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برای پرداخت حق اشتراک اگر عضو هستید وارد شوید در غیر این صورت حساب کاربری جدید ایجاد کنید


فهرست مطالب shiva sadeghi

  • شیوا صادقی*، هدیه جهانی

    النسویه هی حرکه اجتماعیه بدات فی اواخر القرن الثامن عشر فی اوروبا وامریکا بهدف القضاء علی التمییز بین الجنسین ضد المراه. هذه الحرکه، سواء فی مجال السیاسه والمجتمع او فی مجال الادب، هی نتیجه عدم الاهتمام بالمراه فی المجتمع الابوی، وفی اواخر الستینیات، دخلت الافکار النسویه مجال «النقد الادبی». یحلل النقاد الادبیون الاعمال الادبیه من خلال مقاربتین: «التاثیرات الانثویه» و«نقد المولف». فی غضون ذلک، برزت نظریه المناهج الاربعه للناقده إلین شوالتر فی القرن العشرین، والتی تتضمن مناهج بیولوجیه وثقافیه وتحلیلیه ونفسیه ولغویه، من الممکن للمراه ان تنتقد الاعمال. بناء علی ذلک، یمکن تحدید مکانه المراه فی الاعمال الادبیه والتحقیق فیها. وفی هذه الدراسه تتم المقارنه بین روایتین إحداهما للکاتبه الإیرانیه نسرین ثامنی بعنوان «گلی در شوره زار» والاخری للکاتبه الجزائریه احلام مستغانمی بعنوان «الاسود یلیق بک»، لانتقاد وتحلیل کتابات کل من: النساء للاختیار ودعنا نحلل ونتحقق من الاساس. معاییر کتابه المراه کما تراها إیلین شوالتر، لإعطاء صوره اوضح عن وضع المراه، والظلم الذی تعرضت له، وافکارها ومثلها. منهج البحث فی هذه المقاله هو (الوصفی- التحلیلی) والدراسه مبنیه علی نظریه إیلین شوالتر. اجری هذا البحث بهدف دراسه هاتین الروایتین بالاعتماد علی نظریه إیلین شوالتر الرباعیه، وتظهر النتائج المحدده ان هاتین الروایتین تتمتعان بخصائص نسویه ترتکز علی اربعه محاور: بیولوجیه، وثقافیه، وتحلیلیه، ولغویه والتی تشکلت علیها نظریه شوالتر وفیها یمکن العثور علی علامات ابعاد الکتابات النسائیه. الاختلافات الواضحه بین هاتین الروایتین تکمن فی الواقعیه السیاسیه التی یمکن الشعور بها فی «الاسود یلیق بک» بسبب الإشاره إلی القضایا السیاسیه فی الجزائر، مقارنه بالروایه غیر السیاسیه بالکامل «گلی در شوره زار»، وهی روایه اجتماعیه. فی روایه «نسرین ثامنی» الواقعیه النفسیه هی التوسط فی النزاعات الداخلیه والصراعات العاطفیه اقوی.

    کلید واژگان: النسویه, إیلین شوالتر, الاسود یلیق بک, گلی در شوره زار}
    Shiva Sadeghi*, Hedieh jahani

    The feminism movement is a social movement whose goal is to dismantle the gender discrimination of women that started in the late 18th century in Europe and America. This movement, whether in the political and social field or in the field of literature, is the result of the lack of attention paid to women in The society is patriarchal. In the late 1960s, feminist ideas entered the domain of "literary criticism" and literary critics analyze literary works with two approaches: "female effects" and "female author criticism". In the meantime, the theory of the four approaches of Elaine Showalter, a prominent American critic of the 20th century, which includes biological, cultural, psychoanalytical and linguistic approaches, has made it possible for women to criticize the work, relying on it Ability to recognize and examine the position of women in literary works. Therefore, the present article has tried to criticize a novel by Nasrin Thamni, an Iranian woman writer, entitled "Goli der Shurezar" and a novel by Ahlam Mostaghanami, an Algerian woman writer, entitled "Al-Aswad Yaliq Bek" (You are beautiful black). to choose women's writing and analyze it according to the criteria of women's writing considered by Elaine Showalter, in order to get a clearer picture of the situation of women, the oppressions that have been inflicted on them, and their thoughts and ideals. brought This research has been conducted with the aim of examining these two novels based on Elaine Showalter's fourfold theory, and the specific results of this research show that these two novels have feminist characteristics based on four axes: The obvious difference between these two novels is the political realism that can be felt in "Al-Aswad Yaliq Bek" due to its reference to political issues in Algeria, compared to "Goli Der Shure Azar" which is a completely non-political and social novel. It can also be said that psychological issues and internal conflicts and emotional conflicts are stronger in the novel "Nasrin Thamani". The research method in this article (descriptive analysis) is based on Elaine Showalter's theory.

    Keywords: feminism, Eileen Showalter, alaswad yalig beka, Gli der Shorah Zar}
  • شیوا صادقی، مسعود نویدی مقدم *
    زمینه و  هدف

     عدم استفاده از راهبردهای تنظیم هیجان و سبک های مقابله ای ناکارآمد می تواند بر سلامت روان و عملکرد و پیشرفت تحصیلی دانشجویان تاثیرگذار باشد. لذا این پژوهش با هدف تعیین اثربخشی آموزش مجازی شفقت به خود بر مهارت های تنظیم هیجان و سبک های مقابله در دانشجویان دانشگاه پیام نور همدان انجام شد.

    روش و مواد

     پژوهش حاضر ازنوع نیمه آزمایشی با طرح پیش آزمون پس آزمون با گروه گواه با مشارکت 30 نفر از دانشجویان دانشگاه پیام نور همدان در سال تحصیلی 1401-1400 انجام شد. شرکت کنندگان به روش نمونه گیری دردسترس انتخاب شدند و به طورتصادفی در دو گروه آزمایش و گواه (هر گروه 15 نفر) قرار گرفتند. برای گردآوری داده ها از پرسشنامه تنظیم شناختی هیجان Garnefski و پرسشنامه سبک های مقابله ای Lazarus & Folkman استفاده شد. گروه آزمایش، آموزش مجازی شفقت به خود را در هشت جلسه شصت دقیقه ای دریافت کرد. داده های جمع آوری شده در نرم افزار آماری SPSS- 23 با استفاده از روش های آماری توصیفی و آزمون کوواریانس تجزیه و تحلیل شدند.

    یافته ها

     میانگین (انحراف معیار) نمرات مهارت های منفی تنظیم هیجان در گروه آزمایش از (8/7) 8/64 قبل از مداخله به
    (3/6) 5/58 بعد از مداخله کاهش یافت (001/0=P). نمرات مهارت های مثبت تنظیم هیجان در گروه آزمایش از (1/8) 7/50 قبل از مداخله به (8/9) 58 بعد از مداخله افزایش یافت (033/0=P). همچنین میانگین (انحراف معیار) نمرات سبک های مقابله ای مساله مدار در گروه آزمایش از (1/10) 8/87 قبل از مداخله به (1/9) 2/99 بعد از مداخله افزایش یافت (001/0=P). نمرات سبک های مقابله ای هیجان مدار در گروه آزمایش از (6/9) 6/88 قبل از مداخله به (7/10) 4/94 بعد از مداخله افزایش یافت (037/0=P). در گروه گواه تفاوتی بین نمرات پیش آزمون و پس آزمون مشاهده نشد.

    نتیجه گیری

     مطالعه نشان داد آموزش مجازی شفقت به خود موجب بهبود مهارت های تنظیم هیجان و استفاده از سبک های مقابله در دانشجویان شد.

