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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « language learning strategies » در نشریات گروه « ادبیات و زبان ها »

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «language learning strategies» در نشریات گروه «علوم انسانی»
  • پژوهش حاضر تلاشی برای تعیین تاثیر آموزش راهبرد فراشناختی پیشگیرانه و عطف به گذشته بر استقلال فراگیران ایرانی ESP انجام داده است. علاوه بر این، تلاش شد تا میزان تاثیر متقابل بین این آموزش و شرایط آموزش پیشگیرانه/عقب گرد بر استقلال این فراگیران در دوره هایشان را بررسی کند. بدین منظور، پژوهشگران ابتدا 168 نفر از فراگیران ESP سطح متوسط را از بین فراگیران ESP دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی (واحد تبریز) به عنوان شرکت کننده انتخاب کردند. ثانیا شرکت کنندگان را به صورت غیرتصادفی در چهار گروه شامل گروه آزمایشی پیشگیرانه، گروه آزمایشی عطف به گذشته، گروه کنترل پیشگیرانه و گروه کنترل عطف به گذشته قرار دادند. سوم، محققان پیش آزمون خودمختاری را برای همه گروه ها اجرا کردند. چهارم، آنها از سیستم مدیریت یادگیری Adobe Connect برای ارایه گروه آزمایشی پیشگیرانه و گروه آزمایشی عطف به گذشته درمان های مربوطه خود را در ده جلسه استفاده کردند. با این وجود، آنها از تکنیک های آموزش زبان سنتی برای ارایه آموزش به گروه های کنترل استفاده کردند. پنجم، محققان پس آزمون خودمختاری مطالعه را برای شرکت کنندگان پس از پایان جلسات درمانی اجرا کردند. در نهایت از SPSS 24 برای تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها استفاده کردند. نتایج نشان داد که آموزش راهبرد فراشناختی استقلال شرکت کنندگان را بهبود می بخشد. علاوه بر این، شرایط دستورالعمل عطف به ماسبق موثرتر از شرایط پیشگیرانه بود. علاوه بر این، تعامل بین آموزش راهبرد فراشناختی و شرایط عطف به ماسبق تاثیر مثبت معناداری بر رشد خودمختاری فراگیران داشت. نتایج ممکن است به مربیان معلم ESP، طراحان برنامه درسی و مربیان اصول راهنما را در مورد آموزش راهبرد فراشناختی ارایه دهد.
    Fatemeh Jafari, Nasser Ghafoori *, Shima Ahmadiazad
    The present study made an effort to determine the impacts of proactive and retroactive meta-cognitive strategy instruction on Iranian ESP learners’ autonomy. Furthermore, it strived to examine the degree to which the interaction between this instruction and proactive/retroactive instruction conditions influenced these learners’ autonomy in their courses. To this end, first, the researchers selected 168 intermediate-level ESP learners from among the ESP learners of Islamic Azad University (Tabriz Branch) as the participants. Second, they non-randomly assigned the participants to four groups including the proactive experimental group, retroactive experimental group, proactive control group, and retroactive control group. Third, the researchers administered the autonomy pretest to all of the groups. Fourth, they used the Adobe Connect Learning Management System to provide the proactive experimental group, and the retroactive experimental group with their relevant treatments in ten sessions. Nonetheless, they used traditional language instruction techniques to provide the control groups with their instruction. Fifth, the researchers administered the autonomy posttest of the study to the participants after the end of the treatment sessions. Finally, they used SPSS 24 to analyze the data. The results showed that meta-cognitive strategy instruction ameliorated the participants’ autonomy. Moreover, the retroactive instruction condition was more efficacious than the proactive condition. In addition, the interaction between meta-cognitive strategy instruction and retroactive condition had a significant positive effect on the learners’ autonomy development. The results may provide ESP teacher educators, syllabus designers, and instructors with guiding principles regarding meta-cognitive strategy instruction.
    Keywords: ESP, Language Learning Strategies, learner autonomy, Meta-Cognitive Strategies}
  • بهنام فارسی*، رسول بازیار
    یتناول البحث الراهن دور إستراتیجیات تعلم اللغه (LLSP) فی تدریس اللغه العربیه لطلاب مرحله البکالوریوس بجامعه یزد وهو من الموضوعات التی لم یتطرق لها البحث العلمی التطبیقی فی تعلیم اللغه العربیه کثیرا، حیث تترکز معظم الجهود العلمیه فی بحث مشکلات التعلیم دون التعلم. یستهدف هذا البحث تعرف استراتیجیات تعلم اللغه العربیه و تطبیقها حتی یتسنی الإفاده منها فی جامعه یزد.   تتکون عینه الدراسه من 40 طلبه اللغه العربیه فی مرحله البکالوریوس بجامعه یزد. تم جمع البیانات اعتمادا علی منهج مسحی-تحلیلی من خلال الاستبانه والمقابله. دفعتنا النتایج الإیجابیه للبحث الذی تم إجراوه فی اللغه الإنجلیزیه والاسالیب الفریده والاستراتیجیات المتکامله لمتعلمی اللغه فی استخدام استراتیجیات تعلم اللغه لتعلم لغه اکثر فاعلیه إلی التحقیق فی دور هذه الاستراتیجیه التعلیمیه فی تعلم اللغه العربیه. قد اظهرت النتایج ان طلاب عینه الدراسه تمیلون إلی إلقاء نظره شمولیه لمهمه التعلم وتلک من خلال النظر فی حیاتهم الشخصیه وخبراتهم الاکادیمیه. کما یختارون  إستراتیجیات التفاعل مع المعلم والتحدث وبطاقات الفلاش باعتبارها إستراتیجیات التعلم التطبیقیه المفضله لدیهم. تدل هذه الاختیارات علی ان طلبه اللغه العربیه فی جامعه یزد یحاولون تقویه مهاراتهم اللغویه من خلال اختیار إستراتیجیه ملموسه واکثر وظیفیه لجعل اللغه اکثر صله بالحیاه الیومیه. وبالتالی یفضل طلاب المستوی المتقدم إستراتیجیات التفاعل مع المعلم والتحدث وبطاقات الفلاش والعمل الفردی علی الترتیب، بینما یرجح الطلاب المبتدوون إستراتیجیات تعلم القواعد والعمل الجماعی. وهکذا قد تاتی للادله التجریبیه التی تم الحصول علیها من هذه الدراسه، نتایج إیجابیه فیما یتعلق بالطرایق النظریه لتدریس اللغه العربیه بشکل فعال، وتدریب اساتذه اللغه العربیه وتطویر مناهج هذا المجال وتقلیل اوجه القصور فیه.
    کلید واژگان: تعلیم اللغه العربیه, إستراتیجیات تعلم اللغه, التعلم الفعال}
    Behnam. Farsi *, Rasool Bazyar
    The current research deals with the role of language learning strategies (LLSP) in teaching Arabic language to undergraduate students at Yazd University, and it is one of the topics that applied scientific research in teaching the Arabic language has not significantly touched yet, as most of the scientific efforts are concentrated on researching the problems of teaching without learning. This research aims to know the strategies for learning Arabic language and applying them in order to benefit Yazd University language learners. The positive results of the previous research conducted about English language and the unique approaches and integrated strategies of language learners in using language learning strategies for more effective language learning prompted us to investigate the role of this instructional strategy in learning Arabic. The present study sample consisted of 40 Arabic language undergraduate students at Yazd University. The data was collected based on a survey-analytical method through questionnaire and interview. The results showed that the study sample students tended to have a holistic view of the learning task by looking at their personal lives and academic experiences. They also chose interaction strategies with their teacher, speaking and flash cards as their preferred applied learning strategies. These choices indicated that Arabic language students at Yazd University were trying to strengthen their language skills by choosing a concrete and more functional strategy to make the language more relevant to everyday life. Thus, advanced students preferred the strategies of interaction with the teacher, speaking, flash cards and individual work, respectively, while the beginner students preferred the strategies of learning grammar and group work. Thus, the empirical evidence obtained from this study may yield positive results with regard to theoretical methods for teaching Arabic language effectively, training teachers of the Arabic language, developing curriculum in this field, and reducing its shortcomings.
    Keywords: Arabic language teaching, language learning strategies, Effective learning}
  • بازشویی به معنی تاثیر آزمون بر طراحی مطالب درسی، روش های تدریس و رفتارهای یادگیری می باشد. آزمون بسندگی زبان انگلیسی آزمونی سرنوشت ساز در ایران است که ادامه تحصیل دانشجویان دکتری، منوط به عملکرد آنها در این آزمون می باشد و می تواند درجاتی از بازشویی را در سطح خرد و کلان ایجاد کند. هدف این مطالعه بررسی تاثیر بازشویی آزمون بسندگی زبان انگلیسی بر راهبردهای یادگیری زبان در بین دانشجویان ایرانی  مقطع دکتری می باشد. به منظور نیل به این هدف، رویکرد ترکیبی برای جمع آوری، تحلیل و ادغام داده های کمی و کیفی مورد استفاده قرار گرفت تا به درک بهتری از موضوع پژوهش برسیم و پایایی و روایی داده ها را افزایش دهیم. بنابراین با استفاده از طرح متوالی اکتشافی، دو مرحله از جمع آوری داده با فاصله زمانی دو هفته ای انجام شد. در مرحله اول، پرسشنامه استاندارد سیل در بین 200 دانشجوی ایرانی مقطع دکتری در دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد اصفهان (خوراسگان) توزیع شد. در مرحله دوم، 20 نفر از دانشجویانی که پرسشنامه را تکمیل کرده بودند دعوت به مصاحبه شدند. همچنین از آنها خواسته شد دفترچه یادگیری زبان خود را نیز تکمیل کنند. در نهایت، داده های کمی و کیفی به صورت توصیفی و تحلیل موضوعی مورد تحلیل قرار گرفتند. نتایج پژوهش تاثیرات مثبت و منفی بازشویی آزمون بسندگی زبان انگلیسی را بر راهبردهای یادگیری دانشجویان نشان داد. یافته های این پژوهش کاربرد های عملی فراوانی برای مدرسان زبان انگلیسی و طراحان مطالب آموزشی دارد.

