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تنها با پرداخت 70 هزارتومان حق اشتراک سالانه به متن مقالات دسترسی داشته باشید و 100 مقاله را بدون هزینه دیگری دریافت کنید.

برای پرداخت حق اشتراک اگر عضو هستید وارد شوید در غیر این صورت حساب کاربری جدید ایجاد کنید


فهرست مطالب seyyed ali reza golshani

  • Reza Karami, Seyyed Alireza Golshani *

    Mrs. Dr. Soghra Azarmi (1914-1973) is one of the most influential female doctors in Iran’s contemporary history. She was the first pathologist and the pioneer of the cytology database, making a significant impact on the lives of many women suffering from cancer. Various experiences marked her life, and she navigated through the stages of career progression with genuine merit. Dr. Soghra Azarmi initiated her secondary education in Hamedan, located in western Iran. Following a teaching period, she pursued her medical studies at Tehran University. Later, she ventured to the United States, where she worked at Women’s Hospital in Chicago, Illinois. There she pursued her studies in Pathology. Subsequently, she obtained a research opportunity in Melbourne, Australia, and furthered her studies in cytology at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. Upon returning to Iran, Dr. Soghra Azarmi joined the National Cancer Society, where she played a crucial role in saving the lives of numerous cancer patients. This research gives an introduction to the pathology department at Tehran University and subsequently reports the scientific and research journey of the esteemed professor in the pathology department.

    Keywords: Dr. Soghra Azarmi, Pathology, University of Tehran, History of medicine, Iran}
  • Zahra Hossein Hashemi, Seyyed Alireza Golshani *

    Rhazes, or Abū Bakr Muḥammad ibn Zakariyyā al-Rāzī (854-925 CE), was an Iranian physician, philosopher and chemist. He learned medicine more through the hospital and so-called clinical observations and, therefore, spent more time on his studies; this can be seen in his works and writings. He used the writings of medical predecessors and cited them in his writings. He followed and completed their works and sometimes wrote critiques on their works. In his written medical works, Rhazes has paid special attention to various diseases, notably tumors and cancer. It is noteworthy that over a thousand years ago, a skilled physician presented his explanation and treatment strategies for nasal cancer and tumor status.

    Keywords: Rhazes, Nasal Tumors, Persian medicine, Nose Neoplasms, Iran}
  • حجت عبادی منش، سید علیرضا گلشنی*

    نسخه رساله «حل معما در آداب حدوث مرض وبا» به زبان فارسی، تالیف شخصی ناشناس معروف به حکیم حق نظر از پزشکان سنتی دوره قاجار (1175 تا 1304 شمسی) است. این نسخه چاپ خطی منحصر به فرد که در کتابخانه آستان قدس رضوی با شماره ثبت 4410 موجود می باشد، و با کتابت عبدالرحیم شیرازی در بیست و دوم جمادی الاول سال 1284 قمری به پایان رسیده است. این رساله طبی توجه به تاثیر اجرام آسمانی و کواکب در احتمال شیوع بیماری است که برای اثبات آن از آیات قرآنی و نهج البلاغه استفاده کرده و به توجیه احتمالی علت شیوع بیماری وبا در دوره قاجار می پردازد، که می تواند به عنوان اثری قرآن پژوهانه و رویکردی دینی و اعتقادی در مقابله با بیماری وبا دانست.

    مواد و روش ها

    این پژوهش به شیوه ی تحلیلی-توصیفی و با روش کتابخانه ای-اسنادی انجام شده است؛ بعد از جمع آوری اطلاعات کافی در مورد نسخه رساله «حل معما در آداب حدوث مرض وبا» جهت رسیدن به اهداف پژوهش، اطلاعات جمع آوری شده با رویکرد قرآنی-روایی تجزیه و تحلیل گردید.

    یافته ها

    استفاده از اشعار شعرای نامی ایرانی چون فردوسی، سعدی و مولوی نیز از نکات جالب این رساله طبی است که نشان دهنده ذوق ادبی نگارنده گمنام این رساله طبی دارد، که در دیگر آثار کمتر به رویکرد فرهنگ قرآنی و ادبی به پزشکی پرداخته شده است.

    نتیجه گیری

    در این پژوهش ابتدا به بررسی نگارنده احتمالی این رساله طبی در دوره قاجار پرداخته و سپس به تصحیح علمی و ادبی نسخه رساله «حل معما در آداب حدوث مرض وبا» می پردازیم.

    کلید واژگان: رساله حل معما, وبا, قرآن کریم, اشعار فارسی, تاریخ پزشکی, قاجار, ایران}
    Hojjat Ebadimanesh, Seyyed Alireza Golshani*

    The version of the treatise "Hal-e Moama dar Adab Hudus-e Maraz-e Vabba" in Persian language, is written by an unknown person known as Hakim Haq Nazar, one of the traditional physicians of the Qajar period (1789 to 1925 AD). This unique lithography copy is available in the Astan Quds Razavi library with the registration number 4410, and was completed by Abdul-Rahim Shirazi on the September 21, 1867 AD. This medical treatise is to pay attention to the effect of celestial objects and stars on the possibility of disease outbreak, which is proved by using Quranic verses and Nahj al-Balagha, and it deals with the possible justification of the outbreak of cholera in the Qajar period, which can be seen as a scholarly work of the Qur'an and a religious and religious approach in dealing with cholera.


    This research was done in an analytical-descriptive way and with a library-document method; After collecting enough information about the version of the treatise "Hal-e Moama dar Adab Hudus-e Maraz-e Vabba" to achieve the goals of the research, the collected information was analyzed with a Qur'anic-narrative approach.


    The use of poems by famous Iranian poets such as Ferdowsi Tusi, Saadi Shirazi and Jalāl al-Dīn Muḥammad Rūmī is also one of the interesting points of this medical treatise, which shows the literary taste of the anonymous author of this medical treatise, in other works, the approach of Qur'anic and literary culture to medicine is less discussed.


    In this research, we first investigate the possible author of this medical treatise in the Qajar period, and then we deal with the scientific and literary correction of the version of the treatise "Hal-e Moama dar Adab Hudus-e Maraz-e Vabba ".