    کلید واژگان: شفقت به خود, تنظیم هیجان, سبک های مقابله}
    Shiva Sadeghi, Masoud Navidi-Moghadam *
    Background and Objective

    Failure to use emotion regulation strategies and ineffective coping strategies can affect students' mental health, performance and academic achievement. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of virtual training of self-compassion on emotion regulation skills and coping styles in the students of Payame-Noor University of Hamedan.

    Materials and Methods

    This semi-interventional research with a pre-test-post-test design and a control group was conducted with the participation of 30 students of Payam Noor University in Hamedan in 2021. The participants were selected by available sampling method and were randomly allocated into two equal interventional and control groups. We used the Garnefski Cognitive Emotion Regulation and Lazarus & Folkman Coping Styles Questionnaires to collecting data. The interventional group received virtual compassion training in sixty minutes’ sessions for eight weeks. Data were analyzed using covariance analysis test and SPSS Statistics for Windows, version 23.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Ill., USA).


    The mean (SD) scores of negative emotion regulation skills in the interventional group decreased from 64.8 (7.8) before the intervention to 58.5 (6.3) after the intervention (P=0.001). The scores of positive emotion regulation skills in the interventional group increased from 50.7 (1/8) before the intervention to 58 (9.8) after the intervention (P=0.033). In addition, the mean (SD) of the scores of Problem-oriented confrontation in the experimental group increased from 87.8 (10.1) before the intervention to 99.2 (9.1) after the intervention (P=0.001). The scores of emotion-oriented coping styles in the interventional group increased from 88.6 (9.6) before the intervention to 94.4 (10.7) after the intervention (P=0.037). In the control group, there was no difference between the pre-test and post-test scores.


    The study showed that virtual training of self-compassion improved the skills of emotion regulation and the use of coping styles among students of Payam-e-Noor University of Hamadan.

    Keywords: Self-compassion, Emotion R egulation, Coping Strategies}
  • شیوا صادقی، علی سلیمی، الیاس نورایی

    برپایه الگوهای علوم شناختی و در رویکردهای معنی شناسی، استعاره‏های مفهومی پا به عرصه ادبیات گذاشتند. استعاره ‏های مفهومی همان‏هایی بودند که نخستین بار جورج لیکاف و مارک جانسون مدعی طرح آن شدند. انگاره‏ هایی که ویژگی قلمرو مبدا را تعیین می‏ کنند و بر قلمرو مقصد نگاشته می‏ شوند. تجربیاتی حسی که نتیجه تعامل ما با محیط پیرامونمان هستند. پژوهش حاضر استعاره‏ های مفهومی (جهتی، ساختاری و هستی‎شناختی) را در اشعار خلیل مطران و گلچین گیلانی بررسی کرده تا ضمن واکاوی میزان استفاده دو شاعر از این الگو، جهت‏ گیری و سمت و سوی دو شاعر را در استفاده از این تصاویر بشناسد. پس از بررسی اشعار این دو شاعر، به طور جداگانه مشخص شد که هردو شاعر، به صورت کاملا متعادل از این استعاره‏ها در اشعارشان بهره برده ‏اند و با استفاده از تصاویر حاصل از استعاره‏ های مفهومی، به شعرشان پویایی، پیوستگی، سرعت و شتاب بخشیده ‏اند. با این تفاوت که خلیل مطران از این مفاهیم درراستای تصویرسازی در تمامی مواضع و جهت ‏ها (عشق، سیاست، وطن، جهل، ستم و...) بهره برده است؛ اما گلچین گیلانی به جز در مواردی اندک، از این استعاره‏ های مفهومی در تصویرسازی طبیعت و انتقال احساسات خود استفاده کرده است.

    کلید واژگان: علوم شناختی, استعاره مفهومی, ادبیات عربی, ادبیات فارسی, خلیل مطران, گلچین گیلانی}
    Shiva Sadeghi, Ali Salimi, Elyas Noraei

    Based on the patterns taken form cognitive science and semantic approaches, conceptual metaphors entered the field of literature. Conceptual metaphors were the one that George Lekoff and Mark Johnson first claimed to design. There are images that determine the characteristics of the source territory and are written on the destination territory. Also, the sensory experiences that are the result of our interaction with our surroundings. This research is to examine the conceptual metaphors (directional, structural and ontological) in the poems of Khalil Matran and Golchin Gilani so as to examine the extent to which two poets have utilized this pattern. Furthermore, the orientation and direction of the two poets in using these images is to be examined as well. After examining the poems of these two poets separately, it was found that both poets have used these metaphors in their poems in an entirely balanced way, and they, by using the images from the conceptual metaphors, have equipped their poems with dynamism, continuity, and more speed in publication. A distinction to be addressed is that Khalil Matran has used these concepts to portray in all positions and directions (love, politics, homeland, ignorance, oppression, etc. However, Gilani's anthology, except in few cases, has benefited from this conceptual metaphor in portraying nature and conveying his feelings. </strong>

    Keywords: Cognitive science, conceptual metaphor, Arabic literature, Persian literature, Khalil Matran, Golchin Gilani}
  • شیوا صادقی *، مریم کدخدایی

    مشارکت کردن در کار گروهی و همکاری کردن با یکدیگر، از مهارت‌های اجتماعی لازم برای زندگی در دنیای امروز است و یادگیری این مهارت‌ها در دوران کودکی از اهمیت بسیار بالایی برخوردار است. هدف پژوهش حاضر بررسی اثربخشی بازی‌درمانی مبتنی بر رویکرد رفتاری-شناختی بر مهارت‌های اجتماعی و سازگاری فردی در کودکان دوره اول ابتدایی شهر اصفهان بود. جامعه آماری این پژوهش شامل32344 دانش‌آموزان دوره اول ابتدایی بودند. نمونه‌گیری به شیوه تصادفی خوشه‌ای به این صورت که از بین نواحی شش‌گانه آموزشی شهر اصفهان، مناطق2،6 به‌صورت کاملا تصادفی انتخاب شدند. تعداد 15 نفر که در دو گروه کنترل و آزمایش قرار داده شدند. ابزار پژوهش عبارت از پرسشنامه مهارت‌های اجتماعی گرشام و الیوت (1990) و سازگاری کودکان دخانچی (1377) بود. گروه آزمایش طی 8 جلسه 45 دقیقه‌ای، تحت درمان قرار گرفتند و گروه کنترل هیچ مداخله‌ای دریافت نکردند. داده‌های پژوهش با استفاده از آزمون تحلیل کوواریانس و با استفاده از نرم‌افزار آماری SPSS-25 تحلیل شد. نتایج نشان داد که بازی‌درمانی مبتنی بر رویکرد رفتاری شناختی بر مهارت‌های اجتماعی و سازگاری فردی در کودکان دوره اول ابتدایی شهر اصفهان تاثیر دارد.

    کلید واژگان: بازی درمانی, رویکرد رفتاری-شناختی, مهارت های اجتماعی, سازگاری فردی, کودکان}
    Shiva Sadeghi *, Maryam Kadkhodaee

    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of play therapy based on behavioral-cognitive approach on social skills and individual adjustment in primary school children in Isfahan. The statistical population of this study included elementary school students. Sampling was done by cluster random sampling. 15 people who were placed in two groups of control and experimental. The research instruments were Garsham and Elliott (1990) Social Skills Questionnaire and Dokhanchi Children Adjustment Questionnaire (1998). The experimental group was treated for 8 sessions of 45 minutes and the control group did not receive any intervention. Research data were analyzed using analysis of covariance and SPSS25 statistical software. The results showed that play therapy based on cognitive behavioral approach has an effect on social skills and individual adjustment in first grade elementary school children in Isfahan (p <0.05). 

