسن بوستر، قبل از چالش)، سیلیوستاز (7 روز پس از واکسن بوستر و هفت روز پس از واکسن بوستر). به چالش کشیده شدند و نمرات ضایعه پاتولوژیک در روز 14 پس از آلوده شدن به سویه IS/1494/06 نوع 2 (روز 42) مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفت. همچنین، ریزش ویروس توسط RT-PCR بلادرنگ پایش شد. عفونت با سویه IS/1494/06 variant2 نمرات مژگانی و پاتولوژی بالا تا متوسط را نشان داد. تمام گروه هایی که واکسن IB-H120-D274 دریافت کردند ضایعات نسبتا کمتری داشتند. گروه های واکسینه شده IB-H120-D274 بالاترین میزان حفاظت و امتیازات حفاظتی بالایی (70.3) را در مقایسه با گروه های واکسن IB-H120 (24.4) نشان دادند. ریزش ویروس در گروه هایی که واکسن H120-D274 را دریافت کرده بودند در مقایسه با گروه هایی که واکسن IB-H120 دریافت کردند به طور قابل معنی داری کاهش یافت. در نتیجه، واکسن همولوگ IB-H120-D274 نتایج بهتری را در مقایسه با واکسن IB-H120 نشان داد.
  • صفحات 609-616
    سطح سرمی ویتامین D (VD) با بروز یا شدت COVID-19 همبستگی معکوس دارد. مطالعه ما با هدف بررسی اثرات ایمن سازی ویروس غیرفعال COVID-19 (ICoV-19) بر سطوح سرمی ویتامین D (VD) و همچنین پارامترهای بیوشیمیایی و هماتولوژی در رت های نر بالغ نژاد Sprague-Dawley انجام شد. به طور تصادفی بیست رت را به دو گروه ده تایی تقسیم کردیم: گروه کنترل (گروه اول) و گروه دریافت کننده ICoV-19 (گروه دوم). هیدروکسید آلومینیوم (HA) و یک دوز واحد ICoV-19 (107 TCID50 سویه HB02 ویروس کووید-19) را به ترتیب به صورت زیر جلدی به رت های گروه اول و دوم تزریق شد. پس از سه هفته (روز 21)، دوزهای تقویت کننده را برای هر دو گروه تجویز کردیم. نمونه خون از هر گروه در روز صفر و 14 روز پس از تزریق دوم (روز 35) جمع آوری شد. هیچ تفاوت معنی داری در سطوح سرمی VD بین دو گروه در روز صفر بدست نیامد، اما در روز 35، سطح سرمی VD در رت های گروه دوم به طور معنی داری نسبت به رت های گروه Iاول کاهش یافته بود (P<0.05). علاوه بر این، رت های گروه دوم غلظت های بالاتری از فیبرینوژن، ازت اوره خون (BUN)، کراتینین (Cr) و فعالیت لاکتات دهیدروژناز (LDH) نسبت به رت های گروه اول داشتند (P<0.05). همچنین رت های گروه دوم، افزایش معنی داری در درصد نوتروفیل ها (N%) و نسبت نوتروفیل ها به لنفوسیت ها (N/L) پس از 35 روز (P<0.05) نشان دادند، در حالی که درصد لنفوسیت ها (L٪) کاهش یافته بود. این یافته ها نشان می دهد که ویتامین D ممکن است در پیشگیری از COVID-19 نقش داشته باشد و یک کاندید بالقوه برای مدیریت و کنترل این بیماری باشد..
  • صفحات 629-638
    آلزایمر یک اختلال عصبی پیشرفته مرتبط با افزایش سن است. این تحقیق با هدف تعیین تاثیر هشت هفته تمرین هوازی و مصرف لینالول، سینائول، بتا بوربونین بر پیشگیری و بهبود بیماری آلزایمر انجام شد. موش ها به طور تصادفی به 8 گروه تقسیم شدند: گروه کنترل، موش های آلزایمر تحت درمان با بتا آمیلوئید (گروه Alzheimer)، موش های آلزایمر با ترکیبات زیست فعال داروی گیاهی (لینالول با غلظت 25 میلی گرم بر کیلوگرم، سینائول با غلظت 100 میلی گرم بر کیلوگرم و بتا بوربونن با غلظت 0.2 میکروگرم به صورت گاواژ به مدت 8 هفته، گروه Alzheimer+Biocompounds)، موش های آلزایمر تحت درمان با ورزش هوازی با تردمیل با شدت متوسط به مدت 8 هفته) گروه Alzheimer's+Training)، موش های آلزایمر تحت درمان با ترکیبات زیست فعال داروی گیاهی و ورزش هوازی به مدت 8 هفته (گروه Alzheimer+Biocompounds+Training)، موش های سالم ابتدا با ترکیبات زیست فعال داروی گیاهی تحت درمان قرار گرفتند و سپس آلزایمر القا شدند (گروه Biocompounds+Alzheimer)، موش های سالم ابتدا با استفاده از تردمیل با شدت متوسط به مدت 8 هفته تحت درمان با ورزش هوازی قرار گرفتند و سپس به بیماری آلزایمر القاء شدند (گروه Training+Alzheimer)، موش های سالم ابتدا با ترکیبات زیست فعال داروی گیاهی و ورزش هوازی تحت درمان قرار گرفتند (گروه Biocompounds+Training+Alzheimer). سطح L1β/CASP3/PSEN1/APP در موش هایی که ابتدا با ورزش هوازی و ترکیبات زیستی تحت درمان قرار گرفتند در مقایسه با سایر گروه ها بهبود یافت. ظرفیت اکسیداتیو با تمرینات ورزشی و ترکیبات زیست فعال بهبود یافت. علاوه بر این، تمرینات ورزشی و ترکیبات زیست فعال، miRNA-210 را در هیپوکامپ موش های مبتلا به آلزایمر تنظیم کردند. می توان نتیجه گرفت که مصرف ترکیبات زیستی و تمرینات هوازی می تواند آلزایمر را مدیریت و از آن پیشگیری کند.
  • صفحات 651-658
  • صفحات 675-678

    در این گزارش موردی، مردی 63 ساله با سابقه دیابت قندی و پیوند کلیه را معرفی می کنیم که تشخیص داده شد میاز بینی دارد. بیمار با علائم آلودگی به میاز بینی شامل اپیستاکسی، انسداد بینی، ترشحات بینی و وجود لارو مراجعه کرد. بیمار دارای عوامل خطر برای بهبود ضعیف زخم بود، مانند هیپرگلیسمی، و وجود دیابت، فشار خون بالا و پیوند کلیه نشان دهنده وجود عوامل مستعد کننده برای میاز است. میاز پس از وارد کردن ضربه ای لوله بینی معده مشاهده شد. بیمار علائم آلودگی میاز را در ناحیه بینی از جمله اپیستاکسی، انسداد بینی و ترشحات بینی همراه با وجود لارو نشان داد. یافته های ما بروز میاز بینی را در یک بیمار با سابقه پزشکی پیچیده برجسته می کند و بر نیاز پزشکان به مراقبت از این عفونت تاکید می کند.پس از قرار دادن لوله بینی معده (NG)، لاروهای کرم رنگ 3-5 میلی متری از بینی، دهان و چشم وی خارج شد. علیرغم ادامه درمان، بیمار 48 ساعت پس از بیرون آوردن لارو جان خود را از دست داد.. سی تی اسکن محوری ضخیم شدن مخاط را نشان نداد و MRI گردن رحم با وزن T1 شدت سیگنال غیرطبیعی را نشان نداد، به جز اسپوندیلوپاتی و تغییرات مدیک. انتشار وزنی MRI (DWI) هیچ سیگنال غیر طبیعی در پارانشیم مغز را نشان نداد. یافته های ما اهمیت هوشیاری پزشکان را برای میاز بینی در بیماران با عوامل خطر مستعد کننده مانند دیابت شیرین و پیوند کلیه نشان می دهد. مدیریت میاز بینی می تواند چالش برانگیز باشد، به ویژه در بیماران مبتلا به چندین بیماری. مدیریت میاز بینی می تواند چالش برانگیز باشد، به ویژه در بیمارانی که چندین بیماری همراه دارند.

