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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « T » در نشریات گروه « اکولوژی »

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «T» در نشریات گروه «کشاورزی»
  • کوروش حیدری، ماشاالله دانشور*، سجاد رحیمی مقدم، علی حیدر نصرالهی

    این مطالعه در شش منطقه الشتر، الیگودرز، بروجرد، خرم آباد، کوهدشت و پلدختر جهت برآورد خلا عملکرد گندم آبی(Triticum aestivum L.) در بوم نظام های زراعی استان لرستان به انجام رسید. به منظور شبیه سازی عملکرد پتانسیل، آب محدود و نیتروژن محدود گندم آبی از مدل APSIM-wheat استفاده شد. بدین منظور داده های مربوط به مدیریت، خاک، آب و هوا و گیاه از منابع مختلف مطالعه جمع آوری شد. مدل گیاهی قبل از استفاده، تحت شرایط محدودیت آب و نیتروژن مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفت. اطلاعات مربوط به عملکرد واقعی نیز از ادارات جهاد کشاورزی هر شهرستان و استان به دست آمد. نتایج نشان داد که خلا عملکرد کل در گندم آبی استان لرستان برابر با 5/4177 کیلوگرم در هکتار می باشد. همچنین، در سراسر مناطق و سال های مورد بررسی سهم خلا عملکرد مربوط مدیریت نیتروژن، آب و سایر عوامل کاهنده و محدود کننده عملکرد در سطح استان لرستان برابر با 68، 22 و 10 درصد خلا عملکرد کل بود. تغییرات زیادی در بین مناطق مختلف از لحاظ خلا کل در سطح استان لرستان وجود داشت به طوری که از 8/2661 کیلوگرم در هکتار در پلدختر تا 4/5608 کیلوگرم در هکتار در الیگودرز متغیر بود. در حال حاضر خلاء عملکرد کل گندم آبی در بوم نظام های زراعی استان لرستان برابر با 59 درصد می باشد. بیشترین سهم خلا عملکرد کل مربوط به عدم مدیریت بهینه (زمان مصرف) کود نیتروژن می باشد که در صورت به کارگیری مدیریت بهینه کود نیتروژن خلا عملکرد کل در سطح همه مناطق مورد بررسی در استان لرستان به طور قابل توجهی کاهش خواهد پیدا کرد.

    کلید واژگان: عوامل کاهنده عملکرد, عوامل محدود کننده عملکرد, مدل APSIM-Wheat, مدیریت آب, مدیریت نیتروژن, اعتبار سنجی}
    Kourosh Heidari, Mashallah Daneshvar *, Sajjad Rahimi-Moghaddam, Aliheidar Nasrollahi

    Removing the gap between the yield that is currently obtained by farmers and the yield that can be obtained by using the best water, soil, and crop management practices (yield gap) is the key solution to overcoming the nutritional challenge of the growing world population. Wheat has played an important role in the economy and food security of the world over the history. Considering the importance of the wheat crop in food security and human feeding, as well as the importance of Lorestan province in producing wheat crop in Iran, the current research was carried out using the modeling method in order to estimate the yield gap of irrigated wheat agro-ecosystems of Lorestan province.

    Materials and Methods

    The current research was conducted in 6 locations in Lorestan province, Iran (Aleshtar, Aligudarz, Borujerd, Khorramabad, Kuhdasht, and Pol-e Dokhtar). To evaluate the APSIM-wheat model for the Chamran cultivar, some independent field experiments were used under different treatments, including planting date, irrigation, and nitrogen regimes. nRMSE, d-index, and MBE indices were used to evaluate the crop model. Then, the management, soil, and climate data of the studied locations were collected. To find the most optimal sowing date, an initial simulation experiment set was performed. After obtaining the optimal sowing date for different locations, the attainable yield (85% of the potential yield) was simulated. Finally, from the difference between attainable yield and actual yield, the total yield gap for the locations was obtained. Also, the contribution of different management practices, including nitrogen, irrigation, and other reducing and limiting factors, was calculated from the total yield gap. In the current research, OriginPro software was used for all statistical analysis and drawing of figures.

    Results and Discussion

    The results of the model calibration showed that the APSIM-wheat model was able to simulate the days to flowing, biomass, and grain yield accurately. The normalized root mean square error for days to flowering, biomass, and grain yield was 5.13, 5.29, and 7.87%, respectively. The model validation results of the model also showed that the model simulates the grain yield well (10.3%). In the initial simulation, the best production potential (8433 kg ha-1) was related to the October 15 sowing date. Attainable, water-limited, and nitrogen-limited yields were equal to 7179.2, 6302.7, and 4212.5 kg ha-1 in Lorestan province. Across different locations, the water-limited yield ranged from 1.4722 to 2.7448 kg ha-1, followed by attainable yield (from 6537.5 to 7982.7 kg ha-1) and nitrogen-limited (from 2.2 3850 to 4414.5 kg ha-1). The total yield gap of irrigated wheat in Lorestan province was equal to 4177.5 kg ha-1. The results also showed that, in general, throughout the studied locations and years, the contribution of nitrogen, water, and other reducing and limiting factors in Lorestan province was equal to 69, 22, and 10% of the total yield gap. There were many changes among different locations in terms of the total yield gap in Lorestan province so it varied from 2661.8 kg ha-1 (Pol-e Dokhtar) to 5608.4 kg ha-1 (Aligudarz). In terms of yield gap due to water limitation, the highest amount was related to Pol-e Dokhtar (31%), and the lowest value was related to Khorramabad city (14%). For the yield gap caused by nitrogen limitation, Aligudarz had the largest share (77%), while the lowest share of this limitation was obtained for Khorramabad (59%). The maximum share of the yield gap caused by other limiting and reducing factors was also recorded in Khorramabad (27%), while its lowest value was calculated in Aligudarz and Aleshtar (without restrictions).


    In general, the total yield gap of irrigated wheat in agro-ecosystems of Lorestan province is equal to 59%. Also, the results revealed that the largest share of the total yield gap is related to the lack of optimal application of nitrogen management (time of nitrogen application), and if the optimal management of nitrogen fertilizer is applied, the total yield gap will be significantly reduced at all studied locations in Lorestan province.

    Keywords: APSIM-Wheat Model, Calibration, Validation, Water, Nitrogen Management, Yield Reducing, Limiting Factors}
  • محمد عبدالهی، مهدی دهمرده*، عیسی خمری

    به منظور ارزیابی تاثیر نسبت های جایگزینی و افزایشی کشت مخلوط چای ترش بر ویژگی های کمی و کیفی گاوزبان اروپایی تحت محلول پاشی کود آهن آزمایشی به صورت فاکتوریل در قالب طرح بلوک های کامل تصادفی با سه تکرار، در مزرعه تحقیقاتی دانشگاه زابل در سال زراعی 95-1394 اجرا گردید. تیمارهای آزمایش شامل محلول پاشی سولفات آهن به عنوان عامل اول در سه سطح شاهد، سه و شش گرم در لیتر و نسبت های کشت مخلوط شامل خالص چای ترش، خالص گاوزبان اروپایی، 75 درصد چای ترش + 25 درصد گاوزبان اروپایی، 75 درصد گاوزبان اروپایی + 25 درصد چای ترش، 50 درصد چای ترش + 50 درصد گاوزبان اروپایی، 50 درصد چای ترش + 100 درصد گاوزبان اروپایی، 100 درصد چای ترش + 50 درصد گاوزبان اروپایی، 100 درصد چای ترش + 100 درصد گاوزبان اروپایی به عنوان عامل دوم بود. نتایج حاصل از برهم کنش متقابل کشت مخلوط و محلول پاشی سولفات آهن نشان داد که بیشترین میزان آنتوسیانین از تیمارشش گرم در لیتر سولفات آهن و 100 درصد چای ترش + 100 درصد گاوزبان اروپایی به دست آمد. بیشترین مقدار عملکرد اقتصادی گاوزبان اروپایی در بین نسبت های کشت مخلوط از تیمار 25 درصد چای ترش به علاوه 75 درصد گاوزبان اروپایی به دست آمد (1/49 کیلوگرم در هکتار) که از لحاظ آماری تفاوت معنی داری با تیمار 100 درصد چای ترش + 50 درصد گاوزبان اروپایی نشان نداد. بالاترین مقدار نسبت برابری زمین (2)، از کشت مخلوط 100 درصد چای ترش + 50 درصد گاوزبان اروپایی به دست آمد که نشان دهنده مزیت کشت مخلوط نسبت به تک کشتی است.

    کلید واژگان: آنتوسیانین, موسیلاژ, نسبت برابری زمین, نسبت های کشت مخلوط}
    Mohammad Abdolahi, Mehdi Dahmradeh *, Issa Khammari

    Sustainable agriculture refersp to the correct management of agricultural resources that, while meeting changing human needs, and preserve the quality of the environment and the capacity of water and soil resources. Among the components of sustainable agriculture, we can mention the agroforestry system, integrated pest management, crop rotation, and intercropping. The purpose of intercropping is to find plants that have the least competition with each other and use the available resources more effectively. The purpose of this research is to the effect of intercropping of Roselle on the quantitative and qualitative traits of borage under foliar application of iron fertilizer and to determine the best ratio of intercropping to achieve the highest yield and the highest level of land equivalent ratio.

    Material and Methods

    This research was carried out in the educational research farm of the Faculty of Agriculture of Zabol University in the agricultural year of 2014-2015. The experiment was carried out as a factorial in the form of a randomized complete block design with three replications. The treatments examined in this research include foliar spraying of sulfate fertilizer as the first factor in three levels including |(no foliar application or control, 3gr.l-1 and 6gr.l-1) and eight levels of intercropping including (pure Roselle, pure Borage, 75% Roselle + 25% Borage, 75% Borage + 25% Roselle, 50% Roselle + 50% Borage, 50% Roselle + 100% Borage, 100% Roselle + 50% Borage, 100% Roselle + 100% Borage were as the second factor. Both plants were planted at the same time at the end of March in 2×2 plots, where the distance between the planting lines was 50 cm, the distance between the rows was the same, but the density was different in each row. Irrigation was done according to the needs of the plants, weeding and thinning during the growth period and weeding was done by hand during three stages. Wagner's method was used to measure the amount of anthocyanins. The criterion for evaluating intercropping was using the land equivalent ratio. At the end, data analysis will be done using SAS version 9.1 software, and a comparison of means will be done using Duncan's test at the 5 % level.

    Results and Discussion

    Results showed that the interaction effects of foliar application, iron, and intercropping were significant on the anthocyanin and mucilage content of borage. Additionally, the simple effects of foliar application of iron were significant on the number of flowers per stem, stem height, number of sub-branches, biological yield, and harvest index. The effects of intercropping were significant on the number of flowers per stem, anthocyanin content, mucilage content, stem height, number of sub-branches, economic yield, and harvest index. The comparison of means effects of different intercropping systems showed that the highest biological yield (1412.8 kg.ha-1) was obtained from the intercropping system of 75% Roselle + 25% borage. In addition, the comparison of means effects of different intercropping systems showed that the highest amount of economic yield (49.68  kg.ha-1) was obtained from the treatment of pure borage cultivation. Comparison of means showed that the highest percentage of mucilage with an average of 0.0713% from the foliar treatment of 6gr.l-1 of iron sulfate in the conditions of pure borage cultivation, and the lowest percentage of mucilage was obtained with an average of 0.0280 from the control treatment (no application of iron sulfate fertilizer + 100% Roselle + 50% borage). The highest land equivalent ratio (2) was obtained from intercropping of 100% Roselle + 50% borage harvest.


    According to the results obtained in the present study, the effects of foliar application of iron and intercropping systems had significant effects on yield and yield components of borage. By increasing the foliar application of iron improved growth traits and yield. The highest proportion of LER obtained was from 100% Roselle+ 50% borage, which indicated superior cropping compared to pure crop. This superiority is probably due to the better use of mixed components of growth resources such as light, water, and nutrients compared to pure crop.

    Keywords: Anthocyanin, Intercropping Ratios, Land Equivalent Ratio, Mucilage}
  • محمدحسن سیاری زهان*، علی اصغر بیگی، غلامرضا زمانی

    اثرات کاربرد دو نوع کود آلی بر صفات رویشی و زایشی گیاه ارزن معمولی (Panicum miliaceum L.)، در آزمایش مزرعه ای به صورت فاکتوریل در قالب طرح بلوک های کامل تصادفی و با سه تکرار در سال زراعی 1397- 1396 در شهرستان گناباد مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. در این آزمایش، از مقادیر صفر، 5/7 و 15 تن در هکتار کمپوست ضایعات پرتقال تولیدی و کمپوست زباله شهری استفاده گردید. نتایج آزمایش نشان داد که با افزایش میزان مصرف کمپوست زباله شهری و کمپوست ضایعات پرتقال در خاک ارتفاع بوته، وزن خشک، عملکرد دانه و شاخص برداشت گیاه افزایش پیدا کرد. مصرف 15 تن در هکتار کمپوست زباله شهری و 15 تن در هکتار ضایعات پرتقال، تعداد پنجه در بوته را به ترتیب 8/69 و 8/26 درصد نسبت به شاهد افزایش دادند. بالاترین سطح کمپوست زباله شهری و کمپوست ضایعات پرتقال وزن دانه در بوته را به ترتیب 5/41 و 3/16 درصد نسبت به شاهد افزایش دادند. اثر متقابل تیمارها تاثیر معنی داری بر وزن دانه در بوته، وزن هزار دانه، عملکرد بیولوژیک و شاخص برداشت ارزن داشتند. بیشترین وزن دانه در بوته (82/13 گرم)، وزن هزار دانه (06/9 گرم) و عملکرد بیولوژیک (3/10159 کیلوگرم در هکتار) از تیمار مصرف 15 تن در هکتار کمپوست زباله شهری و 15 تن در هکتار کمپوست ضایعات پرتقال و کمترین میزان این صفات از شاهد به دست آمدند. در این پژوهش مشخص گردید که استفاده از 15 تن در هکتار کمپوست زباله شهری و 15 تن در هکتار ضایعات پرتقال می تواند برای بهبود بخشیدن به عملکرد و اجزای آن مد نظر قرار گیرد.

    کلید واژگان: ارتفاع ارزن, پانیکول, شاخص برداشت, وزن هزار دانه}
    Mohammadhassan Sayyari Zahan *, Ali Asghar Beigi, Gholam Reza Zamani

    Common millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) belonging to the family Gramineae is a warm-season grass with a growing season length of 60–100 days. It is specially adapted to hot summers in the tropics and high altitudes, where the growing season is short, and the soil is poor in fertility. Among grain crops, common millet has the lowest water requirement and can grow on any type of soil except coarse sand. Therefore, appropriate management of common millet is necessary to maximize yield and yield components. Organic matter is one of the most important constituents of soil, significantly affecting the availability of nutrients and improving the soil's physical, chemical, and biological properties. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of different levels of municipal waste compost and orange waste compost on vegetative, reproductive growth, and yield of common millet.

