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برای پرداخت حق اشتراک اگر عضو هستید وارد شوید در غیر این صورت حساب کاربری جدید ایجاد کنید


جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « composite » در نشریات گروه « پزشکی »

  • Somayeh Shiyasi, Parvin Mirzakouchaki*, Mina Ahmadi

    Composite resins undergo changes in properties due to various oral irritations over time. This study analyzed the effect of semi-nutritious liquids on the shear bond strength of repaired composite with universal bonding

    Materials and methods

    This laboratory experiment used 80 samples of rectangular cubes made of Z250 composite. The samples were subjected to Thermocycling in an incubator and divided into four experi-mental groups, one control group, and stored in different solutions for seven days. After the aging process, the samples were roughened, bonding was applied, and a composite cylinder was placed on the previous composite. The bond strength was then calculated with an Instron device, and the data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA and Bonferroni's post hoc test (α=0.05).


    Maximum average of bond strength in semi-nutrient liquids was recorded in descending order 25.53MPa for saliva , distilled water (20.24MPa), ethanol (18.04 MPa), citric acid (16.24 MPa), and Hep-tane (9.83 MPa), respectively.


    Artificial saliva yielded the highest average bond strength, while distilled water, ethanol, citric acid, and heptane resulted in decreasing bond strength.

    Keywords: Composite, Shear Bond Strength, G-Premium Bond, Non-Nutrient Liquids}
  • مهشید محمدی بصیر*، سبحان یوسفوند، فاطمه فرزانه، حسین لباف، حانیه السادات امامی رضوی

    اتمام وپرداخت، مرحله مهم ترمیم های کامپوزیت است. پرداخت نامناسب موجب عود پوسیدگی، تجمع پلاک و التهاب پریودنشیوم میشود. این مطالعه تاثیراستفاده از خمیرهای الماسی بر دوام پرداخت دو نوع نانوکامپوزیت بعد از مسواک زدن و pH-cycling را بررسی کرده است.

    موادوروش ها

    40 نمونه دیسکی ازدو نوع کامپوزیت نانوفیل (FiltekZ350 XT)و نانوهیبرید (Aelite)در هشت گروه (5=n) تحت 4روش پرداخت قرارگرفتند. (M)بدون پرداخت، کیورینگ زیر نوار مایلر(کنترل)، (S)پرداخت متوالی با دیسکهای Sof-Lex، (ST)پرداخت متوالی بادیسکهای Sof-Lex و خمیر پرداخت الماسیTDV، (SU)پرداخت متوالی با دیسکهای Sof-Lex و خمیر پرداخت الماسی Ultradent. خشونت سطحی نمونه ها(RaوRz) توسط دستگاه پروفیلومتر برای اولین مرتبه سنجیده شد. نمونه ها تحت pH-cyclingو 10000 سیکل مسواک زدن قرارگرفتند و پس ازآن  RaوRz  برای دومین بار ثبت شد. آنالیزهای آماریOne-way ANOVAو آزمون های Post-hocتوسط آزمون چند دامنه ای  Duncanانجام شد و در نهایت از آزمون  t-testاستفاده شد.

    یافته ها

    درکامپوزیتZ350 آزمون آنالیزواریانس نشان دهنده وجود اختلاف معنی دار بین خشونت سطحی (Ra1,Rz1) چهار گروه مورد بررسی قبل از PH-cyclingو مسواک زدن بود (002/0P= و003/0P=). پس از PH-cyclingو مسواک زدن نیز، مقادیرRa2دربین چهار گروه مورد بررسی، اختلاف معنی داری نشان داد(009/0P=). در حالیکه مقادیرRz2 در بین چهار گروه، اختلاف معنی داری نداشت (353/0P=). درکامپوزیت Aeliteآزمون آنالیز واریانس نشان دهنده وجود اختلاف معنی دار بین خشونت سطحی (Ra1,Rz1) چهار گروه مورد بررسی قبل از PH-cyclingو مسواک زدن بود(P<0/001 و004/0P=). پس از PH-cyclingو مسواک زدن نیز، مقادیرRa2,Rz2 در بین چهار گروه مورد بررسی اختلاف معنی داری نشان داد (P<0/001 وP<0/001).

    نتیجه گیری

    مقایسهRz و Ra درکامپوزیت Z350 بین قبل وپس از PH-cycling ومسواک زدن، حاکی ازعدم وجودتفاوت معنی دار بود. PH-cycling و مسواک زدن موجب تغییر درخشونت سطحی نشده بود. کامپوزیتAelite قبل و پس از PH-cycling و مسواک زدن، دارای  Rz  بیشتری ازکامپوزیت Z350 بود. استفاده ازخمیرپرداخت الماسی موجب کاهش خشونت سطحی نگردید.

    کلید واژگان: کامپوزیت, دوام پرداخت, خشونت سطحی, مسواک زدن}

    Finishing and polishing are important stages of composite restorations. Failure to polish will cause recurrent caries, plaque accumulation, and inflammation of the periodontium. This study evaluated the influence of diamond polish-pastes on the polish retention of the nanocomposites after pH-Cycling and tooth brushing.

    Materials and Methods

    Forty cylindrical specimens including nanofilled composite (FiltekZ350) and nanohybrid composite (Aelite) were subjected to 4 polishing methods in 8 groups (n=5). A reference under Mylar strip (M), sequence of Sof-Lex discs(S), Sof-Lex discs and diamond polishing paste (TDV) (ST), and Sof-Lex discs and diamond polishing paste (Ultradent) (SU). After finishing and polishing, the Ra and Rz were determined by a profilometer for the first time. Specimens were subjected to a pH-cycling regimen and 10,000 brushing cycle. New readings of the Ra and Rz parameters were obtained. All sets of data were subjected to one-way ANOVA, Duncan multiple range test, and T-test.


    In Z350 composite, the analysis of variance test showed a significant difference between Ra1 and Rz1 of the four investigated groups (P=0. 002, P=0. 003). After pH-cycling and brushing, Ra2 values showed significant differences among the four investigated groups (P=0. 009). The Rz2 values were not significantly different among the four groups (P=0. 353). In Aelite composite, the analysis of variance test showed a significant difference between Ra1 and Rz1 of the four investigated groups (P<0. 000, P=0. 004). After pH-cycling and brushing, Ra2 and Rz2 showed significant differences among the four investigated groups (P<0. 000, P<0. 000).


