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برای پرداخت حق اشتراک اگر عضو هستید وارد شوید در غیر این صورت حساب کاربری جدید ایجاد کنید

فهرست مطالب نویسنده:

afshin ebrahimi

  • مجتبی دورودی*، افشین ابراهیمی، حمیدرضا کرمی، فرهاد زارعی کردشولی

    موضوع و محور گفتار پیش رو، کتیبه نویافته ای است که در تیرماه 1401 در تنگه بلاغی دشت پاسارگاد برای نخستین بار مشاهده گردیده است. این کتیبه به خط فارسی میانه (پهلوی کتابی) با سنت ساسانی به تحریر درآمده است که با عرض 40 و طول 90 سانتی متر، دربردارنده سه قاب و سه نوشتار است. بخش اصلی کتیبه، قاب میانی است که با هشت سطر، به صورت عمودی تحریر شده است. قاب های جانبی در بالا و پایین نوشته میانی، دیده می شوند و به صورت افقی تحریر شده اند. قاب بالا دربردارنده سه سطر و قاب پایین به نظر می رسد سه سطر داشته است. این که کتیبه در چه زمانی نوشته شده و به چه فرد یا افرادی تعلق داشته است؟ پرسش های اصلی پژوهش به شمار می روند که محتوای کتیبه خود بدان ها پاسخ می دهد. در دشت پاسارگاد، پیش تر نیز پنج کتیبه پهلوی شناسایی و خوانش شده است؛ این پنج کتیبه که در منطقه موسوم به «تل تخت» در سال های 1961 تا 1963م. کشف شده است در شمار گورنبشته های پهلوی محسوب می گردند. کتیبه پژوهش حاضر، اما محتوایی متفاوت از کتیبه های تل تخت دارد و آن گونه که مشاهده خواهد شد در آن از ساخت پل و بندی باستانی سخن رفته است که به نظر می رسد به روزگار «خسرو اول انوشیروان» تعلق داشته است. نکته جالب این که پیش از کشف این کتیبه باستان شناسان پایگاه میراث جهانی پاسارگاد پی و شالوده پل و فراز-راهی باستانی را درست در زیر کتیبه و برروی رودخانه پلوار، مشاهده و مستندنگاری کرده بودند؛ بنابراین کشف این کتیبه اهمیت و ضرورت پرداختن بدان را به ویژه از منظر باستان شناسی و حفاظتی دوچندان می کند. پژوهش حاضر به صورت میدانی و اسنادی (کتابخانه ای) انجام شده است. باتوجه به این که این کتیبه در معرض فرسایش شدید قرار داشته است، نگارندگان با تهیه قالب از آن، کوشش کردند تا جدای از خوانش بهتر، گام موثری در جهت حفاظت از آن برداشته شود.

    کلید واژگان: پاسارگاد, دشت مرغاب, تنگه بلاغی, کتیبه پهلوی, پل بند باستانی
    Mojtaba Doroodi *, Afshin Ebrahimi, Hamidreza Karami, Farhad Zarei Kordshuli

    This paper centers on a newly discovered inscription, first identified in July 2022 within the Bulaghi gorge of the Pasargadae Plain. The inscription, crafted in Middle Persian script following the Sassanid tradition, measures 40 cm in width and 90 cm in length. It features three distinct frames, each containing text. The primary focus is the central frame, which is oriented vertically and consists of eight lines, while the adjacent boxes, positioned above and below the central text, are inscribed horizontally. The upper box features three lines, while the lower box similarly appears to contain three lines; however, only a single word is legible. The primary research inquiries focus on the ownership of the inscription, its date of composition, and its content. Within the Pasargadae Plain, five Pahlavi inscriptions have previously been identified and read. These inscriptions were uncovered in the area referred to as Tall-i Takht between the years 1961 and 1963, and the tombstone is inscribed in Sassanid Pahlavi script. The inscription associated with the present research presents a distinct subject matter compared to the Tall-i Takht inscriptions. It highlights the construction of ancient bridges and embankments, which are thought to have originated during the reign of Khosrow I. Interestingly, before this inscription was uncovered, archaeologists from the Pasargadae World Heritage Site had already recorded the existence of the foundations of an ancient bridge and overpass situated directly beneath the inscription on the Pulvar River. Thus, the discovery of this inscription significantly amplifies its relevance and the imperative for archaeological engagement and conservation. Additionally, it is pertinent to mention that the current study was carried out through both fieldwork and library resources.

    Keywords: Pasargadae, Dasht-I Morghab, Tang-E Bulaghi, Pahlavi Inscription, Ancient Bridge
  • افشین ابراهیمی*

    مواجهه با ساختارهای خشتی و گلی به دلیل گرفتاری ها و ابهامات حفاظتی در اتخاذ و گزینش تدابیر منطقی، بیشتر از آنچه  که مایه هیجان باشد، عامل هراس و تشویش حفاظت گران است. نجات بخشی چنین آثاری که گاه مرز بین شور و شعور و احساس و منطق را در می نوردد، بدون در نظر گرفتن نیازمندی آنها به مراقبت دائم، عقیم می ماند و گاه نتایجی اسف بار بر جای می نهد. این حقیقت ناشی از آن است که جامعه حفاظت گران در کل و بنا به هر دلیل، تلاشی بسیار کندتر از شتاب عوامل تاثیرگذار محیطی و گاه اندیشه های نامعقول و مخرب انسانی داشته و دارند. آنچه اعمال سیاست گذاری های حفاظتی در مورد چنین یادمان هایی را با احتیاط و حساسیتی ویژه همراه ساخته، ضرورت توجه به این نکته است که ایده های منظور شده هم باید کالبد اثر را در بر گیرند و هم حافظ سنت های شکل دهنده به فرهنگ معماری سازنده آن باشند. سنت هایی پا گرفته بر محور نیاز و گریز از اسراف که امروزه رنگ باخته اند و احیای آنها مستلزم در پیش گرفتن تدابیر حفاظتی ویژه خواهد بود. تجربه نشان داده است اتخاذ چنین سیاست هایی، پشتیبانی عمومی اما متولی واحدی را می طلبد تا تلاش های پراکنده در مسیری درست هدایت شوند و اندیشه های فاصله گرفته از منطق، در قالب مبانی خاصی سامان یابند. کم نیستند آثاری که بدون رعایت مفاهیم علمی حفاظت و مرمت مورد رسیدگی قرار گرفته اند اما هویت شان را بر باد رفته دیده اند. عمیقا باید باور داشت که حفاظت در علمی ترین تعریف آن، بدون مراقبت حتی در ساده ترین شکل ممکن، دوام نخواهد آورد. تجربه نشان داده است که آثار خشتی و گلین بیشتر به نگهداری و مواظبت نیاز مندند تا دخالت های کالبدی. این تحقیق که به صورت میدانی و اسنادی (کتابخانه ای) و با رویکرد عینی و مبتنی بر مشاهدات و بررسی های محیطی انجام گرفته، این هدف را دنبال می کند که نقشی در پر کردن خلاء حفاظتی موجود داشته باشد و بتواند شرایط بهتری را برای حفاظت های آتی مجموعه چغازنبیل رقم بزند و دورنمای حفاظتی بهتری را در برابر تهدیدات بالفعل و بالقوه مجموعه ترسیم کند. این مهم زمانی کارآمد خواهد افتاد که پیشتر، چالش ها و تهدیدات شناخته شوند و تدابیر گذشته اثرسنجی گردند. این تحقیق همچنین در پی پاسخی به این پرسش است که تهدیدات پیش روی مجموعه  چغازنبیل کدام اند و سهم شان در این کارزار چیست؟ تجربه حفاظتی مجموعه در مواجهه با تهدیدات از آغاز تا آستانه شکل گیری پروژه بین المللی چغازنبیل که محدوده مطالعاتی تحقیق حاضر است این گمان را باورپذیر نشان می دهد که برای مقابله با تهدیدات، روی آوردن به شیوه های تدافعی منعطف نسبت به روش های تهاجمی خشک، به مراتب توفیق بیشتری به دنبال دارد.

