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فهرست مطالب نویسنده:

مهران مقصودی

  • خبات امانی، سید موسی حسینی*، مجتبی یمانی، مهران مقصودی

    رودخانه ها سیستم های دینامیک ژئومورفولوژیک هستند که دائما در حال تغییر و تحول می باشند. این تغییر و تحولات بسته به شرایط توپوگرافیک، ژئومورفولوژیک، هیدرولوژیک و هیدرولیک متفاوت است. پژوهش حاضر با هدف کمی سازی تغییرات ژئومورفولوژیک رودخانه در سه بازه تقریبا 25 کیلومتری در طول رودخانه سفیدرود در استان های کردستان - بازه یساول؛ زنجان - بازه گیلوان و مازندران - بازه آستانه بررسی و ارتباط آن ها با شدت سیلاب انجام شده است. شدت سیلاب از ترکیب عمق و سرعت سیلاب با دوره بازگشت 25 ساله با مدلسازی هیدرولیکی به وسیله نرم افزار HEC RAS در بازه های مورد مطالعه بدست آمد. چهار شاخص شریانی کانال (B)، سینوسیته کانال (P)، نرخ جابجایی جانبی(RM) و پایداری کانال رودخانه(S) در بازه های مورد مطالعه بدست آمدند.  نتایج حاصل موید آن است که شاخص شریانی بازه یساول به دلیل دخالت های کم تر انسان و وجود پشته های رسوبی و جریانات چند شاخه بیشتر از دو بازه دیگر است. شاخص سینوسیته بازه آستانه به دلیل مورفولوژی جلگه ای کناره ها بالاتر بود و میزان جابجایی جانبی این بازه نیز تحت تاثیر همان عامل بیشتر بود. دوبازه گیلوان و یساول به دلیل محدود بودن کناره ها پایداری بیش تر و سینوسیته و جابجایی جانبی کم تری داشتند. نتایج بررسی ارتباط شاخص های ژئوموفولوژیک رودخانه با شدت سیلاب با دوره بازگشت های میان مدت نشان داد که برخلاف انتظار، در نواحی با شدت سیلاب بیشتر تغییرات کانال رودخانه کمتر است. که دلایل عمده آن را می توان با تاثیرگذاری هندسه مقطع کانال و شیب طولی کانال رودخانه مرتبط دانست. چرا که از نظر مورفولوژیک در نواحی عمیق کانال رودخانه، امکان جابجایی کم تر است لذا رودخانه پایدارتر می باشد. همچنین در شیب های تند جریان رودخانه اعم از پایه و سیلابی سرعت و در نتیجه شدت بیشتری دارد و کانال را بیشتر حفر می کند. کانال عمیق تر قاعدتا توانایی عبور سیلاب های با دوره بازگشت کم تر را دارد و امکان سرریز شدن آب به اراضی مجاور و ایجاد مسیرهای جدید کاهش می یابد.

    کلید واژگان: ژئومورفولوژی کمی, شدت سیلاب, رودخانه سفیدرود, مدلسازی هیدرولیکی
    Khabat Amani, Seiyed Mossa Hosseini*, Mojtaba Yamani, Mehran Maghsoudi

    Rivers are dynamic geomorphological systems that continuously change due to various influencing parameters. Morphological changes in the river channel primarily involve adjustments in channel width, depth, slope, and river planform. The extent of lateral migration of the river channel depends on factors such as bank resistance to erosion, the duration and magnitude of flow, the curvature radius of the channel, and the flow capacity to transport sediments. Quantifying geomorphological changes in rivers with an emphasis on flood hydraulics requires detailed analysis and complex modeling of the dynamic interactions between water flow, sediment deposition, and riverbed alterations. Flood severity, characterized by high discharge, significant flow depth, and extreme flow velocities, can have substantial impacts on riverbed structures, including changes in depth, width, channel meanders, as well as sediment transport and deposition. The Sefidroud River is one of the largest rivers in Iran, directly and indirectly affecting the lives of a significant population. Throughout history, there has been a strong inclination to settle near this river, with numerous urban and rural settlements located along its course. The occurrence of frequent floods in the past and the river's tendency to alter its channel, especially in the lowland regions, make the delineation of floodplains and prediction of future river behavior essential aspects of this research. Therefore, identifying and quantifying the geomorphological changes of the Sefidroud River and investigating the relationship between these changes and flood severity during mid-term return periods are key objectives of this study.

     Results  :

    In the present study, four indices were calculated and used to quantify the river's morphological changes: channel braiding index (B), channel sinuosity index (P), lateral migration rate, and channel stability. The study reaches showed minimal variation in terms of the braiding index, with the Yasaval reach having the highest value, which is 0.07 higher than the Astaneh reach, which had the lowest value. The lower braiding indices of the Gilvan and Astaneh reaches, compared to Yasaval, can be attributed to the higher severity of human activities in the riverbed and the presence of the Sefidroud Dam upstream of the Astaneh branch. Regarding the channel sinuosity index (P), there is an inverse relationship between flow severity and shear stress with the sinuosity index. Reaches with lower flow severity and reduced shear stress tend to have higher sinuosity. Concerning the lateral migration rate, the results showed that this index is strongly influenced by the morphology and topography of the riverbanks. In the Yasaval and Gilvan reaches, which flow through mountainous regions, the lateral migration rate is lower (1.3 and 1.93, respectively) due to the rougher and more restrictive topography. The equations related to channel stability and migration rate indicate an inverse relationship: as the channel's migration increases, its stability decreases, and vice versa. Flood severity, which is the product of flow velocity and depth, can lead to significant changes in the river channel, meanders, and sediment distribution. The results indicate that, contrary to expectations, in areas with higher flood severity during a 25-year return period, river channel changes are less pronounced. This phenomenon is related to factors such as channel depth and longitudinal slope. Deeper channels, where flood severity is greater, exhibit higher stability and therefore experience fewer changes. In contrast, wider and shallower sections of the river, with slower flow, tend to undergo more substantial alterations.

     Discussion and Conclusion  :

    Numerous studies have been conducted on river morphology changes across various regions worldwide, employing a wide range of methods. In this study, several of these methods were used to quantify and examine the geomorphological changes in the selected study reaches. However, a key aspect of this research is the relationship between flood severity and geomorphological changes in rivers. Most studies in this field have focused on the impact of one or several extreme flood events on river channel changes, typically employing a before-and-after comparative approach. However, this research utilizes hydraulic modeling, based on validated 1:1000 maps and hydrometric data, to comprehensively examine the overall effect of flood severity on river morphology and channel changes. The results were then compared with geomorphological change maps, providing a broader perspective on the relationship between flood dynamics and river morphology.The results indicate that the braiding index of the Yasaval stretch is higher than the other two due to lower human interference and the presence of sediment bars and multi-threaded flows. The sinuosity index in the Astaneh stretch was higher due to the floodplain morphology of the riverbanks, which also contributed to a higher lateral migration rate. In contrast, the Gilvan and Yasaval stretches, with their more confined banks, showed greater stability and lower sinuosity and lateral migration rates.The study also examined the relationship between the geomorphological indices of the river and flood severity during mid-term return periods. Contrary to expectations, in areas with higher flood severity, channel changes were less pronounced. This can be attributed to the influence of channel geometry and longitudinal slope. In deeper sections of the river, morphological changes are less likely, resulting in greater stability. Additionally, in steeper slopes, both base flow and flood flows exhibit higher velocities, leading to greater channel incision. Deeper channels are more capable of handling floods with shorter return periods, reducing the likelihood of overflow and the formation of new channels.

    Keywords: Quantitative Geomorphology, Flood Severity, Sefidroud River, Hydraulic Modeling
  • مهران مقصودی*، ابوالفضل قوجه زاده هلانی، آرین الله ویسی، زینب براتی

    پراکندگی ریگ زارها در کشور از دیدگاه فرسایش بادی، دارای اهمیت زیادی است و تاکنون آمارهای مختلفی از مساحت و پراکندگی این اشکال در کشور ارائه شده است. علی رغم این که آذربایجان شرقی جزء مناطق خشک محسوب نمی شود؛ اما عوارض ژئومورفولوژی مناطق خشک و بیابانی در منطقه دیده می شود که تا به حال مطالعات کمتری بر روی ریگ زارهای منطقه انجام گرفته است. یکی از این ریگ ها، ریگ مقصودلو در شرق و دیگری ریگ قوم تپه در غرب استان واقع شده است. هدف از این تحقیق مشاهده و پایش میزان و جهت حرکت تپه های ماسه ای و میزان تخریب زمین های اطراف آن به صورت سالانه است.

    مواد و روش

    برای این منظور آمار و داده های هواشناسی 19 ایستگاه سینوپتیک استان به منظور تعیین باد غالب و منشا رسوبات باد و همچنین تعیین پتانسیل حمل ماسه (DP)، برآیند پتانسیل حمل حاصله (RDP) و برآیند جهت حمل ماسه (RDD) ناشی از هر ریگ به دست آمد.

    یافته ها

    نتایج حاصل از تحقیق نشان داد که میزان جابه جایی برای ریگ مقصودلو سالانه 7/31 متر تخمین زده شد و میزان حرکت تپه های ماسه در ریگ قوم تپه به دلیل ضعف مدیریتی در حفظ ماسه های منطقه قابل پیش بینی نبود. بر اساس این تحقیق میزان فرسایش و تغییر مساحت در ریگ قوم تپه در مقایسه با ریگ مقصودلو از روند بیشتری برخوردار بوده و به فاصله 37 سال 72/41 درصد برای قوم تپه و 26/95درصد برای ریگ مقصودلو برآورد شد.

    نتیجه گیری

    منشا ماسه های بادی منطقه با توجه به جهت باد غالب که عمدتا شمالی است، همچنین وجود رسوبات ریزدانه در انتهای مخروط افکنه های منطقه و محل پخش سیلاب های صفحه ای می توان گفت که قسمت اعظم ماسه های منطقه از محل گسترش سیلاب های صفحه ای و انتهای مخروط افکنه ها که رسوبات ریزدانه را فراهم می آورند، تامین می شود.نوآوری: در این تحقیق، تجزیه و تحلیل پتانسیل حمل ماسه و مسیرهای آن ها به ما کمک می کند تا شکل گیری تپه ها را در مکان های دیگر تفسیر کنیم.

    کلید واژگان: باد, پتانسیل رانش, تپه های ماسه ای, قوم تپه, مقصودلو
    Mehran Maghsoudi *, Abolfazl Ghojehzadeh Halani, Ariyan Allahveisi, Zeynab Barati

     Sand dunes are one of the most important landforms created by wind deposition. They are wide, flat desert areas with wind-swept sand and little or no vegetation.

     Material & Method

     For this purpose, the statistics and meteorological data of 19 synoptic stations of the province were used to determine the prevailing wind and the origin of wind deposits, as well as the drift potential (DP), the resulting drift potential (RDP), and the resulting drift direction (RDD) caused by the sand from each sand obtained.


     According to the study, the rate of erosion and change in area in the erg of Qomtape was higher than in the erg of Maghsudlu, and the distance of 37 years was estimated at 72.41 percent for the erg of Qomtape and 26.95 percent for the erg of Maghsudlu. The potential/direction of sand Drift also showed that the origin of the sands of  Maghsudlu reg is from the side of Mount Sahand, and the origin of the sands of the reg of Qomtape is from the side of Lake Urmia.


     The origin of the region's wind Sands due to the prevailing wind direction, which is predominantly northern, can also be expressed as the presence of fine sediment at the end of the region's cone deposits and the place where plate floods spread. The place where plate floods spread supplies most of the area's sands, and the end of the fine sediment deposits provide the fine sediment.Innovation:  In this research, an analysis of the sand drift potential and its paths helps us interpret the formation of the ridges elsewhere.

    Keywords: Wind, Drift Potential, Sand Dunes, Qom Tepe, Maqsoodlu
  • معصومه هداوند، مهران مقصودی*
    فعالیت آفرود در محیط های مختلف، به ویژه مناطق خشک و محیط های بیابانی جهان به طور قابل ملاحظه ای افزایش یافته است که می تواند، آثار منفی بر روی اکوسیستم و سطوح مختلف لند فرم های مناطق بیابانی داشته باشد. این مطالعه مبتنی بر شیوه کیفی، توصیفی-تحلیلی و کمی می باشد که به بررسی و پایش پاکوب شدن سطوح لند فرمی مناطق بیابانی پرداخته و تاکید آن بر ضرورت حفاظت از بیابان لوت به عنوان یک میراث طبیعی و فرهنگی منحصربه فرد در مقابل عوامل آنتروپوژنیک می باشد. این پژوهش در دو سطح انجام شده که در سطح اول اثرات آفرود در سال های مختلف موردبررسی و پایش قرار گرفت و در سطح دو، باد منطقه و ارتباط آن بر ماندگاری اثرات آفرود بر لند فرم های بیابانی تجزیه وتحلیل شد. این مطالعه در منطقه شمال غربی کلوت های شهداد تا رود شور در فاصله سه هزار متری از جاده شهداد-نهبندان صورت گرفت. ابتدا آثار آفرود در تصاویر ماهواره ای رقومی شده و سپس تراکم آثار آفرود در فواصل معینی به دست آمده و در دو طرف جاده نیز با یکدیگر مقایسه شد و طی سال های مختلف نیز این آثار رقومی شده موردبررسی و پایش قرار گرفت. بر اساس نتایج به دست آمده مشخص شد تراکم اثرات آفرود روند افزایشی داشته و نشان می دهد در سال های اخیر آفرودسواری در بیابان لوت بیشتر موردتوجه گردشگران قرارگرفته است. در فاصله سه هزار متری از جاده تراکم اثرات آفرود حدود %14. و در فاصله دوهزارمتری %6. و در فاصله سه هزار متری %01. به دست آمده که نشان می دهد بین فاصله از جاده و تراکم آفرود ارتباط مستقیم وجود دارد.
    کلید واژگان: بیابان لوت, ژئوکانسرویشن, آفرود, گردشگری, پاکوب شدن
    Masoomeh Hadavand, Mehran Maghsoudi *
    Off-road activity has increased significantly in different environments, especially arid regions and desert environments of the world, which can have negative effects on the ecosystem and different levels of desert landforms. This study is based on a qualitative, descriptive-analytical and quantitative method that examines and monitors the trampling of landforms in desert areas and emphasises the need to protect the Lut Desert as a unique natural and cultural heritage against anthropogenic factors. This study was conducted at two levels. In the first level, the effects of off-road were studied and monitored in different years, and in the second level, the region wind and its relationship to the persistence of off-road effects on the land of desert forms were analyzed. This study was conducted in the northwestern region of Shahdad clots to Shoor river at a distance of three thousand meters from Shahdad-Nehbandan road. First, Aphrodite works were obtained in digital satellite images and then the density of Aphrodite works was obtained at certain intervals and compared on both sides of the road. During different years, these digitized works were examined and monitored. Based on the obtained results, it was found that the density of off-road effects has an increasing trend and shows that in recent years, off-road riding in the Lut desert has attracted more tourists. At a distance of three thousand meters from the road, the density of off-road effects is about 14%. And at a distance of two thousand meters 6%. And at a distance of three thousand meters 01%. The result shows that there is a direct relationship between the distance from the road and the off-road density.
    Keywords: Lut Desert, Geoconservation, Off-Road, Geoturism, Trampling
  • محمد فتح الله زاده*، مجتبی یمانی، ابوالقاسم گورابی، مهران مقصودی، مهرنوش قدیمی

    مورفوتکتونیک، دانش کاربرد اصول ژئومورفیک در حل مسائل تکتونیکی است. رقابت مداوم بین فرآیندهای تکتونیکی که تمایل به ایجاد توپوگرافی دارند و فرآیندهای سطحی که تمایل به فرسایش و متلاشی کردن آنها دارند، اساس علم مورفوتکتونیک است. جلگه های ساحلی به دلیل عملکرد همزمان فعالیت های تکتونیکی بر دو محیط خشکی_آبی، دارای لندفرم ها و چشم اندازهای نوزمین ساختی قابل تمایزی هستند. مناطق ساحلی شمال ایران به دلیل تراکم بالای جمعیت و قابلیت رشد و توسعه اقتصادی و کشاورزی، از اهمیت بسیاری برخوردار است. یکی از روش های شناسایی و اندازه گیری تغییرات زمین استفاده از دورسنجی راداری است. اصول این تکنیک برای اولین بار توسط گراهام در سال 1974 بیان شد. در این پژوهش نوار ساحل شرقی دریای خزر از گمیشان تا جویبار از نظر فعالیت های تکتونیکی با استفاده از تکنیک های دورسنجی راداری در بازه زمانی 2014 تا 2021 مورد پایش قرار گرفت. اگرچه بازه زمانی انتخابی در مقیاس زمانی زمین شناسی کوچک محسوب می شود، اما شدت عملکرد فرایندهای تکتونیک در منطقه امکان تمایز مناطق فعال ساحلی را مشخص می کند. نتایج بدست آمده از تداخل سنجی راداری بیانگر آن است که بخش شرقی ساحل خزر بیشتر تحت تاثیر بالاآمدگی بوده و این روند تا خلیج گرگان ادامه دارد بطوری که محدوده شهر گرگان نرخ بالا آمدگی 20 تا 40 میلی متر در سال را تجربه کرده است. روند تغییرشکل به سمت ناحیه ساحلی معکوس شده و فرونشستی معادل 10 تا 52 میلی متر در سال را داشته است. با نزدیک شدن به کرانه خزر این نرخ کمتر شده و به 10 میلی متر در سال می رسد. با توجه به اینکه در نوار ساحلی خزر آب های سطحی فراوان بوده و بهره برداری از آب زیرزمینی در این مناطق بسیار اندک است، از این رو  با اطمینان بالایی می توان عامل رخداد بالاآمدگی و فروافتادگی (گمیشان) در این مناطق را به سازوکار تکتونیک و فعالیت گسل های فعال منطقه نسبت داد.