    Keywords: Hal-e Moama, Ba, Holy Qur'an, medical history, Qajar, Iran}
  • بررسی و تصحیح رساله گریپ (آنفلوانزا) اثر دکتر حیدر میرزای شاهرخ شاهی
    سید علیرضا گلشنی، محبوبه فرخنده زاده
    سابقه و هدف

     دکتر حیدر میرزای شاهرخ شاهی مشهور به حیدر میرزای دکتر (متوفی 1340 ق)، از شاهزادگان افشاری و نسل شاهرخ شاه افشاری می باشد. وی از شاگردان شایسته ژول ریشار یا میرزارضا خان (1816-1891 میلادی) نخستین معلم زبان فرانسه مدرسه دارالفنون و دکتر ژوزف دزیره تولوزان (1820-1897 میلادی) پزشک و همه گیرشناس فرانسوی در عهد قاجار می باشد. وی دیپلم پزشکی را زیر نظر دکتر تولوزان گذرانده است.

    مواد و روش ها

     روش تحقیق در این پژوهش، روش تاریخی با رویکرد توصیفی تحلیلی و تصحیح نسخه خطی و شیوه گردآوری مطالب به صورت کتابشناسی می باشد.

    یافته ها

     دکتر حیدر میرزای شاهرخ شاهی از پزشکان دوره ناصری و مظفری است که ریاست حفظ الحصه منطقه آذربایجان و نمایندگی مجلس شورای ملی در دور دوم را در کارنامه خویش داشته است. وی دانش آمخته مدرسه دارالفنون است که به زبان فرانسه آشنایی کامل داشت. از او اثری با نام «رساله گریپ»  به یادگار مانده که به نام ناصرالدین شاه نوشته است. این رساله محصول برگردان آثار  چند پزشک فرانسوی (مسیو اولمن و مسیو باریپه و مسیو فیسن ژر) می باشد که به سبک و شیوه پزشکان سنتی ایران جمع آوری شده است.

    نتیجه گیری

     مطالعه پیش رو تصحیح و بازخوانی رساله گریپ (آنفلوانزا) اثر حیدر میرزای دکتر (شوال 1311 قمری) می باشد که به شرح و بازگویی اپیدمی که در سالهای  1889 و 1890 پرداخته و راهکارهای درمانی را برای این بیماری ذکر نموده است.

    کلید واژگان: دکتر حیدر میرزای شاهرخ شاهی, رساله گریپ (آنفلوآنزا) بیماری آنفلونزا}
    Review and Correction of the Treatise "Grip (Influenza)" byDr. Haidar Mirza Shahrokhshahi
    Seyyed Alireza Golshani, Mahboobeh Farkhondehzadeh*

    Dr. Haidar Mirza Shahrokhshahi,also known as Dr. Haider Mirzai (died in 1922 AD), was one of the Afshari princes and the descendant of Shahrukh Shah Afshari. He wasa student at Dar al-Funun, andwas fluentin French.He wasone of the talentedstudents of Joule Richard, Mirza-Reza Khan, the first French teacher of Dar al-Funun schoolwho lived in 1816-1891 AD, and Dr. Joseph Désiré Tholozan, a physician and an epidemiologist living in the Qajar erain 1820-1897 AD. He obtainedhis medical degree under the supervision of Dr. Tholozan.Dr. Haidar Mirza Shahrokhshahi was one of the doctors of the Naseri and Mozaffari eras, who wasthe head of the preservation of quota in the Azerbaijan region and the representative of the National Assembly in the second round. A work named "Grape Treatise" was writtenby himunder the name of NaseruddinShah. This treatise is a translation of the works of several French doctors such as Mr.Olmon, Mr.Baripe,and Mr.Faisin-Gerre, andwas collected in the style and manner of traditional Iranian doctors.In this research, the historical method with a descriptive-analytical approach was used. We also applied correcting the manuscript and the method of collecting material in the form of bibliography.The present study is the correction and re-reading of the treatise Grip (Influenza) by Dr. Haidar Mirza Shahrokhshahi in February,1894,which describes and restatesthe epidemic that had occurred in 1889-1890,and mentions the treatment some solutions for the disease.

    Keywords: Dr. Haidar Mirza Shahrokhshahi, Grip (influenza) treatise, Flu disease}
  • Seyyed Alireza Golshani, Ghobad Mansourbakht*, Faranak Alembizar

    Typhus is an acute febrile disease caused by a series of bacteria called Rickettsia that is transmitted by insects such as lice, fleas, and ticks. This disease has appeared several times in Iran and caused many casualties. There were some therapeutic measures taken by European physicians in Tehran and medical graduates of the Dar al-Fonun school or expatriates who had studied medical courses in Western countries, even though the taken steps were not enough. Due to the lack of sanitation and cleaning products after the outbreak of World War I in March 1917 and its synchronization with the swift outbreak of Typhus in 1918, heavy casualties followed. In this study, we first examine the prevalence of Typhus in the Qajar dynasty in Iran, and will then focus on the pathological importance of this disease history in Iran. After that, we will study the role of Typhus prevalence and World War I in the Persian famine, malnutrition, and food poverty. Moreover, we investigated the role that this great war had in strengthening the spread of this disease and its role in the death of many Iranian people.