    کلید واژگان: چغازنبیل, حفاظت, فرسایش, تهدیدات, محیط
    Afshin Ebrahimi*

    Encountering mudbrick structures poses more fear and concern for restorers than excitement due to the challenges and uncertainties in protecting them with logical measures. Preserving such works, which often blur the line between passion and intellect, emotion and reason, while requiring constant care, can be unproductive and cause unsatisfactory outcomes. This is primarily because the restoration community, for various reasons, has been slower in responding to environmental factors and sometimes irrational human behaviors. It is crucial to understand that conservation, in its most scientific sense, cannot thrive without proper attention, even in its simplest form. Experience has proven that mudbrick structures demand more maintenance and care than physical interventions. This study, conducted through fieldwork, library studies, and an objective environmental assessment, aims to address the gaps in protection and enhance the conservation of the ChoghaZanbil site against current and potential threats. Furthermore, it seeks to identify the challenges facing the complex’s progress and its role in this endeavor. The protection journey of the site, from initial threats to the inception of the international ChoghaZanbil project, underscores the importance of adopting flexible defensive strategies over rigid offensive approaches for greater success. ChoghaZanbil, located in southwestern Khuzestan province, is a site situated approximately 40 kilometers southeast of the ancient city of Susa. The highest point of Chaghazanbil stands at around 90 meters above sea level. This religious urban complex, constructed in the 13th century BC, is known as the largest architectural masterpiece of the Middle Elamite period. It was commissioned by the influential king of the dynasty, Untash-Napirisha, and is dedicated to the Elamite deities, Napirisha and Inshushinak. The introduction of Chaghazanbil, once a part of the central government of Susa, to the modern world can be attributed to the activities of oil companies in the region. Aerial photographs taken for the discovery of oil fields in the area provided the first glimpse of the ancient city of Dur-Untash (ChoghaZanbil). Subsequently, the discovery of an inscribed brick in the site prompted the initial investigations conducted by "R. de Mecquenem" between 1936 and 1939. The year 1951 marked the commencement of the establishment of a management system of conservation for the site. The most extensive excavation efforts, spanning eleven years, were carried out under the supervision of "Ghirshman" from 1951 to 1962. Mudbrick, brick, and mud mortars, plaster, and bitumen have been extensively utilized in the construction of Chaghazanbil. The primary material used was mudbrick, particularly in the construction of the central core of the buildings. The majority of the mudbricks were approximately 40 x 40 x 10 cm in size and were categorized into two groups: homogeneous (uniform clay structure) and heterogeneous (mixed with brick chips or brick powder). To protect the mudbrick core of the buildings from the region's humidity and heavy rains, a brick covering was applied around them. This was especially evident in the ziggurat, where the mudbrick structure was enveloped by a brick wall around two meters thick, secured using a traditional technique known as Hasht-o-Gir. However, the thickness of this brick wall was later reduced to the width of a single brick during renovations. Additionally, a variety of materials such as stone, wood, glass, stud, and ceramic pipes were used in a more limited capacity throughout the construction. Stones were used to cover certain stairs and create door sills, glass and clay studs served as decorative elements, ceramic pipes were utilized as gutters, wooden logs were employed for building doors, and tar-coated tree trunks were used to enhance the connection between the brick cover and the mudbrick core in the ziggurat. According to Ghirshman's reports, the coatings applied in the construction included cob, plaster, Sarooj consisting of quicklime, wood ash, and animal hair, as well as a red coating primarily made of iron oxide (Okhra), possibly mixed with oyster powder. The protection management system for the ChoghaZanbil historical complex began with excavation protection from 1951 to 1962 under Ghirshman's supervision. The collection gained significant public attention when it was included in the World Heritage List in 1979. Efforts were made to conserve this historical collection until 1998, when the international project for the protection and restoration of ChoghaZanbil was formed. This joint project involved the country's cultural heritage organization, UNESCO, and the Japan Foundation. However, due to the discontinuation of conservation programs and incomplete projects, the effectiveness of conservation measures was compromised. During this period, one can witness deliberate protective actions being taken, alongside questionable and unconventional measures. Despite numerous protection and restoration efforts carried out on the architectural complex of the historical site of ChoghaZanbil since pervious excavations, they have generally been executed in a manner that preserves the historical integrity of the complex. The majority of the activities conducted, evident in the form of façade details, have utilized historical materials; particularly noticeable in the ziggurat and the water reservoir. As for the two inner and outer walls, the temples, the remnants of residential structures, and even the royal tombs, the lack of significant efforts in their initial protection and restoration has allowed them to maintain the authenticity of their excavation period. However, the absence of consistent maintenance and a dedicated conservation plan has led to noticeable erosion. Overall, the history of conservation and restoration efforts at ChoghaZanbil serves as a stark reminder of the consequences of neglecting ongoing emergency protection and maintenance. The threats facing the historical site of ChoghaZanbil can be categorized into three main branches: "Environment and Climate," "Form and Architectural Structure," and "Unconventional Encounters and Social Anomalies." Each branch presents specific cases that contribute to the overall analysis. This classification aids in identifying appropriate protective measures based on the severity and ranking of each problem, allowing for targeted solutions to address the issues within the site. Each level of threat necessitates the consideration of specific factors. The first case focuses on weather conditions and ecological elements such as plants and animals. The second case encompasses the construction characteristics of the building and materials used. Lastly, the third case highlights the impact of external behavioral factors on the vulnerability of the complex. The international project for the conservation and restoration of ChoghaZanbil has been initiated to mitigate weaknesses and reduce the severity of these threats. Upon examining the site, it becomes evident that a combination of climatic, physical, and intervention-related threats have affected ChoghaZanbil. Notably, seasonal heavy rains, extreme temperature fluctuations, the widespread presence of biological destructive factors (particularly termites), bank erosion, extreme wind and soil erosion pose the primary threats to the eco-climate. In relation to the structural and physical threats, it is important to highlight the loss of the protective brick cover and the absence of a water disposal system. This is primarily due to the damage and blockage of the gutters, which has resulted in numerous instances of moisture-related damages. Additionally, the utilization of subpar soil for mudbrick production, along with incomplete soil preparation and mud processing, has compromised the quality of materials and heightened their risk factor. Furthermore, unconventional incidents and social abnormalities, such as unwarranted repairs in the past, unauthorized alterations to the architectural structure, disturbance of the ecological equilibrium within the complex's surroundings, and invasion of its historical and natural textures, pose further challenges for ChoghaZanbil. Generally, it can be asserted that ecological and climatic dangers are unavoidable yet manageable. The structural and physical perils associated with the incident at ChoghaZanbil can be rectified gradually, whereas the hazards stemming from irresponsible interactions and societal abnormalities necessitate a shift in the mindset of intellectuals at both individual and societal levels when it comes to safeguarding our values. These threats are prominent and all-encompassing, surpassing other dangers in terms of their diversity, and their resolution is bound to be more contentious. Upon analyzing the state of ChoghaZanbil mudbrick architecture, it is evident that the process followed in constructing these architectural structures is technically successful and demonstrates a deliberate effort to create suitable conditions for integration with the surrounding environment. Merely focusing on the constructional characteristics of materials and potential damaging factors is insufficient for formulating a comprehensive conservation theory for these mudbrick structures. This is due to the fact that these remaining structures hold significant cultural value, embodying crucial aspects related to the civilization of Elam. The findings derived from field observations, environmental studies, examination of restoration and conservation records, assessment of care quality, and analysis of erosion processes in the historical region of ChoghaZanbil highlight the imperative for a significant transformation in the preparation and application methods of materials, particularly restoration mudbricks and protective cob. These materials exhibit the utmost sensitivity and are consumed on a large scale. Therefore, it is crucial to optimize and reinforce them by leveraging local resources. By ensuring precise handling and logical implementation, this approach can greatly ensure the consistency and durability of future protective measures.

  • افشین ابراهیمی

    بخش قابل توجهی از الواحی که تاکنون به دست آمده اند، کم و بیش متحمل آسیب های عدیده ای هستند و بسیاری از آنها به تقویت و استحکام بخشی نیاز دارند. شکستگی، ترکیدگی و گسیختگی، شایع ترین ضعف های الواح هستند. شدت این ضعف ها به عوامل ساختاری (ماهیت / کیفیت تولید) و غیر ساختاری (شرایط قبل و پس از کاوش) بستگی دارد. بی توجهی به نوع نیاز حفاظتی الواح گلین، موجب شدت یافتن و تسریع تخریب آنها می شود. الواح به خودی خود ساختار خام و ضعیفی دارند. ممکن است جدا از خام بودن، بعضا به خوبی هم عمل آوری و آماده سازی نشده باشند و همین مسیله، موضوع استحکام بخشی را بغرنج تر می کند؛ حتی شاید در محیطی که قرار گرفته اند، تحت فشار بیشتری واقع شده باشند. این ها همه چالش های بزرگی برای حفاظت هستند. روش های معمول برای تحکیم و استحکام بخشی الواح گلین (پخت کوره ای / تثبیت پلیمری) هر کدام دارای محاسن و معایبی اند و موافقان و مخالفان خود را دارند. اهمیت و اعتبار فوق العاده الواح از یک سو و نیازهای حفاظتی حساس آنها از دیگر سو ایجاب می کند که جدا از این روش ها، به شیوه های دیگری نیز برای نگهداری و تقویت این قبیل مصنوعات خام اندیشید، بگونه ای که هم سازگاری بیشتری با مبانی و ضوابط حفاظتی داشته باشند و هم ساده تر، کم هزینه تر و کم خطر تر باشند. روش های مرسوم برای تقویت و استحکام بخشی الواح، یا برگشت ناپذیر هستند و یا برگشت پذیری بغرنج و توام با خسارت دارند. این تحقیق با نگاه کاربردی در پی رفع نقص یک موضوع است و می کوشد در قالب استدلال استقرایی (نگاه از جزء به کل) و بر پایه روش تجربی و یافته اندوزی به روش ترکیبی (کتابخانه ای، آزمایشگاهی، میدانی) پاسخگوی سوال اصلی یعنی چگونگی نقش و تاثیر تجارب حفاظتی مصالح گلین برای بهینه سازی فرآیند تحکیم و استحکام بخشی الواح باشد. برای تحکیم و استحکام بخشی الواح گلین (به عنوان متغیر تاثیرپذیر)، استفاده از مواد و عناصر تقویتی و همچنین اصلاح روش نگهداری (به عنوان متغیرهای تاثیرگذار) مد نظر قرار گرفته است. بهره گیری از ملاط گل مسلح به دو روش درز بندی و قاب بندی، ابتکاری برای خلق شرایط حفاظتی آرمانی تر است. این فرضیه مبتنی بر دانشی یک صد ساله و تجاربی است که از گذشته های دور تا به امروز برای حفاظت و بهینه سازی مصالح گلین با استفاده از مواد افزودنی و استحکام بخش طبیعی و مصنوعی دنبال شده است. نتایج تحقیق، این گمان را باورپذیر نشان داده است.