    کلید واژگان: مورفوتکتونیک, ساحل, جلگه خزر, تداخل سنجی راداری, ژئودینامیک
    Mohamad Fathollahzadeh *, Mojtaba Yamani, Abolghasem Goorabi, Mehran Maghsoudi, Mernoosh Ghadimi

    The landforms created by tectonic processes are studied by morphotectonics, in other words, morphotectonics is the science of applying geomorphic principles in solving tectonic problems. Quantitative landscape measurements are usually based on the calculation of geomorphic indices, using topographic maps, satellite images aerial photographs, and field visits. Coastal deltas are part of landforms and landscapes that, due to the proximity of two environments, land, and water, leave visible effects against tectonic activities, such as changing the pattern and location of deltas due to the change in the course of coastal rivers, the formation of unbalanced coastal terraces in parts of the coast, and the emergence of cut beaches in the form of seawalls.One of the methods of identifying and measuring land changes is using radar remote sensing. The principles of this technique were first described by Graham in 1974 (Pacheco et al., 2006). Interferometry using radar images with an artificial window or SAR is a precise method based on the use of at least two radar images of the same area, which measures the height displacement changes in wide areas and during different time intervals with a significant accuracy of millimeters (Dong et al., 2018).The coastal areas of northern Iran are of great importance due to the high population density and the ability to grow and develop economically and agriculturally, so monitoring geomorphic changes in the direction of sustainable development of these areas is particularly important.In this research, the eastern coast of the Caspian Sea from Gomishan to Joibar is investigated in terms of subsidence and uplift using radar remote sensing techniques to determine the active tectonic zones of the coast in terms of temporal and spatial changes.

    Materials and Methods

    The Eastern Caspian Plain is the border between the Caspian Sea and West Gorgan and includes the cities of Gomishan, Bandare Turkman, Bandare Gaz, Gulugah, Khazarabad, and Joybar. The absolute height of the Caspian Plain along the coastline is determined according to the sea level, based on the hydrographic data of the Baku station, since 1850, the Caspian sea level has varied between -25.4 and -29.4 (Abdolhi Kakrodi, 2012).The history of seismic activity in North Alborz shows that cities like Rasht, Lahijan, Amol, and Gorgan, have been destroyed many times due to destructive earthquakes (Aqhanbati, 2013). The Alborz fault is an active fault that is stretched in a clockwise direction in the southern Caspian basin.In this research, according to the desired goals and radar remote sensing techniques, a series of Sentinel-1 radar images with a suitable time and space difference (maximum 30 days and maximum 150 meters respectively) including 61 images in time from 2014 to 2021 were prepared and processed.


    The results obtained from the SBAS model indicate that the eastern part of the Caspian coast is more affected by the uplift and this trend continues up to Gorgan Bay. The Gorgan city has an uplift between 20 and 40 mm/year, which is reversed towards the coastal area, and subsidence of 10 to 52 mm/year occurs, which decreases as it approaches the coast and reaches 10 mm /year.

    Discussion and Conclusion

    According to the results obtained from radar interferometry, the eastern coast of the Caspian Sea is more affected by uplifting. The Gorgan city has an uplift between 20 and 40 mm/year, which is reversed towards the coastal area, and subsidence of 10 to 52 mm/year occurs, which decreases as it approaches the coast and reaches 10 mm/year.To verify the results obtained, the data of the Gorgan geodynamic station was used, which shows subsidence of about 90 to 100 mm in a 6-year period, which is consistent with the values obtained from radar interferometry Based on comments Shahpasandzadeh (2013) and the reports of Nazari et al (2021), active tectonics caused by the Caspian fault that indicates the horizontal geodynamic displacement diagram of Gorgan, the small area towards the north and east during this time, which is observed in the form of numerous branches with a thrust (reverse) mechanism and a right-slip component with a slope to the south in Golestan province.Considering that the main feature of the coast of the Caspian Sea is the Surface rivers and the use of groundwater is very little and also the extraction of gas, oil, and mining resources, which is another factor in the occurrence of land subsidence, does not exist in this area, and there isn’t also huge and heavy structure in the study area that affects the subsidence of the surface; so displacement in the study area is the result of active tectonics.

    Keywords: Morphotectonics, Coast, Caspian Plain, Radar Interferometry, Geodynamics
  • مهران مقصودی*، الهام حیدری

    تنوع زمین شناختی شاخه ای جدید از گردشگری به نام ژئوتوریسم را رقم زده است که در آن به بررسی  مکانهایی پرداخته می شود که قابلیت جذب گردشگر را دارد و می تواند به توان جامعه ی محلی برای توسعه ی اقتصادی کمک کند  . ژئوسایت ها همواره تحت تاثیر تهدیدها و آسیبهای انسانی و طبیعی بوده اند که بررسی آنها برای توسعه پایدار و حفاظت ،امری ضروری است . در این پژوهش با توجه به قابلیتهای زمین شناسی شمال محدوده  ،ژئوسایتهای منطقه از نظر آسیب و تهدید مورد بررسی قرار گرفتند . به دلیل گسترش ژئوتوریسم ،تنوع زمین شناختی منطقه تحت تاثیر قرار گرفته است و ژئوسایتهایی که در معرض خطر هستند در مدیریت و حفاظت ،در اولویتند .در این پژوهش ژئوسایتها مورد شناسایی قرار گرفتند و عوامل تهدید کننده ی طبیعی و انسانی از طریق بازدیدهای میدانی برداشت شده است و در مرحله ی بعد شناسایی تهدیدها و آسیب ها صورت گرفته است که پهنه بندی ژئوسایتها  با توجه به روش فازی انجام شده است و ژئوسایت ها براساس حساسیت اولویت بندی شدند.طبق نتایج حاصل شده عوامل تهدید به دو دسته ی طبیعی و انسانی دسته بندی شده است و تامین منابع ،جاده سازی غیر اصولی و نزدیکی به مراکز جمعیتی از جمله عوامل انسانی تهدیدکننده و عوامل مانند آبهای سطحی ،تغییرات دما و...از جمله عوامل تهدیدکننده ی طبیعی می باشد . ژئوسایتهای معدن نمک درخشان ،معدن نمک قائم ،معدن نمک توکل ،معدن نمک سالار ،حوضچه نمکی  از جمله سایتهایی هستند که بیشترین میزان حساسیت را دارا هستند.

    کلید واژگان: ژئوتوریسم, ژئوسایت, تهدیدها, حساسیت, آسیب پذیری
    Mehran Maghsoudi*, Elham Heidary

    Geological diversity has created a new branch of the tourism industry called geotourism , where geological and geomorphological features are explored . The main focus of geotourism on geological elements includes two items, form and process . There is a set of geological forms and processes in places , which are called geosites . This has given rise to a new branch of tourism called geotourism , which examines places that have the ability to attract tourists and management aspects that can help the local community for economic development. In the first stage , it is very important to know the abilities and characteristics of the studied area . Scientific, tourism and educational evaluation of geosites in the region is the basis for optimal exploitation and sustainable development. In recent years, more attention has been paid to the Garmsar region, which has led to the development of geotourism. The impact of tourists and mines that have been created by humans, the Tastkan caves that have changed the strength of the salt caves, and also the role of natural factors, have all led to the environment's reaction

    Keywords: Geotourism, Geosite, Threats, Sensitivity, Vulnerability
  • اسماعیل پاریزی، مجتبی یمانی*، سید رضا مهرنیا، مهران مقصودی، سید موسی حسینی

    فرسایش بادی و لندفرم های حاصل از آن چهره غالب دشت های هموار و پست مناطق خشک ایران است. شکل گیری پوشش گیاهی و نبکاها در بخش داخلی کویر درانجیر با وجود شوری و سخت شدگی زیاد رسوبات، سوال هایی را در مورد عوامل اصلی کنترل کننده آن ها مطرح می کند. روند خطی پوشش گیاهی و نبکاها و حرکت امتدادلغز گسل بافق - پشت بادام در این منطقه، فرضیه کنترل فرسایش بادی به علت وجود چشمه های آب شیرین گسلی را مطرح می کند. با توجه به اینکه در زمان حاضر فقط یک چشمه در امتداد گسل مذکور فعال است، یک نمونه 100 میلی لیتری از آب چشمه جهت آنالیز ژئوشیمیایی برداشت گردید. علاوه بر این، 4 گمانه در امتداد گسل (تا عمق 60 سانتیمتر) در منطقه رویش پوشش گیاهی و یک گمانه در رسوبات سخت شده کویر درانجیر (تا عمق 2 متر) حفاری و نمونه های رسوب و آب برداشت و سطح ایستابی در هر گمانه اندازه گیری شد. نتایج موید آن است که حرکت امتدادلغز گسل بافق- پشت بادام و به تبع آن ظهور چشمه های گسلی به سه شیوه متفاوت فرسایش بادی در منطقه موردمطالعه را تحت کنترل خود درآورده است: 1. با تشکیل یک زون مرطوب سبب رویش انواع مختلف پوشش گیاهی شده است و سرعت باد را در سطح کاهش داده، 2. با بالا آوردن سطح ایستابی در امتداد گسل مذکور و افزایش رطوبت سطحی مانع حمل ونقل رسوبات توسط باد شده است 3. با تشکیل نبکاها سبب تجمع رسوبات بادی در اطراف درختچه ها شده است.

    کلید واژگان: چشمه گسلی, فرسایش بادی, گسل بافق - پشت بادام, چاله درانجیر
    Esmail Parizi, Mojtaba Yamani *, Seiyed Reza Mehrnia, Mehran Maghsoudi, Seiyed Mossa Hosseini

    The wind erosion and the resulted landforms are the dominant landscape in flat and deep plains of Iran dry areas (Yamani, 2015). The importance of wind erosion in the deserts differs due to great variances in wind power (Goudie, 2013). This type of erosion which is controlled by the erosivity power of wind and the erodibility of impacted surfaces (sharma, 2010), is dangerous for three reasons: 1, the nutritious elements of the soil are destroyed and as a result the soil loses its power for keeping a conservative vegetation layer (Thomas, 2011). The deposition of eroded sediments can bury vegetation and river channels, pollute food and water reserves and also negatively impact the growth of vegetation, soil fertility, and the dynamics of ecosystem (Larney, 1998y; Worster, 2004; McTainsh & Strong, 2007 ). The transportation of eroded sediments through powerful winds can bring damage to buildings and products and also trouble visibility in roads and airports (Thomas, 2011).

    Materials and methods

    In first step, the impacted area of fault spring in Daranjir playa are identified based on satellite images, Geology maps and field observations. In the next step, 100 milliliter of water was sampled for chemistry analysis from active spring across Bafgh – Poshte-badam fault (Kor spring). Thus, to determine the water table, chemistry analysis of the sediment and water samples across Bafgh – Poshte-badam fault, 4 points were selected for drilling and the locations of bores were determined by GPS. To this end, the sampling procedure across the fault was conducted by a hand auger with the length of 20 cm and diameter of 7.5 cm. In sum, four water samples and 22 sediment samples were collected. In the geomorphology laboratory, initially the amounts of TDS, EC, and pH in the sample waters were measured by a multi parameter device, version HI9811-5. To measure the amounts of TDS, EC and pH in sand samples, saturated paste method was utilized. Here, the samples were initially dried in a drying device, and then 50 grams of each sample was measured with an accurate scale and mixed with 50 millimeters of distilled water. In the following step, the distilled water was mixed with sediment samples and the amounts of EC and TDS was measured using the multi parameter device and other devices.

    Discussion and Results

    The results suggest that the active tectonic performance across Bafgh-Posht badam fault not only result in the emergence of springs across the fault but also lead to the reduction of groundwater and the creation of a wet zone across the fault in Daranjir playa due to the penetration of water to the aquifer. This wet zone across the studied fault caused a significant growth of shrubs and Tamarix mascatensis, and reduced the speed of wind in the examined area. Regarding this Pye & Tsoar and state that in desert areas the salinity degree of groundwater has an important role in the transformation and distribution of deserts’ vegetation. The analyses of the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of groundwater across Bafgh- Posht badam fault show that the minimum water table, TDS and EC across the fault are ,respectively. In fact, by injecting fresh water across the fault, the fault springs not only reduce the salinity of groundwater but also raise the the water table across the mentioned fault and bring the transportation of the sediments to a minimum level. As for this case, Silva et al., (2018) state that in areas with high water tables, the sand sources are limited and consequently the transportation of sediments reduces. Moreover, Kocurek & Nielson concluded that high water tables can reduce the transportable sediment by conserving surface moisture. In addition to the formation of vegetation, the increase of water level across the fault, the creation and change of Nebkha formation location are the main effects of spring faults which have a crucial role in controlling wind sediments. As a matter of fact, the fresh water of springs results in the formation of vegetation and this vegetation captures wind sediments and forms Nebkhas.


    The results of this study show the strike-slip movement of Bafgh – Poshte-badam fault and the emergence of fault springs have a key role in controlling wind erosion and formation of eaolian landforms in Dar-Anjir playa. Indeed, the fault springs control the wind erosion in the present case study in three ways: 1: the formation of wet zone creates various types of vegetation and reduces wind speed in surface, 2: the raising of water table across Bafgh – Poshte-badam fault and the increase of the moisture surface impede the movement of sediment by wind and 3: With formation of nebkhas causes the aeoilan sediment accumulation around Shrubs.

    Keywords: Fault Spring, Wind Erosion, Bafgh – Poshte-Badam Fault, Daranjir Playa
  • فرزانه غلامی، مهران مقصودی *، شیرین محمدخان

    این پژوهش رابطه بین ساختارهای طبیعی و ژئومورفولوژیکی منطقه شامل: ارتفاع، دما ، فاصله از رودخانه اصلی و فاصله از شبکه زهکشی، شیب، زمین شناسی، کاربری اراضی و نوع لندفرم ها، بر نحوه پراکنش محوطه های باستانی را مورد بررسی قرار داد. در این تحقیق از مدل تحلیل سلسله مراتبی به منظور تحلیل مکانی محوطه ها استفاده شد. پس از تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها، وزن نسبی گزینه ها، زیرمعیارها، معیارها و وزن نهایی گزینه ها هر لایه در نرم افزار Excel محاسبه شد یافته های تحقیق نشان داد سکونت گزینی محوطه ها با عامل ارتفاع، فاصله از رودخانه دائمی و شیب ارتباط معکوس داشت، در بین عوامل ژئومورفولوژی پادگانه ها و تپه ماهورها بیشترین ضریب اهمیت را به خود اختصاص داده اند. حدود 89 درصد محوطه ها در مکان های مناسب و کمتر از 3.5 درصد از محوطه ها در مکان های نامناسب استقرار یافته اند. با توجه به همبستگی پیرسون عوامل شیب، ارتفاع، فاصله از رودخانه دائمی به عنوان مهم ترین عوامل در توزیع محوطه های باستانی حوزه پایاب سیمره 2 شناسایی شدند.