    Comparison of Rz and Ra in Z350 composite before and after pH-cycling and brushing indicated no significant difference. In other words, pH-cycling and brushing did not change the surface roughness. Aelite composite had higher Rz than Z350 composite before and after pH-cycling and brushing. Diamond polishing pastes had no effect on reducing surface roughness.

    Keywords: Composite, polish retention, surface roughness, brushing}
  • فرح عبدالرزاق*، ماجد محمد رفعت، رافید البدر
    سابقه و هدف

    در سال های اخیر از مواد سفید کننده دندان ها در بسیاری از کلینیک ها استفاده می شود که ممکن است اثر آن بر روی دندان های طبیعی و ترمیم کامپوزیت (اومنی کروما) متفاوت باشد. هدف از این مطالعه تعیین تاثیر اسپکتروفتومتری بلیچینگ خارجی بر ساختار طبیعی دندان و ترمیم کامپوزیت می باشد.

    مواد و روش ها

    در این مطالعه، ابتدا حفره ای بر روی 26 دندان کشیده شده، ایجاد شد و سپس ترمیم کامپوزیت اومنی کروما برای تمامی این دندان ها انجام شد. رنگ هر نمونه دندان با دستگاه رنگ سنج اندازه گیری شد. اندازه گیری ها پیش از استفاده از ماده سفید کننده برای روشنی اولیه (L0)، پس از اولین استفاده از ماده سفید کننده (L1) و پس از دومین استفاده از ماده سفید کننده (L2) انجام شد. مقادیر کل تغییر رنگ (ΔE) بین ترمیم ها و دندان طبیعی در فواصل درمان اول (ΔE1) و دوم (ΔE2) مقایسه شد.

    یافته ها

    بر اساس یافته های این مطالعه، بعد از مقایسه میزان سفیدی بین دندان طبیعی و کامپوزیت، تغییراتی در میزان سفیدی مشاهده شد. بر این اساس،L1  (0/000=p) وL2  (0/006=p) نشان داد که تفاوت معنی داری در میزان سفیدی (L) بین دندان طبیعی و کامپوزیت در درمان اول و دوم وجود دارد. با این وجود، مقایسه تغییر رنگ کل (ΔE) هیچ تفاوت معنی داری بین ترمیم کامپوزیت و ساختار طبیعی دندان در طول فواصل درمان اول و دومΔE1  (0/479=p) وΔE2  (0/821=p) نشان نداد.

    نتیجه گیری

    بر اساس نتایج مطالعه حاضر، مقدار ΔE از درمان های بلیچینگ L0 تا L2 به طور قابل توجهی کاهش یافت. با سفیدتر شدن دندان ها، واضح است که تفاوت رنگ کمتری بین ترمیم اومنی کروما و ساختار دندان مشاهده می شود.

    کلید واژگان: اومنی کروما, پراکسید هیدروژن, بلیچینگ, سایه, سطح طبیعی دندان, کامپوزیت}
    F .Abdul Razzaq*, M .Mohamed Refaat, RM. Al-Badr
    Background and Objective

    In recent years, bleaching materials have been used in many clinics, which may have different effects on natural teeth and composite restorations (omnichroma). The aim of this study is to determine the spectrophotometric effect of external bleaching on natural tooth structure and composite restoration.


    In this study, cavities were first created on 26 extracted teeth, and then, omnichroma composite restorations were completed for all these teeth. The color of each tooth sample was evaluated with a colorimeter device. Measurements were obtained before the application of the bleaching agent for initial lightness (L0), after the bleaching agent's first application (L1), and after the second application of the bleaching agent (L2). Total color change difference (ΔE) values between the restorations and natural tooth during first (ΔE1) and second (ΔE2) treatment intervals were compared.


    This study found that, as lightness values between natural tooth and composite were compared, there are changes of lightness value; L1 (p=0.000) and L2 (p=0.006) showed that there is a significant difference in lightness value (L) between natural tooth and composite restoration during the first and second treatments. However, the comparisons of total color change (ΔE) found no substantial differences between the composite restoration and natural tooth structure during the first and second treatment intervals ΔE1 (p=0.479) and ΔE2 (p=0.821).


    According to the results of this study, the value of ΔE decreased significantly from L0 to L2 bleaching treatments. As the tooth becomes brighter, it is clear that there is less of a color difference between the omnichroma restoration and the tooth structure.

    Keywords: Omnichroma, Hydrogen Peroxide, Bleaching, Shade, Natural Tooth Surface, Composite}
  • Mohamad Khatami, Ali Doniavi, Saeideh Allahyari*, Mahsa Feizollahi, Amir Musa Abazari*, Mohamad Fotouhi

    3D printing is a novel approach in the pharmaceutical field, but its usage has not been fully established. This method can promote drug therapy and overcome some traditional treatment challenges in different ways that are discussed in this paper. “One-size-fits-all”, Large-scale production, and less patient and physician acceptability are some limitations that we will encounter in traditional therapy. Three-dimensional printing of pharmaceutical products is a versatile technology that needs specific attention. Droplet-based, extrusion-based, and laser-assisted 3D printers are three main techniques that can be used in this field. The limitations and advantages of this method have been discussed, highlighting potential innovative pathways towards the possibility of drug carriers’ usage in ink formulas. The administration pathway of drug-loaded composites is another critical issue in drug treatment strategies that have been discussed here. Oral drug delivery as a convenient method of systemic drug administration with significant patient preference is introduced as the most prevalent pathway that has been studied about 3D printed medicines. Finally, essential ethics and future directions of 3D printing in the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries are outlined.

    Keywords: 3D printer, Administration, Composite, Drug}
  • Milad Arab-Nozari, Ehsan Zamani, Mehdi Evazalipour, Banafsheh Soleimani, Ali Jorbonian, Azam Nahvi *

    Statement of the Problem:

     Tooth-colored composites are used to repair caries lesions and other dental defects, particularly in anterior regions in children. Although a wide range of composites is using, little attention has been paid to the important indicators such as biological profiles or products released from these materials.


    The current study aimed to compare the histocompatibility and cytotoxicity of light-curing resin used to repair children's teeth with different brands (3M, DenFil, and Opallis) in curing times of 20 and 40 seconds in human oral fibroblast cells (HGF1).