    کلید واژگان: الواح, گل نبشته, هفت تپه, ملاط, غنی سازی, استحکام بخشی
    Afshin Ebrahimi

    Long before humans began using clay to produce tablets, they utilized this natural substance as a fundamental building material. The presence of clay throughout history has undeniably played a significant role in the advancement and evolution of architecture, serving as a tangible representation of human civilization and urbanization. As we delve further into the past, the significance and utilization of clay as a building material become increasingly apparent. Numerous civilizations have thrived by employing clay in the construction of their settlements, liberating themselves from a mobile lifestyle. It is undeniable that this transformation began when humans comprehended the nature of the soil, combining it with water and harnessing the malleability of clay to provide shelter and fulfill various life necessities. While discussing the historical context of this research, it is not incorrect but rather inevitable to mention the use of clay materials. The intellectual foundation of inventing clay tablets for writing and chronicles stems from the deep-rooted familiarity and mental background of humans with such materials. This natural element possesses superior construction features and other remarkable capabilities, which mankind has benefited from. Clay's easy accessibility, simplicity in preparation, economic efficiency, suitable plasticity, favorable flexibility, and balanced mechanical behavior have all contributed to its valuable position. Consequently, humans began to doubtlessly utilize clay as a tool for recording and transmitting words, leaving no room for ambiguity. It was the experience gained from creating clay shelters that laid the groundwork for human knowledge in creating tablets.
           Nevertheless, despite their status as ancient and trustworthy historical records, clay tablets are known for their vulnerability. These artifacts have distinct and unparalleled characteristics that set them apart from other documents. Unlike many other historical records, these tablets remain unaltered, rich in content, and cover a wide range of contents. No other works can provide as accurate a glimpse into the past as these tablets do. Despite their simplicity and unassuming nature, clay tablets are prone to rapid and irreversible damage. The very simplicity that makes the preparation method advantageous for tablets and other clay artifacts also serves as their weakness. Restorers often feel anxious and uncertain when dealing with clay tablets due to their delicate nature. Rather than being excited by the prospect of restoring these artifacts, the sensitivity and uncertainties of protection make it a cause for concern. It is important to note that the level of protection required for an object depends on the object itself. Even simple objects require careful and smooth protection methods. However, experience has shown that clay artifacts, particularly tablets, often require more treatment than extreme interventions, unless necessary. The primary aim of this study is to explore alternative protection techniques that can be used to reinforce clay tablets, in addition to the traditional methods. The focus is on developing simpler, more adaptable, and reversible methods that can effectively address the two most common types of damage that occur in clay materials. The repair of cracks and prevention of splattering are the anticipated outcomes that are expected to be achieved through this protective approach, enabling the treatment of damaged clay tablets. When presenting the proposed methods for rehabilitating and strengthening these damaged tablets, it is believed that the focus of protection planning should be on “clay”, which serves as the primary component of the tablets. There is an opportunity to employ methods that can offer different forms of protection without significant interference while preserving the authenticity of the object. To accomplish the objectives of enhancing protective interventions, it is crucial to have a thorough understanding of the construction characteristics of the tablets and identify suitable materials for consolidation. However, it should be noted that improving the protective conditions of the tablets does not solely rely on the use of consolidating materials; it may also be required to implement further   measures and adjustments in the storage procedures of the tablets.
           A considerable amount of the tablets acquired thus far exhibit various degrees of damage and require consolidation. The prevalent vulnerabilities that afflict tablets are fractures, cracks, and ruptures. The extent of these weaknesses is contingent upon both structural factors, such as the nature and quality of production, as well as non-structural factors, including conditions before and following excavations. The neglect of necessary conservation can lead to astonishing levels of damage and deterioration in tablets. Tablets inherently have a rudimentary and fragile composition. In addition to their raw nature, they often lack proper processing and preparation, further complicating the task of consolidation. Moreover, the place where these tablets are positioned can potentially heighten their demise.
           These conservation challenges present significant obstacles. To leave these tablets vulnerable to known defects would be to willingly accept the risk and allow destructive factors to further exacerbate the damage. The conventional methods of consolidating clay tablets, such as firing or polymer stabilization, each have their advantages and disadvantages. Considering the tablets' immense importance and reliability, as well as their delicate protection requirements, it is necessary to explore alternative approaches that can effectively preserve and reinforce these primitive artifacts. These methods should align better with the tablets, incorporate protective measures, and offer simplicity, cost-effectiveness, and reduced risk. Conventional methods for consolidating tablets can be damaged due to their irreversible nature or intricate reversibility. In terms of maintenance conditions and consolidation quality, an objective approach is required to establish improved conditions for tablets. This approach should incorporate reforms and innovations that draw upon the conservation experiences of clay materials.
           Indeed, this study adopts a pragmatic approach to address a specific issue and provide a solution. It aims to answer the central question through inductive reasoning, which involves examining individual components and extrapolating to the entire system. The research methodology relies on the experimental method and employs a combined approach that includes bibliographic sources, laboratory experiments, and surveys. The primary focus is to investigate the role and impact of protective experiences involving clay materials in optimizing the process of consolidating tablets. The hypothesis is that by introducing innovative techniques and interventions in the conservation process, it is feasible to enhance the preservation of these clay artifacts, making them easier and safer. The enhancement of clay Tablets (as sensitive factors) has been taken into account through the implementation of reinforcing materials, along with the alteration of the upkeep technique (as influential factors) for consolidation purposes.
           The utilization of reinforced clay mortar, comprising of primary clay (as the main component for the tablets), stirred clay (naturally stabilized soil associated with the nest of a swallow species), boiled palm trunk chaff, leaf, and ash, represents an endeavor to establish optimal protective conditions through the implementation of two techniques: seaming and framing. The hypothesis that clay materials can be protected and optimized through the use of additives and natural and artificial reinforcement is based on a century's worth of knowledge and experience, spanning from ancient times to the present day. The research conducted on this hypothesis has yielded credible results.

    Keywords: Tablets, Hafttapeh, Clay Mortar, Enrichment, Consolidation
  • Maziyar Mollaei Pardeh, MohammadHosain Yarmohammadian, Golrokh Atighechian, Afshin Ebrahimi, MohamadReza Maracy

    Road traffic injuries (RTIs) are one of the major health problems in developed and developing countries. In Iran, RTIs are the first leading cause of years of life lost (YLL). So, the present study investigated the 11-year trend of RTI- related mortalities in Iran.


    This study was a population-based cross-sectional study. All-cause deaths as well as RTI-related mortalities’ data were collected from the Civil Registration Organization (CRO) and Legal medical organization (LMO) of Isfahan during 2011-2021. The mid-year population, number of deaths due to RTIs, the crude and age-standardized mortality (per 100,000) of RTIs, and the percentage of proportional mortality by sex and year of accident during the study period were calculated and reported. Also, trend analysis was done using join point regression program.


    During the study period, 11,248 deaths occurred due to RTIs in Isfahan province. 8,894 cases were male (79.03%), the highest number of deaths in both male and female cases was reported in those aged 15-39 years. Among the males, trend of standardized mortality in 2011-2015 was decreasing (annual percentage changes = -6.76(CI 95%: -2.53, -15.03)), while in 2015-2021 it was increasing (annual percentage changes = 3.00 (CI 95%: 0.63, 9.87)). However, no significant trend was observed among females.


    The findings of the present study showed that the number and standardized mortality rate of RTIs decreased during the 11-year period. It seems that applying stricter policies, improving the quality of the roads of the province, improving the quality of cars, and increasing the number of hospital and pre-hospital medical facilities can play an effective role in reducing RTIs.

    Keywords: Accidents, traffic, Mortality, Trends, Regression analysis
  • Karim Ebrahimpour, Afshin Ebrahimi, Morad Mahmoudi Baram*

    Contamination of water sources with toxins is an environmental problem and a serious threat to the health of societies. This study aimed to ascertain the remaining levels of toxins in urban drinking water networks and compute the water quality index.

    Materials and Methods

    To examine the residual concentration of diazinon, chlorpyrifos, and dichlorvos in urban drinking water distribution networks, 35 underground and surface water sources were sampled in Tiran-o-Karvan in Isfahan province, Iran. GC-ECD device was used to analyze the samples.


    Diazinon was not observed in any of the sampling seasons. The maximum concentration of chlorpyrifos and dichlorvos was 61 and 100 ppb, respectively. Although chlorpyrifos was seen more in the hot season and dichlorvos in the cold season, the mean concentration of these toxins in different seasons was lower than the guidelines of Iran and the World Health Organization (WHO). The mean concentration of nitrate, and hardness, in wet and dry seasons was 46.23 and 46.42, and 343.7 and 338.8 mg/l, respectively.