    Materials and Methods

    The experiment was designed as a factorial arrangement based on a randomized complete block design with three replications under field conditions in Gonabad during the growing season of 2018. Treatments were three levels of municipal waste compost (0, 7.5, and 15 t.ha-1) and three levels of orange waste compost (0, 7.5, and 15 t.ha-1). The measured indices including vegetative characteristics (plant height (cm), number of tillers per plant, plant dry weight (g.plant-1), number of leaves per plant, panicle height (cm)) and reproductive characteristics (seed yield per plant (g), 1000-seed weight (g), seed yield, biological yield (kg.ha-1) and harvest index). Finally, the experimental data were statistically analyzed using the SAS program ver. 9.1 and comparison of means was performed by LSD test at 5% probability level.

    Results and Discussion

    The results showed that with increasing use of municipal waste compost as well as orange compost in soil, plant height, dry weight and grain yield and harvest index increased. The highest amount of municipal waste compost (15 t.ha-1) and orange waste compost (15 t.ha-1) increased the plant height by 15.8 and 11.8 percent, respectively, compared to control. The reason for the increase in plant height due to the use of organic materials is due to the improvement of the chemical and physical properties of the soil, the increase in the storage capacity of nutrients, and the preparation of the ground bed for better root growth in the soil. The maximum dry-weight plant was obtained in the treatment of municipal waste compost (15 t.ha-1) and orange waste compost (15 t.ha-1). The nitrogen present in organic fertilizers enhances vegetative growth, and the high potassium in these fertilizers, in addition to accelerating cell division and directly affecting vegetative growth due to its role in the production of carbohydrates and proteins and the concentration of cell sap, increases the dry weight of the plant. The highest seed yield was observed at the level of 15 tons per hectare of municipal waste compost, with a 60.2% increase compared to the control, and at the level of 15 tons per hectare of orange waste compost, with an increase of 37.4% compared to the zero level. Also, the simple effect of municipal waste compost and orange waste and the interaction of two treatments on grain weight per plant, 1000-seed weight, biological yield, and harvest index were significant. The highest seed weight per plant was obtained from the highest levels of municipal waste compost and orange waste (15 t.ha-1 + 15 t.ha-1). The highest 1000-seed weight and biological yield were observed in the treatment of municipal waste compost (15 t.ha-1) and orange waste compost (15 t.ha-1). Also, the highest harvest index was related to the treatment of municipal waste compost (15 t.ha-1) and orange waste compost (7.5 t.ha-1). Probably, the availability of more nutrients for the plant has led to an increase in the production of photosynthetic materials for the seeds and, as a result, an increase in their weight.


    The results of this study showed that municipal waste compost and orange waste compost had a significant effect on the yield and growth characteristics of common millet. Thus, results showed that municipal waste compost (15 t.ha-1) and orange waste compost (15 t.ha-1) had a strong impact on the yield and growth characteristics of common millet under field conditions.

    Keywords: Harvest Index, Millet Height, Panicole, 1000- Seed Weight}
  • مریم جوادی، محسن جهان*، مهدی نصیری محلاتی
    یکی از بزرگ ترین مشکلات بوم نظام های رایج کشاورزی از بین رفتن تنوع زیستی می باشد. در همین راستا، نتایج تحقیقات نشان می دهد که کاربرد دانش بومی در این بوم نظام ها، موجب حفاظت و مدیریت تنوع زیستی می شود. در همین راستا، جهت بررسی روش های سنتی مورد استفاده برای افزایش تنوع زیستی کشاورزی در بوم نظام های زراعی، پژوهشی بر پایه روش ارزیابی مشارکت روستایی اجرا شد. اطلاعات مورد نیاز از پرسش نامه های تکمیل شده از طریق مصاحبه حضوری با 453 کشاورز از 18 روستا در دو شهرستان ششتمد و سبزوار واقع در غرب خراسان رضوی به دست آمد. نتایج نشان داد که اگر چه بوم نظام های کشاورزی در این مناطق از سیستم های معیشتی فاصله گرفته و به سمت سیستم های بازاربنیان سوق یافته است، اما کشاورزان بومی در این مناطق از انواع روش ها مانند کشت مخلوط، کاشت گیاهان در حاشیه مزارع، تناوب، آیش، تعویض بذور، تلفیق دام در کنار زراعت و باغداری، برای افزایش تنوع در مزارع خود بهره می برند. از نظر نوع گیاهان و خانواده های گیاهی مورد استفاده، بین روستاها، بخش ها و دو شهرستان مورد نظر تفاوت معنی داری وجود داشت. در بین روستاهای مورد مطالعه، روستاهایی با آب و هوای مساعدتر و منابع آبی بیشتر، قادر به ارائه سیستم هایی با تنوع زیستی بیشتر بودند. در تمامی روستاهای مورد مطالعه، کشاورزان از بیشتر از یک روش، برای افزایش تنوع مزارع خود استفاده می کردند. نکته قابل توجه در مورد این سیستم ها، اقدام به دامپروری و باغداری در کنار زراعت بود که این مسئله موجب تاب آوری اقتصادی بیشتر کشاورزان به خصوص در شرایط نامناسب آب و هوایی می شود.
    کلید واژگان: ارزیابی مشارکتی روستایی, امنیت غذایی, تاب آوری, سیستم های بازاربنیان, سیستم های معیشتی}
    Maryam Javadi, Mohsen Jahan *, Mahdi Nassiri Mahallati
    Among the approaches that have received attention in recent years to sustain agroecosystems is the identification and employment of traditional/indigenous/local knowledge and strategies of smallholder farmers around the world to solve the basic challenges of these ecosystems regarding food production. In this regard, the role and function of biodiversity as the main component of indigenous knowledge is of particular importance. At the same time, with the expansion of new agricultural solutions, the use of these farmers' approaches has decreased over time and, in some cases, has completely disappeared. Therefore, this study was conducted with the aim of identifying the indigenous methods used in the agricultural ecosystems of the Sabzevar region and their role in increasing biodiversity. Biodiversity loss has been a major concern to humans, especially during the last quarter of the previous century. Nowadays, various efforts to protect agricultural biodiversity are emerging that seem not enough. Biodiversity in agricultural ecosystems causes effective control of weeds, pests and diseases and greater resistance to changing environmental conditions and leads to better management of agricultural systems and increased food security. Additionally, biodiversity is carefully managed and nurtured to interface with hydrological and nutrient cycling to provide for ecosystem resilience, food security and diversity, and risk minimization. Although potentially less important in the short term, biodiversity, encompassing variation from within species to across landscapes, may be crucial for the longer-term resilience of ecosystem functions and the services that they underpin. Accordingly, in this research, the methods employed by local farmers to increase biodiversity were investigated.
    Materials and Methods
    In order to evaluate the usefulness of indigenous knowledge for assessing trends in biodiversity, a case study was undertaken in two counties, Sheshtamad and Sabzevar, in Razavi Khorasan province. This involved the use of participatory rural appraisal (PRA) techniques, including semi-structured interviews and transect walks. To study local methods employed by farmers, 453 farmers were interviewed and questions were asked to the farmers about the number of crop species and the amount of use of methods to increase biodiversity such as rotation, fallow, mixed cropping, etc.
    Results and Discussion
    The results showed that agricultural systems in these areas have shifted from livelihood systems to market-based systems. Local farmers in these areas used a variety of methods such as using different crops from different families, intercropping, rotation, fallow, seed exchange, integration of livestock with cropping and horticulture to increase diversity in their farms. The main common products in these two cities were plants such as wheat, barley, cotton, alfalfa and pistachios. Most of the plants used in the cultivation pattern of farmers in these cities were related to plant families such as Poaceae, Fabaceae, Malvaceae, Asteraceae, Cucurbitaceae, Amaranthaceae and Rosaceae, which had a different contribution in the cultivation pattern of the studied villages. There was a significant difference between the villages, districts and two counties in terms of the plant species and plant families used. In all the studied villages, farmers employed more than one method to increase the diversity of their farms. The fosterage of livestock and horticulture plus to cropping in these agroecosystems led to greater economic security for farmers, in particular in adverse weather conditions. In general, the results showed that rural development has led to a reduction in the use of traditional knowledge/local methods only in limited cases, and the employing of local methods in some cases has increased the net income of farmers from wheat farming systems.
    The results approved that the farmers in these areas used different crops from different families and groups and also used methods such as intercropping, rotation, integration of livestock with cropping, fallow and seed exchange to increase the biodiversity in the three levels of species, function and ecosystem in the agroecosystems of these regions. Increasing biodiversity in agroecosystems is very important and significant issue, especially in arid and semiarid areas, because improved biodiversity in these areas can increase food and economic security to some extent. Diversification could become an essential tool for sustaining production and ecosystem services in croplands, rangelands and production forests.
    Keywords: Food Security, Livelihood Systems, Market-Based Systems, Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), Resilience}
  • مرضیه قائدی، احسان بیژن زاده*، مهدی نجفی قیری، علی بهپوری، وحید براتی
    به منظور بررسی مصرف زغال زیستی و تنش آبی بر ویژگی های بیوشیمیایی و عملکرد گلرنگ (Carthamus tinctorius L.) پژوهشی به صورت کرت های خرد شده در قالب طرح بلوک های کامل تصادفی با سه تکرار در دانشگاه شیراز در فصل رشد 99- 1398 اجرا شد. فاکتورهای آزمایش شامل رژیم آبیاری (آبیاری مطلوب و قطع آبیاری پس از گل دهی) و تیمار کودی شامل شاهد بدون کود، مصرف سه تن زغال زیستی گندم و یا پنبه در هکتار، 150 کیلوگرم اوره + 50 کیلوگرم سوپرفسفات تریپل در هکتار، 5/112 کیلوگرم اوره + 5/37 کیلوگرم سوپرفسفات تریپل در هکتار و 5/112 کیلوگرم اوره + 5/37 کیلوگرم سوپر فسفات تریپل + سه تن زغال زیستی گندم و یا پنبه در هکتار بودند. در شرایط قطع آبیاری مصرف 5/112 کیلوگرم اوره + 5/37 کیلوگرم سوپرفسفات تریپل + سه تن زغال زیستی گندم در هکتار به ترتیب میزان کلروفیل a و کل را 55 و 40 درصد، نسبت به شاهد افزایش دادند. بالاترین میزان فعالیت آنزیم کاتالاز و پراکسیداز در تیمار قطع آبیاری در گل دهی به دست آمد. همچنین، در شرایط تنش آبی کاربرد 5/112 کیلوگرم اوره + 5/37 کیلوگرم سوپرفسفات تریپل + سه تن زغال زیستی پنبه، سبب افزایش محتوای نسبی آب برگ، عملکرد زیست توده و دانه به ترتیب به میزان 03/53، 05/22 و 7/34 درصد گردید. به طور کلی، کاربرد 5/112 کیلوگرم اوره + 5/37 کیلوگرم سوپرفسفات تریپل + سه تن زغال زیستی پنبه در هکتار، در شرایط تنش آبی باعث بهبود محتوای نسبی آب برگ، تعداد دانه در طبق، تعداد طبق بارور در بوته و در نهایت، عملکرد دانه گلرنگ شد.
    کلید واژگان: پراکسیداز, تعداد دانه در طبق, قطع آبیاری, کاتالاز, کلروفیل}
    Marzieh Ghaedi, Ehsan Bijanzadeh *, Mahdi Najafi Ghiri, Ali Behpouri, Vahid Barati
    Water stress is one of the main factors in crop growth in arid and semi-arid regions of the world, which limits the grain yield of the safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.). To increase the soil fertility and yield of crops, it is necessary to pay sufficient attention to the use of biomass of organic matter, especially crop residues, and its conversion to biochar. This research aims to evaluate the biochar application produced from cotton and wheat residues under late-season water stress in the south of Fars province (Darab) on photosynthetic pigments, enzyme activity, yield components, and yield of safflower.
    Materials and Methods
    In order to investigate the biochar application and water stress on the amount of photosynthetic pigments, enzyme activity, and yield of safflower, a field experiment was laid out as split plots in the form of randomized complete block design with 3 replications in the 2019-2020 growing season. The experimental factors include the irrigation regime as the main factor in two levels (optimal irrigation and cutting off irrigation after the flowering stage), and the secondary factors were fertilizer treatment as subplot including control (without fertilizer), consumption of 3 tons of biochar from wheat residues per hectare, consumption of 3 tons of biochar from cotton residues per hectare, consumption of 150 kg of urea per hectare + 50 kg of triple superphosphate per hectare, consumption of 112.5 kg of urea per hectare + 37.5 kg of triple superphosphate per hectare, consumption of 112.5 kg of urea + 37.5 kg of triple superphosphate + 3 tons wheat biomass per hectare, and 112.5 kg of urea + 37.5 kg of triple superphosphate + 3 tons of cotton biomass per hectare. In this research, chlorophyll a and b, total chlorophyll, catalase, and peroxidase activities, yield components, and yield of safflower were calculated.
    Results and Discussion
    The results of the experiment showed that the measured traits were significantly affected by the irrigation regime and fertilizer treatment. Under cutting-off irrigation after the flowering stage, the fertilizer treatment of 112.5 urea + 37.5 phosphate + 3 tons of wheat biochar per hectare increased 55 and 40% chlorophyll a and total chlorophyll compared to the control, respectively. Water stress increased the carotenoid content, catalase, and peroxidase enzymes. The highest amount of catalase and peroxidase enzyme activity was obtained in the control under cutting-off irrigation after the flowering stage, which increased by 48 and 38%, respectively, compared to the control under optimal irrigation. The number of seeds per capitule and the number of fertile capitules per plant in the treatment of 112.5 urea + 37.5 phosphate + 3 tons of cotton biochar under water stress conditions increased by 8.8 and 19.51%, respectively. Also, under water stress, the application of 112.5 urea + 37.5 phosphates + 3 tons of cotton biochar improved and increased the relative content of leaf water, biological capitules yield, and grain yield compared to the control by %53, %22, and %34, compared to control, respectively.
    Results showed that in both of the irrigation regimes, application of 3 tons of cotton or wheat biochar alone can increase the biomass and grain yield compared to control. Overall, the application of 112.5 urea + 37.5 phosphate + 3 tons of cotton biochar under water stress conditions improved the relative water content of the leaves, the number of seeds per capitule, the number of fertile capitule per plant, and finally, biomass and yield of safflower. With respect to water shortage under late season in southern parts of Fars province, and in order to decrease the detrimental effects of water stress, farmers can use the biochar of cotton combined with reduced dosage of urea and triple superphosphate fertilizers.
    Keywords: Catalase, Chlorophyll, Cutting Off Irrigation, Number Of Seed Per Capitule, Peroxidase}
  • آناهیتا ولی اللهی بیشه، علیرضا کوچکی*، مهدی نصیری محلاتی، مینو معلم