    Materials and Method

     In this in vitro study, Three types of flow composites (3M, Opallis, and DenFil), all at A2 shade, were used. The composites were at 4×2mm with separate exposure times of 20 and 40 seconds. MTT test was used to determine the cytotoxicity of composites on oral fibroblast cells. This test is based on the conversion of tetrazolium bromide to a purple compound known as formazan that its color intensity can be evaluated using the ELISA. The higher intensity of the color reveals the higher survival rate of the mitochondria, which indicates less toxicity. One-way variance analysis and unpaired t-test were used to compare the cytotoxicity of each brand in two conditions of 20 and 40 seconds of curing. Statistical significance was considered when p< 0.05.


    3M and Opallis composites were significantly reduced vitality of cells compared to control group in both 20s and 40s curing status. While DenFil brand did not show marked cytotoxicity. In each brand, there are no significant deference between 20s and 40s curing times.


    Histocompatibility depends on the type of composite resin. In the current study, DenFil brand showed the highest histocompatibility, followed by 3M and Opallis.

    Keywords: Composite, Gingival fibroblast cells, MTT test}
  • Maryam Azizkhani*, Saba Samie Ghahfarokhi, Razieh Partovi
    Background and Objectives

    Effects of edible coatings, including sodium alginate (Alg), pullulan (Pul) and carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) with bitter orange peel extract (BOE), on the chemical, microbial and texture qualities of chicken fillets during storage in refrigerator was investigated.

    Materials and Methods

    Samples treated with biopolymer coatings with BOE included significantly lower free fatty acids, peroxide value, total volatile basic nitrogen content and microbial count during cold storage, compared to fillets treated with pure BOE, biopolymer composites (no BOE) and controls.


    Effectiveness of the coatings on bacterial population was as follows Alg/Pul/BOE > Pul/CMC/BOE > Alg/CMC/BOE > BOE > Alg/Pul > Alg/CMC > Pul/CMC > control. Coating fillet samples with pure BEO showed greater inhibitory activities against microbial spoilage, compared with composite coatings with no extracts.


    Treatment efficiency as of antimicrobial agents and maintenance of physicochemical characteristics were as follows Alg/Pul/BOE > Pul/CMC/BOE > Alg/CMC/BOE. Based on the current findings, these composite coatings can be promising options to improve the quality of fresh foods during shelf-life.

    Keywords: Biopolymer, Chicken fillet, Composite, Coating}
  • Amin Seidypoor, Ezatollah Joudaki, Samaneh Bandehali, Sadra Solhi, Sayed Mohsen Hosseini*

    In light of severe and growing shortages of clean water and the rising environmental pollution in many countries, seawater desalination has been an effective method to produce freshwater. Cationic membranes have enabled environmental scientists to effectively remove toxic heavy metals from wastewater and to regenerate freshwater.


    We used a novel method, involving electro- and physico-chemical membranes to successfully remove toxic heavy metal ions (copper & chromium) from wastewater samples. Specifically, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, field emission scanning electron microscopy, surface wettability, flux, selectivity and electrical resistance measurements were applied to conduct this study.


    The obtained results illustrated relatively uniform foaming of the modified membranes. Also, electron microscopic images indicated almost even distribution of the particles. The dada indicated that applying polydopamine layer and incorporating nanofibers in monomer solution caused surface hydrophilic enhancement. Also, increased carbon nanofibers loading ratio to 0.07% raised the ionic flux. The data also showed a higher capacity in the modified membranes for the removal of copper and chromium ions from the wastewater samples. Although the surface modified membranes displayed a higher flux and lower permselectivity to some extents, utilizing nanoparticles led to a steady trend of ion elimination. Generally, carbon nanofibers incorporation to the membrane surface modified samples up to 0.1% weight, resulting in nearly a constant areal electrical resistance.


    The novel method developed by this study is an excellent candidate with high potential for the removal of toxic heavy metal ions from wastewater samples.

    Keywords: Composite, Cationic membrane, Desalination, Toxic heavy metal removal}
  • Samaneh Hesami, Davood Ghasemi *, Shahriar Shahriari

    Statement of the Problem:

     Sealants are placed to prevent carious lesion initiation and to arrest caries progression by providing a physical barrier that inhibits microorganisms and food particles from collecting in pit and fissures .The two most common materials used for sealing pits and fissures are resins and glass-ionomers. Ionoseal is a light curing GI composite cement.The aim of this study was to compare the microtensile bond strength and microleakage of Ionoseal with different surface pretreatment.

    Materials and Methods

    This in vitro ,an experimental study was conducted on 95 sound human premolar in 5 groups(in each group 5 teeth for microtensile test and 14 teeth for microleakage test).A :35% phosphoric acid + total etch adhesive + Ionoseal ,B :universal adhesive + Ionoseal ,C: 35% phosphoric acid + Ionoseal,D: Ionoseal, E: 35% phosphoric acid + Embrace fissure sealant. On the prepared buccal enamel of each tooth, a 5 mm block of the sealing material was created and underwent thermocycling .By serially cutting, specimens about1×1mm in cross section were obtained and loaded in tensile (0.5 mm/min) until failure occurred .For microleakage test,sealing material was placed into the prepared occlusal fissures and teeth were thermocycled and then immersed in methylene blue 5% .An incision was made buccolingually. The dye penetration rate was measured based on Williams and winter criteria under stereomicroscope.


    Mean microtensile bond strength was significantly different between groups (P

    Keywords: Fissure sealant, Composite, Microleakage}
  • Fateme Ghourchian, Leila Torkian, Negar Motakef Kazemi *
    Objective (s)

    Hydroxyapatite (HAP) is a natural calcium apatite mineral. Hydroxyapatite has many applications in the field of biomedicine and drug delivery systems. Titanium dioxide (TiO2) is becoming increasingly important because of its potential use in new medical treatments. In this study, titania-hydroxyapatite composite nanoparticles were evaluated as a potential drug carrier for ibuprofen.


    Titania-hydroxyapatite composite nanoparticles (titania-HAP) with two different titania weight ratios (30 and 70 wt%) were prepared and loaded with ibuprofen (IBU) as a pain reliever drug. The composites were studied as potential carriers of ibuprofen by X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns, field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analyzes, energy dispersive X-ray spectrum (EDX), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA). Cytotoxicity of nanocomposites was investigated in vitro on osteosarcoma cell line by MTT assay. 


