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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « Tehran city » در نشریات گروه « محیط زیست »

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «Tehran city» در نشریات گروه «علوم پایه»
  • فرهاد خسروانی، عنایت عباسی*، شهلا چوبچیان، مهدی جلیلی قاضی زاده

    مدیریت مطلوب پسماندهای غذایی با توجه به حجم بالای تولید روزانه آن ها در تمامی کشورها از اهمیت ویژهای به خصوص از دیدگاه زیست محیطی و بهداشتی برخوردار است. این نوع پسماندها به‏ علت ماهیت شیمیایی و ساختاری، به ‏راحتی تجزیه شده و در صورت مدیریت غیراصولی، از پتانسیل بالایی برای تولید شیرابه و انتشار گازهای گلخانه‏ای، آلودگی خاک و... برخوردار ند. به دلیل اهمیت موضوع، مطالعه حاضر با هدف کلی تحلیل محتوای اسناد فرادستی در سه سطح ملی، منطقه ای و محلی به منظور استنتاج اهداف نظام مدیریت پایدار پسماند شهر تهران به اجرا درآمد. بدین منظور 15 سند فرادستی (5 سند ملی، 5 سند منطقه ای و 5 سند محلی) به عنوان نمونه هدفمند و در دسترس برای مطالعه انتخاب گردید. اسناد منتخب با استفاده از تحلیل محتوای اسناد به روش گال و همکاران بررسی و مفاهیم مربوطه استخراج و کدگذاری گردید. این تحقیق، 5 هدف کلی مدیریت پایدار پسماند و همسو با اهداف توسعه پایدار را شناسایی نمود. درواقع پنج بعد شامل: هدف نهادی (با تاکید بر یکپارچگی و شمولیت ارکان کلیدی سیستم مدیریت پسماند شهری)، هدف فنی و زیرساختی (با تاکید بر بهینه سازی فرآیندهای موجود در بکارگیری فناوری های مدیریت پسماند شهری)، هدف زیستمحیطی (تاکید بر کمینه سازی اثرات سوء بهداشتی و زیست محیطی سیستم مدیریت پسماند شهری)، هدف اقتصادی (تاکید بر پایداری اقتصادی و مالی سیستم مدیریت پسماند شهری) و هدف فرهنگی- اجتماعی (تاکید بر جلب مشارکت حداکثری شهروندان و خدمات گیرندگان) به عنوان اصلی ترین اهداف تاثیرگذار در مدیریت پایدار پسماند تعیین گردید.

    کلید واژگان: پسماند غذایی, مدیریت پایدار پسماند, تحلیل محتوا, اسناد فرادستی, شهر تهران}
    Farhad Khosravani, Enayat Abbasi *, Shahla Choobchian, Mehdi Jalili Qazizadeh

    Due to the high volume of their daily production, the optimal management of food waste is of special importance in all countries, especially from the environmental and health point of views. Because of its chemical and structural nature, this type of waste is easily decomposed and has a high potential to produce leachate and emit greenhouse gases, soil pollution, etc. in case of improper management. Due to the importance of the subject, the present study was carried out with the general aim of analyzing the content of the upstream documents at three national, regional and local levels in order to deduce the goals of the sustainable waste management system in Tehran. For this purpose, 15 upstream documents (5 national documents, 5 regional documents and 5 local documents) were selected as targeted and available samples for study. The selected documents were analyzed using the content analysis method of Gal et al. and the relevant concepts were extracted and coded. According to the results, the goals of sustainable food waste management in Tehran are presented in the form of five institutional (integration and inclusion of key elements of the urban waste management system), technical and infrastructural (optimizing existing processes in the use of technologies), environmental (minimizing adverse health and environmental effects), economic (financial sustainability) and cultural-social (attracting the maximum participation of citizens) categories. Finally, suggestions have been made to achieve each of the goals.

    Keywords: food waste, sustainable waste management, Content analysis, upstream documents, Tehran city}
  • فاطمه عفتی*، عبدالرسول سلمان ماهینی، فاطمه شفیعی خورشیدی، سعید کریمی
    زمینه و هدف

    شهر تهران در دهه های گذشته رشد گسترده جمعیت را تجربه کرده و منجر به سرعت بالای توسعه شهری شده است.  از این رو الگوهای استفاده از زمین/پوشش زمین (LULC) به طرز چشمگیری به سطوح غیرمجاز تغییر یافته است که منجر به تغییر در شرایط حرارتی و تشکیل جزایر گرمایی در این شهر شده است. بر این اساس این پژوهش درصدد است رابطه بین الگوهای سیمای سرزمین و دمای سطح زمین را با استفاده از سنجه های سیمای سرزمین  در مقیاس مناسب در شهر تهران را بررسی نماید.

    روش بررسی

    در این پژوهش، تصویر ETM+ ماهواره ی لندست شهر تهران مربوط به 28 فوریه 2013 انتخاب و از طریق آنالیز ترکیب طیفی  و الگوریتم بیشترین شباهت، نقشه ی کاربری/پوشش اراضی با پنج کلاس تهیه گردید. همچنین، نقشه ی دمای سطح زمین (LST)  در چهار پهنه با توجه به روش های موجود، از باند حرارتی  ماهواره یاد شده تهیه شد. ارتباط بین دمای سطح زمین و کاربری/پوشش اراضی با استفاده از 7 سنجه سیمای سرزمین (نظیرMPS, PAFRAC, COHESION) مورد تجریه و تحلیل قرار گرفت.

    یافته ها

    کاربری/پوشش اراضی مربوط به سطوح نفوذناپذیر بالاترین درصد کلاس و میانگین اندازه ی لکه، پیوستگی و تراکم را داشت و نتایج آن، مشابهت های زیادی با پهنه ی دوم حرارتی دارد که در آن سطوح نفوذناپذیر غالب است. همچنین اندازه پیکسل 30 متر به عنوان مناسب ترین مقیاس جهت بررسی الگوهای کاربری/ پوشش اراضی و رابطه آن با دمای سطح زمین در این تصویر برای شهر تهران مشخص شد.

    بحث و نتیجه گیری

    نتایج به دست آمده نشان از موفقیت آمیز بودن روش بررسی ارتباط بین دمای سطح زمین  و کاربری/ پوشش اراضی  با استفاده از سنجه های سیمای سرزمین دارند. نتایج این تحقیق می تواند برای برنامه ریزان شهری و مدیران محیط زیستی در زمینه مهار نسبی حرارت شهری ناشی از شهرنشینی مفید باشد.

    کلید واژگان: سنجه های سیمای سرزمین, کاربری, پوشش اراضی, دمای سطح زمین, مقیاس, شهر تهران}
    Fatemeh Effati *, Abdolrassoul Salmanmahiny, Fatemeh Shafie Khorshidi, Saeed Karimi
    Background and Objective

    Tehran has experienced extensive population growth in the last decades, leading to a high rate of urban expansion. Land use/land cover (LULC) patterns have noticeably been changed to impervious surfaces that led to the changes in the thermal condition and forming heat islands in this city. So this study wants to evaluate the landscape and the Land surface temperature patterns via using the landscape metrics on a proper scale in Tehran.

    Material and Methodology

     In this study, a combination of remote sensing, GIS and landscape ecology approach is used to explain the relationship between land use/cover patterns and land surface temperature in Tehran's urban area. We used ETM + Landsat satellite images of February 28, 2013 to create a five class LULC map of the area through Linear Spectral Mixture Analysis and the maximum algorithm methods.Also, Land Surface Temperature map were prepared according to the available methods for thermal band of the sensor and were presented in four zones. Then, the relationship between LST and land use/cover was investigated using 7 landscape metrics (e.g MPS, PAFRAC, COHESION).


    We found that impervious surface has the highest percentage of class and mean patch size, cohesion and aggregation, and landscape metrics very well described the LST zone II with impervious surface dominance. Also, the results showed that the 30 m pixel size is good enough for assessing the spatial and ecological characteristics of LULC patterns and their relationships with LST in Tehran

    Discussion and Conclusion

    The results showed the possibility of assessing the relationship between LST and LULC based on the landscape metrics. The findings can be useful for urban planners and environmental managers to decrease urban heat pollution during urban sprawl and development.

    Keywords: Landscape metrics, Land use, Land over, Land surface temperature, scale, Tehran city}
  • قنبر آدینه وند، معصومه حافظ رضازاده*، مریم کریمیان بستانی

    امروزه رشد جمعیت و توسعه شهرنشینی سبب افزایش میزان پسماند تولیدی در جوامع شهری شده است. شهر تهران هم از این امر مستثنی نبوده و لازم است تا مدیریت پسماند این شهر ارتقا یابد. در همین خصوص به نظر میرسد عوامل زیادی دخیل باشند و از بین آنها برخی عوامل نقش کلیدی تری داشته باشد از همین رو، هدف این تحقیق شناسایی پیشران های ارتقای مدیریت پسماند شهری تهران است. پژوهش حاضر از نظر هدف، کاربردی بوده و از نظر ماهیت موضوع، پژوهش اکتشافی است. داده ها و اطلاعات مورد نیاز از طریق کتابخانه ای- اسنادی و میدانی (پرسشنامه) جمع آوری شده است. جامعه آماری تحقیق کارشناسان آشنا به موضوع مدیریت پسماند شهری و شهر تهران هستند که به روش گلوله برفی تعداد 10 نفر آنها به عنوان نمونه آماری تحقیق مورد استفاده قرار گرفته اند. جهت تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها نیز از مدلسازی ساختاری- تفسیری (ISM) و تحلیل MICMAC استفاده شده است. در همین خصوص نتایج تحقیق حاکی از این امر است که از بین 43 عامل اولیه، تعداد 20 عامل ضریب (CVR) بالای 75/0 را کسب کرده اند تا عوامل نهایی این تحقیق به حساب آیند که از بین آنها عوامل تحقیقات و پژوهش و تخصص و کارآیی مدیریت با میزان قدرت نفوذ 18 بیشترین تاثیر و حفاظت منابع طبیعی و خطرات زیست محیطی با میزان قدرت نفوذ 1 کمترین تاثیر را کسب کردند. همچنین عوامل منابع مالی و بودجه، تکنولوژی پیشرفته، تحقیق و پژوهش، طرح جامع مدیریت پسماند، کآرایی و تخصص مدیریت و آینده نگری)، نسبت به سایر عوامل از اولویت بالایی جهت ارتقای مدیریت پسماند برخوردارند و در واقع کلید ارتقای مدیریت پسماند، بهبود این عوامل است.

    کلید واژگان: پسماند, مدیریت پسماند, پیشران ها, مدلسازی- ساختاری- تفسیری, شهر تهران}
    Ganbar Adinevand, Masomeh Hafez Rezazadeh *, Maryam Karimiyan Bastani

    Today, population growth, urban development and economic prosperity, increasing the quality of life and increasing consumer choice have led to an increase in the amount of waste produced in urban communities. Since waste production is inevitable in any society and waste management is considered as one of the key environmental issues and therefore there is a growing demand to analyze and compare the efficiency and environmental and technical effects of various waste management policies. Is.According to the amount of waste produced in the world, more than 70% of this waste is not properly reused or recycled, and this indicates a lack of large volumes of resources and a lot of pressure on the primary resources of the planet. Regular problems with solid waste management are very complex due to the multiplicity of factors, such as the quantity and quality of waste generated, the rapid expansion of urban areas, financing problems, rapid technological advances, as well as energy and raw material constraints.Municipal solid waste management in developing countries is a complex issue due to rapid population growth, rapid and unplanned urbanization, and public health problems due to a lack of adequate health infrastructure. In addition, governments' ability to manage waste is limited, and this partnership is often inefficient and inadequate. Also, the existence of informal workers, people's resistance to pay for services, inefficient collection system, illegal burial and lack of a clear legal framework are other problems in this sector.In Iran, according to statistics, one-fifth of the country's household waste is produced in Tehran, which produces 320 kg per year of municipal waste. According to the Tehran Municipal Recycling Organization, the economic value of Tehran's organic waste, which accounts for about 70 percent, is estimated at $ 250 million a year. Therefore, improving the efficiency of the collection system will mean environmental development, improving the urban landscape and storing economic resources.Considering that the city of Tehran as the capital of the country and its large population needs useful and effective waste management and Tehran Municipality has taken effective measures in this regard, but the problem of final waste disposal in Tehran is still one of the most important concerns of urban management. A significant part of the problems can be imagined by identifying the effective factors in waste management, which are sometimes also a major challenge, and create the conditions to achieve a logical relationship between the container and the container. It is necessary to identify the drivers of waste management promotion. Therefore, this study intends to plan for municipal waste management based on a new planning perspective, using specific futures research methods. In this regard, and considering the nature of the research, this research has been conducted with the aim of answering the question that; What are the key drivers of promoting waste management in Tehran?