    زنان به دلیل نقش های گوناگون خود در خانه و مزرعه همواره تاثیر قابل توجهی بر رفاه و پایداری خانوارهای روستایی دارند. بااین وجود، ارزش فعالیت های آنان اغلب دست کم گرفته می شود که این موضوع بسیاری از برنامه های توسعه را با ناکامی مواجه نموده است. با هدف تعیین میزان مشارکت زنان در کشاورزی و تاثیر آنان بر پایداری اگرواکوسیستم های ایران، پژوهش حاضر در تمامی استان های کشور به اجرا درآمد. داده های مورد نیاز به وسیله پرسشنامه از 930 خانوار کشاورز گردآوری شدند. روایی و پایایی پرسشنامه به ترتیب توسط متخصصان و آزمون آلفای کرونباخ تایید شد و تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها نیز از طریق آزمون فریدمن، آزمون تی نمونه های مستقل و ضریب همبستگی تائو بی کندال صورت پذیرفت. براساس یافته ها، مشارکت اکثریت زنان در سامانه های کشاورزی بازاربنیان (مردم محور) کمتر از حد متوسط بود. از سوی دیگر، نتایج نشان دادند که با وجود محدودیت های متفاوت، 1/44 درصد از زنان دارای باغچه های خانگی بودند. ارزیابی پایداری نیز آشکار ساخت که در کل اگر چه خانوارهای کشاورز سطح مطلوبی از پایداری را تجربه نکردند، اما زنان با تولید محصولات کشاورزی گوناگون در باغچه های خانگی خویش به طور معناداری (01/0<p) پایداری خانوارهایشان را بهبود بخشیدند. زنان همچنین با مشارکت در تولید محصولات کشاورزی بازاربنیان (مردم محور) به ارتقای پایداری خانوارهای خود یاری رساندند. البته آنان با مشارکت در این سامانه ها به اندازه زمانی که در باغچه های خانگی شان فعالیت داشتند، موفق به بهبود پایداری نشدند. بدین ترتیب، پژوهش حاضر پیشنهاد می کند که کارشناسان و سیاست گذاران با نگاهی جنسیت محور به مسائل بخش کشاورزی بپردازند. زیرا به حاشیه راندن زنان از این بخش به مفهوم تبدیل آنان از عناصر فعال اقتصادی به مصرف کنندگانی با سبک زندگی متفاوت می باشد که این تغییر بی تردید اقتصاد محلی و ملی را با دشواری های فراوانی مواجه می سازد و پیامدهای هنگفتی را به همراه خواهد داشت.

    کلید واژگان: پایداری اجتماعی, پایداری اقتصادی, پایداری زیست محیطی, باغچه خانگی, جنسیت, خانوار}
    Anahita Valiollahi Bisheh, Alireza Koocheki *, Mehdi Nassiri Mahallati, Minoo Moallem

    Following population growth and increasing demand for food, agricultural systems have been considerably altered across the world. Nonetheless, the majority of these changes have been accompanied with many consequences by reason of focusing on economic growth and ignoring the relation between humans and environmental wellbeing. Thus, it seems that any future increase in food production should be done in a sustainable way which considers various issues. Based on this viewpoint, understanding the importance of diverse women’s roles and addressing gender equality are indisputable preconditions for achieving sustainability in the agriculture sector. Women significantly affect the welfare and sustainability of farmer households through numerous tasks assigned to them by societies. However, women do not have the same rights as men in access to productive resources because of gender-based norms. Although the sustainability of agricultural systems has been evaluated by many researchers, they rarely used gender-based analyzes in their assessments. Hence, we aim to determine women’s participation in various agricultural systems and evaluate the impact of women’s activities on the sustainability of agroecosystems in Iran by using a comprehensive approach.

    Materials and Methods

    To explore answers to our research goals, a specific questionnaire was utilized, and its validity and reliability were approved by experts and the Cronbach’s alpha test, respectively. We used the purposive sampling method to identify townships and villages and applied the simple random sampling technique to select farmer households. Based on different methods and the results of pre-test surveys, 930 farmer households were considered as the appropriate sample size in this study. Because there are different climatic conditions, agricultural products and subcultures in Iran, this study was carried out in all 31 provinces of Iran to cover differences between regions. The sustainability of farmer households was assessed by applying 15 indicators. Then, scores attained by farmer households were simplified to define three principal thresholds for sustainability: unacceptable (scores≤ 1.5), limited (1.5 <scores≤ 2.5), and good (2.5 <scores). Women’s different activities in market-oriented (male-dominated) agricultural systems were ranked by the Friedman test. The correlation between women’s participation in male-dominated farms and the sustainability of farmer households was determined based on the Tao B. Kendall correlation coefficient. Moreover, the effect of women’s participation in female-dominated agricultural systems (home gardens) on the sustainability of farmer households was assessed by the independent samples t-test.

    Results and Discussion

    Results disclose that the majority of rural women are pushed back from market-oriented (male-dominated) agricultural systems, especially from cash crop and fruit production systems. Nonetheless, women continue to play a significant role in subsistence (female-dominated) agricultural systems, with 44.1% of them having home gardens. Our findings reveal that farmer households do not experience the good threshold of sustainability, but households whose women have home gardens succeed in gaining higher scores of sustainability than other farmer households. Home gardens, compared with male-dominated farms, put the minimum pressure on the environment because of their reliance on renewable energy inputs. In economic and social dimensions, women meaningfully improve the sustainability of their households by producing different crops and fruits in home gardens. Farmer households with home gardens are able to offer a wider variety of products for sale, make more profit, and even have better savings and liquidity. Home gardens can also increase women’s economic ability, which subsequently improves the food security, health and education of children. Women positively affect the sustainability of farmer households by participating in male-dominated farms. Nonetheless, women’s participation in these systems is not as effective on the sustainability of farmer households as their participation in female-dominated agricultural systems (home gardens).


     Our findings indicate that women’s agricultural activities influence the sustainability of farmer households in a positive way. Therefore, we suggest that experts and policymakers address issues affecting the agriculture sector through a gender lens. Because, the marginalization of rural women from the agriculture sector means the transformation of rural women from economically active actors into consumers with a different lifestyle, which undoubtedly puts a lot of pressure on the economy, both locally and nationally. It will also lead to numerous environmental and social consequences.

    Keywords: Economic Sustainability, Environmental Sustainability, Gender, Home Garden, Household, Social Sustainability}
  • مصطفی یاسینی، سوران شرفی*، سامان یزدان ستا

    با هدف مطالعه اثر محلول پاشی محرک های مختلف رشد بر خصوصیات رشدی و اسانس گیاه بادرنجبویه (Melissa officinalis. L) در سطوح مختلف تنش خشکی، آزمایشی در سال زراعی 1400- 1401 در مزرعه تحقیقاتی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد مهاباد اجرا شد. آزمایش به صورت اسپلیت پلات در قالب بلوک های کامل تصادفی با چهار تکرار بود. سطوح مختلف آبیاری شامل آبیاری بعد از 80، 60 و 40 درصد ظرفیت زراعی در کرت های اصلی و محلول پاشی محرک های مختلف رشد شامل شاهد، ملاتونین، اسیدآمینه پرولین و اسید فولیک در کرت های فرعی قرار گرفتند. نتایج نشان داد که بالاترین محتوی کلروفیل (25/2 میلی گرم بر گرم وزن تر)، محتوی نسبی آب برگ (12/88 درصد) و عملکرد ماده خشک (79/793 کیلوگرم در هکتار) در تیمار محلول پاشی ملاتونین و آبیاری 80 درصد ظرفیت زراعی حاصل شد، همچنین بالاترین درصد اسانس (81/0 درصد) و عملکرد اسانس (46/6 کیلوگرم در هکتار) در تیمار محلول پاشی ملاتونین تحت تیمار آبیاری 60 درصد ظرفیت زراعی مشاهده شد. محلول پاشی ملاتونین در هر سه تیمار آبیاری بر درصد و عملکرد اسانس افزود. بالاترین محتوی فنل کل (50/0 میلی گرم اکی والان های اسید گالیک در 100 گرم عصار) به تیمار محلول پاشی ملاتونین تحت شرایط آبیاری 40 درصد ظرفیت زراعی اختصاص داشت. تیمار آبیاری 40 درصد ظرفیت زراعی، محتوی فلاونوئید را در مقایسه با سطوح 60 و 80 درصد به ترتیب 90/29 و 23/93 درصد افزایش داد. همچنین، محلول پاشی ملاتونین، اسیدآمینه پرولین و اسید فولیک محتوی فلاونوئید را در مقایسه با شاهد به ترتیب 64/17، 35/23 و 35/32 درصد افزایش دادند. بنابراین، محلول پاشی ملاتونین می تواند راهکاری برای افزایش خصوصیات کمی و کیفی بادرنجبویه در شرایط آبیاری نرمال و تنش ملایم باشد.

    کلید واژگان: آبیاری, پرولین, درصد اسانس, ماده خشک, ملاتونین}
    Mustafa Yasini, Soran Sharafi *, Saman Yazdan Seta

    Medicinal plants are one of the most valuable resources in Iran's wide range of natural resources, which can play an important role in society's health, job creation, and non-oil exports if they are scientifically recognized, cultivated, developed, and exploited properly. Iran is considered one of the world's best regions in terms of climate, geographical location, and medicinal plant growth, and it has been a source of production and consumption of medicinal plants in the past. Lemon balm is generally used in traditional medicine to treat digestive problems, pain, and mental disorders. Drought stress is one of the most serious and widespread problems that limit plant productivity because it negatively affects plant physiology. The effects of drought stress depend on the duration, intensity and stage of growth and the genetic tolerance capacity of plants, which can reduce the growth of plants. It causes a change in morphological and physiological structures and the pattern of biomass distribution or even death.

    Materials and Methods

    To study the effect of foliar different growth stimulants on the growth characteristics and essential oil of balm at different levels of drought stress, an experiment was carried out in the crop year 2021. The experiment was a split plot based on randomized complete blocks with four replications, where different levels of irrigation include irrigation after 80, 60, and 40 percent of the field crop capacity (FC) in the main plots and foliar application of different growth stimulants including control, melatonin, amino acid, and folic acid were placed in sub-plots. In this research, total chlorophyll, dry matter yield, relative water content, phenoline content, soluble sugars, essential oil content, essential oil yield, total phenol, and flavonoid were measured. The data obtained from the experiment was analyzed using SAS.9.4 software. The obtaineds averages were statistically compared using Duncan's method (LSR) and at the five percent probability level.

    Results and Discussion

    The results of variance analysis of the data showed that the effect of irrigation and foliar spraying on growth stimulants on all investigated traits were significant at the probability level of 1%. There was a significant difference between the interaction treatments in terms of chlorophyll content, proline content, essential oil percentage, essential oil yield, and flavonoid content at the probability level of one percent and in terms of relative leaf water content, dry matter yield, soluble sugars content and total phenol content at the probability level of five percent. The results showed the highest chlorophyll content (2.25 mg g-1 FW), relative leaf water content (88.12 percent), and dry matter yield (793.79 kg ha-1) was recorded in melatonin foliar application and irrigation of 80% of FC treatments. Also, the highest essential oil content (0.81%) and essential oil yield (6.46 kg ha-1) were observed in treating foliar application with melatonin under the irrigation treatment of 60% FC. This study allocated the highest total phenol content to melatonin foliar application at 40% of the FC conditions. In this study, 40% FC irrigation treatment increased the flavonoid content by 29.90% and 93.23%, respectively, compared to 60% and 80% FC. Furthermore, foliar application of melatonin, proline amino acid, and folic acid increased the flavonoid content compared to the control treatment by 17.64, 23.35 and 32.35%, respectively.


    In this study, melatonin foliar application in all three irrigation conditions increased essential oil yield compared to the corresponding control. Under irrigation and foliar spraying of melatonin, the synthesis of secondary metabolites and essential oil has been accelerated and produced the maximum yield of essential oil. Therefore, foliar spraying of melatonin and mild water deficit stress can be recommended to achieve maximum economic yield in Lemon balm.

    Keywords: Dry Matter, Essential Oil Percent, Irrigation, Melatonin, Proline}
  • نرگس پردل، محمدرضا اصغری پور*، اسماعیل سیدآبادی

    به منظور ارزیابی سلامت اکولوژیکی و بهره وری استفاده از نهاده ها در تولید گیاهان روغنی سیستان تولید سه محصول روغنی با اهمیت منطقه شامل کلزا (Brassica napus L.)، گلرنگ (Carthamus tinctorius L.) و کنجد (Sesamum indicum L.) با استفاده از تکنیک های تحلیل امرژی و اقتصادی مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. اطلاعات این پژوهش توسط پرسش‎نامه و مصاحبه چهره به چهره با مالکین نظام های خرده مالکی برای تعیین میزان مصرف نهاده ها و میزان عملکرد آن ها گرد‎آوری شد. امرژی کل حمایت کننده نظام های تولید کلزا، گلرنگ و کنجد سیستان به ترتیب 1016×28/7، 1016 ×75/4 و 1016×55/3 ام ژول خورشیدی در هکتار در سال به دست آمد. بالاترین سهم از ورودی امرژی کل در هر سه نظام مورد مطالعه به ورودی های تجدیدناپذیر محیطی مربوط بود که سهم آن برای نظام های تولید کلزا 42/83 درصد، گلرنگ 11/80 درصد و کنجد 41/84 درصد به دست آمد. مقادیر شاخص های امرژی، پایداری زیست محیطی (ESI و ESI*)، درصد تجدیدپذیری (%R)، بار زیست محیطی (ELR وELR*) و نسبت سرمایه گذاری اصلاح شده (EIR*) در نظام گلرنگ حاکی از پایداری بیش تر این نظام می باشد. دلیل اصلی سلامت کم تر نظام های کلزا و کنجد براساس شاخص های امرژی، سهم زیاد امرژی ورودی مربوط به تلفات ماده آلی و فرسایش خاک که در دسته منابع تجدیدناپذیر محیطی قرار دارند، بود. تحلیل اقتصادی نشان دهنده نسبت سود به هزینه و سود خالص بالاتر نظام تولید کنجد نسبت به دو نظام گلرنگ و کلزا بود. نتایج این مطالعه نشان داد که توجه به راهکارهای عملی در مدیریت جامع بوم نظام تولیدی به ویژه حفاظت از مواد آلی خاک و جلوگیری از فرسایش، می تواند در سلامت اکولوژیکی آن ها تاثیر چشم گیری داشته باشد.

