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فهرست مطالب نویسنده:

ابوالقاسم گورابی

  • رقیه نژادحسینی، ابراهیم مقیمی، ابوالقاسم گورابی*، موسی حسینی، منصور جعفربیگلو
    این پژوهش با هدف بررسی و ترسیم الگوهای پایداری/ ناپایداری برای منطقه تخت جمشید در دامنه زمانی 27 اکتبر 2016 تا 22 فوریه 2020 با استفاده از تداخل سنجی راداری انجام گرفت. برای آنالیز سری زمانی فرونشست رخ داده در منطقه از آنالیز سری زمانی پراکنشگر دائمی (PS-InSAR) استفاده شد. داده ها 180 تصویر SENTINEL-1 A بود که مدارهای صعودی و نزولی را پوشش می دهند. از این داده ها برای ارزیابی نرخ تغییر شکل زمین در سایت میراث باستان شناسی تخت جمشید استفاده شد. بدین منظور پدیده تغییر شکل زمین در منطقه تخت جمشید شناسایی و اندازه گیری شد. یافته ها نشان می دهد که فرونشست در محوطه تخت جمشید در طول دوره مشاهده (2020-2016) تقریبا پایدار بوده است (107/0- ≤ میلی متر / سال، میانگین 26 پراکنشگر دائمی (PS) در سایت). نرخ فرونشست تخمینی برای دوره 2020-2016، به دست آمده با استفاده از تداخل سنجی پراکنشگر دائمی (PSI) نشان داد که تغییر شکل مشاهده شده در سایت با بستر زمین شناسی و کاربری زمین مطابقت دارد و با سفره های زیرزمینی مرودشت که روی رسوبات کواترنر قرار دارند ارتباطی ندارد. این نتایج به درک بهتر پویایی فرونشست زمین در منطقه تخت جمشید کمک کرده و بر لزوم نظارت و مدیریت مستمر این محوطه باستانی ارزشمند تاکید می کند.
    کلید واژگان: تخت جمشید, فرونشست زمین, بهره برداری بی رویه از آب های زیرزمینی, حفاظت از میراث تاریخی, تداخل سنجی پراکنشگرهای دائمی
    Roghieh Nejad Hosseini, Ebrahim Moghimi, Abolghasem Gorabi *, Mousa Hosseini, Mansour Jafarbigloo
    The Persepolis World Heritage Site, located in the northern part of Fars Province, is one of Iran’s most significant historical landmarks, dating back to the Achaemenid period (300–560 BC). Studies have shown that the surrounding areas are experiencing land subsidence due to prolonged drought, dam construction, and excessive groundwater extraction. Therefore, this study aims to investigate and map the stability/instability patterns of Persepolis from October 27, 2016, to February 22, 2020, using radar interferometry. To analyze the time series of subsidence in the study area, we applied Persepolis Time Series Analysis (PS-InSAR). The analysis was based on 180 SENTINEL-1A images, covering both ascending and descending orbits, to assess the rate of land deformation at the Persepolis archaeological site. Specifically, we focused on the Takht-e Jamshid region, located on the southern slope of Mount Ko Rahmat, and identified and measured land deformation phenomena there. Our results show that Takht-e Jamshid has not experienced significant subsidence during the observation period (2016–2020), with an estimated rate of -5 to -10 mm per year. This study provides evidence that the observed deformation at the site is not related to the subsidence of the Marvdasht aquifers, which are underlain by Quaternary sediments. These findings contribute to a deeper understanding of land subsidence dynamics in the Takht-e Jamshid region and underscore the need for continued monitoring and management of this invaluable archaeological site.
    Keywords: Persepolis, Land Subsidence, Overexploitation Of Groundwater, Protection Of Historical Heritage, Scatterer Interferometry
  • محمد فتح الله زاده*، مجتبی یمانی، ابوالقاسم گورابی، مهران مقصودی، مهرنوش قدیمی

    مورفوتکتونیک، دانش کاربرد اصول ژئومورفیک در حل مسائل تکتونیکی است. رقابت مداوم بین فرآیندهای تکتونیکی که تمایل به ایجاد توپوگرافی دارند و فرآیندهای سطحی که تمایل به فرسایش و متلاشی کردن آنها دارند، اساس علم مورفوتکتونیک است. جلگه های ساحلی به دلیل عملکرد همزمان فعالیت های تکتونیکی بر دو محیط خشکی_آبی، دارای لندفرم ها و چشم اندازهای نوزمین ساختی قابل تمایزی هستند. مناطق ساحلی شمال ایران به دلیل تراکم بالای جمعیت و قابلیت رشد و توسعه اقتصادی و کشاورزی، از اهمیت بسیاری برخوردار است. یکی از روش های شناسایی و اندازه گیری تغییرات زمین استفاده از دورسنجی راداری است. اصول این تکنیک برای اولین بار توسط گراهام در سال 1974 بیان شد. در این پژوهش نوار ساحل شرقی دریای خزر از گمیشان تا جویبار از نظر فعالیت های تکتونیکی با استفاده از تکنیک های دورسنجی راداری در بازه زمانی 2014 تا 2021 مورد پایش قرار گرفت. اگرچه بازه زمانی انتخابی در مقیاس زمانی زمین شناسی کوچک محسوب می شود، اما شدت عملکرد فرایندهای تکتونیک در منطقه امکان تمایز مناطق فعال ساحلی را مشخص می کند. نتایج بدست آمده از تداخل سنجی راداری بیانگر آن است که بخش شرقی ساحل خزر بیشتر تحت تاثیر بالاآمدگی بوده و این روند تا خلیج گرگان ادامه دارد بطوری که محدوده شهر گرگان نرخ بالا آمدگی 20 تا 40 میلی متر در سال را تجربه کرده است. روند تغییرشکل به سمت ناحیه ساحلی معکوس شده و فرونشستی معادل 10 تا 52 میلی متر در سال را داشته است. با نزدیک شدن به کرانه خزر این نرخ کمتر شده و به 10 میلی متر در سال می رسد. با توجه به اینکه در نوار ساحلی خزر آب های سطحی فراوان بوده و بهره برداری از آب زیرزمینی در این مناطق بسیار اندک است، از این رو  با اطمینان بالایی می توان عامل رخداد بالاآمدگی و فروافتادگی (گمیشان) در این مناطق را به سازوکار تکتونیک و فعالیت گسل های فعال منطقه نسبت داد.

    کلید واژگان: مورفوتکتونیک, ساحل, جلگه خزر, تداخل سنجی راداری, ژئودینامیک
    Mohamad Fathollahzadeh *, Mojtaba Yamani, Abolghasem Goorabi, Mehran Maghsoudi, Mernoosh Ghadimi

    The landforms created by tectonic processes are studied by morphotectonics, in other words, morphotectonics is the science of applying geomorphic principles in solving tectonic problems. Quantitative landscape measurements are usually based on the calculation of geomorphic indices, using topographic maps, satellite images aerial photographs, and field visits. Coastal deltas are part of landforms and landscapes that, due to the proximity of two environments, land, and water, leave visible effects against tectonic activities, such as changing the pattern and location of deltas due to the change in the course of coastal rivers, the formation of unbalanced coastal terraces in parts of the coast, and the emergence of cut beaches in the form of seawalls.One of the methods of identifying and measuring land changes is using radar remote sensing. The principles of this technique were first described by Graham in 1974 (Pacheco et al., 2006). Interferometry using radar images with an artificial window or SAR is a precise method based on the use of at least two radar images of the same area, which measures the height displacement changes in wide areas and during different time intervals with a significant accuracy of millimeters (Dong et al., 2018).The coastal areas of northern Iran are of great importance due to the high population density and the ability to grow and develop economically and agriculturally, so monitoring geomorphic changes in the direction of sustainable development of these areas is particularly important.In this research, the eastern coast of the Caspian Sea from Gomishan to Joibar is investigated in terms of subsidence and uplift using radar remote sensing techniques to determine the active tectonic zones of the coast in terms of temporal and spatial changes.

    Materials and Methods

    The Eastern Caspian Plain is the border between the Caspian Sea and West Gorgan and includes the cities of Gomishan, Bandare Turkman, Bandare Gaz, Gulugah, Khazarabad, and Joybar. The absolute height of the Caspian Plain along the coastline is determined according to the sea level, based on the hydrographic data of the Baku station, since 1850, the Caspian sea level has varied between -25.4 and -29.4 (Abdolhi Kakrodi, 2012).The history of seismic activity in North Alborz shows that cities like Rasht, Lahijan, Amol, and Gorgan, have been destroyed many times due to destructive earthquakes (Aqhanbati, 2013). The Alborz fault is an active fault that is stretched in a clockwise direction in the southern Caspian basin.In this research, according to the desired goals and radar remote sensing techniques, a series of Sentinel-1 radar images with a suitable time and space difference (maximum 30 days and maximum 150 meters respectively) including 61 images in time from 2014 to 2021 were prepared and processed.


    The results obtained from the SBAS model indicate that the eastern part of the Caspian coast is more affected by the uplift and this trend continues up to Gorgan Bay. The Gorgan city has an uplift between 20 and 40 mm/year, which is reversed towards the coastal area, and subsidence of 10 to 52 mm/year occurs, which decreases as it approaches the coast and reaches 10 mm /year.

    Discussion and Conclusion

    According to the results obtained from radar interferometry, the eastern coast of the Caspian Sea is more affected by uplifting. The Gorgan city has an uplift between 20 and 40 mm/year, which is reversed towards the coastal area, and subsidence of 10 to 52 mm/year occurs, which decreases as it approaches the coast and reaches 10 mm/year.To verify the results obtained, the data of the Gorgan geodynamic station was used, which shows subsidence of about 90 to 100 mm in a 6-year period, which is consistent with the values obtained from radar interferometry Based on comments Shahpasandzadeh (2013) and the reports of Nazari et al (2021), active tectonics caused by the Caspian fault that indicates the horizontal geodynamic displacement diagram of Gorgan, the small area towards the north and east during this time, which is observed in the form of numerous branches with a thrust (reverse) mechanism and a right-slip component with a slope to the south in Golestan province.Considering that the main feature of the coast of the Caspian Sea is the Surface rivers and the use of groundwater is very little and also the extraction of gas, oil, and mining resources, which is another factor in the occurrence of land subsidence, does not exist in this area, and there isn’t also huge and heavy structure in the study area that affects the subsidence of the surface; so displacement in the study area is the result of active tectonics.

    Keywords: Morphotectonics, Coast, Caspian Plain, Radar Interferometry, Geodynamics
  • ابوالقاسم گورابی*
    آتش سوزی ها یکی از مهم ترین چالش های زیست محیطی ایران به شمار می روند. این پژوهش با هدف شناسایی استان های پرخطر و دوره های بحرانی وقوع آتش سوزی ها به تحلیل الگوهای مکانی و زمانی آتش سوزی ها طی دوره 1382 تا 1402 در ایران، با استفاده از داده های ماهواره ای پرداخته است. هدف نهایی این تحقیق، بهبود مدیریت آتش سوزی ها با ارائه مکان استقرار بهینه ایستگاه های آتش نشانی در استان های پرخطر است. پژوهش از سری زمانی داده های ماهواره ای و پلتفرم Google Earth Engine و GIS، و مدل سازی رگرسیونی چند متغیره و برآورد چگالی کرنل (KDE) جهت شناسایی عوامل محیطی موثر و مناطق پرتکرار و دوره های بحرانی وقوع آتش سوزی استفاده کرده است. یافته ها نشان می دهند که در طول دوره 20ساله، مجموعا 955600 کیلومترمربع از اراضی ایران دچار آتش سوزی شده اند. بیشترین مساحت سوخته شده در سال 1389 به میزان 7722 کیلومترمربع و کمترین آن در سال 1401 به میزان 3031 کیلومترمربع ثبت شده است. همبستگی بین بارش ماهانه و مساحت سوخته شده معادل 0٫24- محاسبه شد که نشان دهنده رابطه معکوس بین افزایش بارندگی و کاهش آتش سوزی ها است. استان های خوزستان(25000 کیلومترمربع)، فارس و ایلام با بیشترین مساحت سوخته شده را طی این دوره تجربه کرده اند و محل بهینه برای استقرار ایستگاه های آتش نشانی هستند. همچنین، فصل تابستان، به ویژه در سال های 1389 و 1386، بیشترین تعداد و مساحت آتش سوزی ها را داشته است. این پژوهش با شناسایی الگوهای مکانی و زمانی، محل بهینه استقرار ایستگاه های آتش نشانی در مناطق استان های مذکور را پیشنهاد می دهد.
    کلید واژگان: آتش سوزی, تحلیل مکانی-زمانی, داده های ماهواره ای مادیس, مدیریت منابع طبیعی, ایران
    Abolghasem Goorabi *
    Wildfires represent a critical environmental challenge in Iran, posing severe threats to natural resources and ecosystems. This study aims to analyze the spatiotemporal patterns of wildfires across Iran from 2003 to 2023, leveraging satellite data to identify high-risk provinces and critical periods. The findings contribute to recommendations for optimal fire station placement. The methodology integrates time-series satellite data, spatiotemporal analyses using Google Earth Engine and GIS, and multivariate regression modeling with kernel density estimation to identify influential environmental factors and areas with frequent fires. Results reveal that out of a total burned area of 95,600 square kilometers, the largest burned area was recorded in 2010 (7,722 km²) and the smallest in 2022 (3,031 km²). A negative correlation of -0.24 between monthly precipitation and burned area suggests that increased rainfall is associated with reduced wildfire incidence. The provinces of Khuzestan, Fars, and Ilam recorded the highest burned areas, with Khuzestan alone experiencing over 25,000 km² of burned terrain. Summer, particularly in the years 2010 and 2007, marked peak fire occurrence and extent. By accurately identifying spatiotemporal patterns, this study provides critical insights for targeted placement of fire stations and effective wildfire management in high-risk regions.
    Extended Abstract
    Wildfires are a major threat to environmental, economic and social stability in many parts of the world. Over time, the frequency and intensity of wildfires are increasing due to climate change, human activities and other natural factors. Iran is a country with diverse ecosystems and climatic conditions. The frequency of wildfires in Iran has also increased in recent decades. Understanding the spatio-temporal patterns of fires is important for developing effective techniques and strategies with minimal negative impacts. In this paper, the spatial distribution of wildfires in Iran between 2003 and 2023 has been studied using MODIS satellite data in high-risk periods and regions where environmental protection can be envisaged by optimising resource allocation.
    In the light of the above discussion, the general objectives of the present research would henceforth be: 

    The spatio-temporal analysis of forest fires in Iran for the last twenty years.
    To identify provinces with high risk of forest fires where management and resources could be focused.
    To identify high-risk seasons and periods when forest fires are most likely to occur.
    Provide actionable programme recommendations: Develop and organise preventive measures to reduce the impact of forest fires.

    This study has developed a method that combines satellite data analysis, geographic information system techniques and statistical methods to analyse the patterns of wildfires in Iran. The main dataset used in this study is from MODIS/006/MCD64A1, a globally recognised dataset for high-resolution global burned area information. The period considered in this paper is from 2003 to 2023; therefore, it includes all fire events recorded in this period as documented by the MODIS data.
    Data Collection
    Of these, the MODIS Burned Area Product MCD64A1 was selected because it has a very high spatial resolution of 500 metres and is frequently updated, making it suitable for monitoring wildfires over a long period of time. The subsequent extraction of burned areas per Iranian province was made possible by the cloud-based Google Earth Engine platform, which streamlines the way users can process and analyse large geospatial datasets.
    Data Analysis and Processing
    A combination of Google Earth Engine was used to analyse the extent, frequency and severity of wildfires in different provinces of Iran. Seasonal and annual totals were used to aggregate the data to identify patterns of occurrence. A spatio-temporal map showing the spatial occurrence of wildfires was created, from which hotspots were derived. Overlaying the burned area data with environmental and climatic variables using GIS techniques, such as vegetation type, elevation, slope, aspect, geographical units, mean temperature and rainfall, provided an indication of the conditions most associated with each land type.
    Results and Discussion
    Spatial Distribution of the Fires
    There were strong spatial contrasts in the frequency of wildfires between Iranian provinces. Khuzestan, Fars and Ilam were identified as the most fire-prone regions, as their large burnt areas occurred consistently throughout the two decades studied, due to arid climatic conditions, better vegetation cover and a high frequency of wildfire incidents.
    The low threat in Yazd, Qom and Semnan provinces can be explained by the large area of arid environment and sparse vegetation.
    Distribution across time and seasonality
    The temporal analysis highlighted the strong seasonality of forest fires, dominated by the summer months with high temperatures and low humidity. Spring events may be related to the accumulation of dry vegetation and the rise in temperature from March to May. Among the seasonal patterns, the lowest level of activity occurred in winter, from December to February, due to generally cooler and wetter conditions that neutralised the fire hazard.
    Places and Time-Rime of High Risk
    It is this integration of spatial and temporal analysis that has made it possible to outline high-risk areas and critical periods for fires in Iran. Regionally, the most vulnerable parts of the country included the south-western and western provinces of Khuzestan, Fars and Ilam respectively, essentially defining the areas where wildland fire management needs to be prioritised.
    Within these regions, late spring and summer have been identified as the period when conditions are most conducive to fire outbreaks.
    Factors of Wildfire Risk
    The result of this study indicated that climatic and environmental factors are dominant in describing fire hazard patterns in Iran. High temperatures with low humidity and abundant vegetation are the causes of the main factors of fire hazards. This factor is influenced by human activities, especially land clearing and agricultural fields, and unintentional fires.
    All these natural factors interact with others of anthropogenic origin and therefore require a holistic approach to dealing with wildland fires, both in terms of prevention and response.
    Consequences for Wildfire Management
    The method also makes it possible to identify high-risk areas and critical periods, which is very important for policy makers and land managers. If resources were directed to these specific areas and times, it is likely that better wildfire prevention and control could be achieved. The establishment of firefighting units, early warning systems and community involvement in high-risk provinces can avert most of these influences on wildfires.
    The integration of traditional fire management with modern remote sensing and GIS technologies could help to increase the effectiveness of such an attempt to manage wildfires.
    Based on the findings of this research study, the following recommendations are made to improve the management of wildfires in Iran:
    Focus on high-risk provinces: Concentrate efforts and resources on the high-risk southwestern and western provinces. Increase the number of fire stations, firefighting equipment and regular training of personnel to improve preparedness and response capabilities.
    Seasonal fire monitoring and early warning: Apply seasonal monitoring, supported by satellite data analysis, to detect early signs of fire activity. For early detection of fire risks, establish an early warning system to alert authorities and people in advance to take necessary precautions in time.
    Public awareness and participation: Educate the public about forest fires through community awareness to prevent the recurrence of fires. Educational campaigns such as safe agricultural practices, responsible land use and prompt reporting of fire incidents will be emphasised. Local communities, if involved in fire management plans, would feel more responsible and cooperative in protecting natural resources.
    Policy and legislation: Develop and implement policies and legislation on wildfire prevention, land management and fire management. Activities that increase the risk of wildfires, such as land clearing and uncontrolled burning, should be controlled. Increased penalties for unlawful acts that cause fires could act as a deterrent to certain behaviours, with better compliance with prescribed fire safety regulations.
    Research and development: There is a need to further develop the models used to predict wildland fires, including an understanding of the new dynamics of fire behaviour brought about by climate change. International organisations, government agencies and research institutions increase the likelihood of innovative solutions to wildland fires.