  • Aida Ebrahimi Ahmadabad, Bahar Shemshadi *, Zohre Momeni, Nadia Taiefi Nasrabadi Pages 445-448

    Trichomonas gallinae is a flagellated protozoan parasite that affects numerous avian species worldwide, causing a range of diseases collectively termed trichomonosis. This review study aimed to present a comprehensive analysis of the prevalence of T. gallinae in birds of Iran, along with an exploration of its associated pathological findings. Through an extensive search of published studies, scientific databases, and relevant literature, we identified several studies conducted in Iran that focused on the prevalence of T. gallinae in different bird populations as well as their pathological effect. These studies utilized a variety of techniques, including direct microscopic examination, culture methods, and molecular tools to detect and identify the presence of this parasite. This review study indicates that T. gallinae infections are prevalent among various bird species in Iran, including Domestic pigeons, Zebra Finches and Turkey. The prevalence rates reported showed significant differences among various regions and bird species, ranging from as low as 2.5% in zebra finches to as high as 70% in pigeons. The clinical signs of infected birds varied from no clinical signs to visible yellowish-white masses of caseous necrotic material, hyperplasia of mucous cells and significant congestion of lung. These findings underline the importance of T. gallinae as a significant pathogen affecting avian populations in Iran. Using at least two techniques such as culture or PCR in addition to direct smear is recommended for better diagnosis of infection. The study highlights the need for further epidemiological studies to better understand the risk factors associated with T. gallinae transmission and to develop effective prevention and control strategies.

    Keywords: Trichomonas Gallinae, PREVALENCE, Bird
  • Sina Soleimani * Pages 449-458
    There is always a concern about the quality of cell-based products in terms of the contamination of the cells and their lack of efficiency. Therefore, it is very important to ensure these cells' identity, purity, efficacy, and suitability for the production of biological products and diagnostic uses. So, cells must be identified, evaluated, documented, and stored to be used consistently and efficiently. With these conditions, vaccine manufacturers have a suitable reserve of efficient and valuable cells for the production and quality control of biological products.In this review article, a strategic plan for cell-substrate well-characterization and identification according to scientific principles, the author's work experience, and regulatory guidance for the optimal use of that cell in research and diagnostic studies especially for the biological product production process have been drawn. For this purpose, all aspects of cell identification, cell evaluation, and cell characterization are discussed. Because of the importance of cell identity in the competence of a cell substrate, in the cell identification section, all aspects of cell identification, including general cell information, and specific cell characteristics, especially in terms of cell passage history, cell storage conditions, and cell coding and labeling were studied. In the part of cell evaluation and determination of cell characteristics, all tests necessary to determine cell characteristics from various aspects including determination of cell identity, cell growth conditions, cell quality, and efficiency, and the possibility of cell contamination with adventitious agents, including cellular, viral, bacterial, mycoplasma, and mycobacterial agents were introduced. Due to the importance of endogenous virus contamination, this topic is specially discussed. Also, the stability of the cell both from the aspect of genetic stability and from the aspect of stability of cell efficiency, were discussed.In the end, while reviewing the necessary documents to be under the control of the cell for use in the laboratory, based on the studies conducted, the certificate of the cell has been compiled.Therefore, on this basis, the studied cell can be used for research and diagnostic studies of virology, and especially for the production and quality control of biological products.
    Keywords: Biological Product, Cell Culture, Characterization, Documentation
  • Manisha Chandela, Ashok Saxena, RK Mehta, Sandip Mohanty, Pretty Singla, Aarushi Solanki, Sumit Jethani, Bhushan Kamble * Pages 459-464

    Tranexamic acid (TXA) is an antifibrinolytic agent commonly used for the treatment or prevention of bleeding. Indications for TXA are diverse, including heavy menstrual bleeding, trauma, postpartum hemorrhage, traumatic brain injury, and surgical site bleeding. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Most people infected with the virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment. However, some will become seriously ill and require medical attention. Older people and those with underlying medical conditions like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, or cancer are more likely to develop serious illness. Anyone can get sick with COVID-19 and become seriously ill or die at any age. The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV2 or COVID-19) originated in Wuhan, China has spread at an alarming pace throughout the world and declared as a pandemic by the World Health Organization. The air droplet spread of SARS-CoV2 which is potentially fatal is of great global health concern. Various drugs and treatment modalities have been tried to date but none has been found to be definitive. Tranexamic acid commonly used in pigmentary disorders in Dermatology due to its ability to reduce the melanocyte tyrosinase activity also possesses anti-fibrinolytic and anti-inflammatory properties which have been observed to suppress the cytokine storm and modulate coagulopathy in patients suffering from COVID19. Tranexamic acid when administered early has been effective in decreasing the severity of symptoms in patients of COVID-19 but on the contrary, has also been associated with life-threatening thrombosis if given as a single drug.

    Keywords: Tranexamic Acid, SARS-Cov-2, Covid-19
  • Kavita Hiremath *, Dheeraj Veeranagoudar, Kavya Bojja Pages 465-474

    Nature exists as a golden spot and supplies the remedies to treat all diseases of mankind. Plant kingdom stand for plethora of natural compounds, well known for utilized in therapeutic applications and might act the way for expansion of novel mediators having decent efficiency in many pathological disorders in future. In India and throught the world herbs becoming principle and popular medicine. Recognized green medicines are better than synthetic one with less side effects. From ancient periods plants have been intended for their medicinal properties for treating various health ailments because of their lesser side effects, availability of the agent, their cost and potential effectiveness. Medicinal value of plants comes from various vegetative parts of the plant including flowers, fruit, bark, roots, leaves, seeds and its modified parts. The Indian forests are the major repository of remedial and aromatic medicinal plants, which are composed for production of plethora remedies against various diseases. Butea monosperma is one of traditional ayurvedic medicinal plant considered as rich source of ingredients which can be used in drug development as home remedies to treat various diseases such as diarrhea, constipation, hypertension, dehydration, bronchial asthma, leucorrhea, infection, liver, stomach disorders including cancer. The seed powder known for having specific pharmaceutical and insecticidal activities. This study highlights the traditional ayurvedic importance of a eminent medicinal plant Butea monosperma, with its active chemical constituents, pharmacological importance, environmentally sustainable, ecological, and economical importance of the plant. This plant can be planted everywhere to make use of its versatile applications.