    کلید واژگان: بار محیط زیستی, تحلیل اقتصادی, تحلیل سودآوری, کلزا, منابع تجدیدپذیر, ورودی های محیط زیستی}
    Narges Pordel, Mohammadreza Asgharipour *, Esmaeel Seyedabadi

    The application of various inputs, such as pesticides and chemical fertilizers, has been one of the most significant factors negatively impacting the sustainability of agricultural systems. To accurately assess the value of agricultural ecosystem services, both the positive and negative aspects of agricultural systems must be taken into account. In the past three decades, the emergy analysis has been developed for assessing environmental policies and resource quality based on the dynamics of complex environmental and economic systems. Emergy analysis can be used to evaluate the sustainability of agriculture. By definition, emergy is the amount of direct or indirect solar energy required to produce a good or service. By converting all forms of energy, resources, and services into a single unit, the solar emjoule (sej), emergy analysis can assess the interdependence of economic, social, and environmental factors. The production of three important oil crops of Sistan, including rapeseed, safflower, and sesame, was investigated using emergy and economic analysis techniques to evaluate the ecological health and productivity of the use of inputs in the production of oil crops in Sistan.

    Materials and Methods

    This research was conducted at the level of Sistan's oil plant production systems in the Northern provinces of Sistan and Baluchistan. This research used questionnaires and face-to-face interviews with the owners of small ownership systems to determine the input consumption and performance of these systems. According to their service life, the annual input energy flow in the form of structural facilities, buildings, machinery, and materials used in the systems was calculated. The RUSLE model was used to assess water erosion. Inputs are divided into four categories to analyze production systems: renewable environmental resources (R), non-renewable environmental resources (N), purchased renewable resources (FR), and purchased non-renewable resources (FN). After calculating all input and output flows, the raw data for each of the production systems was multiplied by their unit emergy value in Joules, grams, or Rials, according to Iran's conditions. This study utilized transformity, the renewable emergy ratio (R%), the rmergy yield ratio (EYR), the rmergy investment ratio (EIR), the rnvironmental loading ratio (ELR), the emergy sustainability index (ESI), the emergy exchange ratio (EER), and the emergy index of product safety (EIPS).

    Results and Discussion

    The total supporting emergy for rapeseed, safflower, and sesame production systems was calculated to be 7.28E+16, 4.75E+16, and 3.55E+16 sej.ha-1.yr-1, respectively. In all three studied production systems, wind emergy was the largest source of free environmental input. In all three studied systems, environmental non-renewable inputs accounted for the largest portion of total emergy input, which was 83.42 percent for rapeseed, 80.11 percent for safflower, and 84.4 percent for sesame. The high proportion of nonrenewable inputs in this study for all three production systems demonstrated the vulnerability of Sistan's landscape cultivation systems as a result of the obvious lack of water, severe soil erosion, and contamination of agricultural lands. The total amount of purchased inputs for rapeseed, safflower, and sesame production systems was estimated to be 1.14E+16, 8.78E+15, and 5.40E+15 sej.ha-1.yr-1, respectively. Nitrogen and phosphorus chemical fertilizers comprised the largest proportion of purchased inputs in all three systems.The transformity for rapeseed, safflower, and sesame production systems, respectively, was 3.88E+06, 3.76E+06, and 2.48E+06 sej.J-1. The higher transformability of the rapeseed production system was due to the lower input utilization efficiency of this system compared to the safflower and sesame systems. The values of the saffron system's environmental sustainability indices (ESI and ESI*), renewable energy ratio (%R), environmental loading ratios (ELR and ELR*), and modified investment ratio (EIR*) indicate that this system is more sustainable. The lower health of rapeseed and sesame systems based on emergy indices was primarily due to the large proportion of input emergy related to organic matter losses and soil erosion, which are nonrenewable environmental resources. The economic analysis revealed that the sesame production system generated a higher profit-to-cost ratio and net profit than the safflower and rapeseed systems.


    This study demonstrated that emphasizing practical solutions in the comprehensive management of production ecosystems, particularly through the protection of soil organic matter and the prevention of erosion, can significantly enhance their ecological health.

    Keywords: Economic Analysis, Environmental Burden, Environmental Inputs, Profitability Analysis, Rapeseed, Renewable Resources}
  • صفیه عرب، مهدی برادران فیروزآبادی*، احمد غلامی، مصطفی حیدری

    به منظور بررسی اثر عصاره جلبک دریایی (Ascophyllum nodosum) بر سویا آزمایشی در دو سال زراعی 1398 و 1399 در مزرعه تحقیقاتی دانشگاه صنعتی شاهرود اجرا شد. تیمارهای آزمایش شامل پیری تسریع شده در دو سطح بذور نرمال و بذور فرسوده و کاربرد عصاره جلبک در چهار سطح (شاهد، پیش تیمار بذور با عصاره جلبک دریایی با غلظت 3/0 درصد، محلول پاشی برگی با عصاره جلبک دریایی با غلظت 3/0 درصد و ترکیب توام پیش تیمار بذور و محلول پاشی برگی با عصاره جلبک دریایی با غلظت 3/0 درصد) در قالب آزمایش فاکتوریل با طرح پایه بلوک های کامل تصادفی در سه تکرار انجام شد. محلول پاشی در مرحله آغاز گل دهی (R1) انجام شد. نتایج نشان داد که فرسودگی موجب کاهش میانگین سبز شدن روزانه و شاخص جوانه زنی به میزان 39/61 و 08/42 درصد نسبت به شاهد شد. وزن صد دانه و تعداد غلاف در بوته در شرایط فرسودگی به میزان 64/11 و 38/11 درصد نسبت به شاهد کاهش یافت. کاربرد توام پیش تیمار بذری و محلول پاشی برگی در هر دو شرایط نرمال و فرسودگی بالاترین میزان وزن صد دانه و تعداد غلاف در بوته را دارا بود. پیش تیمار بذور نرمال و فرسوده با عصاره جلبک به ترتیب موجب افزایش معنی دار 48/1 و 61/1 درصدی پروتئین نسبت به عدم کاربرد این ماده در این شرایط شد. اعمال پیری تسریع شده موجب کاهش 69/32 درصدی عملکرد دانه نسبت به شرایط نرمال شد. کاربرد توام پیش تیمار و محلول پاشی عصاره جلبک، بالاترین میزان عملکرد دانه را به خود اختصاص داد که نسبت به شاهد 85/87 درصد افزایش یافت. می توان کاربرد توام پیش تیمار و محلول پاشی با عصاره جلبک را جهت افزایش عملکرد دانه و درصد پروتئین در بذور نرمال و فرسوده سویا پیشنهاد نمود.

    کلید واژگان: پرایمینگ, زوال بذر, کود زیستی}
    Safiye Arab, Mehdi Baradaran Firouzabadi *, Ahmad Gholami, Mostafa Haydari

    Seed aging reduces the quality and quantity of agricultural production by reducing quality, viability, and irreversible seed vigor over time. Researchers are increasingly interested in seed aging, which is a serious problem in agriculture. To reduce damages caused during aging, various pretreatment techniques have been studied, including chemical compounds, growth regulators, and antioxidants. Sowing seeds in low osmotic potential osmotic solution is one method of slowing seed aging by osmopriming them. To reduce the negative effects of seed aging, biostimulants such as seaweed extract are used. In order to investigate the effect of seaweed extract on the quantitative and qualitative yield of soybean, an experiment was conducted in the two years of 2018 and 2019 in the research farm of Shahrood University of Technology.

    Materials and Methods

    The experimental treatments involved the acceleration of aging in two groups: normal seeds and aged seeds. Additionally, seaweed extract was applied at four different levels: control, seed pre-treatment with a seaweed extract concentration of 0.3%, foliar spraying with a seaweed extract concentration of 0.3%, and a combination of seed pre-treatment and foliar spraying with a seaweed extract concentration of 0.3%. This was conducted as a factorial experiment, employing a randomized complete block design with three replications. A sample of DPX was collected from the Mazandaran Agricultural Research Center. A controlled storage room was used to maintain the seeds at a temperature of 14-17°C and relative humidity of 30-40%. The seeds were harvested the same year as the experiment. In order to apply accelerated aging, the seeds were kept for 72 hours at a temperature of 41°C and relative humidity of 95%. Foliar spraying was done at the beginning of flowering (R1).

    Results and Discussion

     The results showed that accelerated aging decreased the mean daily emergence and germination index by 61.39 and 42.08% compared to the control. The pretreatment of soybean seeds made them more responsive to external stimuli and counteracted stress conditions before they emerged as seedlings. When the seeds were pretreated with seaweed extract, the mean daily emergence and seed germination index increased. The weight of one hundred seeds and the number of pods per plant decreased by 11.64 and 11.38% compared to the control. The combined application of seed pretreatment and foliar spraying in normal and aging conditions had the highest hundred seed weight and the number of pods per plant. In protein-rich crops, seaweed biostimulants can increase protein production. Pretreatment of normal and aged seeds with seaweed extract increased by 1.48 and 1.61 percent of seed protein. In order to improve soybean germination percentage, protein, and seed yield, ellagic acid and seaweed extract should be used individually or combined. Accelerated aging caused a 32.69% decrease in seed yield compared to normal conditions. The combined application of pre-treatment and foliar spraying of seaweed extract had the highest seed yield, which increased by 87.85% compared to the control. Seed aging likely caused a reduction of seed yield by reducing the mean daily emergence, leaf area index, and 100-seed weight. There are three main characteristics (mean daily seedling field emergence, the number of pods per plant, and 100-seed weight) that can explain 85.96% of seed yield variability based on the coefficient of explanation. An analysis of causal connections between seed yield and 100-seed weight showed that seed protein content directly affects seed yield. By increasing the number of pods per plant and the weight of 100 seed, soybean seeds yield may be enhanced by using seaweed extract.


    With its powerful antioxidant properties and anti-aging properties, seaweed extract minimizes the effects of aging on aged seeds. Finally, within the scope of the research, it is possible to suggest the use of pre-treatment and foliar spraying with seaweed extract to increase seed yield and protein percentage in normal and aged soybean seeds.

    Keywords: Bio-Fertilizer, Deterioration, Priming}
  • سارا دارابی، غلامرضا حیدری*، شیوا خالص رو، حسین جهانی عزیزآبادی

    به منظور بررسی اثر سطوح مختلف کود مرغی پلیت شده و کود شیمیایی بر کیفیت علوفه و عملکرد دانه ذرت (Zea mays L.)، آزمایش حاضر در قالب طرح بلوک های کامل تصادفی با سه تکرار انجام شد. تیمارهای آزمایش شامل شاهد (عدم مصرف کود)، 1250 کیلوگرم کود مرغی پلیت شده، 1250 کیلوگرم کود مرغی پلیت شده + 25 درصد کود شیمیایی (کود اوره، کود سوپر فسفات تریپل و سولفات پتاسیم)، 1250 کیلوگرم کود مرغی پلیت شده + 50 درصد کود شیمیایی، 2500کیلوگرم کود مرغی پلیت شده، 2500 کیلوگرم کود مرغی پلیت شده + 25 درصد کود شیمیایی، 2500 کیلوگرم کود مرغی پلیت شده + 50 درصد کود شیمیایی، 5000 کیلوگرم کود مرغی پلیت شده، 5000 کیلوگرم کود مرغی پلیت شده + 25 درصد کود شیمیایی، 5000 کیلوگرم کود مرغی پلیت شده + 50 درصد کود شیمیایی و 100 درصد کود شیمیایی بود. نتایج نشان داد که تیمارهای تلفیقی موجب بهبود عملکرد و اجزای عملکرد به ویژه ارتفاع بوته، وزن بلال، تعداد دانه در ردیف، عملکرد دانه، عملکرد بیولوژیک و شاخص برداشت شدند. بیشترین ارتفاع بوته (2/241 سانتی متر)، تعداد بلال در بوته (1/2 بلال)، وزن هزار دانه (99/26 گرم بر مترمربع)، عملکرد دانه (76/12 تن در هکتار) و عملکرد بیولوژیک (42/26 تن در هکتار) در تیمار 5000 کیلوگرم کود مرغی پلیت شده + 50 درصد کود شیمیایی توصیه شده مشاهده گردید. بیشترین درصد پروتئین سیلاژ علوفه (58/12 درصد) و خاکستر سیلاژ (32/10 درصد) در تیمار 2500 کیلوگرم کود مرغی پلیت شده + 50 درصد کود شیمیایی توصیه شده مشاهده گردید. نتایج حاصل از اندازه گیری ها نشان داد که تیمارهای کود تلفیقی در مقایسه با تیمار کود شیمیایی خالص و کود مرغی خالص دارای برتری بودند و سبب بهبود عملکرد و کیفیت محصول ذرت گردید. باتوجه به نتایج حاصل از آزمایش حاضر ترکیب کود شیمیایی با مقادیر متفاوت کود مرغی، موجب کاهش مصرف کودهای شیمیایی و بهبود عملکرد و کیفیت ذرت شد. این امر می تواند علاوه بر صرفه جویی در مصرف کود و هزینه های ناشی از آن، کاهش اثرات مخرب زیست محیطی را نیز سبب شود و وضعیت خاک از لحاظ حاصلخیزی درازمدت و درصد ماده آلی خاک بهبود پیدا کند.

    کلید واژگان: پروتئین خام, خاکستر, درصد نشاسته, ذرت علوفه ای, شاخص برداشت}
    Sara Darabi, Gholamreza Heidari *, Shiva Khalesro, Hossein Jahani Azizabadi

    Maize (Zea mays L.) ranks first in terms of forage production among forage plants by producing about 490 million tons of fresh and silage forage in the world. Chemical fertilizers are used to increase crop yields and provide human food, but reduce soil organic matter content and, in the long run, pose a serious environmental risk, resulting in contamination of arable soils and surface and groundwater. Organic manures reduce the harmful effects of chemical fertilizers by producing humus and increasing the activity of the soil microbial community. Utilization of non-chemical resources such as farmyard manure in combination with chemical fertilizers can lead to soil fertility and increase yield and crop quality because combined fertilizer systems can provide most of the plant's nutritional needs by increasing the absorption efficiency of nutrients in crops. Considering the importance of organic manures and their combination with chemical fertilizers, this experiment was conducted in order to investigate the effects of different levels of poultry manure, chemical fertilizer, and their combination on yield, yield components, and maize forage quality.