    کلید واژگان: بازشویی (تاثیر آزمون), آزمون بسندگی زبان, دانشجویان ایرانی مقطع دکتری, راهبردهای یادگیری زبان انگلیسی}
    Golnaz Jamalifar, Hadi Salehi *, Omid Tabatabaei, Manoochehr Jafarigohar

    Washback has been defined as the impact of testing on curriculum design, teaching practice, and learning behaviours. The English Proficiency Test (EPT) is a high-stakes test in Iran and is prone to bring degrees of washback both at micro and macro levels. This study was an attempt to examine the washback effect of the EPT on Iranian PhD candidates’ language learning strategies. To this end, a mixed-methods approach of data collection was used to collect, analyze, and integrate quantitative and qualitative data to reach a better grasp of the research topic and enhance the validity and reliability of the information. Based on the sequential exploratory design, two phases of data collection were conducted with a two-week interval. In the first phase, the Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) was administered to 200 students at Islamic Azad University, Isfahan (Khorasgan). In the second phase, 20 students who filled out the questionnaire showed their willingness to participate in the interview session and write their language learning diaries. Finally, the quantitative and qualitative data were analyzed via descriptive and thematic analysis, respectively. The results showed both positive and negative washback effects on the students’ language learning strategies. The findings of this study have practical implications for EFL language teachers, syllabus designers, and material developers.