    The wildfire distribution analysis developed here for Iran indicates the high-risk regions and their critical management periods. As fire risks are spatially and temporally distributed, the results will be very important for targeted wildfire management strategies. The result will be an overall capability for Iran to prioritise high-risk areas, develop early warning systems and engage local communities in ways that will ensure maximum fire prevention and control capability for Iran, while better protecting its natural resources and significantly reducing the socio-economic impacts of such destructive events.
    It is this integration of advanced satellite remote sensing and GIS technologies that would be fundamental in achieving the stated goals and objectives of moving towards fire management practices that create harmony, resilience and sustainability.
    There is no funding support.
    Authors’ Contribution
    All of the authors approved thecontent of the manuscript and agreed on all aspects of the work.
    Conflict of Interest
    Authors declared no conflict of interest.
    We are grateful to all the scientific consultants of this paper.
    Keywords: Spatiotemporal Pattern, MODIS Satellite, Iran, Analysis Of Burned Area, Fire Management Strategies
  • مجتبی یمانی*، ابوالقاسم گورابی، شیرین محمدخان، سید جواد حسینی

    استقرار رژیم تنشی معاصر در هر منطقه، نو زمین ساخت آن منطقه محسوب می شود. بررسی مورفولوژی حوضه ها با کمک نمایه های مختلف یکی از روش های برآورد وضعیت نوزمین ساخت آن منطقه می باشد که در دو دهه اخیر موردتوجه محققان بوده است. هدف این پژوهش، بررسی رابطه نو زمین ساخت و شکل حوضه های زنجان رود و مقایسه آن ها می باشد. زمین شناسی، توپوگرافی، لایه رقومی ارتفاع (DEM) دادهای پژوهش و نرم افزارهای GIS، WMS و Microsoft Ecxel نیز ابزارهای مفهومی پژوهش را تشکیل داده اند. نتایج نشان می دهد که بر اساس نمایه شکل حوضه (Bs)، 8 زیر حوضه با بالاترین ارقام در پهنه شمال غربی حوضه قرار داشته و حاکی از بالاترین سطح دخالت نوزمین ساخت این بخش از حوضه اصلی می باشد. قرار گرفتن 5 زیر حوضه با نمایه بالاتر از 4 در پهنه شمال غرب نیز می تواند تقویت کننده این فرضیه باشد. زیرا سطح فعالیت نوزمین ساختی در نیمه غربی نسبت به نیمه شرقی حوضه بالاتر است. این نتایج با پراکنش گسل های فعال منطقه نیز همخوانی دارد. در این میان، 18زیرحوضه با سطح پویایی پایین، در نیمه جنوب شرقی حوضه فراوانی بیشتری دارند. همچنین تحلیل ها نشان داد که ضلع جنوب شرقی ازنظر پویایی و دخالت زمین ساخت فعال در رده سوم قرار داشته و درنهایت ضلع شمال شرقی دارای پایین ترین سطح فعالیت نو زمین ساختی است. این پژوهش برای نخستین بار تمامی زیرحوضه-های زنجان رود را از منظر نو زمین ساخت و شکل حوضه ها موردبررسی قرار داده و مشخص کرد که شکل زیرحوضه ها در پهنه شمال غرب حوضه زنجان رود بیشتر متاثر از زمین ساخت بوده و از طرفی نمایه های مختلف همبستگی بالایی نداشته و به طور مجزا نتایج بهتری نشان می دهند.

    نتایج و بحث:

    در راستای اهداف تعیین شده برای مطالعه حاضر، ابتدا شکل زیرحوضه های موردمطالعه با استفاده از نمایه های مختلف کمی سازی شد. سپس وضعیت ظاهری زیرحوضه ها با استفاده از نمایه های مختلف شکل حوضه ارزیابی و در ادامه نمایه های مختلف شکل حوضه از نظر همخوانی در نتایج مربوط به زمین ساخت بررسی شدند. درنهایت نیز نو زمین ساخت زیرحوضه ها با بهره گیری از نتایج نمایه های شکل حوضه و اطلاعات مربوط به گسل های منطقه برآورد شده است. طبق ارقام به دست آمده نمایه ها، زیر حوضه کزبر دارای بیشترین حد کشیدگی است که به همراه 7 زیر حوضه با کشیدگی بسیار بالا در نیمه غربی حوضه زنجان رود تجمع یافته اند. از میان 18 زیر حوضه با نمایه شکل 2 تا 3، فراوانی زیرحوضه های این رده از نمایه شکل در نیمه جنوب شرقی حوضه بیشتر است. از تعداد 8 زیر حوضه با نمایه شکل کمتر از 2 در نیمه شرقی حوضه زنجان رود 1 زیر حوضه در پهنه شمالی و 7 زیر حوضه در پهنه جنوبی حوضه قرار دارند که در نیمه جنوب شرقی متمرکز شده اند. زیر حوضه موسوم به بالادست به دلیل پوشش سرشاخه های حوضه در مقیاس وسیع و نامتداول بودن شکل و در نتیجه قابل قیاس نبودن آن با سایر زیرحوضه ها، در طبقه بندی لحاظ نشده است.

    نتیجه گیری

    نتیجه حاصل از طبقه بندی نمایه ها نشان داد که تمرکز زیرحوضه های با کشیدگی و در نتیجه با تحرک نوزمین ساختی بالا در محدوده شمال غربی حوضه زنجان رود و به ویژه در پهنه شمالی این قسمت از حوضه است. این یافته تحقیق با آخرین نقشه تهیه شده از گسل های فعال منطقه همخوانی دارد که در آن تمرکز گسل های فرعی (ازجمله گسل سهرین، گسل قره چریان و گسل کناوند) در قسمت شمال غربی حوضه می باشد. طبق نتایج به دست آمده از بررسی شکل حوضه ها، ضلع جنوب غربی حوضه زنجان رود دارای سطح متوسط فعالیت نو زمین ساخت است که این یافته در کنار نتایج مربوط به قسمت شمال غربی می تواند تقویت کننده فرضیه فعال تر بودن نیمه غربی حوضه زنجان رود نسبت به نیمه شرقی آن باشد. ضلع جنوب شرقی حوضه نیز دارای سطح تحرک زمین ساختی متوسط بوده و نسبت به پهنه شمال شرقی حوضه تحرک نوزمین ساختی بالاتری دارد. همان طور که پژوهش های پیشین نیز نشان داده اند گسل های متعددی در مورفولوژی منطقه دخیل هستند.

    کلید واژگان: زنجان رود, زیر حوضه, نمایه شکل, نو زمین ساخت
    Mojtaba Yamani *, Abolghasem Gorabi, Shirin Mohammadkhan, Seyyed Javad Hosseini

    Rivers are very sensitive to changes in discharge and sediment load as well as tectonic forces. Many of the changes that occur over time in the morphology of the channel can be related to the mentioned changes. Morphometric analysis is the first step understanding the basin dynamic activity. Combined variables and indicators can be effective in identifying the complications and surface landform of river channels and show their temporal and spatial changes. In addition, in addition, geomorphological indices (Morphotectonic indices) are considered to be very useful methods in evaluating and recognizing tectonic activities and can provide quantitative results and quantitative description of morphometric features in The basin scale can be used to explain the structural controls, geological history and geomorphology and processes of its drainage network. In addition, the morphometric parameters of the basin play an important role in the hydrological processes governing the basin because it largely determines their hydrological response.

    Materials and Methods

    Zanjanrud is the main river basin completely limited to the area of ​​Zanjan province. The river originates from the heights of Soltanieh in the east and flows to the northwest and finally in the west of Rajein village it joins Qizil-Uzen. Regard to the objectives of the research, first, using the DEM of the basin (ASTER-DEM: 30m), the extractable sub-basins was identified in the WMS software environment. In this step the number of 107 sub-basins could be separated, of which 52 sub-basins were selected based on the minimum area of approx. 20 Km2 for the evaluation and analysis of shape indices and tectonic. These sub-basins were named according to the outstanding settlement inside them. After determining the shape indices and estimating and comparing the state of neotectonic of the sub-basins, a field survey was conducted to closely examine and validate the findings.

    Results and Discussion

    At the first, the shape of the studied sub-basins was quantified using different indices. Then, the morphology of the sub-basins was evaluated using different shape indices and then the different indices were checked in terms of correlation in terms of the results related to tectonic activity. Finally, the neotectonic of the sub-basins has been estimated using the results of the shape indices and the data related to the faults. The results show that the Kazbar sub-basin is most elongated sub-basin, which together with 7 sub-basins with very high elongation rate are located in the western half of the Zanjanrud basin.The frequency of sub-basins with the shape index 2 to 3 is in the SE half of the basin. Out of the 8 sub-basins with shape index less than 2 in the eastern half of Zanjanrud basin, 1 sub-basin is located in the northern part and 7 sub-basins are located in the southern part of the basin, which can be seen in the SE half. The upstream sub-basin is not included in the classification due to the unusual shape that cannot be compared with other sub-basins.


    The results of classification of the indices shows that the accumulation of sub-basins with high rate of elongation and as a result with high neotectonic activity is in the NW part of Zanjanrud basin and especially in the northern side of this part.Out of the 51 sub-basins, the concentration of 8 sub-basins with mean index of higher than 5 and a total of 16 sub-basins with an average shape index higher than 3.5, indicates the highest level of neotectonic mobility in this part of the basin. This finding is consistent withthe region's latest map of active faults, in which the frequency of faults (including the Sohrein fault, the Qaracherian fault and the Kenavand fault) is in the NW part of the basin.According to the study results of the shape of the sub-basins, the SW side of the Zanjanrud basin has an average level of neotectonic activity. This finding, along with the results related to the NW part, can strengthen the hypothesis that the western half of the basin is more active than its eastern half. The neotectonic mobility in SE side of the basin is moderate and is higher than NE part of the basin. As previous studies have shown, many faults are involved in the morphology of the region.

    Keywords: Zanjanrud, Sub-Basin, Shape Index, Neotectonic
  • علی عبدی نژاد، مجتبی یمانی، جعفر حسن پور*، ابوالقاسم گورابی، مصطفی کریمی احمد آباد

    در این مطالعه، به بررسی پتانسیل وقوع زمین لغزش های کم عمق ناشی از بارندگی در حوضه آبریز سجادرود پرداخته شده است. در این حوضه به دلیل توپوگرافی کوهستانی (شیب تند دامنه ها) و وجود خاک های حاوی مواد آلی به صورت طبیعی پتانسیل رخداد اینگونه زمین لغزش های ناشی از بارندگی زیاد است و سالانه زمین لغزش هایی با ابعاد مختلف بعد از وقوع بارندگی های شدید و طولانی مدت در آن رخ می دهد. این زمین لغزش ها که با مکانیسم لغزش در بخش های بالایی پوشش خاک آغاز می شوند، بلافاصله تبدیل به جریان های گلی-واریزه ای شده و از به هم پیوستن آنها ممکن است جریان های واریزه ای-گلی بزرگ در پایین دست حوضه شکل بگیرد که پدیده ای مخرب محسوب می شود. در این پژوهش، برای بررسی تاثیر بارندگی بر وقوع زمین لغزش های کم عمق و جریان های واریزه ای-گلی از برنامه تریگرز (TRIGRS) که برنامه ای نسبتا جامع و مبتنی بر شبکه برای تحلیل پایداری شیب به روش شیب بی نهایت (در مقیاس ناحیه ای) است، استفاده شده است. در این برنامه اثر نفوذ آب باران در خاک و رواناب ناشی از بارندگی که پارامترهایی مهم در ایجاد زمین لغزش های کم عمق و متعاقب آن جریان های واریزه ای-گلی هستند نیز به طور کامل در نظر گرفته می شود و این پدیده طبیعی به طور کامل شبیه سازی می گردد. داده های ورودی مورد نیاز برای این پژوهش شامل داده های توپوگرافی حوضه، ویژگی های زمین شناسی، زمین شناسی مهندسی و هیدروژیولوژیکی واحدهای خاکی (زون های زمین شناسی) و داده های مربوط به بارش در منطقه است که از منابع مختلف تهیه و در قالب فایل های متنی و نقشه های GIS مناسب مرتب سازی شده و مورد استفاده قرار گرفته اند. خروجی برنامه تریگرز شامل نقشه های توزیع مکانی حداقل ضریب ایمنی پایداری، عمق وقوع لغزش و فشار آب منفذی در عمق وقوع لغزش هستند که در قالب فایل های متنی تهیه و بعد از ترسیم در نرم افزارهای مبتنی بر GIS قابل تفسیر هستند. نتایج این مطالعه نشان داد که در بخش های مرتفع و پرشیب حوضه هرجا که خاک هایی با سنگ بستر از جنس سنگ های غنی از کانی های رسی (مثل گلسنگ، مارن و شیل) گسترش بیشتری دارند، پتانسیل رخداد لغزش های کم عمق ناشی از بارندگی بالاست و با وقوع بارندگی های با شدت بالا و مدت طولانی، این نوع زمین لغزش ها رخ خواهند داد که در صورت نزدیکی به سکونتگاه ها و جاده ها می توانند ریسک بالایی برای آنها داشته باشند. در بررسی های صحرایی صورت گرفته، همخوانی خوبی میان نتایج این مطالعه با تجربیات حاصل از مشاهدات صحرایی زمین لغزش های ناشی از بارندگی در منطقه از نظر توزیع مکانی و زمان وقوع آنها به دست آمد.

    کلید واژگان: زمین لغزش کم عمق, فشار آب منفذی, زمین لغزش ناشی از بارندگی
    Ali Abdinezhad, Mojtaba Yamani, Jafar Hassanpour*, Abolghasem Goorabi, Mostafa Karimi Ahmadabad

    In this study, the occurrence potential of rainfall-induced shallow landslides in the Babolrood basin has been investigated. In this basin, due to the mountainous topography and the presence of loose organic soils, the potential of such landslides is high, and landslides of different sizes occur every year after long and intense rainfalls. These landslides, which start with the sliding mechanism in the upper parts of the soil cover, immediately turn into earth/debris flows, and from their joining together, large flows may form downstream of the basin, which is considered a destructive phenomenon. In this research, to investigate the effect of rainfall on the occurrence of shallow landslides and flows, the TRIGRS program, which is a comprehensive and grid-based program for slope stability analysis using the infinite slope method, has been used. In this program, the effect of rainwater penetration into the soil and runoff caused by rainfall, which are important parameters in the occurrence of shallow landslides and subsequent flows, are also fully considered and this natural phenomenon is fully simulated. The input data required for this research includes topographical data of the basin, geological and hydrogeological properties of soil units, and rainfall data in the region, which are prepared in the form of appropriate text files and GIS maps. The output of the Triggers program includes maps of the spatial distribution of the minimum safety factor, the depth of the failure, and the pore water pressure at the failure depth, which are prepared in the form of text files and can be interpreted in GIS-based software. The results of this study showed that in the high and steep parts of the basin, wherever there are soils on a bedrock rich in clay minerals (such as mudstone, marl, and shale), the potential for shallow rainfall-induced landslides is high. In the field studies, a good agreement between the results of this study and the experiences obtained from field observations of landslides caused by rainfall in the region was obtained in terms of their spatial distribution and time of occurrence.

    Keywords: Shallow landslide, Pore pressure, Rainfall-induced landslide
  • علی عبدی نژاد، مجتبی یمانی*، جعفر حسن پور، ابوالقاسم گورابی، مصطفی کریمی احمد آباد

    زمین لغزش بعد از سیل و زلزله یکی از مهم ترین مخاطره های طبیعی در جهان است که سالانه باعث خسارات جانی و مالی قابل توجهی می شود. منطقه سوادکوه در دامنه های شمالی البرز متاثر از عوامل اقلیمی، ژیومورفولوژیکی، زمین شناسی، هیدرولوژیکی و انسانی - بیولوژیکی مستعد بروز زمین لغزش بوده است. هدف از این تحقیق، تحلیل خطر زمین لغزش برای شناسایی محدودیت های توسعه کالبدی سکونتگاه های روستایی در منطقه سوادکوه مازندران است. به این منظور، ابتدا بر اساس سوابق، مشاهدات میدانی، تصاویر ماهواره ای و...، بالغ بر 319 زمین لغزش تدقیق و شناسایی شد. با بررسی و تحلیل عوامل طبیعی و انسانی موثر بر زمین لغزش شد بارش در وقوع بیش از 180 زمین لغزش نقش کلیدی و محوری درمنطقه داشته است. دراین پژوهش، برای پهنه بندی خطر زمین لغزش منطقه از مدل مارکوس (MARCOS) بعنوان یکی از روش های جدید تصمیم گیری چند معیاره استفاده شد، که با استفاده از نرم افزار GIS با تلفیق لایه‏ های شیب، جهت‏ شیب، سنگ شناسی، کاربری‏ اراضی، فاصله از جاده، رودخانه و گسل، بارش و زلزله نقشه پهنه‏بندی خطر زمین لغزش منطقه در پنج کلاس خیلی‏کم، کم، متوسط، زیاد و خیلی‏زیاد تهیه شد. خروجی مدل نشان می دهد که بیش از 63 درصد سطح منطقه و 146 روستا در پهنه های با خطر زمین لغزش متوسط تا خیلی‏زیاد قرارگرفته ‏اند که عمدتا در ارتفاع کمتر از 2000 متر، شیبهای 20 تا 30 درجه، بستر سنگ های غنی از کانی های رسی (سازند شمشک، سازند سری قاره ای، رسوبات آبرفتی کواترنرو...) و در فاصله 100 متری جاده ها و رودخانه ها گسترش دارند. اعتبارسنجی مدل مذکور به روش نسبت تراکمی نشان داد که میزان دقت مدل مارکوس 1/89 درصد است که بیانگر دقت خیلی‏خوب روش مذکور است که وقوع 283 زمین لغزش در پهنه های با خطر متوسط تا خیلی ‏زیاد و وقوع 38 زمین لغزش در بافت کالبدی روستاها و 137 زمین لغزش به فاصله 300 متری بافت روستاها در پهنه‏ه ای مذکور، نشان از همخوانی بسیار خوب نتایج این مطالعه با تجربیات حاصل از مشاهدات میدانی و مطالعات ژیوتکنیک و ژیوفیزیک انجام گرفته در منطقه است. از نتایج حاصل می توان در تهیه طرح های توسعه و عمران (جامع) ناحیه ای، طرح های پیشرفت و آبادانی منظومه های روستایی و طرح های هادی روستایی برای شناسایی سکونتگاه های روستایی در معرض زمین لغزش و همچنین شناسایی قابلیتها و محدودیت های توسعه کالبدی سکونتگاه های روستایی استفاده کرد.