    The functional groups were investigated by FTIR. Size and morphology of samples were evaluated by FESEM and TEM. Chemical composition and phase formation were confirmed by EDX and XRD patterns. Based on the results of MTT assay, no significant effect was observed on MG-63 cell lines. TGA was used to determine the amount of ibuprofen loaded on the composites.


    Ibuprofen release was studied in neutral and acidic simulated media by ultraviolet–visible (UV-visible) spectroscopy and the results showed better sustained release of the drug in acidic medium. Titania-hydroxyapatite composite nanoparticle can have a good potential for medicinal applications.

    Keywords: Titanium dioxide, Hydroxyapatite, Composite, nanoparticles, Ibuprofen}
  • Abdolreza Karbul, MohammadKazem Mohammadi, Reza Jalilzadeh Yengejeh *, Forouzan Farrokhian

    In recent years, the dye industry has been rapidly developed. Dyes are one in all the foremost dangerous groups of chemical compounds found in industrial effluents, which are of considerable importance for reasons like reduced light permeability and therefore the subsequent disruption of the method of photosynthesis in water sources. This study was performed to remove dye using Fe-Co-V /Zeolite from synthetic wastewater. 


    After chemical synthesis of the nanocomposite, its structure by spectroscopic techniques was studied. Experiments were performed Under different pH conditions (3-11), contact time (5-50 minutes), absorbent dose (0.5-0.6 g), stirring speed (240-60 rpm), and different concentrations.


    The results showed that the optimal and final conditions affecting the removal of methyl orange dye in the most suitable conditions for 200 mL of solution with a concentration of 20 mg/L at pH equal to 3, contact time 20 Minute, adsorbent weight 0.2 g, jar speed 180 rpm and temperature 25 °C, which finally with the application of optimal data, at a concentration of 2.5 mg/L, the best efficiency was obtained. Examination of isotherm diagrams and isotherm coefficients showed that the adsorption process follows the Freundlich equation.


    According to the obtained results and physical and chemical properties of the synthesized nanocomposite, it can be used to remove pollutants from the environment such as wastewater and gaseous pollutants from the air.

    Keywords: Methyl Orange, Fe-Co-V, Zeolite, Composite, Dye removal}
  • سید احسان سمائی، حسن اصیلیان مهابادی*، سید محمد موسوی، علی خوانین، محمد فریدن

    استفاده از الیاف طبیعی با توجه به ویژگی های بارز زیست محیطی و خواص بالای فیزیکی، مکانیکی و جذب صوت، سبب تغییرات اساسی در ساخت انواع کامپوزیت های آکوستیکی شده است. امروزه تجزیه و تحلیل رفتار آکوستیکی این دسته ازکامپوزیت ها تحت عنوان "کامپوزیت های سبز" با توجه به عملکرد نوین آن ها در زمینه های جذب صوتی، بیش از پیش مورد توجه محققان قرار گرفته است. در همین راستا این مطالعه با هدف بهینه سازی و مدل سازی جذب صوتی در کامپوزیت های الیاف طبیعی یوکا با استفاده از رویکرد بهینه سازی و مدل سازی ریاضی انجام گرفت.

    روش کار: 

    در این مطالعه تجربی-مقطعی، جهت ساخت کامپوزیت های آکوستیکی طبیعی از روش اصلاح آلکالینی به عنوان یکی از روش های متداول در اصلاح شیمیایی و یک فرایند کمکی جهت کاهش قطر الیاف استفاده شد. دو پارامتر اساسی در اصلاح آلکالینی، پارامترهای مقدار سدیم هیدروکسید (نسبت درصد وزنی به حجمی)  و مدت زمان غوطه وری (ساعت) می باشد. در این مطالعه طراحی آزمایشات و تعیین مقدار بهینه این دو پارامتر جهت بهبود جذب صوتی توسط روش طرح فاکتوریل و با استفاده از نرم افزار Design Expert11 و آزمون آماری آنالیز واریانس انجام شد. در این مطالعه ضریب جذب صوتی (تحت زاویه نرمال) به منظور بررسی رفتار کامپوزیت طبیعی الیاف یوکا در طول فرآیند اصلاح آلکالینی توسط لوله ی امپدانس و براساس روش تابع انتقال و استاندارد ISO10534-2 اندازه گیری شد، همچنین بررسی کاربردپذیری مدل های تحلیلی دلانی- بازلی  (Delany-Bazley) و میکی (Miki) برای پیش بینی جذب صوتی در کامپوزیت های طبیعی توسط کدنویسی فرمول ها در نرم افزار متلب انجام شد.

    یافته ها

    بهینه سازی فرآیند اصلاح آلکالینی جهت دستیابی به  شاخص میانگین ضریب جذب صوتی (SAA) بیشینه، زمانی اتفاق می افتد که مقدار سدیم هیدروکسید و زمان غوطه وری به ترتیب 5 درصد و 8 ساعت انتخاب شود. همچنین پاسخ های پیش بینی شده (شاخص SAA)  در شرایط بهینه، مقدار 557/0 محاسبه شد که با پاسخ های آزمون های تاییدی مطابقت دارد. نتایج مقایسه ضریب جذب صوتی کامپوزیت های طبیعی یوکا نشان داد که در تمامی فرکانس های یک سوم اکتاو باند، ضریب جذب صوتی در کامپوزیت اصلاح شده در شرایط بهینه، بیشتر از کامپوزیت خام (اصلاح نشده) بود. همچنین اصلاح آلکالینی کامپوزیت در شرایط بهینه سبب افزایش 92/18 درصدی شاخص SAA در مقایسه  کامپوزیت خام شد. از طرفی  تطابق مناسبی بین نتایج  مدل های پیش بینی کننده ضریب جذب صوتی در کامپوزیت طبیعی یوکا در شرایط بهینه و کامپوزیت خام، با نتایج تجربی در محدوده فرکانسی پایین  و میانی یک سوم اکتاوباند برقرارشد.

    نتیجه گیری

    اصلاح آلکالینی در شرایط بهینه، جهت بهبود خواص آکوستیکی کامپوزیت های طبیعی موثر واقع شده است و این فرآیند با توجه به مزایای برجسته الیاف طبیعی و افزایش استفاده از این دسته از الیاف به عنوان تقویت کننده خواص مکانیکی در کامپوزیت های هیبریدی چندمنظوره، روشی مناسبی برای بهبود سازگاری بین الیاف طبیعی و ماتریس پلیمری و همچنین بهبود خواص آکوستیکی و  کلی کامپوزیت های هیبریدی تلقی می شود.

