Evaluation of runoff production due to rainfall dust Source of Khuzestan province

Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)
Recently, Khuzestan province has been faced by dust storms with a higher mass concentrations and longer durations. Providing the water needed to irrigate the seedlings is one of the basic needs. The potential for runoff production at dust sources has been evaluated in the present paper. For this purpose, the volume and depth of runoff were determined based on the area's hydrologic soil group, vegetation cover and land use layers using the US Soil Conservation Organization (SCS-CN) method at the unit level of the studied areas.The results showed that most of the dust centers with an area of 643300 hectares are covered by barren lands with low vegetation and an area of 522,300 hectares is also included in the hydrological soil group C and D. The calculations derived from the amount of runoff generated in the dust center showed that in South East Dust Center of Ahvaz in the November to January quarter per hectare respectively 80, 120 and 95 cubic meters of water can be extracted. It is possible to produce runoff in the Omidieh-Hindijan dust center in December and January from about 60 to a maximum of 160 cubic meters per hectare, in Hoor Al-Azim-Khorramshahr dust center from 30 to about 80 cubic meters per hectare in the second half of the year and in the place of planting projects that the necessary arrangements must be made to manage the use of this possibility).
Iranian Journal of Forest and Range Protection Research, Volume:19 Issue: 1, 2021
1 to 18
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