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تنها با پرداخت 70 هزارتومان حق اشتراک سالانه به متن مقالات دسترسی داشته باشید و 100 مقاله را بدون هزینه دیگری دریافت کنید.

برای پرداخت حق اشتراک اگر عضو هستید وارد شوید در غیر این صورت حساب کاربری جدید ایجاد کنید


فهرست مطالب zahra sepehri

  • مجید حیدرزاده، آرش دقیقی*، زهرا سپهری

    در این مقاله، برای اولین بار، پتانسیل توزیع شده در گیت جلویی و گیت پشتی به کمک حل معادلات پوواسون دو بعدی در کانال ادوات سیلیکون روی الماس با عایق دولایه بدنه فوق نازک تخلیه کامل محاسبه گردیده است. سپس با توجه به تعریف ولتاژ آستانه رابطه کلی ولتاژ آستانه این افزاره استخراج گردیده است. معادلات پوواسون محاسبه شده برای گیت جلویی و پشتی با در نظر گرفتن تقریب تغییرات سهمی وار پتانسیل بین مرز گیت جلویی و پشتی برای مقادیر پایین ولتاژ درین و با استفاده از مدل خازنی افزاره انجام گردیده است. با محاسبه پتانسیل در بدنه ترانزیستور با طول کانال 22 نانومتر و مقایسه آن با نتایج شبیه سازی ماسفت، تقریب بسیار خوبی در ولتاژهای درین کم بدست آمده است. تغییرات ضخامت عایق گیت، فیلم سیلیکونی، عایق دوم و عایق اول بر روی ولتاژ آستانه نشان داده شده است. مقایسه این مقادیر با نتایج شبیه سازی ساختار ماسفت سیلیکون روی الماس با عایق دولایه، بیانگر تقریب بسیار خوب معادلات تحلیلی میباشد و کاربرد نتایج حاصل در این مقاله برای محاسبات ولتاژ آستانه را متضمن می شود.

    کلید واژگان: ماسفت سیلیکون روی الماس با عایق دولایه, معادلات پوواسون دوبعدی, توزیع پتانسیل, ماسفت}
    Majid Heidarzadeh, Arash Daghighi*, Zahra Sepehri

    In this paper, for the first time, the distributed potentials in the front and back gate of Ultra-Thin-Body (UTB) Double-Insulating (DI) Silicon-on-Diamond (SOD) MOSFET are computed. The back gate and front gate threshold voltages of the device are computed. Using parabolic potential distribution in the body of the device, the poison’s equation is solved. Promising results are obtained for front and back gate threshold voltages comparing with the 22nm UTB DI SOD and the device simulation results. The gate insulator thickness, the silicon film thickness, the insulator 1 and 2 thicknesses are varied and the front and back gate threshold voltages are computed while comparing the device simulation results. Lower than 20 mV estimation of the threshold voltages using the analytical computations, dictates promising results incorporating the device capacitive model. The Analytical findings are encouraging for threshold voltage estimation of UTB DI SOD MOSFETs.

    Keywords: Ultra-thin-body, Double insulating SOD, 2 dimensional poisons’ equation, potential distribution, MOSFET}
  • Mahdi Jahangiri, Mohammad Reza Mosaddegh, Zahra Sepehri, Mojgan Bahari, Ali Ghasemi, Sara Jahangiri *
    Indiscriminate use of antibiotics in the treatment of Nosocomial Infections (NIs) has led to microbial mutation and drug resistance. Antibiotic resistance is a threat to public health, especially for children. The aim of this study was to investigate NIs and antibiotic resistance in children's hospitals.
    This study was conducted retrospectively and descriptively using paper and electronic files of patients admitted to Dr. Sheikh Children's Hospital of Mashhad, Iran in 2023. The data were categorized in three seasons. Type and frequency of NIs, microbial mass, and antibiotic resistance were investigated based on seasons and hospital departments. Data were analyzed through descriptive statistics by Excel software.
    The most common type of NIs in all three seasons of the study was blood system infection (BSI) (64.98 %). Although in ICU, Ventilator-Associated Event Infection (VAEI) was more common. Klebsiella, with an average of 18.97%, was the most common cause of NIs. The most commonly used antibiotics were cephalosporin, and vancomycin. The highest rate of resistance was related to Acinetobacter. In the second and third seasons, this bacterium showed more than 80-100% resistance to cephalosporin, fluoroquinolone, aminoglycoside and carbapenem. The highest rate of Klebsiella antibiotic resistance was seen against carbapenem (83.33%) in the second season of the study. In the third season of the study, Escherichia coli showed more resistance to cephalosporin compared to other antibiotics (66%). In the second season, Pseudomonas showed 100% resistance to carbapenem.
    The results showed high antibiotic resistance of common pathogens against commonly used antibiotics. And due to the vulnerability of children, necessary interventions should be made to reduce the rate of NIs and control the use of antibiotics.
    Keywords: Nosocomial Infection, Antibiotic Resistance, Children Hospital}
  • Mohammad Reza Ashrafi *, Gholamreza Asadi Karam, Sadif Darvishmoghddam, Moslem Abolhassani, Maryam Iranpour, Zahra Sepehri

    Methylation alterations of tumor suppressor gene promoters are essential aspects of epigenetic changes in gastric cancer (GC). Cadherin1 (CDH1) encodes a protein with essential roles in cell-cell adhesions. In this study association of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) serum levels with the methylation profile of this gene was investigated in gastric cancer (GC), intestinal metaplasia (IM), and functional dyspepsia (FD) patients.


    GC (n=34), IM (n=8), and FD (n=48) patient serums were analyzed for the determination of OCP levels by gas chromatography equipment. The methylation status of the CDH1 gene promoter was examined by methylation-specific PCR (MSP) method. In order to confirm reduced protein expression of this gene in methylated samples, immunohistochemistry (IHC) was used.


    Our findings revealed significant hypermethylation of CDH1 gene promoter along with reduced expression in GC patients compared with IM and FD patients. Furthermore, there was significant association between CDH1 promoter hypermethylation and 2,4-DDT (odds ratio [OR]:1.183;95%CI:1.001-1.398, p=0.048) serum levels in GC patients.


    Our results could suggest the association of 2,4-DDT OCP levels in the GC patient serums with CDH1 gene promoter hypermethylation. Additionally, this gene promoter methylation may play a role in the progression of pre-cancerous IM towards GC.

