Preventing financial crimes and illegal wealth of governmental officials
Abstract One of the big challenges of the present era is the Hnancial crimes of the governors and governmental officials. It is not a new issue but dates back to the beginning of the government. According to 47 article of constitution, legal ownership is respectful. Illegal ownership is not respected and lawmakers should avoid earning illegal wealth and monitor their wealth in order to prevent Tinancial crimes. When of hcoals wealth and properties are clear, currpotion will be prevented and people will trust the governors more. Accordingly to enhance public trust to the governmental officials and governors and increase administrative health executive bylaw for the rules investigating the governors wealth and properties in Islamic republic of Iran was passed on 23 .3.98. the research method used is experimental-descriptive method and library method was used.The method of the study was descriptive analytical and library method was used to collect literature and note taking also was used.