    Keywords: play therapy, behavioral-cognitive approach, social skills, individual adjustment, children}
  • علی سلیمی، شیوا صادقی*، الیاس نورایی، علی اکبر محسنی

    إن الانظمه الاستعاریه هی عباره عن مجموعات من النظم التی تتشکل من الاستعارات المفهومیه والفیویه والکونیه والمعرفیه والهیکلیه، وهی استعارات تعتمد علی التجارب الحسیه للإنسان فی تعامله مع بییته وما یحیط به من احداث ووقایع. لقد دخل مصطلح الاستعاره المفهومیه عالم الادب علی ید جورج لیکاف ومارک جنسون، وذلک علی اساس نماذج العلوم المعرفیه وفی اتجاهات علم المعانی. وفی محاوله معرفه ما إذا کانت الاستعارات المفهومیه منفصله عن بعضها البعض او متصله فیما بینها طرح موضوع آخر بعنوان "الانظمه الاستعاریه"، التی تشمل "التسلسل الکبیر للوجود"، و"استعاره هیکل الحدث". یهدف البحث الراهن إلی دراسه انواع الانظمه الاستعاریه فی اشعار خلیل مطران وجولشین جیلانی لمعرفه ماهیه الانظمه الاستعاریه التی وظفها الشاعران فی شعرهما. وما هی الخصایص التی اضافتها هذه الانواع من الاستعاره علی شعری مطران وجیلانی؟ اظهرت النتایج ان شعر خلیل مطران یری المجتمع باعتباره ظاهره ونظاما انتزاعیا معقدا وذلک بالاعتماد علی "استعاره التسلسل الکبیر للوجود"، کما یعرف الخصایص والنتایج المترتبه علیها والتی تتحکم فی افراد المجتمع باعتبارها حدثا وذلک علی ضوء "استعاره هیکل الحدث". کما ان جولشین جیلانی وفی ظل "استعاره التسلسل الکبیر للوجود" ینظر إلی الإنسان والحرب والموت باعتبارها ظواهر، ویعرف اللحظات العابره للحیاه والسعاده والرحمه من خلال الاعتماد علی الاستعارات من نوع "هیکل الحدث".

    کلید واژگان: الاستعاره المفهومیه, الانظمه الاستعاریه, استعاره التسلسل الکبیر للوجود, استعاره هیکل الحدث, خلیل مطران, جولشین جیلانی}
    Ali Salimi, Shiva Sadeghi, Elyas Noraei, Aliakbar Mohseni

    Metaphorical systems are orderly groupings consisting of conceptual, ontological, and structural metaphors based on sensory experiences and are the result of our interaction with the surrounding environment. The term conceptual metaphor was introduced into the literature by George Lycoff and Mark Johnson, based on cognitive science models and semantic approaches, and with the question of whether conceptual metaphors are separate or interconnected. A new group called "metaphorical systems" was introduced, which includes the metaphor of the "great chain of existence" and the "structure of the event metaphor." This study tries to examine the types of metaphorical systems in selected poems from the work of Khalil Mutran and the poetic collection of Golchin Gilani to determine which types of metaphorical systems the two poets have used in their poetry? And what conceptual features have this kind of use of metaphor give to the poetry of Khalil Mutran and Golchin Gilani? The results indicate that Mutran describes the society as a phenomenon as well as a complex abstract system using the " great chain of existence " metaphor and its related features and the results that govern the individuals of the society, conceptualizes as an event using the "event structure metaphor". Golchin Gilani also deals with man, war and death as a phenomenon in the shadow of "metaphors of the great chain of existence" and uses the metaphors of "event structure" to conceptualize the fleeting moments of life, happiness and kindness in the mind of the audience.

    Keywords: Conceptual Metaphor, Metaphorical Systems, Great Chain ofExistence Metaphor, Event Structure Metaphor, Khalil Mutran, Golchin Gilani}
  • سمیه صولتی*، شیوا صادقی

    نشانه شناسی اجتماعی به عنوان رویکردی نوین در بررسی متون مختلف نوشتاری و دیداری، زبان را جامع رمزگان و حاصل تعامل کارگزاران اجتماعی در کنش متقابل محسوب می کند که با گزینش هایی هدفمند، معنا را به مخاطب القا می کند در این مجال سعی شده است، با خوانش دو تصویر متفاوت از اردوگاه در دو داستان «الصغیر یذهب الی المخیم» و «البنادق فی المخیم»، به روش توصیفی- تحلیلی و تکیه بر مطالعات نشانه شناختی اجتماعی هلیدی، به این سوال پاسخ داده شود که گزینش های زبانی در داستان های مذکور، چگونه در کشف لایه های زیرین معنا و گفتمان شناسی تصاویر ارایه شده از اردوگاه عمل می کند؟ بر این اساس، جمله واره های این دو داستان در حوزه اندیشگانی، بینافردی و موقعیتی واکاوی شد. مهمترین نتیجه حاصل از کاربست این رویکرد در بررسی داستان های مذکور، تلاش کنفانی برای بازنمود روند عبور از تیرگی یاس به روشنای امید است که واقعیت تاریخی زندگی در اردوگاه های فلسطینی نشین را با گزینش های زبانی جهت دار، رمزگزاری و به نمایش می گذارد.

    کلید واژگان: نشانه شناسی اجتماعی, گزینش های هدفمند, هلیدی, داستان کوتاه, غسان کنفانی}
    Shiva Sadeghi

    Social semiotics is a new approach in the review of the literature and language of signs is the result of the interaction of social actors in interaction the selection of directional, meaning the audience suggests, In this paper, we review two different pictures of the camp in the story "al-saqiro Yzhb Ela Al-mokhayyam" and "Al-banadq Fi Al-mokhayyam", the analytical method and relying on studies Halliday, to answering these questions: Choose the language in these stories, how to uncover the layers of meaning and discourse representations of the camp to act? Accordingly, the provisions of these two stories in the field of experimental, interpersonal and situational were investigated. The outcome of this approach is that Kanafani tries to pass the light from the darkness of despair to hope to convey to the audience, His stories of historical reality in the Palestinian camps by selecting the target language, encoding and showcases.Key words: social semiotics, short stories, Ghassan Kanafani.

    Keywords: social semiotics, the selection of directional, short stories, Ghassan Kanafani}
  • علی اکبر محسنی، شیوا صادقی*

    تودورف با نظریه نحو روایتی خود که جنبه‏ای از جوانب سه گانه معنایی و کلامی و نحوی بود، سازوکار نو و مستقلی برای هر اثر ادبی خصوصا در زمینه داستان تعریف نمود و آن را در دو بخش اسطوره ای و ایدیولوژیک قرارداد. این الگو می توان بسیاری از تعارضات و اندیشه های نادرست حاکم بر جوامع بشر را کشف نموده و راه حل مناسبی برای آن ها ارایه داد. این مقاله سعی دارد تا بر اساس نظریه تودورف، به بررسی ساختارهای روایتی داستان کوتاه و ایدیولوژیک (کرامه زوجتی) عبدالقدوس بپردازد و ضمن نشان دادن توانایی این نظریه در بررسی ساخت های عمقی داستان در کنار ساخت های سطحی آن، به این پرسش پاسخ دهد که ایدیولوژی حاکم بر این داستان چیست و از چه طریقی به مخاطب انتقال یافته است؟ پس از بررسی لایه‏ های روساختی و معنایی مشخص شد ایدیولوژی حاکم بر داستان معطوف به قربانی شدن زنان در روابطی است که مردان خیانت می‏کنند که عبدالقدوس آن را با افعال، اسماء و صفات به نمایش می‏گذارد. و با استفاده از کنش‏ها و شخصیت‏ها، تصویری عینی به مخاطب ارایه می‏دهد.