    Keywords: organochlorine pesticides, CDH1, DNA methylation, Gastric cancer, intestinal metaplasia}
  • زهرا سپهری، زهرا موحدی*، مهدی عیاری
    در این پژوهش اثر محلول پاشی اسید هیومیک بر خصوصیات مورفولوژیک گیاهان دارویی کشتوک (Pergularia tomentosa L.) و کاسنی (Cichoirium intybus L.) در سیستم هواکشت بررسی شد. این سیستم روش بسیار مناسبی برای بررسی تاثیر عناصر غذایی و نیز بهبود رشد و نمو در گیاهان مختلف در شرایط کنترل شده محسوب می شود. تیمارهای آزمایشی شامل محلول پاشی با آب (شاهد)، اسید هیومیک (200، 400 و 600 میلی گرم در لیتر) بود. محلول پاشی در سه مرحله شامل 20، 40 و 60 روز پس از کشت بذرها در سیستم هواکشت انجام شد و پس از چهار ماه، صفات مورفولوژیک گیاهان مورد نظر اندازه گیری شدند. نتایج تجزیه واریانس نشان داد که اثر تیمارهای مختلف روی صفات ارتفاع بوته، طول ریشه، تعداد و سطح برگ، وزن تر و خشک ریشه و اندام هوایی در هر دو گیاه کشتوک و کاسنی معنی دار بود. نتایج مقایسه میانگین در کشتوک نشان داد که استفاده از غلظت 600 میلی گرم اسید هیومیک، بیشترین مقادیر ارتفاع بوته، طول ریشه، تعداد و سطح برگ، وزن تر و خشک ریشه و اندام هوایی را به خود اختصاص داد و کمترین مقادیر صفات مذکور در تیمار شاهد مشاهده شد. در گیاه کاسنی نیز نتایج نشان داد که بیشترین و کمترین مقادیر صفات ارتفاع بوته، طول ریشه، تعداد و سطح برگ، وزن تر و خشک ریشه و اندام هوایی به ترتیب به بالاترین غلظت اسید هیومیک و تیمار شاهد تعلق داشت. می توان گفت کاربرد غلظت 600 میلی گرم اسید هیومیک در سیستم هواکشت می تواند سبب بهبود خصوصیات کمی گیاهان دارویی کشتوک و کاسنی گردد.
    کلید واژگان: ارتفاع بوته, ایروپونیک, سطح برگ, کشت بدون خاک, محلول پاشی}
    Zahra Sepehri, Zahra Movahedi *, Mahdi Ayyari
    In this research, the effects of foliar application of humic acid were evaluated on morphological traits of chicory (Cichoirium intybus L.) and pergularia (Pergularia tomentosa L.) in aeroponic system. Aeroponic system is a suitable method for investigating the effects of nutrient elements and optimizing growth of different plants in controlled conditions. The treatments were including control and 200, 400 and 600 mg/L humic acid. Foliar application of fertilizers was done at 20, 40 and 60 days after seed culture in aeroponic system. After 4 months, the morphological traits were measured. The results of ANOVA indicated that the effects of treatment were significant for plant height, root length, number and area of leaves, fresh and dry weights of the shoot and root in chicory and pergularia. The results in pergularia showed that 600 mg/L resulted in the highest plant height, root length, volume root, leaf number, dry and fresh weights of root and dry and fresh weights of shoot and the lowest of the mentioned traits were observed in the control. In the chicory, the results showed that the highest and lowest values of plant height, root length, volume root, leaf number, dry and fresh weights of root and dry and fresh weights of shoot belonged to the highest concentration of humic acid and the control treatment, respectively. It can be said that the use of a 600 mg/L of humic acid in the aeroponic system can improve the quantitative characteristics of the pergularia and chicory.
    Keywords: Aeroponic system, foliar application, leaf area, Plant height, soilless culture}
  • Mohammad Reza Mosaddegh, Ali Ghasemi, Zahra Sepehri, Mojgan Bahari, Mahdi Jahangiri, Sara Jahangiri *

    Contamination of medical equipment and environmental surfaces with microorganisms plays a significant role in the transmission and spread of hospital infections. Considering the deaths and costs caused by hospital infections, it is necessary to take appropriate measures to prevent the spread of infection, such as cleaning and disinfection. The purpose of this study was determining the status of hospital infections before and after using the air and surface disinfectant device known as nocospray which applies dry mist technology and hydrogen peroxide solution.


    This cross-sectional study was conducted in two 6-month periods at Dr. Sheikh Children's Hospital, in Mashhad, between 2021 and 2022. All patients who were hospitalized for more than 48 hours and had a hospital infection were included in the study. In the second 6 months, a Nocospray disinfection device was used to disinfect surfaces and equipment. Nosocomial infection was determined according to clinical symptoms and blood, urine and tracheal tube cultures in both 6-month periods and the results of the two periods were compared.


    A total of 198 cases of nosocomial infections were observed, 121 cases (61%) of which were related to the first 6 months. The death rate in the second 6 months decreased by 1.65% compared to the first 6 months. Among children of different ages, the age range of 1 to 4 years accounted for the highest number of hospital infections. And the highest rate of infection was related to the intensive care unit.


    This study showed the positive effect of surface and air disinfection devices (Nocospray) in reducing the incidence of hospital infections and mortality.

    Keywords: Disinfection, Hospital acquired infection, Nocospray}
  • محمدرضا مصدق، سارا جهانگیری*، مژگان بهاری، آمنه رضایی اول، زهرا سپهری
    زمینه و هدف

    همودیالیز می تواند عوارض نامطلوبی از قبیل افزایش فسفر خون را در بیماران به دنبال داشته باشد.  با توجه به آنکه همودیالیز در برداشت فسفر خون بیماران دیالیزی تاثیر چندانی ندارد و به جهت افزایش کیفیت زندگی در این بیماران؛ این مطالعه با هدف بررسی میزان بروز هیپرفسفاتمی و راهکارهای کاهش بروز آن در کودکان تحت همودیالیز انجام شد.

    مواد و روش ها

    این پژوهش به صورت توصیفی _ مقطعی بر روی 30 کودک تحت همودیالیز بیمارستان فوق تخصصی کودکان دکتر شیخ مشهد، انجام شد. میزان بروز هیپرفسفاتمی از طریق آزمایش خون بیماران بدست آمد. داده ها با استفاده از پرسشنامه جمع آوری و بوسیله نرم افزارSPSS  تجزیه و تحلیل گردید.

    یافته ها

    دراین مطالعه 30 کودک مورد مطالعه قرار گرفتند؛ که 7/36% را دختر و 3/63% را پسر تشکیل می دادند. 7/86% به مدت 3 جلسه در هفته تحت همودیالیز قرار گرفتند. میانگین غلظت سرمی فسفر در سه ماهه ابتدایی سال 97، 8/6 میلی گرم در دسی لیتر و سه ماهه دوم سال 97، 35 میلی گرم در دسی لیتر می باشد.