    Keywords: English Proficiency Test (EPT), Language Learning Strategies, Washback}
  • Hassan Soodmand Afshar*, Mahsa Bayat

    The present study investigated the impact of language learning strategy instruction on the enhancement of less successful Iranian English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners’ L2 achievement. To this end, 40 less successful EFL students took part in the study, 20 of whom were trained based on CALLA (Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach) and the rest formed the control group. A complete TOEFL PBT test was administered to the 40 participants of the study to homogenize them in terms of language proficiency.The results of two independent samples t-tests and two separate paired samples t-tests indicated that explicit strategy instruction had a significant positive impact on L2 achievement of less successful Iranian EFL learners as the participants in the experimental group significantly outperformed their counterparts in the control group. The results of the current study might contribute to the educational policymakers,  materials writers, syllabus designers, curriculum developers, and foreign language teachers to incorporate learning strategies in their policies, curricula, syllabi, materials, and instructional tasks if they intend to boost EFL learners’ L2 achievement.

    Keywords: EFL learners, language learning strategies, language learning strategy instruction, less successful learners, L2 achievement}
  • Samira Abbasi, Azizeh Chalak *, Hossein Heidari Tabrizi

    Enhancing speaking ability is an important component of the acquirement of a language. The present study focused on improving speaking ability through online strategy-based instruction. The innovation aspect of this study is applying the Moodle course management system as an instructional platform. To this end, a group of 80 Iranian female and male students at the intermediate level participated in the treatment. Participants of the study were divided into four groups of 20. The subjects in experimental groups benefited from two particular instructional focuses of this study include social and affective strategies. In order to assess the effect of the treatment pre and posttests design were utilized. Consequently, the data were analyzed through One-Way ANOVAs and t-tests. The findings revealed that strategy treatment was successful in improving the participants’ speaking ability. However, there was no significant difference between the performance of male and female treatment groups. Therefore, the findings suggest that online strategy-based instruction can positively influence the speaking ability of Iranian intermediate EFL learners. This study may have pedagogical implications for material practitioners, CALL package designers and distance learning planners to include strategy instruction in English courses. 

    Keywords: Online learning, Language learning strategies, Speaking ability, Strategy instruction}
  • عباسعلی زارعی*، محبوبه گیلانیان

    این پژوهش با هدف بررسی رابطه بین راهبردهای زبان آموزی و یادگیری خودتنظیمی انگیزشی و فراشنختی زبان آموزان فارسی بعنوان زبان دوم انجام شد. به این منظور، تعداد 149 فارسی آموز غیر ایرانی (دختر و پسر) در مقطع کارشناسی در دانشگاه بین المللی امام خمینی بر اساس قابلیت دسترسی انتخاب شدند. از این افراد خواسته شد به دو پرسشنامه راهبردهای زبان آموزی (SILL) و راهبردهای انگیزشی برای یادگیری (MSLQ) پاسخ دهند. داده های به دست آمده با بکار گیری فرایند رگراسیون چندگانه مرحله ای مورد پردازش قرار گرفت. نتایج نشان داد که از میان راهبرد های فراگیری زبان، راهبردهای شناختی، جبرانی و فراشناختی به گونه ای معنا دار در پیش بینی یادگیری خود تنظیمی فراشناختی نقش داشتند. همچنین مشخص شد راهبردهای فراشناختی، حافظه ای و عاطفی در پیش بینی ارزش عملکرد نقش معنا داری دارند. یافته ها همچنین حاکی از آن بود که بین راهبردهای فراشناختی و اعتقاد به کنترل یادگیری رابطه ای معنادار وجود دارد. علاوه بر این، مشخص شد که تنها عاملی که به گونه ای معنادار اضطراب در آزمون را پیش بینی می کند و با آن رابطه منفی دارد، راهبرد های جبرانی است.  این یافته ها می تواند برای فراگیران، معلمان و تهیه کنندگان مطالب درسی کاربری داشته باشد.

    کلید واژگان: راهبردهای زبان آموزی, یادگیری خودتنظیمی فراشناختی, یادگیری خودتنظیمی انگیزشی, فارسی بعنوان زبان دوم}
    Abbas Ali Zarei *, Mahboubeh Gilanian