    Keywords: Iran, Medical History, Typhus, World War I}
  • Seyyed Alireza Golshani, Mahboobeh Farkhondehzadeh *
    Mirza Abdolhossein Khan Bin Mohammadhasan Philosoph Al-Dawlah Zanozi (1866–1941 AD) was an apprentice of the French physician and epidemiologist during the Qajar Dynasty, Dr. Joseph Désiré Tholozan (1820–1897 AD). He wrote a book, entitled “Resaleh dar Maraz Anfeluaanza (Gerip)”, which was dedicated to Naser al-Din Shah Qajar (1831–1896 AD). Describing the Iranian influenza epidemic in 1890 and 1891 AD, this book is written using the method of European medical books but with the approach of Iranian traditional physicians. The present study is the correction and revision of “Resaleh dar Maraz Anfeluaanza (Gerip)” (1309 AH/1892 AD). The studies show that the treatise “Gerip” is the first Iranian scientific text that scientifically deals with influenza. Subjects, such as causes and origin of the outbreak, types of the disease, treatment methods, and manifestation of symptoms in the affected individuals are some of the distinctive and notable points of this work.
    Keywords: Mirza Abdolhossein Khan Philosoph Al-Dawlah Zanozi, Resaleh dar Maraz Anfeluaanza (Gerip), Influenza, History of medicine, 19th century, Iran}
  • سید علیرضا گلشنی*

    یکی از شیوه های آموزشی در دانش پزشکی، روش بالینی و بیمارستانی، دارالحکمه و شیوه خودخوان هست. این شیوه آموزشی دارای تاریخ شگفت انگیزی می باشد. در واقع شکل گیری آن به خاطر ایجاد محدودیت دینی علمای فقه حنفی در مدارس و مساجد در منطقه ماوراءالنهر در دوره سامانیان (874-1004 م) می باشد.

    روش بررسی

    در این پژوهش با مطالعه آثار مرتبط با تمدن اسلامی اعم از نوشته های منابع دست اول، تحقیقات و پژوهش های جدید و با دسته بندی اطلاعات، طرح کلی از آموزش علوم پزشکی به شیوه خودخوان در دوره سامانیان ارایه می گردد.


    با بررسی و جمع بندی مطالب موجود برخلاف این تصور که ایجاد این محدودیت باعث توقف و انحطاط علمی می شد، اما این محدودیت سبب رونق عمیق دانش پزشکی شد. حتی این مسیله سبب توسعه کتابخانه های مجهز و رجوع علمای علوم عقلی و پزشکان به این کتابخانه ها شد، و این مسیله در نهایت سبب مطالعه کتابهای بسیار و نگارش کتاب های مفید پزشکی و داروسازی گردید.

    نتیجه گیری: 

    با نگاهی اجمالی به امر آموزش پزشکی یا شیوه های گوناگون در تمدن اسلامی به خوبی پی به اهمیت این شیوه آموزشی در دوره سامانیان می بریم. در این پژوهش به بررسی روش بالینی و بیمارستانی، دارالحکمه و شیوه خودخوان، مشاهیر پزشکی و بررسی آثاری که با این شیوه شکل گرفتند می پردازیم. بی تردید این توجه به آموزش پزشکی، منجر به تاثیر تمدنی در سایر مناطق جهان بوده و سبب تحولی بنیادین در شیوه ها و متد آموزش پزشکی در تاریخ جهان شده است.

    کلید واژگان: آموزش پزشکی, روش بالینی و بیمارستانی, شیوه خودخوان, ماوراءالنهر, دوره سامانیان}
    Seyyed Alireza Golshani*

    One of the educational practices in medical knowledge, Clinical and hospital methods, is Dar al-Hekmeh and Self-reading Style. This method has a fascinating history; in fact, its formation was due to the religious restrictions of scholars of Hanafi jurisprudence in schools and mosques In Transoxiana region during the Samanids (874-1004 CE).


    Scrutinizing works which concern Iran civilization including primary written resources as well as newly conducted studies, not only did the present research attempt to investigate this important historical era but it also aimed to present the general scheme of medical education in the way of self-reading of during the Samanids through categorizing the garnered information.


    Contrary to the notion that the creation of this constraint caused scientific stagnation, by examining and summarizing the existing material, but this limitation has deepened the medical knowledge. Even this has led to the development of equipped libraries and the access of scholars of science and doctors to these libraries, and this ultimately led to the study and research many books and writing useful books on medicine and pharmacy.


    A fleeting glimpse at medical education or other various methods existing in the era of Islamic Civilization reveals the importance this teaching procedure assumed in during the Samanids, whose considerable attention to the subject of medical education for Clinical and hospital methods, Dar al-Hekmeh and Self-reading Style expanded its influence in other parts of the world, thereby fundamentally evolving methods and mechanisms employed in history of the world so as to teach medical sciences.

    Keywords: Medical Education, Clinical, hospital methods, Self-reading Style, Transoxiana, Samanids}
  • Seyyed Alireza Golshani, Faranak Alembizar, Jamshid Roosta, MohammadEbrahim Zohalinezhad *

    Spanish flu outbreak is one of the historical catastrophes in southern Iran, Kerman provinces, and citie Kerman, which wiped out most of the population. The epidemic began on October 29, 1918 and continued until 1920 in several waves. Within three years, the population of Kerman due to a Persian famine and disease was reduced from 50,000-60,000 to around 25,000-30,000. In rural areas of Kerman province, there were up to 100% deaths. It effectively killed half the population of the city and caused serious damage to its demographic context and economic development. A rather unpleasant remnant of the epidemic is Tandarestan Cemetery in Kerman, which is the burial place of a large number of people and celebrities such as Nazim al-Islam Kermani (1861-1918), a famous historian, writer and journalist. This article explores the importance of local medical history in Kerman, the effects of the flu outbreak, World War I, and the presence of the British that led to a man-made famine, and malnutrition, and finally the role played by this colonial government in amplifying the flu outbreak, Wrong prescription of opium and decimation of the city. This study examines the type of Spanish flu in Kerman, the death toll and the treatment of British troops for the people.

    Keywords: History of medicine, Spanish flu, Kerman, Iran, Britain}
  • سید علیرضا گلشنی*، حمیدرضا اسماعیلی

    سرزمین طبرستان (مازندران فعلی) در شمال ایران یکی از مناطق علم خیز و دانش پرور جهان علم است. ابوعبدالله طبری ناتلی یکی از ریاضیدانان و منطق دانان، حکیم و گیاه شناسان ایرانی حدود سده چهارم هجری که از استادان ابن سینا (370-428 ق) در بخارا بوده است. هدف نگارندگان این مقاله بازبینی اساسی زندگی و بیوگرافی ابوعبدالله ناتلی است، با وجودی که متاسفانه از سال تولد و زمان و مکان درگذشتش در منابع تاریخی هیچ اطلاعی نداریم.