    کلید واژگان: سیمره, محوطه های باستانی, سکونت گزینی, عوامل طبیعی. زمین باستانشناسی
    Mehran Maghsoudi *, Shirin Mohammadkhan, Farzaneh Gholami

    This research investigated the relationship between the natural and geomorphological structures of the region, including: altitude, temperature, distance from the main river and distance from the drainage network, slope, geology, land use and the type of landforms, on the distribution of ancient sites. In this research, hierarchical analysis model was used to spaial selection of the area. After analyzing the data, the relative weight of the options, sub-criteria, criteria and the final weight of the options of each layer was calculated in Excel software. The findings of the research showed that the settlement of the areas was inversely related to the height factor, the distance from the permanent river and the slope, among the geomorphological factors. Barracks and Tepe Mahor have the highest coefficient of importance. About 89% of the enclosures are located in suitable places and less than 3.5% of the enclosures are located in inappropriate locations. According to Pearson's correlation, the factors of slope, height, distance from permanent river were identified as the most important factors in the distribution of ancient sites in bottom Seymareh 2 basin.

    Keywords: Seymareh, Ancient sites, Geoarchaeology, Archaeological Settlement, NaturalFactors
  • مهران مقصودی*، سارا معلمی گرجی
    بیابان زایی نوعی تخریب زمین است که بر زندگی انسان ها و محیط زیست اثر مستقیم دارد. امروزه این بحران بسیاری از کشور های جهان را تحت تاثیر قرار داده که برای مهار این بحران نیاز به شناخت و درک صحیح از عوامل و فرآیندهای آن می باشد. این مطالعه با هدف ارزیابی مناطق حساس به بیابان زایی در استان سمنان با استفاده از مدل رگرسیون لجستیک (LRM) انجام شد. شاخص اندازه دانه سطحی خاک (TGSI)، شاخص پوشش گیاهی نرمال شده (NDVI)، شاخص خشکی (AI) و فشار عامل انسانی بر محیط (APSE) به عنوان شاخص های بیابان زایی در منطقه مورد مطالعه مدنظر بوده است. نتایج حاصل از این پژوهش نشان داد بافت خاک با درصد بالای شن و ماسه و نوع پوشش گیاهی از نوع استپ بیابانی مهم ترین عوامل بیابان زایی در استان سمنان هستند. 99 درصد مساحت استان در معرض خطر بیابان زایی شدید و بسیار شدید است. در مجموع تنها شمال استان در معرض خطر بیابان زایی کمی می باشد و سایر مناطق استان در معرض بیابان زایی است. به طور کل (LRM) می تواند ابزار موثری برای نظارت بر بیابان زایی در محیط هایی با داده های کم باشد.
    کلید واژگان: استان سمنان, بیابان زایی, مدلLRM, نرم افزارGIS, تصاویر لندست8
    Mehran Maghsoudi *, Sara Moalemi Gorji
    Water and soil resources and especially the vegetation cover in the belt areas of the deserts of Iran have provided conditions that cause and intensify desertification and their expansion on the edge of the deserts. Therefore, under the influence of social and economic changes of at least the last century, this sector has progressed towards a critical situation and its size is increasing day by day. Iran is located in the dry belt of the world and a quarter of Iran's area is covered by desert. According to statistics, 18 provinces in Iran are involved in desertification, and one of these provinces is Semnan province. At present, more than half of the province's area is made up of desert lands, which is approximately 53% of the province's surface, the effects of which can be the destruction of water resources, the destruction of groundwater levels, the destruction of wildlife, the increase of respiratory diseases and named .Most of the lands of Semnan province have a dry and semi-arid climate due to their distance from moisture sources, and about half of the lands of the province lack vegetation. Due to excessive exploitation of biological resources such as pastures, forests and water reserves Underground, as well as the illegal transformation of pasture and forest lands into agricultural lands, most of these areas, even the northern lands of Semnan province, have been severely affected by the phenomenon of desertification.
    Materials and methods
    In this research, the logistic regression model(LRM) method was used to prepare a map of the vulnerability of Semnan province to desertification. The current method includes the analysis of desert areas with the help of visual observations, measurement, examination and processing of the main indicators using mathematical and statistical models. For this purpose, four independent variables and one dependent variable were used. The independent variables are: vegetation index (NDNI), soil texture index (TGSI) and effective anthropogenic pressure (APSI). and aridity coefficient (AL). Vegetation and soil texture index was obtained from 10 Landsat 8 images. Aridity coefficient was calculated with statistical data of annual rainfall in millimeters and annual evaporation and transpiration in millimeters. The selection of effective human factors in the region has been calculated with the help of AHP method and its map has been prepared. The dependent variable was the Boolean map of areas involved in desertification in Semnan province. With the help of Arc map 10.8.2 and Terrset 2020 software, the coefficient of each of the independent variables has been calculated with the logistic regression method (LRM) and the final risk map of desertification in Semnan province has been obtained.
    Results and discussion
    The results of the Regional Soil Texture Survey (TGSI) show that almost more than half of the 60% region has land with high sand content. Among the variables, soil texture factor (TGSI) has been more related to desertification. The results (NDVI) show that almost all the vegetation of the studied area was sensitive to desertification, which was covered by the desert steppe. The desert steppe occupies 99% of the area. The aridity index (Al) is dry in the entire region, except for the northern regions, which include 99.6% of the province. The effect of human pressure in the entire province decreases from the north to the south of the province. The highest pressure of human factors is in the northern region of the province, which covers 41.6% of the area of the province. In order to check the R2 rate, the rate was more than 0.2, which indicates the acceptability of the results of this model.
    After the classification of the desertification risk map of Semnan Province, which is based on the model (LRM), it was determined that more than 99% of the province's area is at a very severe risk of desertification. The risk of desertification decreases from the south of the province to the north. The north of the province is located in a mountainous region due to its proximity to the Alborz mountain range and the moderate Caspian climate of northern Iran, which has a different climate and vegetation compared to the south. The risk of desertification in the region increases with the decrease in soil quality and vegetation density and weather conditions. The results of the research show the correctness of the LRM model in order to identify areas with a high risk of desertification in Semnan province.
    Keywords: Semnan Province, Desertification, CRM Model, GIS Software, Landsat 8 Images
  • امیر مرادی، شیرین محمدخان*، مهران مقصودی، منصور جعفربیگلو

    فعالیت های انسان و تاثیر آنها در تغییر چهره زمین بسیار متنوع است؛ به همین دلیل، از دیدگاه های گوناگونی می تواند بررسی شود. حرکت انسان در طبیعت ممکن است به تغییر چهره لندفرم ها، تغییرات میزان فرسایش و اثرات مخرب بر پوشش گیاهی و جانوران منجر شود؛ به ویژه در محیط های حساس بیابانی این مسیله اهمیت بیشتری دارد. در این تحقیق تلاش شده است میزان حساسیت لندفرم های مختلف، نسبت به پاکوب انسانی در نواحی بیابانی دریاچه نمک قم و اطراف آن بررسی شود. به این منظور با استفاده از نقشه ژیومورفولوژی، سیزده نمونه از لندفرم های مختلف انتخاب و با استفاده از دوربین عکاسی، قبل و بعد از 25 گذر پاکوب عکس برداری شد. عکس های قبل و بعد نیز در نرم افزار ArcMAP، نسبت به هم ثبت هندسی شد. چهارده ویژگی بافت تصویر متشکل از سطوح خاکستری، تصویر فقدان مشابهت و ماتریس همزمانی سطح خاکستری (GLCM) برای هر کدام از پیکسل ها استخراج و استفاده شد. با استفاده از زبان برنامه نویسی پایتون و مدل ایکس جی بوست، به آموزش ماشین و اجرای مدل بر روی کل پیکسل های تصویر پرداخته شد. نتایج این تحقیق نشان داد که ویژگی های انحراف معیار تصویر فقدان مشابهت، میانگین تصویر فقدان مشابهت، انحراف معیار تصویر تضاد ماتریس همزمانی و میانگین تصویر همبستگی ماتریس همزمانی، مهم ترین ویژگی ها در شناسایی و آشکارسازی تغییرات است. همچنین کمترین حساسیت نسبت به پاکوب، مربوط به لندفرم های زمین شخم خورده و ستون های گلی است که مخلوطی از گل و نمک با سطحی بسیار ناهموار می باشد. لندفرم های ماسه ای، بیشترین میزان تغییرات را نشان می دهد؛ با این حال، تفاوت تغییرات در ماسه های متحرک با سایر لندفرم های ماسه ای زیاد است.

    کلید واژگان: ایکس جی بوست, بیابان, پاکوب, چاله مسیله قم, یادگیری ماشین
    Amir Moradi, Shirin Mohammadkhan*, Mehran Maghsoud, Mansour Jafarbiglou

    Today, even the simplest human activities, such as walking, can have destructive consequences. Human movement on the earth may be done for economic, tourism, military purposes, etc. However, these movements lead to the trampling of the land and have consequences such as changes in the abundance and richness of vegetation, increase in runoff and soil density, and changes in erosion. In addition, the surface of the landforms is disturbed and with a sharp decrease in the threshold of shear speed, their vulnerability to wind erosion increases dramatically. Determining the sensitivity of landforms requires accurate tools, time and a lot of money, while the use of photography in monitoring the amount of changes in landforms can save time and money. The research that has been done so far in relation to trampling is generally based on two approaches. The first approach is the experimental method, that is, small undisturbed parts are selected in the study area and trampled according to the requirements of the experiment. The second method involves making long-term observations of the tracks that have been trodden. Chale Masileh is a part of the desert areas of the country, which is trampled by humans for various reasons. Economic activities such as harvesting potassium, magnesium and other materials from the bed of the salt lake, tourist areas such as Maranjab in the south of the region and military activities and holding large military maneuvers are among them. However, there is still no detailed information about the areas sensitive to trampling. Therefore, the current research tries to investigate the sensitivity of different desert landforms to trampling using a low-cost and fast method because in order to use and manage desert areas, it is necessary to understand the sensitivity of landforms.


    The studied area mainly includes Mesila pit. The geographic coordinates of the salt lake as an index point in this hole are 30°34° north latitude and 50°51° east longitude. In this research, various materials, data and tools have been used in different stages of the research. The geomorphological map of the study area, and field data were collected in field operations using camera, tripod, GPS and plot. ArcMap, SNAP software were used to prepare the data, and Python 3.10 programming environment was used to run the model and draw graphs and outputs. 13 landforms were selected in different positions of the region. In the next step, an undisturbed area in the landform was selected and photographed, then trampled with 25 passes and a second photograph was taken. After recording the images by entering fourteen features for each pixel, the data was prepared to participate/to be applied in the model implementation. In the implementation of the model, 75% of the pixels were used as training data and the remaining 25% as test data. The ratio of changed pixels to unchanged pixels was considered as the change rate.


    Evaluation of model efficiency using model relative performance characteristic curves (ROC) and area under the curve (AUC) shows that the values of 0.99 to 0.88 indicate the very good efficiency of the model in all samples. The RMSE value for the samples shows that in all the samples the mean square error value is less than 0.5, which confirms the good accuracy of the model in predicting the changed pixels. In addition, the average percentage of accuracy for samples using -k10 shows that the accuracy of the model in each sample is more than 80%. The importance of the image texture features in predicting the changed values in the photographed samples shows that in most samples the feature of the local standard deviation of the image of dissimilarity was the most important factor

    Discussion & Conclusions

    Determining the sensitivity of the landforms of desert areas to human trampling is important for the management of these areas. To achieve this purpose, it is very useful to use low-cost, fast and accurate methods such as taking pictures and using machine learning algorithms. This study shows that the XGboost model and the photography method can measure the amount of landform changes with an accuracy of over 90%. These changes are determined according to the texture of the images and do not measure changes in height or soil density. However, it determines the number of changed pixels even when it is barely visible to the eye. On the other hand, the results of this method are the result of the influence of all effective variables such as slope, humidity, roughness, etc. While changes in altitude or density can be affected by one of the mentioned factors. The changes in different landforms based on the results of the model show that the least change is in the plowed land, which consists of very hard mud and salt. The surface of this landform is naturally very messy and uneven. The changes in the comparison of the two photos before and after trampling in this sample are hardly visible. The changed areas mostly correspond to the microslopes and small peaks that have been subjected to the most pressure in each pass. The amount of changes in the landform of sandy surfaces with a small amount of vegetation is 85%, which shows the most/highest changes among the samples. The key feature of this landform is the separation of land surface materials and vegetation.

    Keywords: XGBoost, desert, trampling, Qom salt lake, machine learning
  • مهران مقصودی*، شیرین محمدخان، سیامک شرفی، پویا کامرانی

    تنوع عناصر غیر جاندار کره زمین و فرآیند های مرتبط با آنان که در مقیاس های گوناگون عمل می کنند، ژیودایورسیتی نام دارد. به طور کلی ارزیابی ژیودایورسیتی با استفاده از روش های کمی، کیفی و کمی-کیفی انجام می شود. هر یک از این روش ها، با گذر زمان و برای ارزیابی های ژیودایورسیتی توسط پژوهشگران مورد استفاده قرار گرفته اند. به این صورت که در روش کیفی-کمی هر یک از زیر شاخص ها بر اساس میزان تاثیر گذاری بر ژیودایورسیتی وزن دهی می شود، که نتایج حاصل از آن نسبت به بقیه روش ها به واقعیت نزدیکتر است. با توجه به این مورد که تاکنون ارزیابی هایی که در درون کشور از ژیودایورسیتی مناطق مختلف انجام شده، کمی-کیفی نبوده است به همین منظور در این پژوهش اطلاعات مربوط به تنوع های ژیومورفولوژیکی، سنگ شناسی، واحد های خاک شناسی و هیدروژیولوژیکی تهیه و با استفاده از شاخص کیفی-کمی (GI) که مبتنی بر فرآیند تحلیل سلسله مراتبی (AHP) و استفاده از پرسشنامه می باشد برای بررسی ژیودایورسیتی استان لرستان مورد استفاده قرار گرفت. سپس با استفاده از بازدید های میدانی، پدیده های ژیومورفولوژیکی و زمین شناختی منطقه مورد مطالعه بررسی و با خروجی شاخص (GI) مقایسه و صحت سنجی شدند. نتایج نشان می دهد که مناطق جنوب غربی (پلدختر)، غربی (کانیون شیرز) و شرقی (اشتران کوه و قالی کوه) استان لرستان در طبقات ژیودایورسیتی بالا قرار می گیرند. مناطق اشاره شده می بایست به منظور بهره بندی از خدمات ژیوسیستمی آنان، مورد حفاظت زمین شناختی قرار بگیرند.

    کلید واژگان: تنوع زمین شناختی, شاخص های ژئودایورسیتی, مدیریت حفاظت زمین شناختی, استان لرستان
    Mehran Maghsoudi *, Shirin Mohammadkhan, Siyamack Sharafi, Pouya Kamrani

    The diversities on the planet are divided into two categories: biodiversity and geodiversity, which have attracted a lot of attention today. It has been proven that geodiversity can be an important foundation for biodiversity, for this reason it has been the focus of different people and communities. Among them, geodiversity means natural variations related to geological, geomorphological, paleontological, mineral, tectonic, soil, topographic and hydrological factors. In fact, these are heritage items that should be geologically protected for today's societies and future generations. Geodiversity is evaluated with three qualitative, quantitative and qualitative-quantitative methods. Qualitative-quantitative methods are using a combination of quantitative data (such as digital models) and qualitative data (questionnaire); which has more reliable results in geodiversity evaluation. One of these quantitative-qualitative methods in the field of geodiversity assessment is the (GI) model, which was introduced by Betard & Peulvast (2021). which this research seeks to use in addition to using this index in one of the mountainous regions of Iran (Lorestan province), its geodiversity for the purposes of To evaluate geological protection and benefit from its geosystemic values and services.