    There is little doubt that learning a language is a challenging task. In the case of languages such as Persian, which do not enjoy the status of an international language and, consequently, the extensive investment of international agencies, the task of learning appears to be even thornier. To overcome this thorny task, language learners need to be quite motivated and self-regulated. The underlying assumption behind the present study was that some of the language learning strategies that language learners employ might be more strongly connected with their motivational and self-regulated learning. Therefore,   the aim of the present study was to investigate language learning strategy use of Persian as Second Language (PSL) learners as predictors of their meta-cognitive and motivational self-regulated learning components.To this end, a sample of 149 male and female B.A level non-Iranian learners of Persian at Imam Khomeini International University in Qazvin, Iran were selected through convenience sampling based on availability. The selected participants were then asked to fill in two questionnaires including the translated version of the Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) and the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ). The participants were required to answer the questionnaire by choosing the right alternative from among five choices on a Likert type scale. The collected data were summarized, processed and analyzed using four separate stepwise multiple regression analyses. To see how strong the relationship between the meta-cognitive self-regulated learning and each of the predictors is, the unstandardized as well as standardized coefficients of the three models, along with the observed t-values and significance levels were checked. The results showed that, from among the language learning strategies, cognitive, compensation, and meta-cognitive strategies could make significant contribution to predicting meta-cognitive self-regulated learning. Moreover, meta-cognitive, memory, and affective strategies turned out to be significant predictors of task value. Meanwhile, meta-cognitive strategies and task value shared about 18%, and meta-cognitive and memory strategies together shared over 25% of variance with task value. Meta-cognitive, memory, and affective strategies collectively accounted for about 27% of the total variance with task value. The findings also showed significant relationships between meta-cognitive strategies and control of learning beliefs. In fact, meta-cognitive strategies entered into the regression equation as the single predictor of control of learning beliefs and meta-cognitive strategies and control of learning beliefs shared over 8% of variance. It also turned out that for every one standard deviation of change in meta-cognitive strategies score, there was .30 of a standard deviation change in the control of learning beliefs score.  In addition, to examine the relationship between types of language learning strategies and test anxiety as a component of motivational self-regulated learning, another stepwise multiple regression procedure was used. Based on the results, the single negative predictor of test anxiety was compensation strategies. The result further indicated that for every one standard deviation change in one's compensation strategies, there will be .23 of a standard deviation negative change in one's test anxiety. These findings may have theoretical and pedagogical implications for language learners, teachers, and syllabus designers. If teachers and materials developers are cognizant of the nature of the relationships between meta-cognitive and motivational self-regulated learning components and language learning strategy use, they will be better prepared to make more informed decisions about introducing and encouraging the use of certain types of strategies (and probably discouraging the use of certain other less productive or counterproductive strategies) in the classroom, or about using useful instructional books and materials to encourage students to use those language learning strategies which have predictive power on meta-cognitive and motivational self-regulated learning components (task value, control of learning beliefs, and test anxiety). By designing the right kind of materials and adopting the right kinds of teaching activities (which require the students’ use of certain strategies), materials developers and teachers may be able to contribute to improving learners’ motivation and self-regulation, and by so doing, help improve learners’ achievements. The knowledge of how language learning strategies are related to metacognitive and motivational self-regulated learning can also help learners become more self-regulated and motivated. If they know that certain learning strategies are closely connected with being motivated and self-regulated, they will be more open and receptive to those strategies and will avoid resisting to use those strategies. Alternatively, they may come to the realization that some strategies are not very useful in this regard, and that they should not be overused.

    Keywords: : Language learning strategies, Metacognitive self-regulated learning, Motivational self-regulated learning, Persian as a Second Language}
  • تحقیق و پژوهش در باورهای زبان آموزان درمورد ماهیت دانش، طریقه دریافت آن و نحوی اثربخشی آن در فرایند یادگیری، توجه اندیشمندان زبان دوم را به خود جلب کرده است. تحقیق حاضر تلاشی است جهت مدل یابی ساختاری میان سه مولفه باورهای معرفت شناختی ، راهبردهای یادگیری زبان با نقش واسطه ای سیستم خودهای انگیزشی زبان. داده های این تحقیق در دو مرحله جمع آوری شده است. در مرحله اولیه، مدل یابی ساختاری جهت ایجاد یک مدل مفهومی در تحقیق پیشنهاد گردید. در مرحله دوم، سه پرسشنامه شامل باورهای معرفت شناختی ، راهبردهای یادگیری زبان و سیستم خودهای انگیزشی زبان در میان 300 دانش آموز دبیرستان پایه دوم توزیع گردید. پرسشنامه ها در فرایند چهار ماه توسط نویسند گان جمع آوری شد. سپس داده های جمع آوری شده از نظر اعتبار سنجی در نحوه جواب دهی مورد بررسی اولیه قرار گرفت. با بررسی انجام شده، تعداد 774 پرسشنامه از نظر کیفی معتبر در نظر گرفته شده است. جهت تحلیل داده ها، از آمار همبستگی و مدل یابی ساختاری استفاده شده است. نتایج تحقیق نشان داده است که باورهای معرفت شناختی با سیستم خودهای انگیزشی زبان رابطه مثبت و با راهبردهای یادگیری زبان رابطه منفی معنی داری دارد. همچنین مدل پیشنهادی پس از دو مرحله ویرایش مورد تایید قرار گرفت. مدل تایید شده نشان داده است که مسیر تحلیل در مدل یابی تا 48 درصد میتواند در راهبردهای یادگیری زبان با نقش واسطه ای سیستم خودهای انگیزشی زبان قابل توصیف باشد. به عبارت دیگر، این تحقیق نشان داده است هر چقدر دانشجویان تجربه باورهای معرفت شناختی بالایی داشته باشند، از راهبردهای یادگیری زبان کم تر استفاده میکنند و برعکس هر چقدر سیستم خودهای انگیزشی زبان تقویت گردد، از راهبردهای یادگیری زبان بیشتر استفاده میکنند.

