جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه "الدلاله" در نشریات گروه "ادبیات و زبان ها"
تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «الدلاله» در نشریات گروه «علوم انسانی»-
اصبح من المهم فی فهم النصوص الإبداعیه تحلیل عنواناتها نقدیا، والکشف عن علاقه کل عنوان بنصه الادبی، وصلته بالعتبات الاخری التی تشکل مدخلا لدراسه النص، وکشف اهم مایمیز هذه العناوین وانواعها ومظاهر تغیرها، فهی تودی وظیفه بنائیه؛ عبر دلاله إشارتها إلی النص فی بعضها او قد تقوم باختزال فکرته، وتسهم فی تاویله. کان اختیار شعر الشاعر العراقی المعاصر عبد الکریم کاصد ماده البحث، معتمدین المنهج الوصفی التحلیلی فی دراسه ابرز النصوص التی لها صله وثیقه بعنوان کل مجموعه من مجامیع الشاعر، وکان هدف الدراسه من وراء ذلک هو الکشف عن التغییر الذی لحقه من ناحیه البناء والترکیب والشکل، والوظیفه الدلالیه التی میزته، وارتباطها مع النص وتاویله، فضلا عن اهمیته فی الکشف عن تنوع تجربه الشاعر وثقافته، وتاثره بالتراث الادبی والتاریخی ودور ذلک فی تنوع العنوان وإثراء دلالاته. وتوصل الباحثون إلی جمله من النتائج من ابرزها ان الشاعر عبد الکریم کاصد قدم صورا جمالیه لتلک المواضیع التی تحدث عنها فی عنواناته، وقدره فائقه فی إضفاء لمسه فنیه علیها، وقد طغی استعمال نمط العنوان المفرد المرکب علی غیره من الانماط فی مجامیعه. مودیا وظیفته البنائیه، فکان عنصرا مهما فی الدلاله والتشکیل الشعری، والانزیاح والإیحاء المتعدد.
کلید واژگان: جمالیات العنوان, الترکیب, الدلاله, عبد الکریم کاصدThis study seeks to critically approach the threshold of the title, analyze the beauty in it, its effect on the reader, its relationship to the literary text, its connection to poetic texts, its importance in revealing the text and its secrets, and its relationship to other thresholds that constitute an entrance to the study of the text, its aesthetic enrichment, and standing on the most important distinguishing feature. These titles and their types, and monitor the manifestations of their change, and then indicate the functions of the title, which became introductory signs of the aesthetic texts and a gateway to the poet's works. The research adopted the descriptive-analytical approach in studying the most prominent texts that are closely related to the title of each of the poet’s collections, and to stand on the change that occurred to him in terms of construction, composition and form, and to indicate his semantic function that distinguished him with him, and its interrelation with the text by describing the title as a text parallel to the poetic text, and a means of The means of influencing the recipient, as well as its importance in revealing the diversity of the poet's experience and culture, and his influence on the literary and historical heritage, and the role of this in the diversity of the title and enriching its connotations.
Keywords: Aesthetics, Title, Aggregates, Abdul Karim Kased -
لقد اصبحت هناک اسس نظریه معرفیه تتوجه إلی الکشف عن الجزئیات والتفاصیل المحیطه بالنص او ما یسمی بعتبات النص، منها نظریه جیرار جینیت الذی یعد احد اقطاب النقد والشعریه فی فرنسا، والذی انخرط فی تیار النقد الجدید، واهتم بالعتبات النصیه خلال بحثه فی دائره الشعریات. لقد اهتمت السیمیائیه الحدیثه بدراسه الإطار الذی یحیط بالنص، کالعنوان، واسم المولف، والتعیین الجنسی، والغلاف، والعتبات الواقعه داخل النص نفسه، من إهداء، ومقدمات، وعبارات توجیهیه، وتنبیهات، وهوامش، وتذییلات، وغیر ذلک من النصوص التی اطلق علیها عنوان النصوص الموازیه. کل ذلک لان النصوص المعاصره ارتبطت بعصرها بروابط ثقافیه ومعرفیه جدیده، تناولتها من النهضه التکنولوجیه والإعلامیه. ومن هنا، ینطلق هذا البحث بالسعی للولوج إلی دراسه اهم العتبات النصیه التی تستحق التحلیل بمثابه ابواب تدخلنا فی غیاهب النص، ثم تطبیق تقنیاتها علی روایه سجین المرایا لسعود السنعوسی، وتقدیم تصور مبدئی لتمظهرات المناص، مستخدما المنهج الوصفی التحلیلی. وتشیر نتائج البحث إلی نجاح الروایه فی ترسیم المناص، بدءا من الغلاف، بما فیه من صوره طوبوغرافیه فی مرآه داله علی طور المرآه فی تکوین شخصیه الإنسان، کما یدل شکلها الهندسی علی العزله والانطوائیه، والعنوان الذی اختاره الروائی جامعا الوظائف التعیینیه، والوصفیه، والإیحائیه، والإغرائیه، للدلاله علی من قد سجن نفسه فی ماضیه وآلامه، ویعیش منعزلا عن الناس، هکذا باستهلاله القیم من قبل الکاتب الواقعی، روبندرونات طاغور، وختاما بغلافه الخلفی الذی یشیر إلی نص نوستالوجی من الروایه جامعا معناها بشکل رمزی ومختصر للمتلقی.کلید واژگان: السیمیائیه, الدلاله, العتبات النصیه, جیرار جینیت, سعود السنعوسی, سجین المرایاThere are multiple cognitive theories that aim to uncover the surrounding details of a text, including Genette's theory of paratextuality. In parallel texts, the recipient can analyze the text of the story and its contents, and through which he can produce a vision with semantic dimensions that clearly show the content of the discourse. Gérard Genette's theory of paratextuality provides a framework for examining the surrounding elements of a text including the title, the author's name, the cover, and the internal paratexts in order to elucidate the relationship between these materials and the main text. The present study uses a descriptive-analytical methodology to investigate the relationship between the paratextual components and the main narrative in Saoud al-Sanaousi's novel Sajin al-Maraya. Al-Sanaousi is a prominent Kuwaiti novelist, known for his acclaimed work Saaq al-Bambuu. His work Sajin al-Maraya is a psychologically-driven romantic novel that explores the human psyche's struggle to break free from the harsh reflections of life. The protagonist, Abdulaziz, who is profoundly affected by the traumatic events of the Kuwait-Iraq war and the loss of his loved ones, is suffering from a pervasive sense of fear.
Saud Al-Sanaousi has not been negligent to the paratexts and has carefully selected the paratextual elements, including the cover illustration, title, author's name, epigraph, and chapter headings, to align with and augment the central themes of the novel, either in a linguistic or photographic form, captivating the reader of the novel. The first existing paratext is the cover design, which depicts a child and a house with two doves that are in love with each other. This illustration represents the love and affection that the protagonist of the story has lost. The cover of the novel is in light blue, which signifies freedom, and the purple color of the title signifies glory and grandeur, all very attractive to the reader. These images on the cover are placed within a mirror, and the mirror in psychology signifies the formation of human personality. The author's name is displayed on the front cover, manifesting all functions of the name: naming, ownership, and fame. Due to the importance of the author's name, his name is also repeated on the second page of the novel (i.e. the page after the cover).