    کلید واژگان: خطر زمین لغزش, مدل مارکوس, سکونتگاه های روستایی, طرح هادی روستایی
    Ali Abdinezhad, Mojtaba Yamanni*, Jafar Hassanpour, Abolghasem Goorabi, Mostafa Karimi Ahmadabad

    Landslides after floods and earthquakes are one of the most important natural hazards in the world, which cause many human and financial losses every year. Swadkoh region in the northern slopes of Alborz has been prone to landslides due to climatic, geomorphological, geological, hydrological and human-biological factors. The purpose of this research is to analyze the risk of landslides to identify the physical development limits of rural settlements in Swadkoh area of Mazandaran. In this regard, first, based on field observations and using satellite images, more than 319 old and new landslides were verified and identified. Then the factors affecting landslides including slope, direction of slope, lithology, land use, distance from road, distance from river, distance from fault, rainfall and earthquake were analyzed and determined by matching the date of occurrence of landslides with the time of rainfall. that rainfall has played a key role in the occurrence of more than 180 landslides in the region. In this research, the MARCOS model was used to prepare a landslide risk zoning map, which is one of the new multi-criteria decision-making methods, which uses GIS software to map the landslide risk of the region in five classes: very low, low, medium, A lot, a lot was prepared. The output of the model shows that more than 63% of the region is located in areas with moderate to high landslide risk, which are mainly at an altitude of less than 2000 meters, lands with a slope of 20 to 30 degrees, in the bed of rocks rich in clay minerals (Shemshak Formation, Seri Continental Formation, Same width as Qom Formation and Quaternary alluvial sediments) are 100 meters away from roads and rivers. Also, more than 146 villages are located in areas with moderate to high landslide risk, and the occurrence of 38 landslides in the context of villages and 137 landslides at a distance of 300 meters from the legal boundary of the villages indicates the high accuracy of the mentioned model; Validation of the model using the density ratio method showed that the accuracy of the Marcus model is 89.1%, which indicates the very good accuracy of the mentioned method, that the occurrence of 283 landslides in areas with medium to high risk shows a relatively good agreement between the results of this study and the experiences obtained from field observations. and geotechnical and geophysical studies conducted in the region. The results can be used in the preparation of city master plans, sustainable development plans of rural systems and rural leader plans to identify  rural habitations exposed to landslides or to identify the limits of physical development of  rural habitations.

    Keywords: Landslide risk, Marcus model, Rural habitats, Hadi rural plan
  • حمید گنجائیان، مجتبی یمانی*، ابوالقاسم گورابی، مهران مقصودی

    امروزه مخاطرات ناشی از جابجایی زمین نقش اساسی در مدیریت محیط طبیعی و جوامع انسانی دارد. تحقیق حاضر با استفاده از روش تداخل سنجی راداری به ارزیابی میزان جابجایی عمودی زمین در یکی از مهم ترین دشت های ایران (کرمانشاه) و تاثیر زلزله بزرگ 21/08/1396 ازگله پرداخته است. در این راستا از تصاویر سنتینل-1 مربوط به سه بازه زمانی 24/11/2016 تا 07/11/2017 (قبل از زلزله) و 07/11/2017 تا 19/11/2017 (قبل و بعد از زلزله) و همچنین 24/11/2016 تا 19/11/2017 (بعد از زلزله) استفاده شده اند. در این تحقیق ابتدا میزان جابجایی بازه زمانی اول با استفاده از روش سری زمانی SBAS (13 تصویر) محاسبه شده است. سپس با استفاده از 2 تصویر قبل و بعد از زلزله، میزان تغییرات ناشی از زلزله ارزیابی شده است و در نهایت با استفاده از روش سری زمانی SBAS (14 تصویر) میزان تغییرات بازه زمانی سوم محاسبه شده است. نتایج ارزیابی ها بیانگر است که محدوده مطالعاتی در بازه زمانی اول بین 107+ تا 40- میلی متر، در بازه زمانی دوم (قبل و بعد از زلزله) بین 22+ تا 46- میلی متر و در بازه زمانی سوم بین 102+ تا 33- جابجایی داشته است. با توجه به میزان بالاآمدگی قابل توجه محدوده مطالعاتی در طی دوره زمانی مورد مطالعه، پیشنهاد می گردد که در بررسی میزان جابجایی عمودی هر منطقه باید نقش عوامل تکتونیکی، از جمله زلزله ها را مورد توجه قرار دارد.

    کلید واژگان: دشت کرمانشاه, تداخل سنجی راداری, نوزمینساخت, زلزله ازگله, SBAS
    Hamid Ganjaeian, Mojtaba Yamani *, Abolghasem Goorabi, Mehran Maghsoudi

    The shape of the earth changes over time and these changes can be periodic or non-periodic. Land deformation may be related to tectonic processes such as earthquakes, faults, volcanoes, landslides, and anthropogenic processes such as mine activity and groundwater exploitation. Subsidence and uplift is one of the most important changes in the shape of the earth. Which is directly related to the tectonic status of the areas. Which is directly related to the tectonic status of the areas. The land of Iran as part of the active alpine-Himalayan tectonic zone has been affected by numerous tectonic activities over time, with the emergence of the Zagros-Makran and Alborz-Kope-Dagh mountains in the Iranian plateau due to the Arabian-Indian Plateau drifting from the landforms resulting from this convergence. Kermanshah plain is also active in tectonic terms due to its location in folded Zagros, therefore it has a lot of potential for the displacement of the Earth's surface. Today, the calculation of ground-level displacements using radar interference technology includes unique capabilities in terms of dimensions, cost, time and accuracy compared to other measurement techniques. Accordingly, in the present study, radar interferometry method was used to assess the amount of subsidence and uplift of Kermanshah Plain and the correlation of this displacement with the earthquake in Kermanshah on 21/08/1396.

    Materials and Methods

    Nowadays, calculation of displacements occurring on the surface using radar interferometry technology has unique capabilities in terms of size, cost, time and accuracy compared to other measurement techniques. Therefore, in the present study, using radar interferometry method and SBAS time series, the vertical displacement rate of Kermanshah plain and its relationship with 7.3 earthquake of Kermanshah Ezgele have been investigated. In this study, the displacement rate was calculated for three periods:-the first time in the history of 11.24.2016 to 11.07.2017 and includes 13 image Sentinel 1.Second period is from the date of 07/11/2017 to 11/19/2017 (before and after the earthquake). The third time frame selected to assess the impact of the earthquake on the process of changes and calculations for different purposes is from 24/11/2016 to 19/11/2017 (including 2 images).

    Discussion and results

    The results show that the Kermanshah herd earthquake has a direct role in the vertical displacement of Kermanshah plain. The result of calculating the vertical displacement in the first period indicates that the northwest and southeast areas of Kermanshah urban area have subsided and the northeast and southwest elevations have been elevated, but this trend has changed due to the earthquake of the Ezgele, So that the earthquake of the Ezgele has increased many parts of the study area, especially its southern regions, and has also subsided in the northeast areas of the study area, so the results in the third time period have been very variable, It is concluded that the Kermanshah northeast highlands, which had been uplifted during the first period, were associated with a subsidence due to the Kermanshah herd earthquake. Also the southeastern areas of Kermanshah urban area which had subsided in the first period, Due to the direct impact of the earthquake from the Ezgele, it has been experiencing an uplift in the third period. Therefore, it can be said that the earthquake of the Ezgele, while changing the vertical displacement process of Kermanshah plain, can affect the results of different calculations in this regard.


    In this research, in order to investigate the factors affecting this displacement, three time intervals were used to evaluate the vertical displacement of the area. The results indicate that the range of studies ranged from +107 to -40 mm. Given that the amount of positive displacement (uplift) was higher than the negative displacement (subsidence) and also the tectonic factors, the main cause of the displacement can be attributed to the tectonic factors, however, other factors such as groundwater depletion can affect the rate of subsidence in the northwest and southeast of Kermanshah urban area. Evaluation results in the second time period indicate that the study area had a vertical displacement of between +22 to -46 mm during the 12 day period before and after the earthquake, which could be attributed to the short-term period. Directly attributed to the earthquake of the Ezgele. The third study period also had a range of displacements of +102 to +33 mm, but the important and significant point in this period was the impact of the earthquake of the herd on the extent and trend of displacement in the study area. In fact, the results show that in the first period, the northwest and southeast areas of Kermanshah metropolitan area have subsided and the northeast and southwest areas have risen, while the northeast Kermanshah highlands have subsided. The first time has been uplift, during this period has been associated with subsidence due to the Kermanshah Ezgele earthquake. Also, the south-eastern areas of Kermanshah metropolitan area which had subsided in the first period, due to the direct impact of the earthquake from the Ezgele, in the third period has been rising. Therefore, it can be said that the earthquake in Kermanshah plain, while changing the vertical displacement process, can affect the results of different calculations in this regard.

    Keywords: Kermanshah Plain, Nontectonic, Ezgeleh earthquake, SBAS
  • فاطمه کیارستمی*، مجتبی یمانی، ابوالقاسم گورابی، سید محمد زمانزاده، محمدرضا قاسمی

    پوسته زمین بر اثر عوامل زمین ساختی و حرکات فشارشی و کششی حاصل از آن به طور مداوم در حال تغییر و تحول است. تغییر در شکل نیمرخ طولی رودخانه ها یکی از پیامدهای تاثیرات زمین ساخت فعال بر شبکه های آبراهه ای است. در این پژوهش هدف اصلی بررسی تاثیر زمین ساخت فعال در قالب حرکات امتدادلغز و ترافشارشی گسل دامغان بر روی ساختار مورفولوژیکی ارتفاعات سیاه کوه در شمال دامغان است. بدین منظور با استفاده از اطلاعات ارتفاعی نقشه رقومی ارتفاع 5/12 متر راداری و با استفاده از الگوریتم D8 به استخراج آبراهه های منطقه پرداختیم و 2 رود اصلی بر سطح ارتفاعات سیاه کوه را مورد بررسی قرار دادیم. در این راستا از رابطه توان رودخانه برگرفته شده از دو متغیر اصلی شیب و مساحت زهکشی رود در قالب یک نمودار لگاریتمی به منظور استخراج پارامترهای تندی و فرورفتگی بهره گرفتیم. افزایش پارامتر تندی بیانگر بالاآمدگی رود در پاسخ به فرایش های فعال می باشد؛ درحالی که افزایش پارامتر فرورفتگی بیانگر عدم عملکرد فرایندهای زمین ساختی به شکل فرایشی و یا مقاومت کم سنگ بستر است. بررسی تاثیر فعالیت گسل دامغان بر روی ارتفاعات سیاه کوه با استفاده از رابطه توان رودخانه نشان داد که حرکات امتدادلغز و ترافشارشی گسل دامغان برجستگی سیاه کوه را در قالب ساختار یک خم گرفتاری با مورفولوژی فوربرگی درآورده است. هرجا رود بر سطح فوبرگ جریان دارد؛ مقادیر بالایی از پارامتر تندی را نشان می دهد و هر جا رود از سطح فوربرگ خارج شده و بر روی رسوبات سست کواترنری مخروط افکنه های اطراف جریان یافته از مقادیر پارامتر تندی کاسته شده و بر مقادیر پارامتر فرورفتگی افزوده شده است.

    کلید واژگان: سیاه کوه, کواترنری, گسل دامغان, مورفوتکتونیک, نیمرخ طولی رودخانه
    Fatemeh Kiaroostami *, Mojtaba Yamani, Abolghasem Gorabi, Seyed Mohammad Zamanzadeh, Mohammadreza Ghassemi

    Identification of active tectonics in an area and its effects on the morphology of landforms is one of the topics that has always been of interest to geomorphologists. Waterways are among the features that flow a wide range of landforms. These features are sensitive to lithological or tectonic changes and react quickly to these changes. The riverbed has been affected by these anomalies and the effects of these anomalies can be studied in the longitudinal profile of the river. In other words, waterways are active tectonic markers that give us information about the characteristics of a landform.

    Materials and methods

    The study area is located in the south of the Eastern Alborz Mountains and is known as the Siah-Kuh Heights. This ridge consists of a set of dolomitic and sandstone rocks of Sibzar and Padha Formation and Damghan fault passes along it. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the morphological and tectonic structure of Siah-Kuh using steepness and concavity parameters based on the anomalies of longitudinal profiles of the rivers based on the uplift and subsidence axes. In order to calculate the rate of steepness and concavity of longitudinal profiles, the stream power low formula is used based on the two main parameters of drainage area and slope of river. This formula is based on a logarithmic plot of the slope and drainage area for which the appropriate regression line is determined. In this regression relation, the slope of the line is the concavity parameter and the intercept is steepness parameters.

    Results and discussion

    The extent of the Siah-Kuh heights among a series of young Quaternary sediments at a distance of 4 km from the main mountain front, the structure of the Siah-Kuh is similar to Foreberg forms. Damghan fault in this area has led to the intersection of Quaternary sedimentary strata related to the surrounding alluvial fans and by creating a transtensional position in the form of a set of trapped traps, the Siah-Kuh Foreberg has appeared as a restraining bend on the surface Which has led to the elevation of the central part and the relative subsidence of both sides of this structure. The eastern part of the Siah-Kuh Foreberg appears to have been covered by Neogene and Quaternary sediments. Its remnants have appeared in the form of deep gorges on the surface. One of the rivers flows on the main surface of Foreberg and the other flows in the drained or buried part of Foreberg. Both rivers have several knick points in their flow path, which are taken from the location of faults and lithological differences of the riverbed. The values of the steepness parameter for the main river and the gully show high values so that the value of this parameter is 121.4 for the main river and 119.96 for the gorges. In contrast, the depression parameter rate in both rivers shows very low and even negative values. (Main river: -0.18 and gorges river: -0.92). Since the sharpness parameter is directly related to the tectonic processes; It can be said that the values of this parameter in both rivers indicate the effect of active tectonics at the level of Foreberg.


    The studies performed on the study area show that the two factors of active tectonics and lithology have a great impact on the morphological structure of Siah-Kuh Foreberg. Also, factors related to sedimentary flows originating from the uplands of the area have been effective in changing these landforms in the form of burial. Also, the results showed that the use of the method based on longitudinal profile anomalies of the river in the form of steepness and concavity parameters has an effective role in identifying erosion and subsidence axes related to tectonic situation of features in relation to their topographic changes. Slight difference in the amount of steepness parameter in gorges compared to the river on the main surface of Foreberg, especially in the first trends of both rivers, which show high values of steepness parameter with a small difference (1.44), Indicates the existence of an uplift axis in this area, which somewhat confirms the burial of a structure similar to the Siah-Kuh Foreberg under sediments.

    Keywords: Siah-Kuh, Quaternary, Damghan Fault, morphotectonic, Longitudinal profile of river
  • عادل رسولی، مهران مقصودی*، ابوالقاسم گورابی

    جزیره قشم با مساحت1486کیلومترمربع است که در انتهای جنوب شرقی کمربند زاگرس، در حاشیه غربی تنگه هرمز واقع است. به نظر می رسد با توجه به موقع زمین ساختی آن،  بتوان به کمک شاخص های تکتونیک حوضه، تاثیرات نوزمینساختی و دینامیک گسل ها بر مورفوتکتونیک، جزیره را ارزیابی کرد. بر این اساس این پژوهش با بهره مندی از تصاویر ماهواره ای، نقشه های زمین شناسی، عکس های هوایی، و مدل رقومی ارتفاعی(30 متر) در قالب نرم افزارهای مختلف، اقدام به استخراج و محاسبه 5 شاخص؛ قرینگی یا عدم تقارن آبراهه (AF)، شاخص شکل حوضه(BS)، شاخص تقارن توپوگرافی عرضی(T)، و شاخص پیچناکی رودخانه (S) و ارزیابی مجموع آنها در قالب مدل (IAT)، شاخص ارزیابی سطح فعالیت تکتونیکی در حوضه کرده است. نتایج حاصل بیانگر دینامیک و پویایی نسبی زمینساختی متفاوت جزیره است. همچنین براساس شاخص IAT از 44 زیرحوضه تعداد26 مورد در کلاس تکتونیکی خیلی زیاد و زیاد واقع شده و در غرب جزیره به دلیل منطبق بودن با تعداد گسل های بیشتر تکتونیک فعال بیشتر مشاهده می گردد.

    کلید واژگان: جزیره قشم, گسل, تکتونیک, حوضه آبریز, شاخص مورفوتکتونیک
    Adel Rasooli, Mehran Maghsoudi *, Aboulghasem Gorabi

    Qeshm Island, with an area of ​​1,486 square kilometers, is located at the southeastern end of the Zagros Belt and at the western end of the Strait of Hormuz. Since the tectonic era, it seems possible to assess the influence of neotectonics and fault dynamics on island morpho-tectonic deformation using basin tectonic indicators. In this research, five indicators are extracted and calculated using satellite images, geological maps, aerial photographs, and a digital elevation model (30 meters) using various software. The smoothness and asymmetry of waterways (AF), watershed shape index (BS), cross-topographic symmetry index (T), river meandering index (S) and their comprehensive evaluation are evaluated in model form (IAT)). It is an index to evaluate the degree of tectonic deformation in the basin, and the obtained results indicate the relative dynamics of various tectonic deformations on the island. Furthermore, based on the IAT index, 26 of the 44 subbasins belong to a very high tectonic layer, consistent with the number of faults, so more active tectonic deformation is observed in the western part of the island.

