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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « bone marrow transplantation » در نشریات گروه « پزشکی »

  • کسری جهان خانی، حسین بهبودی، مریم نیکونژاد، نیلوفر تقی پور، مهشید مهدیزاده*، عباس حاج فتحعلی، داریوش کدخدا، نریمان مصفا
    سابقه و هدف

    بسیاری از بیماران سرطانی تحت تاثیر استرس اکسیداتیو دچار عوارض جبران ناپذیر می شوند. تجویز مکمل های موثر بر کنترل و مهار عملکرد رادیکال های اکسیداتیو اخیرا مورد توجه پزشکان و محققان قرار گرفته است. به طور خاص، مکمل روی یکی از مواد معدنی مرتبط با سلامت انسان است، زیرا دارای خواص آنتی اکسیدانی است. روی به عنوان یک عامل کمکی برای آنزیم های مهم درگیر در عملکرد صحیح سیستم دفاعی آنتی اکسیدانی عمل می کند. علاوه بر این، روی از سلول ها در برابر آسیب اکسیداتیو محافظت می کند. با انجام مطالعه حاضر تاثیر مکمل خوراکی "روی" در بهبود روند درمان بیماران مالتیپل میلوما (MM) که تحت پیوند اتولوگ مغز استخوان قرار گرفته اند از لحاظ تغییرات رادیکال های اکسیداتیو بررسی شد.

    روش کار

    این مطالعه یک کارآزمایی بالینی دوسوکور و کنترل شده با دارونما بود. شرکت کنندگان در مطالعه به طور تصادفی در دو گروه 20 نفری، گلوکونات روی (Zn) و دارونما قرار گرفتند. بیماران در روز های 0، +15، +30 بعد از پیوند، روزانه سه قرص گلوکونات روی 30 میلی گرم یا دارونما دریافت کردند. سطح سرمی روی و مس بیماران قبل از شروع مداخله و در روز 30 بعد از پیوند در سرم سنجش شد. تغییر بیان ژن NADPH oxidase 2 (Nox2) با روش ریل تایم PCR انجام شد. فعالیت متابولیت های نیتریت (Nitroc Oxide) و مالون دی آلدیید (Malondialdehyde) اندازه گیری شد. تحلیل یافته ها و رسم نمودارها با استفاده از نرم افزار SPSS Version 27 انجام شد. برای سنجش تفاوت در میزان متغیرهای بیوشیمیایی و التهابی بین گروه مداخله و دارونما از آنجا که شرایط نرمال بودن در داده ها برقرار نبود، از آزمون من - ویتنی استفاده شد. برای سنجش تفاوت در میزان تغییرات بیان ژن از نرم افزارGraphpad Prism 8 و آزمون One-way anova و unpaired t-test استفاده شد.

    یافته ها

    طی پرسشنامه تغذیه مشاهده شد که گروه دارونما روی بیشتری داشته و میزان تفاوت برآورد شده بین میانه دو گروه 236/1 تعیین شد. بیان ژن NOX2 پس از 30 روز کاهش معناداری (05/0 > P-value) را نسبت به گروه کنترل نشان داد. مقادیر MDA و یافته های تست گریس بعد از مکمل روی به صورت معناداری تغییر نکرد، اما کاهش در گروه روی به نسبت گروه دارونما دیده شد (05/0 < P-value).

    نتیجه گیری

    به نظر می رسد که مکمل روی در کنترل استرس اکسیداتیو و التهاب این بیماران موثر است.

    کلید واژگان: مالتیپل میلوما, زینک(روی), استرس اکسیداتیو, پیوند مغز استخوان, بیان ژن}
    Kasra Jahankhani, Hossein Behboudi, Maryam Nikoonezhad, Niloofar Taghipour, Mahshid Mehdizadeh*, Abbas Hajifathali, Dariush Kadkhoda, Nariman Mosaffa
    Background and Aim

    Many cancer patients suffer from irreparable complications under the influence of oxidative stress. The administration of effective supplements to control and inhibit the action of oxidative radicals has recently attracted the attention of doctors and researchers. In particular, zinc supplementation is one of the minerals most relevant to the human health because of its antioxidant properties. Zinc acts as a cofactor for important enzymes involved in the proper functioning of the antioxidant defense system. In addition, zinc protects cells from oxidative damage. By conducting the present study, the effect of zinc dietary supplements in improving the treatment process of multiple myeloma (MM) patients who underwent autologous bone - marrow transplantation was investigated in terms of oxidative radical changes.


    This study was a double - blind, placebo - controlled clinical trial. The study participants were randomly divided into two groups of 20, zinc gluconate (Zn) and placebo. On days 0, +15, and +30 after transplantation, patients received three 30 mg zinc gluconate tablets or placebo daily. The serum levels of zinc and copper of the patients were measured before the intervention and on day 30 after transplantation. The change in NADPH oxidase 2 (Nox2) gene expression was measured by real - time PCR method. The activity of nitrite (Nitric Oxide) and malondialdehyde (Malondialdehyde) metabolites were measured with Thiobarbituric acid and Griess methods, respectively. Analysis of the findings and graphs were done using SPSS Version 27 software. Mann - Whitney test was used to measure the difference in the number of biochemical variables between the intervention group and the placebo group, since thedata was not distributed normally. GraphPad Prism 8 software and one-way ANOVA and unpaired t-test were used to measure the difference in gene expression changes.


    During the nutritional questionnaire, it was observed that the placebo group had more zinc, and the estimated difference between the two groups was determined to be 1.236. The expression of NOX2 gene showed a significant decrease (P-value < 0.05) compared to the control group after 30 days. The MDA values and Griess test findings did not change significantly after zinc supplementation, but a decrease was seen in the zinc group compared to the placebo group (P-value > 0.05).