    کلید واژگان: بهینه سازی, مدل های تحلیلی, جذب صوتی, کامپوزیت, الیاف طبیعی}
    Seyed Ehsan Samaei, Hasan Asilian Mahabadi*, Seyyed Mohammad Mousavi, Ali Khavanin, Mohammad Faridan

    Nowadays, the acoustic behavior analysis of natural fibers composites has received increasing attention by researchers. In this regard, the present study aimed to optimize and model the sound absorption behavior of composites made of Yucca Gloriosa (YG) fiber via using a mathematical modeling approach.


    In this experimental cross-sectional study, in order to fabricate the natural acoustic composites, the alkaline treatment of the fibers was employed. In this study, the design of experiments and determination of the optimum amount of alkaline treatment parameters (NaOH concentration and immersion time) to improve the sound absorption was performed by Response Surface Methodology (RSM).  Moreover, the sound absorption coefficient (SAC) of YG fiber was measured by an impedance tube system (ISO10534-2 standard). The applicability of Delany-Bazley (DB) and Miki analytical models for predicting the sound absorption coefficients of the natural composites by coding formulas in MATLAB software was investigated as well.


    Comparison of the obtained SAC showed that this value of optimized was higher than untreated composite at all frequencies, and the sound absorption average (SAA) index increased by 18.92%, particularly when compared to the raw composites. Also, good agreement was found between the results from the empirical models and the experimental results in the low and mid-frequency range of one-third octave band.


    the optimization of alkaline treatment and prediction of SAC by empirical model, with regard to the prominent benefits of natural fibers and the wide use of these fibers, is considered as an acceptable strategy for acoustic applications (industries and buildings).

    Keywords: optimization, empirical models, sound absorption, composite, Yucca natural fiber}
  • Tohid Abdolahzadeh, Jalil Morshedian *, Shervin Ahmadi, Mohammad Reza Ay, Omid Mohammadi
    This study introduces a novel polyvinyl chloride (PVC)/tungsten composites with characterization of their shielding properties by employing different techniques.
    The PVC/tungsten composites were produced by employing various weight fractions of tungsten micro-particles including 0, 20, and 40 % wt via melt blending method. In the next step, the linear attenuation coefficients of prepared composite samples were experimentally measured at 662 keV γ-ray, and then were compared to the data estimated using MCNP simulation code and XCOM software. Also the shielding properties of samples were evaluated experimentally with an X-ray tube at 40 kVp.
    Recorded results showed that by increasing the weight percentage of the tungsten micro-particles, the coefficient of linear attenuation and also the absorbed dose values were increased dramatically. Samples containing 20, and 40% wt of tungsten micro-particles reached to 89.60 and 92.26 %of dose absorption, respectively. Interestingly the proposed composition were approximately 2.3 lighter than the commercial shields.
    The linear attenuation coefficient of the composite shields has been calculated to be 0.20 cm-1, which was comparable with commercial Pb-based shields. Tungsten micro-particles addition to PVC matrix can increase the absorbed dose value. Plasticized PVC has suitable flexibility and low stiffness value, therefore it can be a good alternative for commercial aprons and other Pb-based shields in low energy voltages.
    Keywords: Polyvinyl chloride, Tungsten, Shield, Lead, Composite, X-ray}
  • Ahmadreza Yazdanbakhsh, Hassan Rasoulzadeh *

     The recovery of rare-earth elements (REEs) like toxic lanthanides from contaminated waters is vital because of their irreversible effects on humans and the environment.


     In the present research, a chitosan-imprinted nano zero-valent iron (CS@nZVI) nanocomposite was fabricated and utilized to the successful separation of Lanthanum as a model lanthanides.


     The morphological and structural properties of the composites were studied through BET, FTIR, SEM, TEM, and XRD techniques. The adsorption process was modeled and optimized by methodology of response surface (RSM). Then, its four important models were validated by data fitting. Afterward, they were affirmed using ANOVA test.


     According to the outputs of the models, the reduced model was obtained as an appropriate model. Based on RSM plots, the adsorption rate at preliminary pH is low and gets better with increasing the pH value. At lower pH, there is a high concentration of H+ ion with smaller ionic radii and higher adsorption possibility, which makes it difficult to adsorb lanthanum ions by creating a competition between the excess of protons in the solution and cationic metal ions. This competitive adsorption and saturation of adsorptive sites on the surface of CS@nZVI sorbent with hydrogen ions together with repulsion forces are responsible for the La (III) less sorption. The optimum CS@nZVI removal efficiency of La (III) was 88% under the following conditions: pH = 8, 1.2 g/L CS@nZVI dosage, 5 mg/L initial La (III) concentration, and 180 min shaking time. Based on uptake kinetic models, the pseudo-second-order model is optimum in describing the rate equation of the adsorption process.


     Successfully regeneration of CS@nZVI along with its good performance for Lanthanum separation provide a promising and feasible method in order to contaminated streams purification.

    Keywords: Chitosan, Adsorption, Optimization, Composite, Lanthanum}
  • حجت الله کاکایی*، مجتبی بیگزاده، فریده گلبابایی، محمدرضا گنجعلی، مهدی جهانگیری، سید جمالدین شاه طاهری

    سولفید هیدروژن یکی از مهمترین ناخالصی های موجود در گاز طبیعی است. با توجه به این واقعیت که این گاز بسیار خطرناک، سمی، خورنده و آتش زا می باشد، لذا حذف سولفید هیدروژن به روش های مختلفی مورد مطالعه قرار گرفته است که یکی از شناخته شده ترین آنها روش جذب سطحی می باشد. در مطالعه حاضر از کربن فعال و کامپوزیت کربن فعال داربست آلی-فلزی (MOF-5) جهت حذف سولفید هیدروژن از هوای تنفسی به روش جذب سطحی استفاده شد.