    Keywords: Qeshm Island, fault, Tectonics, Watershed, morphotectonic index
  • ابوالقاسم گورابی*، مجتبی یمانی، شیرین محمدخان، سید جواد حسینی

    ژیومورفولوژی حوضه زنجان رود متاثر از زون های تکتونیکی فعال حاصل از عملکرد تعاملی گسل های سلطانیه، زنجان، طارم، منجیل و گسل هایی است که در این پژوهش مورد بررسی دقیق تر قرار گرفته اند. تعامل این گسل ها این حوضه را به شکل یک فلات کوچک مرتفع ناهمگون نسبت به مناطق پیرامونی و محل مناسبی برای استقرار سکونتگاه های انسانی ساخته است. در این پژوهش برای کشف تاثیر تکتونیک بر ژیومورفولوژی حوضه از تکنیک های دورسنجی و ژیومورفومتری جهت شناسایی خط واره ها و شواهد زمین ساختی استفاده شده است. خط واره ها پس از بررسی به کمک تکنیک های دورسنجی، ژیومورفومتری و میدانی تبدیل به نقشه شده اند. سپس با تحلیل و تفسیر شواهد، ارتباط الگوی دینامیک گسل ها کشف و اثرات آن بر مورفولوژی لندفرم های مختلف با تاکید بر نو زمین ساخت تعاملی شبکه های زهکشی - گسل ها ارایه شده اند. نتایج نشان می دهد که تکتونیک فعال گسل ها به سمت مرکز حوضه و محل زنجان رود متمرکز است. از طرفی تبعیت مورفولوژی و روندهای توپوگرافیک مختلف حوضه و همچنین کانال زنجان رود و بسیاری از زهکش ها با خط واره های استخراجی به کمک تکنیک های ژیوومورفومتری، به وضوح کارایی ژیومورفومتری جهت ارزیابی و اثبات تاثیر زمین ساخت بر ژیومورفولوژی حوضه ها را نمایان می سازد. اگر چه زلزله مخربی در منطقه گزارش نشده؛ ولی وجود شواهد مورفولوژیک و قطع نهشته های کواترنر تا هولوسن بیانگر تغییر شکل فعال منطقه هستند. براین اساس به نظر می رسد سیستم های گسلی حوضه پتانسیل ایجاد زمین لرزه های با بزرگایی بسیار بالاتر از آنچه تاکنون رخ داده اند را دارند که این حاکی از ضرورت برنامه ریزی بر مبنای مطالعه دقیق گسل های منطقه است.

    کلید واژگان: تکتونیک فعال, زنجان رود, ژئومورفومتری, ناهنجاری, هیدرو ژئومورفولوژی
    Abolghasem Goorabi *, Mojtaba Yamani, Shirin Mohammadkhan, Said Javad Hoseini

    The geomorphology of the Zanjanroud basin is affected by the active tectonic zones resulting from the interaction of the Soltanieh, Zanjan, Tarem, and Manjil faults and the faults that have been investigated more closely in this research. The interaction of these faults has made this basin in the form of a small high plateau, heterogeneous compared to the surrounding areas and a suitable place for the establishment of human settlements. In this research, remote sensing and geomorphometric techniques have been used to identify the lineaments and tectonic evidence in order to discover the tectonic effect on the geomorphology of the basin. The contour lines have been converted into a map after checking with the help of telemetry, geomorphometry and field techniques. Then, by analyzing and interpreting the evidence, the relationship between the dynamic pattern of the faults and its effects on the morphology of different landforms is presented with an emphasis on the interactive reconstruction of drainage networks and faults. The results show that the active tectonics of the faults are concentrated towards the centre of the basin and Zanjanroud area. On the other hand, the compliance of the morphology and topographical trends of the basin, as well as the Zanjan River canal and many drainages with the extraction lines with the help of geomorphometric techniques, clearly shows the effectiveness of geomorphometry to evaluate and prove the impact of terraforming on the geomorphology of the basins. Although no destructive earthquake has been reported in the region, But the presence of morphological evidence and the interruption of Quaternary to Holocene deposits indicate the active deformation of the region. Therefore, it seems that the fault systems of the basin have the potential to create earthquakes with a much higher magnitude than what has happened so far, which indicates the necessity of planning based on a detailed study of the faults in the region.

    Keywords: active tectonics, anomaly, geomorphometry, Hydrogeomorphology, Zanjanrud
  • فاطمه کیارستمی*، مجتبی یمانی، ابوالقاسم گورابی، سید محمد زمان زاده، محمدرضا قاسمی

    ارتفاعات البرز شرقی واقع در شمال پلایای دامغان، به سبب وجود گسل های متعدد همچون گسل آستانه، دامغان، تزره و عطاری جزء نواحی فعال زمین ساختی ایران به شمار می رود. هدف اصلی در این پژوهش شناسایی تغییرات زمین ساختی و فرسایشی این بخش از ارتفاعات البرز و نواحی اطراف آن شامل پلایای دامغان در قالب پیدایش محورهای فرایش و فرورفتگی در طی کواترنری می باشد که منجر به شکل گیری لندفرم های متعددی شده است. در این راستا، از روش تحلیل و بررسی نقشه های همپایه و تفریقی برمبنای ناهنجاری های ایجاد شده در رده های آبراهه ای متاثر از فرایندهای فرایشی و فرسایشی فعال در کواترنری استفاده به عمل آمد. بررسی های انجام شده بر روی منطقه مورد مطالعه نشان می دهد که دو عامل زمین ساخت فعال و سنگ شناسی بر روی ساختارهای مورفولوژیک و لندفرم های منطقه تاثیر بسیار زیادی دارند. نتایج نشان می دهد که گسل های منطقه در طی کواترنری فعال بوده و با سازوکارهای متفاوت رانده و امتدادلغز که در برخی نواحی دارای جایگاه های تراکششی و ترافشارشی نیز بوده اند، مجموعه ای از لندفرم های فرایش یافته یا فروافتاده را در ناحیه دامغان به وجود آورده اند. برخی از این لندفرم ها نشانگر عدم تطابق ساختاری البرز متاثر از فعالیت گسل های ناحیه در ارتباط با عامل مهم سنگ شناسی می باشند.

    کلید واژگان: لندفرم, گسل, نقشه همپایه, نقشه تفریقی, دامغان
    Fatemeh Kiaroostami *, Mojtaba Yamani, Abolghasem Goorabi, Seyed Mohammad Zamanzadeh, MohammadReza Ghassemi

    Damghan area has been considered by earth scientists due to the existence of numerous active faults. These faults with slow and progressive movements have led to changes in the shape of landforms in the area. Even during the history, the activity of these faults led to major earthquakes such as Qumis earthquake in 856 A.D. This earthquake led to the complete destruction of Qumis province in present-day Damghan. Researchers in the area, including Hollingsworth et al 2010., have concluded that major faults in the area, such as the Astaneh and North Damghan faults, have ruptured during the Qumis earthquake. The changes in landforms and high potential of faults in creating seismic events indicate their continuous activity during Quaternary up to now. To study these changes, we need those features that are sensitive to tectonic and erosive events. Rivers are one of these features that react quickly to active tectonic and erosion changes. The main purpose of this study is investigation of the changes in landforms using anomalies in stream orders. Because there is a hypothesis that claims tectonic and erosive changes lead to irregularity in Strahler orders of streams. In this study we use isobase and differential map method to investigate this hypothesis.

    Materials and Methods

    Sensitivity of drainage network to tectonic processes and geological contradictions leads to changes and irregularities in river orders. Isobase maps are extracted from information about the spatial classification of rivers and their elevation information in the environment. In fact, these maps show the relationship between the pattern of waterways and the topography of landscapes. Streams with the same Strahler order are formed by the same geological events, and most likely the same order is the same age. We can draw iso base maps for different stream orders. Early orders (1-3) are mostly more sensitive to tectonic events. These early orders due to flow along seams and fault gaps are representative of neotectonic. Rugged structures in the lithology of the region can limit the evolution and development of the early orders, and therefore in these areas the values of the isobase map increase. But isobase map of evolved orders can represent longer periods, such as the Quaternary or Pleistocene. Because evolved orders are formed over longer periods and are able to show older tectonic and erosive events. Differential maps are obtained from the difference in height between the maps of the evolved orders and the present day topography map.

    Results and Discussion

    Examination of the isobase map of the primary orders show that most of the values related to the map can be seen in the west and north of the region. These areas are based on mountainous structures. The high values of the isobase map in these areas indicate that the northern and western parts, affected by neotectonic activities and the development of fault gap and seams, have more primary orders of rivers. Because most of these primary orders are formed and developed along these levels of weakness. Resistant lithology of the area has also prevented the development of these orders. The highest value of them is 3830-2312 meters. The differential map prepared from the study area shows a wide range of positive values indicating uplift and negative values indicating subsidence. By examining these values, we can understand the features related to tectonics and geomorphology of various landforms in the region. The highest values of 1191 to 800 meters are related to the high mountain structures of Eastern Alborz in the north and west of the region. The decrease in the value of the differential map indicates the effect of tectonic subsidence on the morphological landforms of the region. The Astaneh pull apart basin in the western part of the region shows the amount of subsidence between -4 to -1 meters. Also, the southern playa of Damghan in the form of a concave foreland basin affected by active faults in the region shows negative values, which indicates the existence of a submerged basin with high sedimentation potential.


    Studies conducted on the area show that the two factors including active tectonic and lithology have a great impact on the morphological structures and landforms of the area. The results of isobase map and the differential map show and confirm this issue. The methods used in this study to investigate the tectonic activity of the faults in the area indicate their activity during the Quaternary. These faults have different mechanisms of thrust and streak slip which in some areas also have transtensional and transpressional position; they have created a collection of uplifted or concave landforms in Damghan area. The spatial relationship between different values from north to south in the prepared maps indicates the creation of an equivalent states between topographic growth and its destruction in lower altitudes. Based on the studies, we confirm that the preparation of isobase and differential maps can be a suitable method for studying and examining morphological structures. Also studies related to differential map show anomalies in drainage networks and uplift processes associated with active Quaternary landforms can be quantified by these maps. Using baseline and differential maps is one of the appropriate methods to study the Plio-Quaternary tectonics in an area. This study confirms the work of previous researchers based on the available information and documents related to the study area.

    Keywords: Landform, Fault, Isobase map, Differential map, Damghan
  • ابوالقاسم گورابی*، سید موسی حسینی، پویا کامرانی

    پایش عملکرد و تغییرات محیطی ناشی از سیلاب های واریزه ای در برنامه ریزی و مدیریت آمایش سرزمین نقش مهمی دارد. بارش های مونسونی تابستان 1401 در مناطق وسیعی از ایران به وقوع پیوست که در اشترانکوه سبب ایجاد سیلابی واریزه ای-یخچالی شد. همچنین تغییرات مورفولوژیکی قابل توجهی بر مهم ترین رودخانه این منطقه (کمندان) داشت و به تاسیسات انتقال آب شهرهای ازنا و الیگودرز آسیب وارد شد. امروزه روش های راداری در مطالعه ابعاد کیفی و کمی جریان های واریزه ای، با دقتی بالا و هزینه ای کم موثر هستند، این پژوهش نیز جهت ردیابی منشا رسوبات واریزه ای - یخچالی از روش های راداری و داده های Sentinel-1 و شاخص (NDSI) برای ارزیابی تاثیر ذوب ناگهانی برف در برف چال های منطقه استفاده کرده است. نتایج بیانگر ذوب ناگهانی برف چال های منطقه به دلیل بارش مونسونی بود که در ایجاد سیلاب واریزه ای-یخچالی نقش مهمی را ایفا کرده بود. این جریان با گذر از دره های یخچالی این منطقه، رسوبات و بقایای گیاهی این ناحیه را بر روی تاسیسات انتقال آب منتقل و خسارت های زیادی به آن ها وارد کرده بودند. تحلیل راداری پهنه های آبی نیز نشان دادند که سد کمندان قبل از مرحله آبگیری، با جذب سیلاب در خود، مانع از ورود آسیب های جدی تر به مناطق پایین دست شده است.

    کلید واژگان: سیلاب واریزه ای, اشترانکوه, اینترفرومتری راداری, تکنیک ردیابی و پایش جابجاشدگی ها, دورسنجی راداری
    Abolghasem Goorabi *, Seiyed Mossa Hosseini, Pouya Kamrani

    Monitoring the performance and environmental changes caused by deposited floods play an important role in land planning and management. Monson's rains in summer 1401 occurred in large areas of Iran, which in the Astran Mountain created a flood of deposits. It also had significant morphological changes to the most important river in the area  and damaged the water transfer facilities of the cities of Azna and Aligudarz . Nowadays, radar methods are effective in studying qualitative and quantitative dimensions of deposited flows, with high accuracy and low cost, and this study is also for tracking the origin of deposits-ally from radar and Sentinel-1 and index data (NDSI) to evaluate the impact of sudden snow melting. Used in snowmelts in the area. The results indicated the sudden melting of snowmelts in the area due to Monson's rainfall, which played an important role in the creation of a deposited-water flood. The flow through the glacier valleys of the area, the plant's sediments and remnants of the area were transferred to water transfer facilities and caused a lot of damage to them. Radar analysis of water zones also showed that the Kamandan Dam before the flooding phase has prevented more serious damage to the downstream.

    Keywords: Debris-glacial Flood, Oshtorankuh, Radar interferometry, Offset tracking Technique
  • نفیسه اشتری، ابوالقاسم گورابی*، مریم رحمتی، علیرضا دربان آستانه

    سیلاب ها یکی از بحران های طبیعی است که هر ساله در نقاط مختلف جهان و کشور به بروز خسارت های جانی و مالی محسوس و نامحسوس فراوان منجر می شود؛ بنابراین، برنامه ریزی برای کاهش، مهار و پیش بینی پهنه های خطرناک و دارای توان بالا در زمان رویداد سیلاب امری ضروری است. حوضه آبخیز تالار، در البرز مرکزی قرار دارد. در این پژوهش، پهنه های سیل گیر رودخانه تالار با استفاده از سیستم مدل سازی حوضه های آبخیز (WMS[1]) و برنامه HEC-RAS مشخص شد. از داده های رقومی ارتفاعی، تصاویر ماهواره ای و دبی برای ترسیم مقاطع عرضی و پهنه بندی محدوده های دارای خطر سیل استفاده شد. پس از تعیین پهنه های سیل گیر، دوره های بازگشت پنجاه و صد ساله با استفاده از رابطه کریگر تعیین شد. در نهایت، خسارت های وارد شده بر حریم بیست متری رودخانه تالار و کسیلیان در تمام کاربری های مسکونی شهری و روستایی، زمین های کشاورزی و باغی، و معابر جاده شوسه و آسفالت محاسبه شد. نتایج نشان داد که بیشترین مساحت پهنه های عمق آب، مربوط به طبقه اول (3/0 متر) در سیلاب 28/4/94 است. بیشترین مساحت پهنه های سیلابی در شهر پل سفید با مساحت (6/63 هکتار) و شهر زیر آب با مساحت (7/20 هکتار) قرار دارد. همچنین بیشترین خسارت محاسبه شده در وقوع سیل، مربوط به کاربری های مسکونی در شهر زیرآب نزدیک به خروجی حوضه است. نتایج آزمون های آماری نشان داد که کاربری مسکونی، بالاترین میانگین عمق (84/0 متر) و منطقه روستایی لرد با میانگین عمق یک متر، بیشترین توان سیل خیزی را دارد.

    1 Watershed Management System

    2 Hydrological Engineering Centers River Analysis System

    کلید واژگان: پهنه بندی, رودخانه تالار, سیستم مدل سازی حوضه آبخیز, سیل, فرسایش
    Nafiseh Ashtari, Abolghasem Goorabi*, Maryam Rahmati, Alireza Darban Astaneh

          Flood is defined as an unconventional increase in river discharge. Complete protection from flood hazards is rather impossible. For those living next to floods, implementing new policies is necessary regarding land use management and development of residential areas along rivers to reduce the effects of destruction. One of the basic steps to reduce the harmful effects of floods is to identify flood-prone areas and grade these at risk. For this purpose, one of the solutions against floods is to prepare for a zone. By using zoning maps in watersheds, flood preparedness can be created. The purpose of this study is to perform the zoning of flood-prone areas in Talar drainage watershed and to calculate the damage in areas eroded and destroyed by floods in 20 meters of river, which due to the geographical location and weather conditions in recent years, this region has been faced with various floods and in this regard, the importance of risk zoning and management and planning of the region intensifies.


    In order to conduct this research, input data including digital geological file, digital vegetation file, digital soil file, digital elevation model (DEM) with a spatial resolution of 10 meters, satellite image, and flood event statistics and information were used on 19 July 2015. HEC-1 model in WMS  was used to estimate the hydrograph of SCS unit in Talar basin and Kasilian sub-basin.To determine the flow and boundary conditions, the peak flow number for the flood of 19 July 2015 is 163 cubic meters per second. In order to zone the flood, software WMS and HEC-RAS models have been used.  Since the upstream and downstream slope of the river have a significant impact on the flooding process, the upstream slope is 0.02, and the downstream slope is 0.01. Water elevation points were imported from HEC-RAS program in WMS, and cross section profile plots were prepared at the location of sections located in rural and urban areas, and finally, water depth maps were prepared and compared for the event on 19 July 2015. The Kruger Method was used to determine the maximum instantaneous discharge for 50-year and 100-year return periods. In order to calculate the damage in flooded and eroded areas, a 20-meter area of the river has been considered. Then, the monetary values in each square meter of the covered uses have been estimated according to experts, and finally, the flood damage has been calculated. Duncan-Tukey and ANOVA tests were used to assess the hazard.


        In the SCS unit hydrograph, the peak time is 390 minutes for the Kasilian basin and 555 minutes for the Talar basin. The height of the current water level and the height of the water level at the critical level in some cross-sectional profile plots have coincided, which indicates the dangerous situation in these areas. The largest area of ​​flood zones in the flood of 19 July 2015  in Shirgah, Zirab, and Pol Sefid cities at a depth of  0.6  meters, Do Ab villages at a depth of  0.3  meters, Lerd and Rudbar villages at a depth of  1.2 meters, Darzikola, Vazmela and Sangdeh villages at a depth of  0.6  meters. The highest area of ​​flood zones in the 50-year return period is in Pol Sefid and Shirgah cities at a depth of  0.3  meters with an area of ​​181 hectares, and the 100-year return period in Shirgah with an area of ​​292 hectares at a depth of  0.3  meters. Also, the largest area of flood zones in the 50-year and 100-year return period in rural areas is located in the villages of Valik Ben Sang Deh, Darzikola, and Vazmela, with an area of 276.9 and 188.6, respectively, at a depth of  0.3  meters. The results of statistical tests in the risk assessment section showed that in total, two uses of rangelands with an average water depth of   0.57 meters have the lowest average water depth and urban residential areas with an average water depth of  0.84 meters have the highest average water depth.

    Discussion & Conclusions

    According to the flood zoning on 19 July 2015, it was determined that the highest areas of water depth zones of  0.3 meters,  0.6 meters,  0.9 meters,  1.2 meters, and  1.5  meters are located in Pol Sefid city. The zoning of the 50-year and 100-year flood return period also indicates an increase in the area of ​​water depths of 0.3 meters,  0.6 meters, 0.9  meters, 1.2 meters, and  1.5 meters compared to the flood of 19 July 2015. Considering the area of ​​flood depth zones in the flood of 19 July 2015 and the area of ​​land uses covered by flood risk, it was determined that the most damage is related to the Zirab city in residential use with a damage of  266,482,744,183 Rials. Then the city of Pol Sefid with agricultural use with damage of 96,979,434,983 Rials and the city of Shirgah with garden land use with damage of 78,544,366,182 Rials. Finally, flood risk assessment with Duncan, Tukey, and ANOVA tests showed that residential land use has the highest average depth of  0.84 m, and Lerd rural area with an average depth of  1 m has the highest flood potential.