    It seems that zinc supplementation is effective for controlling oxidative stress and inflammation.

    Keywords: Multiple myeloma, zinc, oxidative stress, bone marrow transplantation, gene expression}
  • Ujjwala Narang *, Sanjay Tewari

    Donor cell-derived leukemia is a rare but well-described complication of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT). This clinical case report aims to highlight the importance of recognizing this unusual disorder and thus, ensuring its appropriate management. We herein describe a case of a 9-year-old male diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and relapsed after initial chemotherapy. Subsequently, the patient had an allogenic peripheral blood stem cell transplant (PBSCT) from an HLA-matched, unrelated donor. Unfortunately, the patient then developed progressive thrombocytopenia and following investigation, including bone marrow examination and cytogenetic analysis, he was diagnosed with donor cell-derived myelodysplastic syndrome. The literature review emphasizes the importance of considering it as a differential diagnosis of disease relapse following allogeneic HSCT.

    Keywords: Lymphoid leukaemia, Bone marrow transplantation, Myelodysplastic syndromes}
  • Valiollah Mehrzad, Mahshid Mehdizadeh, Sayeh Parkhideh, Azita Rafiee, Noorodin Jamshidian *

     Multiple myeloma (MM) management includes primary chemotherapy, followed by autologous bone marrow transplantation (ABMT) if the bone marrow gets cleared of cancerous cells. In some cases disease relapse may occur if complete clearance is not achieved. Transplantation was primarily performed through the bone marrow; however, peripheral blood has become more favored due to its safety and convenient collection in case of appropriate bone marrow mobilization which is a challenging issue.


     The current study was aimed to investigate the effectiveness of desipramine application for bone marrow mobilization in multiple myeloma (MM) who were candidate for autologous bone marrow transplantation (ABMT).


     The current randomized clinical trial involved 122 MM patients who were candidate for ABMT. The participants were divided into two intervention groups: the first group (n = 63) received G-CSF only treatment, while the second group (n = 59) received a similar G-CSF treatment plus desipramine. The first group received 30 microgram intravenous G-CSF for five days and the second one was treated with G-CSF with similar pattern in combination with daily 100 mg desipramine initiated within three days before G-CSF treatment and continued until the last dose of G-CSF. CD34+ cells and complete blood cells and differentiation were assessed by the end of the interventions.


     The findings of the study show that the number of CD34+ cells, white blood cells (WBC) and platelet (PLT) count were remarkably higher among the patients receiving the combination therapy compared to the G-CSF only treated group (P-value < 0.001) within 5 days after the interventions; however, no significant differences were observed between the two groups when considering the stage of the disease and the frequency of chemotherapy sessions (P-value > 0.05).


     Desipramine application led to significantly increased levels of CD34+ cells as the representatives of bone marrow mobilization. Besides, the patients treated with this regimen had higher serum levels of WBC and PLT; however, the disease stage and the number of chemotherapy sessions did not affect the response to the treatment.

    Keywords: Multiple Myeloma, Bone Marrow Transplantation, Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor, Desipramine}
  • Masoume Mesgarian, Sahar Shadvar, Mehrangiz Zangene, Seyyed Reza Safaee Nodehi

    Patients undergoing bone marrow transplantation (BMT) are at higher risk of immune system deficiency. The immunosuppression, followed by pre-transplant chemotherapy makes patients vulnerable to a variety of infections, and fever is one of the first symptoms, which could develop as a result of infectious or non-infectious diseases. In the present study, the features of the fever during the pre-engraftment stage in BMT receiving patients have been investigated.

    Materials and Methods

    Sixty-four patients receiving BMT were prospectively evaluated during the pre-engraftment phase to evaluate the evidence of the febrile reaction.  Data concerning the cause of fever, microbiological test, the treatments and fever onset pattern, and treatment outcomes were recorded and analyzed.


    73.4% of the patients had an autologous transplant, and the others received allogeneic. After transplantation, 75% of patients encountered fever during the pre-engraftment period. Of the 48 patients, 47.9% of the patients suffered fever of unknown origin (FUO). Age, gender, underlying malignancy, type of transplantation, and acute phase reactants levels before transplantation were not associated with fever development. Among febrile patients, patients with autologous transplantation were significantly more likely to develop FUO (p-value = 0.036) There was also no significant difference in the onset of fever between patients with infectious fever and who suffered FUO.


    During BMT, half of the patients developed a fever of unknown origin; nevertheless, it seems that patients undergoing allogeneic transplantation are at higher risk of FUO compared to patients who received an autologous transplant.

    Keywords: Bone marrow diseases, Bone Marrow Transplantation, Fever ofunknown origin, Fever, Pre-engraftment}
  • Ali Karimi Rozveh, Zahra Moshtagh, Alireza Rezaei

    Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation strongly affects the care of patients suffering from malignant hematologic disorders and the implementation of interventions such as continuous care can affect the outcomes of treatment in a positive way. The aim of the current study was to determine the effect of implementing a continuous care model on self-care behavior in patients receiving HSCT between 2019 and 2020 in Shariati Hospital affiliated to Tehran University of Medical Sciences.

    Materials and Methods

    This semi-experimental study was conducted on 48 patients who were considered as candidates for HSCT at the Hematology, Oncology and Stem Cell Transplant Research Center, Shariati Hospital. Participants for the present study were selected by the continuous care model based on the inclusion criteria. A 4-stage continuous care model (CCM) developed was used as an intervention in the study. A valid and reliable assessment questionnaire designed to measure the self-care behaviors of the patient (PHLP2) was used for the collection of demographic information. It was completed in the first and fourth stages of implementing the continuous care model. Data were analyzed using SPSS 22 software (Chicago, IL, USA). Moreover, the Chi-square test, pair t-test, and independent samples t-test were used in this study.