    کلید واژگان: باورهای معرفت شناختی, راهبردهای یادگیری زبان, سیستم خودهای انگیزشی زبان, یادگیری زبان دوم, مدل یابی ساختاری}
    Shaghyegh Shirzad, Hamed Barjesteh *, Mahmood Dehqan, Mahboubeh Zare

    Examining learners' beliefs about the essence of knowledge, how they are conceptualized, and the ways they influence the learning process have gained attention in the second language (L2) learning. This study employed a multivariate statistical framework to model complex relationships among three constructs, i.e., epistemic beliefs (EB), language learning strategies (LLSs), L2 motivational self-system (L2MSS), and their sub-factors (N = 12). The data were collected in two phases. At the preliminary stage, the structural equation modeling (SEM) was conducted to visualize a hypothesized model and to map the conceptual framework of the study. At the secondary step, three questionnaires, EB, LLSs, and L2MSS, were distributed among junior high school students (N = 300). The questionnaires were collected over four months. The collected data were screened for incomplete responses and sample attrition. Notably, 774 questionnaires met a valid response rate of 95 percent. Correlational and SEM analyses were utilized to probe the causal relationships among the constructs. The findings revealed that there was a significant positive relationship between the subscales of L2MSS and LLSs. However, there was a significant negative relationship between EB and LLSs. Besides, confirmatory factor analysis underpinned the fitness of the hypothesized model after two stepwise corrections. The findings revealed that the path coefficient for EB had a significant impact on the LLSs with the mediating role of L2MSS. In particular, the path analysis revealed that 48% of LLSs might be explained through EB and L2MSS. This paper suggests that the more EB students experience, the less likely they adopt learning strategies, and the more L2MSS they hold, the more LLS students employ.

    Keywords: Epistemic Beliefs, Language learning strategies, Motivational Self-System, Second Language Learning, Structural Modeling Approach}
  • Galina Abrosimova

    The significance of the examined problems is caused by the need to improve the functional approach to understanding the link between metacognitive strategies acquisition and their value and impact on foreign language learning. The work contains the comparison of approaches of Russian scientists and foreign researchers on this problem. Also it comprises information about different requirements that authors put forward according to metacognitive strategies, their choice and application; the classification of learning strategies and particularly classification of metacognitive strategies; and research approaches related to the metacognitive strategy development. The leading goal set by the authors was to create a model of metacognitive strategy development during foreign language learning, to identify its principles, methods, approaches to its proper functioning, criteria and indicators which are able to effectively assess the level of metacognitive strategy development and use foreign language as a basis to fulfil created model. Article submissions may be useful in lecture courses on language teaching, developing a curriculum on teaching a foreign language as well as to apply to language lessons either during teaching or learning it.

    Keywords: foreign language, Language-Learning Strategies, Metacognitive strategies}
  • Zeinab Zandieh *, Jafarigohar Manoochehr, Hooshang Khoshsima, Hassan Soleimani

    This study compares lexical retrieval amongst monolinguals and intermediate bilinguals and advanced bilinguals. It also investigates the possible effects of their language learning strategies on their respective lexical retrieval advantage. The study used a mixed methods design and the groups consisted of 20 Persian near-monolinguals, 20 Persian-English intermediate level bilinguals, and 20 Persian-English high-proficiency bilinguals. Auditory and visual lexical Memory Span Tasks were utilized to evaluate the lexical retrieval of all the language groups. The way that bilinguals used their L2 on a daily basis was examined using semi-structured interviews. It was suggested that the knowledge of two languages will not necessarily result in lexical retrieval advantages in bilinguals when compared to monolinguals. However, it was found that the specific language learning strategies used by the bilinguals could potentially influence their lexical retrieval advantages. Furthermore, when comparing lexical retrieval in different language proficiency groups, the method using which bilinguals manage their two languages as well as the environment they are located in should be taken into consideration.

    Keywords: Lexical Retrieval, Intermediate Bilinguals, Advanced Bilinguals, Language Learning Strategies, Degree of Bilingualism}
  • وحید شهیدی پور*، محمدحسن تحریریان

    پژوهش حاضر برای سه هدف اصلی صورت گرفت. هدف اول بررسی مشکلات زبان آموزان در فهم اصطلاحات زبان انگلیسی در دبیرستان های ایران بود. هدف بعدی بررسی راهبردهای یادگیری زبان آموزان سطح متوسط در درک اصطلاحات زبان انگلیسی بود. هدف آخر پژوهش بررسی معنادار بودن تفاوت های بین زبان آموزان موفق و ناموفق در استفاده از راهبردهای یادگیری برای فهم اصطلاحات بود. بدین منظور 200 دانش آموز دختر و پسر ایرانی از دبیرستان های مختلف شهر قم انتخاب شدند. آنها به پرسشنامه مشکلات فهم اصطلاحات (Alhaysony, 2017) پاسخ دادند. سپس همان 200 نفر در آزمون تعیین سطح (OQPT) شرکت کردند. براساس نمرات آنها، 98 نفر به عنوان زبان آموز متوسط انتخاب شدند. در ادامه از آنها آزمون چهارگزینه ای درک مفاهیم اصطلاحات زبان و پرسشنامه راهبردهای یادگیری زبان (Oxford,1990) گرفته شد. . تحلیل های توصیفی (فراوانی و میانگین) و استنباطی (one-sample t-test) نتایج نشان داد که اصطلاحات زبان برای زبان آموزان مشکل است زیرا عمدتا اصطلاحات به خوبی در کلاس آموزش داده نمی شوند و جز برنامه درسی کلاس زبان در مدرسه نیستند. همچنین زبان آموزان موفق از تمامی راهبردهای یادگیری در سطح بالا و متوسط استفاده کردند. آنها از راهبرد های فراشناختی بیشترین و به ندرت از راهبردهای عاطفی استفاده کردند. نتایج همچنین تفاوت معناداری بین زبان آموزان موفق و ناموفق در استفاده از راهبردهای یادگیری در فهم اصطلاحات را نشان داد. یافته های این پژوهش می تواند نکات مهمی در مورد چالش ها و راهبردها در یادگیری اصطلاحات زبان انگلیسی خصوصا در دبیرستان های ایران ارائه دهد.