    Keywords: Flood, Erosion, Talar river, Watershed Modeling System, Zoning
  • فاطمه کیارستمی*، مجتبی یمانی، ابوالقاسم گورابی، محمدرضا قاسمی، سید محمد زمانزاده

    هدف اصلی در این پژوهش بررسی تاثیر نوزمینساخت بر توالی لندفرم های کوهستانی و پایکوهی ناحیه دامغان با استفاده از تغییرات شیب و واکنش فرسایشی - برشی رودهای جاری بر سطح این لندفرم ها به عنوان یکی از عوامل کلیدی تحول چشم اندازها است. در این راستا ابتدا نقشه شیب آبراهه ها و نقشه توان برشی رود منطقه با توجه به پارامترهای تاثیرگذار شامل شیب رودخانه، مساحت حوضه زهکشی، نرخ تندی و بازده فرسایشی رود تهیه شد و سپس نیمرخ طولی برگرفته شده از این نقشه ها از شمال به جنوب منطقه با توجه به عوارض و لندفرم های برجسته ای که در ناحیه وجود دارد، ترسیم و مقایسه شد. از تحلیل نیمرخ های طولی برگرفته شده از نقشه شیب رود و توان برشی رودخانه می توان به این نتیجه رسید که این روش در شناسایی توالی لندفرم های متاثر از فرآیندهای زمینساختی، کاربرد زیادی دارد. هر جا که فعالیت گسل ها به شکل تراکششی منجر به ایجاد نواحی کم ارتفاع و فروافتاده شده است مانند حوضه واچاکیده آستانه، نرخ برش رود در برابر کاهش میزان شیب کانال، کاهش داشته است. در این حوضه نرخ برش رود 59/2 میلی متر در سال در برابر شیب کانال: 46/4 درصد می باشد.اما هر جا فعالیت گسل ها منجر به افزایش ارتفاعات و برآمدگی ها شده است، مانند خم گرفتاری ارتفاعات کرکسی، مجموعه راندگی ارتفاعات سفیدرشته کوه و یا فوربرگ های سربرآورده از میان رسوبات بادبزن های آبرفتی، نرخ برش رود در برابر افزایش شیب کانال، بالا رفته است. برای مثال در ارتفاعات کرکسی نرخ برش رود 12/10 میلی متر درسال در برابر شیب کانال 10/11 درصد می باشد.

    کلید واژگان: البرز شرقی, دامغان, زمینساخت فعال, نرخ برش رودخانه, سکانسهای لندفرمی
    Fatemeh Kiaroostami *, Mojtaba Yamani, Abolghasem Goorabi, Mohammad Reza Ghassemi, Seyed Mohammad Zamanzadeh

    The identification and analysis of the active tectonic or denudation processes through the analysis of the deformation and landform changes consist one of the fundamental objectives of the tectonic geomorphological studies. Rivers are among the groups of geomorphologic elements that flow on a wide range of different landforms and can reveal the critical relationships among uplift, lithology, and denudation of heights. With regard to the evolution of landforms, this group of information and the relations between them are preserved by the bedrock properties. River Incision is the primary mechanism by which landscapes adapt to climate change and tectonic forces. Among the many factors that affect the Incision rate, the distribution of slope and steepness of water channels can be systematically effective. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the sequence of mountainous and foothills landforms in Damghan region using slope changes and erosion-incision reaction of rivers on the surface of these landforms as one of the key factors in landscape evolution.


    There are many models for calculating the river incision rate, but the most widely used is the SPIM model, which is presented in the form of the following equation:I=K*A^m*S^nThe SPIM model is based on simple geometric parameters, such as the slope and area of the drainage basin extracted from the DEM elevation map. Some parameters are related to energy considerations, such as the rate of energy consumption in the channel bed and ridges, in which case; m: 0.5 and n: 1 are used as experimental constants in the formula.In order to calculate the values of this index and prepare a river incision map, first the whole study area was divided into 64 sub-basins so that the resulting section values are suitable for surface interpolation. In the next step, the values of effective indicators in the SPIM formula including river slope, drainage surface area and erosion efficiency were calculated for each of the sub-basins. To calculate the erosion efficiency index, first the steepness values of the rivers of each basin were calculated from the formula of stream power incision, based on power regression, in the form of the following equation.S=K_s A^(-θ)In the above formula Ɵ is the amount of concavity and KSN is the amount of steepness.After obtaining the steepness values of rivers in each of the 64 catchments, the erosion efficiency relationship was used as follows:U=〖ksn〗^n*KU is actually the rate of elevation or change in altitude of the area relative to the base level, which was calculated using the radar interfrometry method to determine the amount of vertical displacements in the area.In order to prepare and analyze the slope and incision rate of rivers in Damghan region, and to convert point values into raster levels containing value, the inverse distance weighted interpolation method or IDW was used.

    Results and Discussion

    Comparison of longitudinal profiles taken from the slope map and incision rate of Damghan region shows the close relationship between these two parameters; Both of these parameters together play an important role in analyzing the tectonic status of the areas. In such a way that in examining the condition of the longitudinal profiles of the region from north to south, there are prominent features such as mountain belts or foreberg shapes; The slope rate and incision rate of the river increase and in front of where there are depression constructions such aspull apart basins or the end parts of longitudinal profiles that are based on alluvial plains, the slope rate and the following incision rate of the river decreases.Therefore, the analysis of longitudinal profiles taken from the slope map and incision rate of rivers in Damghan region can be effective in identifying and analyzing the effect of active fault mechanisms on the sequence of landforms in the region. the areas that have mainly high slope and incision rate of the river and are shown prominently in the longitudinal profile, represent the performance of faults in the form of transpressional, which leads to the formation of elevated landforms. In contrast, the concave areas in the longitudinal profile of the slope and incision of the rivers in the region are mainly representative of the areas where the gentle slope has led to a reduction in the slope of river systems and thus reduced river incision capacity.these areas are either mainly based on flat lands which are in the southern part of mountain structure in form of alluvial sediments or they are collapsed structures due to transtentional motion of faults such as Astaneh pull-apart basin.


    The activity of faults with different mechanisms causes the uplift or subsidence of landforms to form a series of successive landforms in an active tectonic environment. The rise and fall of these structures have led to an increase or decrease in their slope which will effect on the waterway systems that flow on these landforms. Wherever the fault mechanism leads to an increase in the height and elevation of the landforms, the slope of the river increases and as a result the incision power of the river increases. From the analysis of longitudinal profiles taken from the slope map and the incision of the river, it can be concluded that this method is very useful in identifying the sequence of landforms affected by tectonic processes. In a way, by examining the process of changing these longitudinal profiles, we can understand how active faults function in shaping landforms in compressive or tensile form. Wherever the slope of the waterway is high and the incision rate of the river is high, it indicates the existence of a elevated axis. This landform can be a mountain ridge or even elevated forms among alluvial sediments.wherever the slope and incision rate of channel show low values, it can indicate the existence of a concave tectonic basin.

    Keywords: Eastern Alborz, Damghan, Active Tectonic, Incision Rate, Landforms Sequences
  • مهران مقصودی*، ابوالقاسم گورابی، مجتبی یمانی، مرضیه بذرافکن

    رودخانه‏ ها از شریان‏ های حیاتی موثر در جذب جمعیت و ایجاد سکونت گاه‏ های شهری و روستایی، به‏ویژه در مناطق خشک و نیمه ‏خشک، به‏ شمار می ‏روند. رودخانه خشک و راهدار در پهنه کلان‏شهر شیراز در سالیان گذشته یکی از پهنه‏ های ژیومورفیک مخاطره‏ آمیز شهری بوده است. با توجه به وقوع چندین سیلاب بزرگ در سال‏ های اخیر و ایجاد تلفات جانی و مالی قابل‏ توجه، تعیین نقاط مناسب جهت اسکان موقت آسیب‏ دیدگان سیل از نیازهای ضروری محسوب می‏ شود. در این پژوهش، با استفاده از داده ‏های‏ رقومی ارتفاعی، مکانی‏‏ موقع کاربری‏ های واقع در شهر شیراز، بررسی‏ های میدانی، و مصاحبه با کارشناسان، در قالب مدل ‏های تصمیم‏ گیری چندمعیاره و AHP، پس از مقایسه زوجی متغیرها و تعیین اولویت آن‏ها مناسب ‏ترین مکان‏ها برای اسکان موقت ارایه ‏شده ‏اند. تعیین و توسعه کاربرهای (پل‏ها، کنارگذرها و...) بدون توجه به عرصه ژیومورفولوژیک در تشدید خسارات و آسیب‏ها نقش مهمی داشته‏اند. ارزیابی این پژوهش نشان داد پهنه‏ هایی که عمدتا در جنوب شرق و نواحی مرکزی منطقه شهری شیراز واقع ‏شده‏اند (فضاهای باز و فرودگاه) دارای میانگین شاخص مطلوبیت بالایی هستند و می‏ توان ار آن‏ها به ‏عنوان مناسب ‏ترین پهنه‏ ها برای اسکان موقت مبتنی بر مخاطره سیل در شهر شیراز استفاده کرد.

    کلید واژگان: اسکان موقت, سلسله‏ مراتبی, سیل, شیراز, مکان ‏یابی
    Mehran Maghsoudi *, Abolghasem Goorabi, Mojtaba Yamani, Marzieh Bazrafkan

    Locating temporary settlement based on flood hazard in ShirazExtended AbstractIntroductionNatural hazards, especially floods, as recurring and destructive phenomena, have always existed throughout the life of the planet and have always been a danger to humans. The experiences of developing countries in this field indicate that they are more vulnerable to natural hazards. Due to its natural and human characteristics, Iran has suffered many crises and is one of the most vulnerable countries to natural hazards.Rivers are one of the vital arteries in attracting population and creating urban and rural settlements, especially in arid and semi-arid regions. The Khoshk and Rahdar River in the metropolitan area of Shiraz has been one of the dangerous geomorphic areas of the city in recent years. The location of Shiraz urban area due to the location of a significant part of it on the geomorphological field of floodplains of rivers is associated with the threat of flood risk, which is evidenced by floods in 1986, 2001 and 2019 and the damage caused by them. Therefore, the necessary environmental management in this field before, during, and after the flood in the urban area of Shiraz is essential. This study aims to help by locating temporary settlements based on flood risk in the urban area of Shiraz, which is doubly important with a population concentration (population of 1.5 million people) and significant economic capital.Materials and methodsIn this research, digital topographic maps of 1: 25000, geological 1: 100000, digital model of altitude 10 meters, detailed study map, aerial photographs, and satellite images have been used. Statistics of hydrological stations were provided by the Regional Water Organization. To calculate the average annual discharge of stations in the 25-year index period (1989-2014), at first, the statistics of stations with a statistical period of more than 10 years have been reconstructed by establishing a correlation between the annual discharge of these stations and the reference stations. Annual discharge statistics in stations with a statistical period of 10 years or more have been reconstructed and supplemented using the correlation between them and base stations.The research method used in this research is descriptive-analytical. First, flood zoning was done for the study area and then suitable places for temporary settlement were determined. Flood zoning was determined using Hec_GeoHMS and HEC_GeoRAS models for Khoshk and Rahdar Rivers.To select suitable neighborhoods for temporary settlement, first the necessary criteria for this location are prepared and after preparing these criteria, in the location stage, according to experts, scoring frameworks are determined based on these criteria. Determining suitable places for temporary settlement during flood risk in the study area has been done using multi-criteria decision-making models and the AHP model using ArcGIS software.Results and DiscussionFlood zoning was performed using HecGeoHMS and HECGeoRAS models for Dry River that flows seasonally. Due to the lack of information on the flow of the river, the flood zone of the Rahdar River has been determined by field visits and the opinion of the experts of the Water Regional Organization (average radius of 150 meters).According to studies, the main criteria for locating temporary settlement are: 1) distance to the flood zone, 2) distance to the border of mountains and plains, 3) distance to empty spaces (land without construction, garden, park and space Green, and agricultural lands), 4) building density, 5) distance to waterway and river, 6) distance to fire station, 7) total population, 8) vulnerable population (less than ten years and over 65 years) 9) compatibility of land uses, 10) distance to main thoroughfares, 11) distance to health centers, 12) distance to military-law enforcement points, 13) ground level, 14) land slope, 15) slope direction and 16) distance To the entrance of waterway and river.The steps for analyzing the data are as follows:1- Preparation of raster layers of criteria2- Reclassify the raster layers of the criteria3- Converting raster layers to vector layers4- Calculation of relative weights of sub-criteria by Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)5- Calculating the relative weights of sub-criteria the use compatibility 6- Preparation of raster layer of relative weights of sub-criteria7- Determining the relative weight of criteria8- Combining the layers of relative weights of the sub-criteria and determining the spatial utility index9- Determining the average spatial utility index in empty spaces10 - Determining the best areas for the construction of emergency settlementConclusionsShiraz has seen heavy and torrential rains 5 times in the last century. The water flowed out of the dry river and flowed in the passages and streets, causing major damage to houses and commercial places along the river. Many people needed a place to live temporarily. The uncontrolled expansion of the city, especially in the northwest axis, and the loss of natural areas absorbing runoff and precipitation and reducing vegetation in the region has caused that in high rainfall (more than 70 mm in 24 hours) and intermittent, water can not penetrate the soil. Slow and eventually flow in the path due to lack of drainage and proper disposal system. Among the effective human factors are land-use change, commercial, recreational and residential constructions, tampering with waterways or blocking these waterways completely, construction in the area of canals, construction of communication bridges on canals and narrowing of waterways.Locating temporary settlement before the hazard occurs and in the planning stage can help managers have a written action plan after the hazard occurs .One of the differences between this research and other researches is the type of criteria considered and that so far no comprehensive study has been conducted on the subject of research for Shiraz. Suitable places for temporary settlement during flood risk in the study area were determined using multi-criteria decision- making models and the AHP model using ArcGIS software. The combination of criteria for locating suitable areas for temporary settlement in Shiraz (Figures 9, 10 and 11) shows that areas in the southeast and central areas are among the areas with high potential for temporary settlement.

    Keywords: temporary settlement, Flood, AHP, Shiraz, location
  • ابوالقاسم گورابی*، محمد زمانزاده، مجتبی یمانی، پریسا پیرانی

    تغییرات مکانی پارامترهای فرکتالی عامل مهمی برای بررسی وضعیت زمین ساختی است. در هندسه فرکتال، بعد فرکتال در هر مقیاسی، حفظ می شود که بیانگر خاصیت اصلی فرکتال است. در این تحقیق به منظور بررسی کارایی روش فرکتال در بررسی زمین ساخت زاگرس شمال غرب، به مقایسه و آزمون یکسان بودن نتایج ابعاد فرکتالی گسل ها در نقشه هایی با مقیاس های مختلف، و زمین لرزه هایی با طول دوره و جزییات و مقیاس های مختلف بزرگا پرداخته شد. برای این منظور از 6 لایه اطلاعاتی استفاده گردید و ابعاد فرکتالی آن ها به روش مربع شمار محاسبه و نتایج بعد فرکتالی آن ها مورد تحلیل قرار گرفته اند. دو دسته داده گسلی مستقیما و دو دسته داده زمین لرزه (پژوهشگاه بین المللی زلزله و موسسه ژیوفیزیک) یکبار بدون تغییر و دیگر بار برای افزایش دقت با احتساب بزرگای کمال وارد محاسبات شدند. نتایج نشان می دهد که ابعاد هندسی گسل های منطقه فرکتالی است و تنها تفاوت در ثبت جزییات گسل ها سبب تغییری جزیی در ترتیب مناطق فعال در دو مقیاس شده است و نتایج دو مقیاس تقریبا مشابه است. در مورد داده های لرزه ای نتایج داده های از 1900 تا 2020 که از تعداد کمتر زمین لرزه و مقیاس مختلف ثبت بزرگا برخوردارند تطبیقی با واقعیت نشان نمی دهند، در صورتی که می توان به نتایج ابعاد فرکتالی داده های زمین لرزه های منحصرا سده 20 که از نظر دقت و مقیاس ثبت بزرگا یکسان هستند، اعتماد نمود. نتایج آن، فعال ترین منطقه از نظر بعد فرکتالی را محدوده غرب کرمانشاه نشان می دهد و  شاهد آن تمرکز زمین لرزه هایی با بزرگای بالاتر به ویژه زمین لرزه اخیر کرمانشاه با بزرگای 7/3 است که تلفات فراوانی به دنبال داشت.

    کلید واژگان: فرکتال, زمین ساخت, زاگرس شمال غرب, گسل, زمین لرزه
    Abolghasem Goorabi*, Mohammad Zamanzadeh, Mojtaba Yamani, Parisa Pirani

    Complexity of natural processes especially tectonic processes that shape landscapes cannot be evaluated by classic geometry. In comparison with integer dimension of Euclidean space, fractal geometry can analyze features with non-integer dimension (Turcotte, 1977:121). Fractal behavior in such features shows self-similarity that this component is independent of the accuracy of investigation (Baas, 2002, 311). In fact, fractal dimension, is scale-invariant (Phillips, 2002, 144). Spatial variations of fractal parameters are an important factor in studying the tectonic state of regions. By determining the fractal dimension of Linear structures such as faults, it is possible to compare their geometry disorder (Suk moon et al, 1996:5). This parameter affects seismic behavior of fault because earthquake is an event related to faulting (Bachmanov, et al, 2012: 221) and Their concentration in an area indicates tectonic activity. In this research we performed fractal analysis using box counting method on fault and seismic data of northwest of Zagros about different scales of fault and different time periods of earthquake epicenters of two organizations with various detail to find and examine their fractal behavior by fractal dimension.


    Data in this research can be divided to three clusters: 1. Fault lines of two scales of geology maps (1:100000 and 1:250000), 2. Earthquake epicenters of two periods of times prepared by two organizations (20 century data of Institute of Geophysics and 1900-2020 data of International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology) and 3. The second cluster with exert of Magnitude of completeness of earthquakes that show the minimum magnitude above which the data in the earthquake catalog is complete. Fractal analysis applied on these data by box counting method. To achieve this goal firstly, under study area divided to 6 boxes that contain main fault trends horizontally and vertically (A: folded Zagros in west of Kermanshah, B: faulted Zagros around Kermansha and east of kermansha, C: folded Zagros near mountain front fault, D: An area between faulted and folded Zagros near Khoramabad, E: Area around Balarud fault and F: An area between Balarud and mountain front fault to faulted Zagros). To calculate fractal dimension of fault lines and distribution of earthquake epicenters, box counting method suggested by Turcotte (1997) were applied by using Hausdorff dimension, which in two quantity of size (side length of grids) and number (number of grid boxes containing earthquake epicenter or fault) are used to calculate FD (total fractal dimension) value (Schuller et al, 2001: 3). Relation between reciprocal of side length (quantity of size) and number of boxes containing point and linear features (quantity of Number) was drawn Logarithmically as a linear regression in Excel that shows fractal dimension.