    There was no statistically significant difference between the intervention and control group in terms of demographic variables (p>0.05). Prior to intervention, no statistically significant difference was observed in the mean self-care score among HSCT patients in the intervention and control group (p=0.590), while, after the intervention, a statistically significant difference was observed in the mean self-care score among HSCT patients in the intervention and control group (p<0.001).


    The study concluded that due to the increase in the number of patients undergoing HSCT across the country in recent years as well as the ease of implementation and low cost of this strategy to promote the self-care of HSCT recipients, relevant authorities ought to do it with the proper planning and policy nationwide. According to the results of the study, the use of a continuous care model on self-care behavior in patients receiving HSCT is recommended.

    Keywords: Nursing models, Self-care, Bone marrow transplantation}
  • Mahsa Rekabi, Farhad Seif, Farzad Nouri, Alireza Mahdaviani*, Ali Akbar Velayati

    Chronic Granulomatous Disease (CGD) is a rare inherited primary immune deficiency disorder with defective respiratory burst activity in phagocytes, resulting in recurrent pyogenic infections. In this study, we described two CGD patients who had done bone marrow transplantation (BMT). As Bone marrow transplantation (BMT) is the definitive treatment of the disease, we evaluated the function of their lungs before and after BMT. In both patients, the BMT was from their siblings. In case 1, the patient’s pulmonary function (PFT) before BMT was: FEV1: 34, FVC: 40, FEV1 / FVC: 72%, and after BMT was: FEV1: 66, FVC: 40 by 49, FEV1 / FVC: 64%. In case 2, the patient’s PFT before BMT was: FEV1: 22, FVC: 36, FEV1 / FVC: 41%, and after BMT was: FEV1: 47, FVC: 33, FEV1/FVC: 43%. BMT significantly improved their Pulmonary Problems and Preclinical (PFT). In addition, after BMT, both patients’ well-tolerated clinical signs and the infection rate, and the number of hospitalizations in both patients decreased.

    Keywords: Bone marrow transplantation, Chronic granulomatous disease, Lung function, Patient’spulmonary function}
  • Misagh Rajabinejad, Ramin Lotfi, Seyed Askar Roghani*, Elham Koolani, Bijan Soleymani, Alireza Rezaiemanesh, Zahra Mohamadi Kish, Behrooz Halashi, Ali Khorasanizadeh, Zhila Shaveisizadeh, Kamran Mansouri

    Despite close monitoring of transplant patients, cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection remains one of the most critical problems in the field of transplantation. This study aims to investigate the relationship between CMV viral load and clinical laboratory findings in transplant recipients.

    Materials And Methods

    Thirty-four transplant recipients comprising 15 kidney transplant (KT) recipients and 19 bone marrow transplant (BMT) recipients admitted to the Imam Reza Hospital in Kermanshah province, Iran were enrolled in this study. The CMV viral load was quantified by the real-time PCR technique.


    The CMV viral load in KT recipients was significantly higher than in BMT recipients (p=0.03), and there was a positive association between the level of virus and the level of cyclosporine in the blood of patients ((r=0.51, p=0.02)). Besides, CMV viral load was positively correlated with WBC (r=0.32, p=0.04), urea (r=0.47, p=0.002), creatinine (r=0.39, p=0.01), AST (r=0.33, p=0.04), and LDH (r=0.4, p=0.01) and was negatively associated with albumin (r=-0.61, p<0.001), sodium (r=-0.4, p=0.01), and calcium levels (r=-0.46, p=0.003). There was also a meaningful difference in the CMV-related clinical laboratory findings between KT and BMT recipients, urea (p=0.02), creatinine (p=0.001), uric acid (p=0.005), direct bilirubin (p=0.04), albumin (p=0.04), platelet (p<0.001), and sodium (p=0.04) levels.


    Based on present data, we conclude that despite careful monitoring of patients, infection with CMV is still one of the most important problems associated with organ transplantation, which is directly related to many laboratory findings.

    Keywords: Cytomegalovirus, Bone marrow transplantation, Kidney transplantation, Viral load, Cyclosporine}
  • Shirin Saberianpour *

    There is a substantial amount of data provided in preclinical research and recently made early clinical efforts to evaluate the positive MSC therapy in Limb ischemia disease impacts. The present review is primarily focused on assessing various limb ischemia-related human MSC clinical trials to select the best technique with the highest limb ischemia-related clinical trial MSC efficacy. Five studies met the criteria to be included in this review. MSCs originating from bone marrow Allogenic MSC, bone marrow autogenous MSCs, HUCB MSCs were administered. The injection was intramuscular, Intravenous, and intravenous. The mean follow-up time was between 6 to 60months after MSC therapy. All studies reported improvement from baseline in at least 1 clinical outcome measure, and no study reported major adverse events attributable to MSC therapy. In clinical assessments, the selection of the best method could improve treatment efficacy. Several factors may be involved in the MSC injection efficacy of limb ischemia patients. Both allogeneic and autologous exhibited positive results over placebo. However, it is should be mentioned that autologous MSC investigation has higher cost and toxicity. To reduce the toxicity of derived MSCs while injection, particularly in arterial and intravenous injection, different injection doses can be performed. MI injection at different doses is the best method for diminishing the side effects. To evaluate injection efficacy, different criteria can be adopted, including angiography, ABI index, ulcer healing and amputation, and pain-free walking distance follow-up for up to five years.