    The present research is applied in terms of purpose and exploratory research in terms of the nature of the subject. The required data and information have been collected through documentary-field and field libraries (questionnaires). At this stage of the research, the questionnaire was completed by the elites in the field of urban development and waste management by snowball method (10 experts). In this regard and in order to analyze the data, after extracting the effective factors in urban waste management through theoretical foundations and using expert opinions, content analysis (CVR) was performed, then a questionnaire of interaction was asked of experts and finally, the propellants were identified using structural-interpretive modeling (ISM) and MICMAC analysis.


    Content analysis for factor validity using the opinions of 10 experts, showed that out of 43 primary factors, 20 factors have obtained a coefficient (CVR) above 0.75 to be considered the final factors of this research (expert workforce, Motivational schemes, consumption pattern, revenue generation, segregation scheme, partnership, waste segregation organizations, natural resource protection, environmental hazards, educational and cultural programs, public social awareness, investment, planning Implementation of operations, infrastructure, financial resources and budget, advanced technology, research, comprehensive waste management plan, layout and management expertise and foresight are the most important factors in promoting urban waste management. Using the retest method, they showed that the questionnaire has acceptable reliability (the reliability of the first time is equal to 0.794 and the second time is 0.807).Regarding the identification of waste management improvement factors that used structural-interpretive modeling (ISM) and MICMAC analysis, the findings showed that research and research factors and expertise and management efficiency with penetrationrate of 18 have the greatest impact and protection of natural resources and hazards. Environment with the penetration rate of 1 had the least impact.The results obtained from the classification of research variables also showed that in the group of autonomous variables, specialized labor force factors (X11) and motivational schemes (X20) are included (factors that have weak influence and dependence). In the group of dependent variables, consumption pattern factors (X2), revenue generation (X7), source separation plan (X18), partnership (X1), waste segregation organizations (X5), natural resource protection (X9) and environmental hazards (X10) (factors that have high influence, power and dependence, and in fact, any action on these variables will change other variables). In the group of related variables, the factors of educational and cultural programs (X3), public social awareness (X4), investment (X8), planning and execution of operations (X12) and infrastructure (X14) are included. (Factors that have a high degree of influence (stimulus) and dependence. In fact, any action on these variables will change other variables) and in the group of independent variables (key), financial resources and budget (X6), Advanced technology (X13), research (X15), master plan for waste management (X16), productivity and management expertise (X17) and foresight (X19) (factors that have high penetration and low dependence These factors act as the structural cornerstone of the system and must be emphasized in the first place for a fundamental change in system performance.


    In this study, based on this logic (which is a useful method to discover the factors governing the promotion of urban waste management, interpretive structural research model due to the use of expert opinions and content validity) the most important factors to improve management were tried. Tehran municipal waste should be identified and the impact of each of them on each other should be analyzed. In this regard, the results showed that among the 20 important factors studied, factors of financial resources and budget, advanced technology, research, comprehensive plan of waste management, productivity and management expertise and foresight), compared to other factors of priority They have a lot to improve waste management and in fact the key to improving waste management is to improve these factors. In emphasizing these factors, one should not neglect other factors. Therefore, it can be inferred that by attaching importance to conducting more and more quality research, improving technology and its proper use, financing and increasing government budget, employing efficient, effective and specialized management, having plans Codified and foresighted and finally the comprehensive plan of waste management, we will see the improvement of waste management in Tehran. It should be noted that the above factors are interrelated with each other in a chain. In such a way that by improving the situation of each factor, the ground is prepared for the improvement of the next factors. For example, funding and increasing government funding and improving the quality of research can advance technology and its use, and increase its management capacity and effectiveness.

    Keywords: Waste, Waste Management, Propellants, structural-interpretive modeling, Tehran City}
  • وحید مشفقی*، سمیرا یوسفیان
    زمینه و هدف

    ساختار کالبدی اراضی نشان دهنده نحوه توزیع و ترکیب افقی کاربری های شهری است که نقش بسیار مهمی در پراکنش آلاینده های و کیفیت هوای شهری دارد. مکان گزینی منابع آلاینده (مانند کاربری های صنعتی، تجاری، اداری، مسکونی و...) و اثرگذاری آن بر توزیع سفرهای شهری و ترافیک، به دنبال خود بر میزان و نحوه ی توزیع آلاینده های منتشر شده تاثیر می گذارد. هدف اصلی پژوهش حاضر بررسی نقش الگوی کاربری اراضی و ساختار کالبدی در تغییرات مکانی آلاینده های شهر تهران در بازه زمانی 1390- 1397 است.

    روش بررسی

    جهت نیل به هدف تحقیق از تصاویر ماهواره ای لندست و همچنین از داده های آلایندگی مرکز کنترل کیفیت هوای تهران در سال های 1390 و 1397 استفاده شد، جهت طبقه بندی تصاویر ماهواره ای و مشخص نمودن نوع کاربری ها از روش شبکه عصبی مصنوعی در نرم افزار ENVI و همچنین جهت پهنه بندی غلظت آلایندگی هوای شهر تهران از مدل Kriging در نرم افزار Arc GIS استفاده شد (تاریخ انجام تحقیق: سال 1398).

    یافته ها

    نتایج تحلیل خود همبستگی فضایی نشان داد که در طول مدت 7 سال بین تغییرات ساختار فضایی و میزان آلودگی هوای تهران همبستگی معناداری وجود داشته است.

    بحث و نتیجه گیری

    نتایج بررسی تغییرات کاربری اراضی و شاخص های آلایندگی هوا نشان می دهد که افزایش ساخت وساز در غرب و شمال تهران باعث افزایش تمرکز آلاینده ها در این جهات از شهر شده درصورتی که تغییر کاربری از زمین های بایر به فضاهای سبز شهری در شرق و جنوب شرقی شهر تهران باعث کاهش غلظت آلاینده های هوای شهری در این مناطق شده است.

    کلید واژگان: تغییرات کاربری, پراکنش شهری, آلاینده های هوا, شهر تهران}
    Vahid Moshfeghi *, Samira Yousefian
    Background and Objective

    The land use pattern represents the distribution and horizontal combination of urban applications, which plays a very important role in the distribution of pollutants and urban air quality. The impacts of these pollutants can be identified in the location of pollutants (industrial, commercial, office, residential, etc.), as well as its impact on the distribution of urban travel and subsequent emissions from urban traffic. The main objective of this study is to investigate the role of land use pattern and physical structure in spatial variations of pollutants in Tehran during the period of 2011-2018.

    Material and Methodology

    In order to achieve this goal, Landsat satellite images and also data from the Air Quality Control Center of Tehran in 2011 and 2018 were used. Kriging model was arranged using Arc GIS software to classify satellite images and specify types of applications using artificial neural network method in ENVI software and also to determine the concentration of air pollution in Tehran.


    The results of spatial correlation analysis showed that there was a significant correlation between spatial structure changes and air pollution in Tehran during 7 years.

    Discussion and Conclusion

    The results of land use change and air pollution indices indicate that construction in the west and north of Tehran has increased the concentration of pollutants in these directions from the city. If the change from downstream land to urban green spaces in the east and south-east of Tehran reduces the concentration of pollutants urban air has been in these areas.

    Keywords: User Variations, Urban distribution, air pollutants, Tehran city, health-based companies, environmental orientation, marketing performance, Green Marketing}
  • رضا طالبی فرد، اشکان شفیعی*، افشین یگانه

    آلودگی هوا تاثیر جدی بر سلامت انسان دارد و نمی توان تاثیرات مختلف پارامترهای کاربری اراضی و ساختار کالبدی شهری را در توزیع و انتشار آلاینده های هوا نادیده گرفت. بدین منظور در این مطالعه، تاثیر پارامترهای کاربری اراضی در تغییرات مکانی آلاینده های شهر تهران در بازه زمانی 1398- 1390 مورد بررسی قرار گرفته است. جهت نیل به هدف مذکور از تصاویر ماهوره ای لندست و همچنین داده های آلایندگی مرکز کنترل کیفیت هوای شهر تهران در سال های 1398 و 1390 استفاده گردید. جهت طبقه بندی تصاویر ماهواره ای و مشخص نمودن نوع کاربری ها نیز از روش شبکه عصبی مصنوعی در نرم افزار ENVI و همچنین جهت پهنه بندی غلظت آلایندگی هوای شهر تهران از مدل Kriging در نرم افزار Arc GIS استفاده گردید. یافته های این مطالعه نشان می دهد که افزایش ساخت و ساز در غرب و شمال تهران باعث افزایش تمرکز آلاینده ها در این جهات از شهر شده است. در مقابل تغییر کاربری اراضی از زمین های بایر به فضاهای سبز شهری در شرق و جنوب شرقی شهر تهران، موجب کاهش غلظت آلاینده های هوای شهری در این مناطق گردیده است.

    کلید واژگان: آلاینده های هوا, کاربری اراضی, ارزیابی فضایی, شهر تهران}
    Reza Talebifard, Ashkan Shafiee *, Afshin Yeganeh

    Air pollution has a serious impact on human health and the effects of different land use parameters and physical urban structure can not be ignored in the distribution and emission of air pollutants. To this end, in this study, the effect of land use pattern on spatial changes of pollutants in Tehran in the period 2011-2020 has been investigated..To achieve this goal Landsat satellite images as well as pollution data of Tehran Air Quality Control Center in 2011 and 2020 were used. The artificial neural network method was used in ENVI software to classify satellite images and determine the type of uses and Kriging model in Arc GIS software for zoning air pollution concentration in Tehran. The findings of this study show that Increased construction in the west and north of Tehran in these parts of the city has increased the concentration of pollutants. In return Land use change from barren lands to urban green spaces in the east and southeast of Tehran has reduced the concentration of urban air pollutants in these areas.

    Keywords: Air Pollutants, land use, Spatial assessment, Tehran City}
  • Reza naghavi, Amir hasan jafari varamini, Saba Rezasoltani, Mahsa bavili

    The COVID‐19 pandemic has created a global emergency crisis in terms of socio‐economic‐ environmental challenges. Such crisis in Iran have also affected the issue of waste, change its amount and composition, pollution rate and led to changes in waste management including collection and different disposal methods. This is analytical descriptive research which is based on the Tehran Waste Management Organization actions, various institutions report and other available resources. At the present study, after reviewing the experiences of different countries and organizations like United Nation, World Health Organisation, The international Solid Waste Association investigating the managerial compliance has been formed. After reviewing the current situation, considering the priorities of the International Solid Waste Association, the Waste Management Organization has identified three priorities for waste management during the pandemic of COVID‐19 which consist of ensure the continuity of the service, adjusting recycling services and the last ensure safe collection, disposal and treatment of healthecare waste. The first step ensures the continuity of the services and also health and safety measures for waste workers and contingency plans. The principle behid the second priorty is adjusting recycling services and the last ensure safe collection for workers and people and the last one is about ensure safe collection, disposal and treatment of healthecare waste action plans. Finally, according to the experiences gained and the actions of the Tehran Waste Management Organization, suggestions have been made to improve the conditions of waste management during the pandemic of COVID‐19.