    کلید واژگان: عبارات اصطلاحی, درک مفاهیم اصطلاحات زبان دوم, راهبردهای یادگیری زبان, مشکلات یادگیری اصطلاحات زبان دوم, دانش آموزان دوره متوسطه}
    Vahid Shahidipour *, Mohammad Hassan Tahririan

    The objectives of the present study were threefold: First, it sought to investigate difficulties Iranian EFL high school learners face to understand English idioms. Second, it attempted to explore intermediate EFL learners’ language learning strategy preferences to comprehend idioms. Third, it aimed to examine whether there was a significant difference between successful and less successful students' strategy use in idiom comprehension. To this end, 200 Iranian male and female students of the three grades of different senior high schools in Qom, Iran, were selected through convenience sampling. They responded to a five-point Likert-scale questionnaire (Alhaysony, 2017), investigating the challenges of idiom comprehension. Afterwards, they took the Oxford Quick Placement Test. Ninety-eight of them were selected as intermediate learners. Third, they took a multiple-choice test on idiom comprehension, developed by the researcher, and responded to the Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (Oxford, 1990). Descriptive statistics, frequencies and means, and a one-sample t-test were used to analyze the data. The results indicated that the participants complained that idioms were challenging mainly because they were not taught well in class and were not part of the course syllabi. They also revealed that successful learners in understanding idioms used all six categories of strategies in the high and medium levels. They employed metacognitive strategies the most (M= 3.88), but affective strategies the least (M= 2.84). The results of the t-test suggested significant differences between successful and less successful learners' strategy use. The results provide insights into the challenges and strategies of English idiom comprehension.