    Materials and Methods

    The research was carried out in the research farm of Kurdistan University located in Dehgolan County, Kurdistan Province, Iran in the crop year 2017-2018. The experiment was performed in the form of randomized complete blocks with three replications. Experimental treatments included different levels of pelleted poultry manure in combination with chemical fertilizers: Figure 2. T1: no fertilizer (control), T2: 1250 kg of poultry manure + zero kg of recommended chemical fertilizer, T3: 1250 kg of poultry manure + 25% of the recommended chemical fertilizer, T4: 1250 kg of poultry manure + 50% recommended chemical fertilizer, T5: 2500 kg of poultry manure + zero kg of recommended chemical fertilizer, T6: 2500 kg of poultry manure + 25% of recommended chemical fertilizer, T7: 2500 kg of poultry manure + 50% Recommended chemical fertilizer, T8: 5000 kg of poultry manure + 0 kg of recommended chemical fertilizer, T9: 5000 kg of poultry manure + 25% of recommended chemical fertilizer, T10: 5000 kg of poultry manure + 50% of chemical fertilizer Recommended, T11: 100% recommended chemical fertilizer. In this experiment, traits such as plant height, 1000-seed weight, biological and grain yield, seed nitrogen, starch, oil contents and forage quality were measured.

    Results and Discussion

    The results of the analysis of variance showed that the plant height, grain yield, biological yield, grain nitrogen, starch and oil contents, and oil yield were affected by fertilizer treatments at a probability level of 1%. The index harvest of maize was significant at the level of 5% probability. The number of plants per square meter and 1000-seed weight were not affected by fertilizer treatment. The highest plant height (241.2 cm), number of ears per plant (1.2 ears), 1000-seed weight (26.99 g.m-2), seed yield (12.76 tons per hectare) and biological yield (26.42 tons per hectare) were observed in the treatment of 5000 kg of plated chicken manure + 50% of the recommended chemical fertilizer. The highest percentage of fodder silage protein (12.58%) and silage ash (10.32%) was observed in the treatment of 2500 kg of plated chicken manure + 50% of the recommended chemical fertilizer. The highest percentage of insoluble fibers in neutral detergent was observed in the T6 and T8 treatments, and the lowest percentage of insoluble fibers in neutral detergents was observed in the T10 treatment. The highest and lowest percentages of insoluble fibers in acidic detergent were in the T2, T4, and T3 treatments, respectively. According to the results of the present experiment, the combination of chemical fertilizer with different amounts of chicken manure has reduced the consumption of chemical fertilizers, and in addition to saving on the consumption of fertilizer and the resulting costs, the harmful effects on the environment have also been reduced, and the condition of the soil in terms of fertility in the long term, the percentage of soil organic matter will improve.


     The results of the experiment showed that combined fertilizer treatments were superior compared to pure chemical fertilizer and pure poultry manure treatments, improved the yield and yield components of maize and caused a reduction in chemical fertilizers consumption. Chemical fertilizer treatment provided acceptable yield only at high levels.

    Keywords: Ash, Crude Protein, Forage Maize, Harvest Index, Starch Percentage}
  • علیرضا نصرتی، حمیدرضا دورودیان*، سیروس بیدریغ، سید مصطفی صادقی، مجید عاشوری

    به منظور مقایسه اثر سیستم های تغذیه شیمیایی و غیر شیمیایی بر عملکرد، اجزای عملکرد و برخی صفات رشدی در برنج  (رقم هاشمی) (Oryza sativa L.) شهرستان لاهیجان، آزمایش مزرعه ای به صورت اسپلیت پلات بر پایه طرح بلوک های کامل تصادفی با سه تکرار در دو مکان (مزرعه کشاورز و مزرعه دانشگاه) در سال 1397 اجرا شد. عامل های آزمایشی شامل تغذیه در سه سطح (شاهد، شیمیایی، بوم شناختی) به عنوان عامل اصلی و نوع ماده آلی (شاهد، کمپوست زباله شهری، بیوچار و آزولا) در چهار سطح به عنوان عامل فرعی در نظر گرفته شدند. نتایج تجزیه مرکب نشان داد که بیشترین عملکرد دانه با میانگین 3699 کیلوگرم در هکتار در تیمار مصرف کود شیمیایی و بیوچار و کمترین عملکرد دانه به میزان 2209 کیلوگرم در هکتار (40 درصد کاهش)، در شاهد (بدون مصرف کود) و بیشترین تعداد خوشه در بوته با میانگین 28 عدد خوشه در بوته در تیمار مصرف کود شیمیایی به همراه بیوچار مشاهده شد. بالاترین ارتفاع بوته در تیمارهای شیمیایی و بوم شناختی (استفاده از اردک) با حضور بیوچار به ترتیب 3/128 و 5/124 سانتی متر و کمترین ارتفاع بوته برنج به مقدار 3/108 سانتی متر، در شاهد (بدون مصرف کود) مزرعه دانشگاه مشاهده شد. بیش ترین درصد پروتئین دانه در شرایط مصرف کود شیمیایی به همراه بیوچار به مقدار 26/8 درصد و کمترین درصد پروتئین به میزان 81/6 درصد، در شاهد (بدون مصرف کود) به دست آمد. از نظر جذب عناصر ماکرو، بیشترین مقدار نیتروژن، فسفر و پتاسیم دانه به ترتیب با میانگین 79/1، 37/0 و 265/0 درصد در تیمار کود شیمیایی و بیوچار و کمترین مقدار نیتروژن، فسفر و پتاسیم دانه به ترتیب با میانگین 18/1، 21/0 و 132/0 درصد، در شاهد (بدون مصرف کود) مشاهده شد. در تیمارهای فرعی، بیشترین تاثیرگذاری روی مقدار نیتروژن، فسفر و پتاسیم دانه در تیمار مصرف بیوچار به همراه کود شیمیایی و بوم شناختی بود. درصد جذب عناصر غذایی در تیمار شیمیایی و بیوچار نسبت به سایر تیمارها بیشتر و معنی دار بود. سیستم های آلی و غیر شیمیایی اثرات متفاوتی در عملکرد گیاه برنج داشت و باعث کاهش میزان مصرف کودهای شیمیایی و افزایش عملکرد (شیمیایی و بیوچار به میزان 3699 کیلوگرم، 67 درصد نسبت به شاهد، شیمیایی و کمپوست زباله شهری به میزان 3396 کیلوگرم و 53 درصد نسبت به شاهد و شیمیایی و آزولا به میزان 3243 کیلوگرم در هکتار و 47 درصد بیشتر نسبت به شاهد) می شوند. بیوچار باعث افزایش رشد، عملکرد و افزایش قابلیت جذب عناصر غذایی گیاه برنج شد.

    کلید واژگان: آلی, کود, شالیزار, نیتروژن}
    Alireza Nosrati, Hamidreza Doroudian *, Sirous Bidarigh, Seyyed Mostafa Sadeghi, Majid Ashouri


    Rice is a staple and valuable grain that is the main source of food for over 50 percent of the world's population after wheat (Lopez et al., 2019; Jabran and Chauhan, 2015). Rice production should increase by over 50 percent by 2050, which can be realized by improving its cultivars and applying sound agronomic management practices (Esfahani et al., 2005; Asadi et al., 2016). Nitrogen (N) is a key macroelement that is decisive for plants, but it is deficient in most farms. N fertilizer is applied chemically, organically, and biologically (Moslehi et al., 2015).

    Materials and Methods

    This research was conducted as a factorial experiment based on a randomized complete block design with three replications at two sites at the experimental farm of Islami Azad University of Lahijan (the village of Tustan) and Kateshal farm in 2018-2019. The study site (Lat. 36°55' N., Long. 45°20' E. (first location) and Lat. 37°21' N., Long. 50°18' E. (second location)) has a temperate and humid climate with a 10-year mean annual precipitation of 1150 mm (Guilan Meteorological Quarterly, 2020). Table 1 presents the meteorological data of the region during the experiment. Before the experiment, the physical and chemical characteristics of the soil at the study site were measured in the laboratory of the Water and Soil Department of Rice Research Center. The experimental factors included organic, chemical fertilizer, and control as the three levels of the first factor and urban waste compost, biochar, and Azolla, and control as the four levels of the second factor. Statistical analysis of data, data conversion, and drawing of graphs and charts were done using SAS 9.2 and Excel 2010 software. The averages obtained were statistically compared with each other using Tukey's test and at the probability level of 5%.

    Results and Discussion

    The simple effects of the chemical, organic, and organic nutritional systems were found to be significant (P < 0.01) on grain yield. Based on the comparison of data means for both research farms, the highest grain yield of, on average, 3699 kg/ha was obtained from the treatment of chemical fertilizer and biochar, and the lowest one of 2209 kg.ha-1 (40% lower than its maximum counterpart) from the control (unfertilized) treatment. Among the subplots, the biochar treatment was the most effective, and the control (unfertilized) was the least effective in this trait. The treatments that were fertilized with chemical N fertilizer produced more panicles per plant than the treatments that weren’t. Among the sub-plots, the highest number of panicles per plant was related to the biochar treatments under no-fertilization, ecological, and chemical conditions, and the lowest number to the control (unfertilized treatment). The plants treated chemically and ecologically in the presence of biochar were the tallest, growing to a height of 127 and 124 cm, respectively, whereas the lowest plant height was 108 cm, related to the control (unfertilized plants).


    The use of organic fertilizers alone or in combination with chemical fertilizers, in addition to improving the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of rice, has a positive effect on the sustainability of production and preservation of the environment. The results of this research showed that the application of nitrogen fertilizer and biochar, in addition to optimizing the application of fertilizer, increased the yield of rice. It was also found that the consumption of biochar caused an increase in traits related to grain yield. The role of biochar was evident in the significant change of the studied traits of Hashemi rice in the main treatments (control, ecological, and chemical). Therefore, it is recommended to use biochar along with chemical fertilizer in order to maintain yield, prevent biological pollution and increase soil and rice fertility.

    Keywords: Nitrogen, Nutrition, Organic, Paddy}
  • محبوبه سردار، محمدعلی بهدانی*، سید وحید اسلامی، غلامرضا زمانی

    تنش شوری، یکی از مهم ترین تنش های غیر زیستی تهدیدکننده تولید پنبه در مناطق خشک و نیمه خشک کشور و جهان می باشد که با کاربرد مناسب مواد آلی می توان از تبعات آن کاست. به همین منظور، آزمایشی به صورت کرت های خرد شده در قالب طرح بلوک های کامل تصادفی با چهار تکرار در مزرعه ای واقع در شهرستان بشرویه در سال 1398 انجام شد. سطوح مختلف شوری آب آبیاری در سه سطح (5/2، 5/5 و 5/8 دسی زیمنس بر متر) به عنوان فاکتور اصلی و دو تیمار کود دامی در دو سطح (صفر و 20 تن در هکتار) و اسید هیومیک در دو سطح (صفر و 200 گرم برای 100 کیلوگرم بذر به صورت بذرمال) به عنوان فاکتورهای فرعی مورد بررسی قرار گرفتند. با توجه به نتایج، اثرات اصلی تنش شوری، کود دامی و اسید هیومیک بر محتوای نسبی آب، نشت الکترولیت و پایداری غشا، کلروفیل ها و پرولین معنی دار شد. با افزایش سطح شوری، میزان پرولین، نشت الکترولیت غشا و کارتنوئید افزایش و محتوای کلروفیل a و b، محتوای نسبی آب و پایداری غشا کاهش یافت. کاربرد کود دامی و اسید هیومیک موجب افزایش محتوای نسبی آب، پایداری غشا و میزان کلروفیل در شرایط تنش شد که نشان گر اثر تعدیلی این کودها در کاهش اثرات نامطلوب تنش شوری است. بنابراین، لستفاده از اسید هیومیک و کود دامی می توانند جهت تعدیل اثرات نامطلوب تنش شوری بر گیاه پنبه در اقلیم های گرم و خشک مورد استفاده قرار گیرند.

    کلید واژگان: پرولین, کلروفیل, محتوای نسبی آب, نشت الکترولیت غشا}
    Mahboobeh Sardar, Mohammadali Behdani *, Seyed Vahid Eslami, Gholam Reza Zamani

    Salinity stress is an important abiotic stress threatening the production of cotton in arid and semi-arid regions of the country and the world, which can be reduced by the proper use of organic materials. Cotton is the most important fiber product, which is widely cultivated for agricultural and industrial purposes in temperate and hot regions of more than 15 countries of the world. Although cotton is known as a salinity-tolerant plant, not only is the resistance to salinity limited in this plant, but different stages of development also show different reactions to salinity. One of the effects of stress is disturbing the nutritional balance in the plant. Proper nutrition during times of stress can partially help the plant deal with various environmental stresses. In this regard, by using fertilizers containing micronutrient elements, firstly, plant yield increases, secondly, increasing the concentration of these elements in agricultural products plays an important role in improving the quality of food consumption. Using organic fertilizers, especially organic and animal manure such as humic acid, can improve the performance and performance components of different products under stress conditions.

    Materials and Methods

    To study the effect of manure and humic acid on some of the physiological qualities of cotton under salt water salinity stress, an experiment was conducted as factorial split plots (factorial split plot) in which different levels of irrigation water salinity at three levels (2.5, 5.5 and 8.5 ds.m-1) as the main factor and two treatments of manure at two levels (0 and 20 t/h) and humic acid at two levels (0 and 200 gr/100 kg of seeds) as sub-factor in 4 replications in a farm located in Boshrouyeh city in 1398 years. The software SAS (V9.1) and Excel were used to analyze the data and draw the figures. Means were compared using the FLSD test at a 5% probability level.

    Results and Discussion

    Analysis of variance results showed that the simple effects of three experimental factors (salinity stress, manure, and humic acid) were significant on all studied traits (on the relative water content, Electrical conductivity and membrane stability, chlorophyll a and b contents, and proline content). With increasing salinity level, increased proline content (286.5%), membrane Electrical conductivity (4.2%) and carotenoids (88.79%) and decreased chlorophyll a (20.7 1 %) and b content (39.38%), relative water content (23.16%) and membrane stability (13.54%). The application of animal manure and humic acid increased the relative water content, membrane stability and chlorophyll content under stress conditions, which indicates the modifying effect of these fertilizers in reducing the adverse effects of salinity stress. The interaction effects were significant, too.


    The results of this research showed that the use of water with high salinity, such as salinity of 8 ds.m-1, caused significant changes in the physiological traits of the plant, including relative leaf water content, membrane stability, membrane electrolyte leakage, chlorophylls, and proline. With increasing salinity levels, the amount of proline, membrane electrolyte leakage, and carotenoid increased, and the content of chlorophyll a and b, relative water content, and membrane stability decreased. The application of animal manure and humic acid increased the relative water content, membrane stability, and chlorophyll content under stress conditions, which indicates the moderating effect of these fertilizers in reducing the adverse effects of salinity stress. Considering the positive effects of using organic fertilizers in this experiment, it is recommended to test and investigate the use of humic acid during the growing season in addition to the use of animal manure before planting and the use of humic acid in bulk Thus, it is suggested to use humic acid and animal manure in cotton cultivation to adjust the salinity levels.