    The studied area is Lorestan province in the western plateau of Iran, where a part of the Zagros mountains passes through it. Lorestan province is located in three geological structural units: Sanandaj-Sirjan, high Zagros and folded Zagros.The soils of Lorestan province can be divided into 5 main categories based on the characteristics and factors that are effective and measurable in the formation and development of soils and their ability to grow and develop plants. In terms of geomorphology, this province has various forms. This research has used the index (GI), which is a quantitative-qualitative method and is compatible with the use of geographic information system (GIS) and questionnaires in order to evaluate the geodiversity of Lorestan province. Its sub-indexes are lithological diversity, geomorphological diversity, hydrogeological diversity and diversity of soil landscape units.

    Results and Discussion

    In our study area, the lithological diversity was first calculated without considering the erodibility, and in the next steps, the hydrological, soil and geomorphological landscape units were calculated. Then weights were assigned to each of the diversity indicators using the hierarchical analysis process (AHP) and the results obtained from the hierarchical analysis process showed that the indicators of geomorphological diversity, lithological diversity, hydrogeological diversity and diversity of units. The soil landscape had the highest score respectively. Then, each of the sub-indices of geodiversity was multiplied by its weights and finally the geodiversity assessment map of Lorestan province was created. (679% square kilometers) of the area of the province is in the very high geodiversity class (V5); These areas include: Shires Canyon, Sepidasht folds and Hogback Robat, oshtorankuh and North Poldakhtar protected area. Shires Canyon due to having various karst forms and lithological diversity, Sepidasht Heights due to lithological, hydrogeological and geomorphological diversity and diversity in alluvial and structural landforms, Oshtorankuh due to lithological, hydrogeological, soil landscape units and geomorphological and karst landforms and affected by the tectonic dynamics of the region and Melawi and Pol-e dokhtar region have the highest geodiversity due to lithological, hydrogeological and geomorphological variations.


    Geodiversity evaluation indicators are divided into three categories: quantitative, qualitative and quantitative-qualitative. The output of the geodiversity evaluation index and its related sub-indices were divided into five classes based on natural breaks lines: very low (V1), low (V2), medium (V3), high (V4) and very high (V5). In order to evaluate the final geodiversity of Lorestan province, the weight of each criterion was calculated using expert opinion and the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Then, the information layers of each of the sub-indices related to lithological, geomorphological, hydrogeological and soil diversity were added together based on the weights and the geodiversity map of Lorestan province was created. Based on the weights received by each of the sub-indexes of geodiversity evaluation, geomorphological diversity and lithological diversity have obtained the highest points respectively, which indicates the high role of these two factors in the evaluation of geodiversity of a region. The results obtained from the geodiversity assessment show that 1% of the area of Lorestan province (679 square kilometers) is in the very high diversity class of geodiversity (V5); which include: Shires Canyon, Sepidasht fold complexes, Oshtorankuh protected area and north of Poldakhter city. Also, Sefid Kuh Khorramabad and Qali Kuh Aligodars are also in the high diversity class of Geodiversity (V4). The results of this research can be used by planners and managers for planning related to Geoconservation, benefiting from ecosystem and geosystem services and Geotourism.

    Keywords: Geodiversity, Geodiversity Index, Management geoconservation, Lorestan province
  • حمید گنجائیان، مجتبی یمانی*، ابوالقاسم گورابی، مهران مقصودی

    امروزه مخاطرات ناشی از جابجایی زمین نقش اساسی در مدیریت محیط طبیعی و جوامع انسانی دارد. تحقیق حاضر با استفاده از روش تداخل سنجی راداری به ارزیابی میزان جابجایی عمودی زمین در یکی از مهم ترین دشت های ایران (کرمانشاه) و تاثیر زلزله بزرگ 21/08/1396 ازگله پرداخته است. در این راستا از تصاویر سنتینل-1 مربوط به سه بازه زمانی 24/11/2016 تا 07/11/2017 (قبل از زلزله) و 07/11/2017 تا 19/11/2017 (قبل و بعد از زلزله) و همچنین 24/11/2016 تا 19/11/2017 (بعد از زلزله) استفاده شده اند. در این تحقیق ابتدا میزان جابجایی بازه زمانی اول با استفاده از روش سری زمانی SBAS (13 تصویر) محاسبه شده است. سپس با استفاده از 2 تصویر قبل و بعد از زلزله، میزان تغییرات ناشی از زلزله ارزیابی شده است و در نهایت با استفاده از روش سری زمانی SBAS (14 تصویر) میزان تغییرات بازه زمانی سوم محاسبه شده است. نتایج ارزیابی ها بیانگر است که محدوده مطالعاتی در بازه زمانی اول بین 107+ تا 40- میلی متر، در بازه زمانی دوم (قبل و بعد از زلزله) بین 22+ تا 46- میلی متر و در بازه زمانی سوم بین 102+ تا 33- جابجایی داشته است. با توجه به میزان بالاآمدگی قابل توجه محدوده مطالعاتی در طی دوره زمانی مورد مطالعه، پیشنهاد می گردد که در بررسی میزان جابجایی عمودی هر منطقه باید نقش عوامل تکتونیکی، از جمله زلزله ها را مورد توجه قرار دارد.

    کلید واژگان: دشت کرمانشاه, تداخل سنجی راداری, نوزمینساخت, زلزله ازگله, SBAS
    Hamid Ganjaeian, Mojtaba Yamani *, Abolghasem Goorabi, Mehran Maghsoudi

    The shape of the earth changes over time and these changes can be periodic or non-periodic. Land deformation may be related to tectonic processes such as earthquakes, faults, volcanoes, landslides, and anthropogenic processes such as mine activity and groundwater exploitation. Subsidence and uplift is one of the most important changes in the shape of the earth. Which is directly related to the tectonic status of the areas. Which is directly related to the tectonic status of the areas. The land of Iran as part of the active alpine-Himalayan tectonic zone has been affected by numerous tectonic activities over time, with the emergence of the Zagros-Makran and Alborz-Kope-Dagh mountains in the Iranian plateau due to the Arabian-Indian Plateau drifting from the landforms resulting from this convergence. Kermanshah plain is also active in tectonic terms due to its location in folded Zagros, therefore it has a lot of potential for the displacement of the Earth's surface. Today, the calculation of ground-level displacements using radar interference technology includes unique capabilities in terms of dimensions, cost, time and accuracy compared to other measurement techniques. Accordingly, in the present study, radar interferometry method was used to assess the amount of subsidence and uplift of Kermanshah Plain and the correlation of this displacement with the earthquake in Kermanshah on 21/08/1396.

    Materials and Methods

    Nowadays, calculation of displacements occurring on the surface using radar interferometry technology has unique capabilities in terms of size, cost, time and accuracy compared to other measurement techniques. Therefore, in the present study, using radar interferometry method and SBAS time series, the vertical displacement rate of Kermanshah plain and its relationship with 7.3 earthquake of Kermanshah Ezgele have been investigated. In this study, the displacement rate was calculated for three periods:-the first time in the history of 11.24.2016 to 11.07.2017 and includes 13 image Sentinel 1.Second period is from the date of 07/11/2017 to 11/19/2017 (before and after the earthquake). The third time frame selected to assess the impact of the earthquake on the process of changes and calculations for different purposes is from 24/11/2016 to 19/11/2017 (including 2 images).

    Discussion and results

    The results show that the Kermanshah herd earthquake has a direct role in the vertical displacement of Kermanshah plain. The result of calculating the vertical displacement in the first period indicates that the northwest and southeast areas of Kermanshah urban area have subsided and the northeast and southwest elevations have been elevated, but this trend has changed due to the earthquake of the Ezgele, So that the earthquake of the Ezgele has increased many parts of the study area, especially its southern regions, and has also subsided in the northeast areas of the study area, so the results in the third time period have been very variable, It is concluded that the Kermanshah northeast highlands, which had been uplifted during the first period, were associated with a subsidence due to the Kermanshah herd earthquake. Also the southeastern areas of Kermanshah urban area which had subsided in the first period, Due to the direct impact of the earthquake from the Ezgele, it has been experiencing an uplift in the third period. Therefore, it can be said that the earthquake of the Ezgele, while changing the vertical displacement process of Kermanshah plain, can affect the results of different calculations in this regard.


    In this research, in order to investigate the factors affecting this displacement, three time intervals were used to evaluate the vertical displacement of the area. The results indicate that the range of studies ranged from +107 to -40 mm. Given that the amount of positive displacement (uplift) was higher than the negative displacement (subsidence) and also the tectonic factors, the main cause of the displacement can be attributed to the tectonic factors, however, other factors such as groundwater depletion can affect the rate of subsidence in the northwest and southeast of Kermanshah urban area. Evaluation results in the second time period indicate that the study area had a vertical displacement of between +22 to -46 mm during the 12 day period before and after the earthquake, which could be attributed to the short-term period. Directly attributed to the earthquake of the Ezgele. The third study period also had a range of displacements of +102 to +33 mm, but the important and significant point in this period was the impact of the earthquake of the herd on the extent and trend of displacement in the study area. In fact, the results show that in the first period, the northwest and southeast areas of Kermanshah metropolitan area have subsided and the northeast and southwest areas have risen, while the northeast Kermanshah highlands have subsided. The first time has been uplift, during this period has been associated with subsidence due to the Kermanshah Ezgele earthquake. Also, the south-eastern areas of Kermanshah metropolitan area which had subsided in the first period, due to the direct impact of the earthquake from the Ezgele, in the third period has been rising. Therefore, it can be said that the earthquake in Kermanshah plain, while changing the vertical displacement process, can affect the results of different calculations in this regard.

    Keywords: Kermanshah Plain, Nontectonic, Ezgeleh earthquake, SBAS
  • عادل رسولی، مهران مقصودی*، ابوالقاسم گورابی

    جزیره قشم با مساحت1486کیلومترمربع است که در انتهای جنوب شرقی کمربند زاگرس، در حاشیه غربی تنگه هرمز واقع است. به نظر می رسد با توجه به موقع زمین ساختی آن،  بتوان به کمک شاخص های تکتونیک حوضه، تاثیرات نوزمینساختی و دینامیک گسل ها بر مورفوتکتونیک، جزیره را ارزیابی کرد. بر این اساس این پژوهش با بهره مندی از تصاویر ماهواره ای، نقشه های زمین شناسی، عکس های هوایی، و مدل رقومی ارتفاعی(30 متر) در قالب نرم افزارهای مختلف، اقدام به استخراج و محاسبه 5 شاخص؛ قرینگی یا عدم تقارن آبراهه (AF)، شاخص شکل حوضه(BS)، شاخص تقارن توپوگرافی عرضی(T)، و شاخص پیچناکی رودخانه (S) و ارزیابی مجموع آنها در قالب مدل (IAT)، شاخص ارزیابی سطح فعالیت تکتونیکی در حوضه کرده است. نتایج حاصل بیانگر دینامیک و پویایی نسبی زمینساختی متفاوت جزیره است. همچنین براساس شاخص IAT از 44 زیرحوضه تعداد26 مورد در کلاس تکتونیکی خیلی زیاد و زیاد واقع شده و در غرب جزیره به دلیل منطبق بودن با تعداد گسل های بیشتر تکتونیک فعال بیشتر مشاهده می گردد.

    کلید واژگان: جزیره قشم, گسل, تکتونیک, حوضه آبریز, شاخص مورفوتکتونیک
    Adel Rasooli, Mehran Maghsoudi *, Aboulghasem Gorabi

    Qeshm Island, with an area of ​​1,486 square kilometers, is located at the southeastern end of the Zagros Belt and at the western end of the Strait of Hormuz. Since the tectonic era, it seems possible to assess the influence of neotectonics and fault dynamics on island morpho-tectonic deformation using basin tectonic indicators. In this research, five indicators are extracted and calculated using satellite images, geological maps, aerial photographs, and a digital elevation model (30 meters) using various software. The smoothness and asymmetry of waterways (AF), watershed shape index (BS), cross-topographic symmetry index (T), river meandering index (S) and their comprehensive evaluation are evaluated in model form (IAT)). It is an index to evaluate the degree of tectonic deformation in the basin, and the obtained results indicate the relative dynamics of various tectonic deformations on the island. Furthermore, based on the IAT index, 26 of the 44 subbasins belong to a very high tectonic layer, consistent with the number of faults, so more active tectonic deformation is observed in the western part of the island.

    Keywords: Qeshm Island, fault, Tectonics, Watershed, morphotectonic index
  • مهران مقصودی*، رقیه نژادحسینی، فرزانه غلامی

    فرسایش بادی یکی از مهم ترین فرایندهای طبیعی در مناطق خشک و نیمه خشک است. این فرایند در شرایطی رخ می دهد که علاوه بر وجود خاک حساس، باد دارای حاکمیت و سرعت قابل توجه باشد. پژوهش حاضر با هدف بررسی پتانسیل فرسایش بادی و توان حمل رسوبات آن در استان خوزستان و براساس داده های بادسنجی طی سال های 2000 تا 2019 انجام شد. به این منظور، پنج ایستگاه سینوپتیک دارای داده های معتبر انتخاب و گلباد و گلماسه هر یک با نرم افزارهای WRplot و Sand Rose Graph ترسیم شد. سپس با استفاده از آنالیز داده های باد ایستگاه های مجاور ریگزارها و تلفیق آن در محیط ARC GIS، نقشه هم بارش، تبخیر و تعرق پتانسیل و درصد سرعت های بیش از سرعت آستانه فرسایش در ارتفاع ده متری از سطح زمین تهیه شد و در نهایت، نقشه میزان فعالیت ریگ خوزستان ترسیم شد. نتایج پژوهش حاضر در زمینه توان حمل ماسه و فراوانی بادهای فرساینده نشان داد که غالب بادها در همه ایستگاه ها از جهت غربی می وزد، اما در ایستگاه امیدیه بادها از سمت شمال غرب جریان دارد. نتایج گلماسه های سالانه بیانگر آن است که در بین ایستگاه های مورد مطالعه، بیشترین توان باد در حمل ماسه (DP) مربوط به ایستگاه امیدیه با 13/226 واحد برداری و کمترین آن مربوط به ایستگاه رامهرمز با یازده واحد برداری است. جهت بردار برآیند توان حمل ماسه (RDD) در ایستگاه های مورد مطالعه نیز نشان می دهد که جهت حرکت ماسه ها در ایستگاه بستان و رامهرمز به سمت شرق، امیدیه به سمت جنوب شرق، اهواز به سمت  شمال شرق و شوش به سمت شمال است. تحلیل جهت حرکت گلماسه ها، انطباق کامل حرکت آنها را با گلبادهای ایستگاه های مورد مطالعه نشان می دهد. همچنین نتایج حاصل از مدل لنکستر نشان داد که بیشتر ریگزارهای خوزستان از نوع کاملا فعال و فعال است، فقط بخش های شمال غرب ریگزار فعالیت کمتری دارد.

    کلید واژگان: استان خوزستان, بادهای فرساینده, پتانسیل حمل ماسه, گلماسه, شاخص لنکستر
    Mehran Maghsoudi*, Roghayeh Nejad Hosseini, Farzaneh Gholami

    Arid conditions limit human activities, so they destroy the sustainability between ecosystem components in more degraded areas.The concept of sustainability is related to an ecological principle according to which sustainability is maintained if the exploitations are commensurate with the capacity. Furthermore, the persistence of sustainability in arid regions requires the assessment of features such as human factors, natural factors, flora, fauna, and interactions between humans and the environment. Therefore, the evaluation and monitoring of climatic indicators such as wind, plays an effective role in maintaining sustainability as an influential factor in arid areas. Since the second half of the nineteenth century, wind erosion has been recognized as one of the most widespread environmental problems, especially in areas with different seasonal climates and high levels of human activities. Therefore, this research aims to study the state of annual winds through the analysis of Golbal and sand Golbal, and to investigate the role of wind regime in determining the amount of discharge and the final direction of wind sediment movement, as well as the activity of these sand dunes using the Lancaster model in Khuzestan province. Using the results, it is possible to fight against the harmful effects of sand dune sediments in the study area.