The title of the novel reappears on the back cover too, serving multiple functions. It provides identification, description, and inspiration, encouraging the reader to engage with the work. As soon as the reader reads the title, he faces many questions, such as who and what character is meant by the title? What is the meaning of the mirror in the title? At the same time, the use of words such as "box", "locks", "key", "perfume", "smell", "seasons", etc. are among notable words. Each of them reminds the audience that they are encountering a novel centered on the psychological struggles of the protagonist. Similarly, the epigraph, a quote from Tagore, says: He who carries his lamp behind his back sees nothing in front of him but his shadow. It symbolizes the novel as an illuminating force that casts light on the shadow of the self and one's memories. A person like the protagonist of the story, who suffers from depression due to preoccupation with the past and memories, must free his soul to achieve peace. There is another parallel text in the novel, which is an introduction that includes the interpretation of Saadia Mufreh, the Kuwaiti writer, poet, and journalist, and includes the failed ego and the optimistic other, as well as the homeland, which she refers to with the symbol of the mother. Mentioning it before starting the main part of the novel is a kind of motivation for the reader to read the novel. This thematic resonance is further echoed in the inspirational writings that preface each chapter, representing each chapter of the narrative. Overall, all these paratextual elements demonstrate a cohesive and interwoven relationship with the primary text. Perhaps the most prominent result that the researcher has obtained from these investigations is that the various paratexts of the novel Sejin al-Maraya have reproduced its main theme in the form of specific language signs and images, appropriate to the original text. The most important of these paratexts is on the cover page of the novel, which, in addition to the existing images, also contains the paratext of the title and the author's name.Keywords: Semiotics, Paratextuality, Gérard Genette, Saud Al-San’Usi, “Sajin Al-Maraya” -
إن مفاتیح الجنان کتاب له قیمه بالغه ومکانه عظیمه، لما فی ادعیته من المعرفه الإلهیه والخلقیات الإنسانیه البناءه. والادعیه هذه فی غالبیتها نصوص ادبیه تندرج ضمن الادب القدیم، فهی حافله بکثیر من الملامح البلاغیه والفنیه الکلامیه، منها المفارقه فی انماطها المختلفه. یقتصر هذا البحث علی المفارقه، حسب بنیتها الدلالیه، کالمفارقه اللفظیه، ومفارقه النغمه، ومفارقه الحکایه او الإیهام، والإلماع، ثم تطبیقها علی ادعیه مفاتیح الجنان فقط دون الزیارات والملحقات والباقیات الصالحات، لیتقصی هذه التقنیه من جانب واحد ولئلا یصاب بالتشتت والسطحیه فی الدراسه والتحلیل حتی یصل إلی هدفه باعلی مستوی یتسنی له. فالمفارقه تقنیه قدیمه الاستخدام جدیده المصطلح، یستخدمها المبدع الموهوب لیظهر ما قصده من الرسائل، ناتئا بارزا عبر التضاد والتناقض بین طرفی القول. ولیس للمفارقه تعریف جامع مانع، بل لها انماط مختلفه وانواع متعدده حسب درجتها وصیاغتها وطرفیها وما إلی ذلک؛ فمن الصعب ان نحصل علی تعریف محدد. والتقنیه هذه تستخدم لإبراز افکار المبدع وعواطفه، لتودی إلی الصحوه والحث. والقاسم المشترک بین انواعها، وانماطها، واسالیبها هو التضاد بین المظهر والمخبر. وقد بین هذا البحث المتواضع، المواضع التی لها بنیه مفارقیه فی انماطها المختلفه، عبر تحلیل النص الدعائی، واعتمادا علی المنهج الوصفی التاویلی والتحلیلی، لتقصی المفارقه وتبیین انواعها وفک شفراتها، محاوله الوصول إلی المعانی الخفیه والمدلولات المختبئه وتسلیط الضوء علی المعنی المقصود، حسب بنیتها الدلالیه، وفقا لتقسیم محمد العبد. وفی النهایه، قدمت اهم الملحوظات والنتائج التی توصلت إلیها الدراسه؛ ومن اهمها ان المفارقه فی الادعیه ولیده المواقف النفسیه وحصیله الإدراکات العقلیه، کما استعینت بها لتجسید الواقع الإنسانی وإخراجه من نطاق الذاتیه المجرده إلی نطاق الموضوعیه الحسیه، کما ان التنویع فی انماطها یدل علی تمکن الداعی فی الخطاب.کلید واژگان: الادعیه, مفاتیح الجنان, المفارقه, الدلالهMafatih al-Jinan is a book of great value and great stature due to the content of its supplications which include divine knowledge and constructive human morals. Most of these supplications are literary texts that fall within classical literature, as they are full of various rhetorical and artistic features, including irony in its different variations. The present study aims to investigate irony based on its semantic structure and applications in style, tone, narration, and allusion paradox. The study focuses on its application in the supplications compiled in Mafatih al-Jinan, excluding prayers dealing with rites of visits to holy shrines with their related accessories and scripts dealing with other acts of devotion and benevolence. It presents the excerpts that contain an ironical structure in different styles, by analyzing the supplications through a descriptive, interpretive, and analytical method to investigate irony, clarify its types, and decipher its codes. It attempts to reach the hidden meanings and connotations to shed light on the intended meaning, according to its semantic structure. The results of the study show that the use of irony in supplications is the result of psychological demands and the outcome of mental perceptions, which have been used to embody human reality and take it out of the scope of abstract subjectivity to the scope of sensory objectivity. In addition, the diversity in the applied patterns indicates the aptitude of the caller in the produced and delivered discourse. IntroductionEven though the word irony is taken from the new Western literature, since long ago, writers and poets writers have used it, especially to make fun of others. Therefore, from this point of view, irony has always been the source of pundits. Irony cannot be recognized in a way that includes all its forms on the surface regardless of other forms. In other words, it can be said that irony is a word that says something but conveys another message. In this regard, the external message of the speech is put aside in favor of its internal message, thus irony tries to highlight the internal message. It can be said that the final role of irony is to reveal the message and the desire of the speech as much as possible.Many studies (e.g., Al-Ibrahimi, 2017; Dabbab, 2016; Makkawi, 2013) have been conducted on the topics of irony and supplications. They are mainly in detail, but they have not specifically addressed irony in supplications, and this was a motive to conduct this semantic study on prayers in Mafatih al-Jinan, focusing on the irony of tone, verbal irony, the irony of anecdote or delusion, and innuendo or allusion irony. Materials and MethodsIrony is an old literary device that has new applications in the text under study. Irony, and by the same token paradox, do not have an inclusive and definitive definition, and they have different patterns and multiple types according to their implications, formulation, and complexity. It is difficult to arrive at a specific definition. Irony and paradox are used to highlight the author's thoughts and emotions directing the mind at awakening and incitement, and the common denominator between its types, patterns, and methods is the contradiction in expressions and intentions. The present study analyzes supplications in Mafatih al-Jinan through a descriptive, interpretive, and analytical method to investigate irony, clarify its types, and decipher its codes with an attempt to reach the hidden meanings and connotations to shed light on the intended meaning according to its semantic structure. Research FindingsThe results of this study showed that irony is used in the supplications of the book Mafatih al-Jinan in different ways, some of which are: The irony of tone and song: This kind of irony is mostly made by confronting the upper and lower layers of speech. That is, the appearance and the interior aspects of speech are in complete contrast with each other and sometimes they are formed in such a way that contradictions can be easily understood. This kind of irony in the supplications is formed by the progress of speech against the expectation of the audience and makes him involved in this apparent heterogeneity. However, at the end of the speech, the reader discovers its main purpose. Verbal irony: In this kind of irony, the word indicates two