فهرست مطالب

پژوهش های روان شناختی در مدیریت - سال دهم شماره 1 (پیاپی 18، بهار و تابستان 1403)

نشریه پژوهش های روان شناختی در مدیریت
سال دهم شماره 1 (پیاپی 18، بهار و تابستان 1403)

  • تاریخ انتشار: 1403/01/21
  • تعداد عناوین: 6
  • ابراهیم مزاری* صفحات 9-32

    پژوهش حاضر با هدف فراترکیب پژوهش های حکمرانی شناختی به منظور درک پیچیدگی حکمرانی به وسیله همگرایی آن با علوم اعصاب (مطالعات مغز)، شناختی (مطالعات ذهن) و روان‏شناسی (مطالعات روان) انجام شده است. برای این منظور، از رویکرد کیفی و روش سنتزپژوهی سندلوسکی و باروسو (2007) استفاده شده است. جامعه پژوهش اسناد علمی قابل دسترس در پایگاه های علمی داخلی و خارجی بوده است که از میان آن‏ها، 33 سند علمی به شیوه نمونه گیری هدف‏مند انتخاب و تحلیل شدند. برای تحلیل یافته ها، کدها از متن استخراج شدند و مقوله ها شکل گرفتند و در نهایت، الگوی نهایی تدوین شد. در پایان، برای بررسی اعتبار یافته های پژوهش از روش گروه کانونی استفاده شد که طی آن، یافته های پژوهش در گروه کانونی 5 نفره متخصصان حکمرانی و شناختی مطرح، تصحیح و تکمیل شدند. نتایج پژوهش، حاکی از شناسایی 12 مقوله برای حکمرانی شناختی از جمله رویکرد شناختی، حل مساله شناختی، خط مشی گذاری شناختی، تنظیم گری شناختی، آینده پژوهی شناختی، نظارت و ارزیابی شناختی، الگوسازی شناختی، خودحکمرانی شناختی، هوشمندی شناختی، شایستگی های شناختی و در نهایت حکمرانی بر علوم شناختی بوده است. می توان نتیجه گرفت علوم شناختی با شناسایی نقاط کور و همچنین ساده سازی و تجزیه و تحلیل موشکافانه به درک بهتر پیچیدگی حکمرانی کمک می‏ کند و پیشنهادهای شناختی مناسبی را برای حکمرانی ارائه می دهد.

    کلیدواژگان: حکمرانی، پیچیدگی حکمرانی، حکمرانی شناختی، علوم شناختی
  • وحید میرزایی*، علی اکبر عقیقی صفحات 33-67

    شناخت عوامل پیشگیری از بدبینی سازمانی همواره از دل مشغولی های مدیران سازمان ها بوده است. بر این اساس، پژوهش حاضر با هدف بررسی نقش میانجی سکوت کارکنان و شایعات منفی در محل کار در رابطه بین رهبری خودشیفته و بدبینی سازمانی انجام شد. این پژوهش از نظر هدف کاربردی، از نظر شیوه گردآوری داده ها میدانی، و از نظر روش اجرا توصیفی از نوع همبستگی است. جامعه آماری پژوهش کلیه پرسنل هتل های پنج ستاره مشهد است که 115 نفر به روش نمونه گیری تصادفی ساده انتخاب شدند. به منظور گردآوری داده های پژوهشی از پرسش‏نامه رهبری خودشیفته هاچوارتر و تامسون (2012)، پرسش‏نامه بدبینی سازمانی دین و همکاران (1994)، پرسش‏نامه سکوت کارکنان تانگیرالا و رامانوجام (2008) و پرسش‏نامه شایعات منفی در محل کار کو و همکاران (2012) استفاده شد. برای سنجش روایی از روایی صوری و برای سنجش پایایی از ضریب آلفای کرونباخ استفاده شد. تجزیه و تحلیل اطلاعات با روش معادلات ساختاری با رویکرد روش حداقل مربعات جزئی و نرم افزار Amos  انجام شد. نتایج پژوهش حاکی از تاثیر مثبت و معنادار رهبری خودشیفته بر بدبینی سازمانی است. از سویی، نتایج نشان داد بین رهبری خودشیفته با سکوت کارکنان و شایعات منفی در محل کار رابطه ‏ای مثبت و معنادار وجود دارد. در نهایت، میانجی گری سکوت کارکنان و شایعات منفی در محل کار در رابطه رهبری خودشیفته و بدبینی سازمانی تایید شد.

