The Possessed of Badyan Island as a Climactic Fantasy: A Fantasy Reading of a Novel by Badri Mashhadhi
Fantasy is a type of story that has been noticed in the literature of children and teenagers in recent years. The Possessed of Badyan Island is a teenage novel and a fantasy story written by Badri Mashhadhi. In the present research, this story has been analyzed in terms of the elements and structure of fantasy and climate literature by analytical-descriptive and library method. In this research, a new definition of the genre of fantasy has been presented under the title of climatic fantasy, and by examining the mentioned novel, it has been shown that the story of The Possessed of Badyan Island is a climatic fantasy. Also, by using the climatic fantasy genre, in addition to creating a gothic and scary story with a local atmosphere, the author not only satisfied the need for excitement of teenagers, but also directed the attention of teenagers from similar foreign to local and Iranian examples. It has also used the climate fantasy genre to familiarize the audience with the culture, history, customs, superstitions, etc. of a specific region. Therefore, this story can be considered an example of an Iranian climatic fantasy story.