    نتیجه گیری

    با توجه به نتایج در سه ماهه دوم سال 97، میانگین غلظت سرمی فسفر خون کودکان تحت همودیالیز نسبت به مدت مشابه سه ماهه ابتدایی سال97 به میزان 2/28 میلی گرم در دسی لیتر  افزایش داشته است این درحالی است که حاصلضرب کلسیم و فسفر که اهمیت بیشتری دارد پس از انجام اقدامات اصلاحی به میزان 4/3 میلی گرم در دسی کاهش داشته است؛ بنابراین می توان با رعایت رژیم غذایی در این تا حدودی از افزایش فسفر خون جلوگیری کرد.

    کلید واژگان: هیپرفسفاتمی, همودیالیز, اطفال}
    Mohammad Reza Mosaddegh, Sara Jahangiri *, Mozhgan Bahary, Amene Rezaeeaval, Zahra Sepehri

    Hemodialysis can have adverse effects, such as increased blood phosphorus in these patients. Considering the fact that hemodialysis does not affect the blood phosphorus in dialysis patients and in order to improve the quality of life in these patients, this study was conducted to determine the incidence of hyperphosphatemia and its reduction strategies in children undergoing hemodialysis.

    Matherials and Methods

    This descriptive cross-sectional study was performed on 30 children undergoing hemodialysis in Sheikh's Children's Hospital in Mashhad. The incidence of hyperphosphatemia was measured by blood test of the patients. Data were collected using a questionnaire and analyzed by SPSS software.


    In this study, 30 children were studied; 36.7% were girls and 63.3% were boys. 86.7% were hemodialysis for 3 sessions per week. The mean serum concentration of phosphorus in the first three months of the year was 6.8 mg / dl and the second quarter of 97 was 35 mg / dL.


    According to the results of the second quarter of 1997, the mean serum concentration of phosphorus in children undergoing hemodialysis increased by 28.2 mg / dl compared to the same period of the first month of the year. This is while the calcium and phosphorus product, which is more important, has been reduced by 3.4 mg / dl after corrective action; therefore, this diet can be partially offset by increasing the amount of phosphorus in the blood.

    Keywords: Hyperphosphatemia, Hemodialysis, Pediatrics}
  • آمنه رضایی اول، سارا جهانگیری*، زهرا سپهری، حوا عبداللهی، محمدرضا مصدق
    زمینه و هدف

    عفونت های بیمارستانی در سراسر جهان به عنوان یک مشکل مهم بهداشت عمومی، بار قابل توجهی را بر بیماران و سیستم مراقبت بهداشتی بر جای می گذارد.. لذا با توجه به افزایش مقاومت آنتی بیوتیکی و مورتالیتی بیماران بستری در بیمارستان، این مطالعه با هدف تعیین فراوانی عفونت های بیمارستانی و الگوی مقاومت آنتی بیوتیکی آن انجام شد.

    مواد و روش ها

    این مطالعه به صورت توصیفی - تحلیلی بوده که به صورت گذشته نگر در سال 1395 بر روی 16566  کودک بستری در بیمارستان آموزشی اطفال دکتر شیخ مشهد انجام شد. اطلاعات براساس پرسشنامه طراحی شده سیستم ملی پایش عفونت های بیمارستانی INIS، جهت تشخیص شیوع عفونت های اصلی بیمارستانی (خونی، ادراری، تنفسی و سوختگی) و همچنین تعیین نوع آنتی بیوگرام جمع آوری و کلیه بیماران بستری از لحاظ علایم بالینی کنترل شدند و در صورت احتمال ابتلا به عفونت براساس علایم بالینی و آزمایشگاهی مورد بررسی با تایید متخصص عفونی قرار گرفتند.

    یافته ها

    درمطالعه حاضر از مجموع 16566 بیمار بستری در طول سال 1395، 60 مورد عفونت بیمارستانی (36/0 %) مشاهده شده است. شایع ترین نوع عفونت به ترتیب مربوط به عفونت خون 19/0%، پنومونی 102/0%، عفونت دستگاه ادراری 036/0% و عفونت چشم 030/0% می باشد. شایع ترین عوامل باکتریال در بیشترین نوع عفونت بیمارستانی مشاهده شده درکودکان بستری یعنی عفونت خون، استافیلوکوک اوریوس 22/53% می باشد. همچنین بیشترین میکروارگانیسم ایجاد کننده عفونت مربوط به کلبسیلا 35/19% و کمترین میزان آن مربوط به کاندیدیا 61/1% می باشد.

    نتیجه گیری

    نتایج این پژوهش درصد پایین تری از عفونت بیمارستانی در این مرکز را نسبت به آمار کشور نشان می دهد که از علل آن می توان به تاثیر رعایت شستشوی دست هاتوسط مادران کودکان بستری و کارکنان، اثربخشی آموزش بهداشت به کارکنان و مادران و همچنین کاربرد صحیح وسایل یکبار مصرف اشاره کرد. در این پژوهش بیشترین میزان بروز عفونت مربوط به خون، 32 مورد می باشد که با توجه به آنکه بیماران بستری در بخش های هماتولوژی و انکولوژی بنا به شرایط فردی و خصوصیت ماهیت بیماری خود دچار ضعف سیستم ایمنی می باشند؛ شناسایی عوامل ایجاد کننده این عفونت هاو ضعف های موجود در مراقبت از بیماران بستری در این بخش از اهمیت شایانی برخوردار است.

    کلید واژگان: عفونت بیمارستانی, بیمارستان, مقاومت آنتی بیوتیکی}
    Ameneh Rezae, Sara Jahangiri*, Zahra Sepehri, Hava Abdollahi, Mohammadreza Mosaddegh

    Hospital infections worldwide, as a major public health problem, have a significant burden on patients. Therefore, due to the increased antibiotic resistance and mortality in hospitalized patients, this study aimed to determine the frequency of hospital infections and its antibiotic resistance pattern.


    This is a descriptive-analytical study that was conducted on a retrospective survey on 16566 children admitted to the Sheikh Pediatric Hospital in Mashhad. Data were collected using a questionnaire designed for the National Institutes of Internal Medicine Infection Monitoring System (INIS) to detect the prevalence of major hospital infections (blood, urinary, respiratory and burn), and all hospitalized patients were monitored for clinical signs and if they were suspected of being infected, they were confirmed by an infectious expert on the basis of clinical and laboratory symptoms.