    Keywords: Butea Monosperma, Phytomedicine, Coservative, Anticancer
  • Safa Rabbani, Amirali Anvar *, Sara Allahyari Beyk, Behrooz Jannat, Hamed Ahari Pages 475-490

    Honey is a sweet and nutritious product of Apis mellifera bees. It contains glucose, fructose, water, minerals, vitamins, organic acids, phenolic compounds, and enzymes . Honey has various functional properties such as antioxidant, antibacterial, antifungal, prebiotic, and anticancer, which are essential for human health [4]. Because of its unique properties, honey is known not only as a nutritious spice but also as a medicine with healing properties. Honey is a high-dense sugar solution; it can produce coarse crystals by changing the conditions (such as glucose level, humidity, temperature, impurity, and ecology) and lead to quality loss . This study aimed to determine the effect of ultrasound at two different frequencies of 30 and 42 kHz on the physical, biochemical, anti-oxidant, and antimicrobial properties of industrial Iranian honey. All samples (except control) were treated using ultrasound at 30 or 42 kHz for 1, 5, or 10 minutes at 20 or 45 °C. Then the following parameters were measured: HMF content, pH, acidity, proline, total count of aerobic mesophilic bacteria, diastase, moisture, sucrose, fructose, glucose, the ratio of fructose to glucose, ABTS, osmophiles, phenol, reducing sugars and total sugars on days 1, 30, 90, and 180. In both treatment groups exposed to ultrasound, there were changes in these parameters. The group treated with 42 kHz ultrasound showed a decrease in moisture, pH, acidity, fructose-to-glucose ratio, total sugars, clostridium, total microbial count, mold, osmophiles, HMF, and an increase in diastase, proline, and phenol. The changes were more significant on days 90 and 180. Ultrasound at 42 kHz for 10 minutes at 45 °C could lead to an increase in the quality and shelf life of industrial honey. In conclusion, this technique can be used in the food industry to provide a higher quality product as well as a more successful export.

    Keywords: Industrial Iranian Honey, Ultrasound, Antioxidant Activity, Antimicrobial Activity Content
  • Farnaz Zakikhani, Saman Afshar, Hossein Fattahi, Javid Taghinejad * Pages 491-498
    Mycotoxins are the toxins produced by various types of fungi, including Fusarium, which can produce different types of mycotoxins such as Deoxynivalenol (DON), Zearalenone (ZEN), T-2 toxin, and Fumonisins (FUM). Mycotoxins have the potential to reduce the quality of crops and pose health risks to both humans and animals. This can result in reduced animal production and substantial economic consequences on a global scale. Extensive research has been carried out to investigate the high incidence of contamination in grains by Fusarium fungi. In this study, 80 samples of maize from silos of dairy farms in Fars province, Iran were taken and examined for fungal contamination by Fusarium and potential production of DON and FUM. For this purpose, identification using specific primers for different genes was carried out by PCR test and gel electrophoresis with agarose (1%). Among different counties, the silos in Kharameh with 47.05% and Jahrom with 46.15% had the highest contamination rate, and the lowest contamination rate belonged to Kazeroon with 27.27%. Out of the 30 positive samples contaminated by Fusarium, 21 produced FUM, four produced DON, and five produced both toxins. Fusarium species that contaminated the maize samples were also identified, including 13, 10, and 7 samples contaminated by F. proliferatum, F. verticillioides, and F. graminearum, respectively. As a conclusion, the findings of the study indicate that 37.5% of the corn samples from dairy farm silos in Fars province were contaminated with the Fusarium fungus, which had the potential to produce the toxic mycotoxins, deoxynivalenol and fumonisins.
    Keywords: Fusarium, Deoxynivalenol, Fumonisin, Fungi, Mycotoxin
  • Saeed Karami, Vahid Karimi *, Abbas Barin, Mohammadreza Rouigari, Mohammadreza Bozorgmehri Fard Pages 499-506

    Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) is a viral disease caused by some H5 and H7 subtypes of influenza virus type A in most species of birds, especially poultry. HPAI viruses are amongst the most challenging viruses that threaten both human and animal health. Consequently, various strategies such as the use of vaccines have been proposed to control the disease. After a catastrophic pandemic and the failure of conventional methods (elimination and extermination) in Iran, multiple vaccines has been used to control the disease. This study investigates the immunogenicity of two recombinant inactivated commercial vaccines of H5N1 and H5N3 subtypes in laying pullet flocks in Tehran Province, Iran. From 32 halls in 6 breeding units of laying pullets, 3200 sera and 800 tracheal and cloacal swabs were collected. After collecting the samples, Serum neutralisation (SN) and hemagglutination inhibition (HI) tests were conducted on sera to determine the serum titers of H5 specific antibody obtained from vaccine inoculation in three steps: before, after first vaccination and after the second vaccination (booster). SN and HI tests were carried out by the alpha and beta methods on the pooled samples by the vaccine type (as antigen for HI and SN), and the results were compared. The PCR was performed on the tracheal and cloacal swab samples to possibly detect the HA (H5)virus in the studied flocks. The HI test results showed that both vaccines had a Serum antibody titre above 5 (log2) after two vaccination rounds, indicating a desirable immunogenic response. The SN test results also showed a neutralisation index above 104.5 for both vaccines, indicating more than 50% reduction in antigenicity of the virus. The PCR results were negative. This study was the first investigation of immunogenicity following two-time vaccination against H5 subtype vaccines in Iranian poultry flocks, indicated suitable antibody titer against the influenza virus in vaccinated flocks.

    Keywords: Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza, Vaccine, Heamagglutination Inhibition, Serum Neutralisation, PCR
  • Shameeran Ismael *, Bland Abdullah, Amal Sadiq, Jelan Ajaj, Nergiz Ali, Diyana Omer, Nergiz Nori Pages 507-512
    AbstractThis study aims to determine the prevalence rate of intestinal protozoan infection among children, in Duhok Province, North of Iraq, during the period between October 2022 to May 2023. A cross-sectional study was done among 740 children attending Hevi Pediatric Hospital, Duhok Province, Iraq. First, all collected stool samples were examined directly by preparing a wet stool smear for detection of the vegetative stage (Trophozoite) of both E. histolytica and G. lamblia. Then, all stool samples were preserved at - 22°C till used for identification of cysts of protozoa and oocysts of C. parvaum by the Telmman concentration stool method. The average child’s age was between 1-14 years in the current study. Out of the 740 stool samples collected, 205 (27.7%) were positive for intestinal protozoan infections, as follows: 160 children (78.0%) tested positive for E. histolytica, 35 children (17.1%) were positive for C. parvum, and only 10 (4.9%) were positive for G. lamblia. However, the results indicate a statistically significant difference between the prevalence of E. histolytica, C.parvum, and G. lamblia infections across different age groups. This result is significant at a P value < 0.05. The highest infection rates of intestinal protozoa, including E.histolytica, C. parvum, and G.lamblia, were reported in age groups between 5-9 years (53.75%, 25.0%, and 60.0%) respectively, then followed by age groups between 1-4 years (28.75%,20.0% and 30.0%) respectively, and finally followed by age group between 10-14 years (17.55, 8.6%, and 10.0%) respectively. The prevalence of amoebaisis and cryptosporidiosis was reported higher than in the other studies done in Iraq, while the prevalence of giardiasis was reported at a lower rate than the rate reported before in Iraq and Duhok mainly. These infections continue to pose a difficult public health issue and necessitate the implementation of stronger and more effective preventative measures.
    Keywords: Children, Duhok Province, Intestinal Protozoa, PREVALENCE
  • Abolhossein Dalimi *, Farzaneh Jaffarian Pages 513-518
    Strongyloides stercoralis is a parasitic nematode that lives in the mucosa of the small intestine and causes strongyloidiasis in humans. Mazandaran is one of the endemic areas of this parasite in Iran. For detecting S. stercoralis larvae in stool samples various types of techniques such as PCR technique have been used. The present study was conducted to determine the molecular characteristics of S. stercoralis collected from residents of Mazandaran, northern Iran. From April to September 2017, a number of 2195 samples of human feces were collected from different regions of Mazandaran province. First, all stool samples were tested using the formalin-ether method. Then, S. stercoralis positive stool samples and 300 random samples were selected for molecular study. A set of primer pairs for conventional PCR was used in a PCR reaction to amplify the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (Cox1) gene. To confirm the results of PCR, positive samples were sent for sequencing. The sequence was compared with reference sequences from GenBank. Phylogenetic relationships of the Cox1 gene of S. stercoralis inferred by the maximum likelihood algorithm. According to our results, in the stool test with the formal ether method, 21 stool samples (0.95%) were found to be positive for S. stercoralis and 162 samples (38.7%) were positive for other parasites . All 21 positive samples were confirmed as S. stercoralis by PCR method. The sequence of the samples overlapped 99% with S. stercoralis in the Genbank. Our results showed that conventional PCR could detect all samples that were microscopically positive.
    Keywords: : Strongyloides Stercoralis, Molecular Characterization, Cox1 Gene, Iran
  • Hojatolah Kalvandi, Ahmad Rah Chamani *, Javad Abbasi Pages 519-528