    Keywords: idiomatic expressions, idiom comprehension, language learning strategies, difficulties of idiom comprehension, High School Students}
  • الهه ستوده نما *، زهره بابازاده، زهره نفیسی
    مطالعه پیش رو به بررسی رابطه بین هوش معنوی و هوش های چندگانه، و هم چنین هوش معنوی و استراتژی های یادگیری زبان انگلیسی می پردازد. جامعه آماری مورد مطالعه شامل 30 دانشجوی رشته آموزش زبان انگلیسی در مقطع کارشناسی ارشد در یکی از دانشگاه های دولتی در تهران می باشد. به این منظور از 3 پرسشنامه هوش معنوی کینگ، استراتژی های یادگیری زبان انگلیسی آکسفورد، و هوش های چندگانه مکنزی برای جمع آوری اطلاعات استفاده شد. نتایج حاصل همبستگی مثبت بین برخی از مولفه های هوش معنوی و هوش های چندگانه نشان داد. این همبستگی بین مولفه های تولید معنای شخصی و هوش موسیقیایی و همچنین بین هوش وجودی، هوش بین فردی و تفکر وجودی نقادانه یافت شد. در بین مولفه های هوش معنوی و استراتژی های یادگیری زبان انگلیسی نیز همبستگی مثبت بین بسط حالت آگاهی و استراتژی های فراذهنی مشاهده شد. یافته های حاصل از این تحقیق بینش جدیدی را در حوزه زبان انگلیسی مطرح می کند که بر این اساس پیشنهادهایی برای مطالعات آینده ارائه شد.
    کلید واژگان: هوش معنوی, هوش های چندگانه, استراتژی های یادگیری زبان}
    Elaheh Sotoudehnama *, Zohreh Babazadeh, Zohreh Nafisi
    This study is an attempt to extend our current knowledge by exploring the relationship between spiritual intelligence (SI) and multiple intelligences (MI) on one hand and the relationship between spiritual intelligence and language learning strategies (LLS) on the other hand among 30 MA TEFL learners of a state university in Tehran. To this end, King's Spiritual Intelligence Self-Report Inventory, Oxford's Language Learning Strategy Inventory, and Multiple Intelligences Inventory developed by McKenzie were utilized to gather data. The obtained results revealed a moderate positive correlation between some subscales of SI and MI including: personal meaning production and musical intelligence, and also between existential intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence and critical existential thinking. Furthermore, a moderate positive correlation was found between conscious state expansion and metacognitive strategies as two subscales of SI and LLS. Based on the results, implications for further research are discussed.
    Keywords: Spiritual Intelligence, Multiple Intelligences, Language Learning Strategies}
  • Mahdi Amini, Hadi Salehi *
    Cognates are the words celebrating their similarities from phonetic, orthographic, and semantic points of view across two or more languages. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of cognate-based instruction strategy on vocabulary learning among Iranian EFL learners. To achieve the goal of the study, 80 EFL learners (15-27 years old) took part in the study; all of them were learning English at language institutes of Lorestan and Isfahan provinces in Iran. Half of the participants who were native speakers of Laki language were assigned to experimental group and the remaining 40 who were from Isfahan and not familiar with Laki language were assigned to control group. Oxford Placement Test (OPT) was administered to make sure that the participants were homogeneous. The participants in both groups were taught target words (42 English-Laki cognate words), by the researcher, during six sessions. A pretest was administered for both groups before the treatment and a posttest was managed after the treatment for both groups. Three weeks after the treatment, a delayed posttest was administered for experimental group, only. One sample t test for pre and posttest, and paired sample t test for delayed posttest were run. Findings of the study showed that participants in the experimental group outperformed the participants in the control group, resulting in null hypothesis rejection. In addition, the results indicated similar performance of experimental group in both posttest and delayed posttest, confirming that new cognate words were not forgotten over a period of time.
    Keywords: Cognate, cross linguistic influence, language learning strategies, language, vocabulary}
  • Pimpisa Rattanadilok Na Phuket *, Siti Jamilah Bidin
    The interference of the native language in acquiring a foreign language is unavoidable. In an attempt to explore the phenomenon why this occurs, the study was conducted in English as a foreign language writing. The study also investigated how the native language interference occurred in the writing process. In fact, this qualitative study explored the reasons and the process of native language interference in writing performances of EFL learners. The data were collected from Thai undergraduate students through semi-structured interviews. Results obtained from the analysis of this study suggested that the reasons of native language interference in EFL writing were found in three main themes: learning strategies of language learners, inadequate knowledge of the target language, and attitude towards English. Furthermore, the interference of the native language appeared in the initial stage and repeatedly occurred throughout the entire writing process. Finally, the suggestions related to the teachers’ awareness of the problematic area, the use of English as the classroom language, and the use of monolingual dictionary are offered to the EFL writing instructors in order to help their EFL students to minimize the errors caused by the native language interference.
    Keywords: Native language interference, EFL learners, writing, foreign language, language learning strategies}
  • محمد اکبری بورنگ *، سیدعلی حسینی، زینب قوامی راد
    راهبردهای یادگیری عملکردهای خاصی هستند که استفاده از آن ها از سوی فرد، فرآیند یادگیری را آسان تر، سریع تر و موثرتر می کند و انتقال یادگیری را به موقعیت های جدید ممکن می سازد. هدف پژوهش حاضر بررسی راهبردهای یادگیری و نگرش نسبت به یادگیری زبان انگلیسی عمومی در دانشجویان کارشناسی دانشگاه بیرجند برحسب جنسیت، بومی - غیربومی و محل سکونت بود. جامعه آماری عبارت بود از 4125 نفر که بر اساس جدول مورگان و به شیوه ی خوشه ایتصادفی تعداد 351 نفر انتخاب و موردبررسی قرار گرفتند. ابزارهای مورداستفاده در این پژوهش، پرسش نامه راهبردهای یادگیری زبان آکسفورد و نگرش نسبت به یادگیری زبان انگلیسی گاردنر بود. برای تجزیه وتحلیل داده ها از آزمون T مستقل استفاده شد. تحلیل داده ها نشان داد راهبردهای حافظه، فرآیند جبرانی، راهبردهای کلی زبان (05/0 P<) و فرآیند فراشناختی و نگرش به زبان برحسب بومی- غیربومی متفاوت می باشد (01/0 P<) و در بررسی راهبردهای یادگیری و نگرش به یادگیری زبان انگلیسی برحسب جنسیت و محل سکونت تفاوت معناداری مشاهده نشد. با توجه به نتایج پژوهش و نقش تفاوت های فردی یادگیرندگان ازجمله بومی- غیربومی بودن در یادگیری زبان انگلیسی برگزاری کارگاه هایی جهت ارتقای کیفیت تحصیلی دانشجویان و افزایش توان یادگیری آنان در درس زبان ضروری می نماید.
    کلید واژگان: راهبردهای یادگیری, نگرش به یادگیری زبان انگلیسی, دانشجویان}
    Mohammad Akbaryborng *, Seyed Ali Hoseini, Zinat Ghavami Rad
    Learning strategies are specific performances that using of them by individuals make the learning process easier, faster and more effective and the transfer of learning to new situations makes possible. The aim of this study was investigating of learning strategies and attitude towards general English language in undergraduate students of Birjand university in terms of the gender, native or non-native and Location. The population consisted of 4125 subjects which according to Morgan table and random cluster sampling, 351 persons were chosen and studied. The tools used in this research were questionnaire of Oxford language learning strategies and attitudes towards Gardner English language learning. T- test was used to analyze the data. Data analysis showed that memory strategies, the compensation process, general language strategies (P
    Keywords: language learning strategies, attitude towards English language learning, students}
  • H. Abdi, M. Mohammadi

    The aim of this study was to investigate the relation between learning style and language learning strategy use among pre-university students. For this purpose, 132 male and female students were asked to fill out two questionnaires. One questionnaire for identifying perceptual learning style preferences and the other one for identifying language learning strategy use. The results showed that visual learning style was considered as major among participants and the overall use of other learning styles was minor and it was also revealed that most of the participants were medium strategy users. In this study all learning styles except group learning style proved to influence language learning strategy use. There was a positive but weak correlation between auditory, visual, tactile, and kinesthetic learning styles and language learning strategy use, but in the case of individual learning style the correlation was negative. The results of the study and their implications for language learning and teaching are further discussed.