    The mean and standard deviation of quality index of Iran's water resources (IRWQI) in wet and dry seasons were 52.16 ± 45.3 and 50.69 ± 15.8, respectively. The residual concentration of toxins in some water sources of this city exceeded the guidelines of Iran and the WHO in summer and spring.

    Keywords: Diazinon, Chlorpyrifos, Dichlorvos, Drinking Water, IRWQI, Tiran-Karvan City
  • Pardis Nematollahi, Sina Arabi, Marjan Mansourian, Saeed Yousefian, Alireza Moafi, Sayed Nassereddin Mostafavi, Amirmansour Alavi Naeini, Afshin Ebrahimi, Karim Ebrahimpour, MohammadMehdi Amin, Aryan kavosh, Niayesh Radfar, Azar Naimi, Roya Kelishadi

    Acute leukemia is the most common type of malignancy in children, and no major environmental risk factors have been identified relating to its pathogenesis. This study has been conducted with the aim for identifying risk factors associated with this disease.


    This study was conducted in 2016–2020 among children aged <15 years residing in Isfahan Province, Iran. Children with newly diagnosed Acute lymphoblastic leukemia, including Acute myeloid leukemia (ALL and AML) were considered a case group. The control group was selected among children hospitalized in orthopedic and surgery wards in the same region. Demographic data, parental occupational exposures and educational level, maternal obstetric history, type of feeding during infancy and parental smoking habits, exposure to pesticides, and hydrocarbons besides dietary habits (using a food frequency questionnaire) were evaluated.


    Overall, 497 children (195 cases and 302 controls) completed the survey. In the initial analysis, there was no significant difference between case and control groups about type of milk feeding (P = 0.34) or parental age (P = 0.56); however, an association between mothers’ education and increased risk for ALL was observed (P = 0.02).


    The results of this study can be helpful in better understanding the environmental risk factors involved in the incidence of acute leukemia. Future publications based on the analysis of the database created in the present study can lead to recognizing these factors. In addition, evaluating the effect of these factors on treatment outcomes is an important step in reducing the burden of the disease.

    Keywords: Epidemiology, hematology, leukemia, pediatric
  • شناسایی منشاء ذخایر رسی خشت های ایلامی چغازنبیل در راستای بهینه سازی خشت های مرمتی
    سهیلا ذکوی*، افشین ابراهیمی

    شهر دورانتاش دارای سه حصار متحدالمرکز است که با دروازه های متعددی به یکدیگر راه داشته اند. این حصارها شهر را به 3 حوزه تقسیم کرده اند. در مرکز محدوده حصار درونی بنایی موسوم به زیگورات به صورت معبدی مطبق، بر پا شده است. مشخصا در محوطه تاریخی چغازنبیل بیشترین حجم مصرف مصالح را خشت تشکیل داده است که عنصر اصلی در برپایی سازه های معماری به استثنای مخزن آب و مقابر زیرزمینی است. با آنکه سطح عمده خشت های تاریخی چغازنبیل با اندود کاهگل و یا دیواره های خشتی مرمتی، در مرمت های گذشته پوشیده شده است؛ اما بر اثر گذشت زمان و شسته شدن توسط آب باران آسیب دیده اند. در نتیجه آسیبدیدگی خشت ها قسمت های زیادی از بنا تخریب گردیده و بخش های وسیعتری در شرف نابودی قرار دارند که باید مرمت و حفاظت شوند.آنچه در این تحقیق به عنوان محور مطالعات مورد توجه قرار گرفته است شناسایی منشا ذخایر رسی مورد استفاده در خشت های تاریخی محوطه چغازنبیل است تا با حفظ اصالت و یکپارچگی در مواد و مصالح بنا از این ذخایر برای تهیه خشت خام به عنوان راهکار منطقی حفاظت، با هدف کاربرد مستقیم در امر مرمت، استفاده شود. در این راستا از خشت های اصلی نمونه برداری شد. نمونه های برداشت شده مورد آزمایش (XRD،XRF، دانه بندی، هیدرومتری و حدود آتربرگ) قرارگرفتند. در نهایت مشخص شد که ایلامیان برای ساخت خشت های تاریخی چغازنبیل هم از خاک های سازندی و هم آبرفتی استفاده نموده اند.

    کلید واژگان: چغازنبیل, خشت تاریخی, ذخایر رسی, تعیین ترکیب شیمیایی به روش XRD, تعیین ترکیب شیمیایی به روش XRF
    Provenance studies of the clay used in mudbricks from Chogha- Zanbil, Elmite period, on optimization of mudbricks applied in conservation
    Soheila Zakavi*, Afshin Ebrahimi
  • Yasaman Rami, Bahareh Shoshtari-Yeganeh, Afshin Ebrahimi, Karim Ebrahimpour*

    Zayandeh-rud river is the most important river in the central regions of Iran and the present study aimed to provide new insights into microplastics (MPs) pollution in surface water and sediments of this river.


    Water and sediment samples were collected in July 2021 from 19 sampling sites along the river. Organics matters were removed from the samples by wet peroxide oxidation (WPO), and MPs were extracted by floatation in ZnCl2-saturated salt and filtration on a polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) membrane filter. Trapped MPs on the filter were counted and qualified by a stereomicroscope.


    MPs were found in 13 sites from 19 sampling sites along the river. The minimum and maximum levels of MPs in water samples were 0 and 51 ± 16.5 particles/m3, respectively. MPs also were detected in the sediments of all sampling sites except the first two sampling sites (the maximum level was 58 ± 25.9 particles/kg as dry sediment). Fragments were the most common shape of MPs in both water and sediment samples. 72.3% of MPs detected in water samples were 1-5 mm in size, while this percentage for sediment was 49.2%. The five main polymer types found in water and sediment samples were polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polystyrene (PS), and polyvinyl chloride (PVC).


    These levels of MPs in the water and sediments of Zayandeh-rud river and longtime persistence of plastics in the environment is a significant threat to environmental and human health and need serious attention to restrict MPs release into the river.

    Keywords: Rivers, Polyvinyl chloride, Iran, Spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared
  • Malihe Moazeni, Mohammad Rahimi, Afshin Ebrahimi

    The climatological parameters can be different in various geographical locations. Moreover, they have possible impacts on COVID‑19 incidence. Therefore, the purpose of this systematic review article was to describe the effects of climatic variables on COVID‑19 pandemic in different countries. Systematic literature search was performed in Scopus, ISI Web of Science, and PubMed databases using (“Climate” OR “Climate Change” OR “Global Warming” OR “Global Climate Change” OR “Meteorological Parameters” OR “Temperature” OR “Precipitation” OR “Relative Humidity” OR “Wind Speed” OR “Sunshine” OR “Climate Extremes” OR “Weather Extremes”) AND (“COVID” OR “Coronavirus disease 2019” OR “COVID‑19” OR “SARS‑CoV‑2” OR “Novel Coronavirus”) keywords. From 5229 articles, 424 were screened and 149 were selected for further analysis. The relationship between meteorological parameters is variable in different geographical locations. The results indicate that among the climatic indicators, the temperature is the most significant factor that influences on COVID‑19 pandemic in most countries. Some studies were proved that warm and wet climates can decrease COVID‑19 incidence; however, the other studies represented that warm location can be a high risk of COVID‑19 incidence. It could be suggested that all climate variables such as temperature, humidity, rainfall, precipitation, solar radiation, ultraviolet index, and wind speed could cause spread of COVID‑19. Thus, it is recommended that future studies will survey the role of all meteorological variables and interaction between them on COVID‑19 spread in specific small areas such as cities of each country and comparison between them.

    Keywords: Climate, coronavirus, COVID‑19, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
  • Mehri Rejali, Nadia Mohammadi Dashtaki, Afshin Ebrahimi, Asieh Heidari, MohammadReza Maracy

    Climate change can facilitate the expansion of leishmaniasis and create the suitable habitat for vector and reservoir species. The objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) at the climatic regions of Iran.

    Materials and Methods

    The literature search was conducted to identify all published studies reporting the prevalence or incidence of CL in humans in Iran. Atotal of 350 articles that reported leishmaniasis in Iran were retrieved, due to eligibility criteria, only 42 studies were selected to the final systematic review and meta‑analysis procedure. Random effects meta‑analysis was done with the estimate of heterogeneity being taken from an inverse‑variance model. Subgroup analysis was conducted and it stratified the studies according to climatic regions. Between‑study heterogeneity was assessed by using I2 and Cochran’s Q method I2 value of heterogeneity. Meta regression was used to investigate factors potentially contributed the between‑study heterogeneity.


    Individual studies showed that prevalence per 100,000 population estimated the range from 1.5 to 318.7 with the overall random pooled prevalence of 83.3 (95% confidence interval 74.5–92.1). Subgroup analysis by climatic regions showed that many studies were conducted in the desert areas and also, it has more prevalent than the other climatic regions.