    This research seeks to investigate the factors related to the nature of the organization and its role in brand identity. The research was conducted in the field of biological industry. Razi Institute is the leader of the vaccine industry in terms of a variety of products and production of more than 70% of the country's market needs and is a propitious case for studying this industry. The model from the results of the qualitative method was examined using the structural equation modeling method. Because of the exploratory nature of the model and the non-normal distribution of the variables, variance-based methods were employed to predict the results of the hypotheses. The statistical population consisted of 1,870 individuals including sales representatives, inoculation centers, and veterinarians. A 40-item questionnaire was distributed among 270 participants, with a response rate was 82%. The adequacy of this tool was confirmed using Bartlett's sphericity test. The variables of the model included 8 exogenous latent (independent) variables, 2 endogenous latent (dependent) variables, 2 moderating variables, and 1 mediating variable. A total of 15 hypotheses related to relationships between variables were examined in various internal and external model analysis tests. In the end, the hypotheses were checked through factor loadings and impact factors. The variables of the model with a coefficient of determination of 0.731 could predict the model at a close-to-strong level. The obtained fit (goodness-of-fit=0.593) showed that the model had high reliability and tested the hypotheses with 97% precision. Finally, while confirming the obtained model, relationships were measured in structural equations, and in the results, in addition to examining the hypotheses of its influence, it was also analyzed, and the reasons for its influence and its average were also seen based on each analytical variable.