    Keywords: Chlorophyll, Electrical Conductivity, Proline, Relative Water Content}
  • الهام وزیری، مهدی دهمرده*، عیسی خمری

    به منظور بررسی اثر جهت های کاشت بر مصرف منابع و عناصر غذایی خاک در کشت مخلوط آفتابگردان (Helianthus annuus L.)  و لوبیا چشم بلبلی (Vigna unguiculata L.) آزمایشی به صورت کرت های خرد شده در قالب طرح بلوک های کامل تصادفی با سه تکرار در مزرعه تحقیقاتی پژوهشکده کشاورزی دانشگاه زابل اجرا گردید. عامل اصلی جهت کاشت در دو سطح (شمالی- جنوبی و شرقی- غربی) و سیستم کشت مخلوط به عنوان عامل فرعی در پنج سطح شامل: (100 درصد آفتابگردان خالص)، (100 درصد لوبیا خالص)، (50 درصد آفتابگردان به علاوه 50 درصد لوبیا)، (25 درصد لوبیا به علاوه 75 درصد آفتابگردان) و (75 درصد لوبیا به علاوه 25 درصد آفتابگردان) در نظر گرفته شد. صفات مورد بررسی در این پژوهش شامل تشعشع، دما، رطوبت حجمی، کلسیم، فسفر، منیزیم، پتاسیم و نسبت برابری زمین مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفتند. نتایج نشان داد که کاشت گیاهان در جهت خلاف جهت باد (شرقی- غربی) بیشترین میزان جذب تشعشع فعال فتوسنتزی (90/77 درصد) و بیشترین رطوبت حجمی خاک (39/63 درصد) و کمترین دمای خاک (78/26 سانتی گراد) را داشت. بالاترین مقدار نسبت برابری زمین (54/2) از کشت مخلوط (25 درصد لوبیا به علاوه 75 درصد آفتابگردان) به دست آمد. نتایج تغییرات عناصر غذایی نشان داد که بیشترین مقدار پتاسیم خاک (70/24 میلی گرم بر کیلوگرم) در جهت کاشت شرقی- غربی و در کشت مخلوط 50 درصد آفتابگردان به علاوه 50 درصد لوبیا چشم بلبلی وجود داشت. با توجه به نتایج به دست آمده می توان بیان کرد که در شرایط ویژه اقلیمی کنونی منطقه و مناطق مشابه با کشت گیاهان در جهت خلاف جهت باد و استفاده از نسبت کاشت 75 درصد آفتابگردان به علاوه 25 درصد لوبیا چشم بلبلی میزان عملکرد بیشتری نیز حاصل می گردد.

    کلید واژگان: تشعشع فعال فتوسنتزی, دمای خاک, رطوبت خاک, نسبت برابری زمین}
    Elham Vaziri, Mehdi Dahmradeh *, Issa Khammari

    Agriculture plays an essential role in providing food, and in order to achieve sustainability in the agricultural sector, resources must be used in the best possible way. In order to achieve the maximum possible yield, it is necessary for the crop plant to use the environmental factors, water, nutrients, light, and carbon dioxide, with the maximum possible efficiency. The maximum use of the required factors for growth is achieved only when the plant community exerts maximum pressure on these factors. In general, intercropping is one of the ways to achieve sustainable agriculture, with higher yields without increasing agricultural inputs, absorption, and environmental factors productivity. Researchers for the intercropping of corn and mung bean have reported that the mixed cultivation systems used environmental resources more effectively compared to the sole cropping of corn and mung bean. For this reason, nowadays, many plants, especially legumes, are cultivated in an intercropping form due to their ability to fix nitrogen. Due to the lack of resources regarding the effect of planting direction on plant yield, this study was conducted in order to evaluate resources and soil nutrients by changing the planting direction and replacing the intercropping system of the sunflower with cowpea.

    Materials and Methods

    This research was conducted in the field of the Agricultural Research Station of Zabol University during 2015-2016. The experiment was performed as a split-plot based on a randomized complete block design with three replications at the Research Farm of the Agricultural Research Institute of Zabol University.  The main factor was two levels of planting direction (North-South and East-West), and the secondary factor was intercropping system in five levels, including (100% pure sunflower), (100% pure cowpea ), (50% sunflower + 50% cowpea ) (25% cowpea  + 75% sunflower) and (75 % cowpea  + 25%sunflower) were considered. Data for studied traits were measured as follows: radiation, temperature, volumetric humidity, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, and the land equality ratio.  Statistical analysis including, analysis of variance and mean comparisons (least significant difference (LSD) test at the 5% level), were applied to evaluated traits.

    Results and Discussion

    The maximum absorption of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) was in the east-west cultivation direction (77.90%) compared to the north-south treatment, which was 24.6% more than the north-south direction. The analysis of variance indicated that the cultivation direction and intercropping systems on the amount of phosphorus in the soil after harvest were significant at 1% probability level. The comparison of means treatments showed that the amount of phosphorus in the soil in the direction of east-west cultivation was 15% higher compared to the direction of north-south cultivation.The highest amount of soil potassium was obtained in the east-west treatment and the intercropping system of 50% sunflower plus 50% cowpea (24.7 ppm). The lowest amount of soil potassium (16.15 ppm) was obtained in the treatment of east-west cultivation and the intercropping system of 75% sunflower plus 25% cowpea. The relative advantage of intercropping is expressed by the land equivalent ratio. The increase in the ratio of equal land per unit shows the relative usefulness of intercropping compared to sole cropping of each of the mixed components. The comparison of means of the intercropping system showed that among the treatments, the mixture of 75% sunflower plus 25% cowpea had the highest land equivalent ratio (2.54).


    It seems that in order to maintain humidity make maximum use of limited water resources, and obtain high yield, the intercropping system of 75% sunflower plus 25% cowpea and planting direction the prevailing wind of the region (east-west) should be suitable for this region and regions with similar climate and windy conditions.

    Keywords: Land Equivalent Ratio, PAR, Soil Temperature, Soil Moisture}
  • فاطمه السادات قابوس، سید عبدالرضا کاظمینی*، مهدی زارعی

    به منظور ارزیابی برهم کنش قارچ ریشه Funneliformis mosseae بر ویژگی های مورفوفیزیولوژیک و بیوشیمیایی جو (Hordeum vulgare L.)، آزمایشی مزرعه ای به صورت اسپیلیت پلات در قالب طرح بلوک های کامل تصادفی در سه تکرار در مزرعه تحقیقاتی دانشکده کشاورزی دانشگاه شیراز اجرا شد. فاکتور ها شامل سطوح شوری آب (شاهد (4/0)، 4، 8 و 12 دسی زیمنس بر متر) به عنوان فاکتور اصلی و قارچ ریشه (با قارچ و بدون قارچ) به عنوان فاکتور های فرعی بودند. نتایج نشان داد که افزایش شوری باعث کاهش صفات ارتفاع ساقه، تعداد سنبله در بوته، تعداد دانه در سنبله، وزن هزار دانه، عملکرد دانه و عملکرد بیولوژیک شد. تلقیح قارچ ریشه در بالاترین سطح تنش شوری (12 دسی زیمنس بر متر) در اکثر صفات باعث بهبود و یا کاهش آثار سوء تنش گردید و با افزایش فعالیت آنزیم های کاتالاز و سوپراکسیددیسموتاز، غلظت پتاسیم و نسبت پتاسیم به سدیم به ترتیب به میزان 0/8، 7/5، 8/30 و 1/131 درصد، منجر به بهبود ارتفاع بوته، تعداد سنبله در بوته، تعداد دانه در سنبله، وزن هزار دانه، عملکرد دانه و عملکرد بیولوژیک به ترتیب به میزان 1/8، 4/9، 6/6، 2/4، 2/20 و 0/11 درصد در مقایسه با تیمار بدون تلقیح شد. همچنین، تلقیح بذر با قارچ ریشه در بالاترین سطح شوری (12 دسی زیمنس بر متر) باعث کاهش 2/43 درصد غلظت سدیم در مقایسه با شرایط بدون تلقیح شد. نتایج این پژوهش نشان داد که تلقیح قارچ ریشه می تواند از طریق بهبود فعالیت آنزیم های آنتی اکسیدان و همئوستازی یونی، منجر به توسعه رشد و تحمل به شوری جو شود.

    کلید واژگان: اجزای عملکرد, عملکرد, فعالیت آنزیم های آنتی اکسیدان, نسبت پتاسیم به سدیم}
    Fatemeh Sadat Ghabous, Seyed Abdolreza Kazemeini *, Mehdi Zarei

    Barley is the fourth most important cereal in the world and is considered one of the least expected crops that has adapted and distributed globally due to its resistance to salinity. The growing world's population has expanded the cultivated domain, which caused the utilization of extravagant chemical fertilizers in modern agricultural cropping systems. This approach has not been cost-effective and has caused severe environmental damages like contaminating the underground water and creating unusual salinity in the fields. Therefore, it seems to be essential to replace risky approaches with eco-friendlier methods. In addition, with increasing environmental stress as a result of climate warming, we need to understand better ways to reduce environmental stress for the sustainable production of barley. Mycorrhiza has been introduced as an essential portion of agricultural ecosystems because of its positive effect on the soil texture, growth, and productivity of almost all host plants. This trend is attributed to reduced chemical fertilizer demands. Mycorrhiza enhances the water relations under stress conditions, water and nutrient uptake by augmenting the hyphae network. In this study we aimed to investigate the role of mycorrhizal inoculation in alleviating the detrimental effects of salinity stress on barley. Our hypotheses were: (i) mycorrhizal inoculation can alleviate the detrimental effect of stress at low to medium levels but not at high levels of salinity, and (ii) there is an interaction effect of low levels of salinity and arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis lead to higher the performance of barley.

    Materials and Methods

    In order to evaluate the effects of Funneliformis mosseae mycorrhiza on morphological, biochemical and yield of barley, one experiment was conducted in research farm of School of Agriculture, Shiraz University. Field experiment was a split-plot in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Factors included salinity levels (0.4, 4, 8 and 12 dS m-1) as the main factor and the mycorrhiza (with and without) was applied as sub factor.  Data were analyzed by using SAS 9.2 software and the means were separated using LSD test at 5% probability level.

    Results and Discussion

    The results of the experiment showed that salinity decreased yield and vegetation traits, including plant height, number of tillers per plant, number of spikes per plant, number of seeds per spike, 1000-grain weight, grain yield, and biological yield. All the measured traits in plants inoculated with mycorrhizal fungi were higher than the non-mycorrhizal plants. The inoculation of plants in most cases improved the effects of stress; i.e., inoculation under high salinity stress (12 dS m-1) increased SOD by 5.7%, CAT by 8.0%, K concentration by 30.8%, K/Na ratio by 131.1%, plant height by 8.1%, number of spikes per plant by 9.4%, number of grain per spike by 6.6%, 1000-grain weight by 4.2%, grain yield by 20.2%, and biological yield by 11.0% compared with non-inoculation plants. Also, Fayaz and Zahedi (2021) reported that mycorrhizal inoculation could promote the growth and salt tolerance of wheat cultivars by improving osmoregulation and antioxidant enzyme activity and reducing the Na+/K+ ratio.


    In this experiment, inoculation treatment alleviated the high salinity stress (12 dS m-1) effects in most cases and raised the grain yield and K+/Na+ ratio up to 20.2 and 131.1%, respectively, compared with non-inoculation plants. The results from this experiment showed that Funneliformis mosseae fungi inoculation could promote the growth and salt tolerance of barley by improving antioxidant enzyme activity, and ion homeostasis. In summary, the use of Funneliformis mosseae could reduce salinity damages by improving the physiological and biochemical responses of barley. This study highlighted the potential role of Funneliformis mosseae inoculation, in particular with native strains, as an innovative and eco-friendly technology for a sustainable crop-growing system in arid and semi-arid areas.

    Keywords: Antioxidant Enzymes, K+, Na+ Ratio, Yield, Yield Components}
  • سید شهرام الیاسی، علیرضا پیرزاد*، جلال جلیلیان، ابراهیم روحی، عادل سی و سه مرده

    به منظور تاثیر انواع خاک ورزی بر خصوصیات مورفو- فیزیولوژیکی مرتبط با عملکرد کمی، کیفی و ارزش علوفه ای گیاه ماشک (Vicia pannonica) در تناوب زراعی با گندم آزمایش حاضر در قالب طرح بلوک های کامل تصادفی در سه تکرار و در سال های 1398- 1396 اجرا شد. تیمارها شامل کاشت گیاه ماشک به صورت کم خاک ورزی، کشت مستقیم و خاک ورزی مرسوم اعمال شد. در تیمار کشت مرسوم شاخص سطح برگ، عملکرد کوانتومی، رطوبت نسبی برگ، نیتروژن و فسفر برگ به ترتیب نسبت به کم خاک ورزی و کاشت مستقیم کاهش داشتند. کاشت مرسوم باعث کاهش کلروفیل در برگ ها به میزان 1/20 و 6/35 درصد به ترتیب نسبت به کم خاک ورزی و کشت مستقیم شد. بیشترین میزان تغییرات دمای تاج پوشش با محیط در تیمار بدون خاک ورزی بود و همبستگی معنی داری (**98/0=R) با رطوبت نسبی برگ داشت. کمترین مقدار آنزیم های آنتی اکسیدانت شامل کاتالاز، پراکسیداز و سوپر اکسید دیسموتاز در برگ گیاهان کشت شده به روش کشت مستقیم و بیشترین میزان در کشت مرسوم مشاهده شدند. میزان کلونیزاسیون و اسپوریزاسیون قارچ های مایکوریزا و همچنین تعداد گره های ریزوبیومی در کشت مستقیم افزایش معنی داری را به ترتیب نسبت به تیمار کم خاک ورزی و کشت مرسوم داشتند. کشت مستقیم باعث افزایش درصد هضم پذیری علوفه شد که همبستگی معنی داری (**96/0=R) با کاهش دمای تاج پوشش داشت. نتایج در این آزمایش نشان دادند که صفات مورفو- فیزیولوژیکی اندازه گیری شده و کیفیت علوفه در گیاه ماشک تحت تاثیر انواع خاک ورزی قرار گرفتند، به طوری که بهبود وضعیت در تمامی صفات در کشت مستقیم و کم خاک ورزی نسبت به کشت مرسوم حاصل شد.