    Result and discussion

    Larger values of fractal dimension indicate greater geometric disorder (Sukmono et al., 1996: 5). Analysis of faults of two scales represent that faults geometry is fractal and the amount of FD for scale of 1:100000 compared with scale of 1:250,000 is larger but their result approximately is same. The FD values for both scales are locate between 1 and 2 that expresses development of the fractal community of faults has a linear trend. On the other hand, for earthquakes, increase in FD values shows that earthquakes are not clustered and are distributed homogeneously (Oncel & Wilson, 2002: 339) along a line in understudy area. Calculated number-size values for faults and earthquakes represent both partial and popular FD changes. Based on partial FD, two populations can be classified: (a) Background with FD larger than popular FD; (b) Threshold with FD lower than popular FD.


    Fractal analysis of faults of two scales of geology maps reveals that the order of active areas with high FD values in both scales are same but due to different details of faults in geology maps of geology survey and oil company, in scale of 1:100000 area labeled B and in scales of 1:250000 area labeled A is the most tectonically active region, however, area labeled E in both scales has lowest value. The order of active areas based on FD values for earthquake epicenters of 1900-2021 data of geophysics institute do not support other results because area labeled C with low density of faults and earthquake epicenters is in the first order and area labeled A is on the contrary of it. However, FD results of 20 century earthquake epicenters with exert of magnitude of completeness are reliable and higher magnitude of earthquakes spatially recent Ezgeleh earthquake in area labeled A is its evidence.

    Keywords: Fractal, Tectonic, Northwest Zagros, Fault, Earthquake
  • عارفه شعبانی عراقی، مجتبی یمانی*، ابوالقاسم گورابی، راضیه لک

    محیط طبیعی متاثر از اقلیم و تغییرات آن، اشکال ژیومورفیک مختلفی دارد. حاکمیت فازهای مختلف آب و هوایی و تغییر بیلان ماده و انرژی، به عملکرد سیستم های متفاوت شکل زایی در محیط منجر می شود. دریاچه های دیرینه یکی از اشکال ژیومورفیک دوره ی کواترنری است که امروزه بسیاری از این دریاچه ها یا به طور کامل خشک شده و از بین رفته اند، یا دریاچه های موقت و گاه دایمی دارند. پلایای جازموریان واقع در جنوب شرقی کشور که امروزه در منطقه ی آب و هوایی خشک قرار دارد، درگذشته شرایط اقلیمی متفاوتی را تجربه کرده و شواهد رسوبی و ژیومورفولوژیک مبتنی بر وجود دریاچه در منطقه برجای مانده است. در حاشیه ی این دریاچه، آثار و شواهد ژیومورفیک از جمله پادگانه های دریاچه ای وجود دارد که بهترین شاهد برای بازسازی سطح آب دریاچه در گذشته است. قرار گرفتن این پادگانه ها در ارتفاع های مختلف، تغییرات سطح آب دریاچه های قدیمی را نسبت به شرایط کنونی نشان می دهد. هدف از این پژوهش، بازسازی پادگانه های دریاچه ای به عنوان شواهد پالیوژیومورفولوژیک حوضه و تعیین وسعت و عمق دریاچه ی جازموریان در گذشته است. این پژوهش با استفاده از مطالعات کتابخانه ای، میدانی، آزمایشگاهی و نرم افزاری انجام شد. پس از بررسی منطقه برای اولین بار، پادگانه های دریاچه ای در منطقه شناسایی شد. در مرحله ی بعد، نمونه های برداشت شده از این سطوح به صورت آزمایشگاهی بررسی و دریاچه ای بودن آنها تایید شد. سپس با استفاده از تکنیک های سنجش از دور و نقشه کشی براساس ارتفاع پادگانه های دریاچه ای ثبت شده، سطوح گستره ی دریاچه تعیین و در نهایت، حدود این سطوح با توجه به سایر عوامل طبیعی مانند شیب، جهت شیب، شبکه زهکشی و بررسی های زمین شناسی تصحیح شد. نتایج حاکی از آن است که سه سطح پادگانه ای در پلایای جازموریان در ارتفاع مختلف در غرب دریاچه ی فصلی کنونی که بیانگر فازهای مختلف اقلیمی و گسترش این دریاچه در گذشته است مشخص و وسعت دریاچه ی کهن نیز در این منطقه بازیابی شد.

    کلید واژگان: پادگانه ی دریاچه ای, پلایا, جازموریان, دیرینه شناسی, کواترنری
    Arefe Shabani Eraghi, Mojtaba Yamani*, Abolghasem Goorabi, Razieh Lak

    The natural environment is affected by climate, and its changes have different geomorphic forms. The dominance of different climatic phases and changes in the balance of matter and energy cause different shaping systems in the environment. Ancient lakes are one of the geomorphic forms of the Quaternary period, and today many of these lakes are either completely dry or have temporary and sometimes permanent lakes. One of the major functions of geomorphologists in studying ancient environments is to identify and map the shores of ancient lakes that show hydrological changes from wet to dry conditions. These studies are based on the height of lake terraces by reconstructing the volume and dimensions of ancient lakes and studying climatic conditions. Terraces are one of the best evidence of the reconstruction of ancient paleo geomorphological conditions in the coastal environments of the seas and lakes because the water level fluctuation and, consequently, the advancement and regression of water have created them on the coast. By examining the number of terraces, different periods of climate change can be identified, and changes in the extent of lakes can be determined.


    This research has been done using the library, field, laboratory, and software studies. After visiting the area, lake terraces were identified for the first time in the area. In the next step, samples taken from these surfaces were analyzed in a laboratory, and their lake nature was confirmed. Then, using remote sensing and mapping techniques based on the height of the recorded lake terraces, the lake area levels were determined, and finally, the limits of these levels were corrected according to other natural factors such as slope, aspect, drainage pattern, and geological studies.


    In the Jazmourian region, according to geomorphological evidence, three levels of lake terraces remain, the first of which is located in the west of the current Jazmourian plateau at an altitude of 410 meters above sea level and shows a lake with a depth of 72 meters and an area of ​​11935 square kilometers in the past. It shows that this level is the highest level of an ancient lake in the region that has been identified. In the western part of the hole, the second level of the garrison is located at an altitude of 375 meters above sea level and shows a lake with a depth of 37 meters and an area of ​​6579 square kilometers in the past. It separates from the previous terrace and shows a lake with a depth of 32 meters and an area of ​​5486 square kilometers, which was the lowest limit of the ancient lake, according to the evidence identified in the area. Different climatic conditions in each period in the region have created a different lake area. In fact, in favorable periods, there were lakes with more area and less water salinity, and in unfavorable weather conditions, in terms of rainfall characteristics, the lake was formed with less area and more salinity.

    Discussion & Conclusions

    The results show that three levels of terrace in Jazmourian Playa at different heights in the west of the current seasonal lake, which indicates different climatic periods and the expansion of the lake in the past, were identified, and the extent of the ancient lake in this area was restored. Krinsley (1972) proved the past wet conditions in Iran by studying aerial photographs and field observations based on geomorphological, hydrological, and tectonic evidence in Iranian beaches. His studies show that there was a large lake in the Jazmourian hole in the Ice Age with varying width and depth, which is confirmed by the results of this study. Vaezi et al. (2019) also examined the evidence of climate diversity in the Pleistocene-Holocene period based on various geochemical analyses. Their results confirmed the regionchr('39')s wetter climatic conditions in the past, which is consistent with the results of this study. Of course, the lack of financial facilities for dating terraces and determining the exact time of the lake is one of the main problems of paleogeomorphological studies in the world and this research. Iran should be eliminated.

    Keywords: Jazmourian, Quaternary, Lake terrace, Playa, Paleontology
  • مجتبی یمانی*، لیلا حیدریان، ابوالقاسم گورابی، مهران مقصودی

    استقرار اغلب سکونتگاه های شهری و روستایی ایران در مجاورت مناطق کوهستانی باعث شده تا احتمال وقوع ناپایداری های دامنهای و جابجایی زمین یکی از چالش های پیش روی برنامه ریزان شهری محسوب گردد. در این پژوهش با استفاده از تصاویر راداری سنتینل 1، طی بازه زمانی سه ساله (از تاریخ 06/01/2016تا 21/12/2018)، با استفاده از روش تکنیک سری زمانی SBAS در نرم افزار GMTSAR ، نقشه جابجایی و ناپایداری دامنه ای زمین در محدوده شهر پردیس تولید شده اند. در همین راستا پتانسیل خطر وقوع حرکات دامنه ای، در قالب مدل تلفیقی AHP - منطق فازی، با بهرمندی از  متغیرهای شیب، جهت شیب، ارتفاع، رودخانه، گسل، لیتولوژی و راه ارتباطی مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفته اند. در پایان نتایج تکنیک سری زمانی و مدلسازی مقایسه و تحلیل های لازم ارایه شده اند. نتایج حاصله بیانگر آنند که؛ بخش های جنوبی شهرهای پردیس، رودهن و بومهن که بر مخروط افکنه ها استقرار یافته اند، به ترتیب 35-، 31-و 29- میلی متر در سال فرونشست و بخش های شمالی 25 میلی متر بالاآمدگی داشته اند. نتایج مدلسازی نشان داد که بیش از 40 درصد محدوده در معرض وقوع زمین لغزش بوده که  حدود 70 درصد از آن ها بر مناطق ناپدار حاصل از تکنیک راداری همپوشانی دارند. این تحقیق کارآیی تکنیک راداری در ارزیابی و اعتبارسنجی مدلسازی AHP - منطق فازی را بخوبی نمایان نمود

    کلید واژگان: آنالیز سری زمانی SBAS, فرونشست, زمین لغزش, شهر پردیس
    Mojtaba Yamani*, Leyla Heydarian, Aabolghasem Goorabi, Mehran Maghsoudi

    Nowadays, given the rapid growth of population, development of infrastructure is inevitable and the pressure of human needs on the soil and exploitation of areas around cities in rural areas are increasing. Access to surface water, fertile soil, groundwater, access to transit roads, etc. have made establishing of new cities compulsory despite the environmental hazards in those areas.Land deformation as an environmental hazard may be related to tectonic activities such as earthquakes, faults, volcanoes, landslides and anthropogenic processes such as groundwater exploitation, which threaten urban areas. Land surface subsidence is recognized as a potential problem in many areas. This phenomenon is most often caused by human activities, mainly from the removal of subsurface water. Also, Iran with rough and mostly mountainous topography, have a high potential for landslides and instability of slopes.Pardis new city in the east part of Tehran is one of the areas most prone to Domain Instabilities. The location of the city and its expansion toward the steep slopes have made it susceptible to all kinds of natural hazards, so the main purpose of the study is investigate the potential of landslide and subsidence in Pardis.

    Material and Methods

    This research consists of two stages: first, ground surface deformation was estimated using radar interferometry technique. Then, landslide susceptible zoning was carried out using Fuzzy and AHP methods.We applied SBAS algorithm to the 27 SAR images of the Sentinel-1 satellite, in ascending orbit for the time period of 2016.01.06.-2018.12.21. The first step of the SBAS procedure involves the selection of the SAR data pairs to generate the interferograms; the selected images are characterized by a small temporal and spatial separation (baseline) between the orbits in order to limit the noise effect usually referred to as decorrelation phenomena. The second step of the procedure involves the retrieval of the original (unwrapped) phase signals from the modulo-2 π restricted (wrapped) phases directly computed from the interferograms.In the next stage, landslide susceptibility zones have been evaluated using both fuzzy logic and analytical hierarchy process (AHP) models, as a weighting technique to explore landslide susceptibility mapping. In the modelling process, eight causative variablesincluding aspect, slope degree, altitude, distance from the road, distance from the fault, distance from the river, lithology and land use were identified for landslide susceptibility mapping. In fuzzy logic the degree of membership of variables may be any real number from 0 (non-membership) to 1 (full membership) which reflects a degree of membership (Zadeh, 1965). By contrast, in Boolean logic, the truth values of variables may only be the integer values 0 or 1. After Fuzzification of all layers, since the causative factors are not the same value, the AHP method to determine the weights was performed. The AHP methodology consists of pairwise comparison of all possible pairs of factors. The relative rating for the dominance between each pair of factors was guided by expert knowledge. After obtaining weight of each factors, these weights are multiplied in the map calculated by fuzzy membership.                                                            

    Results and  Discussion

    We used 27 c-band sentinel-1 images for the 2016-2018 period and the Small BAseline Subset (SBAS) approach to investigate land deformation in Pardis. Result of the deformation map of Pardis show that the northern part is uplifted with an annual rate of 25 mm/yr. The uplift of the northern part can be attributed to tectonic factors and the southern part of the basin subsided with an annual rate of -35 mm/yr. Thereafter landslide susceptibility areas have been evaluated. Geomorphological variables (slope, aspect, elevation, river), geology variables (lithology, fault) and anthropogenic variables (land use, roads) have been used for generation of the landslide susceptible map. The results of the landslide susceptible map indicate that the northern part of the Pardis basin have a high potential for landslides. Landslide susceptible map is classified into five classes: very high, high, medium, low and very low.
     Medium to very high susceptible class covered 40% of the study area which overlay on uplifting areas resulting from radar technique.


    SBAS time series method has been used to detect ground surface deformation and vertical movements. This method is based on an appropriate combination of multi look DInSAR Interferograms. Deformation map indicate that northern part of the basin, uplifted and southern part subsided. The cities of Pardis, Roodehen and Boomehen in the southern part, subsided a mean rate of respectively -35, -31 and -29 mm/year. The northern part uplifted with a mean rate of 25 mm/year which can be attributed to tectonic activity. Then, the landslide susceptibility map was created using both Fuzzy and AHP methods. The result show that more than 40% of the basin is exposed to landslides. The results of both methods SBAS time series analysis, landslide susceptibility mapping, demonstrated domain instabilities in northern part of the basin. As a result, identifying instable areas seems necessary for the urban development of the Pardis. 

    Keywords: Landslide, Subsidence, Pardis city, SBAS time series analysis
  • حمید گنجائیان، مجتبی یمانی*، ابوالقاسم گورابی، مهران مقصودی

    موقعیت تکتونیکی فلات ایران، آن را با ناآرامی های زیادی مواجه کرده است. ازجمله مناطق ناآرام این فلات، واحد مورفوتکتونیکی زاگرس شمال غربی است که طی سال های اخیر زمین لرزه های زیادی در آن روی داده است. کانون های زمین لرزه و شاخص های ژیومورفولوژیکی از عوامل ارزیابی وضعیت تکتونیکی مناطق هستند که در بسیاری از مناطق با هم همبستگی زیادی دارند و در بعضی از مناطق نیز ممکن است بین آنها رابطه معناداری وجود نداشته باشد؛ بر این اساس در این پژوهش هدف، بررسی وضعیت کانون های زمین لرزه در حوضه های واقع در زاگرس شمال غرب و ارتباط آن با شاخص های ژیومورفولوژیک بوده است. برای دستیابی به این هدف از مدل رقومی ارتفاعی 30 متر SRTM، نقشه های توپوگرافی 1:50000، نقشه های 1:100000 منطقه و همچنین اطلاعات مربوط به کانون زلزله های رخ داده در منطقه طی سال های 1900 تا 2018 به مثابه داده ها و ابزارهای اصلی پژوهش استفاده شده است. فرایند پژوهش طی سه مرحله مشخص انجام شده است؛ در مرحله اول وضعیت لرزه خیزی حوضه های مدنظر بررسی شده است؛ در مرحله دوم با استفاده از 8 شاخص ژیومورفیک شامل شاخص های T، Hi، AF، Bs، SL، S، P و Br وضعیت مورفوتکتونیکی حوضه ها و سپس با استفاده از شاخص Lat، وضعیت کلی حوضه ازنظر فعالیت های تکتونیکی ارزیابی شده است؛ در مرحله سوم نیز رابطه بین لرزه خیزی حوضه ها و شاخص های ژیومورفولوژیک به روش تحلیلی ارزیابی شده است. نتایج پژوهش نشان می دهد ازنظر کانون های زمین لرزه، حوضه زمکان با 36 زمین لرزه، فعال ترین حوضه است؛ همچنین حوضه های قشلاق، رازآور و قره سو با میانگین امتیاز 75/1، کمترین میانگین امتیاز را دارند و فعال ترین حوضه به شمار می رود؛ علاوه بر این نتایج ارزیابی و تحلیل رابطه بین کانون های زمین لرزه و شاخص های مورفوتکتونیکی نشان می دهد کانون های زمین لرزه بیشترین رابطه را با شاخص تراکم زهکشی دارند

    کلید واژگان: زاگرس, مورفوتکتونیک, شاخص Lat, کانون زمین لرزه
    Hamid Ganjaeian, Mojtaba Yamani *, Abolghasem Goorabi, Mehran Maghsoudi

    The land of Iran has undergone major orogenic activities in different geological periods. The effects of these orogenic movements during the Quaternary period have led to a large number of young and dynamic faults. The movements of the earth floors along these ruptures have been associated with major environmental changes in the regions, and these movements and the resulting changes have continued to the present day. In the meantime, the neo-tectonic structure studies the geological, vertical, and horizontal movements of the earth's crust that occurred in the recent geological past and may continue to this day. The range of mountains up to the movements of individual faults (dimensions of several kilometers). The effects of new construction activities, directly and indirectly, affect the shapes of the earth's surface and in addition to creating different shapes and forms, they also control their shape and position. Therefore, due to the effect of neoplastic factors on the formation of land surface shapes, in recent years, neoclassical factors have been significantly proposed as one of the major tools in determining how landforms in regions evolve. According to the above cases, the purpose of the present study is to evaluate the tectonic activity in the northwestern Zagros with an emphasis on the Lat index to achieve the seismicity of the region in the form of catchments. In addition, the present study attempts to evaluate the relationship between the seismicity of these basins and morphotectonic indices analytically.  

    Materials and Methods

    In the present study, in order to evaluate the tectonic status of the studied basins from the digital model of 30 m altitude SRTM, topographic maps 1: 50,000, 1: 100,000 maps of the region as well as information about the epicenter of earthquakes that occurred in the region during the years 1900 to 2018, were used as the main data collection tools. Also, ArcGIS software (in order to extract basins and prepare final maps) and SPSS (in order to perform calculations related to indicators) were used for the analysis of the data. This research has been done in 3 stages. In the first stage, the seismicity of the basins has been evaluated using the location of seismic centers. In the second stage, the tectonic status of the basins has been investigated using 8 geomorphological indicators. Using the correlation index, the relationship between the tectonic activity of the basins in terms of different indices and the epicenters of the earthquakes has been evaluated. In fact, the assessment was that first the basins were ranked in terms of the number of seismic centers, and the basins with the highest number of seismic centers were ranked first. Also, based on the results obtained from each index, each basin was given a rank. Finally, the correlation between the rank of each basin in terms of the number of seismic centers and their rank in terms of geomorphological indices were evaluated.  