    Leishmaniasis was more prevalent in regions with dry and desert climates than the other climatic regions. One of the advantages of this work is that the majority of selected studies have been conducted on population‑base. However, some of the studies have been designed poorly or have had a lack of internal validity

    Keywords: Cutaneous leishmaniasis, human reservoirs, Iran, prevalence
  • Yaghoub Salekzamani, Nargess Abolghassemi Fakhree, Afshin Ebrahimi, Hamed Heravi, Neda Dolatkhah

    This study aimed to construct a device that could measure leg length discrepancy (LLD) automatically.

    Materials and Methods

    The LLD measure device measures LLD with pelvic-tilt method (Program 1) and weight-based method (Programs 2 & 3). Tests were done in 3 phases. 1: Two examiners using the LLD Measure device made -50 to 75 mm artificial LLD in two healthy subjects measuring the degree of pelvic tilt and the load bearing of lower limbs. 2: Sixteen healthy volunteers were asked to stand on the device to measure LLD with program 2 and then with both knees extended to measure LLD with program one. 3: 32 patients who had underwent lower limbs CT scanogram enrolled, and the LLD measurement with program 1 compared with those obtained by CT scanogram.


    Data’s obtained in the first phase showed excellent repeatability (intra-class correlation coefficient [ICC] > 0.9) and very good reproducibility (ICC > 80%) except for measuring the limb load while both knees were extended (ICC ≈ 60%). In the second phase, we found no statistically significant difference between measuring LLD using programs 1 and 2 (P = 0.49). In the third phase, there was no statistically significant difference between measuring LLD using program 1 and CT scanogram (P = 0.80).


    We have developed a device to measure LLD semiautomatic with less need for examiner expertise. The results of our new device would be reliable and accurate compared to CT measurements.

    Keywords: Pelvis, Leg length inequality, Weight-bearing, Spiral cone-beam computed tomography
  • MohammadMehdi Golbini Mofrad, Mika Sillanpää, Iman Parseh, Afshin Ebrahimi *, MohammadMehdi Amin

    Treating working fluid wastewater (WFW) by having several organic/inorganic pollutants is not an easy task. There are many hurdles to adopt an appropriate treatment strategy through biological, physical, chemical, and electrochemical approaches.


    The treatment methods of WFW are reviewed in this work through a critical literature survey. Therefore, databases such as Google scholar, science direct, and PubMed were considered to find literature. Altogether, about 49 articles were finally found relevant to the topic to extract and interpret findings.


    The best solution to treat WFW could be an integrated approach by designing various AOPs for the pre-treatment and post-treatment of main units. For this reason, and to meet discharge standards, measuring intermediates and the toxicity of reaction solution and final effluent by bioassay could be a complementary tool. Additionally, if the used AOP is a photocatalytic one, applying catalysts with a low energy bandgap and designing reactors to utilize the highest amount of energy is crucial to make a process cost-effective. Furthermore, using aeration could increase the number of radicals by supplying oxygen and removing contaminants from the reaction medium. Finally, if AOPs are the pretreatment unit, removing halogens should be done to predict floc breakage in the next step.


    Hybrid treatment approaches with at least 80% efficiency in degrading and removing micropollutants could be reliable methods to dispose of working fluid wastewater. However, further research on them in the future is essential because of discharging a considerable volume of them annually worldwide.

    Keywords: Advanced oxidation process, Environmental pollutants, Fluid waste disposal, Industrial wastes, Rankine cycle
  • Maryam Chatraee, Afshin Ebrahimi*, Ali Fatehizadeh

    Pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) are a group of emerging environmental pollutants that have attracted the attention of many researchers due to their harmful effects on aquatic environment, animals, and humans. Thus, it is necessary to remove these contaminants from water resources. This study aimed to assess the efficiency of enhanced electro-Fenton (EF) process by persulfate (PS) radical for removal of atenolol (ATL) from aqueous solutions.


    The bench scale experimental setup was used to examine the factors affecting the ATL removal efficiency from synthetic wastewater; supporting electrolyte type, pH, contact time, PS concentration, Fe concentration, and ATL initial concentration.


    Based on the results, ATL removal efficiency of 78.6% was reached under the optimum conditions of enhanced EF process by PS radical. The optimum conditions included NaCl (as a supporting electrolyte) dose of 0.5 g/L, pH 5, contact time of 60 minutes, PS dose of 0.15 g/L, Fe dose of 0.15 g/L, current density (CD) of 1.5 A/m2, and ATL concentration of 40 mg/L. Kinetic model was following the second-order kinetics.


    The studied advanced oxidation process (AOP) can effectively remove ATL from aqueous solutions. Therefore, it can be used as an effective technique for removing other organic matter from the wastewater.

    Keywords: Atenolol, Environmental pollutants, Pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, Wastewater
  • Malihe Moazeni, Sahar Gholipour, Behzad Mahaki, Afshin Ebrahimi

    Nitrate is a compound with adverse effects on human health that can exist also in vegetables. This study aimed to determine the intake of total nitrate/nitrite from lettuce and carrot as high and low nitrate content, respectively. Moreover, the effect of chlorhexidine mouthwash on the elimination of the nitrite level in saliva and urine was surveyed.


    This study was designed as a crossover based on the randomized selection method. Thirty‑nine participants were divided into two groups; the lettuce and carrot juice consumers (control group). The case group was consumed these two vegetables, while they used antibacterial mouthwash. The background of nitrate/nitrite of the participants was determined before exposure. The intake of total nitrate and nitrite via lettuce and carrot juice consumption was investigated. The Griess colorimetric reaction was used for nitrate and nitrite determination in samples.


    Total nitrate concentrations in case and control groups were detected 0.79 and 0.78 mM in saliva and 1.78 and 1.38 mM in urine after lettuce consumption, respectively. However, it was determined 1.55 and 2.43 mM in saliva and 2.92 and 3.04 mM in urine after carrot ingestion. Salivary nitrite concentration 0.53 mM was decreased to 0.45 mM after antibacterial mouthwash application (P‑value <0.05).


    This study indicated that the intake of total nitrate/nitrite via leafy vegetables was higher than rooty ones. The chlorhexidine mouthwash is an appropriate recommendation to reduce the nitrite concentration in the human body for preventing the probable side effects of nitrate metabolites such as N‑nitrosamines forming.

    Keywords: Antibacterial agents, mouthwashes, nitrates, nitrites, vegetables
  • Yaghoub Salekzamani, Nargess Abolghassemi Fakhree, Mahzad Azimpouran, Afshin Ebrahimi, Hamed Heravi, Neda Dolatkhah*

    Body vision is a novel method which examines postural indices through photogrammetric essentials. Nevertheless, its reliability and validity has not been appraised till now. We aimed to evaluate the reliability and validity of body vision system for posture assessment


    This was a cross sectional study in which two examiners evaluated photographs of 71 subject using body vision system twice with two-week interval. The Body Vision system involves a Grid wall and a camera fixed in front of the grid wall at about 390 cm distances. Three standing photographs (anterior, right lateral, and posterior view) were captured for participants.


    The results for inter-rater reliability analysis showed most of the parameters (74%) had excellent 95% Confidence Interval (CI), 10 % had good to excellent 95% CI, 13% had moderate to good 95% CI, and 1% had poor to moderate 95% CI (Table 2). The results for intra-rater reliability analysis showed 70-72% of the parameters had excellent 95% Confidence Interval (CI), 6-9% had good to excellent 95% CI, 12-13% had moderate to good 95% CI, and 9% had poor to moderate 95% CI. The comparison between known distances and angles on grid wall and those obtained from photogrammetric measurements showed there is no statistical significant difference (p > 0.05). Also the regression analysis showed there is a significant and positive relationship between them (R2 = 1, p < 0.05).


    The results of this study showed that body vision system is a valid and reliable tool for measuring postural parameters.

    Keywords: Body vision, Reliability, Validity
  • Afshin Ebrahimi, Negar Jafari, Karim Ebrahimpour, Ali Nikoonahad, Amir Mohammadi, Farzad Fanaei, Ali Abdolahnejad*

    Microcystin (MC) is a hepatotoxic and carcinogenic toxin that is generated by cyanotoxins which can have adverse effects on the human health. Therefore, it is very important to remove it from the environment. This study was performed to investigate the efficiency of titanium dioxide (TiO2)/NaY zeolite (T/N-Z) nanocomposite for removal of MC-LR under ultraviolet light.


    In the present study, T/N-Z nanocomposite was synthesized using the hydrothermal method. Specification of the photocatalysts was determined by the field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) spectra. The response surface methodology (RSM) was used to survey the effects of operating variables such as pH, contact time, and catalyst dose on the removal of MC-LR. The MC-LR concentration was measured by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).


    It was revealed that the increase of contact time and catalyst dose had a positive effect on enhancing the removal efficiency of MC-LR, but pH had a negative effect. Finally, the maximum MCLR removal efficiency was 97.63%, which occurred at pH = 5, contact time = 120 min, and catalyst dose = 1.2 g/L.


    In general, T/N-Z composite in aqueous solutions under the UV light can easily decompose MC-LR and it can also be proposed as an efficient composite for removal of MC-LR from contaminated water.