     In this study, in order to investigate the wind situation and study the erosive winds in Khuzestan sandy regions, anemometric data were used in five synoptic stations (in the statistical period of 20 years from 2000 to 2019) around these areas. In addition, Sand Rose Graph software was used to calculate the values of sand transport potential (DP) by Freiberger speed classes method. In fact, due to the complexity and high volume of statistical calculations related to drawing diamonds, Sand rose software was used to calculate and draw the maps. To calculate the values of sand transport potential (DP) in different geographical directions, the Freiberger-Dean relationship based on the basic equations of Begnold and Leto-Leto was used. From the sum of DP values in different directions, the total sand carrying capacity (DPt) is obtained and in fact it is an indicator that represents the total wind energy to carry sand to the desired station. RDP stands for the amount or size of the output vector (resulting vector) of sand carrying capacity, which is obtained by summing the DP values in 8 or 16 different directions and shows the final status of sand transport in the study area.


    Analysis of anemometer data by Golbad showed that in all stations except Omidieh, wind from the west has the highest frequency and the most abundant/frequent winds for Omidieh station are observed from the northwest. Examination of the sand carrying capacity in different directions (DP) shows that the highest wind carrying capacity in sand was related to Omidieh station with 2226.13 units, and the lowest was related to Ramhormoz station with 11 vector units. The average monthly RDP at selected stations is estimated from 10.8 in November to 130 in June, and 80% of annual RDP occurs between May and September. During the summer, stability in the RDP between stations occurs only in June and July. Comparison of the direction of vector output of sand carrying capacity (RDD) in the studied stations shows that the direction of sand movement in Bostan and Ramhormoz stations is to the east, Omidieh to the southeast and Ahvaz to the northeast and Shush to the north. There is a high homogeneity between the total sand carrying potential (DPT) and the homogeneity index for sand transport (UDI) at Bostan station.  The total sand transported in different directions (TSF) is shown in Ramhormoz station with a rate of 8/15+10 kg/m per year; among other stations after Omidieh station with 8/17+10, Ahvaz station stands with 3/95+10 kg per meter. Among these, the lowest sediment discharge belongs to Shush station. The total displaced sand (DSF) is located in Bostan station with 2892.92 kg and then Ahvaz station with 1948.51 kg. Also, in order to determine the amount of rainfall (P) and annual evaporation (PE), the annual rainfall potential and transpiration potential maps of Iran were used, which were prepared by the Forests and Rangelands Organization of the country. The activity map of the sand dunes of Khuzestan is also presented.

    Discussion &Conclusions

    The results of the present research in the field of sand carrying potential and the frequency of erosive winds showed that the majority of the winds blow from the west in all stations, but in the Omidiyeh station, the winds flow from the northwest.The analysis of the movement direction of the sand dunes shows the complete compliance of the movement of the sand dunes with the winds of the studied stations. The study of sand carrying power values ​​in different directions (DP) shows that the highest wind power in carrying sand was determined at Omidiye station with 226.13 units and the lowest one was determined at Ramhormoz station with 11 units. Examination of the homogeneity index shows that Omidiyeh, Shush and Ramhormoz stations have multidirectional winds and Bostan and Ahvaz stations have bidirectional winds between 0.3 and 0.8 with moderate variability between the total sand transport potential (DPT) and the homogeneity index of transport direction. There is high homogeneity of sand (UDI) in Bustan station.The total sand transported in different directions (TSF) shows that Omidiyeh station with 8/17+10 has the highest potential, and the lowest sediment discharge belongs to Shush station. And the total displaced sand (DSF) in Bostan station is 2892.92 kg, followed by Ahvaz station with 1948.51 kg. In this research, an attempt was made to determine the potential activity level of sand dunes and distinguish active from inactive areas by considering the weather conditions and sand wind regime of Khuzestan province.

    Keywords: Khuzestan province, erosive winds, sand carrying potential, Golmase, Lancaster index
  • مهران مقصودی*، پویا کامرانی

    استان لرستان به دلیل برخورداری از تنوع های اقلیمی، زمین شناختی، ژیومورفولوژیکی و زیستی دارای ژیودایورسیتی و بیودایورسیتی غنی می باشد. گوناگونی های زمین شناختی و زیستی مناطق حفاظت شده در زمینه مدیریت محیط زیست می بایست مورد توجه دولتمردان و جوامع علمی در این استان باشد که ارتباط میان این دو تنوع به موضوعی مهم برای مسایل مرتبط با حفاظت از منابع طبیعی تبدیل شده است. محدوده مورد مطالعه، منطقه حفاظت شده اشترانکوه در شرق استان لرستان است. این پژوهش به دنبال ارزیابی کمی تنوع زمین شناختی این منطقه و ارتباط آن با الگو، تراکم و انواع پوشش های گیاهی با استفاده از فناوری سنجش از دور است؛ به همین منظور جهت مشخص کردن نوع پوشش های گیاهی منطقه حفاظت شده اشترانکوه از تقسیم بندی براساس شکل شناسی ظاهری استفاده گردید. روش کار به این صورت بود که ابتدا ژیودایورسیتی این منطقه با استفاده از شاخص GI مورد ارزیابی کمی قرار گرفت و با مشاهدات میدانی و تهیه نقشه ژیومورفولوژی، داده های خروجی صحت سنجی شدند و با به کارگیری شاخص (SAVI) وضعیت تراکم و الگوی پوشش های گیاهی منطقه حفاظت شده اشترانکوه مشخص شدند و سپس انواع پوشش های گیاهی آن براساس شکل شناسی ظاهری مورد طبقه بندی قرار گرفتند و با اطلاعات حاصل از شاخص ژیودایورسیتی بررسی شدند. نتایج نشان داد که الگو و تراکم پوشش های گیاهی این منطقه از طبقات ژیودایورسیتی پیروی کرده و پراکنش فضایی آنان منطبق بر طبقات ژیودایورسیتی از نوع بوته زار به سمت مرتع و چمنزار، از زیاد به سمت کم است. از این رو جهت موفقیت در امر حفاظت از گونه های زیستی و به ویژه جوامع گیاهی در مناطق حفاظت شده، می بایست به حفاظت زمین شناختی هم توجه کرد.

    کلید واژگان: پوشش گیاهی, ژئودایورسیتی, لرستان, منطقه حفاظت شده اشترانکوه
    Mehran Maghsoudi *, Pouya Kamrani

    The world is diverse in all dimensions and the natural diversity of the planet can be divided into two categories: geodiversity and biodiversity. In fact, geodiversity is referred to as the diversity of non-living factors on Earth, which has certain services and functions. Areas with high geodiversity and geomorphodiversity are the main parts of the geological heritage; Hence, they must be preserved for future generations. Geodiversity provides the elements and conditions necessary for plant growth and development, so it has become an important issue in global conservation issues. In order to successfully protect the biodiversity and especially the characteristics and diversity of vegetation in an area, it is necessary to assess the geodiversity and pay attention to geoconservation. Therefore, this study intends to investigate the relationship between geodiversity and vegetation characteristics of a protected area to achieve comprehensive and complete natural protection.

    Materials and methods

    Oshtorankuh Protected Area is located in the west of Iran and in the east of Lorestan province; In order to analyze the relationship between geodiversity and vegetation characteristics, various indicators were used in this research. First, the geodiversity of the study area was evaluated, which was divided into three classes: low, medium and high. Then, based on the geomorphological map prepared from the protected area of Oshtorankuh, the results were verified and then the types of vegetation in this area were divided into five classes using spectral unmixing method and based on morphological classification, and finally It was compared and analyzed with the results of geodiversity assessment. In order to determine the spatial distribution pattern of vegetation types and follow the spatial distribution pattern of geodiversity classes, the soil adjusted vegetation index was used.

    Results and discussion

    The results of the geodiversity assessment showed that the northern parts of the Protected area, and in particular the northern slopes of the Oshtorankuh mountain range on the third floor of the geodiversity (high diversity); The northern and southern parts of sabz mount, Negar valley and Chalmiron mount due to the passage of Doroud strike-slip fault and various fault landforms, Alluvial–Fluvial sediments leading to the eastern valley of Gohar Lake, numerous landslides and diversity in evaporitic formations, in The second class was geodiversity and geomorphodiversity. The western parts of the Oshtorankuh Protected Area and the major parts of priz mount are also located on the first floor of Geodiversity and Geomorphodiversity. After evaluating the geodiversity of Oshtorankuh Protected Area, the types of vegetation formations in this area were identified and the space and coverage percentage of each type of vegetation in accordance with the geodiversity classes were calculated and analyzed. After that, the spatial distribution pattern of geodiversity classes was studied with the spatial distribution pattern of different vegetation formations and similarities were observed. After that, the spatial distribution pattern of geodiversity classes was studied with the spatial distribution pattern of different vegetation formations and similarities were observed.


    Studies have shown that the density, pattern and area of spatial distribution and the type of vegetation formations in the protected area of Oshtorankuh follow the geodiversity classes. Thus, the meadow with tree formation had the highest adaptation to the third class of geodiversity (high diversity) compared to other groups. Shrub formation also had the highest adaptation to the second class of geodiversity (medium diversity) compared to other types of coatings. From shrub formation to pasture and meadow, the process of adapting the covered area to the first floor is increasing and to the second floor is decreasing geodiversity. According to the above, rich geodiversity is an important factor in determining the pattern, density and type of vegetation formations in an area, and therefore to succeed in the conservation of biodiversity, especially vegetation in protected areas, proper attention to geoconservation is essential.

    Keywords: Vegetation cover, Geodiversity, Lorestan, Oshtorankuh protected area
  • عبدالکریم ویسی*، ابراهیم مقیمی، مهران مقصودی، مجتبی یمانی، موسی حسینی

    توده کارستی شاهو در شمال غرب استان کرمانشاه به واسطه گستردگی سازندهای آهکی و وجود گسل ها و درزه های زمین شناختی از پتانسیل زیادی برای کارست زایی برخوردار است. هدف از این پژوهش مدل سازی مکانی تحول کارست در این منطقه است. در این پژوهش 10 عامل محیطی تاثیرگذار در تحول کارست استفاده گردیده است. دولین های کارستی منطقه با استفاده از روش CLC استخراج گردید. برای بررسی ارتباط میان دولین ها و عوامل موثر بر تحول کارست از نظریه تابع اطمینان شهودی استفاده شد و وزن طبقه های هر عامل مشخص شد. نتایج نشان داد که بیشترین میزان تحول کارست در شیب های 5-0 درصد، جهت شیب های شمالی و هموار، ارتفاع بالاتر از 2500 متر، فاصله نسبتا کم از آبراهه ها (200-100 متر)، فاصله کم از گسل (کمتر از 1000متر)، سازند توده-ای بیستون، زمین های مرتعی و جنگل های نیمه انبوه، دامنه های مقعر و مناطق پربارش قرار دارد. نقشه پهنه بندی تحول کارست با استفاده از مدل جمعی تعمیم یافته در نرم افزار آماری R برای منطقه تهیه شد. نتایج قابلیت بالای تحول کارست این منطقه را نشان می دهد به طوری که 27درصد منطقه در طبقه با تحول زیاد و 37 درصد آن در منطقه با تحول متوسط واقع شده است درحالی که تنها 17 درصد از کل منطقه در پهنه با تحول کارست خیلی کم واقع شده است. مطابقت بالای نتایج به دست آمده با واقعیت منطقه موردمطالعه، بیانگر کارایی بالای مدل است.

    کلید واژگان: تحول کارست, دولین, داده کاوی, شاهو
    Abdolkarim Veysi *, Ebrahim Moghimi, Mehran Maghsoudi, Mojtaba Yamani, Muosa Hosseini

    Karst terrains play an important role in the lives of its inhabitants, and especially in dry and semi-arid countries, they are very important in providing water resources. According to UNESCO's research, karst aquifers are the most important and safe sources of drinking water in the world (Auerli, 2010:6). It seems that in the near future, due to the pollution of non-karstic water resources, as a result of human activities, this amount will increase. Karst morphology plays a very important role in evaluating the sensitivity of karst aquifers. Karstic water resources are the most important source of water supply in Kermanshah province. Due to the characteristics of karstic zones in this area, these resources are very sensitive to environmental changes. Therefore, identifying the karst landforms, observing and analyzing them are methods that cannot be separated from the complex examination of karst zones. Karstic aquifers in the Shahu area feed on many rivers and wetlands in Kermanshah. In addition, local communities around the water use aquifers for drinking and farming purposes. Therefore, based on these facts, it is very important to provide maps that determine the extent of Karst development in these areas.

    Material and methods

    This research is based on field techniques, tools and libraries. The main data of the research include a digital model of height of 12.5 meters from the US Geological Survey, geological maps of 1: 100000, land use map from Kermanshah County Governor's Planning and Design office. In this research, firstly, Karstic Dolines were identified as the most transformed Karstic Landform in the study area using the CLC method and were validated using field studies. The Dolines distribution map was prepared. In order to investigate the relationship between each of the factors affecting the karst evolution in Shaho area, the maps of each of the effective factors with the Dolines distribution map were overlapped in the ARC Gis software, and the weight of each class of factors influencing karst evolution using the Evidential belief function was gained. A generalized nonparametric analytic collective model is an extension of linear models to generalizations (Hastie & Tibshirani, 1990). In the generalized additive model unlike the linear regression model, data is allowed to determine the shape of the response curve.

    Results and discussion

    The results of the slope factor analysis indicate that the maximum weight of Dolines produced in the Shaho area is 0-5% slope, so that 61% of the karstic dolines in this class are in the high slopes. The highest amount of Dolines is in the northern slope direction. Surveying the results of the region's mineralogy units show that the highest weight obtained from the confidence level of 0.996 is related to the Bisotun massive limestone formation, which includes most of karstic dolines. Land use results show that the most of the karstic Dolines were in the good rangeland (0.45), medium rangeland (0.48) and semi-massive forests(0.7). The relationship between the Dolines and the distance from the drainage show that the highest weight (0.63) of Dolines was observed in the distance of 100-200 meters from the drainage. The area of the Karst transformation classes is presented using the aggregated general model in Figure 1. The results indicate that 27 percent of the region is in a high level of transformation. The generalized additive model show that among the ten factors used in the model, lithology, slope, distance from fault, rainfall, altitude, distance from the waterway, land use and aspect, respectively, were significant in karst development. The coefficient of explanation for the generalized model was 0.74 for functional factors. Finally, the mapping of the Karst developement in Shaho area was evaluated using the ROC curve and its curved surface.
    Fig1. The area of the Karst evolution zones in the Shahu area (km2)


    The results of validation show that the accuracy of the generalized nonparametric analytic collective model with the sub-curvature level is 0.798 is very good. The results of the model's prioritization indicate that the significance of lithology, precipitation, slope and tectonic factors was more than other factors in the Karst evolution in Shaho area. The results showed that the highest degree of karst evolution is in the low slope of 0-5%, low distance from the streams and the fault and the northern direction of slopes. The extent of karst evolution in Shahu area is higher in good rangelands. As the solubility of calcareous rocks increases with the degree of purity in the karst process, hence the high thickness and high purity of Bisetoon limeston in the Shaho region provide a good lithology for Karst development in this region. Favorable climatic conditions are not currently available for the development of Karst in this region. just at high altitudes above 2500 meters can be see the effects of the Karst evolution. The variation of karst landforms in this area is very high and therefore it is necessary to determine how using of this resources and appropriate protective measures prepared.