    کلید واژگان: اکسیدانت, رطوبت نسبی برگ, طیف سنجی مادون قرمز نزدیک (NIR), کلروفیل, مایکوریزا}
    Seyed Shahram Elyasi, Alireza Pirzad *, Jalal Jalilian, Ebrahim Rohi, Adel Siosemardeh

    Vetches are especially important due to their resistance to cold and water-deficient stresses, and due to the high amount of crude protein and detergent fibers, they have the same nutritional value as alfalfa and clover. Planting vetch can increase soil nitrogen due to the symbiosis of its root nodes with Rhizobium bacteria. No-tillage reserves more moisture in the soil than other tillage systems. No-tillage and reduced tillage significantly increase mycorrhizal fungi in soil compared to conventional tillage. Increased leaf area index (LAI) and dry matter in plants under reduced and no-tillage systems have been observed, too. Also, increases in chlorophyll concentration, decreases in canopy temperature, increases in plant height and improvements in forage quality in plants under a no-tillage system have been reported. This experiment evaluated the effects of different types of tillage on morpho-physiological traits related to yield and quality of vetch forage to protect the soil and select the best tillage system.

    Materials and Methods

    This experiment was carried out in Saral Rainfed Agricultural Research Station located 55 km north of Sanandaj county, Kurdistan province, in the west of Iran. The effects of reduce tillage (RT), no-tillage (NT) and conventional tillage (CT) systems were evaluated on rainfed vetch in rotation with wheat during two years (2018-02019). Sowing date was 18 and 9th of October in the two experimental years respectively. All sampling of rhizobium nodules, relative leaf water content, leaf area index, chlorophyll and carotenoids, chlorophyll fluorescence, canopy temperature, enzymes, proline, hydrogen peroxide, malondialdehyde, leaf soluble proteins and carbohydrates, leaf elements took place in early seed filling stage. The combined (2-year data) analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed using SAS software by the general linear model (GLM). The means value were compared using Duncan’s range test at P ≤ 0.05.

    Results and Discussion

    In this study, the yield of dry forage in reduced and no-tillage systems increased by 14 and 24%, respectively, compared to CT. A significant relationship (R = 0.75*) was obtained between the relative leaf water content and dry forage yield. According to the results, vetch in the no-tillage system had the highest percentage of colonization (30.16%), the number of fungal spores (179.8), and rhizobium nodes (12.16) on the roots. The high symbiosis of mycorrhizal fungi in RT and NT compared to CT was probably due to higher water uptake and higher RWC. In the present study, vetches under the NT system probably had higher chlorophyll a and b concentration due to more moisture and higher nitrogen and phosphorus in leaves. The results showed that the tillage treatments had significant effects on the activity of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which was directly related to the amount of plant moisture and antioxidant enzymes. The lowest activity of enzymes was in vetches under a no-tillage system. 


    In this experiment, reduced and no-tillage systems increased yield compared to conventional tillage. Significant increases in relative leaf water content and canopy temperature difference were observed in different types of tillage. Chlorophyll content and carotenoids in plants grown in the conventional tillage were lower than in reduce and no-tillage systems. The percentage of colonization, sporulation of mycorrhizal fungi, and the number of rhizobium nodes were higher in no-tillage system. The levels of antioxidant enzymes, hydrogen peroxide, malondialdehyde, and proline increased in CT compared to RT and NT. Types of tillage in rainfed conditions due to biological and structural changes in the soil cause positive morpho-physiological changes and forage quality in rainfed vetch seem to be effective in increasing yield and improving growth conditions.

    Keywords: Chlorophyll, Forage, Mycorrhiza, Near-Infrared Reflectance (NIR), Oxidant, Relative Leaf Water Content}
  • روما کلهرمنفرد، محمدرضا اردکانی*، فرزاد پاک نژاد، منصور سراجوقی، حسنعلی نقدی بادی

    این پژوهش دو ساله بر روی عملکرد کیفی شلغم علوفه ای (Brassica rapa var. rapa) به صورت اسپلیت پلات فاکتوریل در قالب طرح بلوک های کامل تصادفی در سه تکرار در مزرعه تحقیقاتی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی کرج در سال های (1398- 1397) انجام شد. با افزایش نسبت ریحان (Ocimum basilicum) در کشت مخلوط، رنگیزه های فتوسنتزی، قندهای محلول، کاتالاز، رطوبت نسبی برگ شلغم علوفه ای افزایش یافتند و همچنین موجب افزایش تنفس خاک و کاهش شاخص پایداری غشا گردید. مصرف بیوچار و همچنین ورمی کمپوست در سطح 5/18 تن در هکتار موجب افزایش کیفیت برگ شلغم علوفه ای، تنفس خاک و کاهش شاخص پایداری غشا شد. برهم کنش کشت مخلوط (70 درصد شلغم علوفه ای+ 30 درصد ریحان) × ورمی کمپوست 5/18 تن در هکتار × کاربرد بیوچار منجر به افزایش کلروفیل a 51/148 درصد، کلروفیل b 93/130 درصد، کلروفیل کل 48/134 درصد، کاروتنوئید 94/214 درصد، رطوبت نسبی برگ 31/50 درصد، قندهای محلول 26/89 درصد، کاتالاز 200 درصد، و کاهش شاخص پایداری غشا 16/192 درصد نسبت به شاهد (شلغم علوفه ای 100 درصد (تک کشتی)× ورمی کمپوست 15 تن در هکتار × عدم مصرف بیوچار) شد. بیشترین مقدار تنفس خاک نیز مربوط به برهم کنش ورمی کمپوست 5/18تن در هکتار×کشت مخلوط 70 درصد شلغم علوفه ای+ 30 درصد ریحان 54/154 درصد، کشت مخلوط 70 درصد شلغم علوفه ای+ 30 درصد ریحان و بیوچار 90/190 درصد و همچنین برهم کنش بیوچار و ورمی کمپوست 5/18تن در هکتار × بیوچار 75/93 درصد نسبت به شاهد بود. کاربرد توام نسبت کاشت70 درصد شلغم علوفه ای + 30 درصد ریحان در ورمی کمپوست 5/18 تن در هکتار و بیوچار پنج تن در هکتار بهترین تیمار این پژوهش بوده و قابل توصیه است.

    کلید واژگان: رطوبت نسبی برگ, شاخص پایداری غشا, فعالیت آنزیم کاتالاز, قندهای محلول, کلروفیل}
    Roma Kalhor Monfared, Mohammadreza Ardakani *, Farzad Paknejad, Mansor Sarajuoghi, Hassanali Naghdibadi

    Intercropping reduces the application of chemical pesticides to control pests and weeds, reducing the environmental risks associated with chemical pesticide application (Himmelstein et al., 2017). Biochar is a soil amendment because of its potential to retain water and nutrients, prevent nitrogen leaching, increase soil fertility, and improve plant growth (Fang et al., 2018; Munoz et al., 2016). Other benefits of vermicompost are increased stability of soil resources, maintenance of production, reduction of environmental pollution, and increased soil biological activity too (Demir, 2019). Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the quality of forage turnip (Brassica rapa var. rapa) leaves in different intercropping ratios of forage turnip and basil (Ocimum basilicum) using biochar as soil amendment and vermicompost.

    Materials and Methods

    A biennial study was conducted on the quality performance of forage turnip (Brassica rapa var. Rapa) in the form of split-plot factorial in a randomized complete block design with three replications in the research farm of Islamic Azad University of Karaj in two years (2018-2019). The treatments of this study include: intercropping in four ratio (100% forage turnip (monoculture), 90% forage turnip + 10% basil, 80% forage turnip + 20% basil, 70% forage turnip + 30% basil), in main plots, and vermicompost in two levels (15, 18.5 ton.ha-1) and biochar in two levels (No consumption and 5 ton.ha-1) which was placed in subplots. The forage turnip cultivar was PacFB05. In this study, Photosynthetic pigments were measured by the Arnon  (1967) method, membrane permeability (Ferrat and Loval, 1999), relative moisture content (Bertin et al., 1996), soluble leaf sugars (Sheligl, 1986), catalase (Dazy et al., 2008) and soil respiration (Isermeyer, 1952). Using SAS software (Ver.9) for data analysis of a two-year experiment and analysis of means was done with Duncan’s test in significance at 5% probability level. Excel software was used to plot the graphs.

    Results and Discussion

    The results of this study indicated that by increasing the ratio of basil in intercropping, the quality traits of forage turnip leaves increased. Consumption of biochar and application of vermicompost at the level of 18.5 ton.ha-1 increased the quality of forage turnip leaves. The highest chlorophyll a ((17.52 mg.g-1Fw), chlorophyll b (8.76 mg.g-1Fw) total chlorophyll (26.38 mg.g-1Fw), carotenoids (6.91 mg.g-1Fw), relative water content (59.54%), of soluble sugars (69.43%), catalase (0.018 micromole Fresh weight/min) were due to the interaction of (70% forage turnip + 30% basil) × vermicompost 18.5 ton ha-1 × application of biochar. The highest value of membrane stability index was related to 100% forage turnip × vermicompost 15 ton ha-1 (4.85 (mol.ml-1.s-1)). The highest amount of soil respiration is associated with the interaction of vermicompost 18.5 ton.ha-1 × 70% forage turnip + 30% basil with value of 0.28 (micromole.gsoil-1.hour-1)), interaction of biochar ×70% forage turnip + 30% basil (0.32 (micromole.gsoil-1.hour-1)), and interaction of vermicompost of 18.5 ton.ha-1 × biochar 0.31 (micromole. g soil-1.hour-1). Due to the potential of biochar (water and food retention and prevent of nitrogen leaching) it can increase the availability of water and nutrients for the plant, which leads to increased photosynthesis of the plant and thus the quality of forage turnip leaves (Akhtar et al., 2015; Hammer et al., 2015). Vermicompost increases soil organic matter and the uptake of zinc, copper, iron, phosphorus, potassium, and nitrogen in soil. The presence of these elements in the soil and their absorption by the roots increases vegetative growth and leaf production in the plant, which causes the level of light absorption, photosynthetic level, the formation of hydrocarbons in the leaves, and the resulting growth also increases leaf quality (Theunissen et al., 2010).


    The results of this study indicated that the application of vermicompost ​​18.5 ton ha-1 and biochar increased forage turnip quality, which is due to the availability of water and nutrients for forage turnip. The best intercropping ratio was related to 70% forage turnip + 30% basil, which can be said to be due to the increase in the percentage of basil and the competition of plants for better use of intercropping components of growth sources such as light, water, and food.

    Keywords: Catalase Activity, Chlorophyll, Membrane Stability Index, Relative Water Content, Soluble Sugars}
  • بهزاد وثیق*، سحر حق نویس، الیاس مودت

    سکونتگاه های روستایی به دلیل ضعف در سازه ها، زیرساخت ها و نابرابری های اجتماعی و فرهنگی و برخی کارکدهای مدیریتی بیشتر در معرض خطر و خسارات ناشی از بلایا قرار دارند. این مطلب لازم می دارد تا به تاب آور نمودن این بناها توجه ویژه شود. روستای صراخیه واقع در تالاب شادگان، دراستان خوزستان است که به دلیل معماری بومی خانه های روستا و نوع معیشت آن ها که وابسته به تالاب است به یک روستای گردشگری تبدیل شده است که در سیلاب سال 1398 خسارت های فراوانی را متحمل شده است و گردشگری و امرار و معاش و نوع زندگی مردم روستا را تحت تاثیر قرار داده است. نگارندگان در این تحقیق تلاش دارند تا با تکیه بر روش میدانی به بررسی مولفه های کالبدی سازنده تاب آوری در فضای معماری روستایی صراخیه بپردازند و ضمن تاکید بر مولفه کالبدی به نقد و بررسی اقدامات روستاییان و دولت درزمینه ی مقابله باسیل پرداخته شود. در گام اول با برداشت میدانی و بررسی های نقشه های روستا هشت تیپ خانه در این روستا در نظر گرفته شد. سپس استفاده از نرم افزار Flow 3D با مدل آشفتگی LES  شبیه سازی سیلاب در محدوده مورد مطالعه صورت گرفت . که آن ها با زوایای متفاوت نسبت به تالاب و فاصله ی متفاوت نسبت به هم شبیه سازی شد .همچنین از نرم افزار Tecplot 360 جهت تجزیه وتحلیل شبیه سازی استفاده شد و نتایج به دست آمده نشان داد که مناسب ترین کالبد و بافت روستا در برابر سیلاب بیشتر در زوایای 45 و 60  نسبت به تالاب قرار دارد. لذا می توان نتیجه گرفت؛ با اصلاح بافت روستا و جهت گیری ابنیه و ایجاد مرکزی جهت مدیریت بحران های طبیعی، می توان وضعیت روستا را پس از بحران، عادی کرد و ازاین روی جریان گردشگری را تسهیل نمود.

    کلید واژگان: تالاب شادگان, تاب آوری, سکونتگاه های روستایی, شبیه سازی جریان سیل}
    Behzad Vasigh *, Sahar Haghnevis, Elyas Maveda

    Rural houses are more at risk of disaster damage due to poor infrastructure and socio-cultural inequalities, as well as due to less attention from governmental organizations, so the issue of disaster resilience is an important issue in rural communities. In this article, an attempt has been made to deal with the effects of disaster such as waterfloods on rural houses adjacent to the wetland. Sarakhieh village located in Shadegan wetland, Khuzestan province, which due to the local architecture of village houses and their livelihood, which depends on the wetland, has become a tourist village that has suffered a lot of damage in the flood of 2018-2019. It has affected the livelihood and way of life of the villagers. Therefore, in this research, the authors try to investigate the factors promoting resilience in Sarakhieh tourist village by relying on the field method and also to simulate floods using “Flow 3D software” with “LES turbulence model”. By field survey and surveys of village maps, eight types of houses were harvested in this village, which were simulated with different angles to the wetland and different distances from each other. Also, Tecplot 360 software was used to analyze the simulation and the results showed that the most suitable body What is the texture of the village against the flood? In addition, the authors believe that by improving the texture and quality of roads and also creating a center for natural crisis management, providing solutions appropriate to the conditions of the village can return the village to normal immediately after the crisis and thus facilitate the flow of tourism.