    Keywords: learning style, language learning strategies, pre-university English course}
  • Massood Yazdani Moghadam, Rahele Najaf Elahi
    Over the recent years, the study of language learning strategies has received much attention worldwide in general, and in Iran in particular. Many scholars have tried to investigate the function of language learning strategies in EFL learning and teaching. Not enough attention, however, has been paid to language skills, especially speaking skill, in Iran. Therefore, the present study aimed at shedding some light on language learning strategy and speaking, through answering the two research questions: 1. What Language Learning Strategies are used by successful language learners? 2. Does instructing Language Learning Strategies used by successful learners to less successful learners have any significant effect on developing their speaking ability? To collect information, Oxford's (1990) SILL, Naiman's (1978) GLL questionnaires, along with the two proficiency tests including TOEFL and IELTS were utilized. The results revealed that successful language learners use a variety of strategies; memory strategies being the most frequently used strategy, and metacognitive strategies being the least frequently used ones. T -test was used to test the hypotheses, and it was revealed that instructing learning strategies to less successful learners significantly affects their speaking ability.
    Keywords: EFL Learners, Language Learning Strategies, Speaking ability, Strategy Instruction, Successful learners, Unsuccessful learners}
  • Alireza Ahmadi*, Saba Mahmoodi
    In order to confirm the effectiveness of language learning strategies in the Iranian context in junior high schools, this study was designed to examine the patterns of strategy use, the effects of strategy instruction on the students’ strategy use, and the relationship between the participants’ strategy use and their English achievement. To achieve this objective, 57 junior high school participants studying in 2 intact classes of the same school took part in the study. Each class was randomly assigned to either the control or experimental groups. The experimental group received instruction on using strategies which were related to vocabulary and grammar and were considered to be appropriate for their level. Due to practicality reasons only 6 strategies were selected form Oxford’s taxonomy (1990). Gunning’s Children’s SILL (1997, adapted from Oxford, 1990) was applied before and after strategy instruction. An EFL teacher-made achievement test was also conducted after the treatment. The results revealed that affective category was the most used category by the learners, followed by metacognitive, compensatory, memory, and social categories. Also, the cognitive category was the least used category. The difference between the control and experimental groups in terms of strategy use appeared to be significant, indicating the effectiveness of strategy instruction. The results also showed a significant positive relationship between the participants’ strategy use and achievement.
    Keywords: Language Learning Strategies, Strategy Use, Strategy Instruction, Iranian EFL Learners, Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL)}
  • مونا خبیری*، مهدیه اعظمی نژاد

    هدف این تحقیق بررسی رابطه بین استفاده زبان آموزان دو سطح متوسط و پیشرفته زبان انگلیسی از راهبردهای فراگیری زبان و خود-ارزیابی آنان از دانش زبان انگلیسی بوده است. شصت و هفت دانش آموز زبان انگلیسی (39 دانش آموز سطح متوسط و 28 دانش آموز سطح پیشرفته) بر مبنای نمره دریافتی در آزمون کلی سطح زبان انگلیسی برای شرکت در این تحقیق انتخاب شدند. آزمون فوق ابتدا یکبار به صورت آزمایشی با گروه مشابهی برگزار گردیده و مورد بازپیرایی قرار گرفته بود. زبان آموزان منتخب به دو پرسشنامه پاسخ دادند: یک پرسشنامه جهت انجام خود-ارزیابی سطح زبان انگلیسی و دیگری پرسشنامه سنجش میزان استفاده از راهبردهای فراگیری زبان انگلیسی. نتایج تحلیل آماری داده ها حاکی از وجود رابطه معنا درا بین دو متغیر در میان گروه زبان آموزان سطح پیشرفته بود ، حال آنکه چنان رابطه ای میان گروه زبان آموزان سطح متوسط وجود نداشت. بنابراین نتایج نشان می دهد که هرچه زبان آموزان به سطوح بالاتر زبان ارتقا می یابند ، توانایی بیشتری برای ارزیابی سطح زبان خود پیدا می کنند و نیز از راهبردهای فراگیری زبان نیز بیشتر استفاده می نمایند. همچنین نتایج حاکی از آن است که با ارتقای سطح زبان انگلیسی تغییری در رویکرد زبان آموزان نسبت به استفاده از راهبردهای فراگیری زبان رخ نمی دهد مگر در مورد راهکار حافظه ای واجتماعی فراگیری زبان. نهایتا نتایج نشان می دهد که متداوترین راهکار فراگیری زبان در میان دو سطح متوسط و پیشرفته زبان آموزان راهکار شناختی بوده و زبان آموزان هر دو سطح از راهکار عاطفی کمتر از سایر راهکارها استفاده می کنند.

    کلید واژگان: راهبردهای فراگیری زبان انگلیسی, دانش زبانی, خود-ارزیابی, خود-ارزیابی دانش زبانی}
    Mona Khabiri *, Mahdieh Azaminejad

    The present study was conducted to investigate whether there was a relationship between EFL learners’ use of language learning strategies and their self-perceived language proficiency at the two levels of intermediate and advanced. A total of 67 subjects (39 intermediate-level and 28 advanced) were selected to participate in this study based on their scores on a piloted language proficiency test. They were asked to respond to two questionnaires: one assessing their self-perceived language proficiency and the other the strategy inventory of language learning. The results of the statistical analysis demonstrated that there was a significant relationship between the two variables among advanced-level subjects while no such relationship existed among intermediates. Thence, as learners reach higher stages of language proficiency, they become more capable of assessing their language abilities and also use their learning strategies more often. Further analysis also revealed that subjects did not change their attitude in using strategies as they reached higher stages of proficiency except for memory and social strategies. Finally, the results showed that the most frequently used set of strategies among both intermediate and advanced learners were cognitive while the least were affective.

    Keywords: Language Learning Strategies, language proficiency, self-assessment, Self-Perceived Proficiency}
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