    روش کار

    ابتدا کربن فعال (AC) توسط آسیاب گلوله ای تبدیل به پودر گردید و کامپوزیت  AC/MOF-5بر پایه کربن با مقادیر10، 25 و 40 درصد وزنی از داربست آلی فلزی MOF-5 سنتز شد. سپس بررسی میزان جذب و زمان عبور آلاینده در دما، رطوبت و غلظت های مختلف با استفاده از سیستم شبیه ساز دستگاه تنفسی انسان طراحی شده مورد آزمایش قرار گرفت. برای تعیین ویژگی جاذب های کامپوزیتی تهیه شده از روش های دستگاهی XRD، SEM و BET استفاده گردید.برای سنجش میزان دقیق گاز سولفید هیدروژن از سنسور اختصاصی دستگاه قرائت مستقیم aeroqual S500 با دقت
     ppm 01/0 برای گاز سولفید هیدروژن استفاده شد.   

    یافته ها

    کامپوزیت AC/MOF-5 نسبت به سایر جاذب ها میزان جذب و زمان عبور آلاینده بالاتری را نشان داد. سطح ویژه (BET) برای این نمونهm2/g  814، متوسط قطر حفره ها 6795/1 نانومتر و حجم کل حفرات برابر cm3/g 342/0 بدست آمد. نمودار ایزوترم نشان داد که بر اساس تقسیم بندی اتحادیه جهانی شیمی محض و کاربردی (IUPAC) بیشتر اندازه حفرات این جاذب در دسته میکرو متخلخل قرار گرفت. بیشترین میزان جذب (میلی گرم بر گرم جاذب) و زمان عبور آلاینده (دقیقه) مربوط به جاذب  با 41/60 (08/1=SD) میلی گرم بر گرم جاذب و 26/56 (38/2=SD) دقیقه در دمای 15 درجه سانتی گراد، غلظت ppm 88/9 (70/0=SD) ، رطوبت 06/51 (15/0=SD) و افت فشار 34/51 میلی متر آب بود. با افزودن بیش از  25 درصد وزنی از داربست آلی-فلزی MOF-5 به کربن فعال مقدار جذب و زمان عبور آلاینده افزایش یافت، اگرچه افت فشار آن نیز بیشتر گردید.

    نتیجه گیری

    نتایج نشان داد که جاذب کامپوزیتی AC/MOF-5 ، باتوجه به ساختار متخلخل، سطح ویژه بالا، و از همه مهمتر داشتن گروه های Zn-O-C، باعث افزایش میزان جذب و همچنین زمان عبور آلاینده شد. با این حال افت فشار نسبتا بالاتری را نسبت به کربن فعال تجاری  (AC)نشان داد.

    کلید واژگان: کامپوزیت, AC, MOF-5, زمان عبور, جذب سطحی, Zn-BDC, سولفید هیدروژن}
    Hojatolla Kakaei*, Mojtaba Beygzadeh, Farideh Golbabaei, Mohammad Reza Ganjali, Mehdi Jahangiri, Sayed Jamaleddin Shahtaheri

    Hydrogen sulfide is one of the most important impurities in natural gas. Due to the fact that this gas is hazardous, toxic, corrosive and volatile, therefore, the removal of hydrogen sulfide has been studied using several methods. One of the most known procedures is the adsorption process. In the present study, activated carbon and activated carbon-based composite scaffolds (MOF-5) were used as a cartridge mask to remove hydrogen sulfide from respiratory air.

    Methods and Materials

    First, activated carbon (AC) was converted to powder form by ball mill, and AC / MOF-5 composite with 10%, 25%, and 40% MOF-5 to AC was synthesized from the MOF-5 metal-organic scaffold. Then, the rates of adsorption and breakthrough time using a designed setup were tested in two ranges of temperatures, humidities and concentrations. XRD, SEM and BET were used to determine the properties of composite absorbents.  The Aeroqual S500 Direct-reading sensor with 0.01 ppm accuracy was used to measure the exact amount of hydrogen sulfide gas.


    The AC/MOF-5 composite showed higher adsorption and breakthrough time compare to the other adsorbents. The Specific surface area (BET), average pore diameter, and total pore volume of the adsorbent were 814 m2 /g, 1.6795 nm, and 0.342 cm3 /g, respectively. The isotherm diagram showed that, according to IUPAC, most of the pore size of this adsorbent was classified in the micro-porous group. The maximum adsorption (mg/gS) and breakthrough time (min) were related to AC/MOF-5(40 Wt. %) adsorbent with 60.41 mg/gS (SD = 1.08) and 56.26 min (SD =2.38) at a temperature of 15 ° C, a concentration of 9.88 ppm (SD = 0.70), a moisture content of 51.06% (SD = 0.15) and a pressure drop of 51.34 mm water. By adding more than 25% MOF-5 metal-metal scaffold to activated carbon, the amount of adsorption, breakthrough time and pressure drop were increased.


    AC / MOF-5 composite adsorbent due to its porous structure, high specific surface area, and most importantly, having Zn-O-C groups increased the adsorption rate as well as the pollutant Breakthrough time. However, it showed a relatively higher pressure drop than commercial activated carbon (AC).

    Keywords: Composite, MOF-5, Breakthrough time, adsorption, Zn-BDC, H2S}
  • Farahnaz Sharafddein, Niloofar Haghbin *
    Statement of the Problem

     Sufficient bond strength of composite restoration leads to its durability and survival; therefore, preparation of dentin surface for higher bond strength is essential.


    Our aim is to assess the deproteinizing effect of 3% bromelain enzyme and compare it to 4% titanium tetrafluoride (TiF4) and 5% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) regarding the shear bond strength (SBS) of composite resin to dentin.

    Materials and Method

    In this experimental study, 40 intact extracted human maxillary premolars were selected, and the occlusal surfaces of the teeth were sectioned at a depth of 2 mm from dentinoenamel junction. The teeth were divided into 4 groups (n=10). In Group 1, the teeth were etched with 37% phosphoric acid gel. In Group 2, the teeth were etched and deproteinized with 5% NaOCl. In Group 3, the teeth were etched and deproteinized with 4% TiF4. In Group 4, the teeth were etched and deproteinized with 3% bromelain enzyme. In each specimen, composites with 3 mm diameter and 2 mm height were prepared and cured. The test specimens were then stored in distilled water at room temperature for 7 days before conducting the SBS test (MPa). By universal testing machine at a crosshead speed of 1 mm/min, the results were analyzed using one-way ANOVA and Tukey test.


    One-way ANOVA test demonstrated that pretreatment of dentin with a bromelain enzyme, TiF4 solution, or NaOCl was not statistically different regarding SBS to dentin (p= 0.790).