    کلیدواژگان: رهبری خودشیفته، بدبینی سازمانی، سکوت کارکنان، شایعات منفی در محل کار
  • حسین حمزوی*، محمد متقی نژاد، عبدالواسع خادمی، بهروز رضایی منش صفحات 69-91

    هدف این پژوهش، بررسی تاثیر مدیریت منابع انسانی دانش محور بر عملکرد پایدار کارکنان با نقش میانجی توانمندسازی روان‏شناختی منابع انسانی است. این پژوهش از نظر هدف، پژوهشی کاربردی است و از نظر گردآوری داده ها، پژوهشی با رویکرد توصیفی-پیمایشی است. جامعه آماری این پژوهش تمامی کارکنان شرکت های دانش بنیان استان بوشهر به تعداد 509 نفر و حجم نمونه آماری بر اساس فرمول تخمین نمونه کوکران 219 نفر از کارکنان است. به منظور جمع آوری داده ها و سنجش ارتباط میان متغیرهای پژوهش از ابزار پرسش نامه استفاده شد. همچنین، برای تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها از روش مدل سازی معادلات ساختاری و نرم افزارهای تحلیل آماری Spss22 و Lisrel استفاده شده است. نتایج این پژوهش نشان می دهد مدیریت منابع انسانی دانش محور بر عملکرد پایدار کارکنان و توانمندسازی روان‏شناختی منابع انسانی تاثیری معنادار دارد و توانمندسازی روان‏شناختی منابع انسانی بر عملکرد پایدار کارکنان تاثیری معنادار دارد و در نهایت، مدیریت منابع انسانی دانش محور بر عملکرد پایدار کارکنان با نقش میانجی توانمندسازی روان‏شناختی منابع انسانی تاثیری معنادار دارد.

    کلیدواژگان: مدیریت منابع انسانی، مدیریت منابع انسانی دانش محور، عملکرد پایدار کارکنان، توانمندسازی روان‏شناختی
  • راضیه آقابابایی* صفحات 93-115

    بازآفرینی شغلی مزایای زیادی را در سطح فردی و سازمانی نصیب سازمان می کند و بر اساس پژوهش‏ ها، عواملی متعدد مانند استقلال شغلی، سبک رهبری و رفتارهای رهبری می توانند به تحقق بازآفرینی شغلی کمک کنند. از این رو، هدف این پژوهش بررسی تاثیر راهبردهای خودرهبری در شکل گیری بازآفرینی شغلی با نقش میانجی رفتارهای توانمندساز رهبر و استقلال شغلی است. نوع پژوهش توصیفی - همبستگی و جامعه آماری شامل کارکنان دانشگاه کاشان به تعداد 445 نفر بود که با استفاده از جدول مورگان، 220 نفر از میان آن‏ها به عنوان نمونه انتخاب شدند. ابزار پژوهش چهار پرسش‏نامه راهبردهای خودرهبری، بازآفرینی شغلی، رفتارهای توانمندساز رهبر و استقلال شغلی بود. پایایی پرسش‏نامه ها از طریق آلفای کرونباخ برای راهبردهای خودرهبری 0/82، بازآفرینی شغلی 0/77، رفتارهای توانمندساز رهبر 0/88 و استقلال شغلی 0/78 برآورد شد. ضرایب مسیر نشان داد تاثیرات خودرهبری بر استقلال شغلی، بازآفرینی شغلی و رفتار توانمندساز رهبر مثبت و معنادار بود. همچنین، اثرات استقلال شغلی و رفتار توانمندساز رهبر بر بازآفرینی شغلی مثبت و معنادار بود و نقش میانجی رفتارهای توانمندساز رهبر و استقلال شغلی در تاثیر راهبردهای خودرهبری بر بازآفرینی شغلی تایید شد. نتایج بیانگر این است که موقعیت‏ های بازآفرینی شغلی باید در اختیار اعضای سازمان قرار گیرند و مسیری که می‏ تواند این فرایند را تسهیل کند، ایجاد زمینه برای خودرهبر کردن آن‏ها است؛ زیرا رهبران سازمانی در فرایند خودرهبر کردن افراد، با رفتارهای توانمندساز خود آن‏ها را توانمند و به آن‏ها استقلالی را اعطا می‏ کنند که با استفاده از آن می ‏توانند در طراحی شغل خود نقش داشته باشند.