    In the present study, a total of 16566 patients admitted during the year 1395, 60 cases of hospital infection (0.36%) were observed. The most common type of infection is respectively 0.19%, pneumonia 0.102% ,  urinary tract infection 0.036% and eye infection 0.030%. The most common bacterial agents in the most commonly reported type of hospital infection in children undergoing infections are Staphylococcus aureus (53.22%). The highest microbial infections caused by Klebsiella are 19.35% and the lowest is Candida Albicans 1.61%.


    The results of this study show a lower proportion of hospital infection in this center than the country's statistics one of the reasons for this is the effect of observing handwashing by mothers of children in adolescents and staff, the effectiveness of health education to employees and mothers, as well as the proper use of disposable items. In this study, the highest incidence of infection related to blood infection, 32 cases, due to the fact that patients admitted to hematology and oncology departments are immunocompromised due to their individual circumstances and the nature of the disease ; identifying the causes of these infections and the weaknesses in the care of patients admitted to this section is of great importance.

    Keywords: Hospital Infection, Hospital, Antibiotic Resistance}
  • Seyed Javad Sayedi *, Akram Rabbani, Farzad Aryanfar, Elaheh Ghayebie, Havva Abdollahi kakroudi, Zahra Sepehri

    The diagnostic value of spirometry in the evaluation of pulmonary function is known; however, the predictive potential of this method has always been undervalued. In the present systematic review, we aimed to collect all available data to analyze whether spirometry can be used in screening programs to predict future pulmonary diseases.


    A database search was performed in Ovid, Science Direct, PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Embase, and Google Scholar using “spirometry” and “predictive value” as the main search terms.


    After excluding irrelevant articles, 19 related studies were selected, and data extraction was performed. The results of the included literature showed that spirometry is a safe and reliable method for the evaluation of pulmonary function. It was also reported that spirometry can provide useful information, which can be complementary to other methods of evaluation.


    Findings showed that spirometry is a valid and non-invasive method of assessment for the diagnosis of respiratory diseases such as asthma and airway obstruction. Moreover, spirometric parameters may help to predict future pulmonary conditions, at least in children.

    Keywords: Predictive Value, Pulmonary Function, Spirometry}
  • زهرا سپهری*، آرش دقیقی
     در این مقاله برای اولین بار رابطه ی تحلیلی ولتاژ آستانه در یک ترانزیستور ماسفت سیلیکون روی الماس با یک لایه عایق اضافی و طول کانال کوتاه ارائه گردیده است؛ در این ساختار لایه ی عایق اول الماس است که بر روی زیرلایه ی سیلیکونی قرار دارد و لایه ی عایق دوم دی اکسیدسیلیکون می باشد که بر روی الماس قرار گرفته و از دو طرف به سورس و درین محدود شده است. رابطه ی تحلیلی برای محاسبه ی ولتاژ آستانه با محاسبه ی خازن های موجود در عایق مدفون استفاده شده است. نتایج بدست آمده از روابط تحلیلی و شبیه سازی افزاره برای ولتاژ آستانه در ترانزیستورهای سیلیکون روی الماس دولایه، سیلیکون روی عایق و سیلیکون روی الماس با ابعاد و طول کانال مشابه، مقایسه شده است. همچنین تاثیر ابعاد افزاره نظیر ضخامت اکسید گیت، ضخامت بدنه ی سیلیکونی، ضخامت عایق دوم و طول این عایق را بر روی ولتاژ آستانه ی افزاره ی سیلیکون روی الماس با عایق دولایه بررسی کرده ایم و نتایج حاصل از روابط تحلیلی را با نتایج بدست آمده از شبیه سازی افزاره مقایسه نمودیم و به تطبیق مناسبی بین نتایج حاصل دست یافته ایم.
    کلید واژگان: سیلیکون روی الماس, سیلیکون روی عایق, ولتاژ آستانه, توزیع پتانسیل}
    Zahra Sepehri*, Arash Daghighi
    In this paper, for the first time, an analytical equation for threshold voltage computations in silicon-on-diamond MOSFET with an additional insulation layer is presented; In this structure, the first insulating layer is diamond which covered the silicon substrate and second insulating layer is SiO2 which is on the diamond and it is limited to the source and drain on both sides. Analytical solution was used to determine the threshold voltage by computations of capacitors in buried insulators. Simulation and Analytical results of threshold voltage in silicon-on-diamond and silicon-on-insulator with the same dimensions and channel length were compared. Theeffect of device parameters like gate oxide thickness, silicon body thickness, length and thickness of oxide on threshold voltage of the silicon-on-diamond MOSFET were investigated and the analytical results were compared against device simulation findings.
    Keywords: Silicon-On-Diamond, Silicon-On-Insulator, Threshold Voltage, Potential Distribution}
  • Atefeh Sargazi, Zahra Sepehri, Prigil Kumar Nadakkavukaran Jim, Negar Aali, Masoomeh Danesh, Aliyeh Sargazi *
    The acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is an infectious disease caused by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Approximately about 37 million people are infected by this virus with the rate of 1.2 million deaths per year. The mortality rate is high among HIV infected patients in the first 6 months of treatment.1 Immune deficient cases are at the high risk of any opportunistic infection. AIDS has been closely linked with tuberculosis (TB) disease, so almost one third of total mortality is related to this co-infection. In this regard, tuberculosis is used as a diagnostic index for AIDS.2 AIDS is not only associated with high mortality and morbidity, but it affects social life with related stresses and anxieties.3 Considering vast influence of HIV-TB over peoples’ lives, the present study aimed to estimate direct global burden of HIV infection on the patients with TB in a one-year period in 2014.
    Keywords: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, Tuberculosis, Mortality, Morbidity}
  • Zahra Sepehri, Mahboub Sheikhalizadeh*

    Sports injuries emanating from low-standard sports facilities and equipment are concerning because they can result in time lost from sports participation and school, social costs, and the economic costs of medical care.


    The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the safety situation and the injury status of students in Ardabil city schools, Iran.


    The study population consisted of all schools in Ardabil city. For data collection purposes, 153 checklists seeking to gauge the safety situation and the number of injuries among students were distributed among these schools.


    The results from the Chi-square analysis indicated that, in general, there was a statistically significant relationship between the safety of the school sports areas and equipment on the one hand, and the frequency of injury incidence among the students on the other. With regard to the relationship between safety components and the factors involved in injury, Chi-square tests showed that among the five components of sport fields and equipment safety, only two components—namely sports ground and boundaries safety—had a significant relationship with the injury of students.


    Hence, the authorities need to pay more attention to school safety components in general and the safety of sports grounds and boundaries in particular.