    کلید واژگان: داستان کوتاه, روایت شناسی, تودروف, عبدالقدوس, کرامه زوجی}
    Aliakbar Mohseni, Shiva Sadeghi *

    With his theory of narrative syntax, which was an aspect of the three elements of semantics, theology, and syntax, Todoroff defined a new and independent mechanism for each literary work, especially in the field of fiction, and divided it into two parts: mythological and ideological. This model can discover many of the conflicts and misconceptions that govern human societies and provide a suitable solution for them. Based on Todorf's theory, this article examines the narrative structures of the short and ideological story (marital fervor) of Abdul Qudus. While showing this theory's ability to study the deep systems of the story along with its superficial structures, to answer the question that the prevailing ideology, what is this story about, and how was it conveyed to the audience? After examining the superstructural and semantic layers, it became clear that the story's doctrine focuses on women's sacrifice in relationships that men betray, which Abdul Qaddos shows with actions, names, and attributes and uses measures and characters to present an objective image to the audience.

    Keywords: short story, Narratology, Todorov, Abdul Qoddos, keramat zojati}
  • شیوا صادقی*، الیاس نورایی، علی سلیمی

    برپایه الگوهای علوم شناختی و در رویکردهای معنی‌شناسی طرح‌واره‏‌های تصویری با تاکید بر استعاره‏‌های مفهومی پا به عرصه ادبیات و دیگر علومی چون فلسفه و روان‌شناسی گذاشتند. این طرح‌واره‌‏ها همان‏‌هایی بودند که نخستین بار جورج لیکاف و مارک جانسون مدعی طرح آن شدند؛ انگاره‏‌هایی که ویژگی قلمرو مبدا را تعیین می‏کنند و بر قلمرو مقصد نگاشته می‌‏شوند. طرح‌واره‏‌ها تصاویری ذهنی و حاصل تجربه‏‌های عینی و ملموس هستند که منجر به خلق مفاهیم انتزاعی متعارف یا غیرمتعارف می‏‌شوند. این پژوهش بر آن است تا ضمن شناخت الگوهای مفهومی ذهنی براساس مفاهیم استعاری موجود در اشعار گلچین گیلانی، به تبیین چگونگی تفکر شاعر و پایه‏‌های شناخت او از محیط و جهان اطرافش و در نهایت خوانشی نو از مفاهیم موجود در اشعار او بپردازد. نتایج مقاله نشان می‌دهند که گلچین گیلانی انواع تجربیات حسی قدرتی خویش را که حاصل تعامل وی با محیط پیرامونش بوده است، در جهت مفهوم‌سازی استعاری به خدمت گرفته است.

    کلید واژگان: زبان شناسی شناختی, شعر معاصر فارسی, استعاره مفهومی, طرحواره تصویری نیرو, گلچین گیلانی}
    shiva sadeghi*, elyas noraei, ali salimi

    Based on the models of cognitive sciences, Figurative schemas with emphasis on conceptual metaphors emerged in the literary studies an other sciences as philosophy and psychology. These schemas that disscusted, first time, by Lakoff and Johnson, determined figures in the source domain and are mapped into target domain. Schemas arethe mental images and the result of the objective expriences which creats normal or abnormal abstract concepts. The aims of this paper are 1)introduceing the conceptual mental models based on metaphorical concepts in Glchin Gilani’s poems; 2) explaining his thouth and cognitive bases from his invoierenment and world: 3) new reading from his poems. The results of this article indicates that Golchin Gilani employs various sensual expriences based on the concept of power. These exprences and concepts that were result of his interaction to the world, employed to metaphorical conceptualizing.

    Keywords: cognitive linguistics, contemporary poetry, conceptual metaphor, schema of power, Golchin Gilani}
  • شیوا صادقی*، سمیه صولتی

    گفتمان سردار قاسم سلیمانی بازنمود اقتدار مردمگرایانه و اندیشه های مبارزه طلبانه روشن فکری دوراندیش است که علیه نابسامانی های سیاسی و نظامی موجود در غرب آسیا قد برافراشته است. با عنایت به اهمیت به کارگیری نظریات علمی در گفتمانکاوی، این پژوهش با روش توصیفی- تحلیلی به بررسی بخشی از سخنرانی سردار سلیمانی در یادواره شهدای همدان -خطاب به ترامپ- با تکیه بر سازه های معناساز هلیدی پرداخته است. نتایج پژوهش نشان میدهد که سردار سلیمانی در گفتمان خویش از ظرفیتهای زبانی و گزینشهای گذرایی و وجهیتی به خوبی در راستای کانونی سازی فرهنگ شهادت و برجسته سازی گفتمان در پیوند با تروریسم بهره برده است؛ در سطح اندیشگانی شمار »دیگری« و کمرنگ ساختن گفتمان »خود« فراوان فرایندهای مادی، دال بر اهمیت بازخوانی کنشهای منفی و فعالیت های ددمنشانه ترامپ است. در این راستا، استفاده از بندهای خبری، بر غلبه عنصر گزارشی و قطعیت دیدگاه سردار نسبت به جنگ افروزی و جنایات آمریکا در منطقه دلالت میکند. پس از جملات خبری با شمار بندهای پرسشی مواجه هستیم که از ارزش زیبایی شناختی برخوردار است، چنانکه در تمامی موارد با مقوله بندی توبیخ و سرزنش، آمریکا را در پیوندی ابدی با تروریسم، ویرانی و کشتار قرار میدهد.

    کلید واژگان: گفتمان کاوی, سازه های معناساز, هلیدی, سخنرانی یادوارۀ شهدای همدان, سردار قاسم سلیمانی}
    Shiva Sadeghi*, Somayeh Solati

    The discourse of general qasem Soleimani is a representation for a far_sighted intellectual person who is related to the people’s authority and his militancy ethics which this discourse has raised tall against the political and military turmoil in western asia. Considering the importance of using scientific theories in discourse analysis, the approach of this research is a descriptive_analytic study which includes a review of the lecture by general qasem Soleimani in memorial conference of the martyrs of Hamedan by relying on the semiotic structures of the hallyday. The results of the research show that general in his discourse has benefited from linguistic capacities and self-selection and it is well used in order to accentuate the culture of martyrdom and highlighting the discourse of “the self” and fading the discourse of “the other” in relation to terrorism. In intellectual level, the number of material processes, is the reason for the importance of the recall of negative rejection and the brutal activities of trump. In this regard, the use of newsgroups also implies the dominance of the reporting element and the certainty of the general’s view implies to the American war and crimes in the region. After the news sentences are a number of questions which it has aesthetic value, as in all cases with the classification of blame and reproach, puts the United States in an eternal link to terrorism, destruction and massacre.

