Validation and Evaluation of the Prayer “Wolat Amr”in of the Month of Rajab Preyers
The month of Rajab is one of the virtuous months in Islam in which fasting, asking for forgiveness and praying are highly recommended among the prayers included in this honorable month is the fifth prayer, which is recited as a common prayer every day of the month of Rajab, after the daily prayers of virtue. Since this prayer is cited and referenced by Islamic thinkers in philosophical and mystical discussions، and the issues raised in it have caused differences between jurists and theologians with philosophers and mystics, so it is necessary to conduct research on it. In this research, the library method is used to evaluate the document and analyze the content of this prayer. The reviews show that the validation of the prayer document indicates the existence of weakness in the chain of the document and the dating of the hadith indicates the establishment of the text of the prayer during the time of Sheikh Tusi in the book Mesbah Al-Muttahid. The analysis of the content of the prayer also depends on the type of view. Some consider prayer to contain the great themes of Islamic mysticism and monotheism of verbs, and a group prays for it because of the existence of phrases such as «there is no difference between you and her» with strange, blasphemous themes, and in the eyes of unbelievers the law and the ruling that prayer is false. In general, this research shows that according to the general rhythm of prayer and its alignment with other hadiths and supplications and Quranic and rational criteria, this prayer can be considered correct and valid.
Riḥlah or the Journey in Pursuit of Hadith: Causes and Effects on The Science of Hadith
Qasim Bostani *
Journal of Hadith doctrines, -
Reviewing and Criticizing the Repoets Indicating the Prohibition of the Writing of Hadith by the Caliphs
*, Nasre Baji
Hadith Studies,