    The seismicity of the studied basins showed that from 1990 to 2019, 131 earthquakes with a magnitude of more than 3 Richter occurred, of which 7 earthquakes were between 3 and 4 Richter, 114 earthquakes were between 4 and 5 Richter, and 8 Earthquakes were between 5 and 6 Richter. One earthquake was between 6 and 7 Richter and also 1 earthquake was more than 7 Richter (earthquake from the herd on November 12, 2017). Also, the results indicated that among the studied basins, the Zemkan basin with 36 earthquakes (including seismic from the herd) and the Alvand basin with 31 earthquakes, had the highest number of seismic centers. In this regard, they are considered as active tectonic basins. Also, the evaluation of the tectonic status of the basins in terms of geomorphological indicators indicated that in terms of inverse topographic symmetry index (T) and drainage basin asymmetry index (AF), the Razavar basin was the most active basin. In terms of the hypsometric integral index (Hi) and longitudinal river gradient index (SL), the Merg basin was the most active basin. In terms of basin shape indices (Bs), river sine (S) and branching ratio (Br), Jigran, Leila, and Gavarod basins had more active tectonic status, respectively.  


    The results of the seismicity assessment of the basins showed that from 1990 to 2019, among the studied basins, the Zemkan basin with 36 earthquakes (including seismic from the herd) and Alvand basin with 31 Earthquakes had the highest number of seismic centers. In this regard, they are considered as basins with active tectonic status. Also, the results of the Lat index showed that Gheshlagh, Razavar, and Qarahsoo basins with an average score of 1.75 had the lowest average score and were the most active basin. The Alvand basin with an average of 2.25 points had the highest average score and the lowest activity. In the present study, using correlation, the relationship between the tectonic status of basins and earthquakes in the region was evaluated. The results of the evaluation indicated that there was no relationship between the number of earthquakes and the tectonic condition of the basins in terms of different indicators. In fact, except for the drainage density index of the basins, which had a correlation coefficient with the number of earthquakes in the basins (0.583), other indicators had a coefficient of less than 0.5. Therefore, using the number of earthquakes, it is not possible to assess the tectonic status of the basins.

    Keywords: Zagros, Morphotectonics, Lat index, seismic epicenter
  • ابوالقاسم گورابی*، سید محمد زمانزاده، مجتبی یمانی، پریسا پیرانی

    زمین لرزه ها حاصل گسلش و پویایی زمین ساختی هر ناحیه هستند و نسبت به بزرگا، فضا و زمان توزیع فرکتالی دارند. در این تحقیق پارامترهای لرزه خیزی b-value و FD به عنوان رویکرد کمی فرکتالی در تحلیل لرزه خیزی زاگرس شمال غرب بکار رفته است. پارامتر b با توزیع فراوانی-بزرگای گوتنبرگ-ریشتر و پارامتر FD به روش مربع شمار محاسبه و همچنین با استفاده از 30 خوشه تمرکز زمین لرزه و عوامل مهم، پهنه های لرزه خیز با روش آنتروپی مشخص شدند. کاهش b-value رخداد زمین لرزه های با فراوانی کم و بزرگای بالا و افزایش FD عدم خوشه بندی و توزیع یکنواخت زمین لرزه ها را نشان می دهد. همبستگی منفی این دو موید زمین ساخت فعال است. نتایج نشان می دهند که افزایش FD با کاهش b-value (همبستگی منفی 60 درصد) همراه است. منطقه A (غرب کرمانشاه) ، بالاترین میزان (FD (1/02 و پایین ترین میزان b (0/78) را داراست که به معنی توزیع بالای تنش در منطقه (و شاهد آن زمین لرزه اخیر کرمانشاه با بزرگای 7/3) است. منطقه E (محل اتصال گسل های جبهه کوهستان و بالارود)، مشابه A است اما زمین لرزه های آن بزرگای کمتری دارند (5 و 6 ریشتر). منطقه F (محل پیوند گسل های اصلی و جبهه کوهستان زاگرس)، با وجود تراکم بالای گسل و زمین لرزه، نقطه مقابل A است که بیانگر رها شدن تنش در قالب زمین لرزه هایی کوچک است. منطقه C (حاشیه غربی با کمترین تمرکز گسل و فراوانی زمین لرزه)، مشابه F است. مناطق D و B (مجاور گسل های معکوس و رورانده زاگرس، شرایطی زمین ساختی متوسطی دارند. نتایج مدل آنتروپی نتایج FD را تایید می کند و رابطه معکوسی با مقادیر b دارد.

    کلید واژگان: لرزه خیزی, زاگرس شمال غرب, فرکتال, آنتروپی
    Abolghasem Goorabi *, Seyed Mohammad Zamanzadeh, Mojtaba Yamani, Parisa Pirani

    The purpose of present study is seismicity analysis of Lorestan folded arc and its adjacent thrust belt using quantitative methods. To reach this aim we performed analysis of seismicity using quantitative methods to find possible vertical and horizontal changes in seismic activity across the main Zagros faults of the northwestern part of Zagros. Firstly, we used fractal geometry and frequency-magnitude distribution of earthquakes by using FD and b-value parameters, respectively. Here b-value is the main factor in Gutenberg-Richter empirical relation which indicates the exponential distribution of earthquake magnitudes (Godano et al, 2014; 1765). This parameter also is known as fractal dimension (Mirabedini & aghatabay,2015: 60). FD is fractal dimension of earthquake epicenters distribution which has been calculated by box-counting method (Turcotte 1997). On the other hand Entropy model has been applied to specify potential of seismicity by using effective factors and 30 points of earthquake concentration. The study area in northwestern part of Zagros was divided to the simply folded arc of Lorestan and faulted-folded belt of high Zagros. Several main faults pass through the area from NW to SE and divide its main morphotectonic units as High, folded and foredeep parts of Zagros (Berberian, 1995: 193).

    Material and methods

    Data in this research can be divided to two part: parameters of earthquakes (magnitude, depth, location of epicenter) and linear data of faults and anticline/syncline axes. These data have been changed into new layers by GIS software extensions (density of epicenter and depth of earthquakes, density of faults and anticline/syncline axes, distance of fault and epicenter of earthquakes, interpolation of epicenter of earthquakes) to be applied in Entropy model, in other hand frequency of magnitude clusters and surface distribution of earthquakes are main data in Gutenberg–Richter relation and Fractal methods respectively. Numerical results of mentioned methods have been calculated and drawn in excel software. Gutenberg–Richter relation (Gutenberg & Richter 1944) is defined as Log N(m)= a-bm, where N is the cumulative number of earthquakes with magnitude larger or equal to m, a is a constant (seismicity level) and b is the slope of frequency-magnitude (size distribution) (Godano, 2014). To calculate fractal dimension of distribution of earthquake epicenters, box counting method suggested by Turcotte (1997) were applied by using Hausdorff dimension, which in two quantity of size (side length of grids) and number (number of grid boxes containing earthquake) are used to calculate FD value (Schuller et al, 2001: 3). In the other section, earthquake epicenters are divided to several clusters with different magnitude, then kernel density of each cluster was applied and subsequently, the maximum concentration of each magnitude cluster was determined as a point layer. Followingly, by overlaying these point layer with effective layers in seismicity analysis, their characteristics was extracted. Finally, an Entropy matrix was calculated and using experts rating and computing the layer’s weight, seismic zones were identified (Zonggi, et al, 2010).

    Result and discussion 

    Estimated b-value indicates approximately reciprocal values compared with FD values. Decrease in b-value reveals that stress level and probability of large magnitude earthquakes occurrence is quite high and increase in FD shows that earthquakes are not clustered and are distributed homogeneously along a line in understudy area. Calculated number-size values for earthquakes represent both partial and popular FD changes. Based on partial FD, three populations can be classified: (a) Background with FD larger than popular FD; (b) Threshold with FD lower than 0.7: and (c) Anomaly with FD more than two. Based on popular FD, distribution of earthquakes is linear and transition to chaos phase is not predicted. Comparison between maximum values of Entropy zoning and FD values for each box indicates that these two values show 93% correlation (regardless of the C box values due to incompatibility with value of other boxes).


    Areas with high FD value and low b-value are more tectonically active. The box labeled A which represent western parts of Kermanshah in folded Zagros, has the highest FD value (1.02) and lowest b-value (0.78). The box labeled F in southern east part is in contrast with it (highest b value:1.02 and one of the lowest FD value: 0.89) in understudy areas. E (Balarud fault) and D (High and folded Zagros) parts have almost the same FD and b values. FD and b values in B (high Zagros) are equal and less than the aforementioned areas. C (that contains a part of mountain front fault) has the lowest value of FD and same b-value as B and the changes of Entropy max values are same as FD values.

    Keywords: Seismicity, Northwestern Zagros, fractal, Entropy
  • مجتبی یمانی*، ابوالقاسم گورابی، مهران مقصودی، صدیقه محبوبی

    لندفرم ها در نواحی دارای فعالیت های تکتونیکی، حاصل ترکیب پیچیده ای از تاثیرات حرکات عمودی و افقی مربوط به بلوک های پوسته ای و فرسایش یا رسوب گذاری توسط فرایندهای سطحی است. در این پژوهش، گالی های سطح دشت سرهای موجود در دامنه های جنوبی البرز شرقی (منطقه گرمسار- سمنان) مورد بررسی قرار گرفته اند. گالی های موجود از مغرب به مشرق خصوصیات مورفومتری متفاوتی را نشان می دهند، برای پی بردن به علل این تفاوت ها، پس از گردآوری داده ها و تحلیل رقومی تصاویر و نقشه ها، قلمرو تحقیق به 4 بازه و سایت مطالعاتی تقسیم شد. در مجموع این سایت ها 35 گالی را پوشش دادند. در مرحله بعد پس از نمونه برداری از دیواره تا کف گالی ها کارهای ژیوشیمی و دانه سنجی بر روی آنها انجام گرفت. همچنین مورفومتری گالی های هر سایت در مقاطع مشخص و فواصل مساوی انجام شد، علاوه بر این، تراکم پوشش گیاهی و نوع آن برداشت گردید. در مرحله بعد شواهد مورفوتکتونیک با بررسی تصاویر ماهواره ای و شواهد زمینی بررسی شد. سرانجام ارتباط مورفومتری، داده های رسوبی و تاثیر نوزمین ساخت و چگونگی تاثیر آن بر گالی های منطقه تحلیل گردید. یافته ها نشان می دهند که داده های فیزیکی رسوبات از نظر نوع و اندازه در مقیاس سطحی و عمقی نتوانسته در همه سایت ها به طور کامل در توسعه یافتگی گالی ها موثر باشد. شاید در سایت 4، توسعه یافتگی را فقط به عامل قطر رسوب منطقه و در سایت 2، عدم توسعه یافتگی گالی ها را به این عامل بتوان نسبت داد ولی در دو سایت دیگر یعنی سایت 1 و 3، نمی توان توسعه یافتگی گالی ها را تنها به بافت و قطر رسوب منطقه نسبت داد، بلکه باید عامل مهم تر تکتونیک را مد نظر قرار داد. تفاوت شیمی رسوب در 4 سایت جزیی بود، نوع و تراکم پوشش گیاهی و کاربری اراضی نیز در همه سایت ها تقریبا یکسان است. بنابراین نتایج حاصل از تحلیل عوامل تاثیر گذار و نقشه پهنه بندی نهایی حاصل از ANP و فازی، همه نشانگر آن است که در بین عوامل بررسی شده، نوزمین ساخت فعال نقش اصلی را در توسعه یافتگی گالی ها به عهده داشته است و شیمی رسوبات نقش ثانوی را دارا بوده است.

    کلید واژگان: البرز شرقی, دشت سر, ژئومورفولوژی, گالی, نو زمین ساخت
    Mojtaba Yamani *, Abolghasem Gooraby, Mehran Maghsoudi, Sedigheh Mahboobi

    Landforms in the areas of tectonic activities are resulted from a complicated combination of vertical and horizontal movements related to crustal blocks, erosion, and surface sedimentation. Considering these facts, there is a great diversity of land at the Hillside of the Eastern Alborz Mountains and in the Garmsar to Semnan Range. Initially, it is impossible to provide a reason for these sudden changes, except for the tectonic factor. Because across the Garmsar fault, the gullies are concentrated only in a limited section of the fault line and have a different morphometry. On the other hand, the existence of a cone-shaped sequence along the Garmsar fault shows a clear dynamic difference in terms of the exploration process and the density between these two landforms, which has been addressed in this study. Since gullies are important landforms for identifying landform changes and sequences of landforms in geomorphology, they are important. Therefore, due to the apparent similarities of the surface of the earth, this cannot be considered effective as a single factor in different parts of gullies; this is the main issue of this research.

    Materials and methods

    In this research, we have investigated gullies on southern slopes of eastern Alborz, from Garmsar to Semnan. The gully landforms have different morphological properties from west to east. To find out the factors creating the differences, we have gathered data and processed satellite images. By the way, we have divided the region into four sites or subsections for further analysis. The samples have been taken from the walls and bottoms of the gullies for geochemical and granulometric analyses. We have also measured morphometric properties of the gullies of each site in given cross-sections and equal distances. Vegetation density and taxonomy have also been obtained through the field survey. Morpho-tectonic evidence has been examined by field observations and satellite images. Then, we have applied Analytical Network Process (ANP) and Fuzzy analysis to examine the influences of morphometry, sediment characteristics, and neo-tectonic properties on gully development in the area.

    Discussion and Conclusion

    Considering that various factors are involved in the creation and development of gullies, each of the factors considered in the region were first studied in order to determine the effect of each of them and the most important factor in this regard. The factors involved are physics and sediment chemistry, tectonic effects in the area, vegetation and land use. The results have indicated that physical characteristics of the sediments in size and type could not have similar impacts in all the subsections. In site 4, more developed landforms are related to the fine-grain textures. On the contrary, in site 2 less developed gullies are resulted from coarse grain texture. In the other two sites, the development of gullies cannot be attributed to texture and diameter of the sediments. However, the development of the landforms is more affected by it position over the walls of the fault. There are no considerable differences in vegetation, land use, and geochemical properties among the four sites. The measurements showed that the fault wall at a height of 10.5 meters at the end of site 1 and the uplift of the middle portion of the cone at site 3, at 14 meters, are the main reasons for the expansion and deepening of the gullies in these two sites. However, these conditions do not exist on the other two sites. On site 2, gullies do not develop at all, and on site 4, there is a typical development of gullies because of the type and texture of the region's sedimentation.


    Physical and chemical factors of surface sedimentation and sedimentation of gullies, as well as the study of the type and species of vegetation in the region have been studied. Also the effect of tectonics and all the evidence of tectonic landforms in the region have been investigated. The relationship between tectonics with the expansion of gullies in the region are studied.  According to the final zoning map of the ANP, the largest area of the southern Alborz pediment, the low and middle erosion classes of the gully, have been allocated. Based upon the final zonation map of ANP and fuzzy, it can be concluded that two main factors of active neotectonics and deposit texture have had the most important influence on gully development.

    Keywords: Eastern Alborz, Plains, Geomorphology, Gully, Neotectonic
  • مجتبی یمانی*، ابوالقاسم گورابی، محمدرضا قاسمی، سید محمد زمان زاده، فاطمه کیارستمی

    لندفرم‏ها و واکنش‏ آن‏ها به تغییرات محیطی از جمله مباحثی است که از دیرباز مورد توجه متخصصان علم ژیومورفولوژی بوده‏ است. یکی از لندفرم‏هایی که از تغییرات محیطی به‏ویژه فرایندهای زمین‏ساختی و فرسایشی تاثیر می‏پذیرد رودخانه‏ها هستند. هدف اصلی در این پژوهش تحلیل واکنش رودهای ناحیه برای رسیدن به نیمرخ تعادلی در مواجهه میان فرایندهای زمین‏ساختی با فرایندهای فرسایشی است. برای این پژوهش، سه رود اصلی ناحیه شامل آستانه، چشمه‏علی، و تپال بررسی شد. رابطه توان برشی رود در قالب ارتباط میان شیب و مساحت زهکشی، مقادیر دو پارامتر تندی و فرورفتگی کانال را استخراج می‏نماید. هر دوی این پارامترها متاثر از عوامل سنگ‏شناسی، زمین‏ساختی، توپوگرافی، و فرسایشی‏اند. نتایج حاصل از بررسی سه رود اصلی منطقه نشان می‏دهد که رسیدن به نیمرخ تعادلی در هر رود به عوامل بالاآمدگی نسبت به سطح اساس، فرسایشی، و سنگ‏شناسی بستگی دارد. بالاآمدگی رخ‏داده ناشی از گسل‏خوردگی آبراهه به افزایش ارتفاع و شیب کانال رود منجر شده و فرسایش در پاسخ به این تغییر در محیط رودخانه رخ می‏دهد. این امر باعث افزایش بار رسوبی تولیدی و در نتیجه بالارفتن بازده فرسایشی در رودها می‏‏شود. با افزایش بار رسوبی در پایین‏دست حوضه، رود قادر می‏شود تاثیر بالاآمدگی‏های گسلی بر بستر خود را خنثی کند.