    Keywords: Sports Ground, Boundaries Safety, Sport Fields, Injury, Student, School}
  • Mohammad Ali Mashhadi, Zahra Sepehri, Zahra Heidari, Mahmoud Ali Kaykhaei, Aliyeh Sargazi, Farhad Kohan, Hanieh Heidari
    Endocrinopathies and diabetes mellitus are prevalent in patients with beta-thalassemia major Recently some studies demonstrate a link between low levels of serum zinc level and higher prevalence of diabetes. The aim of this study was to evaluate the glucose tolerance in patients suffered from beta-thalassemia major and determine the association of Homeostasis Model Assessment (HOMA) parameters with zinc status among these patients.
    Materials And Methods
    In this cross sectional study, clinical data of patients who were suffered from thalassemia major, aged≥10 years were collected. Serum ferritin concentration, fasting blood sugar, fasting blood insulin and serum zinc level were assessed after overnight fasting. Moreover, oral glucose tolerance test was performed. Homeostasis Model Assessment (HOMA-2) was used for calculating beta-cell function, insulin resistance and sensitivity for normoglycemic and pre-diabetic subjects.
    of the 163 patients diagnosed with beta-thalassemia major, 10%, 53% and 37% were diabetic, pre-diabetic and normal, respectively. Mean serum zinc concentration was equal to 18.90±10.93µg/dl, and it was not significantly different across diabetic, pre-diabetic and normal groups. Pre-diabetic patients had significantly lower beta-cell function compared to normal subjects (P=0.0001). An inverse relation was documented between beta-cell function on one hand and total units of blood transfusion and ferritin level on the other hand (r=-0.29, P=0.004 and r=-0.27, P=0.03, respectively). The analysis adjusted for multiple possible confounders showed that there is no significant association between HOMA parameters and serum zinc level.
    Impaired glucose metabolism and low serum zinc level were quite common among our study participants. The findings of the study also signifies the substantial role of follow-up in early detection and appropriate treatment.
    Keywords: Beta thalassemia, Diabetes mellitus, Zinc}
  • Atefeh Sargazi, Aliyeh Sargazi, Prigil Kumar Nadakkavukaran Jim, Zahra Sepehri
    Tuberculosis (TB) is known as an infectious disease with high burden from a long time. Various strategies are implemented to control its spread in the world and this study is to evaluate Tuberculosis Control Program in Sistan.
    For this purpose we collected data with the methods of questionnaires, checklists, interviews, documentation review and observation. Using these methods together with data collection will boost the advantages of each single method. Data analyzed by using SPSS-18 software. We considered differences as significant at the level of P
    Effectiveness and Cost-Benefit considered as the priorities of TCPS evaluation. Current study showed TCPS reduced delayed time between case detection and treatment initiation to less than one week. TB incidence was 96 and 107 per 100,000 of population respectively in 2011 and 2012 i.e. one year before and after TCPS implementation. It increased case detection but SPSS Kruskal Wallis test showed there was not a significant change according to TCPS implementation (P > 0.05). It didn’t have a significant change in patient destiny after implementation. From the each dollar we spend in TCPS implementation (COST), about 0.86 dollar was saved.
    The reason why TCPS is not fully successful is because either the TB infected contacts were not screened or due to TCPS deviation from world health organization procedures. Current study showed from the each dollar we spend in TCPS implementation, about 0.86 dollar was saved.
    Keywords: Tuberculosis, Environment, Humans, Climate}
  • Arya Emami, Zahra Sepehri, Joseph W. Gordon, Saeid Ghavami *
    Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) is a muscle-derived tumor and is the most common pediatric soft tissue sarcoma representing 5% of all childhood cancers. Statistically, soft tissue sarcomas account for approximately 10% of all cancers in children, of which more than half of these tumors are RMS. Thus, RMS is a major clinical problem in pediatric oncology. RMS is caused by a disruption in the pathway of primitive mesenchymal stem cells directed towards myogenesis. In most cases of patients diagnosed with RMS there is a genetic or chromosomal alteration involved. In past few years there have been discoveries of more therapeutic approaches that has improved the quality of life in RMS patients and has resulted in a better survival rate in this population from 25% to 60%. However, Additional researches and clinical trials are needed in order to minimize the devastating consequences of the pediatric cancer including RMS. In the current mini review we will briefly discuss current knowledge in RMS focusing on most common biological and clinical aspects of the disease.
    Keywords: Rhabdomyosarcoma, Childhood cancer, Cancer therapy}
  • Mohammad Ali Mashhadi, Zahra Sepehri, Ali Reza Bakhshipour, Ali Zivari, Hossein Ali Danesh, Hasan Ali Metanat, Azra Karimkoshteh, Seyed Mehdi Hashemi, Hossein Rahimi, Zohre Kiani
    Combination chemotherapy is accepted as a high efficacy treatment for gastric cancer, whereas choice of standard treatment is unclear. Multiple chemotherapeutic regimens have been used to achieve higher efficacy and lower toxicity. This study was designed to evaluate the treatment results of advanced gastric cancer with Capecitabine and Oxaliplatin regimen.
    Subjects and
    All cases with documented gastric adenocarcinoma and advanced disease were candidates for receiving Xelox regimen (Capecitabine – 750 mg/m2/twice daily/ 1-14 days and Oxaliplatin 125 mg/m2 in 1st day).
    Twenty five cases with advanced gastric cancer entered in study while 24 cases continued treatment protocol and were evaluated. Mean age was 59.5 ± 12.1 years (range: 20-75), male and female cases were 66.7% and 33.3%, respectively. All cases received at least four cycles of Xelox regimen. Overall response rate was 74.99% with 29.16% complete response. Overall survival rate was 13 ± 0.53 months and DFS (disease-free survival) was 6 ± 1.09 months. Extremities neuropathy (62.5%), headache (45.8%) and muscle cramps (29.2%) were the most common complains. Haematological changes were rare and 16.7% of cases had mild cytopenia. Treatment related death was not observed.