    Keywords: Special waste management, Covid‐19 Virous, Tehran City}
  • بهناز امین زاده گوهرریزی*، سهیل قشلاق پور

    هدف از این پژوهش تدقیق رابطه بین فضای سبز و دمای سطح زمین بعنوان عامل مهم در ایجاد جزابر حرارتی در شهرهاست. موضوعی که علیرغم توجه محققین خصوصا در دو دهه اخیر نتایج ضد و نقیضی را نشان داده است. شهر تهران که به عنوان نمونه موردی انتخاب شده است در دهه های اخیر با تغییرات مشخصی از طریق توسعه بخش های ساخته شده و در نتیجه تغییر الگوی فضاهای باز و سبز طبیعی و نیز تغییرات میانگین دما روبرو بوده است. روش کار با استفاده از طبقه بندی LCZ، سنجش متریک های منتخب سیمای سرزمین و تحلیل ارتباطات از طریق همبستگی پیرسون و پیرسون جزئی است. نتایج نشانگر آن است که مناطق با پوشش درختی در هر دو حالت تراکم زیاد/ کم تاثیر کاهنده ای بر دما دارند. میانگین اندازه لکه های سبز متراکم درختی همراه با گیاهان با ارتفاع کم، عامل مهمی درکاهش دماست، در مقابل آن سطح مناطق سبز و میزان تراکم حاشیه ای فضاهای سبز شامل علفزارها با تراکم پایین و درختچه های پراکنده با کفپوش خاک تاثیر فزاینده ای بر دمای سطح زمین دارند. این نتایج امکان تاثیر بر میزان کاهش دمای جزایر حرارتی شهر را از طریق برنامه ریزی الگوهای فضایی مناسب مناطق سبز فراهم می کند.

    کلید واژگان: الگوهای فضایی, جزایر حرارتی, ساختار فضای سبز شهری, شهر تهران}
    Behnaz Aminzadeh Goharrizi *, Sohail Gheshlaghpour

    Urbanization especially in big cities of developing and developed countries has major impacts on climate change by producing greenhouse gas and increasing average temperature, and thus creating urban heat islands(UHI). The unplanned urban development is one of the main factor, which is responsible for making such circumstances. Lack of enough attention to preserving natural and green infrastructure is one of the factors causes city warming and urban heat islands challenges that are important issues in urban environmental planning nowadays. Urban heat island consists of air temperature and surface temperature. Studies show that land cover planning and management can control surface temperature. The relationship between increasing the green spaces as an important element of the green infrastructure and decreasing surface temperature is already has been studied. Regarding the literature has been reviewed in this paper, the purpose of this study is to investigate and clarify the detailed relationship between the characteristics of spatial patterns of urban green spaces and their influences on surface temperature. Spatial composition and spatial configuration are two main elements of spatial patterns of urban green areas. Classification of green land cover based on Local Climate Zone (LCZ) help to discover the detailed relationship between each patterns’ components and the classified green spaces. The case under study is the city of Tehran, which has witnessed certain changes in relation to the development of built-up areas (both in form of planned and unplanned developments), reduction of green spaces and their spatial patterns, as well as rising average temperature.

    Materials & Methods

    In the process of investigating the relationship between urban spatial patterns of greenspaces in city of Tehran and land surface temperature, different methods and techniques are applied. The greenspace classification map of the city of Tehran was produced with the help of Landsat 8 satellite (2019) and LCZ method of land use classification, which divides green areas into 4 classes as follows:A; heavily wooded landscape of deciduous and/or evergreen trees. Land cover mostly pervious(low plants). Zone function is natural forest, tree cultivation, or urban park.
    B; Lightly wooded landscape of deciduous and/or evergreen trees. Land cover mostly pervious(low plants). Zone function is natural forest, tree cultivation, or urban park.
    C; Open arrangement of bushes, shrubs, and short, woody trees. Land cover mostly pervious (bare soil or sand). Zone function is natural scrubland or agriculture.
    D; Featureless landscape of grass or herbaceous plants/crops. Few or no trees. Zone function is natural grassland, agriculture, or urban park.
    Kappa coefficient and overall accuracy of this map was 0.8706, 88.172 percent, which confirms its accuracy. The next step was selecting landscape metrics. Based on the aim of the study and the reviewed literature spatial composition and spatial configuration are selected as two main elements of spatial patterns of urban green areas. The relationship between land cover patterns and surface temperature is analyzed and discussed by using Pearson and Pearson Partial correlation method.

    Discussion of Results

    The result of Pearson correlation analysis showed that there is a significant and negative correlation between spatial composition of A, B and D land cover classes with surface temperature. The highest negative correlation belongs to class B (scattered trees) and the lowest belongs to class A (dense trees). In contrast to these negative correlations, the correlation coefficient of class C with surface temperature is positive and significant.
    The result of Pearson correlation analysis regarding spatial configuration showed that the average size of each green space class has a continuous and significant negative relationship with the surface temperature, though, the size of these correlations varies in different classes. The correlation also showed that besides size and significance, the direction of green marginal density of each class also differs. It should be noted that the surface area of green space classes (as a composition metric) has a great impact on the results so that the correct and clear correlation of configuration metrics with temperature could not be distinguished. This issue was resolved by using Partial Pearson correlation coefficient and controlling the effect of Class Area metric. As a result, the relationship between configuration metrics and LST changed significantly. Before controlling the Class Area metric, almost all metrics were correlated with LST, however, the new detailed findings showed that only the Mean Size of Patches in A and D classes and Edge Density in B and C classes had a significant relationship with surface temperature.
    The study shows that spatial composition of green spaces in Tehran in relation to the Class area of classes A, B and D had a negative and inverse relationship with surface temperature. Class B, located in the east and west of Tehran, has the highest negative correlation. Class A in the east and center of the city with the lowest surface area and its scattered distribution pattern in comparison to other classes has the least negative correlation with surface temperature (95% confidence level). Class D, located mostly in the south and west of the city, has a negative relationship between Class area and temperature at the 99% confidence level. The correlation of spatial composition of class C in the northern half of the city is not like the other three classes and indicates a positive and significant relationship with surface temperature due to the presence of shrubs and grasslands with low density, scattered shrubs, and soil.
    Regarding the partial Pearson correlation of spatial configuration metrics, the Mean Patch size of Class A at 99% confidence level shows a negative and significant relationship with temperature, but due to its subdivision and uneven distribution of green space in this class, the effect of this class in the reduction of temperature is not significant. The Mean Patch size of Class D has a significant negative relationship with surface temperature at 95% confidence level, although its cooling effect is not considerable.
    Both Edge Densities of classes B and C at 95% confidence level had a significant positive correlation with surface temperature, but as trees did not exist in a dominant and dense manner to cause shading and temperature adjustment in these type of greenspace classes, a positive correlation between the Edge Density of them and surface temperature is occurred.


    This paper has demonstrated the relationship between urban heat islands and spatial patterns of green spaces in Tehran city. The literature based study showed the scope of the problem explaining that urban green spaces contribute to mitigate climate change impacts through decreasing the surface temperature. The spatial form and pattern of urban green spaces have different effect on surface temperature as indicated in several studies. Importantly, planners and designers, need more detailed studies to take into account the relation between effects of spatial composition and configuration of different classification of plants and their effects on urban surface temperature. In this research, greenspaces patterns was studied using Local Climate Zone(LCZ) method and correlation of spatial pattern (composition and configuration) of each of LCZ green classes with the surface temperature were provided. The results of the analysis of the spatial composition of these classes showed that tree canopy greenspaces in both cases of high / low density and low plants has a reducing effect on temperature, but low-density grasslands and scattered shrubs with soil cover, has a positive relationship with temperature. More detailed results on the spatial configuration shows that only the mean patch size in dense tree areas and low plants has a significant negative correlation with temperature. But Edge density of scattered trees and open arrangement of bushes had a significant positive relationship with temperature. Thus urban green space planning and management, through determining the type, composition, and configuration of existing patterns and their improvements based on their effect on the reduction of surface temperature will help to decrease urban heat island impacts.

    Keywords: spatial pattern, urban green structure, urban heat islands, Tehran city}
  • میر سعید محقق، نغمه مبرقعی*، علیرضا وفایی نژاد، سهیل سبحان اردکانی، سید مسعود منوری

    هدف از این مطالعه بررسی تغییرات بوم سازگان در بازه 30 ساله با استفاده از سنجه های سیمای سرزمین و محاسبه ترسیب کربن هست. در این پژوهش ابتدا تصاویر ماهواره ای لندست در سال های 1986، 1996، 2008 و 2016 استخراج گردید و نقشه های کاربری اراضی در شش طبقه انسان ساخت، فضای سبز، شبکه راه ها، صنایع، کشاورزی و اراضی بایر تهیه شدند. تغییرات سی ساله شهر به روش آنالیز گرادیان با استفاده از نرم افزار Faragstats 4.0 در سطح کلاس محاسبه شد. میزان ترسیب کربن به عنوان خدمات بوم سازگان با استفاده از نرم افزار InVEST 3.0.0 تهیه شد. ترسیب کربن طی این مدت روند کاهشی را نشان داده است. تغییرات سی ساله شهر تهران نشان داد بافت شهر متراکم و ریز دانه گردیده است. طی این زمان کاربری های اراضی بایر، کشاورزی کاهش چشمگیری را نشان داده است و کاربری انسان ساخت، فضای سبز و شبکه راه ها افزایش یافته است. میزان ترسیب کربن در این بازه از مرکز شهر کاهش چشمگیری را نشان داده است. تغییرات کاربری اراضی سبب جایگزین شدن زمین های کشاورزی و بایر به کاربری های انسان ساخت و شبکه راه گردیده است این جایگزینی مهم ترین دلیل کاهش میزان ترسیب کربن طی زمان بوده است. همچنین افزایش فضای سبز افزایش میزان ترسیب کربن را در بر داشته است.