    کلید واژگان: البرز شرقی, دامغان, زمین‏ساخت فعال, ژئومورفولوژی ساختمانی, مدل SPL
    Mojtaba Yamani *, Abolghasem Goorabi, Mohammad Ghassemi, S.M .Zamanzadeh, Fatemeh Kiaroostami

    Landforms and their response to environmental changes is one of the most interested topics among geomorphologists. One of the landforms that is most affected by tectonic and erosion processes is the rivers. Rivers respond to tectonic processes that increase the height of landscapes and erosion processes that try to reduce the height of landforms. This reaction can be well studied by analyzing the longitudinal profile of the rivers. One of the effective parameters in the study of tectonic and erosional status of regions is steepness and concavity. These parameters can be examined in the form of Stream Power Law (SPL). This function is related to incision power of streams.This relationship in the form of the linkage between slope and drainage area of the river in a logarithmic plot based on power regression, extracts the values of two parameters, the steepness and the concavity of the channel. In fact experimental studies by other researchers have shown that there is a direct relationship between rivers steepness and concavity with tectonic – erosive processes in the regions. It generally accepted that steep landscape are associated with areas of high uplift rate and active tectonic. Rivers system are well adopted to tectonic processes to provide useful information about the rate of uplift in landforms. The steepness of rivers which depends on the declivity of channels is fraction of uplift rate. So we expect that if the amount of the steepness in the longitudinal profile of the river is low, the uplift rate is slight too and if the steepness is high, the uplift rate is intense too. Concavity index usually depends on bed material. But erosion efficiency has direct connection with incision power law and its steepness. But weakness of bed material especially alluvial can increase rate of erosion efficiency in channels. Erosion efficiency is the volume of sediment that is completely removed from the environment after erosion. Erosion efficiency is a function of sedimentary flux. This parameter can be directly related to the tectonic processes and characteristics of the bedrock. If tectonic processes lead to an increase in the height of the landforms, it can increase orographic precipitation in mountainous areas, and it can lead to increasing sedimentary flux, then erosion efficiency also increases. The main purpose of this study is to analysis the effect of active tectonic and erosion on equilibrium profile of the main rivers of the Damghan Mountain based on the Stream Power Law. These steepness and concavity parameters are influenced by set of lithological, geological, topographic and erosion factors. All of these factors are effective in location of knick points of rivers and are able to provide useful information about the geological and erosion status of the area

    Material and Method

    In order to investigate the power incision law, the DEM map in 30m resolution was used to extract the channels. For extracting the rivers, the D8 algorithm method was used to calculate the flow direction. In this method, the flow path of each pixel that fall on the lower pixel with a lower slope was calculated and the flow directions was determined. In this regard, we first need to create a DEM map with the least inconsistency. This method focuses on extracting central flows in valleys and reducing parallel flows. After extracting the channels, their slope-area logarithmic diagram were plotted. The regression line considered for the logarithmic plot is the power regression, which is the relation of the river incision power. In this regression, the slope of the regression line is concavity and the intercept of line is steepness. To obtain information about lithological features of the area that are effective in analyzing the concavity and steepness parameters, the geological map of Damghan and Shahrud was used. The study area is part of the mountain structure of Eastern Alborz and has several active faults. North Damghan Mountain is located on the southern side of eastern Alborz between 36。14'0.3" to 36。18' 82" and 55。00' 26" to 53。59' 56" in north of Iran plateau. There are different outcrops of lithostratigraphic formations from Precambrian to Quaternary in this area. Geologically speaking, the study area is composed of set of over thrust blocks and nappes. The thrust faults and nappes within piggy back style have pushed eastern Alborz stratigraphy sequences on each other. The folds in the region have a strong connection to thrust structures and nappes. These folds are of different types and sizes but most of them are inclined and recumbent because of widespread compressive component in eastern Alborz.

    Result and Discussion

    The three main rivers of the region, CheshmehAli, Astaneh and Tepal, were studied. All three rivers flow on the colluvium bed in the upstream and alluvial bed in the downstream. And all three affected by faults in some areas. Some such as CheshmehAli River in the southern part, has flowed into a fault valley. The activity of faults along the rivers, both in the resistance and alluvial parts has led to uplift of the rivers. These effects are seen in the high values of steepness index and low values of concavity index. The increase in the stream incision is seen in both the upper and lower section of the rivers due to the activity of faults in the region. But the steepness is higher in the upstream which is made of colluvium sediments. While in the downstream due to weakness of alluvial sediments the rate of erosion efficiency is higher. Therefore the change in the rate of steepness, concavity and erosion efficiency, in addition to active tectonic, is strongly affected by the bedrock of channels. Each rivers that is most faulted also has higher values of the steepness index. CheshmehAli River, part of which is located completely in the faulted valley, has the highest rate of steepness compared to other rivers. The Astaneh River has been affected by the Astaneh fault in several parts, and the fault has led to the uplift of the river by cutting off the Quaternary sediments. The high values of steepness parameter in this river confirm existence of active tectonic. The Tepal River in its upper part shows high values of steepness parameter, but in the downstream part where the river flows on agricultural lands, the rate of erosion efficiency has increased and in contrast the rate of steepness parameter has decreased. This is due to human activities that have caused the rate of erosion to exceed the rate of tectonic processes. Therefore, human activities are able to transform the relationships between internal and external processes that are effective in changing landforms.


    The results show that reaching the equilibrium profile in each river depends on a set of factors include erosion, tectonic and lithology. Fault in the channel path leads to an increase in the height and slope of the river channel and erosion accurse in response to this change. Tectonic processes increase the incision capacity of rivers as a result of increasing the slope of the channel, which increase the volume of sediments produced in the river. Of course, like that Tepal River, we must consider the role of human activities in increasing the rate of erosion efficiency. Key Words: Eastern Alborz, Damghan, Active Tectonic, Morphotectonic, SPL Model.

    Keywords: Eastern Alborz, Damghan, active tectonic, Morphotectonic, SPL Model
  • مجتبی یمانی*، عارفه شعبانی عراقی، سید محمد زمان زاده، ابوالقاسم گورابی، نفیسه اشتری

    تحولات اقلیمی مهم ترین رویداد دوره کواترنری است که این تحولات به طور وسیعی در ژیومورفولوژی و رسوب شناسی این دوره منعکس شده است و علم پالیوژیومورفولوژی به فهم تغییرات اقلیمی گذشته و پیش بینی این تغییرات در آینده کمک می کند. دریاچه های واقع در چاله های بسته دوره های سرد یا بارانی کواترنر را دریاچه های پلویال می گویند که بعضی از این دریاچه ها به کلی خشک شده و از بین رفته اند، بعضی دیگر در حال حاضر دریاچه های موقتی هستند که در فصل خشک به کویر تبدیل می شوند و برخی دیگر دریاچه های دایمی هستند که در گذشته وسعت بیشتری داشته اند. شناخت دریاچه های پلوویال در مناطق خشک امروز به دلیل تنوع فاکتورها و فرآیندهای پیچیده در تشکیل آن ها مورد توجه محققان است. این پژوهش با هدف تعیین گستره پلایای میقان در کواترنری پسین براساس شواهد رسوبی و ژیومورفیک انجام گرفته است. پلایای میقان در مرکز و جنوب غربی استان مرکزی واقع گردیده و دربرگیرنده دریاچه فصلی و شور توزلوگل، دشت آبرفتی، مخروط افکنه و ..می باشد. داده های مورد استفاده عبارتند از: داده های حاصل از منابع کتابخانه ای، داده های آماری، نمونه های رسوبی، داده های آزمایشگاهی و سنجش از دور. این داده ها در نهایت به روش تحلیلی مورد بررسی قرار گرفته و نتیجه گیری انجام شده است. نتایج حاکی از شواهد رسوبی و ژیومورفولوژیک نشان می دهدکه این دریاچه در گذشته دایمی بوده و وسعت بیشتری نسبت به سطح پلایای فعلی داشته ولی این گسترش در جهات مختلف متفاوت بوده و تفاوت های معناداری به علت موقعیت زمین ساختی منطقه نشان می دهد.

    کلید واژگان: پادگانه دریاچه ای, پلایا, کواترنری پسین, تغییرات اقلیمی, چاله میقان
    Mojtaba Yamani *, Arefeh Shabanieraghi, Seyed Mohammad Zamanzadeh, Abolghasem Goorabi, Nafiseh Ashtari

    Climate changesare considered to be the most important event of the Quaternary period largely reflected in the geomorphology and sedimentology of the period.Paleogeomorphology helps us to understand past climate changes and predict future changes.  Depending on the Quaternary periods, closed pitlakes are called cold or rainy period lakes.Some of these lakes have completely dried up, others are temporary lakes that change into playas in the dry season, and others have been larger in the past. Researchers can identify pluvial lakes in today’s arid regions, because of the variety of factors and complex processes involved in their formation.Mighan Playa is located in the central and southwestern areas of Markazi province.  It includes seasonal and saline Tozlogol Lake, and alluvial plains.


    The present study used evidences of playa lake sediments as well as geomorphological evidences(lake terrace) to investigate the extent of MighanLake in Quaternary period. Data included datacollectedfrom library sources, statistical data, field surveys, sedimentary samples, sedimentary evidences, climatic data, remote sensing data received from Landsat TM satellite, ETM, and SRTM digital elevation models(SRTM 90 meters, and Dem10 meters).Initially, previous studies and environmental characteristics of the area were analyzed. Then, lake terracewas investigated to find geomorphic evidences of Pluvial Lakes in Quaternary period. To do so, probable ranges of the lake Terrace were determined using satellite imagery, geological maps, and elevation data of digital models. Probable area was divided into several distinct zones, and finally an area was identified in the western part of the lake and based on the elevation of this zone, the extent of the lake catchment in Quaternary period was determined. During fieldwork, samples were collected from the mountain slope line toward the Playa and lake shore, and then granulometrytests were performed on the 14 collected samples to determine the amount and type of sediments.Sedimentary and graphical analysis were also performed based on Folk classification. The percentage of clay and sand in the new samples collected from the region containing this mountainous area, lake coast and deeper parts of the lake were determined and attributed to past sediments. In this way, the information could be used to determine the extension of lake sedimentsin the past.Based on sedimentary logs (Arak Groundwater Studies Report, Central Water department of Markzani Province), sedimentology studies and percentages (clay-sand-gravel) of present-day samples collected from deep sections of Playa andelevated areas of sediment pits were interpolated in GIS environment and a map of the lake extension in the Mighan catchment areawas prepared.Subsequently based onpaleogeographic studies, paleontological climate of the area and sedimentation rate calculated by Pedrami in 1993, a map was produced to show the extent of sediments and the lake progressions and regressions in the past.


    The stratigraphic and sedimentary evidences of logs in the margins of Mighanpit indicates changes in wet and dry periods. Type and size of sediments reflect the climatic conditions in each period, while high percentage of clay sediments reflects lake conditions. Paleontological sedimentological maps of the area show that the clay sediments were more concentrated in the southwestern, western and northwestern regions. Uplift of the Talkhab fault in the northeastern regionhas resulted in tectonic asymmetry of the pitand concentration of sediments in the western and southern parts. According to Krinsley, Bubeck, Pedrami and etc. Lake Mighan has been larger in the past. However, none of these researchers have determined the extent of lake water in the past. In this study, the extent of the lake was determined by reconstruction of clay sediments and using geomorphological evidencescollected from the lake shorelines (lake terrace) near Mighan village (Mashhad). Results indicated a height of 15 m in Quaternary period.


    Sedimentary and geomorphologic evidences indicated that compared to the present playa level, the Lake fluvial was more permanent and vast in the past, but this extension differs in different directions and shows significant differences due to the tectonic location of the area.

    Keywords: Terrace lake .playa. Late Quaternary. Climate change. Mighan
  • ابوالقاسم گورابی*، سید محمد زمانزاده، مجتبی یمانی، پریسا پیرانی

    ماهیت پیچیده فرایندهای زمین ساختی عامل ایجاد توپوگرافی و همچنین ابعاد مناظر طبیعی زمین را نمی توان با ساختارهای کلاسیک، مانند هندسه اقلیدسی یا منطق ارسطویی، ارزیابی نمود. برای این منظور، تحلیل فرکتالی آبراهه ها و شکستگی ها با استفاده از روش شمارش جعبه ای برای تعیین بلوغ ساختاری زاگرس شمال غرب انجام گرفت. همچنین با کمک معیارهای مرتبط با مورفوتکتونیک، پتانسیل فعالیت تکتونیکی منطقه با روش عدم قطعیت فازی مشخص و نتایج این دو روش با کانون های سطحی زلزله مقایسه شدند. مناطق دارای بعد فرکتالی بالای گسل و پایین زهکشی فعالیت تکتونیکی بیشتری دارند. طبق این تحقیق، محدوده A یعنی غرب کرمانشاه، دارای بالاترین بعد فرکتالی (32/1) گسل و بعد فرکتالی کمتر برای شبکه زهکشی (432/1) است و شواهد لرزه ای از جمله زلزله اخیر کرمانشاه با 3/7 ریشتر نیز پویا بودن آن را تایید می کند. محدوده E که رو به فروافتادگی دزفول است، کمترین بعد فرکتالی گسل (07/1) و بیشترین بعد فرکتالی شبکه زهکشی (470/1) را دارا است. با این حال گسل های مدفون نقش مهمی در تولید زلزله در شمال این محدوده دارند. هم پوشانی مربع های فرکتالی با گاماهای مختلف در مدل فازی تا حد زیادی تایید کننده نتایج بود و محدوده A در این مدل نیز بالاترین پتانسیل فعالیت تکتونیکی را نشان می دهد.

    کلید واژگان: تکتونیک, زاگرس شمال غرب, فرکتال, فازی
    Aabolghasem Goorabi*, Seyyed Mohammad Zamanzadeh, Mojtaba Yamani, Parisa Pirani

    In order to tectonic analysis northwestern Zagros, we have used fractal geometry against classic geometry and fuzzy logic instead of Aristotelian classic logic to evaluate natural landscapes with non-integer dimension and the complex nature of tectonic processes. The fractal dimension (FD) has been applied to determine anomaly or normality of surface rupture (faults) pattern in association with drainage network that can show the maturity of structures. In other hand, uncertainty of fuzzy logic has been applied to specify the potential of tectonic activity by using morphotectonic factors. At the end, we have compared results of these two methods with surface epicenters of earthquakes.


    To calculate the FD of faults and drainage network using box-counting, the area was divided to 6 boxes that contain main fault trends horizontally and vertically. In fractal method each box is covered by several network (grid) that their side length (quantity of Size) is decreased at every grid level. Then the relation between reciprocal of side length and boxes containing linear feature (quantity of Number) was drawn Logarithmically as a linear regression that shows FD. In fuzzy model, six main effective factors were determined and 12 layers were produced base on their importance in tectonic analysis. The membership degree of these layers’ effective parts by fuzzy functions were determined and then they were overlaid by fuzzy operators like gamma with different powers.
    Results and  


    Calculating number-size quantity using box-counting method for faults and drainage network shows both partial and overall FD changes. As partial changes are close,  yjey indicate the existence of the self-similarity components. Based on partial FD, there are three communities: back ground with FD larger than slope of linear regression, threshold community with repeating component, and anomaly community with FD value more than three. Based on overall FD, development of faults and drainage network  have not entered to chaos phase. The comparison of mean value of fuzzy zoning with different gamma powers for each box indicates that 0.7 power of gamma has the most correlation with overall FD of boxes.


    Areas of high value of FD for faults and low value for drainage network are more tectonically active. Here the box labeled A which represent western parts of Kermanshah in folded Zagros, has the highest FD value of faults (1.32) and lower FD value of drainage network (1.432). Epicenter evidences of earthquakes for example 7.3 magnitude earthquake of Ezgeleh, confirm the FD results; whereas, the box labeled E near Dezful Embayment shows the lowest FD value of faults (1.07) and highest FD value of drainage network (1/470). Overlaying fractal boxes (A to F) with fuzzy exports (gamma 0.7) are in line with these results and represent more potential of tectonic activity for northwestern parts of area (box A).

    Keywords: Tectonic, Northwestern Zagros, Fractal, Fuzzy
  • مجتبی یمانی*، ابوالقاسم گورابی، مهران مقصودی، صدیقه محبوبی

    قطر ذرات رسوبات سطحی با فرایندهای غالب موثر در توسعه یافتگی و مورفولوژی سطحی لندفرمها ارتباط تنگاتنگی دارد. این پژوهش به ارتباط بافت رسوبات و توسعه یافتگی خندق های واقع در دشت سرهای جنوبی البرز شرقی به روش تحلیل آماری و با اندازه گیری قطر ذرات در چهار سایت مطالعاتی حدفاصل گرمسار-سیدآباد پرداخته است. سایت ها با توجه به تفاوت ها و تشابهات مورفولوژی سطحی بر روی تصاویر و بازدیدهای میدانی انتخاب شده اند. نمونه های برداشت شده از بخش های ابتدایی، میانی، انتهایی و دیوارهگالی ها در آزمایشگاه توزین و پس از الک، نتایج توسط نرم افزار GRADISTAT در قالب نمودارها و جداول استخراج و تحلیل شده اند. علاوه بر این، با برداشت 800 نمونه از باکس های 5 در 5 متری، شاخص پهن شدگی و مورفومتری آنها محاسبه شد. نتایج حاصله نشان می دهند که بافت سطحی رسوبات چند منشایی بوده و بیانگر تفاوت فرایندهای موثر در طی زمان هستند(در سایت 1 و 2 و 4، سنگفرش قلوه سنگی با نام قلوه سنگ ماسه ای است به جز سایت 3، که ماسه قلوه سنگی است. سایت یک و چهار، دو منشایی محاسبه شدند. سایت 2، سه منشایی و سایت 3، تک منشا.) کج شدگی زیاد، جورشدگی ضعیف و کشیدگی متفاوت بیانگر آن است که نوع و اندازه رسوب سطحی و عمقی گالی ها نتوانسته در همه سایت ها به طور کامل در توسعه یافتگی آنها موثر باشد. شاید در سایت 4، توسعه یافتگی گلی ها را فقط به عامل قطر رسوب منطقه و در سایت 2، عدم توسعه یافتگی گالی ها را بتوان به این عامل نسبت داد ولی در دو سایت دیگر یعنی سایت 1 و 3، به هیچ عنوان نمی توان توسعه یافتگی گالی ها را تنها به بافت و قطر رسوب منطقه نسبت داد بنابر این با توجه به تکتونیک فعال در منطقه عوامل تغییر سطح اساس بیش از خصوصیات فیزیکی رسوبات در این مسئله تاثیر گذار بوده اند.

    کلید واژگان: گرمسار, گرانولومتری, مورفومتری, فرسایش خندقی, دشت سر
    Mojtaba Yamani *, Abolghasem Goorabi, Mehrani Maghsoudi, Sedigheh Mahboobi

    Surface sediment's particles diameter is closely related to dominant processes of developing surface morphology of landforms. This study investigates the relation between sediments texture and gullies development in southern plains of eastern Alborz using statistical analysis and measuring the particles' diameter in four pilots in Garmsar-Seyyed Abad, Iran. The pilot sites were selected based on differences and similarities of surface morphology using satellite imageries and field studies. Samples were collected from bottom, middle, and upper part of gullies. After measuring the weight and doing sieve analysis of representative samples, the results were analyzed using GRADISTAT software in the form of graphs and tables. In addition the morphometric index was measured collecting 800 samples from 5*5 m boxes. The results showed that the surface sediments are derived from multiple sources which indicates the difference of effective processes over time (sites 1, 2 and 4, covered by gravel pavement called sandy gravel, sited 3 covered by gravely sand. Site 1 and 4 are derived from two sources, site 2 is three sources, and site 3 is single source). Poorly sorted sediments indicate that the size and type of gully's surface and deep sediments have not been able to fully affect on gullies development in all sites. Therefore, gullies development is not only related to sediments texture and diameter, but also consideration of more important factors such as tectonics processes is required in these sites.

    Keywords: Garmsar, Granulometry, morphometry, Gully Erosion
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