    کلیدواژگان: راهبردهای خودرهبری، بازآفرینی شغلی، رفتارهای توانمندساز رهبر، استقلال شغلی
  • محسن عارف نژاد، علی شریعت نژاد، مینا حسینی، شقایق صالح آبادی* صفحات 117-141

    رهبری مربی گرا یکی از سبک های مطلوب و کاربردی رهبری است که اثرات و تبعاتی مثبت برای سازمان دارد. از این رو، پژوهش حاضر با هدف طراحی الگوی پیدایش رهبری مربی گرا در سازمان های دولتی انجام شده است. این پژوهش، آمیخته و در پارادایم قیاسی استقرایی و از نظر هدف، کاربردی و از نظر ماهیت و روش، توصیفی پیمایشی است. جامعه آماری پژوهش حاضر خبرگان مشتمل بر استادان دانشگاه در حوزه مدیریت رفتار سازمانی و مدیریت منابع انسانی و همچنین، مدیران ارشد سازمان های دولتی هستند که از میان آن‏ها، اعضای نمونه با استفاده از روش نمونه گیری گلوله ‏برفی و بر اساس اصل کفایت نظری انتخاب شدند. ابزار گردآوری اطلاعات در بخش کیفی، مصاحبه نیمه ‏ساختاریافته و در بخش کمی پرسش‏نامه است. برای تحلیل داده ها در بخش کیفی از روش تحلیل محتوا و کدگذاری با نرم ‏افزار اطلس تی استفاده شد. همچنین، به منظور تحلیل کمی از روش الگوسازی ساختاری تفسیری استفاده شد. نتایج پژوهش مشتمل بر طراحی الگوی پیدایش رهبری مربی گرا است. الگوی رهبری مربی ‏گرا در این پژوهش در چهار سطح اصلی و بر اساس فلسفه رهبری مربی گرا، بستر و زمینه شکل گیری رهبری مربی گرا، ابعاد رهبری مربی گرا و پیامدهای آن تدوین شده است.

    کلیدواژگان: رهبری، مربی گری، رهبری مربی گرا، سازمان های دولتی، الگوسازی ساختاری تفسیری
  • روح الله حسینی*، کاوه جان احمدی ‏، هادی غفاری صفحات 143-163

    بقا ‎‎و‎ ‎موفقیت سازمان های‎ ‎آینده‎ ‎ ‎به‎ ‎مزیت رقابتی آن‏ها وابسته است. یکی از عوامل ایجاد مزیت رقابتی‏ نیز توسعه‎ تاثیر رهبری دانش محور و مهارت های‎ ‎رهبری‎ ‎اثربخش‎ ‎در ‎ ‎سازمان ‏‎ ‎است.‏ هدف از انجام این پژوهش، بررسی تاثیر رهبری دانش محور بر مزیت ‏رقابتی پایدار با میانجی گری متغیر شایسته سالاری مدیریت ‏‏است. این پژوهش از نظر هدف، ‏کاربردی، از نظر نوع داده، کمی، از نظر نحوه جمع آوری داده ها، پیمایشی و از نظر زمان، مقطعی است. ‏جامعه آماری این مطالعه کارکنان اداره پست تهران شامل ‏‏3500 نفر است. حجم نمونه با استفاده از فرمول کوکران 346 نفر محاسبه شده است. در پژوهش حاضر از روش نمونه گیری تصادفی ‏طبقه ای و به منظور جمع آوری داده ها از پرسش نامه ‏استاندارد استفاده شده است.‏‎ ‎از ‏نرم افزار SPSS26 و PLS3 برای تحلیل داده ها استفاده شده است. یافته ها نشان ‏از تایید همه فرضیه ها و برازش مناسب مدل پژوهش دارد و ‏نتایج نشان می دهد رهبری دانش محور بر مزیت رقابتی و شایسته سالاری مدیریت تاثیری معنادار ‏دارد. همچنین، شایسته سالاری مدیریت بر مزیت رقابتی تاثیری معنادار ‏دارد.‏‎ در نهایت، رهبری دانش محور بر مزیت رقابتی پایدار ‏با میانجی گری متغیر شایسته سالاری تاثیری معنادار دارد. ‏اداره پست در عرصه رقابت، در صورتی مزیت خواهد داشت که بتواند از خدمات مدیران شایسته بهره گیرد. مدیران شایسته، نوعی رهبری دانش محور را در سازمان اجرا می کنند.