meanings, one meaning is close to the structural interpretation of the word, and the other is far from the interpretation within the context of the speech, which challenges the mind and wisdom of the audience because there is a conflict between the structure and the meaning. The reader finds and thinks that there is a difficult dichotomy between these two. Sometimes these contradictions come together; a chain of opposites is formed in a single context. This incongruity in the supplications is sometimes created by a strong difference in the meaning of a word in the structure and context, and sometimes by a difference in the use of a word with the same meaning in two different situations that maximizes the difference in meaning. The irony of anecdote or delusion: This irony is formed by the use of speech based on the idea and belief of the audience, but in the opposite direction, in a way that its immediate meaning is based on the belief of the audience. That is, it relies on its previous meanings and is based on the audience's line of thought. This kind of irony in supplications is also formed by using the mental background of the audience, the meaning, and the concept of the word or speech. It finally brings the audience to the opposite point of his own opinion and belief. The innuendo irony: This type of irony draws the audience's attention to something that the irony expresses not explicitly but implicitly. It is used implicitly with the intention of humiliating and condemning a person. This kind of irony is used in supplications for a humble person who is speaking, that is, the person who is praying in front of God. Discussion of Results and ConclusionsConsidering the results of the present study, the most important result is that irony in supplications of Mafatih al-Jinan is the result of psychological attitudes and understandings of wisdom, and to visualize the reality of man and take him out of the realm of abstract mentality into the realm of objectivity. Irony in supplications is not meant to mock and laugh or to present funny words, but only to obtain grace, love, and kindness from God and to benefit from His innumerable forgiveness. The correct and proper use of irony and its variety shows the very high power of the creator of supplications and his mastery of speech.Keywords: Prayers, Mafatih Al-Jinan, Irony, Significance
لقد کان السیاق ولایزال اداه اساسیه فی فهم المعانی الغامضه، بل واکتشاف مقاصد المتکلم فی استعمال حروف دون حروف، وکلمات من دون اخری، وعبارات غریبه احیانا بدل اخری الف المتلقی تلقیها، فینکشف النص فی تجل جدید، لتاخذ قراءته منحی لم یکن لیظهر، لولا مباشره السیاق وإسهامه فی ذلک. فالقارئ وهو یقرا نصا ما، یتلقی حروفه وکلماته ومقولاته فی مسار ذهنی معین، یستدعی من خلال المسافات الاولی التی کتب فیها هذا النص، مستحضرا عاملین اساسیین فی ذلک: اولهما نسق النص، من خلال سوابق الکلمات والجمل ولواحقهما وما إلی ذلک من الانساق الداخلیه الترکیبیه؛ والآخر هو معرفته بالمتکلم؛ وکلما زادت معرفه القارئ بالمتکلم، زاد اقترابه من إدراک ملابسات الخطاب التی انتج فیها. فإن النص القرآنی کتاب مقدس حظی بقراءات عده تختلف باختلاف المرجعیات الثقافیه التی ینطلق منها الکاتب؛ ومن هذه القراءات نظریه السیاق ومدی تاثیره علی المعنی؛ فسیکون هدفنا فی هذه الدراسه هو الحصول علی مجموعه من اللافتات السیاقیه الممیزه التی قام حب الله من خلالها بتجسید المعنی القرآنی وتوجیه دلالاته فی نطاقات معینه. إذا سنتناول فی بحثنا هذا ووفق المنهج الوصفی التحلیلی السیاق لما له من اهمیه فی تحدید المعانی وفهم النص القرآنی، وقد استاثرت اصول النظریه السیاقیه باهتمام بعض الباحثین المحدثین منهم الشیخ حیدر حب الله؛إذ وجد فی هذه النظریه ما ینبهنا علی فهم النص القرآنی وتفسیره، ویجنبنا الوقوع فی الخطا. وإجمال نتائج البحث یبین لنا ان تحدید دلاله اللفظ فی النص یکون اقرب إلی قصد صاحب النص؛ ومن نظریه السیاق واثرها الواضح فی توجیه الدلاله، نتعرف علی القصد الإلهی المراد من دلالات الالفاظ فی القرآن الکریم، واتضح کذلک من خلاله ان النصوص القرآنیه لا یکون فهمها فهما شاملا إلا من السیاق القرآنی بالنظر إلیه کوحده سیاقیه کبری؛ لان القرآن الکریم یفسر بعضه بعضا، وقد تنبه حب الله لهذه الوتیره السیاقیه الموثره فی نصوصه بشکل حاسم.
کلید واژگان: السیاق, الدلاله, توجیه الدلاله القرآنیه, حیدر حب اللهThe context is an essential tool in understanding ambiguous meanings and even discovering the intentions of the speaker in the use of letters, words, and sometimes strange phrases. The reader, while reading a text, receives its letters, words, and sayings in a specific mental path and recalls it through the first spaces in which this text was written. The Qur’anic text has received several readings that differ according to the cultural references from which the writer departs. Among these readings is the theory of context and the extent of its impact on meaning. In this study, we dealt with the context because of its importance in defining meanings and understanding the Qur’anic text. The origin of the contextual theory dates back to the ancient Arabs. They had pioneering efforts in caring for the context circle at the scientific and theoretical level, such as Al-Jahiz and Abd al-Qaher al-Jurjani. This topic has also captured the attention of modern researchers. One of them is Sheikh Haidar Hobbollah, who has found foundations and issues that, due to the compatibility of structural aspects with the meanings of the words of the Holy Quran, inform us of the understanding of the text of the Quran and its interpretation in a more expressive and accurate way. It prevents us from making mistakes in the process of understanding the meanings of the Qur'an. We find that the theory of context and the extent of its impact on the meaning was not overlooked by our early scholars, as they were looking at the meaning of the word in the Holy Qur’an without neglecting the circumstances surrounding it. Al-Jahiz, Ibn Jinni, and Abdul Qaher Al-Jurjani focused on knowing pronunciations from the contexts contained. The systems theory of Abd al-Qaher al-Jurjani had a clear impact on defining the meanings of words according to their contexts. We also know that the text and the textual structure have a unique role in understanding the meanings of the text in general, so that the meaning of each word in the text is not determined except through the structure in which it is placed, and that the overall structure of the text may be devoid of content meaning. Modern scholars may state that the meaning is revealed only through the contextualization of the linguistic unit, i.e. placing it in different contexts. Likewise, the meaning of the semantic units cannot be described or determined except after we have noticed all the semantic units that are adjacent to them. Accordingly, searching for the meaning of words requires an analysis of the contexts and situations in which they occur, even those that are non-linguistic. It is based on the fact that scholars of the orientalists and contemporary Arabs have tried to present various models or divisions of the types of contexts through which the meaning can be directed along with the hidden and secondary connotations that the literary text may not suggest at the first glance. Among these classifications is Kurt Emmer’s four-way division. It includes 1) linguistic, 2) emotional, 3) situational and structural, and 4) cultural aspects. Each of these four areas or divisions includes examples that reveal to the audience the secret of multiple and sometimes different meanings that may occur for a word throughout the context. In other words, this is what leads us to deal with Sheikh Haider's structural thoughts with his semantic view of some verses of the Quran, in order to highlight the importance of this semantic context in revealing the face of the hidden meanings in the Holy Quran as the best and highest literary text that has been revealed so far. The importance of the Qur’anic context lies in identifying the secrets of the Holy Qur’an and its subtleties, as it is a great principle of interpretation that must be relied upon in interpretation. The study identifies the miraculous secrets of the Holy Qur’an from the perspective of Sheikh Haidar Hobbollah and clarifies the impact of the context in knowing the significance of the Qur’anic text. It approves a focal point in examining the facts of the Qur’anic text on the basis of the semantic contextualization approach adopted by Sheikh Haidar Hobbollah.