    Keywords: Karst Evolution, doline, Data mining, shahu
  • فاطمه گراوند، سید موسی حسینی*، مهران مقصودی، مجتبی یمانی، راضیه لک

    شکل هیدروگراف چشمه کارستی، بازتاب مستقیم همه فرآیندهای فیزیکی است که در داخل آبخوان، جریان آب زیرزمینی را تحت تاثیر قرار می دهند. به ویژه شکل و روند فروکش، اطلاعات مهمی را در مورد ذخیره و ویژگی های هیدروژیومورفولوژیکی توده آبخوان تامین کننده چشمه، فراهم می آورد. در این پژوهش، تحلیل کمی از رفتار هیدروژیولوژیکی چشمه های کارستی دیمه و پیرغار در استان چهارمحال و بختیاری واقع در زون های مرتفع و چین خورده زاگرس در طول دوره آماری مشترک (از سال 1379 تا 1398) مورد تحلیل کمی قرار گرفته اند. این تحلیل شامل طبقه بندی آبخوان کارستی، مدل سازی منحنی فروکش آبدهی و تخمین حجم آب ذخیره شده در بخش اشباع و غیر اشباع آبخوان کارستی به روش مانجین بوده است. برآورد ضرایب فروکش جریان سریع (αf)، جریان انتقالی (αif) و جریان پایه (αb) چشمه ها بر اساس تحلیل 18 منحنی فروکش بدست آمده αf = 0.004، αif = 0.016 و αb = 0.042 برای چشمه دیمه و αf = 0.007، αif = 0.038 و αb = 0.125 برای چشمه پیرغار نشان داد که درجه توسعه یافتگی چشمه پیرغار 7 و چشمه دیمه برابر 5.5 می باشد؛ آنالیز نتایج سری زمانی نشان دهنده تخلیه چشمه دیمه عمدتا تحت تاثیر شکاف های بهم متصل است و کمتر از سیستم مجاری تاثیر می پذیرد اما چشمه پیرغار دارای توسعه کارستی شدگی آبخوان بواسطه گسل های بزرگ تکتونیکی آزاد است و توسط مجرا های کارستی تخلیه می گردد. بالا بودن میزان جریان انتقالی چشمه پیرغار، تغذیه نقطه ای و سیستم مجرایی کارست منطقه را نشان می دهد.

    کلید واژگان: منحنی فروکش, طبقه بندی آبخوان, روش مانجین, چشمه-های کارستی چهارمحال و بختیاری
    Fatemeh Geravand, Seiyed Mossa Hosseini *, Mehran Maqsoudi, Mojtaba Yamani, Razyeh Lak

    The shape of the karst spring hydrograph is a direct reflection of all the physical processes that affect the flow of underground water inside the aquifer. Especially, the shape and process of the recession curve provides important information about the storage and hydrogeomorphological characteristics of the aquifer mass supplying the spring. In this research, a quantitative analysis of the hydrogeological behavior of Dimeh and Pirghar karst springs in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari provinces located in the high and folded zones of Zagros during the common statistical period (from 2000 to 2019) have been quantitatively analyzed. This analysis includes classification of karst aquifer, modeling of hydrograph recession curve and estimation of water volume stored in saturated and unsaturated part of karst aquifer by Mangin method. . Estimation of the coefficients of recession components of fast flow (αf), transfer flow (αif) and base flow (αb) of springs based on the analysis of 18 recession curves obtained αf = 0.004، αif = 0.016 and αb = 0.042 for Dime spring and αf = 0.007، αif = 0.038 and αb = 0.125 for Pirghar spring revealed that the degree of development of Pirghar spring is 7 and Dime spring is 5.5;The analysis of the time series results shows that the discharge of Dimeh spring is under influence of majority of open, medium-sized fissure and with smaller influence of connected conduits, but the Pirghar spring hasa a system developed karstification of the aquifer, formed by large open tectonic faults and karstic channels. The high transfer flow rate of Pirghar spring shows the point charge and channel system of the karst region.

    Keywords: Recession curve, Karst aquifer classification, Mangin method, Chaharmahal, Bakhtiari karst springs
  • مهران مقصودی*، مهین پیره

    بیابان زایی، نوعی تخریب زمین است که بر محیط زیست و زندگی انسان ها اثرات مستقیمی دارد و بسیاری از مناطق، از جمله مناطق شرقی کشور با این خطر مواجه است. با توجه به اهمیت موضوع، در این پژوهش به شناسایی مناطق آسیب پذیر در مقابل بیابان زایی در استان کرمان پرداخته شد. در این تحقیق به منظور دستیابی به اهداف مورد نظر، از اطلاعات اقلیمی و جمعیتی، مدل رقومی ارتفاعی سی متر و اطلاعات مربوط به نوع خاک منطقه به عنوان داده های تحقیق استفاده شد. مهم ترین ابزار تحقیق، ArcGIS و مدل اصلی مورد استفاده در آن نیز شامل مدل DVI است. این تحقیق در چند مرحله انجام شد که در مرحله اول، اطلاعات موردنیاز جمع آوری شد. در مرحله دوم، به اطلاعات مورد نیاز به صورت درون لایه ای وزن داده شد و در مرحله سوم، لایه های اطلاعاتی بر اساس مدل DVI با هم ترکیب و نقشه مناطق آسیب پذیر تهیه شد. بر اساس نتایج حاصل شده، حدود 53 درصد از مساحت استان کرمان دارای پتانسیل آسیب پذیری زیاد و خیلی زیاد است. در این پژوهش، میزان آسیب پذیری در شهرستان های مختلف نیز ارزیابی شد که بر اساس نتایج حاصل شده، شهرستان های منوجان، قلعه گنج و عنبرآباد به ترتیب با 97، 96 و 91 درصد از مساحت، بالاترین پتانسیل آسیب پذیری را داشت.

    کلید واژگان: استان کرمان, بیابان زایی, شاخص DVI
    Mehran Maghsoudi*, Mahin Pireh

    Desertification is a type of land degradation that often occurs in semi-humid, semi- arid, arid or hyper-arid areas. It becomes drier and loses its original structure, water, plants, and wildlife as a result of a variety of factors such as climate change, soil over-exploitation, and human activities.Common to all definitions of desertification is the severe destruction of the environment and the reduction of biological production of ecosystems due to desertification. Desertification of arid and semi-arid ecosystems is one of the most critical issues studied in ecosystems, which have severe economic and ecological impacts on a wide range of geographical areas with the potential risk of desertification. Desertification has many consequences that directly and indirectly affect human life, the most important of which are mass migration, poverty, water and food shortages, and conflicts over land and water resources. According to studies by the International Fund for Agriculture, desertification threatens 40 percent of the planet and directly affects 12 million hectares of land annually. Different regions have different potentials for desertification development depending on their hydro-climatic conditions. Iran's hydro-climatic situation has caused many parts of it, especially the eastern regions of the country, to be prone to desertification. Considering the direct effects of desertification on human life and its important environmental effects, in this study, vulnerable areas against desertification in Kerman province have been studied.


    In this study, in order to investigate the vulnerability of the study area, the DVI vulnerability index has been used. The information used in the research includes climatic information, a digital model of 30 m altitude, information about the type of soil in the area, and also some demographic information. The most important tool used in research has been ArcGIS. This research has been done in several stages. In the first step, the required information is collected. In the second step, in order to identify vulnerable areas, initially, the intra-layer weight of each parameter is determined and, subsequently, based on that, vulnerable areas are identified. In the third stage, using the DVI relationship and in ArcGIS software, a map of vulnerable areas against desertification has been prepared and then the status of desertification potential in Kerman cities has been evaluated.


    In this study, in order to identify the vulnerable areas of desertification, factors including climatic indicators, topographic indicators, soil characteristics and also demographic indicators have been used. Climatic indicators are one of the effective factors in determining the vulnerability of desert areas, so that areas with less rainfall, high temperature and drought index and more evaporation have a high potential for vulnerability. Soil status and slope are also effective factors in aggravating the vulnerability of areas. Land slope is one of the effective factors in permeability, erosion and runoff. Typically, steep areas have greater potential for vulnerability. Sand fields and salt marshes are also prone to desertification. Demographic indicators are also effective factors in desertification. Demographic indicators used in this study include population density, population growth and illiteracy. Typically, areas with high population density, high illiteracy rates, and high growth rates have greater potential for vulnerability and are prone to desertification.

     Discussion & Conclusions

    In this study, using DVI vulnerability index, the extent of desertification has been investigated in Kerman province. The results of the research indicate that a large part of the area of ​​Kerman province is covered by areas with high and very high vulnerability, so that 61722 square kilometers (equivalent to 34.7%) of the area of ​​the province is a class with high vulnerability potential and 32381 square kilometers (equivalent to 18.2%) of the province's area is covered by floors with very high vulnerability potential. The study of spatial distribution of vulnerable areas indicates that the southern regions of Kerman province have the highest potential for vulnerability due to climatic and demographic conditions. In this study, the level of vulnerability in different cities has been evaluated. Based on the results, the cities of Manojan, Qaleh Ganj and Anbarabad have the highest potential of vulnerability with 97, 96 and 91% of the areas, respectively. The results of the study also indicate that Kerman province has a high potential for vulnerability and the southern regions of the province are at risk of erosion, so it is necessary to plan for conducting measures to prevent desertification, especially in the southern regions of the province.

    Keywords: Desertification, DVI index, Kerman province, Land degradation
  • افسانه اهدائی، مهران مقصودی*، سید محمد زمانزاده، مجتبی یمانی، حسن فاضلی نشلی

    طی دوره های باستانی، شرایط جغرافیایی هر منطقه، از مهم ترین عوامل تاثیرگذار در تعیین الگوی استقرار سکونتگاه ها بوده و تغییرات محیطی، منجر به تغییر الگوهای استقراری نیز می گردیده است. هدف از این پژوهش، بررسی تاثیر تغییرات دیرینه تراز دریای خزر و همچنین نقش عوامل ژیومورفیک در الگوی استقرار محوطه های باستانی شرق استان مازندران می باشد. در ابتدا، نقشه ارتفاع، شیب و ژیومورفولوژی محدوده مورد مطالعه تهیه گردید و موقعیت نقاط باستانی (از دوره پارینه سنگی تا دوره اسلامی) فراوانی و تراکم آنها در هر یک از طبقات ارتفاعی، شیب و لندفرم های ژیومورفولوژیکی، مورد بررسی و تحلیل قرار گرفت. نتایج ضمن تایید تاثیر پذیری الگوی استقرار از عوامل ژیومورفیک محدوده ی مورد مطالعه نشان داد که در دوره های متفاوت، تاثیر عوامل فوق مورد مطالعه، بر مکان گرینی استقرارگاه ها، متفاوت بوده است. هچنین مطالعه لندفرم ها و پراکندگی نقاط باستانی مشخص نمود که مخروط افکنه ها، متراکم ترین لندفرم محسوب می شوند و متراکم ترین بازه ارتفاعی در محدوده مورد مطالعه، بازه ارتفاعی 0 تا 15 متر بوده که این بازه ارتفاعی دقیقا منطبق بر قاعده مخروط افکنه های موجود در منطقه می باشد.در مرحله بعد، با مطالعه پژوهش های انجام شده بر روی تغییرات سطح اساس دریای خزر طی هزاره های گذشته، ایجاد بانک اطلاعات از داده ها و سپس تطبیق زمان این نوسان ها با دوره های باستانی، تاثیر تغییرات خط ساحلی بر مکان گزینی سکونتگاه-های باستانی حوضه جنوب شرق دریای خزر مورد بررسی قرار گرفت و نتایج نشان داد که در برخی از دوره های باستانی الگوی استقرار به شدت تحت تاثیر پیش روی ها و پس روی های دریای خزر می باشد.

    کلید واژگان: زمین باستان شناسی, الگوی استقرار, ژئومورفولوژی, تغییر سطح اساس, جنوب شرق دریای خزر
    Afsaneh Ehdaei, Mehran Maghsoudi *, Seyed Mohammad Zamanzadeh, Mojtaba Yamani, Hasan Fazeli Nashli

    Human interaction with the natural environment has undergone many changes from the past millennia to the present. But geo archaeological studies tell us that although this interaction has changed, the basis of human behavior with the natural environment has been almost the same and based on one thing: Knowledge of the natural environment. Areas located in the southeast of the Caspian Sea, in terms of the relationship between natural and archaeological factors, are one of the most complex areas in Iran. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between geomorphic factors and Paleo sea-level changes in the Caspian Sea with the settlement pattern of ancient sites in the east of Mazandaran province.


    At first, using Arc GIS software and the 30-meter DEM, elevation and slope maps was obtained and classified. Then, using satellite images, Google Earth software and topographic map of the area, geomorphological map was prepared and the location of ancient settlements in relation to the slope and elevation, as well as the distribution and density of ancient sites in various landforms were analyzed. After that, in order to investigate the effect of long-term changes in the CS level on the settlement pattern of ancient sites, first the researches in this field were collected and after creating a database of the Paleo sea-level changes in the CS, these changes were temporally accommodated to the ancient periods. Then, the coastline in each ancient period in relation to the location of ancient sites were analyzed.

    Results and discussion

    With the distance from the coastline, the density gradually increases and in the range of zero to 15 meters, the density reaches its maximum. Increasing altitude with decreasing temperature, flat lands and suitable soil for agriculture and pottery and increasing distance from the sea as a rich source of food, has led to a decrease in the density of ancient settlements. As the slope increases, the conditions for establishing a settlement become unfavorable and the density of archeological sites in the study area gradually decreases. Also, the slope is an important factor in determining the land use and sloping areas may be prone to erosion if cultivated. The density of ancient sites on alluvial fans is higher than other landforms. In addition, as mentioned earlier, the densest elevation range is from 0 to 15, which corresponds exactly to the distal part of alluvial fans in the study area.In the Paleolithic period, the CS experienced a regression (-50m), also experienced high stands up to 0m during the Khvalynian transgression (Mamedov, 1997), but the ancient settlements of this period were not very affected by these changes due to their nomadic lifestyle. The EpiPaleolithic period coincides with the last Khvalynian transgression and CS level reached its maximum (+50). After that, the CS entered the regression phase of Mangyshlak and the maximum regression of that (-92m) occurred at this time (Kroonenberg et al, 2011). It seems that during this period, ancient communities built their settlements near the coastline, in order to have maximum access to the food resources. In the Neolithic period, the accumulation of ancient sites is in the coastal areas. With the advent of agricultural activity, coastal areas became more and more important to ancient societies and the reason is the presence of fertile soil, low slope and access to sufficient water and soil for agricultural activity and pottery. The maximum shoreline recedes during the Chalcolithic period occurred at 7100 BP (-36.5m) (Kroonenberg et al, 2008). And the greatest transgression has occurred in 7000 years ago (-20m) (Raychagov, 1997). This short period of time could have prevented ancient societies from adapting to environmental changes and many settlements near the coastline have been destroyed. In Bronze age, the CS level has fluctuated from -35.5m (Kroonenberg et al, 2008) to -21m (Mamedov, 1997). Along with the shoreline recedes, the settlements also advance towards the sea, and with the re-advance of the coastline, the settlements have been buried under sediments and water. During the later periods, there is an increase in the number of ancient sites in the highlands compared to previous periods. It’s may be due to military security issues during these periods. Because mountainous areas, with more difficult access than coastal areas, have provided more security for its inhabitants.


    The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between geomorphic factors and Paleo sea-level changes in the CS with the settlement pattern of ancient sites in the east of Mazandaran province. The results show that as the slope and elevation increase, the conditions become unfavorable and the density of archeological sites in the study area decreases. in the range of zero to 15 meters, the density of archaeological sites reaches its maximum and this elevation corresponds to the distal part of alluvial fans where is the densest landform in the study area.One of the most important features of the study area is the intermittent changes in the CS level. After separating from the Black Sea in the Middle Pliocene, the CS has experienced several cycles of sea level fluctuation. In the Paleolithic period, ancient settlements were not very affected by these changes due to their nomadic lifestyle. But in the Epi Paleolithic period, it seems that ancient communities built their settlements near the coastline, in order to have maximum access to the food resources. In the Neolithic period, With the advent of agricultural activity, coastal areas became more important to ancient societies and the reason is the presence of fertile soil, low slope and access to sufficient water and soil for agricultural activity and pottery. During all periods, along with the shoreline recedes, the settlements also advance towards the sea, and then, with the re-advance of the coastline, the ancient settlements have been buried under sediments as well as the sea water. Moreover, in later periods, due to military security issues, the number of ancient sites in the highlands increased. Because mountainous areas, with more difficult access than lowland, have provided more security for its inhabitants.