    Keywords: discourse analysis semiotic structures, hallyday, memorial speech of Hamadan martyrs, General Qasem Soleimani}
  • جهانگیر امیری*، شیوا صادقی، نورالدین پروین

    تحلیل گفتمان، از اندیشه های زبان شناسان، نشانه شناسان و پژوهشگران دانش هرمونتیک سرچشمه می گیرد. این شیوه تحلیل، با بررسی بافت متن و بافت موقعیتی، گفتمان حاکم بر جامعه و تفکر چیره بر آن را تبیین می کند. مجموعه داستان کوتاه «الضحایا»، نوشته ذنون ایوب- نویسنده عراقی- بازنمودی از واقعیت ها و گرفتاری های جامعه سنتی عراق است. این داستان تصویری جهت مند از فرایندهای ایدئولوژیکی حاکم بر جامعه را ارائه می دهد. اهمیت این تصاویر بازنمایی شده از آن جهت است که فقر فرهنگی را در جامعه ترسیم می کنند. همچنین، شخصیت هایی در این داستان ها به نمایش در می آیند که بازنمودی از شخصیت های حقیقی جامعه اند و رفتاری همسو با کلیشه های نادرست موجود در جامعه خویش را به نمایش می گذارند. مقاله حاضر،  با روش توصیفی-تحلیلی و در قالب تحلیل گفتمان، بر آن است به این پرسش پاسخ دهد که چگونه نظام یا نظام های گفتمانی حاکم بر جامعه، بستری برای تقویت و بازتولید فقر فرهنگی، در جامعه سنتی عراق شده اند؟

    کلید واژگان: تحلیل گفتمان, بافت متن, بافت موقعیتی, داستان کوتاه, ذنون ایوب}
    Jahangir Amiri *, Shiva Sadeghi, Norudin Parvin

    Discourse analysis originates from the ideas of linguists, hermeneutics analysts and researchers. This method explains the analysis by examining the textual context and situational context, the dominant discourse on society, and the dominant thought on it. The short story of Al-Changiya, written by Iraqi writer Xenon Ayub, is a representation of the realities and problems of the traditional Iraqi society, which provides a directional image of the ideological processes governing society; the significance of these illustrated images is that of cultural poverty in the society, and the characters depicted in these stories represent a the true personalities of the society and display behavior consistent with the false stereotypes in their society.  The present paper uses a descriptive-analytic method in the form of discourse analysis to answer the question of how the discourse-based system or systems governing the community have become a bedrock for the promotion and reproduction of cultural poverty in traditional Iraqi society. Zenon Ayoub (1908-1988) is a posthumous of short story in Iraq, with about fourteen short story collections. The dominant thought and theme behind his work is a reflection of a rebellious spirit and a realistic attitude influenced by French and Russian realists, a vision that directs his work to a new structure with a focus on human freedom, especially women’s freedom and defended of their rights. In his view, the greatest task that any literary writer, especially the storyteller, must fulfill is to expose the truth and criticize inaccurate political and social realities they see in society, without fear of its consequences or the hope of reward. “Zahaya” is the title of a series of short stories by Zenon, the subject of which is to criticize traditional society and to deal with characters who, with their traditionalism and false beliefs, are the ground of oppression and their surroundings, in a better sense, we come across characters who are each a victim of cultural poverty and false traditions. The collection consists of six short stories, titled: “Al-Saqetah”, “Man Vera al-Hijab”, “Al-Aatraq al-Khalas”, “Al-Sharif”, “Jonun” and “Al-Jarima and Al-Aqaba”, all of which are in the tradition index. Commonism and witness are the same, stories that all share the same traditionalism and bear witness to the same look, which gives insight into the attitudes of intellectual writers with deep human concerns. Discourse analysis came up with a term called discourse analysis. The term is originally a Greek word for dis which means different aspects and course means movement. A linguistic approach is to discover and analyze the way the speaker or audience thinks based on the existing text. Discourse analysis is one of the topics of modern linguistics in the field of contemporary literary criticism which has also been translated into spoken and word analysis in Persian. In discourse analysis, we do not merely deal with the lexical elements that constitute the sentence as the main basis of the description of meaning, that is, the context of the text, but beyond that we consider factors outside the context, namely situational, cultural, social, and so on. In other words, the followers of this school describe how the units of linguistics crystallize and form meaning and message in relation to intrinsic factors (text, syntactic and linguistic elements, etc.) and extrinsic factors (social, cultural, political, etc.).  The theme of the Al-Changiya story series provides an opportunity to enter the inner layers of the cultural problems of women and men in the traditional Iraqi society, and the author, by illustrating the routine social relations, a simple language and a thriller for complex issues in relationships of human; by analyzing the lives of the characters of these stories, will have some kind of critical and social perspective. In analyzing these stories, we will see that cultural poverty is a pervasive problem in the feminine and masculine discourses in the story, and it is not just for the lower classes of society. In this collection of stories, life is suppressed, suicidal characters prefer to survive, the personality is on his own suspicion to preserve dignity, and the other inevitably leads to a tidal vortex, but the common point of all these stories is a bitter and fatal fate, which is the result of incorrect and false cultural beliefs embodied in the minds of the patriarchal society. The most important cultural expressions that have meant the meaning of cultural poverty in the “Al-Changiya” collection are: superstition and the belief in magic, discrimination and adultery, and belief in the superiority of men over women, the masculinity of science, maternal look to woman, poverty and financial dependency of woman, forced marriage, violence and ultimately hot shame, all of which are traversed by traditional and patriarchal society, which incorporate gender stereotypes from the beginning in the minds of each man and woman. In other words, these discourses show the plurality of power relations in the context of the story and, consequently, in the society of the Xenon Age, which is inevitable due to the kind of education, low cultural level, social connection, etc. and even dominated by society in many cases. The dominant discourse on each of the stories of this set of poverty is social culture and false customs, which all take place on the basis of people’s words and sentiments, not through the use of reason. The review of Xenon’s stories in this collection illustrates the fact that his stance in his stories is neither patriarchal nor feminist, therefore, he did not have any effort to stabilize the stereotypes. Rather, it tries to inform the audience through narrative, to counteract cultural poverty and incorrect beliefs and traditions that have left women in the dark and kept them in shadow, and in many cases denied their social rights, and the negative consequences of some of the stereotypes that have mutually challenged man’s life.