    Keywords: Organizational Identity, Brand Identity, Industry Identity, Strategic Group Identity, Brand Community Identity
  • Ramin Satarzadeh, Abbasali Motallebi *, Hedayat Hosseini, HAMED AHARI Pages 529-540
    In this study, the nano chitosan particles were produced by ionotropic gelation between sodium tripolyphosphate and chitosan. The effect of nano chitosan with or without sodium lactate coating was evaluated on physicochemical (pH, TBA, i.e., thiobarbituric acid, total volatile basic nitrogen and peroxide), microbial (total mesophilic and psychrotrophic viable counts, lactic acid bacteria, yeasts, and molds) and sensorial properties of beef burgers within 24 days of storage at 4 ° C. The solutions of 1% nano chitosan (T1), 2% nano chitosan (T2), 2.5 % sodium lactate (T3), 1% nanochitosan +2.5 % sodium lactate (T4) and 2% nanochitosan+2.5% sodium lactate (T5) were used for the coating. The results showed the increment of microbial growth of all treatments during storage time while the T4 and T5 samples had the lowest microbial counts which shows the synergistic effect of sodium lactate and nano chitosan. The pH of all samples was in acidic to neutral status (5.48 - 7.15) and increased during 24 days of storage and the pH value of T4 and T5 samples increased with a lower slope. On the other side, the evaluation of peroxide and TBARS values exhibited that nano chitosan had more efficient preservative effect than sodium lactate and both of them in alone form had lower antioxidant activity than their combined form. Furthermore, among all treatments, T4 and T5 samples have the best sensorial scores. These results indicated that nano chitosan and sodium lactate have synergistic effect and can be effectively applied to expand the shelf life of beef burgers.
    Keywords: Chitosan, Nanoparticles, Sodium Lactate, Shelf Life, Hamburger
  • Seyed Ali Ghafouri, Abolfazl Ghaniei *, Mozhgan Moghani, Narges Lotfalizadeh Pages 541-548
    The Newcastle disease (ND) is among the most common and deadly poultry diseases worldwide. Thermostable Newcastle disease virus (NDV) vaccines have been used widely to protect village chickens against Newcastle disease, due to their decreased dependence on cold chain for transport and storage. The Newcastle Disease V4 Heat-Resistant (NDV4HR) vaccine is an Apathogenic heat-resistant live vaccine that can induce immunity in chickens. A total of 60 one-day-old Arain local hybrid broilers divided into three groups of 20. Group A had the usual vaccination program in broiler flocks (7 Days old: B1 type by eye drop+ ND Killed vaccine by IM; 18 and 28 days old: Lasota strain orally), group B did not receive any vaccine, and Group C received orally the NDV4HR vaccine six times from the first day to the 35th day of rearing. All groups were nasally challenged with acute Newcastle virus (genotype VIId) on the 35th rearing day. Regarding HI serum antibody titer of the birds after the challenge, group B had the highest (7.12 ± 1.05), and Group C (6.37 ± 1.31) had a higher titer than Group A (6 ± 1.22). After the challenge with the Newcastle virus, the necropsy findings and clinical symptoms of the disease were almost similar in groups A and C. Group B showed the most signs with higher casualties than other groups. Regarding weight gain, Group C had the most weight at the end of the study (2204 ± 106). On the second day after the challenge, groups A and B had virus shedding through the trachea and cloaca; however, group B shed the virus only through the trachea. Furthermore, on the 7th day after the challenge, group A shed the virus through the cloaca, and group B through the trachea and the cloaca. At the same time, there was no virus shedding in group C. This study showed that V4HR vaccine provokes an antibody response that protects the birds against virulent virus challenge.
    Keywords: Broiler Chickens, Heat-Resistant Vaccine, NDV4, Newcastle Disease
  • Chandralekha Kona, Sivaram Prasad Kirasani, Bhushan Kamble *, Rashmi Kundapur, Kishore Yadav, Neeraj Agrawal, Vikas Bhatia Pages 549-554
    Mobile Medical Units (MMUs) were one of the major initiatives under the National Rural Health Mission. These MMUs help in reaching the unreached. It helps people in remote, underserved areas to access healthcare at affordable prices at their doorstep.
    In this study, we aim to assess the morbidity profile of the patients attending Mobile Medical Unit camps in Yadadri-Bhuvanagiri district between April 2022 to December 2022.
    This is a record-based study. MMU is run by department of Community and Family Medicine, AIIMS, Bibinagar in six selected villages of Yadadri-Bhuvanagiri district. (Fig.1). A register is maintained for recording the details of patients visitingthe MMU camp. Patient’s name, age, gender, place, mobile number, height, weight, blood pressure (BP), glucometer based Random Blood Sugar (GRBS), diagnosis, and details of medication dispensed were entered in the register. Diabetes was diagnosed using the WHO criteria , hypertension using the Eighth Joint National Committee guidelines , obesity using the WHO Asia Pacific guidelines. Mobile Medical Unit camp data is entered into excel database at the end of every month. As it is a record-based analysis, we used data between April 7th 2022 to December 31st, 2022 for analysis.
    A total of 1494 patients were treated in the MMU camps during this period. Among them 89.4% were adults & 10.6 % were children (less than 18 years). Among 1336 adult patients, majority of the study participants suffered from osteoarthritis followed by non-communicable diseases. The mean systolic BP of the adult population was 131 (±21) mmHg and diastolic BP of the population was 77 (±13) mm Hg. The mean random blood glucose levelof the adult Population was 150 (±74) mg/dl. A total of 158 children were less than 18 years, out of which 78 participants were males and 80 participants were females. Majority suffered from upper respiratory tract infections among males (23.1%) and females (25%) respectively.
    The study further suggests that NCD epidemic is spreading to rural areas where necessary health infrastructure is insufficient. MMUs can bring a significant change in the public health system, which needs to re-orient its priorities.
    Keywords: Mobile Medical Units, Morbidity Profile, Rural Area, India
  • Atefeh Asadi-Rizi, Leila Amjad *, Mehrdad Shahrani, Hossein Amini-Khoei Pages 555-564
    In the present study, the mechanisms involved in scopolamine-induced memory impairment have been investigated. The molecular events that take place during memory mostly include mechanisms that are seen in the acquisition phase. Results show that one of the mechanisms of memory destruction caused by scopolamine, in addition to weakening the cholinergic system, is the indirect effect of scopolamine on other neurotransmitter systems, including the glutamatergic system. Scopolamine injection increases dopamine by inhibiting M2/4 muscarinic auto receptors. These auto receptors are located on dopaminergic presynaptic neurons, and their activation reduces the release of dopamine. Therefore, blocking these auto receptors by scopolamine can increase the release of dopamine. Both D1 and D2 receptors are involved in the process of learning and memory. In general, stimulation of dopamine D1 receptors follows an inverted U-shaped dose-response curve, meaning that both insufficient and excessive amounts of dopamine cause memory impairment. Therefore, one of the mechanisms of scopolamine-induced memory impairment can be an indirect effect on the dopaminergic system. Effect on cell membrane potential, effect on neuron plasticity and interaction with acetylcholine. Serotonin plays a complex role in memory and learning. Serotonin receptors (5-HT2A) also play a role in memory function through their effect on calcium transport. This action is similar to dopamine receptors and other G-protein-coupled receptors, which activate phospholipase C, enter calcium into the cell, and activate calcineurin. Activation of 5-HT2A receptors as well as 5-HT4 receptors by specific agonists of these receptors enhances LTP, which plays a very important role in memory. On the other hand, specific 5-HT3 receptor antagonist improves LTP. 5-HT6 receptor antagonist can improve memory function. Therefore, different serotonin receptors have different roles on memory function, and the interaction between scopolamine and these receptors needs further study. It has been shown that histamine increases the secretion of acetylcholine in the hippocampus and postsynaptic H1 and presynaptic H3 receptors play an important role in memory and learning, but whether scopolamine can cause memory impairment through interaction with histamine receptors, not reviewed.
    Keywords: Mechanism Involved In Memory Degradation, Scopolamine, Non-Selective Antagonist, Acetylcholine
  • Oluwatosin Ogedengbe *, Emuobonuvie Imoyin-Omene, Adeshina Adekeye, Basiru Ajiboye, Olusola Adeeyo Pages 565-574
    Prolonged utilization of antiretroviral agents has been explicitly associated with nephrotoxicity, suggesting deterioration in renal function among patients receiving Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART). The current investigation aimed to explore the therapeutic efficacy of resveratrol (RV) for the management of renal impairment resulting from antiretroviral drug toxins. Twenty-four adult male Wistar rats weighing 70–90 g were divided into four groups and subjected to the following treatments: Control A (distilled water), B (HAART), C (RV-2.5 mg/kg), and D (RV- 2.5 mg/kg) + HAART. The assessment included renal histological examination; renal functional indicators such as serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen; serum electrolyte levels including sodium, chloride, potassium, and bicarbonate; and oxidative stress biomarkers such as malondialdehyde, catalase, glutathione, and superoxide dismutase. The detrimental effects of HAART include adverse histological modifications, such as tubular atrophy, vacuolization, tubular granular degeneration, and abnormalities in glomerular capillaries. Compared to the other treatment cohorts, there were significant increases in the levels of serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), sodium, chloride, and malondialdehyde (MDA), while antioxidant enzyme activities such as catalase (CAT) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione (GSH) levels were notably decreased. The renal structure remained predominantly unchanged following RV administration, exhibiting a degree of recovery in histological abnormalities. Visible improvements, including decreased inflammation, reduced necrosis, diminished vacuolization, and enhanced tubule and glomerular configuration, were also noted. Additionally, RV notably increased antioxidant enzyme levels (SOD, CAT, and GSH) and reduced BUN, serum creatinine, and MDA levels. RV helped mitigate structural abnormalities and kidney dysfunction induced by HAART, while improving kidney morphology. However, further investigation into these mechanisms is necessary.
    Keywords: HAART, Resveratrol, Nephrotoxicity, Antioxidant, Wistar Rats
  • Alireza Eshaghniya, Hadi Haghbin Nazarpak *, Arash Ghalyanchilangeroudi, Hossein Hosseini Pages 575-586
    Infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) has a variety of serotypes that cause many problems in the poultry industry. Two H120 and H120-D274 live vaccines were evaluated against strain IS/1494/06 (variant 2) infectious bronchitis virus challenge. The study aimed to determine whether it is possible to achieve success in controlling disease symptoms and pathological lesions and reducing virus shedding by combining two types of vaccines against different severities of the Poultry Infectious Bronchitis Virus. After random selection of 100 SPF chickens, four 25 chicks/group experimental groups were arranged in the H120 (IB-H120, Intervet®; Serial No: **** at 1st day + Booster 14th day + Challenged with IS/1494/06- 14 DPV), H120-D274 (Poulvac® IB Primer at 1st day + Booster 14th day + Challenged with IS/1494/06- 14 DPV), Control (No vaccine and No Challenge), and Challenged (No vaccine + Challenge). After euthanasia of the animals on the 42nd day of the research, serum neutralization (days 14, 28, and 42), ELISA (14 days after the booster vaccine and before challenged), Ciliostasis (7 days after the booster vaccine and seven days after challenged) and pathological lesion scores were evaluated on day 14 after being infected with IS/1494/06 type 2 strain (day 42). Also, the virus shedding was monitored by real-time RT-PCR. Infection with the IS/1494/06 variant2 strain showed high to moderate ciliostasis and pathologic scores. All groups that received the IB-H120-D274 vaccine had fewer lesions relatively. The IB-H120-D274 vaccinated groups showed the highest protection rates and high protection scores (70.3) compared to the IB-H120 vaccine groups (24.4). The virus shedding was significantly reduced in groups that received the H120-D274 vaccine compared to those that received the IB-H120 vaccine. In conclusion, the homologous IB-H120-D274 vaccine showed superior results compared to the IB-H120 vaccine.
    Keywords: IBV, Combined Vaccine, Serum Neutralization Test, ELISA, Real-Time PCR
  • Ibrahim Naqid * Pages 587-592
    Background and aims
    Intestinal protozoan parasitic infections are considered one of the most frequent types of infection caused by these parasites and remain a major health problem for communities. This study aims to detect the frequency of intestinal protozoan infections infection among Zakho general population from October 2018 to June 2022.
    This study was performed as a cross-sectional study among 2118 patients referring to private medical diagnostic laboratories in Zakho City, Kurdistan Region, Iraq. Samples of faecal matter were collected and subjected to analysis using two different techniques: direct observation under the microscope (wet mount) and formalin-ether concentration methods. Morphological characteristics of trophozoites and cysts were used to identify E. histolytica using microscopical examination.
    Out of 2118 recruited samples, 1155 (54.53%) were male and 963 (45.47%) were female. The mean age of participants was 20.41 (±19.12) with ages ranging from 1-63 years. The overall prevalence of protozoan infections was 395/2118 (18.65%). Out of these, Entamoeba histolytica was the predominant pathogenic protozoa infection 271 (68.61%), followed by Giardia lamblia 100 (25.31%). A significant association was seen between Entamoeba histolytica and age groups (p=0.003) and gender (p=0.004). The highest infection rate was reported among the age group <15 years (55.72%). We also found a higher rate of Giardia infection among age group <15 years (46%) with significant differences (p=0.002) and a higher rate of Giardia seen in females (55%) with significant association (p=0.014).
    The frequency of Giardia lamblia and E. histolytica infections in our study was higher than other studies reported in Iraq and other countries, and these infections continue to pose a difficult public health issue and necessitate the implementation of stronger and more effective preventative measures.
    Keywords: Intestinal Protozoa, E. Histolytica, Giardia Lamblia, General Population, Zakho City
  • Fatemeh Izadi *, Sankaralingam Ramalakshmi Pages 593-600
    Cancer as a threat to human life disease is considered by the disturbance of the normal cell cycle, which results in the spontaneous growth of cell growth, the lack of differentiation, and consequently malignant growths. Nowadays, various synthetic agents are applied for cancer therapy; nevertheless, the reports confirmed that these chemical agents are related to various adverse complications. This experimental study was designed to assess the anti-tumor activities of zinc nanoparticles (ZnNP) green synthesized by the Astragalus maximus against the Ehrlich solid tumors (EST) in mice. To induce the EST model, 0.2 ml of cell suspension was intramuscularly injected into the right thigh of the mice. Five-day post-injection, the mice were allocated into five groups (containing 8 mice/each group) including EST mice treated with normal saline, EST mice orally treated ZnNP 10 mg/kg/day, EST mice orally treated ZnNP 25 mg/kg/day, and EST mice orally treated ZnNP 50 mg/kg/day for 14 days. Then, the volume of the tumor, tumor growth inhibition, body weight, the tumor markers, oxidant/antioxidant markers, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha level (TNF-α), were assessed in tested mice. Our results showed that after the treatment of EST mice with CYC and ZnNPs at 10, 25, and 50 mg/kg, the volume of tumor and serum amount of tumor markers of AFP and CEA were significantly reduced (p<0.001). We found that ZnNPs at 10, 25, and 50 mg/kg markedly declined the oxidative markers and increased the level of antioxidant enzyme of SOD and GPx in comparison with the control group received normal saline (p<0.001). To conclude, we reported the unveiling of the anti-tumor activity of ZnNPs green synthesized by A. maximus extract mainly at the doses 50 mg/kg against Ehrlich solid tumors (EST) in mice; however, further supplementary studies are required to clear all anti-tumor aspects of these nanoparticles.
    Keywords: Nanomedicine, Zinc, In Vivo, Antioxidant, Tumor
  • Hassan Saberi, Nasrin Mehranfard, Hossein Rezazadeh, Maedeh Ghasemi * Pages 601-608