    Keywords: Geo archaeology, Settlement pattern, geomorphology, Sea level change, Southeast of Caspian Sea
  • فرنگیس نظری بیاتیانی، منصور جعفربیگلو*، شیرین محمدخان، مهران مقصودی
    شناسایی عوامل موثر در وقوع زمین لغزش در یک منطقه و پهنه بندی خطر آن یکی از اقدامات اساسی جهت دستیابی به راهکارهای کنترل این پدیده و کاهش مخاطرات محیطی ناشی از آن است. تحقیق حاضر با هدف تعیین عرصه های حساس نسبت به احتمال خطر وقوع زمین لغزش در منطقه کلور (شهرستان خلخال) انجام گرفته است. در این راستا، 9 عامل موثر در رخداد زمین لغزش های منطقه شامل لیتولوژی، ارتفاع، شیب، جهت شیب، کاربری اراضی، گسل، جاده سازی، شبکه زهکشی و بارش، شناسایی شدند و مورد استفاده قرار گرفتند. در ادامه، جهت تعیین عرصه های آسیب پذیر از مدل ترکیبی احتمالات شرطی (قضیه بیز) و فرایند تحلیل شبکه ای (ANP) بهره گرفته شد. نتایج به دست آمده نشان داد که پهنه های با خطر خیلی زیاد و زیاد به ترتیب حدود 69/28 و 40/25 درصد، پهنه های با خطر متوسط حدود 57/21 درصد و پهنه های با خطر کم و خیلی کم نیز به ترتیب 21/14 و 13/10 درصد از منطقه موردمطالعه را شامل می شوند؛ بنابراین، بیش از 54 درصد از منطقه کلور دارای پتانسیل خطر زیاد و خیلی زیاد وقوع زمین لغزش است که دلیل اصلی آن شیب زیاد و وجود سازندهای آهکی مارنی است. همچنین، صحت نتایج با بررسی رابطه مساحت پهنه های خطر و مساحت سطوح لغزشی و R2 بیش از 93/0 در سطح خوبی مورد تایید قرار گرفت؛ بنابراین، نتایج مدل ترکیبی قضیه بیز-ANP برای پهنه بندی خطر زمین لغزش در این نوع مناطق مناسب بوده و نقشه حاصل از آن همراه با شرح تفصیلی می تواند به عنوان ابزاری ارزشمند در برنامه ریزی محیطی و کاهش هزینه های رخ داد زمین لغزش مورد استفاده قرار گیرد.
    کلید واژگان: مخاطرات محیطی, زمین لغزش, قضیه بیز, ANP, کلور
    Farangis Nazari Bayatiani, Mansour Jafar Beglou *, Shirin Mohammad Khan, Mehran Maghsoudi
    Identifying the factors affecting landslides occurrence in an area and zoning its hazard is one of the basic measures to achieve solutions to control this phenomenon and reduce its environmental hazards. The aim of this study was to determine the areas sensitive to the possibility of landslides occurrence in the Kolur region (Khalkhal County). In this regard, 9 factors affecting the landslides occurrence in the region including lithology, elevation, slope, slope direction, land use, faults, road construction, drainage network and precipitation were identified and used. Then, to determine the vulnerable areas, the hybrid models of conditional probabilities (Bayes' theorem) and network analysis process (ANP) were used. As for landslides occurrence, the results showed that about 28.69% and 25.40% of the study area had a very high risk, about 21.57% of the study area had a moderate risk, and finally about 14.21 and 13.10% of the study area had a low and a very low risk, respectively. Therefore, 65% of the Kolur region had a high and a very high risk of landslides. The main reason was due to the high slope and the presence of marl calcareous formations.  According to the obtained results and the relationship between the area of hazardous zones and the percentage of landslide with R2 more than 0.93, the accuracy of landslide hazard zoning map in the study area was confirmed at a good level. Therefore, the results of the combined Bayes' theorem-ANP model were suitable for landslide risk zoning in this type of areas, and the resulting map can be used as a valuable tool in environmental planning and reducing landslide occurrence costs.
    Keywords: Environmental hazards, Landslide, Bayes' theorem, ANP, Kolur
  • هما رستمی، قاسم عزیزی*، حجت دارابی، مهران مقصودی، سحر ملکی، جواد درویشی خاتونی

    پژوهش حاضر با هدف شناسایی و ارایه اطلاعات دقیق از رخدادهای خشک اقلیمی هولوسن میانی و پسین در زاگرس مرکزی انجام شده است. بررسی داده های حاصل از آنالیزهای ژیوشیمی، سن سنجی و حساسیت مغناطیسی بر روی 220 سانتی متر مغزه رسوبی برداشت شده از تالاب هشیلان، امکان بازسازی شرایط اقلیمی 6000 سال گذشته در منطقه زاگرس میانی را فراهم نمود. نتایج این مطالعات نشان دهنده افزایش طوفان های گرد و غبار در دوره های خشک بود که در دوره های زمانی 5200-5400، 4700-4850، 3700-4200، 3250-3400، 2100-2300 و 1500-1700سال قبل در منطقه رخ داده اند. بیشترین نوسانات و رخدادهای اقلیمی کوتاه مدت در منطقه متعلق به هولوسن پسین بوده است. همچنین نتایج آنالیزهای ژیوشیمی ، پذیرفتاری مغناطیسی و جرم کاهی گرمایشی، بررسی تغییرات عناصر و نسبت های عنصری رسوبات محیط تالاب نشان دهنده مطابقت رخدادهای خشک به همراه طوفان های گردوغبار با رخدادهای سرد هولوسن در نیمکره شمالی بود.

    کلید واژگان: رخداد خشک اقلیمی, زاگرس میانی, مغزه رسوبی, تالاب هشیلان
    Homa Rostami, Ghasem Azizi*, Hojjat Darabi, Mehran Maghsoudi, Sahar Maleki, Javad Darvishi Khatooni

    Climate, as the average temperature or precipitation over a long period of time, is constantly fluctuating and changing. There is a complex relationship between climate change and human biological and cultural reactions (Weeks and Petrie, 2018). Increased dry conditions in the subtropics is one of the consequences of climate change that has been predicted by various models. While using the results of various paleo climate archives can reconstruct the climatic conditions of the past several thousand years and provide more accurate forecasts for the future. Due to the fact that the physical and chemical properties of sediments have an extraordinary power in recording climatic and environmental events with high sensitivity, so the use of sedimentary geochemical results in identifying and reconstructing the effects of dry climatic events is one of the most common method (Sai, 2004).

    Material and method

    In order to identify and reconstruct the Middle and Late Holocene dry events, a 2-meter sediment core was used from the middle part of Heshilan marshland. The coring was performed using a Russian coroner. In this study, 5 samples were analyzed by radiocarbon method (C14-AMS) at the Institute of Physics and Astronomy, University of Aarhus, Denmark. Magnetic susceptibility measurements of the samples and measurements were performed using a COX Itrax CS37 scanner at the Bartington MS2C magnetometer at the Geogenetics Laboratory of the Copenhagen Geological Museum in Denmark. The magnetic susceptibility of the samples was measured with an accuracy of 5 mm and the Itrax analysis with an accuracy of 1 mm.


    The study of climatic events of the last six thousand years showed the fluctuation of climate between cold, dry and warm phases in the study area, which was consistent with the climatic events of the northern hemisphere. The results showed that dust storms occurred in the period of 5400-5200, 4850-4700, 4200-3700, 3400- 3250, 2300-2100 and 1700-1500 years ago in the region. The length of the region's dry climatic periods has often been 200 years. The longest dry period identified in the region dates back to 4200-3700 years ago.

    Keywords: Dry climatic event, Central Zagros, Sedimentary core, Hashilan marshland
  • راحله تهمک، مجتبی یمانی*، مهران مقصودی

    ژیوتوریسم یکی از ارکان گردشگری است که بر چشم ‏اندازها، فرم‏ ها، و فرایندهای به ‏وجودآورنده آن‏ها تاکید دارد. بدیهی است هر منطقه ‏ای با توجه به محیط جغرافیایی خود از استعدادها و جذابیت ‏های متفاوتی برخوردار است. شهر جدید ایوانکی در غرب استان سمنان جزو مناطقی است که از یک سو در حاشیه منطقه خشک ایران و از سوی دیگر در پای کوه‏ های البرز قرار گرفته و به‏نظر می ‏رسد پتانسیل زیادی برای توسعه صنعت ژیوتوریسم داشته باشد. با توجه به اهمیت موضوع، هدف از انجام این پژوهش پتانسیل‏ سنجی ژیوسایت‏ های پیرامون شهر جدید ایوانکی است. برای دستیابی به این هدف، داده‏های اصلی پژوهش را اطلاعات اسنادی، مصاحبه، و مشاهدات میدانی تشکیل داده ‏اند. همچنین، برای تحلیل داده ‏ها نرم‏افزار‏های ARCGIS و SPSS ابزارهای اصلی پژوهش را تشکیل داده ‏اند. در این راستا، ضمن انجام بررسی ‏های کتابخانه‏ ای و مصاحبه، ژیوسایت ‏های منطقه شناسایی شده است. سپس، با به ‏کارگیری روش‏ های کامنسکو، کوبالیکوا، و روش بومی به ‏عنوان ابزارهای مفهومی، به ارزیابی ژیوسایت ‏های مورد اشاره در پیرامون منطقه مورد بررسی پرداخته شده است. هدف از به‏کارگیری سه روش یادشده آزمون ‏سنجی و ارزیابی این مدل ‏ها و انتخاب بهترین مدل سازگار با شرایط منطقه بوده است. بنابراین، به ‏منظور تعیین ارزش نهایی ژیوسایت‏ ها، امتیاز نهایی هر ژیوسایت در هر روش به ‏صورت درصد از مجموع به‏ دست آمده است و درنهایت با به ‏دست‏ آوردن میانگین درصد هر سه روش، ارزش نهایی هر ژیوسایت محاسبه شده است. بر اساس نتایج به ‏دست‏ آمده، در بین ژیوسایت‏ های منطقه، ژیوسایت تنگه‏ واشی با میانگین 6/79 امتیاز دارای بالاترین امتیاز است و بعد از این ژیوسایت نیز ژیوسایت ‏های تونل نمکی و معادن نمکی به‏ترتیب با 1/78 و 6/72 امتیاز دارای بالاترین میانگین امتیازند. مجموع نتایج به ‏دست‏ آمده بیانگر این است که قرارگیری شهر جدید ایوانکی در حدفاصل ژیوسایت‏ های مناطق کوهستانی و کویری سبب شده است تا این شهر پتانسیل بالایی به‏ عنوان یکی از مراکز گردشگری داشته باشد.

    کلید واژگان: ژئوتوریسم, شهر جدید ایوانکی, مدل بومی, مدل کامنسکو, مدل کوبالیکوا
    Raheleh Tohmak, Mojtaba Yamani *, Mehran Maghsoudi

    Tourism is one of the sectors that has grown dramatically in the global economic arena in recent years, so that tourism in many countries is considered as the main source of economic recovery and economic growth. Economists believe that tourism is one of the most promising industries that the Third World can use its capabilities to replace other industries and development. One of the new study basins in tourism studies is based on the recognition of geomorphous cultures. Geotourism is one of the pillars of tourism that emphasizes the prospects, forms and processes that create them. In fact, geotourism, a tourism that preserves and improves the geographic identity of a site, which includes not only the environment, but also the cultural heritage and aesthetics of the place, and most importantly the welfare of the local population. Despite the importance of geotourism and its great impact on the socio-economic development of the regions, but the necessary progress has not been made in this area and in many regions, including the central regions of the country, there are no comprehensive plans for the development of this industry. Each region has different talents and attractions according to its geographical environment. One of the areas that has high potential for the development of the geotourism industry is the new city of Ivanki in the west of Semnan province. Due to its geographical location and connection, the new city of Ivanki can have important functions to create sustainable employment and urban development in the future, including the tourist function. Ivanki new city from the south to important geosites including Dasht-e Kavir, from the west and east to the geosites of mines and Salt Mountain. It also leads to the geosites of mountainous areas from the north, including valleys, gorges, waterfalls and springs, but no action has been taken to develop the region's geotourism industry. Due to the importance of the issue, in this research, the potential of geotourism development around the new city of Ivanki will be assessed.

    Materials and methods

    This research is based on descriptive-analytical methods. Research data are based on library studies and interviews. Research tools include ARCGIS (for mapping) and SPSS (for calculating the value of geosites). In this research, first, using library studies and interviews, geosites of the region have been identified and then they have been evaluated using Comanescu, Kubalikova and indigenous methods. The Comanescu method uses the criteria of management and use, cultural, aesthetic, scientific and economic. The Kubalikova method emphasizes scientific and intrinsic values, educational, economic, conservation and other values. In this study, in addition to the Comanescu and Kubalikova models, the geosites of the area have been evaluated using an integrated model and intervening in the environmental conditions of the study area. In fact, in order to comprehensively study the geosites of the region, according to the status of the studied geosites and also modeling different models, a native model has been prepared to evaluate the geosites and using it, the studied geosites have been evaluated. . In this model, the desired values are divided into two categories of intrinsic values and complementary values. Due to the fact that the scoring method is different in the three methods used and each method has more emphasis on specific criteria, the results obtained from the three methods are not the same. Therefore, in this study, in order to determine the final value of geosites, the final score of each geosite in each method has been obtained as a percentage of the total, and finally, by obtaining the average percentage of all three methods, the final value of each geosite has been calculated.

    Discussion and results

    The location of the new city of Ivanki has made this area prone to the development of the geotourism industry. In this study, in order to potentially assess the geotourism status of the region, 40 potential geosites of the region were identified and then evaluated using the methods of Comanescu, Kubalikova and local methods. The results obtained through the Comanescu method indicate that among the geosites of the region, the geography of the Vashi Strait has the highest score with a total of 89 points and after that, the geosites of salt mines and Kavir National Park have the highest points with 83 and 76 points, respectively. According to the results obtained from the Kubalikova method, the geography of the Vashi Strait has the highest score with a total of 10.25 points, followed by the geosites of the salt mines and Kavir National Park with 9.75 and 9 points, respectively. Based on the results obtained from the native method, the salt mines geosite has the highest score with a total of 42 points, followed by the salt tunnel and Vashi Strait geosites with 41 and 39 points, respectively.


    In this research, 3 methods have been used to evaluate geosites. Given that there are differences between the results obtained, Therefore, in order to determine the final value of geosites, the final score of each geosite in each method is obtained as a percentage of the total, and finally, by obtaining the average percentage of all three methods, the final value of each geosite is calculated. According to the results, among the geosites of the region, the geography of Vashi Strait with an average of 79.6 points, has the highest score, and after this geosite, the tunnels of salt tunnels and salt mines with 78.1 and 72.6 points, respectively. , Have the highest average score. The sum of the obtained results indicates that the study area has the necessary conditions for the development of the geotourism industry. In fact, the location of the new city of Ivanki at the distance of geosites in mountainous and desert areas has caused this city to have the necessary potential as one of the tourist centers.

    Keywords: Geotourism, Kamensko model, Kubalikova model, Ivanki new city, development
  • مهران مقصودی*، ابوالقاسم گورابی، مجتبی یمانی، مرضیه بذرافکن

    رودخانه‏ ها از شریان‏ های حیاتی موثر در جذب جمعیت و ایجاد سکونت گاه‏ های شهری و روستایی، به‏ویژه در مناطق خشک و نیمه ‏خشک، به‏ شمار می ‏روند. رودخانه خشک و راهدار در پهنه کلان‏شهر شیراز در سالیان گذشته یکی از پهنه‏ های ژیومورفیک مخاطره‏ آمیز شهری بوده است. با توجه به وقوع چندین سیلاب بزرگ در سال‏ های اخیر و ایجاد تلفات جانی و مالی قابل‏ توجه، تعیین نقاط مناسب جهت اسکان موقت آسیب‏ دیدگان سیل از نیازهای ضروری محسوب می‏ شود. در این پژوهش، با استفاده از داده ‏های‏ رقومی ارتفاعی، مکانی‏‏ موقع کاربری‏ های واقع در شهر شیراز، بررسی‏ های میدانی، و مصاحبه با کارشناسان، در قالب مدل ‏های تصمیم‏ گیری چندمعیاره و AHP، پس از مقایسه زوجی متغیرها و تعیین اولویت آن‏ها مناسب ‏ترین مکان‏ها برای اسکان موقت ارایه ‏شده ‏اند. تعیین و توسعه کاربرهای (پل‏ها، کنارگذرها و...) بدون توجه به عرصه ژیومورفولوژیک در تشدید خسارات و آسیب‏ها نقش مهمی داشته‏اند. ارزیابی این پژوهش نشان داد پهنه‏ هایی که عمدتا در جنوب شرق و نواحی مرکزی منطقه شهری شیراز واقع ‏شده‏اند (فضاهای باز و فرودگاه) دارای میانگین شاخص مطلوبیت بالایی هستند و می‏ توان ار آن‏ها به ‏عنوان مناسب ‏ترین پهنه‏ ها برای اسکان موقت مبتنی بر مخاطره سیل در شهر شیراز استفاده کرد.