Keywords: Context, Significance, Directing The Qur'anic Significance, Sheikh Haidar Hobbollah -
الملخصإن مبحث التقدیم والتاخیر من اکثر المباحث البلاغیه والدلالیه التی نالت اهتمام علماء المعانی والمفسرین، ذلک الاهتمام الذی تجلی فی رصدهم لصور التقدیم والتاخیر المتعدده فی القرآنالکریم، وما تودیه کل صوره من قیمه دلالیه تفسیریه مضافه إلی المعنی الاساسی. إن التقدیم والتاخیر واد من اودیه البلاغه، وکنز من کنوز البیان، وهو باب کثیر الفوائد، حجم المحاسن، واسع التصرف، وان هذا المقال یدرس التقدیم والتاخیر فی بعض الآیات القرآنیه، ویستخرج اسرار واسباب هذا التقدیم، وله جزءان. قسم یشتمل علی التقدیم والتاخیر فی علم البلاغه وهو علی تقدیم بعض الارکان و الاجزاء بعضا، و الاسباب التی فیه و هی التاکید والتخصیص فی المقدم، او تقدیم المسبب الخ... والآخر یبحث فی تقدیم و تاخیر المفردات فی القرآن؛ نحو الجن والإنس، والسماء والارض، واللیل والنهار، والشمس والقمر، وغیرها من الاسماء؛ و سبب تقدیم بعض المفردات بعضا یعود الی السیاق والقرائن و اهتمام الشارع الی المقدم، وقد ناقشنا فیه بعض اراء المفسرین والبلاغیین.
کلید واژگان: الکلمات الرئیسه: التقدیم, التاخیر, البلاغه, الاسماء, الدلاله, القرآن الکریمPresentation and delay is one of the valleys of rhetoric, and one of the treasures of eloquence, and it is a chapter of many benefits, the size of the merits, and it is extensive in disposal. A section that includes introduction and delay in the science of rhetoric, which is to present some of the pillars and parts to another, and the reasons for it, which are the emphasis and specification in the introduction, or the introduction of the cause etc... The other discusses the introduction and delay of vocabulary in the Qur'an; towards the jinn and mankind, the heavens and the earth, the night and the day, the sun and the moon, and other names; The reason for presenting some of the vocabulary is due to the context and the presumptions and the interest of the street in the introduction, and we have discussed in it some of the views of the commentators and rhetoricians.
Keywords: advance, delay, dual names, semantics, the Holy Quran -
ظهر اثر واقعه الطف واستشهاد الإمام الحسین علیه السلام واصحابه وما حل باهل البیت علیهم السلام من الاضطهاد والقتل وهتک حرمتهم فی الفنون الادبیه، حیث نجد اروع المراثی فی تسجیل هذه الاحداث والماساه العظیمه؛ والسید حیدر الحلی شاعر شیعی قد عبر عن هذه الماساه العظیمه فی دیوانه، حیث شکلت المراثی قسما اساسیا وموضوعا رئیسا من اشعاره وتحتاج إلی بحث عمیق من حیث الاسلوب و سیاق الشعر؛ من هنا هدف هذا البحث إلی دراسه عناصر الإیقاع ودلالاتها فی مراثی السید حیدر الحلی، حیث تمثلت فی المستویین الخارجی والداخلی؛ وما توصلت إلیه الدراسه هو ان البحر الطویل، والبحور المرکبه والبحور الکامله اکثر ترددا فی المراثی؛ والشاعر استطاع ان یخرج من بحر واحد انغاما موسیقیه مختلفه بتنوع عواطفه واحاسیسه. وقد شکلت القافیه المطلقه حضورا کاملا فی المراثی فقد لجا الشاعر إلی توظیف هذا النوع من القافیه لرغبته فی إیصال صوته إلی المتلقی باکبر قدر من الوضوح؛ وإن اسلوب التکرار فی المراثی جاء منسجما مع الحاله النفسیه التی یمر بها الشاعر کما یناسب المعنی الذی یسعی إلی تقدیمه؛ ویشکل التجنیس غیر التام والتجنیس الاشتقاقی حضورا واسعا قیاسا إلی التجنیس التام ویعزی ذلک إلی الجهود التی بذلها الشاعر فی تقریب المفهوم والمعنی المراد إلی ذهن المتلقی قیاسا إلی التجنیس التام الذی یخلق نوعا من الغموض فی تقریب المعنی.کلید واژگان: الإیقاع, الدلاله, السید حیدر الحلی, المراثیThe impact of the incident of al-Taff, the martyrdom of Imam al-Hussein, peace be upon him, and his companions, and what happened to the Ahl Albait, from persecution, killing, and desecration, appeared in the literary arts, where we find the most wonderful elegies in the recording of these events and the great tragedy. And whose name emerges among the expressors of this great tragedy is the Shiite poet Sayyid Haider al-Hilli, where elegies constituted a basic section and a major theme of his poems, which need deep research in terms of style and context of poetry. So, this research aimed at a stylistic study of the rhythmic structure of Sayyid Haider al-Hilli's elegy, which was represented in the external and internal. rhythms. The results of the study indicate that Bahr al-Taweel, Compound Bahour and Complete Bahour are more frequent in elegies. And the poet was able to extract from one sea different musical melodies with the diversity of his emotions and feelings. The absolute rhyme formed a complete presence in the elegies, as the poet resorted to employing this type of rhyme for his desire to communicate his voice to the recipient with the greatest degree of clarity. The method of repetition in the elegies was consistent with the psychological state that the poet is going through, as well as the intended meaning that he seeks to present. The incomplete naturalization and derivational naturalization constitute a wide presence compared to the complete naturalization. This is attributed to the efforts made by the poet in bringing the concept and the desired meaning closer to the mind of the recipient in comparison to the complete naturalization that creates a kind of ambiguity in bringing the intended meaning closer.Keywords: Rhythm, Semantic, Sayyid Haider Al-Hilli, Elegies
خطاب زکریا ومریم فی القرآن فی سورتی مریم وآل عمران (دراسه اسلوبیه)الاسلوبیه منهج نقدی یتناول الظواهر اللغویه والادبیه للنصوص وطریقه الصیاغه والتعبیر للکشف عن الجوانب الدلالیه والجمالیه والنفسیه فیها. تتمیز الاسلوبیه بإلقاء الضوء علی نوعیه توظیف العناصر اللغویه والادبیه والکشف عن الموثرات البارزه التی استعملها الکاتب. تتناول المقاله دراسه الخطابین القرآنیین لزکریا النبی والسیده مریم علیهما السلام من خلال الآیات الکریمه فی سورتی آل عمران و مریم التی تتحدث عن الولاده الإعجازیه، وفق المنهج الوصفی - التحلیلی. نبدا البحث بتعریف المصطلحات ثم نقوم بدراسه الخطابین علی المستوی الصوتی، والترکیبی، والدلالی و نعالجهما من ناحیه التطابق والاختلاف بینهما فی الموضوع والاسلوب وما ادی إلی الاختلاف اللغوی والفنی بینهما، لیتبین من خلال ذلک نوع الاسلوب والتراکیب والمفردات التی تنقل موقفهما وافکارهما وردود افعالهما تجاه الولاده الإعجازیه. تعالج الباحثه المستویات الصوتیه للخطابین بما یتمثل فیهما من دور شعوری وإیحائی لجرس الاصوات، ثم المستویات المعجمیه والترکیبیه والدلالیه، لتفصح عن المفارقه بین دلاله البنیه السطحیه الظاهره، ودلاله البنیه العمیقه لهما، للوصول عن طریقها إلی الخصائص الفنیه للخطابین والکشف عن المعنی الغائب فیهما، وتحدید ان اختلاف الموقع والجنس بین صاحبی الخطابین یکون موثرا فی تمیزهما او تفوق احدهما علی الآخر من الناحیه اللغویه والترکیبیه والدلالیه. ومن نتائج البحث فی المستوی الصوتی انه یخلق اصوات المد مع تکرارها فی الخطابین نوعا من الترابط الصوتی والإیقاع اللطیف الذی یزید الرقه فی الکلام، ما یناسب حاله الدعاء الذی جری علی لسان کل منهما، وفی المستوی الترکیبی فیما یتعلق بخطاب السیده مریم، یتم اختیار الالفاظ مناسبا لحالها حال متبرئ من إنجاب الولد ولفزعها وتمنیها الموت، وتستخدم عبارات ناعمه ذات النغمه المصحوبه بنوع من الشعور بالخجل، لدفع الافتراء الذی تعرضها من جانب قومها، وفی خطاب زکریا یتم اختیار الالفاظ والتراکیب مناسبا لحاله فی سیاق الشکوی من الضعف والشیب، مستخدما بنیه الدعاء فی تراکیبه مرات متعدده، مناسبا لحاله وهو راغب فی إنجاب الولد.