    کلیدواژگان: رهبری دانش محور، مزیت رقابتی پایدار، شایسته سالاری ‏مدیریت
  • Ebrahim Mazari * Pages 9-32

    The current research was conducted with the goal of meta-synthesis of cognitive governance research to understand the complexity of governance through its convergence with neuroscience (brain studies), cognitive (mind studies), and psychology (mind studies). The complexity of governance, on the one hand, and the new and deep understanding of neuroscience, cognitive science, and psychology, especially when humans are active in this complexity, on the other hand, can serve governance by intersecting and merging, which is called cognitive governance. Cognitive governance includes governance over cognition, governance using cognitive sciences, and governance over cognitive sciences, and it is trying, by highlighting the role of cognition, to address the complexities of governance that are caused by the existence of numerous factors and elements and many relationships between them.


    Metasynthesis helps to aggregate and analyze scattered research related to emerging concepts and provides an integrated view of it. For this purpose, the qualitative approach and synthesis research method of Sandelowski and Barroso (2007) have been used. The research community of scientific documents and documents (articles, theses, treatises, books, and work reports) has been available in domestic and foreign reliable scientific databases, from which 33 scientific documents were selected and analyzed by targeted sampling. To analyze the findings, codes were extracted from the text, and categories were formed, and finally, the final model was developed. In the end, to check the validity of the research findings, the focus group method was used, during which the research findings were presented, corrected, and completed in the focus group of 5 people of governance and cognitive experts.


    The findings of the current research indicate the identification of 12 categories for cognitive governance, including cognitive approach, cognitive problem-solving, cognitive policy-making, cognitive regulation, cognitive future research, cognitive monitoring and evaluation, cognitive modeling, cognitive self-governance, cognitive intelligence, cognitive competencies, and finally ruling cognitive sciences. The cognitive approach is the basis of cognitive governance, which solves cognitive issues in governance with the help of cognitive intelligence and cognitive modeling. The functions of cognitive policy-making, cognitive regulation, and cognitive decision-making, which form the main body of cognitive governance to operationalize it, are produced in response to issues and are continuously evaluated and cognitively monitored. Such a level of knowledge and action can visualize the future and use cognitive science for this purpose, so the future of cognitive research looking at the creation of the future with the help of cognitive science is proposed in this model. The highest level of governance, which is cognitive self-governance, makes a cognitive system based on deep, nested, and comprehensive cognitions that realize self-governance. Such entanglement of variables and factors is strengthened by the two arms of cognitive science governance, which is the result of the rapid growth of cognitive technologies, as well as cognitive competencies, which guarantee the efficiency and effectiveness of cognitive governance actors. The cognitive governance model is a set of components and relationships between them that were described.

    Discussion and conclusion

    It can be concluded that cognitive science helps to better understand the complexity of governance by identifying blind spots, as well as simplification and analysis, and provides appropriate cognitive solutions and suggestions for governance. On the one hand, cognitive governance makes it easier to understand and face the complexities of governance, and on the other hand, the increasing growth of cognitive technologies strengthens the possibility of making cognitive studies and strategies more objective in governance. Cognitive governance aims at the two dimensions of governance being popular and based on smart technologies, and it connects human cognition to machine cognition and emerging technologies. Such cognitive capacity is needed by the phenomenon, concept, and practice of governance.