    مواد و روش ها

    روش به کارگرفته شده در این پژوهش تاریخی (Historical Research) که با استفاده از منابع کتابخانه ای و اینترنتی تدوین شده است، نگاهی تاریخ نگارانه و شیوه ای است که در علوم انسانی مرسوم است، به نقد و بررسی زندگانی و آثار حکیم ابوعبدالله طبری ناتلی می پردازیم.

    یافته ها

    در این پژوهش با بررسی جغرافیای ناتل در مازندران، آثار و تالیفات و افکار و اندیشه های ابوعبدالله ناتلی تا اندازه ای در روشن کردن زندگی علمی این حکیم گرانمایه و استاد فرزانه ابن سینا تلاش نمودیم.

    نتیجه گیری

    در این پژوهش از این دانشمند گمنام با وجود تالیفات متعدد کمتر مورد توجه مورخان تاریخ علم قرار گرفته است که در این پژوهش علاوه بر شرح زندگانی و اعتقادات مذهبی و معرفی آثار و تالیفاتش نیز تا اندازه ای پرداختیم و به علت آشنایی حکیم با مباحث داروشناسی، گیاه شناسی، فلسفه، منطق و ریاضیات می توان نتیجه گرفت که وی در زمینه کلیه علوم و دانش های دوران خویش دارای تبحر بوده که این مهارت و نوآوری هایش در بسیاری از آثار طبی، داروشناسی و فلسفی علماء، دانشمندان و پزشکان همعصر خویش و حتی بعد از خود انعکاس یافته است.

    کلید واژگان: ابوعبدالله طبری ناتلی, گیاه شناسی, اصلاح الحشائش, طبرستان (مازندران فعلی)}
    Seyyed Alireza Golshani*, Hamidreza Esmaili

    The land of Tabarestan (present-day Mazandaran) in northern Iran is one of the knowledge-raising regions of the world. Abu Abdullah Tabari Nateli, one of the Iranian mathematicians, logicians, sages and botanists around the fourth century AH, who was one of the masters of Avicenna (980-1037 AD) in Bukhara, the purpose of the outhors of this article is a fundamental review of Abu Abdullah Tabari Nateli`s life and biography, Although, unfortunately, we don`t have any information about the year of his birth and the time and place of his death in historical sources.


    The method used in this research is the method of library and internet resources have been compiled is a historiographical view and method that it is common in the humanities, to critique and review of the sage Abu Abdullah Tabari Nateli`s life and effects.


    In This research, by examination the geography of natel in mazandaran, his effects, writings, thoughts and Abu Abdullah Tabari Nateli`s idea, we tried to clarify the scientific life of this precious sage and wise master Avicenna.


    In this research, despite the numerous writings of this anonymous scientist, less attention has been paid to the historians of the history of science that in research, in addition to describing his life and religious beliefs and in traducing his effects and writings, we also paid some attention, and cause Hakim`s familiary with the topics of pharmacology, botany, philosophy, logic, mathematics can be concluded was proficient in all sciences and knowledge of his time this skill and innovation is reflected in many medical, pharmacological and philosophical effects of scholars, scientists and physicians of his time and even after time.

    Keywords: Abu Abdullah Tabari Nateli, Botany, Eslah al-hashaish, Tabarestan (current Mazandaran)}
  • Seyyed Alireza Golshani, Zahra Hossein Hashemi, Asiyeh Ranjbar, MohammadMehdi Zarshenas *

    As a comprehensive and dynamic school, traditional Persian medicine is a collection of theoretical and practical sciences that Iranian scholars have used in different centuries to prevent and treat diseases and maintain health.Persian medical books refer to the benefits of Khadab and its preventive and therapeutic recommendations. One of the leading physicians is the Hakim Seyyed Isma’il Jurjani, who has discussed the effective combination of products in making Khadab and talks about the effects of Khadab on the beauty, health and strong hair. The use of Khadab is an ancient form of treatment in Iran. In fact, the employment of Khadab is a perfectly natural process used to improve skin and hair health and heal ailments. This study examines the prescriptions and combinations related to the types of Khadab and Hakim Seyyed Isma’il Jurjani’s recommendation on Khadab in Persian medicine. According to Hakim Jurjani, Khadabs are classified into several categories: those that turn hair into black, those that turn hair into red, tan or gold, and those that whiten hair.

    Keywords: Khadab, Health, Beauty, Hair Strength, Traditional medicine, Persian medicine, Seyyed Isma’il Jurjani}
  • Seyyed Alireza Golshani, MohammadEbrahim Zohalinezhad*, Fatemeh Amoozegar, Mojtaba Farjam

    The Spanish flu spread from September 23, 1918 to 1920. This disease was one of the historical catastrophes in Iran, and a large number of people in Tehran were infected. Evidence also shows that 5000–10000 out of the 250000 infected people died in Tehran over three years. Besides, an increase was detected in the prevalence of other diseases such as pericarditis, orchitis, mastoiditis, meningitis, optic neuritis, paralysis of the palate, mania, cholera, and dysentery. Overall, five percent of the city were destroyed, and the population and economic development were severely damaged. This study aims to evaluate the importance of the history of local medicine in Tehran, the spread of Spanish flu, World War I, and presence of Russian, Ottoman, and British troops in Iran during the flu outbreak. The critical role of Britain in artificial famine, malnutrition, and drug embargo was assessed, as well.

    Keywords: Spanish Flu, Tehran, Iran, England, Ottoman, Russia}
  • Hoorieh Afsharipur, Somayyeh Pakbaz, Mahdi Shahriari, Seyyed Alireza Golshani, Alireza Salehi*

    Indo-Iranian medicine dates back to a couple of centuries ago. The Gurkanies’ movement from Iran and Transoxiana to India introduced the Persian language to India, and the scientific language changed from Arabic and Sanskrit to this language. Iranian medicine has had a remarkable influence on the Indian Subcontinent, a sign of which is the elevated medical literature written in this language. Hakim Mohammad Azam Khan was born in 1813 AD.  His ancestors were great sages of Khorasan (in north east of Iran) and then migrated to Afghanistan and India. Since he lived in the late 19th AD century, he had access to many Iranian traditional books. He provided rich sources of traditional medicine for the next generation by publishing traditional medicine books and traditional pharmacology. He wrote great books such as the Exir Azam (a comprehensive medical encyclopedia), Romouz Azam (a general book on medicine), Qarabadin Azam (Pharmacopeia). With his profound 19th century orientalist approach that emphasized safeguarding the Persian language, he created numerous works in the field of medicine, making him the most serious custodian of Indo-Iranian medicine in India. The present study reviews the scientific life of a contemporary famous author of Indo-Iranian medical literature written in Persian Language.