    3% bromelain enzyme can be as effective as TiF4 and NaOCl and phosphoric acid 37% in terms of the SBS of composite resin to dentin.

    Keywords: Sodium Hypochlorite, Shear Bond Strength, Bromelain, ToF4, Composite}
  • Mona Malek *, Fatemeh Farzaneh, Yasaman Samani, Fatemeh Pachenari, Hamid Pachenari
    Nanotechnology has various applications in restorative dentistry in order to achieve reliable treatment outcomes. The present study aimed to comprehensively review the studies focused on the applications of nano-based materials, technologies, and methods used in restorative dentistry. Related articles were retrieved via searching in databases such as PubMed, Google Scholar, and Scopus. Afterwards, the appropriate references regarding the research subject were assessed, and findings were collected to achieve a comprehensive review study. According to the obtained results, the utilization of nanotechnology in restorative dentistry could yield beneficial outcomes. The dispersion of nano-sized structures in restorative materials could enhance mechanical properties such as diametral and flexural strength and fracture toughness. However, the improvement of the mentioned mechanical properties depends on the type of the nano-sized materials, their content, and type of the additional materials used along with nano-based restorative materials.
    Keywords: Composite, Mechanical properties, Nanotechnology, Restorative dentistry}
  • عبدالرحیم داوری*، علیرضا دانش کاظمی، زهرا صداقتی جهرمی

    امروزه استفاده از کامپوزیت محبوبیت زیادی پیدا کرده اند. درک اصول کار و نیز حساسیت تکنیکی موجب شده استفاده از این مواد با چالش های زیادی همراه باشد. هدف از انجام این مطالعه بررسی دیدگاه فارغ التحصیلان دندانپزشکی یزد پیرامون آموزش ترمیم های کامپوزیت در سال 1396 می باشد.

    روش بررسی

    در‏ این‏ مطالعه ‏توصیفی، اطلاعات ‏به‏ روش‏ میدانی‏ توسط‏ پرسش نامه در بین 202 فارغ التحصیل دانشکده دندانپزشکی شهید صدوقی یزد که در سه سال اخیر فارغ التحصیل شدند، توزیع گردید. اطلاعات جمع آوری شده پس از ورود به نرم افزار SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL; Version 16 توسط آزمون های من ویتنی و کروسکال والیس، مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفت.


    از میان 202 پرسش نامه توزیع شده، 181 نفر به پرسش نامه پاسخ دادند میانگین نمره آگاهی بین شرکت کنندگان برابر با 04/2± 5/8 از نمره کل 16 بود. هم چنین میانگین نمره نگرش برابر51/4± 96/16 از نمره کل 30 ارزیابی شد. بررسی میانگین نمرات آگاهی و نگرش بین گروه های مختلف تفکیک شده بر اساس سال فراغت از تحصیل، سن و نوع ورودی انجام گرفت که در تمامی موارد ذکر شده تفاوت میانگین بین گروه های مطالعه معنی دار نبود. (05/0 <p-value). عمده مشکل شرکت کنندگان در ‏حین ‏انجام ‏ترمیم ‏های‏کامپوزیت‏ ‏ایزولاسیون‏ (60%) و ‏برقراری‏ تماس‏ مناسب‏ پروگزیمالی‏ (49%) بود.

    نتیجه گیری

    نتایج این مطالعه نشان دهنده عدم رضایت دانشجویان تازه فارغ التحصیل از کیفیت آموزش های تئوری و عملی در زمینه ترمیم های کامپوزیتی است. هم چنین در زمینه مشکلات عملی حین درمان دندانپزشکان مشکلات عمده خود را تماس های پروگزیمالی نامناسب، شکستگی لبه ترمیم و حساسیت دندان ترمیم شده عنوان کردند.

    کلید واژگان: کامپوزیت, فارغ التحصیلان دندانپزشکی, آموزش, ارزیابی بالینی}
    Abdolrahim Davari*, Alireza Daneshkazemi, Zahra Sedaghati Jahromi

    Today, the use of dental-colored composites has become very popular. Understanding the basics and technical sensitivity has led to the use of these materials with many challenges. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the viewpoints of Yazd dental graduates regarding the training of composite restorations in 2017.


    In this descriptive study, field information was distributed through a questionnaire among 202 graduates of Yazd Shahid Sadoughi Dental School that graduated in the last three years. The collected data were analyzed by SPSS 16 software using Kruskal–Wallis and Mann-Whitney exact tests.


    Out of 202 distributed questionnaires, 181 graduates answer to them and the mean score of awareness among the participants was 8.50 from the total score of 16. The mean score of attitude was 16.96 ± 4.51 from the total score of 30. The mean scores of knowledge and attitude among different groups based on the year of graduation, age and input quota was done. There was no statistically significant difference among the mentioned groups (P-value> 0.05). The main problem of the participants was isolation composite restorations (60%) and proper proximal contact (49%).


    The results of this study indicate that the newly graduated students are not satisfied with the quantity and quality of theoretical and practical training in the field of composite restorations. Also, in the field of practical problems during dentists' treatment, major problems were related to inappropriate proximal contacts, marginal edentulous fractures, and restored tooth sensitivity