    Keywords: Mesenchymal stem cells, Ischemia, Therapy, Bone Marrow Transplantation}
  • Mandana Afsharian, Leila Hamzelo, *, Alireza Janbakhsh, Feizollah Mansouri, Babak Sayad, Siavash Vaziri, Mohsen Azizi, MohammadHossein Zamanian, Maede Noori


    Infections are a major cause of disease and mortality in transplant recipients. Despite the studies conducted in Iran, no comprehensive and general research is available in this area. The present study aimed to determine the frequency of infectious agents in patients after bone marrow transplantation in Iran.


     In this systematic review, relevant studies were selected based on type and objective, and data were collected from the articles published in Iran regarding the frequency of infectious agents after bone marrow transplantation in different regions of Iran. The studies were collected using systematic search methods.


     In total, 11 studies were identified regarding infectious agents after bone marrow transplantation. Six studies were conducted in Tehran, three studies were performed in Shiraz, and Mashhad and Semnan provinces were the locations of two separate studies. Most of the case studies identified viral agents (54.5%; n = 6), followed by fungal infectious agents (27.3%; n = 3) and bacterial agents (18.2%; n = 2). Gram-positive bacteria (bacterial agents), cytomegalovirus (viral agents), and Candida and Aspergillus (fungi) had the highest frequency after bone marrow transplantation.


     According to the results, viral, fungal, and bacterial infectious agents were respectively most frequent in patients receiving bone marrow transplants. Gram-positive bacteria (bacterial agents), cytomegalovirus (viral agents), and Candida and Aspergillus (fungi) had the highest frequency after bone marrow transplantation.

    Keywords: Regions of Iran, Systematic Review, Infections, Bone Marrow Transplantation}
  • Mohammad A Rafi*

    Krabbe disease (KD) or globoid cell leukodystrophy (GLD) is one of the lysosomal disorders affecting central and peripheral nervous systems (CNS and PNS). It is caused by mutations on the galactocerebrosidase (GALC) gene. Affected individuals accumulate undegraded substrates and suffer from neuroinflammation.


    Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) has been partially successful in treating patients with KD when accomplished prior to the onset of symptoms. The success is credited to the ability of the hematopoietic stem cells in providing some GALC enzyme to the CNS and eradicating potential neuroinflammation. Combination of the HSCT with some other GALC-providing strategies has shown synergistic effects in the treatment of the mouse model of this disease.


    Here, the possibility of eliminating HSCT in the treatment of human patients and replacing it with a single therapy that will provide sufficient GALC enzyme to the nervous systems is suggested. Such treatment, if started during the asymptomatic stage of the disease, not only may eradicate the enzyme deficiency, but may also keep any neuroinflammation at bay.


    Successful treatment of the KD may be possible by restoring consistent and sufficient GALC expression in CNS and PNS.

    Keywords: Krabbe disease, GLD, GALC, Gene therapy, Bone marrow transplantation, BMT}
  • مهشید مهدیزاده، مریم نیکونژاد، سایه پرخیده*

    علیرغم تمام تحقیقات گسترده در تکنیک های سلول درمانی و پیوند سلول های بنیادی خون ساز، عفونت های ویروسی از جمله عوامل تاثیرگذار در افزایش مرگ ومیر بعد از پیوند هستند. بر اساس داده های موجود، سرکوب سیستم ایمنی در HSCT، استفاده از رژیم میلوآبلاتیو و اقامت طولانی مدت بیمار در بیمارستان با خطر بالای ابتلا به عفونت همراه است. بنابراین، همه گیری COVID-19 یکی از عوامل خطر در بیماران تحت HSCT است. هدف از این مطالعه مروری بر تجربیات مراکز پیوند مغز استخوان دنیا و ارایه راهکارهای بکار گرفته شده در این مراکز در دوران شیوع ویروس کووید-19 است. مطالعه حاضر از نوع مطالعه مروری است و اطلاعات جمع آوری شده در این مقاله بر پایه جستجو اینترنتی در پایگاه های داده های علمی-پزشکی از جمله؛  SID, Google Scholar, PubMed در سال 2020 با استفاده از واژگان کلیدی؛ پیوند مغز استخوان، پیوند سلول های بنیادی خون ساز، کووید-19 و لوسمی حاد ست که در نهایت 50 مقاله به عنوان منابع مربوطه و نهایی جهت بررسی این موضوع انتخاب شد. با توجه اینکه هنوز شیوع ویروس کووید-19 در دنیا کنترل نشده است، نمی توان پیوند مغز استخوان را در بیماران کاندید پیوند مغز استخوان را به تعویق انداخت و بر طبق مطالعاتی و تجربیات مراکز درمانی در طی دو سال گذشته، رعایت دستورالعمل هایی که در زمینه جلوگیری از ابتلا به کووید-19 توسط سازمان جهانی بهداشت توصیه شده است در کنار دستورالعمل های انجمن پیوند مغز استخوان اروپا و آمریکا توانسته انجام این درمان پرخطر را دوران شیوع کووید-19  برای بیماران امکان پذیر نماید. بهترین راه در شرایط حاضر جلوگیری از ابتلا بیماران کاندید پیوند و اهداکنندگان قبل از پیوند مغز استخوان؛ مدیریت بخش و آموزش کادر درمانی و بیماران برای جلوگیری از انتقال ویروس است. جهت انجام پیوند مغز استخوان بیماران و دهندگان قبل از ورود به بخش باید 14 روز قرنطینه خانگی را رعایت نمایند و به دلیل مشکلات پیش آمده در نقل وانتقال های بین المللی بهتر است فرآورده های سلولی قبل از انتقال منجمد و قبل از تزریق از نظر کووید-19 غربالگری شوند. آموزش کادر درمانی و انجام تست غربالگری در صورت داشتن علایم اولیه می تواند از انتقال ویروس به بیماران بستری در بخش پیوند توسط کادر درمانی جلوگیری نماید. رعایت اصول قرنطینه خانگی در بیماران قبل و بعد از پیوند مغز استخوان،  از ابتلا این بیماران به کووید-19 در زمان هایی که دچار نقص سیستم ایمنی هستند، جلوگیری می نماید.