    Xelox regimen is a safe and highly effective first line treatment for gastric cancer; however, considering it as first line therapy needs larger studies.
    Keywords: Advanced gastric cancer, Capecitabine, Oxaliplatin}
  • Manzoor Ahmad Malik*, Zahra Sepehri, Zafar Amin Shah
    In normal cells when genetic defects occur, there are some sensitive mechanisms through which the defect might be repaired or apoptosis might be induced. However in tumor cells such mechanisms are not highly sensitive; therefore they cannot detect such abnormalities. This failure in detection and/or repair of the genetic abnormality results in the survival of abnormal cells. This survival is followed up with growth of the cells without normal control and ultimately leads to the rise of malignant clones in the body. Pathways in which these malignant transformations occur, are increasingly being studied to ­final effective treatments for different carcinomas.
    Keywords: Cancer, Tumor suppressor genes, Oncogenes, low penetrance genes}
  • Alireza Nakhaee, Mohammad Ali Mashhadi *, Mohaddeseh Zademir, Zahra Sepehri, Derek Kennedy
    Superoxide dismutase is one of the most important antioxidant enzymes that protect cells against destructive effects of superoxide anion..
    The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between the C47T polymorphism (rs4880) of the manganese superoxide dismutase (Mn-SOD) gene and the risk of malignant lymphoproliferative disorders (MLDs)..
    Patients and
    Manganese superoxide dismutase polymorphism was genotyped using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) in 103 patients with MLDs and 103 healthy control subjects..
    The frequencies of the CC, CT and TT genotypes were 29.1%, 51.5% and 19.4%, respectively, in patients with MLDs and 24.3%, 47.6% and 28.2%, respectively, in the control group. There were no statistical differences in the genotype or allele frequency of rs4880 between cases and controls..
    According to the fact that Mn-SOD gene polymorphisms have been considered as a major risk factor in some malignancies, this single center study did not find any association between the rs4880 polymorphism of the manganese superoxide dismutase gene and risk of MLDs..
    Keywords: Superoxide Dismutase, Polymorphism, Lymphoproliferative Disorders, PCR, RFLP}
  • Zahra Sepehri, Fereshteh Javadian, Davoud Khammari, Mehdi Hassanshahian
    Background and
    In traditional medicine, herbal products still remain the principal source of pharmaceutical agents. The present study aimed to investigate the antifungal effects of Echinophora platyloba and Rosmarinus officinalis extracts on C. albicans species.
    Materials And Methods
    The aqueous and ethanolic leaf extracts of E. platyloba and R. officinalis, collected from the mountainous regions of Iran, were screened in terms of antimicrobial activity against C. albicans strains, using the agar well diffusion method. The minimum inhibitory concentration was determined by the microtitration technique.
    Overall, the results showed that the leaf extracts of E. platyloba and R. officinalis had strong antimicrobial activities. Also, based on the findings, R. officinalis leaf extracts exhibited higher antimicrobial activity. The ethanolic leaf extracts of E. platyloba and R. officinalis showed good antimicrobial activity against C. albicans strains. However, the aqueous extracts did not show any major activities against the tested C. albicans strains. On the other hand, the ethanolic extracts exhibited major antimicrobial properties against C. albicans strains. The highest minimum inhibitory concentration was reported in E. platyloba leaf extracts.
    The present results indicated some advantages of E. platyloba and R. officinalis leaf extracts, which could be applied for the treatment of microbial infections.
    Keywords: Antimicrobial effect, Extract, Echinophora platyloba, Rosmarinus officinalis, Iran}
  • فرضته جوادیان، علی اکبر نصیری، مسعود عارف نصاد، زهره کیانی، علیرضا سرگسی، زهرا سپهری*، مرضیه عارفی
    گسترش روز افزون مقاومت دارویی در باکتری ها سبب شده تا توجه بیشتری به یافتن روش های پیشگیری از بروز مقاومت و داروهایی مناسب با اثرات سمی و عوارض جانبی کمتر شود. این مطالعه با هدف بررسی اثر ضد میکروبی اسانس گیاه پنیر باد (Withaniasomnifera) بر سویه های سودوموناس آئروژینوزا و اسینتو باکتری بومانی مقاوم به آنتی بیوتیک های مختلف انجام شد.
    روش پژوهش:برگ گیاه پنیر باد از استان سیستان و بلوچستان تهیه شد و عصاره آن با استفاده از دستگاه کلونجر به دست آمد. .12 سویه اسینتو باکتر بومانی و 12 سویه سودوموناس آئروژینوزا از بیماران، در شهرستان زابل جداسازی شد. حداقل غلظت بازدارندگی و حداقل غلظت کشندگی اسانس گیاه پنیر باد در غلظت های مختلف با روش رقت سازی در چاهک برروی باکتری ها تعیین شد. حساسیت سویه ها به چند آنتی بیوتیک با روش استاندارد دیسک دیفیوژن کربی- بائر مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفت.
    یافته ها
    نتایج حاصل از عصاره های گیاهی نشان داد که بیشترین MIC (حداقل غلظت مهارکنندگی) برای نمونه های اسینتو باکتر بومانی غلظت ppm100 بوده که 4 سویه در این غلظت مهار شد. در حالی که کمترین MIC برای نمونه های اسینتو باکتر بومانی غلظت ppm50 بود که تنها 5 باکتری در این غلظت مهار شد. در 3 سویه اسینتو باکتر بومانی عدم رشد دیده می شود. همچنین نتایج حاصل از بررسی اثرات ضد میکروبی در برابر باکتری سودوموناس آئروژینوزا نشان داد که بیشترین غلظت مهار کنندگی ppm100 است که 1سویه در این غلظت مهار شد. در حالی که کمتری غلظت مهار کنندگی ppm5/12 بود ،که در 1 سویه دیده شد. بیشترین غلظت کشندگی(MBC) در برابر اسینتو باکتر بومانی برابر با ppm200در4 سویه بود در حالی بیشترین غلظت کشندگی در برابر باکتری های سودوموناس آئروژینوزا برابر با ppm 100 در 8 سویه دیده شد. کمترین غلظت کشندگی (MBC) در برابر اسینتو باکتر بومانی برابر با ppm100در 5 سویه بود. در حالی بیشترین غلظت کشندگی در برابر باکتری های سودوموناس آئروژینوزا برابر با ppm 25 در1 سویه دیده شد.
    نتیجه گیری
    نتایج حاصل از این مطالعه می تواند راهکار موثری در تولید و تهیه گیاهان دارویی برای کمک به درمان عفونت های ناشی از سودوموناس آئروژینوز و اسینتو باکتر بومانی باشد.