    Gastrointestinal dysfunction is a severe and common complication in diabetic patients. Some evidence shows that gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glutamate contribute to diabetic gastrointestinal abnormalities. Hence, we examined the impact of prolonged treatment with insulin and magnesium supplement on the expression pattern of GABA type A (GABA-A), GABA-B and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) glutamate receptors as well as nitric oxide synthase 1 (NOS-1) in the stomach of type 2 diabetic rats. Twenty-four male Wistar rats were randomized to 4 groups (6 rats each): 1) control, 2) type 2 diabetes: rats fed with a high fat diet for 3 months + low dose of streptozotocin (35 mg/kg), 3) type 2 diabetes + magnesium, and 4) type 2 diabetes + insulin. The expression of NOS-1 as well as GABA-A, GABA-B, and NMDA receptors was detected using western blotting. NOS-1 expression was substantially diminished (p<0.01) while the expression of GABA-A (p<0.001), GABA-B (p<0.001), and NMDA (p<0.001) receptors was enhanced in the stomach of diabetic rats relative to control. Treatment with magnesium and insulin improved NOS-1 expression in diabetic rats, although this effect was greater in magnesium treatment alone. Magnesium also restored the expression of GABA-A and GABA-B receptors in diabetic rats to control values. Moreover, insulin treatment improved GABA-A receptor expression in diabetic rats (p<0.05). No considerable alterations were detected in NMDA receptor level in the treatment groups. The results suggest a significant role of magnesium and insulin in improving gastric motility and secretory disorders associated with diabetes through modifying the expression of GABAergic receptors.
    Keywords: Type 2 Diabetes, Magnesium Supplement, GABA Receptor, NMDA Receptor, NOS-1
  • Mehrshid Mehravaran, Mahmood Ahmadi-Hamedani *, Khatereh Kafshdouzan, Hamid Staji, Mohammad Hasan Yousefi Pages 609-616
    Serum levels of vitamin D (VD) are inversely correlated with the incidence or severity of COVID-19. Our study aimed to investigate the effects of inactivated COVID-19 virus (ICoV-19) immunization on vitamin D (VD) levels, as well as biochemical and hematological parameters in adult male Sprague-Dawley rats. We randomly divided twenty rats into two groups of ten: the control group (Group I) and the ICoV-19-receiving group (Group II). We administered hydroxide aluminum (HA) and a single dose of ICoV-19 (107 TCID50 of the HB02 strain of COVID-19 virus) subcutaneously to rats in groups I and II, respectively. After three weeks (day 21), we administered booster doses to both groups. Blood samples were collected from the rats of both groups primarily for the experiment and 14 days after the second administration (35th day), and then samples were stored frozen until analysis. We found no significant differences in VD levels between the two groups on day 0, but on day 35, VD levels in group II rats had significantly decreased compared to group I rats (P<0.05). Additionally, group II rats had higher concentrations of fibrinogen, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine (Cr), and lactate dehydrogenase activity (LDH) than group I rats (P<0.05). Group II rats also showed a significant increase in neutrophils (N %) and neutrophils to lymphocytes ratio (N/L) after 35 days (P<0.05), while lymphocytes (L %) decreased. These findings suggest that vitamin D may play a role in preventing COVID-19 and be a potential candidate for managing and controlling of the disease.
    Keywords: Biochemical Parameters, Hematological Parameters, Inactivated COVID-19 Virus, Rat, Vitamin D
  • Fatemeh Shirmohammadi Zeshkian, R. Srinivasan * Pages 617-622
    Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) is a clinical syndrome which can observe because of acute and chronic liver disorders such as hepatitis, liver failure caused by alcohol or drugs, autoimmune diseases, metabolic diseases, cirrhosis, types of tumors and infections. We aimed to investigate the effects of different doses of β-myrcene on the improvement of hepatic encephalopathy caused by thioacetamide (TAC) in male rats. In order to induce liver failure and acute damage in the studied animals, thioacetamide was administered to rats with a dose 100 mg/kg of body weight as an intraperitoneal (IP) injection with 24 h intervals and for seven consecutive days. After oral treatment of rats with β-myrcene at doses of 10, 25, and 50 mg/kg/day for 7 days, the cerebral edema (brain water content, BWC), the serum level of aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine transferase (ALT) and alkaline transferase (ALP), total protein (TP), bilirubin (TB), and ammonia as well as the level oxidant-antioxidant factors of malondialdehyde (MDA), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), Catalase (CAT) and superoxide dismutase enzymes (SOD) were evaluated. β-myrcene dose dependently reduced the BWC in Thioacetamide-induced acute hepatic encephalopathy in rats. Treatment of the TAC rats with β-myrcene especially at doses of 25 and 50 mg/kg significantly (p<0.001) moderated the serum level of these liver enzymes and ammonia compared to the untreated TAC mice. The analysis of the obtained data revealed that the treatment of the TAC rats with β-myrcene especially at doses of 25 and 50 mg/kg markedly (p<0.001) reduced the oxidative stress of MDA, whereas significantly (p<0.001) increased antioxidant enzymes of SOD, CAT, and GPx. Therefore, we can conclude that the treatment of the TAC rats with β-myrcene especially at doses of 25 and 50 mg/kg markedly reduced the oxidative stress of MDA, whereas significantly increased antioxidant enzymes and subsequently improved the thioacetamide-induced acute hepatic encephalopathy in rats.
    Keywords: Antioxidant, Oxidative Stress, Monoterpene, Liver, Natural Products
  • Hamid Mokhayeri, Banafsheh Hasanvand, Mehdi Birjandi, Habibollah Mirzaei, Paras Sasaei, Sara Zamani, Sakineh Bajlan, Atefeh Akbari, Sayyad Khanizadeh * Pages 623-628
    HIV, HBV, and HCV are known as the most common blood-borne viral infections worldwide. Individuals referring to drop-in centers (DICs) are considered as high-risk people exposed to infection with theses blood-borne viruses. The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence of HIV, HBV, and HCV infections among women referred to DICs in the western province of Lorestan, Iran. During the present cross-sectional study, after obtaining informed consent and a questionnaire, two blood samples were collected from 118 women referred to Lorestan DICs to be evaluated for HIV, HBV, and HCV infections. Accordingly, the samples were first screened by using the most common serological methods, and then by Real Time-PCR to detect viral genomes. The results were analyzed using Chi-square statistical test and binary logistic regressions. Out of the studied 118 blood samples, 8 (6.8%), 4 (3.4%), and 10 (8.5%) subjects tested positive for HIV, HBV, and HCV infection, respectively. Furthermore, our study showed that 5 (4.2%) subjects were positive for HCV/HIV coinfection, and 3 (2.5%) cases for HBV/HCV coinfection. Moreover, our data revealed that incarceration and STDs were the most important risk factors for HIV (OR=15.27 (95% CI; 3.74 - 62.89); P value=0.01) and HBV (OR=16 (95% CI; 1.57 - 42.34); P value=0.018) infections, respectively. Our results suggest that women referring to DICs are at risk of infection with blood-borne viruses such as HIV, HBV, and HCV, due to risky behaviors. Thus, precise diagnostic testing and implementation of preventive methods against blood and sexually transmitted infections are urgent in these high-risk groups.
    Keywords: Blood-Borne Virus, Hepatitis C, Hepatitis B, DIC, Risky Behavior
  • Zainab Alimoradi, Farzaneh Taghian *, Khosro Jalali Dehkordi Pages 629-638
    Alzheimer's is an advanced nervous disorder related to aging. This research aims to determine the effect of eight weeks of aerobic training and linalool, cineole, and β-Bourbonene on preventing and improving Alzheimer's disease. Mice randomly divided into 8 groups: Control group, Mice induced Alzheimer's disease treating with β-amyloid (Alzheimer group), Alzheimer's mice were treated with bioactive compounds of herbal medicine (Linalool with a concentration of 25 mg/kg, Cineol with a concentration of 100 mg/kg, β-Bourbonene with a concentration of 0.20 μg by gavage for 8 weeks, Alzheimer+Biocompounds group), Alzheimer's mice treated with aerobic exercise with a moderate intensity treadmill for 8 weeks (Alzheimer's+Training group), Alzheimer's mice treated with bioactive compounds of herbal medicine and aerobic exercise for 8 weeks (Alzheimer+Biocompounds+Training group), Healthy mice were first treated with the bioactive compounds of the herbal medicine, and then were induced with Alzheimer's (Biocompounds+Alzheimer group), Healthy mice were first treated with aerobic exercise using a treadmill with moderate intensity for 8 weeks and then induced Alzheimer's disease (Training+Alzheimer group), Healthy mice were first treated with the bioactive compounds of the herbal medicine and aerobic exercise for 8 weeks and then induced Alzheimer's disease (Biocompounds+Training+Alzheimer group). Compared to other groups, the IL1β/CASP3/PSEN1/APP level improved in mice first treated with aerobic exercise and biocompounds. Oxidative capacity was improved by exercise training and bioactive compounds. In addition, exercise training and bioactive compounds regulated the miRNA-210 in the hippocampus of the mice with Alzheimer's. We could conclude that consuming biocompounds and aerobic training can manage and prevent Alzheimer's.
    Keywords: Alzheimer, Aerobic Exercise, Herbal Compounds, Biocompounds
  • Sara Hakimzadeh, Muberra Kosar * Pages 639-644
    The present experimental study was designed to evaluate the in vitro wound healing and anti-inflammatory effects of copper nanoparticles (CuNPs) green synthesized by the methanol extract Ferula macrecolea Boiss, as a plant with various pharmacological effects such as anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial effects in traditional and modern medicine. The precipitation approach was used to green synthesis of CuNPs through mixing the methanol and copper sulfate solution. Cell viability and fibroblast proliferation assay were performed by MTT (3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-Diphenyltetrazolium Bromide) assay. The migration abilities of fibroblasts cells were evaluated using a cell scratch in vitro wound healing assay. Effects of CuNPs on iNOS expression genes were also performed by Real-time PCR. In vitro antibacterial susceptibility test of CuNPs was carried out according to the standards protocol of the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS). The analysis of SEM revealed that the green synthesized CNP exhibited a globular shape with a size ranging from 15-90 nm; while their majority were at 40-60 nm. The results of the MTT assay showed that the calculated CC50 value of green synthesized CuNPs was 236.3 μg/mL. The optimum concentrations of the CuNPs which were selected based on the 50% cytotoxic concentration (CC50) value; whereas dose-dependently increased the proliferation of fibroblast cells. The CuNPs dose-dependently increased the rate of wound closure after 16 and 24 h. The results of the Real-Time PCR showed that CuNPs causes an upregulation in expression level of gene of nitric oxide synthesis (iNOS) in RAW 264.7 cells. CuNPs showed the promising antimicrobial effects against S. aureus, S. epidermidis and Ps. aeruginosa. The present study showed the high potency of CuNPs green synthesized by F. macrecolea for wound healing through their antimicrobial, proliferation of fibroblast cells, and provoking iNOS.
    Keywords: In Vitro, Antibacterial, Nanotechnology, Treatment, Wound
  • Abdolhakim Jadgalradeh *, Mudassar Iqbal Pages 645-650
    Today, the current chemical agents for pain control have relatively many complications. They are associated with the occurrence of disorders in the digestive system, kidney damage, or addiction, which has caused people to find newer drugs that, in addition to removing side effects, are cheap and available. The present in vivo survey aimed to assess the antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activity of Ferula elaeochytris Korovin methanolic extract (FEME) in male Swiss mice. After obtaining the methanolic extract through the maceration process, the antinociceptive efficacy of FEME at doses of 25 to 100 mg/kg was assessed by the tail-flick, hot-plate, and formalin tests. In addition, anti-inflammatory evaluation was performed by the Carrageenan-induced paw edema model. We found that in the tail-flick and hot plate test, FEME mainly at the dose of 100 mg/kg significantly reduced the latency time as well as better the time of the observance of licking or jumping in comparison with normal saline (P<0.001). We reported that FEME at 50, and 100 mg/kg considerably declined the pain behaviors in the acute and chronic phase in comparison with normal saline (p<0.001). FEME markedly (p < 0.05) declined paw edema in a dose- and time-dependent response, so a significant difference was observed in paw edema followed by treatment with FEME at 50 and 100 mg/kg (p<0.001). To conclude, this study reported the potent analgesic and inflammatory effects of F. elaeochytris methanolic extract to control peripheral and central pain. However, additional experiments are mandatory to clear the accurate mechanisms of action of this plant.
    Keywords: Analgesic, Inflammation, Natural Products, In Vivo, Pain
  • Fatemeh Rostampor, Seyed Ali Mousavi *, Mohammad Heidari, Ahmad Faramarzi, Hadi Rashidi, Saeideh Shojaei, Barat Barati Pages 651-658
    AbstractScorpion stings pose a significant public health concern in Iran, resulting in approximately 45,000-50,000 cases and 19 deaths annually. Scorpions, belonging to the Arachnida class, are venomous arthropods found in all continents except Antarctica. They are of particular concern in tropical and subtropical regions. The Khuzestan and Hormozgan provinces have the highest reported incidence, with an estimated 36,000 cases each year. This study focused on modeling the time series data of scorpion stings specifically in Shoushtar city from 2017 to 2022. Our objective was to investigate the presence of seasonality and long-term trends in the incidence of scorpion stings by utilizing advanced analytical techniques such as the Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model. We applied the Seasonal ARIMA model to fit a univariate time series of scorpion sting incidence. This study revealed a significant seasonal trend and an overall increase and decrease in scorpion sting cases during the study period. The best-fitting model for the available data was a seasonal ARIMA model in the form of ARIMA (0,0,1) (1,1,1)12. This model can forecast the frequency of scorpion sting cases in Southwestern Iran over the next two years. As a result, Time series analysis can provide valuable insights into the patterns and trends of Scorpion sting incidents, allowing for better planning and allocation of healthcare resources. By understanding the seasonal variations, proactive measures can be implemented to address the growing issue of Scorpion stings in Iran effectively.Keywords: Scorpion stings; Time series analysis; ARIMA modeling; Box Jenkins model; Southwestern Iran
    Keywords: Scorpion Stings, Time Series Analysis, ARIMA Modeling, Box Jenkins Model, Southwestern Iran
  • Rubeen Nadaf, Parveen Nadaf, Makhadumsab Toragall, Shivasharana C T * Pages 659-668
    Lipases belong to a class of triacylglycerol hydrolases possessing a lot of potential applications due to their various physical properties. Most of the lipase producers are extracellular in nature are produced using solid-state fermentation and submerged fermentation methods. The fungal, mycelial, and the yeast lipases are produced using various solid substrates through solid-state fermentation method. This method is cost effective and hence widely used in industries to produce lipase using fungi. Whereas lipases from bacteria, were produced using submerged fermentation. The optimization of media is a main requirement for increasing the quantitative yield by overproduction of enzymes. The optimization of media is a main requirement for increasing the quantitative yield by overproduction of enzymes. Different parameters such as pH, temperature, agitation speed, inoculum size, incubation time, carbon and nitrogen sources have been of great importance for the researchers to design economical media. The OFAT is a one-dimensional approach that is laborious and time-consuming and does not consider interactions between the factors. The limitations of OFAT method can be reduced by employing techniques such as Plackett-Burman design (PBD) and response surface methodology (RSM). The PBD is a method to screen the variables that influence the production and remove the non-significant factors to attain a lesser and manageable set of factors. Subsequently, the chosen significant factors are optimized by RSM that assists to study the interactions of different factors. The RSM comprises of central composite design (CCD) to fit a second-order polynomial equation. In this study, the effect of temperature, tryptone, inoculum size and incubation time on the lipase production were analysed by Plackett-Burman design screening experiments. The experiments were designed using four variable Central composite design of RSM using Design Expert software. This model predicted optimal activity of lipase of 58.53 U/mL at 1.5% tryptone, 10 mL inoculum size, incubated for 48 hrs at 34℃. This experiment was further validated and optimal activity of lipase of 57.85 U/mL was observed. Thus, RSM model enhanced the production of lipase and can be applied for the maximum yield of lipase.
    Keywords: Bacillus Subtilis KUBT4, Lipase, Plackett-Burman Design, Response Surface Methodology
  • Hayder Al-Tmimi, Hiba Ghanim, Basma Ali, Suroor Al-Dulaimi, Zaid Alani * Pages 669-674