    Keywords: Mohammad Azam Khan, Physicians, Persian medicine, Traditional medicine, Com-plementary medicine}
  • Seyyed Alireza Golshani *, Hamidreza Esmaili
    Isma’il Ibn Hassan Ibn Mohammad Ibn Ahmad-e-Hosseini, known as Seyyed Isma’il Jurjani (1042-1137 AD) is a renowned physician of Iran and the Islamic world in 11-12 centuries. Although considerable research is conducted on him and his scientific achievements, a clear picture of his geographical origin and place of residence is not given mainly because of the similarity existing between the names of the two cities in the region of Jurjan or Gorgan city (Jurjan) and the other in the Chorasmia (Khwarazm) region (Urgench city). Also, based on linguistic evidence, Urgench shows the real birthplace of this great scientist in Transoxiana and Khwarazm. The present article aims to provide a clearer picture of the geographical origin and the environment of Jurjani’s life according to historical, geographical, and linguistic evidence. Based on the findings of this article, Jurjani belonged to Jurjaniyeh (Urgench) in the Chorasmia region and his assignment to the Gorgan region (Jurjan) is not consistent with historical evidence.
    Keywords: Seyyed Isma’il Jurjani, Chorasmia (Khwarazm), Jurjan, Physicians, Zakhireye Khwarazmshahi, Geography, Persian Language, Iran}
  • سید علیرضا گلشنی*، غلامرضا آذری خاکستر

    یکی از فجایع تاریخی شمال شرق ایران که بسیاری از مردم این منطقه را از بین برد، آنفلوآنزای اسپانیایی بود که در سوم و چهارم آگوست 1918م/ یازدهم و دوازدهم امرداد 1297ه.ش، وارد مشهد شد و تا سال 1920م/ 1299ه.ش، در چندین موج، ادامه یافت. شهر مشهد، طی سه سال، چیزی در حدود 3500 نفر از جمعیت صدهزارنفری اش را از دست داد؛ همچنین، آنفلوآتزای اسپانیایی سبب شیوع بیماری هایی دیگر شد؛ درواقع، پنج درصد از جمعیت شهر از بین رفت و به بافت جمعیتی این شهر آسیب جدی رسید. در این مقاله، ضمن توجه به اهمیت تاریخ پزشکی محلی مشهد، درباره ی مسایل زیر نیز، بحث می شود: نقش شیوع بیماری آنفلوآنزای اسپانیایی، جنگ جهانی اول و حضور روس ها که مسبب شیوع این بیماری شدند، واکنش پزشکان ایرانی و خارجی به این بیماری و دارویی که تجویز کردند و نقش پررنگ انگلیسی ها در قحطی مصنوعی، اعتیاد به تریاک و فقر غذایی.

    کلید واژگان: آنفلوآنزای اسپانیایی, انگلیس, ایران, روسیه, مشهد}
    Seyyed Alireza Golshani*, Gholamreza Azari Khakestar

    Spanish flu was one of the harshest historical pandemics in the northeastern Iran, which killed many local people. Its first outbreak in Mashhad dates back to August 3 and 4, 1918. This disease continued until 1920 in successive waves. The death toll of this disease in Mashhad (with a population of 100,000 people at the time) was possibly as high as 3,500. Moreover, this disease caused outbreak of other diseases. In fact, it killed five percent of this city’s population and resulted in huge deaths in this city. This paper takes the importance of Mashhad’s medical history into consideration and at the same time investigates the outstanding role of Spanish influenza, World War I, and the presence of Russians who were the main cause of this outbreak in Mashhad, and the reaction of Iranian and foreign physicians to this disease and the medicine they prescribed, as well as the significant role of British in fake Persian Famine, opium addiction, and food poverty.

    Keywords: Spanish Influenza, Britain, Iran, Russia, Mashhad}
  • Seyyed Alireza Golshani*, MohammadEbrahim Zohalinezhad, MohammadHossein Taghrir, Sedigheh Ghasempoor, Alireza Salehi*

    The Spanish Flu was one of the disasters in the history of Iran, especially Southern Iran, which led to the death of a significant number of people in Iran. It started on October 29, 1917, and lasted till 1920 – a disaster that we can claim changed the history. In one of the First World War battlefields in southern Iran in 1918, there was nothing left until the end of World War I and when the battle between Iranian warriors (especially people of Dashtestan and Tangestan in Bushehr, Arabs, and people of Bakhtiari in Khuzestan and people of Kazerun and Qashqai in Fars) and British forces had reached its peak. As each second encouraged the triumph for the Iranians, a flu outbreak among Iranian warriors led to many deaths and, as a result, military withdrawal. The flu outbreak in Kazerun, Firoozabad, Farshband, Abadeh, and even in Shiraz changed the end of the war. In this article, we attempt to discuss the role of the Spanish flu outbreak at the end of one of the forefronts of World War I

    Keywords: Britain, Fars, Iran, Spanish Flu, World War I}
  • سید فرهاد سید احمدی زاویه، سید علیرضا گلشنی*
    زمینه و هدف

    در سال 431-404 ق.م. در یونان باستان، شاهد درگیری و جنگ داخلی هستیم. از یک‌‌سو، اتحادیه پلوپونزی با همراهی اسپارت و از سویی‌دیگر اتحادیه دولت شهر‌های آتن و متحدانش رو‌به‌روی هم قرار داشتند. شاید دلیل این جنگ‌های داخلی را بتوان در شکوه و عظمت اقتصادی، اجتماعی، فرهنگی آتن در مقایسه با سایر دولت شهر‌ها دانست. احتمالا سلطه و برتری آتن در دریا نیز از عوامل زمینه‌ساز برای شعله‌ور‌شدن آتش جنگ داخلی خانمان‌سوز در یونان، بود. هم‌زمان با جنگ‌های پلوپونزی در ایران، اردشیر اول (465-424 ق.م.) جانشین خشایارشا شده بود و او از اسپارت حمایت می‌کرد. شاهنشاه هخامنشی، سیاست تفرقه و ایجاد اختلاف بین دولت شهر‌های یونان را در دستور کار سیاست خارجی خود قرار داده بود. باید خاطر‌نشان ساخت که جنگ داخلی یونان با فتح قاطعانه اسپارت و تسلیم آتنی‌ها در سال 404 ق.م. به پایان رسید. هدف ما از این نوشتار بررسی طاعون سال 430 و 429 ق.م. در خلال مرحله اول جنگ‌های داخلی یونان میان سال‌های 431-421 ق.م. است.