    کلید واژگان: گیاه پنیر باد, فعالیت ضد میکروبی, مقاومت آنتی بیوتیکی, سودوموناس آئروژینوزا, اسینتو باکتر بومانی}
    Zahra Sepehri, Ameneh Talebi, Meymand, Mahdi Afshari *, Ali, Akbar Nasiri, Zohreh Kiani, Aalieh Sargazi, Mehran Heasraki, Katayoon Rahimzadeh, Alireza Sargazi
    Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a chronic functional disease of gasterointestinal system with nonspecific symptoms such as recurrent abdominal pain or discomfort associated with change in bowel habits (constipation¡ diarrhea or alternating periods of both) without any pathology in organs. According to previous studies prevalence of IBS varies among students.
    The aim of this study is to assess the prevalence of IBS among medical students of Zabol University of Medical Sciences based on their educational status.
    Materials And Methods
    The study was performed on 106 students of the Medical University of Zabol in 1392 and samples were evaluated by questionnaire ROME III criteria and results were analyzed using SPSS21 software.
    Of 106 cases 58.49% (62 cases) were male and 41.51% (44) were female. The mean age of students was 22.16 ± 0.04. The prevalence of IBS in students was 13.2%. Among them 54 cases were students in basic section period and 52 cases were students of advance section and the prevalence of the disease were 9.2% and 71.7%; respectively (P > 0.05). Non-native students had more prevalence of IBS (22.4%) than native students (5.2%) (P
    The prevalence of IBS was higher in our study comparing previous studies performed in Iran especially in non-native students. Further studies need to be performed longitudinally with larger sample to assess the exact prevalence and its related factors among student of different medical fields.
    Keywords: Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Medical Students, Zabol}
  • زهراسپهری، آمنه طالبی میمند، مهدی افشاری*، علی اکبر نصیری، زهره کیانی، عالیه سرگزی، مهران حصارکی، کتایون رحیم زاده تهرانی، علیرضا سرگزی
    سندرم روده تحریک پذیر (IBS) یک بیماری مزمن، دوره ای و عملکردی دستگاه گوارش است که با علائم غیراختصاصی بدون پاتولوژی در اعضا مشخص می گردد و شیوع آن در میان دانشجویان متفاوت است.هدف از این مطالعه بررسی میزان شیوع علائم IBS در دانشجویان رشته پزشکی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی زابل بر اساس وضعیت آموزشی آنها در سال 92بود.
    روش پژوهش:این مطالعه روی 106 نفر از دانشجویان رشته پزشکی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی زابل در سال1392 انجام شد.نمونه ها براساس پرسشنامه معیارهای تشخیصیRome III مورد بررسی قرار گرفتند. اطلاعات مربوط به وضعیت تحصیلی، محل زندگی و وضعیت معیشتی همه دانشجویان با استفاده از پرسشنامه خوداظهاری بدست آمد. داده ها با استفاده از نرم افزارSPSS 21 مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفت.
    یافته ها
    از 106 دانشجوی مورد مطالعه، 62 مورد (49/58 درصد) مرد بودند و میانگین سنی آنها04/0 ±1/22 سال بود. فراوانی IBS، در میان دانشجویان 2/13 درصد بود. شیوعIBS در دانشجویان قبل از علوم پایه پنج مورد (71/4 درصد) و در دانشجویان بعد از علوم پایه نه مورد (49/8 درصد) بود (05/0P>). معدل دانشجو تاثیری در میزان بروز علایم IBS نداشت (05/0P>).شیوع IBS در دانشجویان غیر بومی 11مورد (37/10 درصد) و در دانشجویان بومی سه مورد (83/2 درصد) بود که این تفاوت معنی دار بود (05/0P>).
    نتیجه گیری
    شیوع IBS دردانشجویان پزشکی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی زابل درمقایسه باآمارهای پیشین ازسایر نقاط ایران بیشتر بود و این بیماری در دانشجویان غیر بومی بیشتر دیده شد. انجام مطالعات دقیقتر باحجم نمونه های بیشتر و متنوع تر و نیز انجام اقدامات مداخله ای مناسب بخصوص بر روی دانشجویان غیر بومی در مطالعات آینده پیشنهاد می شود.
    کلید واژگان: سندرم روده تحریک پذیر, دانشجویان پزشکی, زابل}
    Zahra Sepehri, Ameneh Talebi-Meymand, Mehdi Afshari*, Ali-Akbar Nasiri, Zohreh Kiani, Aalieh Sargazi, Mehran Heasraki, Katayoon Rahimzadeh, Alireza Sargazi
    Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a chronic functional disease of gasterointestinal system with nonspecific symptoms such as recurrent abdominal pain or discomfort associated with change in bowel habits (constipation¡ diarrhea or alternating periods of both) without any pathology in organs. According to previous studies prevalence of IBS varies among students.
    The aim of this study is to assess the prevalence of IBS among medical students of Zabol University of Medical Sciences based on their educational status.
    Materials and
    The study was performed on 106 students of the Medical University of Zabol in 1392 and samples were evaluated by questionnaire ROME III criteria and results were analyzed using SPSS21 software.
    Of 106 cases 58.49% (62 cases) were male and 41.51% (44) were female. The mean age of students was 22.16 ± 0.04. The prevalence of IBS in students was 13.2%. Among them 54 cases were students in basic section period and 52 cases were students of advance section and the prevalence of the disease were 9.2% and 71.7%; respectively (P > 0.05). Non-native students had more prevalence of IBS (22.4%) than native students (5.2%) (P
    The prevalence of IBS was higher in our study comparing previous studies performed in Iran especially in non-native students. Further studies need to be performed longitudinally with larger sample to assess the exact prevalence and its related factors among student of different medical fields.
    Keywords: Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Medical Students, Zabol}
  • شهلاصحرایی، زهراسپهری، علی اکبر نصیری، آرزو عزیزی، فرشاد گلشنی*، عالیه سرگزی
    گیاه اسفرزه با نام علمیPlantago psylliumاز پرمصرفترین گیاهان دارویی در اروپای شمالی، شمال افریقا و جنوب آسیا می باشد. سالمونلاتیفی موریوم(Salmonella typhimurium) یک پاتوژن فرصت طلب گرم منفی و از عوامل شایع عفونت های دستگاه گوارشی است. باتوجه به افزایش روز افزون مقاومت دارویی، هدف از این مطالعه بررسی اثرعصاره اتانولی اسفرزه بر سالمونلا تیفی موریوم است.
    روش پژوهش :گیاه اسفرزه از استان سیستان و بلوچستان جمع آوری گردید. برای تهیه عصاره از روش ماسراسیون و دستگاه خلاء از مرکز(روتاری) استفاده شد. دوازده سویه سالمونلا تیفی موریوم از طیور در شهرستان زابل جداسازی شد. حداقل غلظت بازدارندگی و حداقل غلظت کشندگی عصاره گیاه اسفرزه در غلظت های مختلف با روش رقت سازی در چاهک برروی باکتری ها تعیین گردید و حساسیت سویه ها به آنتی بیوتیک های آمپی سیلین وپنی سیلین با روش استاندارد دیسک دیفیوژن کربی- بائر موردارزیابی قرارگرفت.