    The present study was conducted from December 2021 until April 2023 at the College of Health and Medical, Al-Bayan University, Iraq, in Baghdad province, to detect the infection of Toxoplasma gondii in humans and identification by serological methods. Field studies were conducted from 1500 sera samples from hospitals and private medical laboratories. The sera samples were separated and examined by indirect ELISA IgG for the human kit to detect the infection with Toxoplasma gondii serologically. The serological results showed that 62% were positive. The present study recorded a high rate of infection in pregnant women at 70.4% (526/747) and then non-pregnant women at 53.6% (404/753). The serological results in males showed 57%, while the females showed 65.1%. It was noted non-significant difference. According to age groups 30-39 years, the high rate of infection was 90.2% (415/460), whereas the lowest infection among age groups < 20 years was 25.1% (83/330). However, serologically tested sera samples were positive for Echinococcus granuloses; 7.8% of 192 sera samples from humans were tested. Regarding the age group, the rate of infection was 10.2% (5\49) from <20 and >29 years, while from >30 to >39 years was 6.6% (3\45) and >40 years was 14% (7\50) with a high significant difference with Echinococcus. According to gender, the percentage of infestation in males was 5.7% out of (6\104) sera samples, while in females was 10.2% out of (9\88) sera samples with a highly significant difference (P≤0.01). Finally, regarding the months, the peak infection rate was recorded in March.