    کلید واژگان: پیوند سلول بنیادی خون ساز, پیوند مغز استخوان, عفونت ویروسی کووید-19}
    Mahshid Mehdizadeh, Maryam Nikoonezhad, Sayeh Parkhideh*

    Despite all the extensive research on hematopoietic stem cell cell transplantation (HSCT) techniques, viral infections as the main factors increase post-transplant mortality. According to the available data, long-term immunosuppression prior to HSCT, use of the myoablation regimen, and long-term hospital stay were associated with a higher risk of infection. So, COVID-19 pandemic is one of the risk factors in patients undergoing HSCT. The purpose of this study is to review the experiences of bone marrow transplant centers around the world and to present the solutions used in these centers during the outbreak of COVID-19. The present study is a review and the information collected in this article is based on internet search in scientific-medical databases such as SID, Google Scholar, PubMed in 2020 using English keywords; COVID-19; Coronavirus 2019; Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT); Due to the fact that the prevalence of COVID-19 has not been controlled in the world yet, Bone marrow transplantation cannot be delayed in patients, and according to the studies and experiences of medical centers in the last two years, follow the instructions and according to studies and experiences of medical centers during the last two years, follow the instructions in the field. Prevention of COVID-19 infection is recommended by the World Health Organization, in addition to the guidelines of the European and American Bone Marrow Transplant Association, can make this high-risk treatment possible for patients during the outbreak of COVID-19. The best way in the current situation is to prevent transplant patients and donors before bone marrow transplantation; the management and training of medical staff and patients are to prevent the transmission of the virus to patients undergoing bone marrow transplantation. Patients and donors must observe 14 days of home quarantine before entering the ward. Be screened. Training of medical staff and screening test if there are initial symptoms can prevent the transmission of the virus to patients admitted to the transplant ward by medical staff. Adherence to the principles of home quarantine in patients undergoing bone marrow transplantation prevents these patients from developing COVID-19 at the time of immune system failure after transplantation.

    Keywords: Coronavirus 2019, COVID-19, Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT), Bone Marrow Transplantation}
  • Fatemeh Yaghoubi, Davood Babakhani, Farnoosh Tavakoli, Farnaz Tavakoli*

    A 14-year-old boy with a past medical history of bone marrow transplantation (BMT) was referred to the emergency department with the loss of consciousness and seizure. On admission, the blood test indicated strict hyponatremia with hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, hypophosphatemia, hypoglycemia, and low-serum low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C). After six days, the patient suffered from dysarthria, dysphagia, behavioral disturbances, disorientation, and obtundation. Based on the physical examination, hyperreflexia and upward bilateral plantar reflexes were outstanding. Lumbar puncture, spiral brain CT scan, and MRI were normal. Hence, MRI repeated 2 weeks later, and the T2-weighted image indicated the bilateral symmetric hyperintense lesions in the basal ganglia. The osmotic demyelination syndrome (ODS) is a scarce and serious neurologic complication of the quick correction of chronic strict hyponatremia.

    Keywords: Osmotic demyelination syndrome, Bone marrow transplantation, Hyponatremia}
  • Mohammad A. Rafi*, Paola Luzi, David A .Wenger

    Krabbe disease (KD) is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by mutations in the galactocerebrosidase (GALC) gene resulting in neuro-inflammation and defective myelination in the central and peripheral nervous systems. Most infantile patients present with clinical features before six months of age and die before two years of age. The only treatment available for presymptomatic or mildly affected individuals is hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). In the animal models, combining bone marrow transplantation (BMT) with gene therapy has shown the best results in disease outcome. In this study, we examine the outcome of gene therapy alone.


    Twitcher (twi) mice used in the study, have a W339X mutation in the GALC gene. Genotype identification of the mice was performed shortly after birth or post-natal day 1 (PND1), using polymerase chain reaction on the toe clips followed by restriction enzyme digestion and electrophoresis. Eight or nine-day-old affected mice were used for gene therapy treatment alone or combined with BMT. While iv injection of 4 × 1013 gc/kg of body weight of viral vector was used originally, different viral titers were also used without BMT to evaluate their outcomes.


    When the standard viral dose was increased four- and ten-fold (4X and 10X) without BMT, the lifespans were increased significantly. Without BMT the affected mice were fertile, had the same weight and appearance as wild type mice and had normal strength and gait. The brains showed no staining for CD68, a marker for activated microglia/macrophages, and less astrogliosis than untreated twi mice.


    Our results demonstrate that, it may be possible to treat human KD patients with high dose AAVrh10 without blood stem cell transplantation which would eliminate the side effects of HSCT.

    Keywords: Krabbe disease, AAVrh10, Twitcher mice, Bone marrow transplantation, Combined therapy, Myelination}
  • علی محمدشریفی، ابراهیم حاجی زاده*، احمدرضا باغستانی، عباس حاجی فتحعلی
    پیش زمینه و هدف

    پژوهش حاضر عوامل موثر بر زمان بقای بیماران مبتلا به سرطان خون از تشخیص تا مرگ با در نظر گرفتن نسبت شفایافتگی مورد تجزیه وتحلیل قرار داده است. هدف از پژوهش حاضر، کاربرد دو مدل شفایافتگی آمیخته و ناآمیخته در داده‎های مربوط به بیماران مبتلا به سرطان خون بوده که پیوند مغز استخوان را دریافت نموده‎اند.