    کلید واژگان: ترسیب کربن, تحلیل گرادیان, سنجه های سیمای سرزمین, شهر تهران}
    Mir Saeid Mohaqeq, Naghme Mobarghei Dinan *, Alireza Vafaeinejad, Sohil Sobhan Ardakani, Seyyed Masoud Monavvari

    Today, metropolitan cities face many problems, include excessive population and its problems, such as air pollution, soil, water, traffic, destruction and degradation of natural resources. Tehran, as the largest metropolis in Iran during the last decade, has faced numerous problems in the environmental, physical, economic and social infrastructures, which has reduced the quality of the environment. Therefore, attention to ecosystem services on the one hand and the image of urban land on the other hand can improve the quality of urban environments. The purpose of this study is to map ecosystem services and landmarks of Tehran. It also examines the relationship between measurements and ecosystem services and air quality parameters. To do this, Landsat satellite images were first extracted in 1986, 1996, 2008, and 2016, and land use maps were compiled in six categories of human, green spaces, roads, industries, agriculture, and lands. The accuracy of the maps was investigated using general accuracy and Kappa coefficient. The layout analysis method was used to calculate the measurements using the Faragstats 4.0 software at the surface level and classroom level. The city shifts were compared using measurements. Data on air quality parameters were prepared for a decade (1396-1386), and concentrations of contaminants were mapped to inverse distance. The correlation of the measures with the concentration of pollutants was investigated using Pearson correlation test in two periods of 2008 and 2016. The carbon sequestration map was developed as an ecosystem service using InVEST 3.0.0 software for periods 1986-1996, 1996 to 2008, 2008 to 2016, and period 1986 to 2016. The results of landmark analysis showed that the city of Tehran has undergone many changes over the course of thirty years, which has led to the destruction and fragmentation of the land, and also the city's texture has progressed towards compression and fine graining. During this time, the city has experienced a great deal of expansion. The carbon sequestration results in a reduction and loss of carbon sequestration, especially in the north of the study area over a 30-year period. The results of Pearson's correlation analysis between carbon sequestration and air quality parameters show a significant correlation with ozone, carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide. The results of Pearson correlation test showed that there is a significant relationship between measures and concentrations of pollutants as well as carbon sequestration. This study showed that the use and application of measures and attention to ecosystem services for urban management is necessary.
    Today, metropolitan cities face many problems, include excessive population and its problems, such as air pollution, soil, water, traffic, destruction and degradation of natural resources. Tehran, as the largest metropolis in Iran during the last decade, has faced numerous problems in the environmental, physical, economic and social infrastructures, which has reduced the quality of the environment. Therefore, attention to ecosystem services on the one hand and the image of urban land on the other hand can improve the quality of urban environments. The purpose of this study is to map ecosystem services and landmarks of Tehran. It also examines the relationship between measurements and ecosystem services and air quality parameters. To do this, Landsat satellite images were first extracted in 1986, 1996, 2008, and 2016, and land use maps were compiled in six categories of human, green spaces, roads, industries, agriculture, and lands. The accuracy of the maps was investigated using general accuracy and Kappa coefficient. The layout analysis method was used to calculate the measurements using the Faragstats 4.0 software at the surface level and classroom level. The city shifts were compared using measurements. Data on air quality parameters were prepared for a decade (1396-1386), and concentrations of contaminants were mapped to inverse distance. The correlation of the measures with the concentration of pollutants was investigated using Pearson correlation test in two periods of 2008 and 2016. The carbon sequestration map was developed as an ecosystem service using InVEST 3.0.0 software for periods 1986-1996, 1996 to 2008, 2008 to 2016, and period 1986 to 2016. The results of landmark analysis showed that the city of Tehran has undergone many changes over the course of thirty years, which has led to the destruction and fragmentation of the land, and also the city's texture has progressed towards compression and fine graining. During this time, the city has experienced a great deal of expansion. The carbon sequestration results in a reduction and loss of carbon sequestration, especially in the north of the study area over a 30-year period. The results of Pearson's correlation analysis between carbon sequestration and air quality parameters show a significant correlation with ozone, carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide. The results of Pearson correlation test showed that there is a significant relationship between measures and concentrations of pollutants as well as carbon sequestration. This study showed that the use and application of measures and attention to ecosystem services for urban management is necessary.
    Today, metropolitan cities face many problems, include excessive population and its problems, such as air pollution, soil, water, traffic, destruction and degradation of natural resources. Tehran, as the largest metropolis in Iran during the last decade, has faced numerous problems in the environmental, physical, economic and social infrastructures, which has reduced the quality of the environment. Therefore, attention to ecosystem services on the one hand and the image of urban land on the other hand can improve the quality of urban environments. The purpose of this study is to map ecosystem services and landmarks of Tehran. It also examines the relationship between measurements and ecosystem services and air quality parameters. To do this, Landsat satellite images were first extracted in 1986, 1996, 2008, and 2016, and land use maps were compiled in six categories of human, green spaces, roads, industries, agriculture, and lands. The accuracy of the maps was investigated using general accuracy and Kappa coefficient. The layout analysis method was used to calculate the measurements using the Faragstats 4.0 software at the surface level and classroom level. The city shifts were compared using measurements. Data on air quality parameters were prepared for a decade (1396-1386), and concentrations of contaminants were mapped to inverse distance. The correlation of the measures with the concentration of pollutants was investigated using Pearson correlation test in two periods of 2008 and 2016. The carbon sequestration map was developed as an ecosystem service using InVEST 3.0.0 software for periods 1986-1996, 1996 to 2008, 2008 to 2016, and period 1986 to 2016. The results of landmark analysis showed that the city of Tehran has undergone many changes over the course of thirty years, which has led to the destruction and fragmentation of the land, and also the city's texture has progressed towards compression and fine graining. During this time, the city has experienced a great deal of expansion. The carbon sequestration results in a reduction and loss of carbon sequestration, especially in the north of the study area over a 30-year period. The results of Pearson's correlation analysis between carbon sequestration and air quality parameters show a significant correlation with ozone, carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide. The results of Pearson correlation test showed that there is a significant relationship between measures and concentrations of pollutants as well as carbon sequestration. This study showed that the use and application of measures and attention to ecosystem services for urban management is necessary.

    Keywords: Ecosystem services, Carbon sequestration, Layout Analysis, Territory Landmark, Tehran city}
  • اعظم سلیمی*، حامد دادخواه آغداش

    پراکنش آلاینده های سمی و سرطان زای ناشی از حمل ونقل وسایل نقلیه و دود حاصل از کارخانه های صنعتی ازجمله عوامل عمده آلوده کننده هوا در شهر تهران به شمار می آیند. یکی از راهکارهای مقابله با آلاینده های هوا، کاشت درختان مقاوم در معابر عمومی و جاده هاست. مقاومت گیاهان نسبت به آلاینده های هوا توسط شاخص مقاومت به آلودگی هوا(APTI) اندازه گیری می شود و افزایش این شاخص نشانه مقاومت بیشتر گیاه به آلودگی هوا است. در این پژوهش، APTI در سه گونه درختی توت سفید، آسمان دار و بید مجنون در اواخر فصل تابستان سال 1396 ارزیابی شد. بدین منظور از 4 منطقه کلان شهر تهران اعم از مناطق میرداماد، پونک، انقلاب و آزادی (مناطق9،6،5،3شهرداری) نمونه های برگی جمع آوری گردیدند. با انجام سنجش های بیوشیمیایی همچون اندازه گیری مقادیر اسید آسکوربیک و کلروفیل کل به کمک دستگاه اسپکتروفتومتر و تعیین pHعصاره های برگی و اندازه گیری محتوای نسبی آب در برگ های درختان موردمطالعه، شاخص APTI محاسبه شد. نتایج حاصل از این بررسی نشان داد که درخت توت سفید با شاخص APTI بالاتر (85/14) مقاومت بیشتری را نسبت به درختان آسمان دار (80/11) و بید مجنون (44/11) دارد. با توجه به این نتایج، به نظر می رسد کاشت این درخت جهت بهبود کیفیت هوای کلان شهر تهران در فصل تابستان و اوایل پاییز مناسب باشد.

    کلید واژگان: شاخص مقاومت به آلودگی هوا (APTI), درختان توت سفید, آسمان دار, بید مجنون, کلان شهر تهران}
    Azam Salimi *, Hamed Dadkhah Aghdash

    Introduction Air pollution is one of the top environmental concerns and illness of human health (She et al., 2017). Experts concluded that contents of outdoor air pollution (emphasis particulate matter) have adverse effects to human health (Carvalho-Oliveira et al., 2017). Air pollution associated with lung cancer, cardio vascular systems that threat human health (Carvalho-Oliveira et al., 2017). In some countries, for instance in the China, air pollution is the fourth concern and death in this country (She et al., 2017) . Pollutants which are in urban areas respectively, P.M (2.5,10), ozone, SO2, NO, Pb, CO causes injure in plant leaves and effects the size of leaves and stomatal characteristic. The release of pollutants cause many threat for plants and other organisms. (Achakzai, Khalid et al. 2017). The Plants more resistance than of other organism (human, animal) for environmental pollutants. The APTI (air pollution tolerance index) value select plant species by their tolerance or sensitivity to pollution source by means of biochemical and physiological parameters (Achakzai, Khalid et al. 2017). leaf trees used for monitoring air quality and more affordable method in compared with traditional techniques(Carvalho-Oliveira et al., 2017) There are 22 air quality monitoring stations in Tehran city. According to air quality monitoring, P.M 2.5 is the main air pollutant that threats public health and other organisms (plants, animals) . Industrial factories, carcinogen and phytotoxic air pollutants that emitted from vehicle motor, use of low quality fuels (Benzene etc), lack of proper monitor for Air pollution are the main causes of Air pollution in Tehran. The current research was conducted with the aim of study of air pollution tolerance index of three tree species such ( Morous alba , Ailanthus altissima , salix babylonica ) in different areas of Tehran city . Material and methods The city of Tehran (35035 / N to 350 48/ N and 51 0 17/ E to 51 0 33 /E., area 800 km2, Iran) has 22 air quality monitoring stations. According to this stations, four sites selected for collection of three tree such as Morous alba, Ailanthus altissima, Salix babylonica, respectively Area 3(site1), Area5 (site2), Area6 (site 3) and Area9 (site 4). Leaf samples of three tree species with similar heights and age were collected on Monday, September 17, 2017. Ten leaves of each plants collected and stored in sealed plastic bags and kept in a portable ice- box and transferred to the lab for physiological and biochemical analyze. In the lab four biochemical parameters such as total chlorophyll, ascorbic acid (was measured by spectrophotometer), Extract pH leaf samples, relative water contents evaluated (Achakzai, Khalid et al. 2017). The air pollution tolerance index of the plant species is determined using the formula given by Singh and Rao (1983): APTI = ([A (T + P)] + R) / 10 In this formula, A is the content of leaf ascorbic acid in mg.g-1Fw; T, total leaf chlorophyll content in mg g-1Fw, P, pH of leaf extract, and R is the percentage of relative water content of leaf. According to the criteria provided by Pandy et al. (2015), which is confirmed by many researchers, plants with APTI values ranging between 17-30 (tolerance), 13-16 (average), 13 (sensitive), and plants with APTI 1> are very sensitive (Pandey , Pandey et al. 2015). Results and Discussion Total chlorophyll content (TCH ) Results of measuring of chlorophyll contents indicated that the total chlorophyll content of the Morus alba was highest (site 4) in the selected sites. While Ailanthus altissima at site 1 had the lowest chlorophyll contents. In this study, total chlorophyll contents in three tree species studied were ranged between 2.52 to 7.10 mg.g-1 Fw. Chlorophyll is a photosynthetic pigment which indicate photosynthetic activity and dependent to factors such as age of plant species, environmental conditions, pollution level (Katiyar and Dubey, 2001; Ninave et al., 2001; Achakzai et al., 2017). Morus alba at polluted sites 4 and 3 (according to Tehran's air quality monitoring data) showed the highest chlorophyll content (7.1 and 6.4), while Salix babylonica, Ailanthus altissima at site 1 and 2 have the lowest chlorophyll content (3.26 and 52.2). According to capabilities of each tree, the response of three trees in sites 1 and 2 was less, but at sites 3 and 4 responded to air pollution by increasing the contents of Total chlorophyll. Therefore, all three trees have increased their chlorophyll content against air pollution, but the Morus alba tree has been more successful than other trees. The results of this study are consistent with the results of other researchers that plants with higher chlorophyll content are high resistant to air pollution (Shannigrahi et al., 2003; Prajapati and Tripathi, 2008; Rai and Panda, 2014.( Ascorbic acid Results of measuring of Ascorbic acid concentration indicated that Ascorbic acid concentration of the Morus alba was highest (site 4) in the selected sites. While Salix babylonica at site 2 had the lowest Ascorbic acid concentration. In this study , Ascorbic acid concentration in three tree species studied were ranged between 3.66 to 7.80 mg.g-1 Fw. Ascorbic acid levels in selected trees increase in contaminated areas(site 3,4). The results of this study are consistent with the results of other researchers, with high amount of stress, increase antioxidants such as ascorbic acid ((Mächler et al., 1995; Krishnaveni, 2013; Kaur and Nayyar, 2014). Relative Water Content (RWC) Results of measuring of Relative water contents indicated that Relative water contents of the Morus alba was highest (site 2) in the selected sites. While Ailanthus altissima at site4 had the lowest Relative water contents. In this study, Morus alba showed the highest RWC at site 3,4 , its value was even higher than the other trees. which is a sign of a better response of the Morus alba to contamination. The results are consistent with the results of other researchers(Ritchie et al., 1990; Chaves et al., 2003). pH leaf samples Results of measuring of pH leaf samples indicated that pH leaf samples of the was highest (site 3) in the selected sites. While Ailanthus altissima at site2 had the lowest Relative water contents. In this study pH leaf samples in three tree species studied were ranged between4.9 to 7.4. Morus alba showed a better resistance than to the other tree species by trying to neutralize the alkaline pH. Ailanthus altissima and Salix babylonica, showed Acidic pH content (approximately 5.5). Air Pollution Tolerance Index (APTI) Results of measuring of APTI Values indicated that APTI Value of the Morus alba was highest (site 4) in the selected sites. While Salix babylonica at site4 had the lowest Relative water contents. According to the results of this study, White mulberry seem to be a good alternative to planting in Tehran and Tolerant to seasonal air pollution (summer and early autumn). In order to recommend the planting of this tree in different areas of Tehran, it is necessary to consider other criteria such as the water need for this tree, its transpiration rate, resistance to insects, such as aphids and whitefly. Also, its seedlings to test the maximum tolerance to air polluted in the appropriate greenhouses.