    Keywords: Discourse analysis, Text context, Situational context, Short story, Xenon Ayub}
  • شیوا صادقی*، پوران میرزایی، سمیه طاطیان
    در این پژوهش که بر مبنای مطالعات گفتمانی در خوانش بیانات مقام معظم رهبری شکل گرفته است به روش توصیفی تحلیلی گفتمان استکبارستیزانه با سه محور استکبار، مستکبر و استکبارستیز مورد بررسی قرار گرفته و هیبوگرام های آن تبیین گردیده است. هدف از این پژوهش، کاوش تداعی های واژگانی مرتبط با استکبار در بیانات رهبر انقلاب است. نتایج پژوهش نشان می دهد که گفتمان استکبارستیزانه در بیانات ایشان مبتنی بر روشن گری زمینه های استکبار، برشمردن شاخصه های مستکبرین و جنایات آنان، برخورد قاطعانه با استکبار، دعوت مردم به حمایت از نهضت اسلامی، تقویت معنویت، ترسیم اهداف، مقاومت و جلوگیری از تفرقه افکنی است و این فرضیه که رهبر انقلاب استکبارگر است را به گونه استنادی و روشمند اثبات می کند. سیری در بن مایه های مربوط به گفتمان استکبارستیزانه از استکبار، استکبارگر و استکبارستیز در بیانات رهبر انقلاب، شناخت موقعیت ها و واقع گرایی ایشان را به نمایش می گذارد و به گونه ای فعال و پویا به مقاومت در برابر دشمن منتهی می شود.
    کلید واژگان: گفتمان استکبارستیزانه, مقاومت, تعامل گفتمانی, بیانات رهبری}
    Shiva Sadeghi *, Pouran Mirzaeه, Somayya Tateian
    In the article written based on the leader discourse, the anti-arrogance conversation of the leader investigates in three pivots of arrogance, arrogance, and anti-arrogance, and its programs are clarified. This study is to search the vocabularies related to overconfidence in the sayings of the leader of the revolution. The results derived from the article shows that the anti-arrogance discourse in his sayings based on clarifying the grounds of arrogance, presenting the features of the arrogant elements and their felonies, countering the presumption, inviting people to support the Islamic movement, strengthening the spirituality, delineating the goals, showing resistance and preventing disunity. This article proves documentarily and methodically the assumption that the leader of the revolution is against arrogance. Running research on the keywords of the anti-arrogance discourse such as arrogance, arrogance, and anti-arrogance in the sayings of the leader of the revolution shows recognizing the situations and his realistic view, which leads to active and aware resistance against the enemy.
    Keywords: Anti-Arrogance Discourse, Resistance, Discourse Interaction, Sayings of the Leader}
  • جهانگیر امیری*، شیوا صادقی، نورالدین پروین
    زندان سروده، در ماهیت خویش شرح رنج و اندوه و دلتنگی های یک شاعر دربند است، اما این گونه غنایی نزد ابراهیم مقادمه شاعر، مبارز و شهید فلسطینی همچون دیگر روشنفکران این دیار سوای از انعکاس رنج و اندوه، شعری انگیزاننده است که با برانگیختن شور مبارزه و مقاومت در وجود انسان مظلوم فلسطینی دریچه ای از امید به روی او می گشاید و به افق روشن آزادی و پیروزی رهنمون می سازد. در پژوهش حاضر برآنیم باروشی توصیفی- تحلیلی به خوانش زندان سروده های این شاعر پایداری بر اساس مولفه های سبک شناختی لایه ای بپردازیم تا به این مهم دست یابیم که ابراهیم مقادمه به عنوان شاعری متعهد چگونه از ماهیت و توانمندی لایه های زبانی در راستای القای مفهوم مبارزه طلبی و ایستادگی بهره برده است؟ تحلیل سبک شناختی اشعار ابراهیم مقادمه، بر کارآمدی مولفه های سبک شناختی لایه ای در جهت درک بهتر لایه های زیرین معنا در متون ادبی صحه می گذارد؛ بدین صورت که کاربرد فراوان بحر رمل نشانگر توجه شاعر به اوزان خفیف و ملایم و فراهم ساختن فضایی آرام است که آرامشی درونی را به خواننده القاء کند. در لایه واژگانی تساوی واژگان حسی و انتزاعی و در لایه نحوی، هم سویی جملات خبری و انشایی، میل به تجسم واقعیت و در عین حال القای احساسات یک مبارز را آشکار می سازند. در لایه بلاغی تصویرپردازی های حسی به حسی بیش از هر ابزاری بازنمود رنج و اندوه یک اسیر فلسطینی را برعهده گرفته اند و در لایه ایدئولوژیکی، اشعار مقادمه ایمان راسخ یک مبارز دربند، به ثمربخش بودن پایداری و پیروزی نهایی حق را به تصویر کشیده است.
    کلید واژگان: ادبیات عرب, شعر پایداری, سبک شناسی لایه ای, زندان سروده, ابراهیم مقادمه}
    Jahangir Amiri *, Shiva Sadeghi, Nouroddin Parvin
    Prison poem is a poetic text that describes the sufferings of a poet. However, for Ibrahim Moqadami, a Palestinian martyred poet, like other intellectual, this type of poetry is not only a reflection of sufferings and grief’s but also an inspired citation of the passion of resistance and the struggle of oppressed Palestinians to open the doors to hope, freedom and victory. This research is a descriptive-analytical study that aims at the fertility of the prison poems of the poet based on the elements of layer stylistics and seeks to realize how this committed poet has used the capacity of layer linguistic resources to deal with the concepts of struggle and perseverance. The study confirms the layer effectiveness of stylistic components to better understand the underlying layers of meaning in literary texts. The wide use of Bahr-e Ramal in his poems denotes the attention of the poet to gentle rhythms so as to provide the reader with an atmosphere of peace and relaxation. At the lexical level, abstract and concrete items are equally used. At the syntactic level, statements and imperatives are parallel, which serves to embody the truth and impart the feelings of a combatant. Rhetorically speaking, the sensory images in the poet’s text excellently reflect the sufferings of a Palestinian captive. Ideologically speaking, however, his poems depict the firm faith of a jailed combatant who believes in the effectiveness of resistance and the victory that follows.
    Keywords: Layer stylistics, Arabic literature, Poetry of resistance, Prison poem, Ibrahim Moqadami}
  • Shiva Sadeghi*, Masoomeh Khoshdel
    Sealing ability of a retrograde filling material is an important factor for a successful endodontic apicoectomy. The purpose of this in-vitro study was to compare the sealing ability of calcium enriched mixture (CEM) cement versus amalgam as root-end filling materials.
    A total of 36 canals of extracted maxillary central incisors were instrumented and obturated using lateral compaction technique. The apical 3 mm of each root was resected and root-end prepared to a depth of 3mm.The teeth were randomly divided into two experimental groups of 15 teeth according to tested materials (Amalgam, CEM cement) and two negative and positive control groups of 3 teeth. Root- end cavities were restored with amalgam (group 1) or CEM (group 2). Sealing ability was evaluated by dye penetration method using Pelikan ink, and a stereomicroscope at x10 magnifications and 0.01 mm accuracy. Data were analyzed by T-test and P
    The mean linear dye microleakage for CEM cement and amalgam retrofilled groups were 2.08 and 3.77 mm, respectively. There was a statistically significant difference between the two groups (p<0.0001).
    under the condition of this in vitro study, CEM cement provides a better seal than amalgam when used as a retrograde filling material.
    Keywords: Sealing ability, Amalgam, CEM, Retrofilled}
  • Shiva Sadeghi *, Ramin Tabari, Sepideh Hosseini
    Thickness of a coronal seal barrier is an important factor for preventing microleakage. The aim of this in vitro study was to compare the sealing ability of two different thicknesses of calcium Enriched Mixture (CEM) cement as a coronal seal barrier.
    A total of 40 canals of extracted maxillary central incisors were instrumented and obturated using lateral compaction technique. The teeth were randomly divided into two experimental (N=15) and two control groups (N=5). For experimental groups, the obturation material was removed up to the experimental depths (2 and 3 mm) and were sealed with CEM. Sealing ability was evaluated by dye penetration method using pelikan ink and a stereomicroscope at x10 magnification and 0.01 mm accuracy. Data was analyzed using T-test and P
    The mean linear dye microleakage for the two thicknesses of CEM cement groups (2mm and 3mm) were 0.930 and 0.67 mm respectively. There was no statistically significant difference between the two groups (p
    under the condition of this in vitro study, coronal microleakage in 2mm thickness of CEM cement had no statistically significant difference with 3 mm thickness of the material.
    Keywords: sealing ability, coronal seal, CEM}
  • سیده طاهره محتوی پور *، سیده سعیده محتوی پور، عالیه سادات جوادزاده حقیقت، شیوا صادقی، مریم رضوانی، بهار محمود خالصی
    زمینه و هدف
    ارزیابی طول کانال برای دستیابی به درمان اندودنتیک مناسب، ضروری می باشد. هرگونه خطا و محاسبه نادرست در ارزیابی طول کارکرد به خصوص در کانال های انحناء دار منجر به عوارض حین و بعد از درمان ریشه می گردد. ظهور رادیوگرافی دیجیتال امکان اندازه گیری دیجیتال طول کانال های انحناء دار را برای ما فراهم ساخته است. هدف از این مطالعه بررسی ابزار کالیبراسیون سیستم دیجیتالComplementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) در ارزیابی طول کارکرد کانال بود.