    مواد و روش کار

    در این پژوهش توصیفی تحلیلی (هم گروهی) گذشته نگر داده‎های 351 نفر از بیمارانی که به علت ابتلا به سرطان خون به بیمارستان طالقانی تهران وابسته به دانشگاه علوم پزشکی شهید بهشتی مراجعه نموده و پیوند مغز استخوان دریافت کرده‎اند، موردبررسی قرار گرفت. این بیماران طی سال‎های 1386 تا 1393 پیوند مغز استخوان دریافت کرده و تا سال 1395 پیگیری شده اند. در این پژوهش مدل‎های شفایافته آمیخته برنولی-وایبل و مدل شفایافتگی ناآمیخته پواسن-وایبل به داده‎ها برازش داده شد.

    یافته ‎ها: 

    در این پژوهش از 351 بیمار، 197 نفر مرد (56.1درصد) و 154 نفر زن (43.9درصد) موردمطالعه قرار گرفتند که در آن 67 بیمار (19.1درصد) پیشامد مرگ را تجربه کردند. از بین متغیرهای معنادار عود بعد از پیوند، عود قبل از پیوند، هموگلوبین، نوع پیوند، سن، توده بدنی، گروه خونی و نوع تشخیص، متغیرهای سن (0.01=p)، عود بعد از پیوند (0.03=p) و نوع پیوند (0.03=p) از متغیرهای اثرگذار بر روی زمان بقای بیماران سرطان خون در مدل شفایافته آمیخته برنولی-وایبل و متغیرهای سن (0.004=p)، عود بعد از پیوند (0.013=p) و نوع تشخیص (0.008>p) از متغیری اثرگذار بر روی زمان بقای بیماران سرطان خون در مدل شفایافته ناآمیخته پواسن-وایبل بودند.

    نتیجه گیری: 

    بیماران ‎دارای پیوند مغز استخوان اتولوگ با سن کمتر از 30 سال شانس شفایافتگی بیشتری دارند و همچنین مدل شفایافته ناآمیخته برازش بهتری نسبت به مدل شفایافته آمیخته دارد.

    کلید واژگان: تحلیل بقا, مدل شفایافتگی آمیخته و ناآمیخته, سرطان خون, پیوند مغز استخوان}
    Ali Mohammadsharifi, Ebrahim Hajizadeh*, Ahmadreza Baghestani, Abbas Haji Fathali
    Background & Aims

    The present study analyzed the factors affecting the survival time of patients with leukemia from diagnosis to death, taking into account the cure rate. The aim of the present study was to apply two models of mixed and unmixed healing in the data of patients with leukemia who received bone marrow transplantation.

    Materials & Methods

    In this descriptive-analytical (Cohort) research, the data of 351 patients who were referred to Taleghani Hospital in Tehran affiliated to Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences and received bone marrow transplantation due to leukemia were examined. Patients received bone marrow transplantation between 2007 and 2014 and were followed up until 2016. In this study, the cured models of Bernoulli-Weibull blended (taking into account the Bernoulli distribution for latent variables and the Weibull distribution for survival time) and the Poisson -Weibull blended cured model (considering the Poisson distribution for latent time variables for hiding and distribution and distribution for survival time) were fitted to the data.


    In this study, 351 patients, 197 males (56.1%) and 154 females (43.9%), were studied in which 67 patients (19.1%) died. Among the significant variables of recurrence after transplantation, recurrence before transplantation, hemoglobin, type of transplant, age, body mass, blood type and type of diagnosis, variables age (p=0.01), recurrence after transplantation (0.03) and type of transplant (p=0.03) are among the variables affecting the survival time of leukemia patients. In the mixture cured model of Bernoulli-Weibull and the variables of age (p=0.004), recurrence after transplantation (p=0.013) and type of diagnosis (p<0.008) were variables affecting the survival time of leukemia patients in the non-mixture cured model Poisson -Weibull.


    Patients with autologous bone marrow transplantation under the age of 30 have a better chance of survival, and also the non-mixture cured model has a better outcome than the mixture cured model.

    Keywords: Survival analysis, Mixture, non-mixture cured model, Leukemia, Bone marrow transplantation}
  • هدیه صولتی، محمد صاحب الزمانی*، فرهاد ادهمی مقدم
    سابقه و هدف

    بستری شدن کودک برای مادر یک واقعه استرس زا است و منجر به واکنش های هیجانی در او می شود. این مطالعه با هدف تعیین تاثیر آموزش مراقبت خانواه محور به روش تله نرسینگ (مراقبت پرستاری از طریق تلفن) بر واکنش های هیجانی مادران انجام شد.

    مواد و روش ها: 

    در این کارآزمایی بالینی، 66 نفر به صورت تصادفی انتخاب شده و در گروه آزمون و کنترل قرار گرفتند. شرکت کنندگان در هر دو گروه، در ابتدای مطالعه و 45 روز پس از ترخیص پرسشنامه  DASS-21 (اندازه گیری مقیاس افسردگی، اضطراب، استرس) را تکمیل کردند. گروه آزمون در واتس آپ آموزش های بهداشتی و تغذیه ای، را گرفتند. گروه کنترل آموزش روتین هنگام ترخیص را دریافت کردند. داده ها با استفاده از نرم افزار SPSS-24 تجزیه و تحلیل شدند.