    Keywords: Air Pollution Tolerance Index (APTI), Morus alba, Ailanthus altissima, Salix babylonica, Tehran city}
  • هما ایرانی بهبهانی، مرضیه کاظم زاده *، سارا طاهرسیما
    براساس نوشته های مورخان همواره برای توصیف تهران از باغ بهره برده شده است، عنصری که منشا حضور تهران و در اسناد تاریخی دارای جایگاه خاصی می باشد؛ پرسش اصلی این نوشتار این است که آیا می توان بیان نمود که باغ عامل اصلی ایجاد شهر و توسعه تهران بوده آیا می توان بیان کرد موجودیت شهر تهران از باغ نشات گرفته است؟ مقاله حاضر با روش تاریخی- تحلیلی و اکتشافی از متون تاریخی و اسناد و مدارک از دوران شروع مدنیت شهر تهران به جمع آوری مطالب براساس تحلیل تاریخی و توصیفی به برداشت لایه های زمانی می پردازد. سپس با تجزیه و تحلیل لایه های تاریخی باغ در بستر شهر تهران همزمان به شناخت رابطه دوطرفه بین بستر طبیعی و تاثیر متقابل فرهنگ و شهر و معماری می پردازد. فرض این مقاله بر این است که رابطه مستقیمی بین باغ و بوجود آمدن یک شهر از یک طرف و از طرف دیگر بین رشد شهر تهران و بستر طبیعی و باغ به ویژه باغ گلستان تهران وجود دارد. سعی این مقاله بر این است که تاثیر متقابلی که بین بستر طبیعی و باغ و شهر و معماری ارتباط دوطرفه ای وجود دارد را کشف و ارائه نماید.
    کلید واژگان: باغ گلستان, توسعه شهری, ارگ سلطنتی, شهر تهران, بستر طبیعی}
    Homa Irani Behbahani, Marzieh Kazemzade *, Sara Tahersima
    Before Qajar era, Tehran City located beside Rey was a borough with favorable weather. At the time, Iranian kings used the borough as a temporary residence. Gradually, kings paid more attention to the borough since it contained green gardens and areas with desirable weather. In Qajar era, announcement of the city as country’s capital enabled its further development and physical growth.
    Based on works of travelers and historians published during different historical era, the word “garden” preceded the name “Tehran” to describe it. The review of historical texts shows that one of the early gardens made before civilization and urbanization of Tehran City covered Golestan Garden as well as districts between Org Square and Panzdah-Khordad St. in South, Naser Khosro in East, Khayam St. in West and Imam Square and Imam St. in North.
    Based on historical documents, up to middle years of Nasser al-Din Shah’s reign Tehran City physically grew along its eastern-western sides and near Tahmasbi borderline. In late years of the era, the borderline was taken down and city grew northwards towards Alborz mountain skirts and Darvazeh Dolat. However, the mutual association between Golestan Garden and Tehran city or effect of the garden on development and growth of the city has not been studied yet. In other words, review of literature of development and growth of Tehran City showed that role of garden as natural contributor to and main factor affecting development and growth of the city has not been studied yet. From Iranian architectural viewpoint, architecture develops out of garden. This significant factor (i.e. garden) could be studied in relation to Tehran City. In other words, effect of historical garden of the city, as city was previously a borough and had a garden in it, could be reviewed further.
    The studies of historical maps signified the importance of Golestan garden in Tehran village as well as effect of garden, as primary nucleus of the city, on development and growth of Tehran City.
    Therefore, the present paper seeks to suggest that the main factor affecting development, growth and orientation of Tehran City is Golestan garden. In addition, it is endeavored to suggest that natural setting (i.e. garden), city and architecture are mutually related.
    In order to conduct the study, the following questions should be explained.
    Q.1-Could one state that Tehran City was developed out of the garden?
    Q.2-Did development of Tehran city arise out of the garden?
    Q.3-What is the role of Golestan garden in the association?
    In this paper, it is presumed that there is a direct association between garden and development of the city. In addition, association between physical growth of Tehran City and its natural setting and gardens (especially Golestan garden) is hypothesized. Temporal changes of the garden and its internal constructions exert effect on the city and its development as long as the garden is not torn into pieces. Since garden acted as an element directing the city towards outside of its boundary wall, the gardens located out of the city, north and skirts of Alborz mountains, the present paper intends to highlight the mutual effects of natural setting (i.e. garden), city and architecture on each other.
    From a natural viewpoint, analysis of natural and historical layers of the city as well as its natural setting offers a reasonable and scientific method for studying development and growth of the city. In the present paper, the method is adopted to evaluate and document the association between Tehran City and natural factors.
    To real the research objectives, historical texts should be reviewed to highlight the associations between trend of urban changes and garden, garden and architecture, and architecture and decorations. Based on this method, collection and review of all relevant documents, historical documents, travel books, and relevant images are done to collect the necessary information on above associations. Then, review of those studies may offer layers of information for further analysis of trend of growth and development of Tehran City as well as its association with natural factors and setting. Consequently, data collection is followed by study of the associations of garden, city, architecture, and natural setting. Finally, a hermeneutic approach is adopted to analyze the data qualitatively.
    The findings suggest that primary core of Tehran City was made up of vegetation and direction of water networks (aqueducts) at the skirts of Alborz mountains. One of the gardens exerting higher effect on the urban development is Golestan garden. Physical growth of the city is correlated with lower number of these gardens while such gardens increase in number northwards and out of Tehran City. In general, one may suggest that in its initial steps of development, Tehran had a direct correlation with natural elements and the association continued until Pahlavi era. The interaction between city and its natural setting could be categorized into three major parts: association between nature and city in a macro-scale, association between nature and architecture in a medium scale, and association between decoration and nature in a micro-scale.
    In a macro-scale, the garden contributed to development of the city, its changes and future trends. In a medium scale, Golestan garden and its internal set of buildings act as a city within another city. In such a case, the initial core of the city is its garden and it grows northward. In the case of development and internal change of the city, priorities were maintaining geometrics of the garden, keeping its square and rectangular shape (principles of developing Iranian gardens) and building architectural spaces. On the other hand, change in view of inner-city gardens to skirts of Alborz mountains and remote vistas during Qajar era led to directing the growth of buildings inside the garden and development of the city northward (i.e. towards mountain skirts). In a small scale, significance of nature and natural elements such as tree, plants and water is vivid. In this case, tile and painting decorations use such elements when royal and luxury settings are concerned.
    Keywords: Golestan Garden, Urban Development, the Royal Palace, Tehran city, natural context}
  • مجتبی رفیعیان *، هادی رضایی راد
    حرارت سطوح شهری (LST) متغیر کلیدی برای کنترل ارتباط بین شار حرارت تابشی، نهفته و محسوس است. تحلیل و درک پویایی این حرارت و همچنین شناسایی ارتباط آن با تغییرات با منشاء فعالیت های انسانی برای پیش بینی تغییرات محیطی و نهایتا سیاستگذاری شهری الزامی است. در همین راستا جهت تحلیل روندیابی تغییرات حرارتی سطوح در اثر تحولات شهرنشینی و شهرسازی شهر تهران بین سال های 94-1382 مورد پژوهش واقع شده است. تصاویر ماهواره ای بدون پوشش ابری و صاف کلان شهر تهران توسط ماهواره Landsat8 برای مرداد ماه سال 1394 و ماهواره Aster برای مرداد ماه سال 1382 به کمک نرم افزار Envi و از طریق الگوریتم های مختلف در سنجش از دور به الگوهای فضایی میزان حرارت سطوح شهر تهران تبدیل شده است. نتایج نشان می دهد در طی تقریبا یک دهه اخیر کمینه حرارت سطح و میانگین حرارت سطح به ترتیب c̊ 67/3 و افزایش c̊ 47/0 افزایش یافته است. همچنین بین حرارت سطح مناطق 22 گانه کلان شهر تهران در سال 1382 و 1394 به مقدار 6/0 همبستگی فضایی وجود دارد. این بدان معناست که در 40% از مساحت شهر تهران طی تقریبا یک دهه اخیر الگوی حرارت سطوح شهر تغییر یافته است. از دیگر نتایج پژوهش می توان به خروجی آزمون من- کندال در شناسایی روند تغییرات حرارتی سطوح شهری و نقاط پر تغییر اشاره کرد، که نشان دهنده تغییرات در کالبد و سیاست های برنامه ریزی شهری در حوزه غربی شهر تهران به ویژه در مناطق 5 ، 22 و قسمت شرقی منطقه 21 می باشد.
    کلید واژگان: حرارت سطح شهری, جزیره حرارتی شهر, تعادل انرژی سطح, آزمون من, کندال, شهر تهران}
    Mojtaba Rafieian *, Hadi Rezaei Rad
    The simplest definition of urbanization is that urbanization is the process of becoming urban. Urban climate is defined by specific climate conditions which differ from surrounding rural areas. Urban areas, for example, have higher temperatures than surrounding rural areas and weaker winds. Land Surface Temperature is an important phenomenon in global climate change. As the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere increases, the LST will also increase. Energy and water exchanges at the biosphere–atmosphere interface have major influences on the Earth's weather and climate. Numerical models ranging from local to global scales must represent and predict effects of surface fluxes. In this study, LST for Tehran Metropolitan, was derived using SW algorithm with the use of Landsat 8 Optical Land Imager (OLI) of 30 m resolution and Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIR) data of 100 m resolution. SW algorithm needs spectral radiance and emissivity of two TIR bands as input for deriving LST. The spectral radiance was estimated using TIR bands 10 and 11. Emissivity was derived with the help of land cover threshold technique for which OLI bands 2, 3, 4 and 5 were used. The output revealed that LST was high in the barren regions whereas it was low in the hilly regions because of vegetative cover. As the SW algorithm uses both the TIR bands (10 and 11) and OLI bands 2, 3, 4 and 5, the LST generated using them were more reliable and accurate.
    Keywords: Land surface Temperature, Urban Heat Island, Surface Energy Balance, Man, Kendal, Tehran City}
  • حسین یوسفی *، علی محمدی
    پاسخ گویی مناسب به نیازهای جسمی، مادی و روحی انسان از ضروریاتی است که می باید فضاهای شهری درقالب عملکردهای متعدد و خاص دراین جهت سامان دهی گردند. بشر امروزه با درک اهمیت و جایگاه فضاهای سبز و عرصه های عمومی تفرج و تفریح در زندگی روزمره و انواع کارکردهای این فضاها درمیان ساختار تجمع گاه های بشری، تلاش درجهت حفظ واحیاء منابع موجود را در دستور برنامه ریزی ها و سیاست های خود قرارداده است. شهرهای بزرگ کشورمان و به ویژه شهر بزرگ تهران، با حد و اندازه های لازم در برخورداری از فضاهای اجتماعی، خصوصا در زمینه فضاهای تفریحی- تفرجی فاصله ای بسیاردارد. لذا سیاست ایجاد فضای سبز و تفریحی- تفرجی درحاشیه شهرها ومسافت های نزدیک و درعرصه های متعامل با شهرها، از استقبال بیش تری مواجه است. از جمله این فضاهای بسیار مورد توجه در شهرتهران، پارک جنگلی لویزان است که درشمال شرقی شهر تهران و در تعاملی سازنده و مستقیم با شهر واقع شده است و به عنوان کمربند سبز شهر، ضوابط و مقررات خاصی را در ایفای چنین نقشی برعهده داشته است. در این پژوهش با هدف بررسی وضعیت منظر و شرایط اکولوژیکی پارک جنگلی لویزان و فرصت ها و تهدیدهای پیش رو آن، اقدام به مطالعه کتابخانه ای و میدانی در رابطه با این پارک گردید. در ابتدا با توجه به نقشه ها، موقعیت منطقه ای که پارک در آن قرار گرفته؛ از لحاظ مسایل محیط زیستی بررسی شد. سپس نقاط قوت و ضعف پارک از لحاظ زیباشناختی مطرح شد و سرانجام با فرض پارک به عنوان لکه، محدودیت های اکولوژیکی و تفرجی بیان و راهکارهای حل آن شرح داده شد. نتایج حاصل از این تحقیق اهمیت ویژه پارک جنگلی و رویکردهای مناسب برای توسعه پارک را نشان داد و برای کمبودهای موجود از لحاظ اکولوژیکی و تفرجی راهکارهایی از جمله توجه به ارتباط لکه ها، کاشت گیاهان مناسب و... را ارایه نمود.
    کلید واژگان: پارک جنگلی, تفرج, ابعاد کارکردی و زیبا شناختی, شهر تهران}
    Hossein Yousefi *, Ali Mohammadi
    It is essential that the urban spaces to be organized, within the framework of the several functions specifically in such a direction that to give an appropriate response to humans’ physical, material, and intellectual need. Nowadays, human having recognized the importance and the place of the green spaces and public recreation and promenade in their day to day life and its various applications among the structure of accumulated human settlements, forced them to consider and put forward their efforts for the keeping and regenerating the existing resources in their policies and planning agendas. Our large cities in our country, especially the metro city of Tehran are standing in a far distance from the necessary size and number of the social spaces, particularly in the field of the recreation promenade areas. Therefore, the policy of developments of green and recreation-promenade spaces in the marginalized and close distance and within the interaction of the cities are more welcomed. One of the very attracting areas in city of Tehran is Lavizan forest park, located at the north-east of Tehran, situated in a direct and constructive interaction with the city and as the city green belt has held specific terms and regulations. This study aimed to investigate the perspective and Ecological aspects of Forest Park Lavizan in Tehran and the opportunities and leading it to the library study and field of work. At first according to the maps, the location of the area where the park is located, was evaluated in terms of environmental issues. Then pros and cons of Lavizan park discussed. Finally park supposed as a patch and limitation of recreations an ecological subjects with ways to deal analyzed. The results of this research shows the main importance of forest parks and also appropriate approaches for develop this kind of parks. For deficiencies in term of ecological and recreation topics, some techniques such as paying attention to patch’s connection, planting suitable plants and… specified.
    Keywords: Forest Park, Recreation, Functional, Aesthetic consideration, Tehran City}
  • دینا عبدمنافی*، امیرحسین مشکوتی، سهراب حجام، مجید وظیفه دوست
    زمینه و هدف
    بارش فرآیندی سریع و موثر برای جاروب کردن گازها و هواویزها در جو می باشد. بنابراین مطالعه ترکیبات شیمیایی آب بارش، عامل مهمی در شناسایی آلاینده های موجود در جو می باشد.
    روش بررسی
    در این مقاله، غلظت یون های و مقدار pH به کمک دستگاه های کروماتوگرافی یونی و pH سنج در 16 نمونه آب بارش که از دو ایستگاه هواشناسی اقدسیه و مهرآباد شهر تهران جمع آوری شدند، اندازه گیری گردیدند. این مطالعه در طی زمستان و بهار سال های 2012 و 2013 میلادی در شهر تهران انجام شده است. هم چنین به کمک عامل غنی سازی، تحلیل مولفه های اصلی و شناسایی درصد مشارکت یون ها، منابع یون های موجود در آب بارش شناسایی شده اند.
    یافته ها
    نتایج نشان می دهند غلظت کلیه یون ها در ایستگاه مهرآباد نسبت به ایستگاه اقدسیه بیشتر به دست آمده اند . یونهای کربنات، سولفات و نیترات آنیونهای اصلی و یونهای کلسیم، سدیم، آمونیوم و منیزیم کاتیون های اصلی بدست آمدند. آنیون سولفات نقش بیشتری در اسیدی شدن آب بارش داشته است. در هر دو ایستگاه آنیون بی کربنات بزرگترین غلظت را در میان تمامی یونها دارا بود و عامل اصلی کاهش حالت اسیدی در بارش ها را به عهده داشت. مطالعه شناسایی منابع یونها در شهر تهران با استفاده از تحلیل همبستگی، عامل غنی سازی و تحلیل مولفه های اصلی نشان داد که دریاچه نمک قم و بیابان های جنوب تهران منبع اصلی یون های پتاسیم، منیزیم، کلسیم و سدیم در بارش های شهر تهران بودند. یونهای سولفات، نیترات، نیتریت، فلوراید و بروماید کاملا منشا انسان ساخت و یون های بی کربنات وآمونیوم هم از منابع طبیعی (خاک) و هم توسط منابع انسان ساخت تولید شده اند.
    بحث و نتیجه گیری
    آلودگی های موجود در آب بارش شهر تهران هم از منابع محلی (مانند کارخانه ها و ماشین ها) و هم از منابع در فاصله های بسیار دور از شهر ناشی شده اند.
    کلید واژگان: هواویز, شیمی آب بارش, جاروب شدن, شناسایی منابع, شهر تهران}
    Dina Abdemanafi *, Amir-Hussain Meshkatee, Sohrab Hajjam, Majid Vazifedoust
    Background And Objective
    Precipitation is one of the most efficient mechanisms for washing the atmospheric pollutants, specifically particulate ones out.The study chemistry of rain water was shown pollutions in atmosphere.
    Accordingly, to do that 16 rainwater samples from two Mehrabad and Aghdasieh synoptic stations collected during the autumn and winter of 2012 and spring of 2013 (the city rainy seasons). Concentrations of major inorganic ions () and pH in bulk precipitation samples collected in the Tehran city of I.R. of Iran were analyzed. In this article, Enrichment Factors, Correlation Analysis and Principal Component Analysis had been used in order to identify the sources of ions found in sampled rain waters.