    یافته ها
    نتایج نشان دادکه بیشترین MIC(حداقل غلظت مهار کنندگی) برای نمونه های سالمونلاتیفی موریوم درغلظتmg/ml10 بوده که 10 سویه در این غلظت مهار و در یک سویه عدم رشد دیده شد; در حالی که کمترین MIC در غلظتmg/ml 5 بود و تنها یک سویه در این غلظت مهار شد،همچنین بیشترینMBC(حداقل غلظت کشندگی) درغلظت mg/ml 20در 10 سویه و کمترین MBC در غلظت mg/ml10 در یک سویه دیده شد.
    نتیجه گیری
    نتایج نشان داد عصاره اسفرزه اثر ضد میکروبی بالایی بر سالمونلا تیفی موریوم دارد و با انجام پژوهش های مشابه می توان زمینه را برای جایگزینی این ترکیبات با مواد ضد میکروبی سنتزی فراهم ساخت.
    کلید واژگان: عصاره گیاهی, اسفرزه, مقاومت آنتی بیوتیکی, سالمونلا تیفی موریوم}
    Shahla Sahraei, Zahra Sepehri, Ali Akbar Nasiri, Arezoo Azizi, Farshad Golshani*, Aliyeh Sargazi
    Plantago psyllium isone of the most widely used medicinal plants in Northern Europe¡ North Africa and South Asia.Salmonella typhimuriumis a gram-negative opportunistic pathogen and the common causes of digestive tract infections.The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of Plantago psyllium on Salmonella typhimurium;due to increasing drug resistance.
    Materials And Methods
    Plantago psylliumwas collected from Sistan and Baluchistan provinceVacuum device (rotary)was usedfor extraction of maceration mwthod. Strains of Salmonella typhimuriumwere isolated from poultry in Zabol. The MIC and MBC for Plantago psylliumextract was determined in different concentrations by dilution method in the wells on bacteria andSusceptibility to ampicillin and penicillin antibiotics was evaluated by Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion method.
    The results showed that maximum MIC for psyllium extract on Salmonella typhimurium was 10 mg/ml and ten strains was inhibited in this concentration and in the one strain of Salmonella typhimuriumno growth was observed; while minimum MIC for the pathogen was 5mg/ml and only one strain was inhibited in this concentration. The highest Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC) against Salmonella typhimurium was 20 mg/ml in ten strains; while the lowest MBC was 10mg/ml in one strain.
    It was found thatantimicrobial effect of psyllium extract on Salmonella typhimurium is high and similar research in this field could be done to find alternatives for synthetic compounds.
    Keywords: Herbal Extract, Plantago psyllium, Antibiotic Resistance, Salmonella typhimurium}
  • Fereshteh Javadian, Zahra Sepehri, Saeideh Saeidi *, Mehdi Hassanshahian
    Background And Aims
    Withania somnifera (W. somnifera), commonly known as Ashwagandha, is an important medicinal plant that has been used in Ayurvedic and indigenous medicine for over 3,000 years. Candidiasis is one of the most common opportunistic fungal diseases in humans. In fact, the most important fungal disease in women is vaginal candidiasis. This study aimed to investigate the antifungal effects of the extracts of the W. somnifera on Candida albicans (C. albicans).
    In this experimental research, 9 vaginal samples were collected using the sterile swap and Falcon tube by the gynecological specialists. The extracts of the shallot and artichoke were prepared using a rotary device. The inhibitory concentration against C. albicans was determined using incubation in media.
    The results of this study suggested that the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) against C. albicans, which is equivalent 50 ppm to 250 ppm has the highest concentration of inhibitor.
    The results of this study showed that the antifungal activity of wind cheese against C. albicans is good, so it can be used as a drug to treat infections caused by
    C. albicans.
    Keywords: Extract plant, Withania somnifera, Candida albicans, Antifungal effects}
  • Aliyeh Sargazi, Atefeh Sargazi, Prigil Kumar Nadakkavukaran Jim, Hoseinali Danesh, Forough Sargolzaee Aval, Zohre Kiani, Amirhosein Lashkarinia, Zahra Sepehri
    To determine the economic burden of road traffic accidents (RTAs) in patients admitted to a single center in south eastern Iran.
    This cross-sectional study was conducted in Amir-Al-Momenin hospital of Zabol affiliated with Zabol University of Medical Sciences during a 12-month period from April 2012 to April 2013. All the RTAs patients who were admitted to our emergency department were included. The direct expenses of hospital care were recorded according to their medical charts and the accountant registration information. Data are presented according to different RTAs characteristics.
    Overall 1155 patients were included in the current study with mean age of 36.7 ± 5.14 years among whom there were 673 (58.3%) men and 482 (41.7%) women. The annual incidence of RTAs were calculated to be 288 per 100,000 population. The RTAs economic burden in our center was 589,448.49 USD which accounted for 10.4% of total hospital expenses during the study period. The money spend on RTAs in our center was 130 times more than gross national income per capita. Cost of each patient in road traffic was 15 times more than cost of an average patient of the hospital in other sections.
    With considerable high ratio of accidents in Zabol, proper intervention is needed for controlling and preventing RTAs in order to decrease its injuries, impact and the associated economic burden.
    Keywords: Road traffic accidents (RTAs), Economic burden, Healthcare Expenses, Iran}
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  • زهرا سپهری
    سپهری، زهرا
    دانشجوی دکتری دانشکده برق و کامپیوتر، دانشگاه صنعتی اصفهان
  • دکتر زهرا سپهری نسب
    سپهری نسب، زهرا
    دانش آموخته دکتری روانشناسی، گروه روانشناسی، دانشکده روانشناسی و علوم تربیتی، دانشگاه محقق اردبیلی
اطلاعات نویسنده(گان) توسط ایشان ثبت و تکمیل شده‌است. برای مشاهده مشخصات و فهرست همه مطالب، صفحه رزومه ایشان را ببینید.
  • در این صفحه نام مورد نظر در اسامی نویسندگان مقالات جستجو می‌شود. ممکن است نتایج شامل مطالب نویسندگان هم نام و حتی در رشته‌های مختلف باشد.
  • همه مقالات ترجمه فارسی یا انگلیسی ندارند پس ممکن است مقالاتی باشند که نام نویسنده مورد نظر شما به صورت معادل فارسی یا انگلیسی آن درج شده باشد. در صفحه جستجوی پیشرفته می‌توانید همزمان نام فارسی و انگلیسی نویسنده را درج نمایید.
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