کلید واژگان: القرآن الکریم, الخطاب, الاسلوبیه, الترکیب, الدلاله, زکریا ومریمStylistics of Maryam and Zacharias speeches in QuranStylistics is one of the literary criticism methods for studying literary and linguistic phenomena to evaluate the aesthetic, semantic and psychological aspects of the text. This article has selected two Quranic dialogues by Zakaria and Maryam to characterize their stylistic aspects at the level of sound, music, words, phrases and meaning. The difference between superficial meanings of phrases and their deep, hidden meanings are determined, to check if the gender difference had linguistic and semantic influences on the speeches.The results indicate that, at the phonetic level, the two conversations use loud vowels repeatedly to create a kind of subtle phonetic connection. On syntactic and synthetic levels, in Maryam's conversation, the words are selected in a way to amplify peace of mind and reassurance, while avoiding false slander and impairing her modesty. She uses apologetic phrases accompanied by a kind of shame to absolve herself of the accusation. Regarding Zakaria's conversation, it can be said that words and phrases appropriate to his weakness and old age and complaining about not having a child are used in the form of prayer. In general, the sound of words and words and phrases used in these two conversations provide an accurate picture of the personality, moral and emotional characteristics of the two charactersKey Words: Stylistics, structure, semantics, Zakaria, Maryam Stylistics, as a discipline, delves into the analysis and interpretation of various textual works, drawing from the rich domains of linguistics and literature. With a critical lens, it seeks to unravel the intricate phenomena woven into these texts, exploring the complex interplay between form and meaning. By meticulously scrutinizing the methods of formulation and expression employed by authors, stylistics aims to unveil the underlying semantic, aesthetic, and psychological dimensions that shape the text's impact on the reader.At its core, stylistics recognizes the power of language and literary devices in conveying a writer's intended message and evoking a desired response. It goes beyond mere comprehension of the content and structure of a text and delves into the artful utilization of linguistic and literary elements. By closely examining the choices made in terms of word selection, sentence structure, figurative language, and rhetorical devices, stylistics sheds light on the deliberate craftsmanship employed by writers to create engaging and impactful works of literature.One of the defining characteristics of stylistics is its ability to uncover the prominent influences that shape a writer's creative process. It investigates the cultural, historical, and social factors that influence the choices made by authors, offering insights into the broader context in which the text was produced. Whether it be the influence of a specific literary movement, the impact of social norms and values, or the author's personal experiences, stylistics unveils the layers of inspiration that contribute to the formation of literary masterpieces.The present study embarks on a captivating exploration of two profound Quranic discourses attributed to the esteemed figures of Zakariya the Prophet and Mrs. Maryam (peace be upon them). These remarkable discourses are found within the noble verses of Surat Al-Imran and Surat Maryam, immersing readers in accounts of miraculous births. Adopting a descriptive-analytical approach, our research aims to establish clear and concise definitions of the terminologies central to our study. With this foundation, we delve into a comprehensive analysis of these discourses, meticulously examining their phonetic, syntactic, and semantic dimensions. Our ultimate goal is to unravel the congruence and divergence between the discourses in terms of subject matter and style. Additionally, we aim to identify the linguistic and artistic factors that contribute to these discernible distinctions. Through this meticulous analysis, we seek to unearth the stylistic choices, structural patterns, and vocabulary employed by the authors to convey their attitudes, ideas, and reactions toward the awe-inspiring phenomenon of miraculous childbirth.In delving deeper into the fabric of these discourses, our focus naturally turns toward the phonetic aspects that underpin their rhetorical power. We navigate the emotional and evocative role played by the nuanced timbre of the sounds employed, recognizing their profound impact on the overall tone and delivery. Furthermore, our study extends to encompass the lexical, syntactic, and semantic levels. By doing so, we aim to reveal the underlying disparities between the superficial and deep structures of the discourses. This extensive exploration brings to light the artistic characteristics of each speech, unveiling the hidden layers of meaning that lie dormant within their profound narratives. Moreover, our investigation emphasizes the influence of factors such as the differing locations and genders of the authors. By shedding light on these elements, we gain insights into how they contribute to the discernible distinctions and potential superiority of one discourse over the other in terms of linguistic structure, syntax, and semantics.One remarkable outcome arising from our meticulous research at the phonetic level is the recurrence of a motif reminiscent of the ebb and flow of a tide. This deliberate deployment of phonetic elements engenders a sense of harmonious coherence, bestowing a gentle rhythm that amplifies the inherent tenderness conveyed within the delivery of the discourses. This particular choice proves exquisitely fitting, considering the supplicatory nature characterizing each discourse. In her vulnerable state, Maryam unequivocally disavows the birth of a child, expressing profound terror and even daring to wish for death. To confront and repel the slander unjustly leveled against her by her people, she masterfully employs soft phrases, accompanied by a tone suggestive of modesty and grace. In stark contrast, Zakariya's speech adroitly adopts words and structures that perfectly align with his circumstances. He vocalizes his lamentation of physical weakness and graying hair, invoking a sense of heartfelt supplication. Through the deliberate repetition of supplications, Zakariya's deep longing for a son is unequivocally articulated, reflecting the profound depth of his desire.As we delve into the profound intricacies permeating these sacred texts, we are invited to marvel at the inherent artistry embedded within their narratives. Through the lens of stylistics, we develop a profound appreciation for the literary craftsmanship demonstrated by the author, while gaining a deeper understanding of the multifaceted layers of meaning that enrich their extraordinary narratives.Keywords: Stylistics, Structure, Semantics, Zakaria, Maryam