    Keywords: Microcystin, Titanium dioxide, Zeolite, Photocatalytic degradation, High-performance liquid chromatography
  • بهنام پدرام*، سید محمدامین امامی، افشین ابراهیمی

    مجموعه ارگ بم، یکی از آثار شاخص معماری و شهرسازی تاریخی ایران به شمار می رود. این مجموعه شامل دو بخش «شارستان» و «حاکم نشین» است. یکی از بناهای مهم حاکم نشین، عمارت «خانه فرمانده قشون» است که در ورای حصار سوم قرار گرفته است. باوجود وقوع زمین لرزه سال 1382 ه‍.ش. بخش های قابل توجه ای از این عمارت آسیب ندیدند یا نسبت به عرصه عمومی مجموعه ارگ بم کمتر تخریب شدند. با وجودی که پس از آن رخداد طبیعی توجه ویژه ای به بررسی ویژگی های معماری، شهرسازی و باستان شناسی ارگ بم شد و پژوهش هایی نیز به انجام رسید، این عمارت و زمان ساخت و ویژگی های معماری و ساختاری آن، ناشناخته باقی مانده است؛ از این روی پژوهش پیش رو کوشیده است با مطالعات میدانی و کتابخانه ای و با تفسیر و تحلیل یافته ها با بهره گیری از رهیافت موسوم به تاریخی به مطالعه این عمارت بپردازد. پرسش های پژوهش عبارتند: 1- خانه فرمانده قشون در چه زمانی ساخته شده است؟ 2- این عمارت از چه ویژگی های معماری بهره مند است؟ یافته های تحقیق نشان می دهند تولید مصالح مرغوب که با ترکیب بهینه خاک رس و چسباننده مناسب به فرآوری مطلوب خشت انجامیده، باعث شده که ساختارهای معماری کمتر آسیب ببیند. این مهم در کنار دستورهای نیارشی مناسب ازجمله بهره گیری از بستر صخره ای حاکم نشین در برخی از قسمت ها و اتخاذ شیوه ای کارآمد در طراحی و اجرای برخی از عناصر معماری و نحوه انتقال نیروهای وارده بر آن ها در جرزها و دهانه های کناری، از دلایلی هستند که برخی از ساختارها را در مقابل نیروهای مخرب زمین لرزه با واکنش مناسب همراه ساختند. خانه فرمانده قشون از معدود عماراتی است که جهت جغرافیایی ساختمانش برخلاف راستای شرقی-غربی عموم واحدهای معماری، شمالی-جنوبی است؛ دلیل این امر، به ساختمان برج تاریخی کهن تری بازمی گردد که عمارت بر فرازش ساخته شد؛ چون در پناه ساختار بلند حاکم نشین قرار گرفته است، همانند بنای سربازخانه و اصطبل حکومتی از مخاطرات باد معروف «سیاه» که وزشی شمالی-جنوبی دارد، در امان ماند. قراین تاریخی و شواهد معماری نشان می دهند که این عمارت در سال های پس از رخداد تحصن دوم «آقاخان محلاتی» در سال 1258 ه.ق. ساخته شده است.

    کلید واژگان: ارگ بم, خانه فرمانده قشون, ویژگی های معماری, عناصر ساختاری
    Behnam Pedram *, Afshin Ebrahimi

    Arg-e Bam, is one of the most important works of architecture and urban engineering of Iran's history. The complex consists of two parts: Sharestan (downtown) and Hakem-neshin (governor's seat). A significant monument of the governor's seat is the"Commander-in-Chief's house", which lies beyond the third fence. Despite the earthquake of 2003, significant parts of the house were not damaged or less demolished compared to the vast area of Arg-e Bam. After the earthquake the architectural, urban, and archaeological features of Bam received special attention and some research has been completed. However, the house, its chronology, architectural and structural features remained unknown.Therefore, the present research aims to study the housethrough fieldwork and library studies; also interpreting and analyzing the findings through historical method.The resultsindicate the production of high quality materials which is made up of a suitable mix of clay and adhesives, resulted in the optimal processing of clay. This led to the less damage to the architectural structures. In addition, proper architectural orders like utilizing the dominant rock bed of the governor's seat and adopting an efficient way of designing and executing some of the architectural elements and the way of transferring the forces applied to them in the piers and side openings, are some other reasons which leads to the effective reaction to the destructive earthquake forces.The Commander-in-Chief's house is one of the few buildings to be geographically opposed to the east-west direction of most the architectural units. It has a north-south direction due to the construction of an older historic tower which the house erected on top of it. Being sheltered by the governor's seat, like the barracks (Sarbaz-Khaneh) and the government stables (Establ-e-shahi), it was safe from the damages of the famous "black" storm blowing north-south. Historical and architectural evidence show that the building was built in 1258 AH in the years after the second sit-in of Agha Khan-e- Mahallati.

    Keywords: Arg-e Bam, Commander's house, Architectural features, Structural elements
  • Negar Jafari, Afshin Ebrahimi, Karim Ebrahimpour, Ali Abdolahnejad*

    Microcystin-leucine arginine (MC-LR) is a toxin with harmful effects on the liver, kidney, heart, and gastrointestinal tract. So, effective removal of MC-LR from water resources is of great importance. The aim of this study was to remove microcystin-LR (MC-LR) from aqueous solution by Titanium Dioxide (TiO2).

    Materials and Methods

    In the present study, TiO2, as a semiconductor, was used for photodegradation of MC-LR under ultraviolet light (UV). The Response Surface Methodology was applied to investigate the effects of operating variables such as pH (A), contact time (B), and catalyst dose (B) on the removal of MC-LR. The MC-LR concentration was measured by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).


    The results showed that single variables such as A, B, and C had significant effects on MC-LR removal (pvalue < 0.05). In other words, increase of the contact time and catalyst dose had a positive effect on enhancing the removal efficiency of MC-LR, but the effect of pH was negative. The analysis of variance showed that BC, A2, and C2 variables had a significant effect on the MC-LR removal (pvalue < 0.05). Finally, the maximum removal efficiency of MC-LR was 95.1%, which occurred at pH = 5, contact time = 30 minutes, and catalyst dose = 1 g/l.


    According to the findings, TiO2, as a photocatalyst, had an appropriate effect on degradation of the MC-LR.

    Keywords: Microcystin-LR, TiO2, Photocatalytic Degradation, Response Surface Methodology
  • Nafiseh Mansouri, Mahmoud Etebari, Afshin Ebrahimi *, Karim Ebrahimpour, Behzad Rahimi, Akbar Hassanzadeh

     Over 5.5 trillion cigarettes are produced annually. Based on the observations, 76% of these consumed cigarettes are littered in public areas instead of discarding in suitable bins. Rainwater drain system carries the water and other wastes such as cigarette butts from the ground and transfers them to the bigger aquatic media without any treatment in which hundreds of chemicals leach into animal's habitats and our water supply origin. The key purpose of this article was to measure the concentration of Arsenic (As) released into water from cigarette butts and to compare their levels among the different brands. 

    Materials and Methods

     Ten cigarette butts (comprising cigarette filter and remaining tobacco) of five cigarette brands named Winston, Bahman, Kent, Montana, and Magna were soaked into individual 100 ml of distilled water for 10 days. Five solutions were prepared for each brand, as was detected in all leachate of brands but with different quantities. 


     Arsenic levels were 53.51, 32.78, 55.33, 42.4, and 59.24 μg/l for Kent, Winston, Montana, Bahman, and Magna, respectively. 


     As concentrations were placed in the following order: Winston < Bahman < Kent, Montana, Magna. Based on the present study, cigarette butt plays an important role in environmental pollution and its importance should not be ignored in terms of arsenic potential.

    Keywords: Arsenic pollution, cigarette butt, nonpoint source pollution, waste tobacco products, water contamination
  • افشین ابراهیمی، اسدالله جودکی عزیزی*
    مجموعه ارگ که در شمال شرق شهر بم قرار دارد، یکی از معدود مجموعه های تاریخی است که سیمایی از یک شهر سنتی ایرانی را به خوبی نمایش می دهد. علی رغم انجام پژوهش هایی در ارتباط با ساختار شهرسازی آن، درباره ی برخی از عناصر معماری به ویژه ساختار، زمان شکل گیری و روند تکوین ورودی اول پرسش هایی وجود دارند که بی پاسخ مانده اند. در پژوهش پیش رو که از نوع تحقیقات تحلیلی- تاریخی است، تلاش شده به آن ها پاسخ درخور داده شود. برآیند پژوهش نشان می دهد که ساختار ورودی دارای سه پوسته است؛ لایه ی نخست شامل دو برج مکعب است و در دوره ی سلوکی یا اوایل دوره ی اشکانی ساخته شد. در دوره ی سلجوقی/ اتابکان کرمان و احتمالا در دوره ی کوتوالی «سابق الدین علی» (580-563 هجری) ضمن الحاق لایه ای به بدنه مکعب برج ها، پوسته ای دیگر با دو برج استوانه ای در کنار آن ها برپا شد. آخرین مرحله الحاقات در دوره ی ایلخانی/آل مظفر و به احتمال زیاد در زمان عامل سلطان ابوسعید بهادر در بم، «اخی شجاع الدین» (744-716 هجری)، به انجام رسیدند؛ در این مرحله غیر از برج های استوانه ای، بارویی با محور شمالی- جنوبی ایجاد و یک «هشتی» نیز به ورودی الحاق شد. هم زمان و در کنار درگاه ورودی جدید دو برج استوانه ای با اندازه ای نسبتا کوچک نیز ساخته شدند. پوسته ی جدید در دوره ی تیموری دست کم دو مرحله مرمت شد.
    کلید واژگان: دروازه اصلی, ارگ بم, شهر ایرانی
    Afshin Ebrahimi, Asadualla Joodakiazizi *
    The Arg, situated in the northeast of Bam, is one of the historical complexes which perfectly portrays the landscape of a traditional Iranian town. Despite some research related to its layout, there are some questions related to the architectural elements; for instance, the structure, formation, and development of the first/ main entrance of the Arg. The following paper, which is an analytical history research, tries to shed light on these unsettled questions. The results show that the gateway has three layers. The first consists of two cubic towers and dates back to the Seleucid or early Parthian era. During the reign of Seljuk/ Atabakan of Kerman and probably Kutwali (fortress holder) “Sabiq al-Din Ali” (1163-1184 AD), besides adding a layer to the cubic body of towers, another architectural layer with two cylindrical towers was constructed beside them. The last phase of the annexations was conducted in the Ilkhanid/ Muzaffarids dynasty and most likely during the reign of Sultan Abu-Saeid Bahador’s agent, “Aji Shujauddin” (1316-1343 AD). During this phase, in addition to the cylindrical towers, a fort with a north-south axis was created and a “vestibule” was also annexed. Two relatively small cylindrical towers were also built alongside the new gateway. The new layer was renovated at least twice during the Timurid period.
    Keywords: Main gateway, Arg-e-Bam, Iranian town
  • منصوره فرزان مهر، بیژن بینا*، افشین ابراهیمی