    Keywords: Governance, complexity of governance, cognitive governance, cognitive sciences
  • Vahid Mirzaei *, AliAkbar Aghighi Pages 33-67

    Knowing the factors to prevent organizational cynicism in the workplace has always been one of the preoccupations of the organization's management. The purpose of this research is to investigate the mediating role of employees' silence and negative gossip in the workplace in the relationship between narcissistic leadership and organizational cynicism in the workplace. What is obtained through the study is carefully analyzed to address managers and employees to find better ways to deal with the state of work environments.


    This research in terms of purpose, is practical, in terms of the data collection method, it is of field type, and in terms of the implementation method, it is descriptive and correlational. The statistical population consisted of all the employees of the five-star hotels in Mashhad, numbering 165 people, of which 115 people were selected as a statistical sample using Cochran's formula by simple random method. The information needed in the theoretical part was collected through library studies and the data needed to test the research hypotheses was gathered through the distribution of the 4-question questionnaire of negative rumors related to the work of Ko et al. (2015), Tangirala and Ramanujam's (2008) employee silence questionnaire with 5 questions and Hachwarter and Thomson's (2012) narcissistic leadership questionnaire with 16 questions. To measure validity, face validity and confirmatory factor analysis were used, and Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to measure reliability. Cronbach's alpha of narcissistic leadership, behavioral cynicism, the silence of employees, and negative gossip in the workplace was calculated as 0.838, 0.836, 0.835, and 842 respectively. Data analysis was done by structural equation method with a partial least squares approach and Amos software.


    The path coefficient between narcissistic leadership and organizational pessimism is significant. Therefore, employee silence partially mediates the direct effect of narcissistic leadership on organizational cynicism. Therefore, the first hypothesis is confirmed. The path coefficient between narcissistic leadership and organizational pessimism is significant. Therefore, negative rumors partially mediate the positive and direct effect of narcissistic leadership on organizational cynicism. Therefore, the second hypothesis is confirmed. The path coefficient between the two variables of narcissistic leadership and organizational pessimism is significant. Therefore, there is a direct and positive relationship between narcissistic leadership and organizational pessimism, and the third hypothesis is confirmed. The path coefficient between narcissistic leadership and employee silence is significant. Therefore, there is a direct and positive relationship between narcissistic leadership and employees' silence, and the fourth hypothesis is confirmed. The path coefficient between narcissistic leadership and negative work-related gossip is significant. Therefore, there is a direct and positive relationship between narcissistic leadership and negative work-related rumors, and the fifth hypothesis is confirmed. The path coefficient between employee silence and organizational pessimism is significant. Therefore, there is a direct and positive relationship between employees' silence and organizational pessimism, and the sixth hypothesis is confirmed. The path coefficient between the variable of negative rumors related to work and organizational pessimism is significant. Therefore, there is a direct and positive relationship between negative work-related rumors and organizational pessimism, and the seventh hypothesis is confirmed.

    Discussion and Conclusion

    According to the first hypothesis, managers should avoid behaviors such as self-arrogance, exaggeration, lying, immorality, and prejudice that cause employee frustration and should pay attention to improving the performance of their subordinates. According to the second hypothesis, if managers do not abandon the narcissistic style, employees respond to their managers with jealous and harmful behaviors and use silence as a compromise strategy to prevent further abuse. According to the third hypothesis, by avoiding narcissistic leadership, managers can prevent negative work-related rumors and psychological disorders that arise from incompatibility between employees and the organization. According to the fourth hypothesis, to prevent organizational pessimism and increase employee participation, leaders should allow employees to express their opinions about organizational issues and avoid repressive behaviors. According to the fifth hypothesis, managers can make the employees think of each other and their interaction with the organization, prevent the occurrence of pessimism, and increase the productivity of the employees. According to the sixth hypothesis, managers should avoid arrogance, hand-holding, over-sensitivity, and thinking about their benefit, to avoid the silence of employees, which leads to undesirable consequences. According to the seventh hypothesis, managers can avoid creating tension at work with rational behavior and empathy with employees in the work environment, and by conducting positive evaluation conversations, they can avoid creating rumors in the workplace caused by a negative atmosphere and a poor work environment in the organization.