تعتبر الفاصله إحدی روافد الإیقاع القرآنی فی تجسید المعنی والتاثیر علی نفس المتلقی. قد اعتنی بها القرآن کاهتمامه بالمعنی وبالسیاق لتحقیق اغراضه ومقاصده بحیث لو طرحت لاختل المعنی فی الآیه. من هنا یلحظ بان القرآن قد یعدل عن نظم کلامه بسبب الفاصله، فیکون لهذا العدول تاثیر رائع فی نسق الکلام وتعدیل مقاطعه. تحدث هذا البحث عن دقه انتقاء القرآن للالفاظ الغریبه وتوظیفها فی الفاصله القرآنیه کاداه من ادوات التعبیر الإیقاعیه واثرها فی إیصال المعنی وما یحدثه ذلک من اثر فی نفس السامع. قد جمع بین دلالتها الصوتیه والمعنویه فی الشرح والتحلیل إذ لم یکن الفصل مناسبا بینهما؛ لان إحداهما متعلقه بالاخری ومکمله لها. وقد حددنا البحث فی الإیقاع باقتصاره علی الفاصله[ضیزی] التی جاءت فی سوره النجم، حیث إن القرآن قد آثر هنا استعمال الغریب من الالفاظ، فعدل عن کلمه (جائره) او(ناقصه) او ما یشبههما إلی ما هو اغرب، وهی لوحه عاکسه لترسم المعنی والتوافق الصوتی للآیه فی آن واحد.کان المنهج المتبع فی هذه الدراسه المنهج الوصفی التحلیلی الذی قام علی وصف ظاهره العدول الصوتی واغراضه البلاغیه والدلالیه ولطائف اختیار مفرده[ضیزی] فی السیاق الذی استعملت فیه، ومن ابرز نتائج هذه الدراسه عدم إمکانیه إحلال کلمه مکان اخری فی سیاق واحد فی القرآن الکریم حتی یتساوی معه فی إبراز المعنی تماما، لقصدیه الالفاظ ودقه اختیار القرآن الکریم للمفرده (ضیزی) إذ جاءت مکمله للمعنی والإیقاع معا.
کلید واژگان: سوره النجم, العدول الصوتی, الإیقاع, الدلاله, الفاصلهThe comma is one of the branches of Qur'anic song in visualizing the meaning and influencing the mind of the receiver. In order to achieve its goals, the Qur'an has paid attention to it as well as its meaning and context, so that if it is left out, the meaning of the verse will be distorted. From here, it is noted that the Qur'an sometimes deviates from the order of its words due to distance, and this deviation will have an amazing effect on the arrangement of words and the modification of its letters. In this research, the careful selection of strange words of the Qur'an and their use in space as a means of melodious and effective expression in conveying meaning and on the listener's soul are discussed. Its phonetic and semantic importance are combined in the explanation and analysis of the word, so that it is no longer appropriate to separate them from each other. This research is limited to the song of distance that is found in Surah Najm, because the Qur'an has preferred the use of strange terms here and has switched from the word (unfair) or (incomplete) to a more strange word. This tableau is a simultaneous reflection of drawing meaning and phonetic consistency. The approach of this research is descriptive and analytical based on the description of phonetic deviation phenomenon, rhetorical and semantic goals and subtleties of choosing the word in the context in which it is used, and among the most obvious results of this research is the impossibility of substituting a word for Another word in a context in the Holy Quran is in the full expression of the meaning in an equal form, the purpose of the words, and the accuracy of the choice of the word as a complement to the meaning and the song together.
Keywords: Surah Najm, Phonetic Deviation, Song, Meaning, Comma -
تسعی النظم التعلیمیه إلی توظیف الادوات الحدیثه فی المواقف التعلیمیه بطرق متعدده لجعل الدروس اکثر فاعلیه وکفاءه، واضحت مسایره هذه التطورات الهائله والسریعه ضروره لا یمکن التغافل عنها. ومن بین إستراتیجیات التعلیم لمواکبه رکب التحول المعرفی، برزت المسرحیه باعتبارها اداه معاصره لتنمیه المتغیر النحوی لمهاره المحادثه فی اللغه العربیه بسلاسه کبیره. وهدفت الدراسه إلی التعرف علی فاعلیه توظیف المسرحیه فی تنمیه المتغیر النحوی لمهاره المحادثه لدی الطلاب الإیرانیین فی مرحله البکالوریوس، واستخدمت المنهج شبه التجریبی، وتم اختیار مجتمع الدراسه بطریقه قصدیه. فتکون مجتمع الدراسه من (30) طالبا وطالبه فی مرحله البکالوریوس، وتم تطبیق الدراسه علی الفصل الخامس من العام الدراسی (2020 2021م)، بجامعه طهران، وتم توزیع مجتمع الدراسه عشوائیا إلی مجموعتین: المجموعه التجریبیه تکونت من (15) طالبا وطالبه تم تدریسهم مسرحیه صاحبه الجلاله، والمجموعه الضابطه تکونت من (15) طالبا وطالبه تم تدریسهم بالطریقه الاعتیادیه المنتهجه فی الجامعات الرسمیه الإیرانیه. واعتمد الباحث لجمع البیانات علی مجموعه من الادوات، بما یشمل الاختبار والمقابله والملاحظات. وللخروج بتحلیل تلک الادوات، استعمل مجموعه من الاسالیب الإحصائیه ضمن برنامج (SPSS) تمثلت باستخدام الإحصاء الوصفی (موشر المتوسط والانحراف المعیاری) والإحصاء الاستدلالی (اختبار کولموجوروف سمیرنوف واختبار لیفین واختبار التغایر)، وتم إعداد الادوات والتحقق من صدقها وثباتها. واظهرت نتائج الدراسه وجود فروق ذات دلاله إحصائیه عند مستوی الدلاله (0.05) بین متوسطی درجات المجموعه التجریبیه والمجموعه الضابطه فی الاختبار البعدی لصالح المجموعه التجریبیه التی درست المسرحیه، وکشفت الدراسه عن فاعلیه استخدام المسرحیه فی تنمیه المتغیر النحوی لمهاره المحادثه لدی متعلمی اللغه العربیه من غیر الناطقین به.کلید واژگان: کان واخواتها, الدلاله, الجمله الاسمیه, الجمله الفعلیهEducational systems aim to employ all modern methods in educational situations in multiple ways to make educational lessons more effective and efficient. Following up on these sensitive and rapid developments has become a need that cannot be ignored. Among the strategies of educational methods to keep pace with the cognitive transformation, the play has emerged as a contemporary tool that contributes to enhancing the grammatical variable of conversational skill. Communicating with flexibility and smoothness is required for non-native Arabic learners. Teaching the play can help non-native Arabic language learners become more fluent in the language and become critical, analytical, and creative thinkers. It can also help students question, interpret, communicate, and explore. Learning the features of the modern language, specifically grammatical and morphological rules, and using expressions to speak clearly, precisely, and concisely are all benefits of teaching the play to non-native Arabic language learners.