     توسعه کشاورزی و عدم مدیریت صحیح آن می تواند موجب آلودگی منابع آب و خاک ناشی از مصرف انواع کودها و سموم شیمیایی شود. این امر به ویژه در مناطقی که از سفره های آب زیرزمینی برای مصارف خانگی (به ویژه شرب) استفاده می شود، می تواند برای سلامت انسان خطرناک باشد. در این ارتباط، مطالعه حاضر با هدف بررسی کیفیت آب شرب بر اساس شاخص IRWQIGC (Iran Water Quality Index for Groundwater Resources-Conventional) و غلظت باقیمانده سموم آفت کش کلروپیریفوس و پاراتیون در آب های زیرزمینی شهرستان دزفول در سال 1395 انجام شد.

    روش ها

    در پژوهش حاضر 40 نمونه از هشت ایستگاه (24 نمونه برای سموم آفت کش و 16 نمونه برای شاخص کیفیت آب) آب های زیرزمینی شهرستان دزفول طی دو فصل پاییز و زمستان در سال 1395 برداشت شد و پس از عملیات استخراج و آماده سازی نمونه ها، تعیین مقدار باقی مانده آفت کش های کلروپیریفوس و پاراتیون با استفاده از دستگاه کروماتوگرافی گازی (GC/ECD: Gas Chromatography–Electron Capture Detector) صورت گرفت. اندازه گیری و طبقه بندی کیفیت آب های زیرزمینی مورد مطالعه نیز بر اساس شاخص IRWQIGC انجام شد.

    یافته ها

     نتایج نشان دادند که بیشترین مقدار سم کلروپیریفوس در ماه اسفند در ایستگاه «چاه شمس آباد» معادل 22/0 میلی گرم بر لیتر بوده است. میزان سم پاراتیون نیز در کلیه نمونه ها در ایستگاه های نمونه برداری کمتر از حد تشخیص دستگاه به دست آمد. بر مبنای نتایج، بهترین کیفیت آب شرب بر اساس شاخص IRWQIGC مربوط به ایستگاه های «چاه مهاجرین»، «چاه صفی آباد» و «چاه منتظری» به ترتیب با مقادیر 11/75، 85/74 و 55/72 با معادل توصیفی «خوب» بود و کمترین کیفیت به «چاه کهنک» با مقدار 55/58 با معادل توصیفی «نسبتا خوب» تعلق داشت.

    نتیجه گیری

     با وجود این که آب های زیرزمینی شهرستان دزفول به لحاظ کیفی در وضعیت خوبی قرار دارند و غلظت سموم آفت کش مورد مطالعه در آن ها پایین تر از حد استاندارد ایران می باشد؛ اما افزایش مصرف سم کلروپیریفوس با توجه به استانداردهایWHO  (World Health Organization) و EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) می تواند در آینده مشکل ساز شود.

    کلید واژگان: آب زیرزمینی, پاراتیون, سموم آفت کش, شاخص کیفیت IRWQIgc, کلروپیریفوس
    Mansureh Farzanmehr, Bijan Bina*, Afshin Ebrahimi

    Agricultural development and lack of a proper strategy for the management of this domain can lead to the pollution of water and soil resources as a result of using various fertilizers and chemical pesticides. Contamination of underground water can be hazardous for human health, especially in areas where aquifers are used for home use (especially drinking). Regarding this, the present study was conducted to investigate the quality of drinking water based on the Iran Water Quality Index for Groundwater Resources-Conventional (IRWQIGC). This study was also targeted toward assessing the residual concentrations of chlorpyrifos and parathion pesticides in underground water in Dezful city, Iran, in 2016.


    This study was conducted on 40 underground water samples (i.e., 24 samples for pesticides and 16 samples for water quality index) collected from 8 stations in Dezful city during the autumn and winter of 2016. After the extraction and preparation of specimens, the levels of chlorpyrifos and parathion residues were determined using the gas chromatography-electron capture detector.Furthermore, the measurement and classification of underground water quality were performed based on the IRWQIGCindex.


    Based on the results, the water collected from Shams Abad Station had the highest level of chlorpyrifos in March (0.22μg/L). In addition, the level of parathion was lower than the limit of detection in all samples. Based on the IRWQIGC, the Mohajerin, Safi Abad, and Montazeri wells had the highest quality of drinking water, with the values of 75.11, 74.85, and 72.55, representing good quality. On the other hand, Kahnak well was found to have the lowest water quality with a value of 58.55 signifying a fairly good quality.


    As the results indicated, underground water in Dezful city was of good quality, and the pesticide concentrations were lower than the standard limit of Iran. However, based on the standards of the World Health Organization and Environmental Protection Agency, the growing use of chlorpyrifos may pose some problems in the future

    Keywords: Chlorpyrifos, Dezful, IRWQIGCquality index, Parathion, Pesticides, Underground wate
  • Afshin Ebrahimi, Elaheh Karimpoor, Zahra Godazandehha, Zahra Heidari, Maryam Zarean, Malihe Moazeni*
    Exposure to mercury (Hg) by consumption of fish is a recent health concern. So, it is important to evaluate the health risks related to canned fish consumption. The purpose of this study was to investigate the potential health risk based on Hg concentration in people who consumed canned fish with a probabilistic approach in Isfahan City, the central province in Iran.
    Materials and Methods
    In this study, 20 popular brands of canned fish prepared in Iran and other countries were selected and analyzed for Hg concentration with atomic absorption spectrometer. The results were compared with the European Communities and JECFA guidelines. Then, a probabilistic method with Monte-Carlo simulation was used to assessment the Provisional Tolerable Daily Intake (PTDI) and the Hazard Quotient (HQ) for consumers in Isfahan City.
    The average Hg concentrations in samples were 0.251 ± 0.204 and 0.189 ± 0.152 µg/g in canned fish of Iran and other countries, respectively. The Hg level was found below the guideline limit for European Communities and JECFA. The estimated PTDI was 0.037 µg person/day and HQ was 0.074.
    The results indicated that canned fish available in the markets of Iran did not have a health risk for adults. Moreover, canned fish consumption has a possible influence on the risk estimate and its risk should be assessed  for vulnerable groups.
    Keywords: Mercury, Fish, Risk Assessment, Monte-Carlo Simulation
  • نرگس دوستی‌ثانی*، مهشید ایلخانی، شیبا خدیر، افشین ابراهیمی

    مطالعه آثار فلزی محوطه ارگ بم همسو با طرح بیماری شناسی آثار فلزی در ایران انجام گرفته که هدف آن بررسی، مطالعه و آسیب شناسی آثار فلزی در ایران است. از محوطه ارگ بم آثار فلزی مختلفی ازجمله آهن، نقره و آلیاژهای مس به دست آمده است. در پژوهش حاضر بر تعدادی از آثار برنزی تمرکز شده است. مطالعات انجام شده از روش های میکروسکوپی و ماکروسکوپی شامل متالوگرافی، شیمی تر، تفرق اشعه ایکس (XRD)، میکروسکوپ الکترونی روبشی (SEM) و طیف سنجی پراش انرژی پرتو ایکس (EDX) استفاده کرده است. نتایج حاکی از آن است که با توجه به ساختار دندریتی، اغلب این آثار به روش ریخته گری ساخته شده اند. طبق نتایج پراش سنج پرتو ایکس (XRD)، محصولات خوردگی شامل کوپریت (اکسید مس)، آزوریت (کربنات مس)، بروکانتیت (سولفات مس)، کاسیتریت (اکسید قلع) و ترکیبات کلریدی آتاکامیت، پاراتاکامیت، نانتوکیت و ملانوتالیت (Cu2OCl2) هستند. نکته قابل توجه آن است که وجود فاز حاوی آهن و گوگرد در تمام نمونه ها نشان دهنده استفاده از سنگ معدن های سولفیدی در استخراج مس است.

