The Evaluating of the Influence of Industrial Settelment of Shams Abad on the Development of Hasan Abad city
development of the industrial settlements with the aim of encouraging the industrial sector and with considering the politician related to population density and benetifical usage of natural resources and preventing of non-justified of industrial density in the cities and accompanying the industrial development with environment protection and control of industrial pollutants are internationally recognized.
The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the industrial settlements in the development of cities in different aspects. This research is an applied research regards to the goal aspect and is a description research regards to the method. In this research, we used Cronbach's alpha in spss for validity. This statistic was about 0.736 for economical, 0.731 for social , 0.792 for environmental, 0.750 for physical and 0.855 for management indices. The reliability of the research 's questions was reviewed using experts opinion.
the results from structure equation showed the two indices of "development of Employee" and "increasing migration" in social aspect, “decreasing agriculture “and “increasing air pollution” in environmental aspect, the “physical development of cities” and “improvement in low income residential situation” in physical aspects, and “creation new business” and “improvement of citizen’s income” in economical aspect, and "manager of cities a and dispersed urban management in the comprehensive plan" and "an influence of industrial cities in development of national plan in Hasan Abad" in management aspect, had the highest and lowest correlation respectively. The results of Chi-Square showed that there is a positive and significant correlation for all the aspect of management, physical, social and environmental in Hasan Abad and Shams Abad industrial settlements.
improvement and development of Shams Abad Industrial settlements can be effected in different aspects of economical, physical and management of Hassan Abad City and this needs coherent and integrated management capabilities.