    یافته ها: 

    میانگین و انحراف استاندارد اضطراب، افسردگی و استرس در گروه آزمون قبل از مداخله به ترتیب 03/5 ±21/8، 3/13±09/28، 85/4±41/11 و بعد از مداخله 91/3±45/5، 78/11 ± 64/18، 86/4 ±33/8 بود و در گروه کنترل قبل از مداخله 14/5 ±01/7، 75/14±61/22، 91/8±64/5 و بعد از مداخله 64/5±91/8، 75/12 ± 00/22، 89/4 ±91/6. تفاوت معنادرای بین میانگین نمرات اضطراب و افسردگی و استرس قبل از انجام مداخله در دو گروه مشاهده نشد (05/0> P). پس از مداخله، نمرات افسردگی و استرس در گروه آزمون نسبت به گروه کنترل به طور معنی داری کاهش یافت (05/0< P). اما، تفاوت معنی داری بین نمرات اضطراب در دو گروه مشاهده نشد (05/0> P). شیب رگرسیون 338/0F= می باشد که معنی دار نیست (05/0≥p).


    آموزش مراقبت خانواده محور به روش مراقبت پرستاری به روش تله نرسینگ روشی موثر در کاهش آشفتگی های هیجانی مادران کودکان پس از پیوند مغز استخوان است.

    کلید واژگان: تله نرسینگ, پیوند مغز استخوان, اضطراب, افسردگی, استرس}
    Hedyeh Solati, Mohammad Sahebalzamani*, Farhad Adhami Moghadam
    Background and purpose

    Child hospitalization is a stressful event for the mother and can cause emotional reactions in her. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of family-based education by telenursing on emotional reactions in mothers.

    Materials and methods

    This clinical trial was performed in 66 individuals who were randomly assigned into experimental and control groups. Participants in both groups completed the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS-21) at the beginning of the study and 45 days after discharge. The experimental group received training on health and nutrition through WhatsApp Messenger, while the control group received routine training at discharge. Data were analyzed using SPSS V24.


    There were no significant differences between the intervention and control group in mean scores for anxiety, depression, and stress (P>0.05). The mean scores in experimental group were 8.21±5.03, 28.09±13.3, and 11.41±4.85 before the intervention and 5.45±3.91, 18.64±11.78, and 8.33±4.86 after the intervention, respectively. In control group, the mean scores for anxiety, depression, and stress were 7.01±5.14, 22.61±14.75, and 8.91±5.64 before the intervention and 8.91±5.64, 22±12.75, and 6.91±4.89 after the intervention, respectively. The scores for depression and stress indicated significant differences between the two groups after the intervention (P<0.05). But, there were no significant differences between the experimental group and controls in the mean score for anxiety before and after the intervention (P>0.05). The regression slope was not found to be significant (F=0.338, P≥0.05).


    Family-based care training by telenursing could be effective in reducing the emotional reactions in mothers of children with bone marrow transplantation.

    Keywords: telenursing, bone marrow transplantation, anxiety, depression, stress}
  • امین رازی*، محمدتقی پیوندی، علی بیرجندی نژاد، سارا عامل فرزاد

    نان یونیون یک عارضه جدی به دنبال درمان شکستگی های استخوان های بلند است که چالشی برای جراحان بشمار می اید و موربیدیتی زیادی برای بیماران به همراه دارد.تحقیقات نشان داده فاکتور های محرک استیوژنز به همراه عوامل مکانیکال مناسب میتواند درمان نان یونیون را تسهیل کند.هدف ما در این مطالعه درمان نان یونیون به کمک سلول های منونوکلیر اتولوگ اسپیره شده از منشا مغز استخوان به عنوان منبع سلول های استیوپروژنیتور همراه با فیکساسیون داخلی  است

    روش انجام:

    در بازه زمانی ابان 1389 لغایت اردیبهشت 1392،19 بیمار با نان یونیون استخوان های بلند (15 مرد و 4 زن) با متوسط سنی 37.8 سال (18 تا 81 سال) تحت جراحی با گرافت سلول های مونونوکلیر از مغز استخوان قرار گرفتند.مدت زمان بین شکستگی تا درمان 7 تا 28 ماه بود با متوسط 13.4 ماه.ابتدا دکورتیکاسیون محل نان یونیون به منظور ایجاد بستری مناسب برای سلول ها انجام شد سپس 2 میلی لیتر از محلول تغلیظ شده مغز استخوان در ترکیب با چیپس الوگرافت کورتیکو کنسلوس دمینرالیزه در محل قرار داده شد و روند بهبودی به صورت بالینی و رادیولوژیک هر 4 هفته کنترل شد

    یافته ها

    یونیون در 18 بیمار از 19 بیمار در بازه زمانی 1.06 تا 6 ماه با متوسط 3.5 ماه حاصل شد .  هیچ گونه عارضه ای حین بیهوشی یا عفونت، هماتوم یا درد مزمن ذر محل جراحی در بیماران مشاهده نشد

    نتیجه گیری

    پیوند سلول های اتولوگ مونونوکلیر تغلیظ شده از مغز استخوان یک درمان ساده ، منطقی و مقرون به صرفه در درمان نان یونیون استخوان های فمور و تیبیا به دنبال فیکساسیون داخلی میباشد.

    کلید واژگان: نان یونیون, شکستگی, مغز استخوان, کال استخوانی, استئوژنز}
    Amin Razi*, MohammadTaghi Peivandi, Ali Birjandinejad, Sara Amel Farzad

    Nonunion is a serious complication following long-bone fracture that is known as a therapeutic challenge for surgeons and is associated with significant morbidity. It has been shown that osteogenesis stimulating factors combined with optimization of the mechanical environment could facilitate and accelerate nonunion healing. In this study, we aimed to treat nonunion using autologous bone marrow-derived mononuclear cell (BMDMC) aspirate as a source of osteoprogenitor cells combined with internal fixation.