    روش بررسی
    در این مطالعه آزمایشگاهی، ابتدا 80 دندان مولر کشیده شده مندیبل انتخاب شدند، سپس براساس زاویه انحناء کانال و رادیوس 45 دندان در سه گروه درنظر گرفته شدند. سیم ارتودنسی به طول 5 میلی متر در سطح لترال ریشه قرار داده شد. پس از قرار دادن فایل اندودنتیک در یک سوم اپیکال، از دندان های رادیوگرافی با فیلم معمولی تهیه شد. رادیوگرافی ها اسکن و به نرم افزار سیستم دیجیتال CMOS وارد شدند. طول فایل توسط دو مشاهده گر با و بدون ابزار کالیبراسیون نرم افزار اندازه گیری دیجیتال ارزیابی شد. ابتدا هم بستگی مشاهده گرها ارزیابی شد. سپس داده ها توسط Paired t- test آنالیز آماری شدند.
    یافته ها
    توافق بین مشاهده گرها مطلوب بود. بین میانگین مقادیر اندازه گیری شده کالیبره شده و طول واقعی فایل براساس انحنا کانال اختلاف معنی دار وجود نداشت (0.001P).
    نتیجه گیری
    اندازه گیری های کالیبره شده طول فایل نسبت به اندازه گیری های غیرکالیبره شده از دقت بالاتری برخوردار بودند.
    کلید واژگان: رادیوگرافی دیجیتال, اندازه گیری, کانال ریشه}
    Mohtavipour Seyedeh Tahereh *, Seyedeh Saeideh Mohtavipour, Alieh Sadat Javadzadeh Haghighat, Shiva Sadeghi, Maryam Rezvani, Bahar Mahmoud Khalesi
    Background And Aims
    Estimating the canal length is essential for reaching to a proper endodontic treatment. Any error and miscalculation in estimation of the working length, especially in curved canals, can result in complication during and after root canal therapy. The introduction of digital radiography has enabled us to measure curved canal length. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the calibration tool of Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) digital system in estimation of working length.
    Materials And Methods
    In this in-vitro study, 80 extracted molar teeth were selected and randomly divided into three groups based on angle and radius of canal curvature. A 5 mm orthodontic wire was placed on the lateral surface of the root. Conventional radiographs were taken after insertion of endodontic file in the apical third of root canals. Radiographic images were scanned and imported to the software of CMOS digital system. Two observers estimated the file lengths with and without using calibration tool of digital measurement software. The correlation between observers was evaluated and then data were analyzed using Paired T-test with 95% confidence.
    Overall agreement between observers was good. There was no significant difference between the mean values of calibrated measurement and true file length in the basis of canal curves (P>0.001). However, there was significant difference between the mean values of uncalibrated measurement and true file length in the basis of canal curvature (P
    The calibrated measurement of file length was more accurate than that of the uncalibrated file length measurement.
    Keywords: Digital radiography, Measurement, Root canal}
  • Seyedeh Tahereh Mohtavipour, Shiva Sadeghi, Seyedeh Saeedeh Mohtavipour, Aliehsadat Javadzadeh Haghighat, Maryam Rezvani, Bahar Mamoud Khalesi
    Introdouction: Canal length measurement is essential for proper endodontic treatment. Any error or miscalculation in working length determination, particularly in curved canals, can result in complications during or after root canal therapy. Digital radiography has enabled accurate measurement of curved canal length. In this study, we evaluated the accuracy of calibration of a complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) digital system for file length measurement.
    Materials And Methods
    In this in vitro study, 45extracted molar teeth were divided into three groups of 15 with respect to the angle and radius of canal curvature. A 5-mm piece of orthodontic wire was placed on the lateral surface of the roots. Digital radiographs were taken after insertion of the endodontic file by the CMOS digital system. Two observers measured the file length with and without using the calibration tool of digital measurement software. The correlation between observers was evaluated and data were analyzed using the paired t-test with 95% confidence interval.
    The overall agreement between the observers was satisfactory. There was no significant difference between the mean values of calibrated measurement and true file length with respect to canal curvature (P>0.05). However, there was a significant difference between the mean values of uncalibrated measurement and true file length with respect to canal curvature (P
    The calibrated measurement of file length was more accurate than the uncalibrated file length measurement.
    Keywords: Digital Dental Radiography, Root Canal Therapy, Calibration}
  • Shiva Sadeghi, Ramin Tabari, Shahroz Almasi
    Introdouction: It is important for the clinician to be aware regarding the necessary thickness of materials used as intra-orifice coronal barriers to prevent microleakage. The purpose of this in vitro study was to compare coronal microleakage of three different thicknesses of white and gray Angelus mineral trioxide aggregate (WAMTA, GAMTA).
    Materials And Methods
    A total of 66 canals of extracted maxillary central incisors were instrumented and obturated with gutta percha and AH26 sealer using cold lateral compaction technique. The teeth were randomly divided into two experimental groups of 30 teeth each according to the material tested (WAMTA and GAMTA) and two negative and positive control groups of three teeth each. The experimental groups were then subdivided into three groups of 10 teeth each according to the coronal plug thickness (2, 3, and 4 mm). The obturation material was removed upto the experimental depths and was sealed with tested materials. Sealing ability was evaluated by the dye penetration method using Pelikan ink and a stereomicroscope at ×10 magnification and 0.01 mm accuracy. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) and t-test.
    t-test analysis revealed that there was no significant difference between coronal microleakage of GAMTA and WAMTA at depths of 2, 3, and 4 mm (P < 0.88, P < 0.285, P < 0.62). ANOVA test revealed that there was no significant difference between leakage of different thicknesses of WAMTA (P < 0.365) and GAMTA (P < 0.217).
    Coronal microleakage of 2-mm thickness of WAMTA and GAMTA had no statistically significant difference with 3-mm and 4-mm thicknesses of the materials.
    Keywords: Coronal seal, MTA, Thickness}
  • Shiva Sadeghi, Ali Akbari
    Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) as an alternative material to gutta-percha for obturation of root canal in special cases has several drawbacks. The purpose of this study was to compare the apical sealing ability of a new MTA-based sealer versus MTA.
    Materials And Methods
    A total of 36 canals of extracted maxillary central incisors were instrumented and randomly divided into 3 experimental groups (n=10) and two negative and positive control groups (n=3). Lateral compaction technique was performed using AH26 sealer (group 1 or control), and MTA Fillapex (group 2). The canals in group 3 were filled using vertical compaction of MTA alone. Sealing ability was evaluated using dye leakage penetration method. Data was analyzed by one way ANOVA and LSD (Least Significant Difference) test.
    The observed leakage in groups 2 and 3 which were filled with MTA Fillapex and MTA orthograde was significantly different from the control group which were filled with AH26 sealer (P=0.015, P=0.001). There was no significant difference between group 2 and 3which was filled with MTA Fillapex and MTA orthograde (P=0.205).
    Within the limitation of this in vitro study, there was no significant difference between apical sealing ability of MTA Fillapexand MTA orthograde.
    Keywords: Canal Scaler, Mineral Trioxide Aggregate, Obturation, Root Canal}
  • Shiva Sadeghi, Elnaz Farhodi
    The purpose of this in-vitro study was to compare shaping ability of NiTi rotary Mtwo and FlexMaster with stainless steel hand K-Flexofile in curved root canals of extracted teeth.
    Materials And Methods
    Mesiobuccal canals of 45 mandibular molar teeth were balanced into three groups of 15 each, with respect to the Schneider angle, canal access angle, height, dis-tance and radius of canal Curvature. Canals were prepared with Mtwo, FlexMaster and stainless steel hand K-Flexofile according to the manufac-turers` instruction. Comparing pre- and post-instrumentation radiographs, straightening of the canal curvatures was determined using AutoCAD program. Data was analyzed using one way ANOVA and Tukey HSD test.