    مواد و روش‌ها

    روش به کار گرفته شده در این پژوهش، روش کتابخانهای و پژوهشی تاریخی (Historical Research) میباشد و با نگاهی تاریخ‌محور شیوهای است که در علوم انسانی رایج است، به نقد و بررسی جنگ‌های پلوپونزی و تاثیر آن در شیوع بیماری طاعون در آتن 431 تا 404 ق.م. خواهیم پرداخت.


    شیوع طاعون آتن از جمله مهم‌ترین بیماری‌های شایع در دوران یونان باستان بوده است و تلفات بسیاری بر جای گذاشت. در این مقاله جنبه‌های گوناگون این بیماری را به کمک منابع تاریخی، تحقیقات جدید و مقالات علمی مورد بررسی قرار می‌دهیم.


    شیوع طاعون آتن که برخی آن را از مصر می‌دانند و برخی سرچشمه شرقی برای آن قایل‌اند. در‌‌ هر‌ حال، صدمات این بیماری مسری و وحشتناک که باعث از بین رفتن تعداد زیادی از سکنه آتن شد، حاکی از اهمیت موضوع است. ظهور بقراط و درمان بیماری طاعون را باید پایان شیوع این بیماری بدانیم.

    کلید واژگان: یونان, جنگ های پلوپونزی, بقراط, طاعون, آتن, اسپارت}
    Seyyed Farhad Seyyed Ahmadi Zaviyeh, Seyyed Alireza Golshani*
    Background and Aim

    Ancient Greece was involved in conflict and civil war from 431 to 404 BC. On one side the Peloponnesian League accompanied by Sparta, and on the other, city-states league of Athens and its allies were facing each other. Perhaps the economic, social, and cultural splendor of Athens compared to other city-states can be considered as the reason of civil war. Moreover, naval supremacy of Athens was probably one of the main factors contributing to the ignition of civil war flames in Greece. At the same time as the Peloponnesian War, Artaxerxes I of Persia (465-424 BC) succeeded Xerxes and supported Sparta. The Achaemenid emperor put the policy of disunion and discord among Greek city-states on the agenda of his foreign policy. It should be noted that the Greek civil war ended with the decisive conquest of Sparta and the surrender of the Athenians in 404 BC. This paper aims to examine the plague from 429 to 430 BC, at the time of the first phase of the Greek civil war from 431 to 421 BC.

    Materials and Methods

    This historical research is carried out as a desk study and studies the Peloponnesian War and its effect on the outbreak of the plague in Athens from 431 to 404 BC through histography, which is specific to natural sciences.


    Plague of Athens was one of the most common diseases in Athens during the Ancient Greece and caused many casualties. In this article, various aspects of this disease are examined with the help of historical sources, New research and scientific articles.


    Some believe that the outbreak of the plague started from Egypt while some others believe that it started from the east. In any case, the damages of this contagious and horrific disease, which wiped out a large number of Athenians, indicate the significance of this issue. The outbreak of this disease ended when Hippocrates cured it.

    Keywords: Greece, Athens, Sparta, Hippocrates, Peloponnesian Wars, Plague of Athens}
  • سید علیرضا گلشنی، سید روح الله نعمت اللهی، عباس سرافرازی*
    زمینه و هدف

    مالاریا یا تب نوبه بیماری که عامل آن تک‌سلولی به نام پلاسمودیوم و توسط پشه آنوفل به انسان منتقل می‌شود. مالاریا یکی از بیماری‌های بومی ایران بود و سالیانه 40-30 درصد مرگ ‌و میرها به این اختصاص داشت. بیماری در خراسان و مازندران و کرمان کانون‌های پراکنده‌ای را به وجود آورده بود، یکی از مناطقی که به آن کمتر پرداخته شده، منطقه ایالت فارس در جنوب ایران است. جغرافیای بیماری مالاریا از شیراز آغاز می‌شد، چنانکه هوای شهر شیراز در تابستان گرم و با عفونت همراه بود که این امر باعث بروز انواع بیماری‌هایی چون مالاریا می‌گردید، به گونه‌ای که مالاریا در این شهر بیداد می‌کرد. در دیگر نقاط فارس که به عنوان مناطقی که بیماری مالاریا شدت داشت، در شمال فارس از نقاطی که خرما در آنجا می‌رویید، شروع می‌شد و تا سواحل خلیج فارس ادامه می‌یافت و در نواحی جنوبی‌تر به‌ ویژه بندر بوشهر شدت آن زیادتر بود. در نواحی لار و لارستان حشرات انتقال‌دهنده بیماری، بسیار وجود داشتند.

    مواد و روش‌ها

    روش به کارگرفته‌شده در این پژوهش، روش کتابخانهای و پژوهشی تاریخی (Historical Research) میباشد و نگاهی تاریخ‌نگارانه و شیوهای روایی که در علوم انسانی مرسوم میباشد، به بررسی بیماری مالاریا در فارس در دوره قاجار دارد. یافته‌ها: مالاریا از جمله مهم‌ترین بیماری‌های شایع در ایالت فارس در دوره قاجار بوده است و تلفات بسیاری نیز به بار می‌آورد. در این مقاله جنبه‌های گوناگون این بیماری را به کمک منابع تاریخی، روزنامه‌ها و اسناد مورد بررسی قرار می‌گیرد.