    From November 2010 to May 2013, 19 cases of nonunion were treated with bone marrow-derived mononuclear cell (BMDMC) grafting, that included 15 males and 4 females with an average age of 37.8 years (range, 18-81 years). The time from injury to therapy was 7 to 28 months, with an average of 13.4 months. At first, decortications were performed around the nonunion site to prepare a suitable bed for bone marrow grafting. Then, 2 ml of bone marrow concentrated cells was applied to the nonunion site in a mixture with partially demineralized cortical cancellous allograft chips. The healing rate in each patient was clinically and radiologically evaluated every 4 weeks.


    Bone union was obtained in 18 of the 19 patients during 1.06 to 6 months with an average time of 3.5 months. No complications during anesthesia nor any infection, hematoma or chronic pain at the nonunion site were observed in any patient.


    Transplantation of autologous BMDMC aspirate is a reasonable, effective and easy treatment option for tibial and femoral nonunion after internal fixation.

    Keywords: Fracture Ununited, Fracture Healing, Bone Marrow Cells, Bone Marrow Transplantation, Bony Callus}
  • Azad Tavakoli*, Mahdi Tabarraee, Faraj Tabeie, Mahshid Mehdizadeh, Mojtaba Ghadiani, Leila Izadi Masoole

    Oral mucositis is among the most important adverse effects of chemotherapy and bone marrow transplantation and prevention from this side effect is important to improve the situations in patients. Hence, in this study the main aim was to determine the effects of low-level laser therapy on mucositis in patients under chemotherapy and bone marrow transplantation.

    Materials and Methods

    In this randomized controlled clinical trial, 60 consecutive patients under chemotherapy and bone marrow transplantation in a training hospital in 2018 were enrolled and randomly assigned to receive either low-level laser therapy (630 and 780 nm) or off-laser. Finally, the frequency rate and severity of mucositis (grades 0 to 4 according to WHO severity index) were determined and compared across the groups.


    Mucositis was present in 30% and 56.7% in laser and control groups, respectively with statistically significant difference (p=0.037). The severity of mucositis was same across the laser and control groups (p=0.785).


    Low-level laser therapy is an effective modality for preventing from mucositis in patients treated by chemotherapy and bone marrow transplantation. Accordingly, utilization of this safe and effective therapeutic method is recommended.

    Keywords: Laser, Mucositis, Chemotherapy, Bone Marrow transplantation}
  • Mohammad A. Rafi, Paola Luzi, David A. Wenger**

    Krabbe disease (KD) is an autosomal recessive lysosomal disorder caused by mutations in the galactocerebrosidase (GALC) gene. This results in defective myelination in the peripheral and central nervous systems due to low GALC activity. Treatment at this time is limited to hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) in pre-symptomatic individuals. While this treatment extends the lives of treated individuals, most have difficulty walking by the end of the first decade due to peripheral neuropathy. Studies in the murine model of KD, twitcher (twi) combining bone marrow transplantation (BMT) with AAVrh10-mGALC showed a great extension of life from 40 days to about 400 days, with some living a full life time.


    In order to find the optimum conditions for dosing and timing of this combined treatment, twi mice were injected with five doses of AAVrh10-mGALC at different times after BMT. Survival, as well as GALC expression were monitored along with studies of sciatic nerve myelination and possible liver pathology.


    Dosing had a pronounced effect on survival and measured GALC activity. There was window of time after BMT to inject the viral vector and see similar results, however delaying both the BMT and the viral injection shortened the lifespans of the treated mice. Lowering the viral dose too much decreased the correction of the sciatic nerve myelination. There was no evidence for hepatic neoplasia.


    These studies provide the conditions optimum for successfully treating the murine model of KD. There is some flexibility in dosing and timing to obtain a satisfactory outcome. These studies are critical to the planning of a human trial combining the "standard of care", HSCT, with a single iv injection of AAVrh10-GALC.

    Keywords: Krabbe disease, AAVrh10 gene therapy, Twitcher mice, Bone marrow transplantation, Combined therapy, Myelination}
  • Maysam Yousefi, Mojdeh Hakemi Vala, Zahra Arab Mazar, Banafsheh Hasanvand, Leila Mehrnia, Sayyad Khanizadeh *
    Reactivation of BK virus (BKV), viremia is a major clinical complication in transplant recipients. There are many studies of BKV infection among tissue transplant recipients, especially renal-transplant recipients. Although the presence of BKV in patients’ urine occurs frequently, the detection of BKV in the blood of transplant recipients, especially after bone marrow transplantation (BMT), is less studied.
    The aim of this study was to detect BKV in 54 blood samples of BMT recipients in the first days after transplantation.
    This case-control study was performed in a university-affiliated hospital, Tehran, Iran, from October 2017 to October 2018. Blood samples were collected from 54 hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients, and 54 healthy subjects without any tissue transplantation, and tested daily for BKV DNA using the quantitative real-time PCR technique.
    In this study, two patients (3.7%) developed BK viremia at a median of 10 days (range: 1 - 10 days) after BMT, while none of the control subjects was positive for BKV in blood samples. The analysis of data showed no significant difference between the case and control groups (CI: 0.986 - 1.094, P < 0.153).
    Our data suggest that BKV viremia involved in active infection may not occur in the first days after BMT. This finding can affect controlling and managing BMT patients.
    Keywords: BK Virus, Blood, Bone Marrow Transplantation, Hematopoietic DNA, Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction, Stem Cell, Transplant Recipients, Viremia}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
  • کلیدواژه مورد نظر شما تنها در فیلد کلیدواژگان مقالات جستجو شده‌است. به منظور حذف نتایج غیر مرتبط، جستجو تنها در مقالات مجلاتی انجام شده که با مجله ماخذ هم موضوع هستند.
  • در صورتی که می‌خواهید جستجو را در همه موضوعات و با شرایط دیگر تکرار کنید به صفحه جستجوی پیشرفته مجلات مراجعه کنید.
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