    Keywords: narcissistic leadership, Organizational Cynicism, employee silence, Negative gossip at work
  • Hossein Hamzavi *, Mohammad Motaqinejad, Abdulwase Khademi, Behrouz Rezaeimanesh Pages 69-91

    Emphasizing a working system with stable performance in a dynamic and competitive economy is vital to increasing the performance of knowledge-based companies. Therefore, the need to achieve sustainable performance has caused these companies to resort to several factors to find a solution to eliminate the negative social and environmental effects on their activities. One of these factors is the participation and stable performance of employees in promoting and improving the company's sustainable performance. The stable performance of employees is an ideal state, in the performance of an organizational role, which describes the ability of a person to perform activities that develop the organization's main capabilities to achieve a desirable state, and its difference is the performance in long-term received results. The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of knowledge-based human resources management on the sustainable performance of employees with the mediating role of psychological empowerment of human resources.


    The current research is applied research in terms of its purpose, and in terms of data collection, it is research with a descriptive-survey approach. The statistical population of this research includes all employees of knowledge-based companies in Bushehr province, numbering 509 people, and the statistical sample size based on Cochran's sample estimation formula is 219 employees. To collect data and measure the relationship between research variables, a questionnaire was used. Questionnaire criteria to measure the variable of knowledge-based human resource management from Kianto et al. (2017) with four dimensions (recruitment and selection, training and development, performance evaluation and service reward), the variable of psychological empowerment of human resources from Spreitzer and Mishra adapted from Timuranjad and Sorihi Esfastani (2010) with five dimensions (competence, autonomy, influence, meaningfulness, and trust), and the variable of sustainable employee performance was from Zaid et al. (2018) with three dimensions (economic performance, social performance, and environmental performance) were extracted. Also, to analyze the data, the structural equation modeling method was used and SPSS22 and Lisrel statistical analysis software were used.


    The results of this research showed that knowledge-based human resource management has a significant effect on the stable performance of employees and the psychological empowerment of human resources. Also, the psychological empowerment of human resources has a significant effect on the sustainable performance of employees. Finally, knowledge-based human resources management has a significant effect on the stable performance of employees with the mediating role of psychological empowerment of human resources.

    Discussion and Conclusion

    Considering the close relationship between knowledge-based human resource management and the stable performance of employees, psychological empowerment can help to improve performance and promote the sustainability of the organization and employees. Therefore, the components of psychological empowerment, i.e., competence, autonomy, influence, meaningfulness, and trust, by strengthening the components of knowledge-based human resource management, i.e., recruitment and selection, training and development, performance evaluation, and service reward, affect various aspects of the sustainable performance of employees.

    Keywords: human resource management, Knowledge-Based Human Resource Management, sustainable employee performance, Psychological Empowerment
  • Razieh Aghababaei * Pages 93-115

    According to the new findings of organizational behavior in the area of job redesign, job crafting positions should be provided to the members of the organization; Because job crafting brings many benefits to the organization at the individual and organizational level, and according to research, several factors such as job independence, leadership style, and leadership behaviors can help to realize job crafting. In this regard, Liu et al (2023) investigated how self-leadership promotes job crafting, and the results showed that self-leadership, directly and indirectly, promotes job crafting. Kula (2022) investigated the relationship between mental peace, self-leadership, job autonomy, and person-job fit, and the results indicated a positive relationship between self-leadership and job autonomy. Taboli et al. (2023) designed a model to predict job crafting and the results showed that factors such as job independence and leadership styles can be considered as precursors of job crafting. Based on this, the present study aimed to investigate the effect of self-leadership strategies on the formation of job crafting with the mediating role of a leader's empowering behaviors and job independence.


    The type of research is descriptive-correlation and the statistical population included 445 employees of Kashan University that through Morgan's table, 220 people were selected as a sample. The research tool was four questionnaires of self-leadership strategies, job crafting, leader's empowering behaviors & job independence. The validity of the questionnaires was checked in the form of content, construction, convergent, and divergent. The reliability of the questionnaires was estimated through Cronbach's alpha for self-leadership strategies at 0.82, job crafting at 0.77, empowering leader behaviors at 0.88, and job independence at 0.78. Data analysis was done at the descriptive and inferential level using SPSS version 26 and Smart PLS statistical software.