    ملاحظات اخلاقی

    کمیته اخلاقی گروه تاریخ، دانشکده ادبیات و علوم انسانی، دکتر علی شریعتی از دانشگاه فردوسی این مطالعه را تایید کرد.


    در این مقاله با بررسی بیماری مالاریا در مکان جغرافیای ایالت فارس و در دوره قاجار (1925-1789 م.) می‌پردازیم. ابتدا اهمیت آسیب‌شناسی تاریخ بیماری مالاریا در ایران مورد بررسی قرار گرفت و سپس به بررسی نقش شیوع بیماری مالاریا به عنوان عاملی که سبب تلفات انسانی در منطقه جنوب ایران و ایالت فارس بوده را مورد بررسی و تحلیل قرار دادیم.

    کلید واژگان: بیماری مالاریا, تب نوبه, دوره قاجار, ایران, فارس, شیراز}
    Seyyed Ali Reza Golshani, Seyyed Rouhollah Nematollahi, Abbas Sarafrazi*
    Background and Aim

    Malaria is a disease caused by single-celled microorganisms of Plasmodium group and is transmitted to humans by a female Anopheles mosquito. Malaria was a disease native to Iran and accounted for 30-40% of annual casualties. The disease had spread to Khorasan, Mazandaran, and Kerman in a dispersed manner. Fars region which is located in the southern Iran is an area that is not addressed well enough on this matter. Geographical spread of malaria began from Shiraz, as the weather in Shiraz was hot and infected in the summer, causing a variety of diseases such as malaria that used to be rampant in this city. Other parts of Fars where malaria was most prevalent included a vast area from lands in the northern Fars, where dates grew, to the shores of the Persian Gulf, and this disease was more prevalent in the southern parts, especially in Bandar Bushehr [Bushehr Port]. There were many disease-carrying insects in Lar and Larestan.

    Materials and Methods

    This historical research is carried out as a desk study and studies malaria in Fars during Qajar era with a histographic perspective through a narrative method, which is specific to natural sciences.


    Malaria was one of the most common diseases in Fars province during the Qajar period and caused many casualties. In this article, various aspects of this disease are examined with the help of historical sources, newspapers and documents. Ethical Considerations: The Ethical Committee of Department of History, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Dr.Ali Shariati of Ferdowsi University approved the study.


    This paper addresses malaria in Fars during Qajar era (1789-1925). It initially emphasizes on pathological importance of malaria history in Iran and then analyzes the role of malaria outbreak as a factor causing human casualties in the southern Iran and Fars.

    Keywords: Malaria, Nubia Fever, Qajar Era, Iran, Fars, Shiraz}
  • Jalil Ghassabi Gazkouh, Hadi Vakili, Seyyed Mehrdad Rezaeian, Seyyed Alireza Golshani, Alireza Salehi *

    One of the historical periods of Iran that can be studied for contagious diseases and how they spread, is the late Qajar period. The city of Mashhad, after Tehran and Tabriz, had a special place among Russian and English governments in the Qajar period as one of the significant religious, political and economic centers in Iran due to Imam Reza’s holy shrine, a large population and great geographical scale. The central governments’ incompetence in preventing the outbreak of contagious diseases and lack of essential amenities, caused many lives to be lost all over Iran and especially Mashhad during the Qajar period. Hence, the neighbor governments such as Russia, ordered for quarantines to be set up at the borders and dispatched doctors to stop diseases’ from reaching Russian lands. However, these attempts did not prevent the deaths of people in the border areas, especially in Mashhad, from diseases such as cholera, plague, smallpox, typhus, flu and other diseases. In this study, we investigate and explain the subjects: disease outbreaks, the problem of commerce, quarantine and its outcomes at the end of Qajar period, between the years 1892 and 1921 AD in Mashhad, with the help of historical and documentary sources using an analytical and medical historiography method.

    Keywords: Ancient, Disease Outbreaks, Quarantine, Iran}
  • سید فرهاد سیداحمدی زاویه، سید علیرضا گلشنی*

    بدون تردید دوره حاکمیت سلسله آنتونن ها یکی از درخشان ترین ادوار تاریخی روم باستان، در قرن دوم میلادی ایست که به عصر طلایی امپراطوری روم شهرت دارد. در طول سلطنت عصر آنتونن ها بین سال های 192-96 192 میلادی چندین پادشاه، قدرت سیاسی را در دست گرفتند که به ترتیب تراژان، هادرین، آنتونن، مارکوس اورلیوس، کمدوس نام داشتند که به جز کمدوس همه آن ها در آبادانی، اداره روم و آسایش مردم امپراطوری تمام تلاش خود را انجام دادند. در این دوره با شکوه ما شاهد ظهور علما و دانشمندانی مثل جالینوس (Galen) هستیم، لذا اهمیت این نوشتار، توجه به مرگ تراژان به سال 117 میلادی در کاپادوکیه در آسیای صغیر، بر اثر بیماری ناشناخته که بعد از زلزله زمستان سال 115 که شهر انطاکیه را با خاک یکسان کرد. در ادامه، طاعون سال 165 در عصر سلطنت مارکوس اورلیوس (180-161 م.) است که این بیماری همه گیر تا سال های پایانی سلطنت او تداوم یافت تا جایی که این بیماری خطرناک امپراطور را نیز به کام نیستی سوق داد. این اپیدمی تا سال 189 در بین النهرین، ایران و شرق امپراطوری روم ادامه داشت و به یک باره ناپدید گردید. در این پژوهش به بررسی شیوع این اپیدمی که احتمالا آبله می باشد و خواستگاه های احتمالی این بیماری و پیامدهای آن را مورد بررسی قرار می دهیم.