    کلید واژگان: برنزهای تاریخی, بم, آسیب‌شناسی, خوردگی, فن‌شناسی
    Narges Doosti Sani*, Mahshid Ilkhani, Shaiba Khadir, Afshin Ebrahimi

    The study of metal works of Bam citadel (Arg-e-Bam) is underway to study the pathology of metalworks in Iran.The aim of this project is to study and investigate the corrosion mechanisms of metal objects. Various metallic works including iron, silver and copper alloys have been gained from the area of Arg-e-Bam. The research is focused on a number of bronze works of this historical site.The studies have been done using Microscopic and Macroscopic methods including metallography, wet chemistry, X-ray diffraction spectroscopy (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). According to dendritic structure of these objects, the results show that most of them have been made in casting method and corrosion products are including Cuprite(Cu2O), Azurite (Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2), Brochantite (Cu4(OH)6SO4), Cassiterite (SnO) and the chloride compounds like Atacamite (Cu2Cl(OH)3), Paratacamite (Cu2Cl(OH)3, Nantokite (CuCl) and Melanothallite (Cu2OCl2). The noticeable point is that there are inclusions containing iron and sulfur in all specimens that represent the using of sulfide ore in copper extraction process.

    Keywords: Ancient bronzes, Bam, Pathology, Corrosion, Technical studies
  • هوشنگ منوچهری تبار، افشین ابراهیمی *
    حذف کادمیوم از منابع آبی به دلیل خاصیت تجزیه ناپذیری و تجمع پذیری زیستی، امری ضروری می باشد. پژوهش حاضر با هدف بررسی و مقایسه عملکرد کربن فعال تهیه شده از کلاهک میوه بلوط و اصلاح شده آن با نانوذرات مگنتیک در حذف کادمیوم انجام شد.
    روش ها
    در این مطالعه، اثر شاخص های زمان تماس (120-5 دقیقه) ، دوز جاذب (15-1 گرم بر لیتر) ، pH (8-2) و غلظت کادمیوم (50-5 میلی گرم بر لیتر) در کارایی حذف بررسی گردید و فرایند جذب با ایزوترم های Langmuir و Freundlich و سینتیک شبه مرتبه اول و دوم مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفت. جهت تعیین ترکیب شیمیایی و ویژگی های سطحی جاذب ها، از آنالیز الگوی پراش پرتوی X (X-ray diffraction یا XRD) و میکروسکوپ الکترونی روبشی (Scanning electron microscope یا SEM) استفاده شد.
    یافته ها
    راندمان حذف کربن فعال تهیه شده از کلاهک میوه بلوط و اصلاح شده آن با استفاده از نانوذرات مگنتیک در 8 = pH، زمان تماس 30 دقیقه، دوز جاذب 5 گرم بر لیتر و غلظت اولیه کادمیوم 30 میلی گرم بر لیتر به ترتیب 13/81 و 32/91 درصد به دست آمد. بررسی ایزوترمی نشان داد که جاذب اصلاح نشده با ضریب همبستگی 9803/0 از ایزوترم Langmuir و جاذب اصلاح شده با ضریب همبستگی 943/0 از ایزوترم Freundlich پیروی می کرد. سینتیک جذب نیز نشان داد که هر دو جاذب از سینتیک شبه مرتبه دوم تبعیت داشتند و زمان تعادل 30 دقیقه گزارش گردید.
    نتیجه گیری
    کربن فعال تهیه شده از کلاهک میوه بلوط قادر به حذف کادمیوم از محیط های آبی می باشد و می تواند به عنوان جاذب ارزان قیمتی در تصفیه منابع آلوده به کادمیوم مورد استفاده قرار گیرد. همچنین، اصلاح آن با نانوذرات مگنتیک سبب افزایش چشمگیر راندمان جذب می گردد.
    کلید واژگان: حذف کادمیوم, محلول های آبی, کربن فعال, کلاهک میوه بلوط, نانوذرات مگنتیک
    Hooshang Manouchehritabar, Afshin Ebrahimi *
    The removal of cadmium from water sources is necessary due to the inherent degradability and biocompatibility. The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the performance of activated carbon produced from oak cap before and after modification with magnetic nanoparticles, as adsorbents for the removal of cadmium.
    The effect of contact time (5 to 120 minutes), adsorbent dose (1 to 15 g/l), pH (2 to 8), and cadmium concentration (5-50 mg/l) was investigated. The adsorption behavior of cadmium was evaluated using Freundlich and Langmuir models. The effect of time was described via kinetics models. Chemical composition and surface characteristics of adsorbent evaluated using X-ray diffractometry analysis (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Findings: The removal efficiency of conventional and modified activated carbon produced from oak caps under the constant conditions of pH of 8, contact time of 30 minutes, adsorbent dose of 5 g/l, and cadmium concentration of 30 mg/l was 81.13 and 91.32 percent, respectively. Study of isotherm results showed that conventional activated carbon produced from oak caps had a correlation coefficient of 0.98 with Langmuir model, but modified activated carbon with magnetic nanoparticles followed Freundlich model with a correlation coefficient of 0.943. The results of kinetics showed that both sorbent followed the pseudo-second order kinetics, and their equilibrium time was 30 minutes.
    The activated carbon prepared from oak caps pulp is able to remove cadmium from aqueous solutions, and can be used as a low-cost adsorbent material for treatment of water resources contaminated with cadmium. Moreover, modification with magnetite nanoparticles significantly increases the absorption efficiency.
    Keywords: Cadmium Removal, Aqueous Solution, Activated Carbon, Oak caps pulp, Magnetite Nanoparticles
  • علی عبدالله نژاد، الهام شیردل، شاهین رئیسی وند، افشین ابراهیمی، نگار جعفری *
    مصرف زیاد کودهای شیمیایی حاوی ازت در زمین های کشاورزی شهرستان فریدن، منجر به افزایش غلظت نیترات آب آشامیدنی در برخی از چاه های آب زیرزمینی این شهرستان حتی بالاتر از حد مجاز شده است. پژوهش حاضر با هدف بررسی و پهنه بندی غلظت نیترات در منابع آب زیرزمینی شهرستان فریدن با استفاده از سیستم اطلاعات جغرافیایی (Geographic information system یا GIS) انجام شد.
    روش ها
    این مطالعه از نوع مقطعی- تحلیلی بود که در آن غلظت نیترات با استفاده از روش اسپکتروفتومتری طبق استاندارد متد مورد سنجش قرار گرفت و نتایج آن با رهنمود سازمان بهداشت جهانی (World Health Organization یا WHO) (50 میلی گرم در لیتر) مقایسه شد. سپس پهنه بندی غلظت نیترات در منابع آب زیرزمینی شهرستان فریدن با استفاده از روش های تابع معکوس فاصله وزن دار (Inverse distance weighting یا IDW) و Kriging در نرم افزار ArcGIS مورد بررسی قرار گرفت.
    یافته ها
    در نیمی از چاه های مورد بررسی شهرستان فریدن، غلظت نیترات در مقایسه با رهنمود WHO بیشتر از حد مجاز بود. پهنه بندی غلظت نیترات در منابع آب زیرزمینی این شهرستان با استفاده از GIS نشان داد که چاه های دارای نیترات بالاتر از حد مجاز، بیشتر در مناطق مرکزی و جنوبی شهرستان فریدن واقع شده اند.
    نتیجه گیری
    روش های آبیاری نامناسب و مصرف بی رویه کودهای ازته توسط کشاورزان آموزش ندیده، می تواند سبب افزایش نیترات در منابع آب زیرزمینی گردد. بنابراین، باید تمهیداتی در جهت آموزش کشاورزان در رابطه با کاهش مصرف این کودها در نظر گرفته شود.
    کلید واژگان: پهنه بندی, نیترات, منابع آب زیرزمینی, سیستم اطلاعات جغرافیایی
    Ali Abdolahnejad, Elham Shirdel, Shahin Raesivand, Afshin Ebrahimi, Negar Jafari *
    The high consumption of nitrogen-containing fertilizers in the agricultural lands of Freidan is resulted to increasing of the nitrate concentration in drinking water in some of the underground water wells even higher than allowed amount. Therefore, the aim of this study is survey and zoning of nitrate concentration in groundwater resources in Freidan using Geographic Information System (GIS).
    This study is analytical-cross sectional. In this research, nitrate concentration determination carried out by spectrophotometry according to standard method and compared with WHO guideline (50 mg/l). Then zoning of nitrate concentration in groundwater resources in Freidan was investigated using Arc GIS 10.1 by IDW and Kriging methods. Findings: The results of this study showed that in half of the wells in Freidan, nitrate concentration was higher than the WHO guideline. Also, nitrate concentration zoning using GIS in groundwater resources was showed that the wells including high nitrate were located in central and southern regions of Freidan.
    Improper irrigation methods and excessive use of nitrogen fertilizers by untrained farmers can increase nitrate in groundwater resources. So should consider arrangements for farmers Training related to reduction of these fertilizers consumption.
    Keywords: Zoning, Nitrates, Groundwater resources, Geographic Information System (GIS)
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