    Keywords: Composite, Dental graduates, Training, Clinical trials}
  • Midhun G, Shivaraju H. Puttaiah *
    Technical advancement is urgently required for the degradation of micro-pollutants in municipal wastewater. The present study aimed to describe the preparation of a filter-bed Mn-TiO2/ZnO nanocomposite and degradation of micro-pollutants in real-time municipal wastewater obtained from Kesare wastewater treatment plant in Mysore district, India. Activated carbon and sand were used for the preparation of the filter bed, and activated carbon was prepared using agricultural wastes (coconut shells). Meanwhile, the visible light-responsive Mn-TiO2/ZnO composite was prepared using the mild sol-gel technique. The composites were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, and photocatalytic techniques. High crystallinity, considerable shift in the band gap energy, and adequate photocatalytic activity under the visible light range were observed. In addition, the filter bed coupled with the Mn-TiO2/ZnO nanocomposite functioned efficiently in the degradation of the common pollutants under LED irradiation as the driving source of energy.
    Keywords: Sol-Gel, Composite, Sewage, Filter bed, Photocatalysis, Adsorption}
  • محمد سلطانی، مردعلی یوسف پور*، زهرا طاهریان
    آسیب های استخوانی یکی از چالش های علم پزشکی محسوب می شوند که هر ساله هزینه زیادی را در دنیا برای درمان به خود اختصاص داده اند. فلوئورهیدروکسی آپاتیت در ارتقاء یکپارچه سازی استخوان و ایمپلنت های دندانی، افزایش تراکم استخوان و میزان کلسیم و تسریع بهبودی شکستگی های استخوانی نقش موثری را ایفا می کنند.
    مواد و روش ها
    در این تحقیق پودر فلوئورهیدروکسی آپاتیت و داربست های کامپوزیتی با درصدهای وزنی متفاوت (40، 50 و 60) از فلوئورهیدروکسی آپاتیت به ترتیب با استفاده از مکانیزم های هم رسوبی و خشک سازی انجمادی ساخته شدند. برای بررسی خواص میکروسکوپی داربست های کامپوزیتی از میکروسکوپ الکترونی روبشی استفاده شد. همچنین آزمون های XRD و FTIR برای ارزیابی خلوص نمونه های ساخته شده به کار گرفته شدند. علاوه بر این، به منظور ارزیابی خواص بیولوژیکی داربست های کامپوزیتی آزمون های MTT و ALP مورد استفاده قرار گرفتند و در نهایت استحکام داربست ها و میزان جذب آب در آن ها مورد مطالعه قرار گرفت. تجزیه تحلیل داده ها با استفاده از ANOVA یک طرفه انجام گرفت.
    یافته ها
    تحقیقات میکروسکوپی نشان دهنده یک میکروساختار متخلخل با قطر منافذ در محدوده 100-350 میکرومتر می باشند که برای رشد و تکثیر سلول های استئوبلاست قابل قبول است. علاوه بر این، نتایج حاصل از XRD و FTIRعدم وجود ناخالصی در نمونه ها را تایید کردند. همچنین عدم سمیت نمونه ها و فعالیت مناسب سلول های استخوانی با استفاده از آزمون سنجش سمیت زایی (بعد از 3 و 7 روز) و آلکالین فسفاتاز (بعد از 3، 7 و 14 روز) تایید شد، بطوریکه داربست با 60 درصد وزنی فلوئورهیدروکسی آپاتیت زیست سازگاری و فعالیت آلکالین فسفاتازی بیشتری را در مقایسه با دو داربست دیگر نشان داد. علاوه بر این، مدول یانگ و استحکام شکست به طور میانگین برای نمونه ها 40 و 7 مگا پاسکال بدست آمد که برای کاربرد در مهندسی بافت استخوان مناسب است.
    نتیجه گیری
    نتایج نشان دادند که بکارگیری فلوئور هیدروکسی آپاتیت در کنار ژلاتین نه تنها خواص بیولوژیکی بلکه خواص مکانیکی داربست را نیز بهبود می بخشد. علاوه بر این، نتایج بدست آمده قابلیت بالقوه استفاده از داربست های ساخته شده برای ترمیم بافت استخوان را تاکید می کنند.
    کلید واژگان: ژلاتین, فلوئورهیدروکسی آپاتیت, کامپوزیت, داربست استخوانی}
    Mohammad Soltani, Mardali Yousefpour *, Zahra Taherian
    Bone injuries are among the challenges of medical science that each year has high costs for treatment in the world. Fluorhydroxyapatite plays an important role in promoting the integration of bones and dental implants, increasing bone density and calcium levels, and accelerating the recovery of bone fractures.
    Materials and Methods
    In this study, fluorhydroxyapatite powder and composite scaffolds with different weight percentages (40, 50, and 60) of fluorhydroxyapatite were fabricated through co-precipitation and freeze drying mechanisms, respectively. In order to investigate the microscopic properties of composite scaffolds, scanning electron microscopy was used. Also, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy tests were used to evaluate the purity of the manufactured specimens. In addition, in order to evaluate the biological properties of composite scaffolds, MTT and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) tests were used, and finally, the strength of scaffolds and the rate of water absorption were studied. Data analysis was performed using one-way analysis of variance.
    Microscopic investigations indicated a porous microstructure with pore diameters within the range of 100-350 μm, which is acceptable for osteoblastic cells to grow and proliferate. Also, the results of FTIR and XRD confirmed the absence of impurities in the samples. In addition, the non-toxicity of the produced specimens and the proper functioning of the bone cells were confirmed through MTT assay (after 3 and 7 days) and ALP activity (after 3, 7, and 14 days), respectively. Accordingly, the scaffold with 60 wt% of fluorhydroxyapatite showed more biocompatibility and ALP activity than the other two scaffolds. Also, the average of Young's modulus and yield strength for the samples were 40 and 7 MPa, which are acceptable for use in bone tissue engineering.
    The results showed that the application of fluorhydroxyapatite with gelatin not only improves biological properties but also improves the mechanical properties of the scaffold. Additionally, the obtained results emphasized the potential use of prepared scaffolds to repair bone tissue.
    Keywords: Gelatin, Fluorhydroxyapatite, Composite, Bone scaffold}
  • حمید مظاهری، مائده قاسمی *

    زیبایی دندانی یکی از اجزای مهم تعیین کننده ی زیبایی صورتی است که نقش کلیدی در تقابلات اجتماعی انسان دارد. در این میان، ترتیب کلی دندان ها، به خصوص دندان های قدامی، از عوامل تاثیرگذار در ظاهر کلی دندان ها است. درمان های ساده ی ترمیمی در موارد ناهنجاری های محدود می توانند به عنوان جایگزین مناسب، سریع، ارزان قیمت و بی ضرر مورد توجه قرار گیرند. شرح مورد: این مقاله، چگونگی درمان در چند بیمار دارای کرودینگ دندان های قدامی بررسی گردید.

    کلید واژگان: کرودینگ, زیبایی, کامپوزیت, دندان های قدامی}
    Hamid Mazaheri, Maede Ghasemi

    Dental esthetic is one of the key components of facial esthetic, with a key role in human social interactions. In this regard, the overall alignment of teeth, especially the anterior teeth, is one of the factors affecting the overall appearance of the teeth. Simple restorative treatments in cases of minor anomalies can be considered as a suitable, fast, inexpensive and harmless alternative treatment.

    Case Presentation

    In this article, the treatment of several patients with crowding of anterior
    teeth is presented

    Keywords: Anterior teeth, Composite, Crowding, Esthetics}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
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