    کلید واژگان: آنتونن ها, رومیان, اشکانیان, جالینوس, طاعون آنتونن یا جالینوس}
    Seyyed Farhad Seyyed Ahmadi Zaviyeh, Seyyed AliReza Golshani*

    One of the most glorious historical periods of ancient Rome is the era of the reign of several Roman emperors between 192 to 196 AD. known as the Golden Age of the Roman Empire. During the reignof Antonius, several successive kings, namely, Trajan, Hadrian, Antonius, Marcus Aurelius, and Commodus, took political power. With the exception of Commodus, all of these people did their best to develop the prosperity, administration and the welfare of the people of the empire. It is at this glorious era that scholars and scientists such as Galen emerged. The essence of this article sheds some light on the demise of Trajan in 117 AD. in Cappadocia, Anatolia, due to an unknown disease after the occurrenceof the winter earthquake of 115 AD. which devastated the city of Antioch to the ground. Subsequently, the article addresses the plague of 165 AD. which broke out during the reign of Marcus Aurelius (161-180 AD.) and prevailed to the last years of his reign to the extent that this pandemic wreaked havoc on his emperor. In this article, we try to examine the plague outbreak during the era of Antonius or Galen and its consequences on the societies and peoples of the Roman Empire and adjacent regions such as Syria, Mesopotamia, the Mediterranean, parts of the Parthian Empire, as well as the role of Galen in the epidemic.This epidemic continued until 189 AD in Mesopotamia, Iran, and the eastern part of the Roman Empire, and suddenly disappeared. In this study, we examine the prevalence of this epidemic, which is probably smallpox, and the possible causes of this disease and its consequences.

    Keywords: Antonius, Romans, Parthians, Galen, Antonine or Galen Plagu}
  • Seyyed Alireza Golshani, Javad Abbasi *, Mohammad Taghi Imanpour, Seyyed Abulghasem Foroozani
  • سیدعلیرضا گلشنی، جواد عباسی*، محمدتقی ایمان‏پور، سید ابوالقاسم فروزانی
    سابقه و هدف

    حکیم نجیب الدین سمرقندی، یکی از دانشمندان ایرانی قرن ششم و هفتم هجری، پزشک، داروشناس، چشم پزشک و روانشناس است. هدف از تحقیق حاضر مطالعه زندگانی و آثار وی است.

    مواد و روش ها:

    این تحقیق به روش کتابخانه‏ای و پژوهشی تاریخی (Historical Research) انجام گرفته که به بررسی زندگانی و آثار پزشکی حکیم نجیب الدین سمرقندی پرداخته است.

    نتیجه‏ گیری:

    به‎علت آشنایی حکیم با مباحث طبی، داروشناسی، چشم‏پزشکی و روانشناسی می‏توان نتیجه گرفت که وی در زمینه تمامی علوم و دانش‏های پزشکی دوران خویش تبحر داشته و مهارت و نوآوری‏هایش در بسیاری از آثار طبی علما، دانشمندان و پزشکان بعد از او انعکاس یافته است.

    کلید واژگان: حکیم نجیب الدین سمرقندی, خوارزمشاهیان, آثار علمی}
    Seyyed Alireza Golshani, Javad Abbasi*, Mohammad Taghi Imanpour, Seyyed Abulghasem Foroozani


    Background and purpose:

    Hakim Najib al-Din Samarqandi is one of the Iranian scholars of the Thirteenth century AD. He was a physician, pharmacologist, ophthalmologist, and psychologist. The purpose of this study is to study his life and medical works.

    Methods and Materials:

    This Research was carried out by a library and historical research methodology. We examined the life and medical works of Najib al-Din Samarqandi.


    Due to Najib al-Din's knowledge about medical, pharmacological, ophthalmological and psychological topics, it can be concluded that he has mastered all his sciences in a way that his skills and innovations reflected in many of the medical works by scholars, scientists and physicians after him.

    Keywords: Hakim Najib al-Din Samarqandi, Khwarazmian Dynasty, Scientific Works}
  • Seyyed Alireza Golshani, Seyyed Ehsan Golshan, Mohammad Ebrahim Zohalinezhad
    One of the great physicians in Iran who had expertise in medicine, surgery, and pharmacy was Sadid al-Din Kazeroni. He was a 14th century physician. No information is available on his birth and death – only “Al-Mughni”, a book, has been left to make him famous in surgical and medical knowledge.
    We used desk and historical research methods in this research, with a historical approach. This commonly used research method in human sciences was used to criticize and study the birthplace and works of Sadid al-Din Kazeroni. Results and
    Sadid al-Din Kazeroni discussed the exact issues in the field of anatomy, surgery, and gynecology. He was fluent in pharmacology. In his pharmacology book, for the first time, he named drugs considered necessary before and after surgery. In this study, we reviewed the biography and introduction of the works and reviewed “Al-Mughni”, a book on breast cancer.    
    Keywords: Sadid al-Din Kazeroni, Breast cancer, Anatomical illustration, Al-Mughni, Persian medicine}
  • Mahboobeh Farkhondehzadeh*, Seyyed Alireza Golshani
    The knowledge of medicine underwent a revolution in the Qajar period, especially during the reign of Naser al-Din Shah Qajar (1831–1896 AD). The dispatch of students to Europe, establishment of Dar ul-Funun, Hafez al-Seheh Assembly, and clinics, entrance of European teachers and physicians to Iran, approval of medical rules by the parliament, introduction of a new therapeutic style, and translation of medical textbooks into Persian were some of the changes that occurred during this period. As a result, modern medicine influenced the Iranian-Islamic traditional medicine. An educated Iranian physician, Mirza Ali Doctor Hamedani was one of the physicians of this period, who traveled to France, studied the European medicine and considerably contributed to the evolution of the modern medicine along the traditional medicine. The present manuscript describes the scientific personality and contributions of this physician to the science of medicine
    Keywords: History of Medicine, Iran, Qajar}
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سامانه نویسندگان
  • دکتر سید علیرضا گلشنی
    گلشنی، سید علیرضا
    پژوهشگر پسادکترا، گروه تاریخ، دانشگاه شهید بهشتی تهران، تهران، ایران، دانشگاه شهید بهشتی
اطلاعات نویسنده(گان) توسط ایشان ثبت و تکمیل شده‌است. برای مشاهده مشخصات و فهرست همه مطالب، صفحه رزومه ایشان را ببینید.
  • در این صفحه نام مورد نظر در اسامی نویسندگان مقالات جستجو می‌شود. ممکن است نتایج شامل مطالب نویسندگان هم نام و حتی در رشته‌های مختلف باشد.
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