    Findings: Results show that concentrations of the found substances were higher over the Mehrabad station. The mean concentration of ions indicated that,, and were the main anions, while ,, were the main cations. anion had important role in acidity of the rain water. The Bicarbonate anion had the highest concentration, among all other ions, over both stations and plays an important role in reduction of the acidity of the rain water. Study upon the potential sources of the ions over Tehran by means of Correlation Analysis, Enrichment Factor and Principle Component Analysis indicate that existence of Qom salt lake and desert in the south of the city were the main source of the and. There are anthropogenic sources for. The other ions were from anthropogenic and dust origin.
    Discussion and
    The pollutants in rainwater over Tehran were derived from long range and local (industry and traffic) sources.
    Keywords: Aerosol, Chemistry of precipitation, Scavenging, Source Identitification, Tehran city}
  • M. Memarianfard, A.M. Hatami *, M. Memarianfard
    Most parts of the urban areas are faced with the problem of floating fine particulate matter. Therefore, it is crucial to estimate the amounts of fine particulate matter concentrations through the urban atmosphere. In this research, an artificial neural network technique was utilized to model the PM2.5 dispersion in Tehran City. Factors which are influencing the predicted value consist of weather-related and air pollution-related data, i.e. wind speed, humidity, temperature, SO2, CO, NO2, and PM2.5 as target values. These factors have been considered in 19 measuring stations (zones) over urban area across Tehran City during four years, from March 2011 to March 2015. The results indicate that the network with hidden layer including six neurons at training epoch 113, has the best performance with the lowest error value (MSE=0.049438) on considering PM2.5 concentrations across metropolitan areas in Tehran. Furthermore, the “R” value for regression analysis of training, validation, test, and all data are 0.65898, 0.6419, 0.54027, and 0.62331, respectively. This study also represents the artificial neural networks have satisfactory implemented for resolving complex patterns in the field of air pollution.
    Keywords: Air pollution, Artificial neural network (ANN), Meteorological data, PM2.5 concentration, Tehran City}
  • محمدعلی افشارکاظمی، لیلا افتخار *، قاسم علی عمرانی
    زمینه و هدف
    تولید پسماند محصول فعالیت های مختلف آدمی است که امروزه با تغییر شیوه زندگی و توسعه همه جانبه نسبت به گذشته، بسیار دگرگون شده است. با پیشرفت علوم و تکنولوژی ، مدیریت پسماند نیز تحت بررسی های دقیق علمی و پژوهشی قرارگرفته است. در میان عناصر موظف هشت گانه سیستم مدیریت پسماندهای جامد شهری، عناصر تولید، جمع آوری و حمل از اهمیت ویژه ای برخوردارند. عنصر تولید از آن جهت حایز اهمیت است که اولین حلقه از زنجیره بازیافت بوده و مهم ترین بخش و قاعده هرم مدیریت جامع زایدات را کاهش تولید بر عهده دارد.از سوی دیگر بخش اعظم هزینه های سیستم مدیریت مواد زاید جامد مربوط به جمع آوری و حمل پسماندها می باشد.
    مواد و روش ها
    در این مقاله نخست به تشریح سیستم مدیریت پسماندهای جامد شهری ، روش شناسی مدل سازی پویا و پیشینه تحقیقات انجام شده در خصوص مدل سازی دینامیکی سیستم های مدیریت مواد زاید جامد شهری پرداخته ایم . در گام بعدی مدلی پویا از سیستم های تولید ،جمع آوری و حمل زباله در شهر تهران ارایه نموده ایم. پس از تدوین مدل در محیط نرم افزاری پویا، نتایج حاصل از اجرای مدل را تحلیل نموده و جهت اعتباردهی به مدل آن را تحت آزمون های اعتبارسنجی قرار داده ایم.
    بحث و نتیجه گیری
    پس از آن که مدلی معتبر حاصل گردید، با استفاده از تحلیل سیاست و حساسیت مدل به تدوین سناریوی بهبود سیستم در راستای روش 3R [1] پرداخته ایم. در شهر تهران بهترین گزینه برای مدیریت زیرسیستم های تولید ،جمع آوری و حمل پسماندها ، تاکید بر کاهش تولید و کاستن از سرانه تولید زباله ، آگاهی بخشی شهروندان و مسوولان بر لزوم جداسازی زباله خشک و تر در مبدا تولید و تلاش در جهت بهبود عملکرد طرح تفکیک پسماند های خشک است.
    کلید واژگان: پسماند جامد شهری, شهر تهران, پسماند خشک ارزش مند, مدل سازی پویا}
    Mohammad Ali Afshar Kazemi, Leila Eftekhar *, Ghasem Ali Omrani
    The waste generation is the product of different human activities that have been transformed because of the change of life style and multilateral development. By progression in science and technology, waste management has been reviewed scientifically. Within the eight branches of functional elements of municipal solid waste management system, generation, collection and transportation have especial importance. The significance of waste generation is due to being the first loop in the chain of recycling and reducing production is the base of comprehensive solid waste management pyramid .Otherwise the greatest part of costs for managing solid waste systems relates to collection and transportation of wastes.
    Materials and Method
    In this paper we described municipal solid waste management system and dynamic modeling methodology. After that we reviewed the literature research about dynamic modeling of municipal solid waste management systems. In the next step, we illustrated a dynamic model for generation, collection and transportation of wastes in the city of Tehran. Then we analyzed the findings from the base run of model and examined that with validation tests to gain accredited model.
    After achieving a valid model the improved scenario have been built based on 3R techniques and policy and sensitivity analysis. In Tehran city, emphasis on reducing production and decreasing of per capita waste generation, awaken citizens and officials on necessity of separation wet and dry wastes in era and Effort to improving the performance of Dry waste separation plan are the best options to manage generation ,collection and transportation wastes subsystems .
    Keywords: Municipal Solid Waste, Tehran City, Valuable Dry Waste, Dynamic Modeling}
  • M. R. Masnavi, H. Tasa*, M. Ghobadi, M. R. Farzad Behtash, S. Negin Taji
    Tehran city has been subject of critical environmental challenges during the course of 20th. century namely: massive population growth, broad expansion, reduction in urban open/green spaces, increasing in energy consumption and waste production. Releasing industrial wastewater into river valleys have led to considerable changes in structure of city's natural landscape. The natural structures of river valleys in northern Tehran that historically function as ecological corridors for transferring surrounding air and water into city, helping urban sustainability, have been gradually turned into large concrete canals for urban wastewater to downstream land and damaging ecosystems balances and biodiversity needs. The eradication of green spaces on the river banks accelerated the rivers environmental degradations. This research aimed at examining the structure of northern Tehran landscape and the influential factores which play role in the river valleys` landscape destruction. The contributing parameters to restoration of these ecological corridors were investigated based on a tree structure. Fuzzy analytical hierarchy questionnaire distributed among experts, and factors were classified. Then Chang’s methodology employed and finally ranked by degree of importance. Outcomes of fuzzy analysis were used as input for Arc GIS 9.3 to export the analytical maps of Tehran`s urban landscape enhancement through river valleys’ restoration. Evidence from this research show that alteration in environmental structures (vegetation cover, micro climate, urban infrastructures, hydrology) comes with greatest importance in shaping existing changes. Restoration of river valleys’ structures are therefore, possible through improving their natural functions such as biological structures, urban green patches and enhancing network connectivity among patches.
    Keywords: FAHP, River valley landscape, Tehran city, Urban landscape infrastructure, Urban sustainability}
  • نرگس عرب، سید حامد میرکریمی
    امروزه با افزایش جمعیت شهرها و هم چنین صنعتی شدن اغلب شهرهای بزرگ غلظت آلاینده های هوا به سرعت افزایش یافته است. استقرار حدود ده میلیون نفر و تمرکز بیش از حد صنایع و کارخانجات در محدوده جغرافیایی شهر تهران، همراه با شرایط جغرافیایی، توپوگرافی و اقلیمی خاص منطقه سبب شده است که تهران از نظر آلودگی هوا در زمره آلوده ترین شهرهای جهان قرار گیرد. باتوجه به افزایش آلودگی در شهرها آگاهی از کیفیت هوا در دوره های زمانی و روند تغییرات آلاینده های هوا می تواند نقش موثری در مدیریت سلامت شهری داشته باشد. در تحقیق حاضر روند تغییرات زمانی آلاینده های ازن، دی اکسید نیتروژن و مونو اکسید کربن در شهر تهران مورد بررسی قرار گرفته است.
    در این تحقیق به منظور بررسی روند تغییرات آلاینده های O3 و NO2 و CO در شهر تهران، از داده های پایش آلودگی هوای ایستگاه اقدسیه که تحت نظارت شرکت کنترل کیفیت هوا است، استفاده شد. داده هواشناسی سرعت باد نیز از ایستگاه ژئوفیزیک در بازه ی زمانی 12 ماه سال 1391 جمع آوری شد. ابتدا داده های مورد نیاز از داده های خام استخراج شده و سپس با توجه به هدف تحقیق از آن ها استفاده گردید.
    نتایج حاصل از این پژوهش نشان داد، روند تغییرات میانگین ماهانه غلظتO3 طی مدت 12 ماه در سال 1391 شامل کم ترین مقدار در ماه آذر و بیش ترین در ماه تیر است. روند تغییرات میانگین ماهانه غلظت NO2 نشان داد، کم ترین مقدار در ماه آذر و بیش ترین در ماه مرداد است و روند تغییرات میانگین ماهانه غلظت CO شامل کم ترین مقدار در ماه فروردین و بیش ترین در ماه دی و بهمن است.
    کلیدواژگان آلاینده ازن؛ دی اکسید نیتروژن؛ مونواکسید کربن؛ شهر تهران؛ آلاینده های هوا
    Narges Arab, Seyed Hamed Mirkarimi
    Today، with the raise of city population and industrialization of big cities، concentration of air pollutants has increasingly accelerated. Employing more than ten million people and too much focus of industries and factories in geographical area of Tehran along with geographical situation، topography and certain climate condition caused Tehran to be one of the most polluted cities in the world. Due to increase of pollution in cities، awareness with air quality in a period and changes of air pollutants can have key role in urban health management. In the current paper، temporal changes of nitrogen pollutants، nitrogen dioxide and carbon dioxide in Tehran were reviewed. In this paper data of air pollution monitoring data of Aghdasiyeh station were applied that are under supervision of air quality control Company in order to study changes of pollutants CO، NO2 and O3 in Tehran. Meteorological data and wind speed were gathered from geophysics station in a 12-month period in 2011. First، data required were extracted from raw data and then they were applied based on the research objective. The results of the current research indicate that according to monthly temporal changes of O3 concentration during the period mentioned، the minimum amount is in Dec and the maximum one is in Jun. Average monthly trend of concentration N2 indicated the minimum amount is in Dec and the maximum one is in Jul. And according to CO concentration، the minimum amount is in Apr and the minimum is in Jan and Feb.
    Keywords: Ozon pollutants, Nitrogen dioxide, Carbon dioxide, Tehran City, Air pollution}
  • اسماعیل صالحی، یوسف رفیعی، محمدرضا فرزاد بهتاش، محمدتقی آقابابایی
    شتاب شهرنشینی و روند رو به گسترش گرمایش جهانی اهمیت پرداختن به مسئله سیلاب های شهری را بیش از پیش نمایان می کند. تهران به تازگی تحت تاثیر سیلاب و خسارت های ناشی از آن قرار گرفته است. بارندگی با شدت بالا و رشد و توسعه بی رویه شهر و شبکه ناکارآمد زهکشی از دلایل اصلی این امر به شمار می روند. این تحقیق رویکرد کارآمدی را در ارزیابی خطر سیل تهران به کار می گیرد. هدف این مطالعه توسعه پهنه بندی خطر سیل شهری بر پایه آنالیز تصمیم گیری چندمعیاره و سیستم اطلاعات جغرافیایی (GIS) است. این مدل با استفاده از 5 معیار فاصله از شبکه زهکشی، تجمع جریان، شیب، ارتفاع و اراضی ساخته شده و ساخته نشده توسعه یافت. از روش فرایندتحلیلسلسلهمراتبی فازی (Fuzzy AHP) باکلی به مثابه یکی از کارآمدترین سیستم های تصمیم گیری چندمعیاره استفاده شد. در این روش برای مقایسه زوجی گزینه ها از اعداد فازی و برای به دست آوردن وزن ها و ارجحیت ها از روش میانگین گیری هندسی استفاده می شود، زیرا به سادگی به حالت فازی قابل تعمیم است. نقشه خطر نهایی با اعمال وزن های معیارها و هر یک از طبقه های آن ها در GIS به دست آمد. نقشه خطر سیل شهری نشان می دهد که آبراهه ها و حریم آن ها، همچنین نواحی مرکزی تا جنوب شهر بیشترین پتانسیل را برای سیل خیزی دارند.
    کلید واژگان: سیلاب, پهنه بندی خطر, تهران, GIS, _ AHP, Fuzzy}
    Esmaeil Salehi, Yusef Rafii, Mohammad Reza Farzad Behtash, Mohammad Taghi Aghababai
    Accelerated process of urbanization and global warming make urban flood one of the most important issues in urban planning. Tehran recently has been affected by the flooding and its damages. High intensity rainfall and uncontrolled urban development and main inefficient networks of drainage system are the main reasons. This research uses an efficient approach for flood hazard assessment in Tehran city. This study is to develop an urban flood hazard zonation based on multi-criteria decision analysis and GIS. This model was developed using the following five criteria: distance to the drainage network, flow accumulation, slope, height, and built or not built land areas. Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (Fuzzy AHP) method as one of the most efficient multi-criteria decision-making systems was used for this study. The final hazard map obtained using the weights of criteria and each of their classes in GIS. Urban flood hazard maps indicate that the waterways and their privacy and central to the southern city area have the highest potential of overflowing and flood rise.
    Flood is one of the most destructive natural hazards that offset its effects; especially in areas where there are aspects of human development, such as cities, it can impose high financial damages. Urban development, especially along the rivers has increased the flood damage in recent decades. Thus, knowledge about the risk of different areas and attention to urban flood management as one of the major themes in addressing urban issues, with an emphasis on the urban environment, is important consideration for urban planning and policy makings. Flood hazard maps can be used as an effective tool in planning for future development of the city and also identification of the areas where infrastructure development is required for flood drainage. In this study, Tehran, as the capital of Iran that is in danger of flooding, has been studied.
    Materials And Methods
    Precedures of this study are presented in Figure 1, which includes provision of primary data, preparing them in GIS, multi-criteria decision analysis and mapping of flood hazard. Fig.1. Flowchart of research procedure Three major sources of data to provide layers were used as follows: 1. Digital elevation model to provide the run off aggregation layer, slope and elevation of the study area, 2. Landsat TM images (summer of 2011) to derive permeable and non-permeable land and 3. Digital files of surface water drainage in the city. The layers used in this study are shown in Figure 2. Then, the weight and value ratings were assigned to layers and classes of layers. The process of assigning weights and values ranking was performed by AHP-Fuzzy method. Weights calculation was performed using Matlab software programming environment. Fig.2. Layersused in the study Fuzzy AHP method, proposed by Buckley, as a generalized form is classic AHP method. In this method, a couple of options for gaining weight and priority of fuzzy numbers and the geometric averaging method are used. Because this method can easily be generalized in fuzzy and also unique solution for pairwise comparisons matrix can readily be determined. In this method, the decision maker can compare pairwise each of the options in the form of trapezoidal fuzzy numbers to express.
    The methodology used in this paper is the analysis of flow variables at the time of peak rainfall and the drainage network capacity control. Here, we focus on the establishment of appropriate correlation between model and GIS, enabling the desired changes, modifying and updating them easily and with minimal cost and time. Such a system has considerable potential for management of floodplains or flood crisis management and rescue during flood sand rebuilding after the flood management and relevant to subscribers. Applying weighted layers in GIS, flood hazard zonation map of Tehran was prepared. The map at the end was classified in five categories: very high risk areas, areas of high risk, moderate risk areas, risk areas and low risk areas was very low (Figure3). Fig.3. Final classified flood hazard map of Tehran
    Urban flooding risk map is a new tool that can help urban planners and decision makers, for example, in evaluating the effectiveness of drainage infrastructure and development efforts. These are needed to reduce the risk of flood damage for the urban population.
    Keywords: AHP, Fuzzy, flood, hazard zoning, GIS, Tehran city}
  • مهدی قنبرزاده لک، نادر شریعتمداری، محمدرضا صبور، رضا قناتیان نجف آبادی، مهدی حیدری