    Findings showed the mean variable of self-leadership (3.94), job crafting (3.27), job independence (3.53), and empowering leadership behavior (3.36). The path coefficients showed that the effects of self-leadership on job independence, job crafting, and empowering behavior of the leader were positive and significant. Also, the effects of job independence and empowering leader behavior on job crafting were positive and significant, and the mediating role of leader empowerment behaviors and job independence in the effect of self-leadership strategies on job crafting was confirmed.

    Discussion and Conclusion

    The results showed job crafting positions should be available to the members of the organization, and the path that can facilitate this process is to create a context for their self-leadership; Because organizational leaders in the process of self-leadership of people, empower them with their empowering behaviors and grant them independence so that they can play a role in designing their jobs. Considering the effect that self-leadership has on job crafting, the behavior of organizational managers should be directed towards the direction of paying attention to the development of people and investing self-leadership skills in them. In this regard, organizational training should be provided to people to know themselves better, to know and believe in their capacities, to set goals for themselves, and to control and evaluate themselves to achieve them. Considering the role of empowerment and job independence in the relationship between self-leadership and career crafting, the organization and its managers should provide behaviors to empower the workforce, trust them, and provide them with the opportunity to grow and progress. When the workforce understands the empowering behavior of the leader and the organizational support provided, more internal motivation will be formed in them and they will be psychologically empowered. This context helps them to distance themselves from the many work pressures that can exist in the organization's environment and focus their attention on their duties and shaping them more effectively.

    Keywords: Self-leadership Strategies, Job Crafting, Empowering Leader Behaviors, Job Independence
  • Mohsen Arefnejad, Ali Shariatnejad, Mina Hoseini, Shaghayegh Salehabadi * Pages 117-141

    Coaching leadership is one of the desirable and practical styles of leadership that has positive effects and consequences for the organization. Managers and leaders who manage and lead their organization with this style, bring about transformations and efficient individual, group, and organizational outcomes. In the coaching leadership style, there is a kind of commitment to the growth and development of people in the organization. This commitment is in line with the goals of coaching, which is the actualization of employees' abilities, talents, and potential capacities. Also, coaching leaders should develop strong competencies and skills in themselves and have faith and belief in their abilities to perform the task of coaching desirably. This leadership style also creates positive relationships between managers and employees and increases cooperation and coordination in the organization. Therefore, paying attention to the coaching leadership style in government organizations can facilitate the improvement of the performance and effectiveness of these organizations and help the government to provide the best services to the people. Based on this, the current research was conducted to design a model for the emergence of coaching leadership in government organizations with the interpretive structural modeling method.


    This research was conducted based on mixed research and qualitatively and quantitatively in the comparative inductive paradigm. This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive survey in terms of nature and method. The statistical population of the current research is experts including university professors in the field of organizational behavior management and human resource management, as well as senior managers of government organizations, whose sample members were selected using the snowball sampling method and based on the principle of theoretical adequacy. The data collection tool in the qualitative part is a semi-structured interview, whose validity and reliability were tested by content analysis and theoretical validity and intra-rater and inter-rater reliability. Also, the data collection tool is in the quantitative part of the questionnaire, the validity and reliability of which were measured by the method of content validity and retest reliability. In this research, content analysis and coding with Atlas software were used to analyze the data in the qualitative part. Also, for quantitative analysis, the interpretative structural modeling method was used.


    The findings of this research include the factors influencing the formation of the phenomenon of coaching leadership and the presentation of its model. In the qualitative part of this research, through interviews with the experts of the desired data, the effective factors on coaching leadership have been identified. Regarding the method of coding and extraction of qualitative data, it should be mentioned that according to the nature of the questions and the way the experts answered, the words and phrases they mentioned were components related to coaching leadership. Then, in the quantitative part, by designing a questionnaire whose rows and columns were the effective factors in coaching leadership, the experts were asked to answer the questionnaires using the interpretive structural modeling method. Finally, by analyzing the data, the components' leveling and designing the model was done.