    After instrumentation, the K-Flexofile system was significantly different from Mtwo and Flex Master systems for the mean difference of Schneider angle (p=0.0001, p=0.0001), canal access angle (p=0.006, p=0.003), radius (p=0.045, p=0.015) and distance of curvature (p=0.001, p=0.001).
    Mtwo and FlexMaster files main-tained the original canal curvatures better than the K-Flexofile
    Keywords: Root canal preparation • Dental instruments}
  • Shiva Sadeghi, Masoomeh Abolghasemi
    Background and aims. Determining the proper length of the root canals is essential for successful endodontic treatment. The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the effect of file size on the accuracy of the Raypex 5 electronic apex locator for working length determination of uninstrumented canals.Materials and methods. Twenty maxillary central incisors with single straight canals were used. Following access cavity preparation, electronic working length by means of Raypex 5 apex locator and actual working length were determined. Data were analyzed using ANOVA with repeated measurements and LSD test.Results. There was no significant difference between electronic and actual working lengths when a size 15 K-file was used.Conclusion. Under the conditions of the present study, a size 15 K-file is a more suitable size for determining working length.
  • Shiva Sadeghi, Vahideh Poryousef
    The purpose of this in vitro study was to introduce a new method to describe root canal curvatures and to assess the degree of curvature of human permanent mandibular teeth with curved root canals.
    Materials And Methods
    One hundred and thirty five mesial root canals of mandibular first and second molar teeth were selected. Access cavities were prepared. After inserting a K-file size #10 into each canal, radiographs were taken. Canal curvature was determined by measuring the Schneider angle, canal access angle, as well as the canal radius, length, height and curvature starting distance on scanned radiographs using a computerized image processing system. Data was evaluated statistically using Pearson correlation.
    The mean canal access angle (CAA) and Schneider angle (S) were 8.04◦ (3.46) and 19◦ (6.99), respectively. The Pearson correlation analysis found significant positive correlation between S and CAA (r=0.826, P<0.0001). Negative correlations were found between radius and length (r= –0.4, P<0.0001), radius and Schneider angle (r= –0.4, P<0.0001), radius and CAA (r= –0.24, P=0.004) and CAA and curvature starting distance (r= 0.4, P<0.0001). There was no correlation between height and distance (r=0.013, P=0.789), as well as CAA and height (r=0.654, P=0.001).
    Under the limitations of this study, the results indicated that the shape of root canal curvature can be more accurately described using two angles, Schneider in combination with Canal access angle. The related parameters included radius, length, distance and height of curvature.
    Keywords: Endodontics, Root canal preparation, Root canal therapy}
  • Shiva Sadeghi, Haniyeh Haji Sadeghi
    Proper apical seal and obturation density are essential to long-term success of root canal therapy (RCT). The apical seal and density of lateral compaction techniques using stainless-steel and nickel-titanium spreaders and vertical compaction with BeeFill device were compared in this in vitro study.
    Materials And Methods
    A total of 66 extracted maxillary central incisors were instrumented. The volume of each canal was determined after preparation. The weight of each root was measured before and after obturation. Lateral compaction technique was performed using stainless-steel (groups a) and nickel-titanium spreaders (groups b), filled with AH26 sealer (groups 1a and 1b) and without sealer (groups 2a and 2b). Canals in vertical compaction technique (groups c) were filled with (group 1c) and without (group 2c) sealer using Beefill system. Density was determined as the ratio of weight/volume. Sealing ability was evaluated using dye penetration method. Data was analyzed with ANOVA and T-test.
    T-test results showed a significant difference between groups which were filled with/without sealer for their apical sealing ability (P)
  • Shiva Sadeghi, Tania Safari
    The purpose of this in vitro study was to investigate the influence of 5.25% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) and 0.12% chlorhexidine gluconate (CHX) use separately and combined as endodontic irrigants on the apical sealing ability of two endodontic sealers.
    Materials And Methods
    Eighty-six extracted maxillary central incisor teeth were used. The teeth were decoronated at the CEJ, access cavities were prepared, root canals were instrumented up to a master apical file size #40, irrigated with either 0.12% CHX alone, 5.25% NaOCl alone, 5.25% NaOCl and 0.12% CHX combined, or saline and dried using paper points. Obturation was accomplished by lateral condensation technique using one of two endodontic sealers AH26 or Apexit. Apical leakage was measured using dye penetration method and data were analyzed by one way ANOVA and Tukey''s HSD test.
    The results showed significant differences between NaOCl+CHX/AH26 group and both CHX/AH26 and saline/AH26 groups (P≤0.05). There was also a significant difference between saline/AH26 and other irrigant/AH26 groups (P≤0.001) also there was statistically significant differences between saline/Apexit group and other irrigant/Apexit groups (P≤0.001). The mean leakage of CHX/AH26 and CHX/Apexit was statistically different as well as for NaOCl/AH26 and NaOCl/Apexit (P≤0.05).
    Under the conditions of this in vitro study, combination of NaOCl/CHX can significantly increase apical sealing ability of AH26 sealer.
    Keywords: Apical, Irrigation, Leakage, Root canal therapy, Sealer.}
  • Shiva Sadeghi, Zeinab Doago
    The purpose of this in vitro study was to compare working length (WL) changes after straight-line access (SLA) and different coronal flaring (CF) methods.
    Materials And Methods
    Coronal access preparations were made (without SLA) in molar teeth to allow access to 120 canal orifices with a hand file. The suitable cusp and root tips were then flattened to facilitate reproducible and accurate measurements. WL was determined before and after SLA and after different methods of CF. These methods consisted of: stainless-steel (SS) hand files + NiTi hand files, SS hand files + Gates Glidden burs (GG) (#1 to #3), (#3 to #1), GG in step-back manner and crown-down manner without using SS hand files and NiTi rotary orifice shapers. Data was analyzed by paired T-test and coefficient of variance.
    The mean difference in WL changes after SLA was statistically greater than other methods of CF (P)
  • Shiva Sadeghi, Masoomeh Abolghasemi
    The purpose of this in vitro study was to compare the accuracy of the new electronic apex locator Raypex5 with radiography for working length determination of straight and curved root canals.
    Materials And Methods
    Twenty straight and single canals of maxillary central teeth and twenty curved mesiobuccal canals of mandibular molar teeth were used. Access cavities were prepared and working lengths were determined by means of Raypex5 and conventional radiography then compared with actual working lengths (AWL). Data were analyzed by ANOVA with repeated measurements and Least Significant Difference (LSD) test.
    There was no significant difference between electronic and actual working length determination for straight canals (p=0. 74). For curved canals the difference between electronic and actual working length was significant (p≤0. 0001). There was a significant difference between radiographic and actual working length determination either for straight and curved canals (p=0. 024، p≤0. 0001). The difference between radiographic and electronic working length determination was also significant for straight canals (p=0. 006). The percentage of electronic measurements within ±0. 5 of AWL was 70% for straight canals and 35% for curved root canals. The percentage of radiographic measurements within ± 0. 5 of AWL was 50% for straight canals and 25% for curved root canals.
    Raypex 5 is an apex locator that measured the tooth length within a clinically acceptable range especially in anterior straight canals
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