    انتخاب شیوه مناسب مدیریت پسماندهای شهری ، به گونه ای که به کم ترین مخاطرات زیست محیطی بینجامد و از لحاظ فنی و اقتصادی قابلیت اجرایی بالایی داشته باشد، بدون بهره گیری از روش های نوین مکانیابی و تصمیمسازی امری بسیار پیچیده و زمان بر خواهد بود. گسترش سطحی سکونت گاه های شهری و بهتبع آن افزایش فواصل حمل زایدات تا مراکز دفع، ارزش بالای اقتصادی زمینهای دارای کاربری آزاد در حواشی شهرها، تدوین و اجرای قوانین و الزامات مربوط به کمترین فاصله سامانه های دفع از مراکز شهری ، و اعتراضات اجتماعی از جمله چالش های موجود در زمینه احداث مراک ز دفع پسماند جامد شهری در مجاورت مناطق مسکونی حاشیه شهرهای بزرگ به شمار میرود. هدف نوشتار حاضر تهیه مدلی است برای مکان یابی مناطق مستعد احداث سامانه های دفع زایدات شهری ، و تعیین بهترین سناریوی مدیریتی قابل اجرا در این مکانها. در این بررسی شهر تهران بهعنوان مطالعه موردی انتخاب شده است. با اجرای مدل تهیه شده در این تحقیق برای شرایط محیطی شهر تهران، ضمن بررسی ابعاد مختلف مدل، میزان حساسیت آن به عوامل موثر در تصمیم سازی تحلیل شد. بدینمنظور، ابتدا لایه های اطلاعاتی گوناگون نظیر مناطق حفاظتشده، مناطق نظامی، مناطق فرهنگی و تاریخی، توپوگرافی، رودخانه ها و دریاچه ها، گسل ها، اطلاعات زمین شناسی و کاربری اراضی درخصوص منطقه مورد مطالعه تهیه شد و سپس با اعمال معیارهای مکان یابی و روی هم قرار دادن این لایه ها، نقاط مناسب به دست آمد. در مرحله بعد، در مقایسه نقاط اخیر با لایه کاربری اراضی طرح جامع شهر تهران، نواحی مستعد احداث سامانه های دفع زایدات با کاربری آزاد مشخص شد. در نهایت با توجه به کمیت و کیفیت زایدات تولیدی در شهر تهران، سناریوهای مدیریتی مختلف شامل تعدادی از روش های تولید کود کمپوست، زباله سوزی، تولید سوخت مشتق از ، (MRF) جداسازی و پردازش و دفن ، به منظور اجرا در مناطق مستعد یادشده تعریف شد. ارزیابی (RDF) پسماند و تعیین بهترین سناریو بهمنظور اجرا در شهر ANP سناریوهای مذکور با استفاده از مدل تهران، بخش پایانی این تحقیق را تشکیل می دهد. نتایج حاصله حاکی از برتری سناریوی اول 3079) بوده و پس از آن سناریوهای دوم، چهارم و سوم به ترتیب با / (با وزن نرمالشده 0 0 قرار گرفتند. به دلیل نزدیکی وزن / 0 و 2087 /2393 ،0/ وزنهای نرمال شده 2441 اولویت های دوم و سوم، حساسیتسنجی روی آنها براساس ایجاد تغییرات انتخابی در وزن خوشه های اصلی شبکه تصمیمسازی انجام شد. باتوجه به این نکته که در سناریوی چهارم بخش عمده پسماند دفن می شود و بیشترین مخاطرات زیستمحیطی نیز در میان انتخاب ها در این سناریو وجود خواهد داشت، با افزایش وزن معیار زیست محیطی ارجحیت سناریوی چهارم کاهش می یابد. از طرفی با افزایش وزن معیار فنی، به دلیل تکنولوژی ساد ه مورد استفاده در این سناریو، ارجحیت آن روند افزایشی نشان میدهد. سایر سناریو ها حساسیت کم تری نسبت به تغییر وزن معیارها داشتند و در اولویت آنها تغییری ایجاد نشد، بهگونه ای که همواره سناریوی اول از سناریوی دوم برتر بوده و سناریوی دوم نیز بر سناریوی سوم ارجحیت دارد.