    In the theories of management, managers find a more essential role every day than in the past. Also, from the organizational point of view, leaders are the most key and effective people whose proper and positive performance can make the employees and the organization successful. One of the new models of effective leadership in today's organizations is the coaching leadership model, which creates a supportive image of the leader in the mindset and attitude of employees, motivates human resources, and also organizational commitment. It is a positive development in the direction of improving the performance of employees and also increasing the productivity of the organization. The results of the research include the design of the emergence model of coaching leadership. In this research, the coaching leadership model has been formulated in four main levels based on the coaching leadership philosophy, the background, and context of coaching leadership formation, the dimensions of coaching leadership, and its consequences.

    Keywords: Leadership, Coaching, coaching leadership, Government Organizations, Interpretive Structural Modeling
  • Roohollah Hosseini *, Kaveh Jan Ahmadi, Hadi Ghaffari Pages 143-163

    Nowadays, the implementation of knowledge-based leadership as one of the components of management competencies is considered essential for the success of companies and institutions, which has attracted the attention of researchers all over the world. Knowledge-oriented leadership leads to the discovery of new knowledge, change, and improvement of methods and development of processes, and in this way creates competitive advantages in the organization. Competitive advantage is the superiority of the company compared to its competitors. Sustainable competitive advantage will create sustainable and superior capabilities for the organization which cannot be imitated by other competitors, cannot be discovered, and cannot be replaced. Competence is a combination of knowledge capacity, experience and skill, ability, and the way leaders behave constructively and effectively in management. The review of internal and external studies showed that Knowledge-based leadership is a new leadership style that has been less studied so far. The survival and success of future organizations depend on their competitive advantage. One of the factors in creating a competitive advantage is the development of the effect of knowledge-based leadership and effective leadership skills in the organization that is based on stable competitive advantage with variable mediation of management meritocracy (Tehran Post Office).


    This research in terms of purpose is applied type, in terms of data is quantitative, in terms of the method of data collection is survey type, and in terms of time is cross-sectional. The statistical population of this study includes 3500 employees of the Tehran Post Office. The sample size was calculated using Cochran's formula of 346 people. In the current study, the sampling method is stratified random. To collect data, a standard questionnaire was used. The validity of the questionnaire was obtained by experts and management experts and its reliability using Cronbach's alpha for all variables was more than 0.7. SPSS software and PLS software were used for data analysis.


    The findings indicate the confirmation of all hypotheses and the appropriate fit of the research model, and the results showed that knowledge-based leadership has a significant effect on sustainable competitive advantage with the mediation of the meritocracy variable. Knowledge-based leadership has a significant impact on competitive advantage. Knowledge-based leadership has a significant impact on meritocratic management. Management meritocracy has a significant impact on competitive advantage.

    Discussion and Conclusion

    In the field of competition, the post office will have an advantage if they can benefit from the services of competent managers. Competent managers implement a kind of knowledge-based leadership in the organization. Therefore, the Tehran Post Administration must have a knowledge-oriented leadership to have a competitive advantage and provide the basis for its strengthening. Knowledge-oriented leaders encourage employees to be more assertive in their opinions and to be more comfortable in sharing new ideas. As a result, they bring the organization to a competitive level. Therefore, according to the said content, it is concluded that knowledge-based leadership has a significant effect on sustainable competitive advantage with the mediation of the meritocracy variable. The results of this hypothesis are in line with the studies of Jafari and Alipour (2016), Tadberi and Rozitalab (2015), Banmairuroy et al. (2022), and Jasamuddin and Naqshbandi (2018). Based on the main hypothesis, as knowledge and information are necessary for competence, it is suggested to the managers and leaders of the Tehran Post Office, that they should design their management approach to promote knowledge and information and to share and disseminate it in the entire collection, and to improve and maintain a sustainable competitive advantage in the field of competition through meritocracy and promoting their competence and their subsets and their motivation.

    Keywords: knowledge-based leadership, sustainable competitive advantage, ‎Management meritocracy