    کلید واژگان: اسکان موقت, سلسله‏ مراتبی, سیل, شیراز, مکان ‏یابی
    Mehran Maghsoudi *, Abolghasem Goorabi, Mojtaba Yamani, Marzieh Bazrafkan

    Locating temporary settlement based on flood hazard in ShirazExtended AbstractIntroductionNatural hazards, especially floods, as recurring and destructive phenomena, have always existed throughout the life of the planet and have always been a danger to humans. The experiences of developing countries in this field indicate that they are more vulnerable to natural hazards. Due to its natural and human characteristics, Iran has suffered many crises and is one of the most vulnerable countries to natural hazards.Rivers are one of the vital arteries in attracting population and creating urban and rural settlements, especially in arid and semi-arid regions. The Khoshk and Rahdar River in the metropolitan area of Shiraz has been one of the dangerous geomorphic areas of the city in recent years. The location of Shiraz urban area due to the location of a significant part of it on the geomorphological field of floodplains of rivers is associated with the threat of flood risk, which is evidenced by floods in 1986, 2001 and 2019 and the damage caused by them. Therefore, the necessary environmental management in this field before, during, and after the flood in the urban area of Shiraz is essential. This study aims to help by locating temporary settlements based on flood risk in the urban area of Shiraz, which is doubly important with a population concentration (population of 1.5 million people) and significant economic capital.Materials and methodsIn this research, digital topographic maps of 1: 25000, geological 1: 100000, digital model of altitude 10 meters, detailed study map, aerial photographs, and satellite images have been used. Statistics of hydrological stations were provided by the Regional Water Organization. To calculate the average annual discharge of stations in the 25-year index period (1989-2014), at first, the statistics of stations with a statistical period of more than 10 years have been reconstructed by establishing a correlation between the annual discharge of these stations and the reference stations. Annual discharge statistics in stations with a statistical period of 10 years or more have been reconstructed and supplemented using the correlation between them and base stations.The research method used in this research is descriptive-analytical. First, flood zoning was done for the study area and then suitable places for temporary settlement were determined. Flood zoning was determined using Hec_GeoHMS and HEC_GeoRAS models for Khoshk and Rahdar Rivers.To select suitable neighborhoods for temporary settlement, first the necessary criteria for this location are prepared and after preparing these criteria, in the location stage, according to experts, scoring frameworks are determined based on these criteria. Determining suitable places for temporary settlement during flood risk in the study area has been done using multi-criteria decision-making models and the AHP model using ArcGIS software.Results and DiscussionFlood zoning was performed using HecGeoHMS and HECGeoRAS models for Dry River that flows seasonally. Due to the lack of information on the flow of the river, the flood zone of the Rahdar River has been determined by field visits and the opinion of the experts of the Water Regional Organization (average radius of 150 meters).According to studies, the main criteria for locating temporary settlement are: 1) distance to the flood zone, 2) distance to the border of mountains and plains, 3) distance to empty spaces (land without construction, garden, park and space Green, and agricultural lands), 4) building density, 5) distance to waterway and river, 6) distance to fire station, 7) total population, 8) vulnerable population (less than ten years and over 65 years) 9) compatibility of land uses, 10) distance to main thoroughfares, 11) distance to health centers, 12) distance to military-law enforcement points, 13) ground level, 14) land slope, 15) slope direction and 16) distance To the entrance of waterway and river.The steps for analyzing the data are as follows:1- Preparation of raster layers of criteria2- Reclassify the raster layers of the criteria3- Converting raster layers to vector layers4- Calculation of relative weights of sub-criteria by Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)5- Calculating the relative weights of sub-criteria the use compatibility 6- Preparation of raster layer of relative weights of sub-criteria7- Determining the relative weight of criteria8- Combining the layers of relative weights of the sub-criteria and determining the spatial utility index9- Determining the average spatial utility index in empty spaces10 - Determining the best areas for the construction of emergency settlementConclusionsShiraz has seen heavy and torrential rains 5 times in the last century. The water flowed out of the dry river and flowed in the passages and streets, causing major damage to houses and commercial places along the river. Many people needed a place to live temporarily. The uncontrolled expansion of the city, especially in the northwest axis, and the loss of natural areas absorbing runoff and precipitation and reducing vegetation in the region has caused that in high rainfall (more than 70 mm in 24 hours) and intermittent, water can not penetrate the soil. Slow and eventually flow in the path due to lack of drainage and proper disposal system. Among the effective human factors are land-use change, commercial, recreational and residential constructions, tampering with waterways or blocking these waterways completely, construction in the area of canals, construction of communication bridges on canals and narrowing of waterways.Locating temporary settlement before the hazard occurs and in the planning stage can help managers have a written action plan after the hazard occurs .One of the differences between this research and other researches is the type of criteria considered and that so far no comprehensive study has been conducted on the subject of research for Shiraz. Suitable places for temporary settlement during flood risk in the study area were determined using multi-criteria decision- making models and the AHP model using ArcGIS software. The combination of criteria for locating suitable areas for temporary settlement in Shiraz (Figures 9, 10 and 11) shows that areas in the southeast and central areas are among the areas with high potential for temporary settlement.

    Keywords: temporary settlement, Flood, AHP, Shiraz, location
  • مهران مقصودی*، یاسر حسن زاده، ابراهیم مقیمی، مجتبی یمانی

    صنعت گردشگری به عنوان یک عامل تغییر در چشم انداز اقتصادی می تواند به یک ابزار توسعه برای مناطق محروم تبدیل شود. توسعه گردشگری در مناطق روستایی عنصری اساسی است و یکی از راه های نجات روستاها از فقر، مهاجرت و مشکلات اجتماعی و اقتصادی به شمار می رود. در پژوهش حاضر روستاهای ساحلی شهرستان سیریک واقع در استان هرمزگان در نوار ساحلی شرق تنگه هرمز به دلیل داشتن جاذبه های طبیعی متنوع و بکر از نظر توسعه گردشگری ارزیابی شده است. موقعیت سایت های مستعد برای گردشگری در روستاهای مورد مطالعه و موقعیت و پراکندگی مکانی آن ها از طریق پیمایش میدانی و با استفاده از GPS به روی نقشه های پایه انتقال داده شده اند. بدین ترتیب یک شناسنامه کامل و نقشه پراکندگی عوارض ژیومورفولوژیکی روستاهای محدوده تهیه شد و در مرحله بعد هر روستای محدوده مورد مطالعه به دلیل وجود لندفرم های متنوع به عنوان یک ژیوسایت یا ژیومورفوسایت در نظر گرفته شد و با استفاده از دو مدل کوبالیکوا و بریل ها اقدام به ارزیابی قابلیت توسعه گردشگری روستاها شد. هر کدام از ژیوسایتها ارزش گذاری شده و سپس مجموع ارزشها با هم ترکیب شد و ارزش نهایی هر ژیوسایت بدست آمده است. نتایج مدل کوبالیکوا نیز نشان داد که روستا گناری با 12 امتیاز بیشترین امتیاز و کوهستک  با 75/11، گهردو و  پالور با 25/8 رتبه های بعدی را کسب نمودند. نتایج نشان داد که در روش بریل ها روستای گناری با کسب 870 امتیاز از کل امتیاز ارزش ها در رتبه اول وروستاهای پالور با 810 وکوهستک با امتیاز 775، در رده های بعدی قرار گرفته اند.

    کلید واژگان: طبیعت گردی, شرق تنگه هرمز, لندفرم, شهرستان سیریک
    Mehran Maghsoudi*, Ebrahim Moghimi, Mojtaba Yamani, Yaser Hassanzadeh

    The tourism industry can become a development tool for deprived areas as a factor of change in the economic outlook. Development of tourism in rural areas is an essential element and one of the ways to save villages from poverty, migration and social and economic problems. In the present study, coastal villages of Sirik city in Hormozgan province in the east coast of the Strait of Hormoz have been evaluated for the development of tourism due to the diversity of natural attractions. Situation and conditions of sites susceptible to tourism in studied villages and their location and location distribution through field surveys and using GPS have been transmitted to base maps. Thus, a full identity card and map of distribution of geomorphologic complications in the villages of the area were prepared In the next step, each village in the study area was considered as a geosite or geomorphosites due to the presence of various landforms Using two models of Kobalikova and Braille, they assessed the rural tourism development capability. Each geosite was valued and then the sum of values was combined and the final value of each geosite was obtained. The results of Kubalikovchr('39')s model also showed that Ghanari village with 12 points scored the highest points and kuhestak 11.75, Gheordo and Palur 8.25, respectively. The results showed that in the Braille method, the Ghanari village was scored 870 points from the total score of the points and ranked the first and Palur estates with 810 and kuhestak 775 points

    Keywords: nature tourism, east of the Strait of Hormuz, Landform, sirik city
  • یاسر حسن زاده*، ابراهیم مقیمی، مهران مقصودی

    گردشگری یکی از عناصر اصلی توسعه و ژیوتوریسم به عنوان گونه ای از گردشگری پایدار اهمیت ویژه ای در توسعه ی صنعت گردشگری کشورها داشته است. در پژوهش حاضر شرق تنگه هرمز یکی از مکانهای ژیومورفولوژیکی معروف ایران به دلیل داشتن جاذبه های مختلف و با قابلیت های ژیومورفولوژیکی کم نظیر خود مورد ارزیابی ژیوتوریستی قرار گرفته است که ضمن این ویژگیهای جذاب متاسفانه تاکنون در زمینه شناسایی قابلیت های ژیوتوریسمی و سرمایه گذاری در این زمینه اقدامی صورت نگرفته است. لذا در پژوهش حاضر موقعیت سایت های مستعد برای گردشگری در منطقه مورد مطالعه و موقعیت و پراکندگی مکانی آن ها از طریق پیمایش میدانی و با استفاده ازGPS به روی نقشه های پایه انتقال داده شده اند. بدین ترتیب شناسنامه کامل و نقشه پراکندگی سایت های محدوده تهیه و سپس با استفاده از دو مدل کوبالیکوا و بریل ها جهت ارزیابی قابلیت توسعه گردشگری سایت های محدوده اقدام شد. هر کدام از ژیوسایتها ارزشگذاری شده و سپس مجموع ارزشها با هم ترکیب و ارزش نهایی هر ژیوسایت بدست آمده است. نتایج مدل کوبالیکوا نشان داد تالاب آذینی با 12 امتیاز، رودخانه میناب و بندرکوهستک با 11/75، خورتیاب، طالوار و سرارو با 11/5، گتان 11 امتیاز بیشترین امتیاز را کسب نموده و همچنین نتایج نشان داد که در روش بریل ها تالاب آذینی با مجموع امتیاز وزن دهی 920، دماغه جاسک با مجموع امتیاز 900 و گتان با مجموع امتیاز 870 بیشترین امتیاز وزن دهی و در رتبه اول تا سوم قرار گرفته اند و از شرایط مطلوب تری برخوردار هستند.

    کلید واژگان: ژئوتوریستی, تالاب آذینی, شرق تنگه هرمز, ژئوسایت, قابلیت های ژئومورفولوژیکی
    Yaser Hassanzadeh *, Ebrahim Moghimi, Mehran Maghsoudi

    Tourism One of the main elements of development and geotourism, as a form of sustainable tourism, has been of particular importance in the development of the tourism industry of the countries. Geotourism is an emerging fringe discipline that utilizes theories and methods of earth science and explores the content of other disciplines to serve the needs of tourism development, evaluating, planning, developing, managing and conserving tourism resources. Draws. In the meantime, Iran, despite its considerable potential, has so far failed to benefit from the industry. Therefore, the recognition of geotourism attractions and capabilities in recent years, along with the increased motivation of tourists to visit the natural landscapes, has attracted the attention of officials and managers. The present study is part of the coastal strip east of the Strait of Hormuz, a region in the province of Hormozgan, and a number of the cities of Minab, Sirik and Jask from the estuary of the Minab River in the north to the eastern bay of Jask Port, one of the famous geomorphological sites of Iran due to its attractions. With its unique geomorphological capabilities, including beautiful coastlines, golfers, shapes of mountainous terrain and beautiful geomorphological landscapes, Geotourism has been evaluated for tourism development while having these fascinating geomorphological features, Can have an important role in the sustainable development of the region. But specific environmental features such as unfavorable climate, saline water and soil, distance have caused issues such as unemployment, poverty and deprivation in the region, and unfortunately so far no capability has been identified as well as investment. Lack of infrastructure for tourism purposes makes access to the area difficult, including lack of accommodation, lack of proper communication, lack of tourism management, and lack of relevant agencies. Another issue is that the study area has been considered to be far out of reach of the country so the capabilities of this area from the perspective of the present study, namely geotourism development and in the field of geomorphosite capability assessment and management aspects. And its planning has not been thoroughly investigated.Therefore, diversification of tourism activities in this region can create employment, reduce poverty and create relative social welfare and reduce risks. Survey data were collected through fieldwork and direct observation as well as interviews. Also, statistical data was produced and analyzed based on documentary evidence as well as various images and maps. The locations and conditions of tourism-prone sites in the study area and their location and spatial distribution have been mapped using GPS to the baseline maps. A complete geographical and geomorphocyte scattering map was then obtained and after identifying geocytes and geomorphosites in the region, 36 sites were identified from tourism sites to evaluate tourism development capability, using two methods of Kubalikova (2013) and Braille (2015). In the Kubalikova method, the criteria are applied in five groups, including scientific and intrinsic value criteria, educational value criteria, economic value criteria, protective value criteria, and acquisition value criteria, covering almost all geotourism features. In the Braille method, the quantitative evaluation of geosites is carried out using four scientific, educational, tourist and demolition criteria. In this study, for rating geocytes, the rating of the values obtained from each geocache is combined and the geocache rank is determined. Each geosite is then valued and then the sum of values is combined and the final value of each geosite is obtained. The results of Kubalikova method showed that Azini wetland with 12 points, Minab and Bandar Kuhstak river with 11.75, Khortyab, Talvar and Sararo with 11.5, Gotan 11 with highest score, Azini wetland with higher score than value criteria Educational and acquisition, and later on, gained a higher score than the criterion of intrinsic and intrinsic value, as well as conservation, which was higher than other estates. The results also showed that in Brailha method, Azini wetland with a total weight of 920, cape Jask with a total score of 900 and Gotan with a total score of 870 had the highest weighting scores and ranked first to third with the most favorable conditions. Some of the most important factors that have made the Azini Wetland site a top priority in this way are the proper display of geological processes, the use of geosciences by international sciences, and the publication of scientific papers related to this geoscience in nationally accredited articles, Not limited in terms of field surveys and sampling, the high potential of geosciences education, the high area of the area, which comprises nearly 7 branch channels, and the ecological attractiveness of the geosite that is unique at the regional level. Therefore, in the eastern part of the Strait of Hormuz, there are diverse and beautiful natural and humane tourist attractions, each of which can somehow contribute to the development of the area, but the development of this geotourism potential of the area under study requires planning and allocation of facilities and equipment and providing tourism infrastructure. Activating the tourism aspect of the area can make full use of the sea and coastal capacities of the region, thus boosting the business and employment of the people of the region and making a significant impact on the local people's livelihood through tourism. On the other hand, unilateral pressure on the sea has been reduced by the activities of this sector in line with fishing activities, and thus the deleterious effects of human trafficking will be directed to a reasonable degree which could be part of the health of the marine ecosystem and Meet the beach

    Keywords: Geotourism, Azini Wetland, East of Hormuz Strait, geosite, Geomorphological capabilities
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    دانشیار جغرافیای طبیعی (ژئومورفولوژی)، دانشکده جغرافیا،، دانشگاه تهران، تهران، ایران
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