    Keywords: wetland, resilience, Rural settlements, Flood simulation}
  • جواد میرزایی*، مهدی حیدری، محمدتقی کوشا، بهروز ناصری

    غییر کاربری اراضی جنگلی بر تنوع زیستی و سایر اجزاء اکوسیستم اثرگذار است. با اینحال اطلاعات کمی در خصوص تغییرات تنوع زیستی و ویژگی های خاک در کاربری های مختلف ایجاد شده در جنگل های زاگرس وجود دارد. بدین منظور تاثیر تغییر کاربری های جنگل طبیعی بلوط به جنگل دست کاشت سوزنی برگ (سرو نقره ای)، جنگل دست کاشت پهن برگ (ارغوان)، مرتع و زمین زراعی بر تنوع زیستی گونه های علفی و ویژگی های خاک در جنگلهای حوزه آبخیز رودخانه چرداول در استان ایلام در سال 2017 مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. در هر یک از کاربری ها به صورت تصادفی تعداد 5 قطعه نمونه مربعی شکل به ابعاد 20 ×20 متر برداشت شد و در هر  یک از قطعه نمونه های اصلی، چهار قطعه نمونه کوچک 5/1 در 5/1 متر مربعی برای بررسی پوشش علفی استفاده شد. به منظور بررسی ویژگی های خاک در مرکز هر قطعه نمونه یک نمونه ترکیبی از خاک در دو عمق 5-0 و 15-5 سانتی متری تهیه شد. نتایج نشان داد که کاربری های مختلف از نظر تنوع شانون وینر و غنای مارگالف گونه های علفی اختلاف آماری معنی داری با همدیگر دارند.  بیشترین مقدار شاخص تنوع شانون-وینر در کاربری مرتع و کمترین مقدار آن در کاربری زمین زراعی مشاهده شد.  همچنین بیشترین مقدار غنای مارگالف گونه های علفی در کاربری مرتع مشاهده شد.  نتایج تجزیه واریانس مشخصه های خاک در دو عمق نیز نشان داد که فسفر و نیتروژن تحت تاثیر کاربری و عمق خاک قرار گرفتند. نتایج این تحقیق بیانگر اینست که تغییر کاربری زمین از جنگل طبیعی بلوط به زراعت و جنگلکاری سبب کاهش تنوع زیستی و غنای گونه های علفی شده است. همچنین تغییر کاربری به زراعت و جنگلکاری ها سبب افزایش میزان شوری، وزن مخصوص ظاهری خاک، کاهش ماده آلی شده است.
    غییر کاربری اراضی جنگلی بر تنوع زیستی و سایر اجزاء اکوسیستم اثرگذار است. با اینحال اطلاعات کمی در خصوص تغییرات تنوع زیستی و ویژگی های خاک در کاربری های مختلف ایجاد شده در جنگل های زاگرس وجود دارد. بدین منظور تاثیر تغییر کاربری های جنگل طبیعی بلوط به جنگل دست کاشت سوزنی برگ (سرو نقره ای)، جنگل دست کاشت پهن برگ (ارغوان)، مرتع و زمین زراعی بر تنوع زیستی گونه های علفی و ویژگی های خاک در جنگلهای حوزه آبخیز رودخانه چرداول در استان ایلام در سال 2017 مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. در هر یک از کاربری ها به صورت تصادفی تعداد 5 قطعه نمونه مربعی شکل به ابعاد 20 ×20 متر برداشت شد و در هر  یک از قطعه نمونه های اصلی، چهار قطعه نمونه کوچک 5/1 در 5/1 متر مربعی برای بررسی پوشش علفی استفاده شد. به منظور بررسی ویژگی های خاک در مرکز هر قطعه نمونه یک نمونه ترکیبی از خاک در دو عمق 5-0 و 15-5 سانتی متری تهیه شد. نتایج نشان داد که کاربری های مختلف از نظر تنوع شانون وینر و غنای مارگالف گونه های علفی اختلاف آماری معنی داری با همدیگر دارند.  بیشترین مقدار شاخص تنوع شانون-وینر در کاربری مرتع و کمترین مقدار آن در کاربری زمین زراعی مشاهده شد.  همچنین بیشترین مقدار غنای مارگالف گونه های علفی در کاربری مرتع مشاهده شد.  نتایج تجزیه واریانس مشخصه های خاک در دو عمق نیز نشان داد که فسفر و نیتروژن تحت تاثیر کاربری و عمق خاک قرار گرفتند. نتایج این تحقیق بیانگر اینست که تغییر کاربری زمین از جنگل طبیعی بلوط به زراعت و جنگلکاری سبب کاهش تنوع زیستی و غنای گونه های علفی شده است. همچنین تغییر کاربری به زراعت و جنگلکاری ها سبب افزایش میزان شوری، وزن مخصوص ظاهری خاک، کاهش ماده آلی شده است.

    کلید واژگان: گونه های علفی, تغییر کاربری, تنوع زیستی, جنگل کاری سوزنی برگ, جنگل های زاگرس, ایلام}
    Javad Mirzaei*, Mehdi Heidari, Mohamad Taghi Kosha, Behroz Naseri

    Changing the Land-uses of forests effects biodiversity and other ecosystem components. There is little information about biodiversity and soil characteristics in different Land-uses in Zagros forests. For this purpose, the effect of changing natural oak forests to coniferous plantations, deciduous plantation, rangeland, and agricultural on the biodiversity of herbaceous species and soil characteristics was investigated in the forests of Chardavol river, Ilam, in 2018. In each of the land uses, 5 square-shaped sample plots with dimensions of 20 × 20 meters were randomly taken, and in each of the main plots, four 1.5 × 1.5 square meters plots were used to check the herbaceous plant species. In order to check soil characteristics a mixed sample of soil was prepared at two depths of 0-5 and 5-15 cm in each plot. The results showed that different land uses have significant differences in terms of Shannon-wiener diversity and Margalof richness of herbaceous species. The highest value of Shannon-wiener diversity index was observed in rangeland and the lowest was observed in agricultural land uses. Also, the highest richness of herbaceous species was observed in rangeland. The results of soil characteristics at two depths showed that phosphorus and nitrogen were affected by land use and soil depth. The results show that the change in land use from the natural oak forest to agriculture and forest plantation has caused a decrease in biodiversity and richness of herbaceous species. Also, the change of land use to agriculture and forest plantation has caused an increase in salinity, bulk density, and a decrease in organic matter.

    Keywords: Herbaceous species, Land use change, Biodiversity, coniferous plantations, Zagros forests, Ilam}
  • مهدی مهدی نسب*

    حفاظت از تالاب ها و حیات موجود در آنها مستلزم شناخت تنوع زیستی این اکوسیستم ها  است. پرندگان آبزی و کنار آبزی که وابستگی اکولوژیکی به تالاب ها دارند، به عنوان شاخص های زیست محیطی به کار برده می شوند. این پژوهش در زمستان سال 1400 به منظور بررسی تنوع گونه ای پرندگان تالابی شهرستان پلدختر انجام شده است. داده های سرشماری نیمه زمستانه برای یک دوره 13 ساله(1400- 1388) از اداره کل محیط زیست استان لرستان دریافت گردید. جهت بررسی تنوع گونه ای پرندگان تالابی پلدختر از شاخص عکس سیمپسون و غالبیت سیمپسون استفاده گردید. در طی دوره آماری مورد بررسی در تالاب های پلدختر  10 راسته از 19 راسته، 16 تیره از 84 تیره و 60 گونه از 545 گونه شناسایی شده در ایران: سرشماری و ثبت گردیدند که به ترتیب 6/52 درصد از راسته، 04/19 درصد از خانواده و حدود 11 درصد از گونه های پرندگان ایران در تالاب های پلدختر زیست نموده اند.3/68 درصد گونه های پرندگان تالابی پلدختر در رده گونه های حمایت نشده و عادی، 67/26 درصد در دسته گونه های حفاظت شده و تحت حمایت و 5 درصد که شامل گونه خروس کولی دشتی(اجتماعی) (Vanlellus gregarius)که در بالاترین رده حفاظتی جهان(CR) قرار دارد و گونه اردک سرحنانی (Aythya ferina)که در رده گونه آسیب پذیر(VU) و گونه های فلامینگوی کوچک(Phoenicopterus minor) و گونه  گونه اردک بلوطی(Aythya nyroca) در رده گونه های در معرض انقراض(NT) است، زیست می کنند.  در تالاب های پلدختر3/53 درصد پرندگان  زمستان گذران، 30 درصد مهاجر عبوری، 3/8 درصد تابستان گذران و جوجه آور، 7/6 درصد عادی(چهارفصل) و تنها 7/1 درصد تابستان گذران بدون جوجه آوری بودند. نتایج بررسی شاخص های تنوع گونه ای پرندگان تالابی پلدختر نشان داد که سال 1393 کمترین یکنواختی گونه ای و سال 1398 بیشترین مقدار تنوع گونه ای را دارا بودند. بنابراین تالاب های پلدختر از زیستگاه های مهم تالابی در منطقه است و نقش مهمی در مسیر مهاجرت پرندگان آبزی و کنار آبزی زمستان گذران ایفا می کنند.

    کلید واژگان: تالاب, پرندگان, تنوع گونه ای, تنوع زیستی, شهرستان پلدختر}
    Mehdi Mehdi Nasab*

    Protecting wetlands and the life in them requires recognizing the biodiversity of these ecosystems. Waterfowl and shorebirds that are ecologically dependent on wetlands are used as environmental indicators. This research was conducted in the winter of 2021 in order to investigate the species diversity of wetland birds in Poldakhter city. Half-winter census data for a period of 13 years (2009-2020) was received from the General Environment Department of Lorestan province. Simpson's photo index and Simpson's dominance were used to investigate the species diversity of Poldakhter wetland birds. During the statistical period under review In Poldokhtar wetlands, 10 orders out of 19 orders, 16 families out of 84 is and 60 species out of 545 species identified in Iran were counted and recorded, which were 52.6 percent of the order, 19.04 percent of the family and about 11 percent, respectively. Iranian bird species have lived in Poldokhtar wetlands. 68.3 percent of Poldokhtar wetland bird species are in the category of unprotected and normal species, 26.67 Percent in the category of protected and protected species and 5 Percent that include species. Vanlellus gregarious, the world's highest conservation species (CR), and Aythya ferina, a vulnerable species (VU), Phoenicopterus minor, and Phoenicopterus minor Oak duck (Aythya nyroca) live in correct the endangered species (NT) category. In Poldokhtar wetlands, 53.3percent of birds were wintering birds, 30 percent were migratory birds, 8.3 percent were summering and hatching birds, 6.7 percent were normal (four seasons) and only 1.7 percent were summering birds without hatching. The results of the investigation of species diversity indicators of Poldakhter wetland birds showed that the year 2013 had the lowest species uniformity and the year 2018 had the highest amount of species diversity. Therefore, Poldakhtar wetlands are one of the important wetland habitats in the region and play an important role in the migration of waterfowl and wintering waterfowl.

    Keywords: Wetland, Species diversity, birds, species diversity, biological, diversity, Township Poldokhtar}
  • شیرزاد گرایلی، جواد میرزایی*، مهدی حیدری

    روشنه ها با تاثیر بر میزان نور داخل جنگل بر خاک و سایر ویژگی های اکولوژیکی تاثیرگذار هستند. </span>در این تحقیق تاثیر روشنه های طبیعی و مصنوعی توده های آمیخته و خالص راش بر خصوصیات فیزیکی و شیمیایی خاک بررسی شد. بدین منظور تعداد 24 روشنه در تیپ آمیخته و 24 روشنه در تیپ خالص راش در طرح جنگلداری حاجیکلا- تیرانکلی از حوزه آبخیز رودخانه تجن در سال 1394 برداشت شد. روشنه ها در سه کلاسه روشنه های کوچک (کمتر از 150 مترمربع)، متوسط (بین 150 تا 350 مترمربع) و بزرگ (350 تا 500 مترمربع) طبقه بندی شده اند. در هر روشنه، تعداد 5 قطعه نمونه بر روی قطرهای روشنه پیاده شد. در داخل هر قطعه نمونه، یک نمونه خاک از عمق 30-0 سانتی متری برداشت و یک نمونه ترکیبی آماده شد. علاوه بر این، در خارج از هر روشنه یک نمونه شاهد خاک نیز تهیه گردید. نتایج نشان داد که مساحت روشنه بر </span>pH، </span>EC، پتاسیم، کربن، نیتروژن و نوع توده بر ماده آلی و نیتروژن اثر معنی داری داشت </span>(05/0</span>P<)</span>. همچنین اثرات متقابل روشنه و نوع توده بر نیتروژن، ماده آلی و شن نیز معنی دار بود</span> (05/0</span>P<)</span>. بیشترین میزان پتاسیم در روشنه های بزرگ (با مساحت 500-350 مترمربع) در توده راش خالص و کمترین آن در توده های آمیخته مشاهده شد. همچنین </span>نتایج تحقیق حاضر</span> نشان</span> داد که با</span> افزایش</span> اندازه</span> حفره</span> میزان</span> کربن، ماده آلی، نیتروژن و پتاسیم</span> افزایش می یابد</span>. در روشنه های حاصل از قطع (مصنوعی)، بالاترین میزان نیتروژن در روشنه‏های بزرگ توده خالص راش مشاهده شد. ماده آلی در روشنه های بزرگ بیشتر از روشنه های کوچک بود. همچنین مساحت روشنه و نوع توده تاثیری بر میزان فسفر خاک نداشت؛ بنابراین می توان گفت که در توده های آمیخته به ویژه در روشنه های بزرگ نسبت به روشنه های کوچک در توده های خالص میزان حاصلخیزی خاک بیشتر است.</span></span></span></span></span></span></div>

    کلید واژگان: بهره برداری, جنگل آمیخته, توده خالص, ماده آلی, جنگل های هیرکانی}
    Shirzad Gerayli, Javad Mirzaei*, Mehdi Heidari

    Gaps affect the soil and other ecological features by affecting the amount of light inside the forest. In this study, the effect of natural and artificial gap of mixed and pure stands of Fagus oreintalis on the physical and chemical properties of soil was investigated. For this purpose, 24 trees in the mixed type and 24 trees in the pure beech type were selected in the Hajikola-Tirankoli forestry project from the Tajan river watershed, in 2015. These gaps are classified into three classes: small (less than 150 square meters), medium (between 150 and 350 square meters) and large (350 to 500 square meters). In each gap, 5 plots were made on the diameters. Inside each plot, a soil sample was prepared from a depth of 0-30 cm and a composite sample was prepared. In addition, a control soil sample was also prepared outside each gap. The gap size had a significant effect on pH, EC, potassium, carbon, nitrogen while, the type of stands had significant effects on organic matter and nitrogen (P<0.05). Also, the interaction effects of gap size and stand type had significant effects on nitrogen, organic matter (P<0.05). The highest amount of potassium was observed in large gaps (with an area of ​​350-500) in pure beech stands and the lowest in mixed stands. The results of the present study showed that the amount of carbon, organic matter, nitrogen and potassium increases with the increase of the gap size. In the gaps resulting from cutting (artificial), the highest amount of nitrogen was observed in the large gaps of pure beech mass. There was more organic matter in the large gaps than the small ones. Also, the gap size and the stand type had no effect on the amount of phosphorus in the soil. Therefore, it can be said that in the mixed stands, especially in large gaps, soil fertility is higher than in small gag in pure stand.</span></span></span></div>

    Keywords: Harvesting, Mixed Forest, Pure Stand, Organic Matter, Hyrcanian Forests}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
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