Plays can promote all four skills, cultural awareness, linguistic awareness, and motivation. They are valuable tools in language classes. When used well, this kind of training can significantly increase proficiency. The study present investigated the effect of using the play in strengthening the grammatical variable of conversational skill among Iranian learners at the bachelor’s level. The study adopted the quasi-experimental approach. The sample of the study consisted of 30 male and female students at the bachelor’s level. It was conducted in the fifth semester of the academic year (2020-2021) at the University of Tehran. The participants were divided into two groups: the experimental group consisted of 15 male and female students who had undergone teaching the play ‘Her Majesty’, and the control group consisted of 15 male and female students who were taught in the usual way at the university.
The researcher utilized a set of tools to collect the data, including tests, interviews, and observations, and used a set of statistical methods using the SPSS program, which were represented by the use of descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation index) and inferential statistics (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Levene's test and covariance test). The tools were prepared and their validity and reliability were verified. The study demonstrated the impact of digitally utilizing Tawfiq al-Hakim’s play Her Majesty on the performance of both male and female students in acquiring the grammatical variable of speaking skill. The study concluded that there were statistically significant differences at the significance level (0.05) between the average scores of the participants in the experimental and control groups in the pre- and post-test. The reason for this effect is attributed to several factors. Using the play helps increase the ability to understand and comprehend grammatical rules, and the play helps to employ the grammatical database that students possess so that they express it in a specific way through which they try to use what they have learned to embody ideas and present them in a correct way. The play is a powerful tool for creating more participation in learning environments. It also contains a series of attractive dialogues and multiple characters and events. These are among the most important issues in which the researcher sees the importance of distinguishing the play from other educational methods, as it contributes to increasing students’ ability to learn.Keywords: Teaching Arabic To Non-Native Speakers, Conversation Skills, The Play ‘Her Majesty’, The Grammatical Variable -
یعد الإیقاع الداخلی فی الشعر ظاهره تطرب الاسماع، وتثیر الدلالات جهرا وهمسا وتلقیا، وذلک لتفاعل المتلقی مع البنیه الشکلیه والدلالیه، وقد یساعد علی خلق نظام متناسق بین العملیه الانفعالیه وبین الانساق اللغویه والقیمه الدلالیه إذ تخلق عملیه فنیه متناسقه انطلاقا من البنیه الإیقاعیه الداخلیه والبنیه الدلالیه معا لربط الجانب الفنی الإیقاعی والنظام الدلالی لهذا الإیقاع. وفی هذا المطاف یهدف البحث إلی الوقوف علی لوحات جمالیه من الإیقاع الداخلی لقصیده "إراده الشعب" لابی القاسم الشابی ناهجا المنهج الوصفی_التحلیلی اعتبارا من الدراسه البنیویه الإیقاعیه الدلالیه، لتبیین آثار وبصمات الإیقاع الداخلی لقصیده "إراده الشعب" وما تترکهما فی القصیده ولتناول نتاج انساق التکرار فی القصیده. وتوصل البحث إلی ان النبر الشعری یتفق مع النبر اللغوی وقد یتجاوزه، ویتناغمان فی اغلب الحالات بحیث مارس الشاعر من خلال توظیف بنیات الإیقاع الداخلی عملیه فنیه مزدوجه قد یمکن إطلاق تفاعل الوجدانی والموضوعی کما یدل تفاعلهما معا علی تضمین الحرکه الوجدانیه فی الحرکه الإیقاعیه الداخلیه، ومواکبتها معها بالإضافه إلی تشابک الموضوعی للشاعر مع الحرکه الوجدانیه والإیقاعیه فهذه الثلاثیه لوحه فنیه ورسم دلالی کذلک، وقد یمکننا ان نطلق علی هذا الاستخدام التلاحم الوجدانی والموضوعی والإیقاعی والدلالی معا فی نفس الموقف التوظیفی، کما انتجت انساق التکرار الوظیفه الانفعالیه من حیث انصیاعها للعملیه اللسانیه والدلالیه، وکان تلاحم الإیقاع مع الدلاله ملازما للفظ والمعنی.
کلید واژگان: الإیقاع, الداخلی, البنیه, الدلاله, الشابیThe internal rhythm in poetry is a phenomenon that stunts the senses, the sounds play, and the semantics evoke loud, whisper and receptive, due to the recipient’s interaction with the formal and semantic structure in terms of repetition. The emotional process and between the linguistic systems and the semantic value. When the rhythm is disintegrated into the internal rhythm, and it breaks into the semantic system, a coherent artistic process is created based on the internal rhythmic structure and the semantic structure together to link the artistic side of the rhythmic and semantic system of this rhythm. For this reason, the search for aesthetic paintings from the internal rhythm of the poem "The People's Will" by Abi Al Qassem Al Shabi Nahja stopped. The descriptive-analytical method, starting from the semantic rhythmic structural study, traced the fingerprints of the internal rhythm of the poem “The People's Will and what it leaves in the poem, and it dealt with the results of the repetition patterns as well in the poem.Vtvsl search and organic Al-Naber extension Ytfq with Al-Naber Allghvy Vqd Ytjavz•h, Vytnaghman per often now as in March Shaer me during hired Bnyat Alayqa interior operation of metals Mzdvjh Height Ymkn refers Tfal Alvjdany Valmvzvy less reason Tfalhma examination on ensuring Alhrkh Alvjdanyh per Alhrkh Alayqayh interior, Fhzh Alslasyh The technical tablet and the signifier signify and it is possible for us to refer to this employment of conscientious, subjective, factual and argumentative medals with the obligatory position in itself.