    کلید واژگان: مدیریت پسماند شهری, مکان یابی, سناریوی مدیریتی, مدل ارزیابی anp, GIS شهر تهران}
    Mehdi Ghanbarzadeh Lak, Nader Shariatmadari, Mohamad Reza Sabour, Reza Ghanatiyan-Najafabadi, Mehdi Heydari

    Selecting Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) management alternatives, adaptable to local conditions as well as environmental, technical, and economical concerns, would be a time consuming and complicated task without carrying out modern methods of site selection and decision making. The horizontal development of settlement areas which in turn may enforce high costs of waste collection and transportation, beside the lack of unconstructed fields in the vicinity of large cities, enacting rigorous legislation contributing to the minimum distances of waste processing facilities by dwelling areas, and finally, the social objections, are the most noticeable challenges facing solid waste management practices. The main objective of the present research is to develop a computerized model facilitating MSW disposal site selection task, in addition to the determination of best applicable management scenarios capable with environmental, technical, and economical concerns. Tehran city was chosen as a case study to implement the model and to interpret its sensitivity to the factors affecting the overall decision making process. At the first stage of the current research, data layers, such as protected regions, military areas, historical and cultural areas, topography, rivers and lakes, faults, geology and land use information, was provided about the study area. By the means of a GIS based software, and superimposing the above-mentioned layers, acceptable areas were determined in the second stage. Finally, several scenarios including Material Recovery Facilities (MRF), compost production systems, incineration units, Waste-Derived Fuel (RDF) facilities, and landfilling sites were allocated to any acceptable area, according to the quality and quantity of wastes generated in the city of Tehran. These scenarios were evaluated using developed ANP model in this paper. Results showed the superiority of the first scenario (with normal weight of 0.3079), while the normal priority of other scenarios were as 0.2441, 0.2393 and 0.2087 for the second, fourth and third alternative, respectively. As the priority values of the second and forth scenarios were approximately the same, sensitivity analysis based on selective changes in the weight of main clusters were performed. Due to the fact that the fourth scenario, in which the bulk of collected wastes would be landfilled, might impose the greatest environmental risks among other scenarios, by any amplification in the weight of environmental criteria, the preference of this option would decrease. However, increasing the weight of technical criteria, might prefer the forth scenario because of its simplest technology used. Other scenarios have shown to be less sensitive to changes in the weights of the main criteria, so that the first scenario was usually dominant to the second one and the second scenario had always the top priority comparing to the third scenario.

    Keywords: Municipal Solid Waste Management, Site Selection, Management Scenario, GIS, ANP Model, Tehran City}
  • ستاره جوان بخت امیری، سید هادی خاتمی
    یکی از مشکلات زندگی در شهرهای بزرگ و صنعتی جهان امروز مسئله آلودگی هوا است. جهت کاهش اثرات ناشی از آلودگی هوا باید پارامترهای موثر در آلودگی و میزان تاثیر آن ها را به خوبی بشناسیم از جمله پارامترهای بسیار مهم در تعیین میزان آلودگی هوا پارامترهای هواشناسی است که در این پژوهش مورد بررسی قرار گرفته است. داده های هواشناسی ازایستگاه های سینوپتیک سازمان هواشناسی وداده های آلاینده ها از ایستگاه های مطالعاتی سازمان حفاظت محیط زیست فراهم شده و چگونگی تغییرات میانگین سالانه این پارامترها، همبستگی، مدل خطی آلاینده های زیست محیطی بر اساس پارامترهای هواشناسی با استفاده از نرم افزار آماری به دست آمده است. متغیرها آلاینده های شاخص کیفیت هوای تهران (NO2،SO2،O3،CO،PM-10) و عناصر هواشناسی دما، رطوبت نسبی، سرعت باد می باشند. در نتایج حاصل از برآورد 60 معادله به دست آمد که تنهادر40 معادله ارتباط بین آلاینده ها و پارامترهای هواشناسی دیده شد که در آن ها تفاوت هایی در تعداد نمونه، نوع ارتباط و درجه همبستگی وجود دارد. در ایستگاه آزادی معادله ازن در برابر دما با ضریب تعیین کنندگی بیش از 40 % به عنوان بهترین معادله ایستگاه شناخته شد. در ایستگاه ویلا این همبستگی برای SO2 در مقابل سرعت باد به دست آمد که ضریب تعیین کنندگی آن بیش از 9/24 % می باشد. در مورد ایستگاه پردیسان نیز بهترین معادله برای SO2 در مقابل دما ست با ضریب تعیین کنندگی بیش از 3/32 % و در مورد ایستگاه تجریش معادله ازن در مقابل دما با ضریب تعیین کنندگی بیش از 4/22 % بهترین معادله انتخاب شد. با توجه به معنی دار بودن ارتباط بین پارامترهای هواشناسی و آلاینده ها مشخص گردید که پارامترهای هواشناسی می توانند در میزان آلایندگی هوای شهر تهران موثر واقع شوند.
    کلید واژگان: آمار, آلاینده های شاخص آلودگی هوا, پارامترهای هواشناسی, شهر تهران}
    Setareh Javanbakht Amiri (Corresponding Author)Æ Seyed Hadi Khatami
    An overwhelming problem of modern life in large and industrial cities can be considered as air pollution. In order to reduce the air pollution harmful consequences، it necessitates finding out crucial air pollution parameters and their lateral effects. In this study، meteorological and air pollution data in Tehran were investigated; afterwards the changes in annual mean and correlation of these parameters and their linear model environmental pollutants were determined based on the meteorological parameters. Meteorological parameters، the important parameters in specifying the air pollution، have been scrutinized in this study. Tehran Air Quality Index pollutants variables (NO2، SO2، O3، CO، PM-10) and meteorological elements can be named as if temperature، relative humidity and wind speed. Meteorological and pollutant data were obtained from، synoptic and department of environment study stations. There of the average annual change of these parameters، correlation and linear model of environmental pollutants based on meteorological parameters has been acquired via statistical software. The results، estimated from 60 equations، illustrated that only through 40 equations the relations between pollutants and meteorological parameters was observed in which the differences in number of sample، type of relation and degree of correlation existed. The best equation with more than 49% coefficient of determination for ozone versus temperature was recognized in Azadi station. This correlation for SO2 versus wind speed with more than 24. 9% coefficient of determination was calculated in Vila station. Pardisan station for SO2 versus temperature with more than 32. 3% coefficient of determination and Tajrish station for ozone versus temperature coefficient of determination of more than 22. 4% were selected as the most outstanding equations. With regard to the fact of the significance of the relation between pollutants and meteorological parameters، it perceived that weather parameters can be effective on the air pollution levels in Tehran.
    Keywords: Statistic, Air index pollutants, Meteorological parameters, Tehran city}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
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  • در صورتی که می‌خواهید جستجو را در همه موضوعات و با شرایط دیگر تکرار کنید به صفحه جستجوی پیشرفته مجلات مراجعه کنید.
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