    Keywords: Humans, Toxoplasma, Echinococcus Granuloses, Serology, Seroprevalence
  • Zohre Rostami, Eghlim Nemati, Behzad Einollahi, Mohammad Nikpoor, Saeid Roozpeykar, Afsaneh Pargar, Mohammad Javanbakht * Pages 675-678

    In this case report, we present a 63-year-old man with a history of diabetes mellitus and kidney transplantation who was diagnosed with nasal myiasis. The patient presented with symptoms of nasal myiasis infestation, including epistaxis, nasal obstruction, nasal discharge, and the presence of larvae. The patient had risk factors for poor wound healing, such as hyperglycemia, and the presence of diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and kidney transplantation indicated the presence of predisposing factors for myiasis. The myiasis was observed subsequent to the traumatic insertion of a nasogastric tube. The patient exhibited symptoms of myiasis infestation in the nasal region, including epistaxis, nasal obstruction, and nasal discharge, along with the presence of larvae. Our findings highlight the occurrence of nasal myiasis in a patient with a complex medical history, and emphasize the need for clinicians to remain vigilant for this infection. After the insertion of the nasogastric (NG) tube, 3-5 mm cream-colored larvae were removed from his nose, mouth, and eyes. Despite continued medical treatment the patient died 48 hours after removing the larvae.Axial CT scan showed no mucosal thickening, and T1 weighted cervical MRI showed no abnormal signal intensity, except for spondylopathy and modic changes. Diffusion Weighted-MRI (DWI) revealed no abnormal signal in the brain parenchyma. Our findings highlight the importance of clinicians being vigilant for nasal myiasis in patients with predisposing risk factors, such as diabetes mellitus and kidney transplantation. Managing nasal myiasis can be challenging, particularly in patients with multiple conditions. The management of nasal myiasis can be challenging, particularly in patients with multiple comorbidities.

    Keywords: Nasal, Myiasis, Clinicians, Management