Keywords: Internal, Rhythm, Structure, Significance, Al-Shabbi -
یدرس هذا المقال، دراسه لغویه دلالیه فی بعض المفردات القرآنیه مبینا اثر الاسلام فی تطور دلالات الالفاظ عما کانت علیه فی العصر الجاهلی. اما المنهج فی هذه الدراسه ، فیبدا البحث بدراسه اللفظ فی العصر الجاهلی من خلال نصوصه الشعریه ثم دراسه دلالاته فی القرآن الکریم لیتم من خلالها، الوصول الی مظاهر التطور الدلالی التی اصیبت به تلک الالفاظ . کان الهدف الرییسی لهذه الدراسه ان تکون خطوه اولی لتکوین معجم التطور الدلالی للمفردات القرآنیه (بین العصرین : العصر الجاهلی الی نهایه نزول القرآن الکریم). تم اختیار لهذه الدراسه مفردات یظن انها طرا علیها التطور الدلالی . و المراد من اختیار دراسه هذه المفردات ، معرفه المفردات التی کانت تستعمل فی العصر الجاهلی ثم اضاف الیها الاسلام دلاله ثانیه و ثالثه او قام بتغییر دلاله اللفظ جذریا . لذلک تم ترک المفردات التی کانت معروفه و قد اصیبت بتغییر دلالی من جراء الحقیقه الشرعیه . علی خلاف ما نتصور، عندما نتابع الابیات التی وصلت الینا من العصر الجاهلی، نواجه ابیاتا فیها تعابیر لا نستطیع ان نجد موافقه بین هذه المفردات المستعمله و بییه العصر الجاهلی فیجب ان نقف بحذر و تامل . بعباره اخری هناک ابیات ربما منحوله لا نجد لها اساسا و هذا بسبب ان المسلمین ارادوا ان یحکموا الثقافه القرآنیه فقاموا بصیاغه ابیات فیها مضامین دینیه و نسبوها الی الشعراء الجاهلیین . هذه رویه ربما یخالفها و لا یقبلها بعض المثقفین فلذلک فلا ضیر اذا صدقنا هذه الابیات و نقبل بان الشاعر الجاهلی ایضا قد استفاد من هذه المفردات حیث کانت مستعمله فی العصر الجاهلی.
کلید واژگان: اللفظ, الدلاله, التطور, الشعر الجاهلی, القرآن الکریم .This study examines the semantic evolution of some Qur'anic words and reveals the influence of Islam in the semantic development of words compared to the ignorance period. This research begins by examining the usage of the words during the ignorance period, then examines its meanings in the Holy Quran in order to achieve the semantic expressions of these words. The purpose of this study is to know the words’ meanings used in the ignorance period. Then Islam has added the second and third meaning to them or fundamentally changed the meaning of the words. Therefore, the common usages of the words were left out. Contrary to our imagination, when we follow the verses reached to us from the ignorance period, we come across the words whose meanings don’t correspond to this period, so it is necessary to be considered. Muslims wanted the Quranic culture to prevail, so they edited some verses that had a religious theme and attributed them to Jahili poets. Some intellectuals may disagree with this point of view and do not accept them, so it is safe to accept that Jahili poets also used these words as it was used during the ignorance period. In this research, the semantic evolution of the words nīkī, khayr, and jihad is investigated.
Keywords: word, meaning, semantic evolution, Jahili poems, Quran -
یدرس هذا البحث العلاقه بین تشکیل المستوی الفنی وترکیب الالفاظ، مبینا الفارق المعنوی بین اللفظ المعجمی واللفظ فی الترکیب، وما یرتبط بذلک من تشکیل فنی، ثم ما یتضمنه من علاقه الترکیب النحوی بالمعنی، وکیفیه ظهور المعنی من خلال الترکیب، وصله انواع الترکیب فی اللغه باداء المعنی، وتاثیر الترکیبات المختلفه فی توجیه المعانی، کما یبحث فی الانزیاح الدلالی فی اللفظ، من خلال دراسه الفارق بین المعنی الکامن فی اللفظ مفردا والمعنی الذی ینتج لدی ترکیب المفردات لدی الاستخدامات المختلفه، ویبحث ایضا فی القراین الداله واثر هذه القراین فی توجیه الدلاله وظهور المفهوم من اللفظ عموما، ویتحدث فی الاستخدام الفنی للالفاظ فیبین ان کیفیه استخدام اللفظ فی التعبیر استخداما لیس مالوفا ینتج دلاله جدیده. ویرکز البحث ایضا علی مساله الاغراض والمقاصد المتفرعه من التراکیب النحویه، کاغراض التقدیم والتاخیر فی علاقات الإسناد، وما ینتج عنها من انحراف دلالی یلفت انتباه المتلقی إلی معنی دلالی جدید. ویعتمد هذا الجانب حصول الفایده من خلال مراعاه حال المخاطب؛ فلکل بنیه ترکیبیه معناها ومقصدها وغایتها التداولیه، ولکل صیغه لفظیه إبلاغیه توجبها ملابسات الخطاب واغراضه. ویبین البحث ان اللغه لفظ معین یودیه متکلم لغرض خاص فی مقام ومقال محددین، إلی مخاطب معلوم فی الذهن. ویولی البحث الصیغه الصرفیه اهتماما، فللصیغه الصرفیه دور کبیر فی التوجیه الدلالی للکلمه؛ من حیث علاقه بنیه الکلمه او صیغتها الصرفیه بمعانیها الوظیفیه.کلید واژگان: الانزیاح, الترکیب, الدلاله, الإسناد, القرائنThis research studies the relationship between the technique form and the expression forming.It shows the difference in meaning between the pronounciation in dictionary and structure and what it connects to, like technical forming and what it includes of the connection between the grammatical structure in meaning and the way to discoverthe meaning throughout the structure, and the link of the structures in language in giving the meaning.And the influence of the different structures in forwarding (sending) meanings.As ,I will search in semantical leaving in pronounciation , during the study of the difference between the hidden meaning in pronouynciation only and the meaning that'd we have when we build (form ) vocabularies in the different uses .And I will also search in the indication in sending semantics and the pronounciation in general.And I`ll talk about the technique use for pronounciation to show the way how we use the pronounciation in expressing in uncommon way which gives a new meaning.Keywords: Departing, Syntaxe, Semantic, indications
إن دراسه علاقه اللغه العربیه بنظریات البحث اللغوی الحدیثه هی من القضایا المهمه فی شوون هذه اللغه، خاصه بعد ظهور علم اللغه الجدید کعلم مستقل. وعندما تغیر اتجاه الدراسات اللغویه بافکار وتوجهات العالم اللغوی، فردیناند دی سوسور فی بدایات القرن العشرین، تاثر البحث اللغوی فی العالم العربی بهذه التوجهات، خاصه بعد ان قدم نعوم تشومسکی نظریته التولیدیه التحویلیه التی قدمت إطارا منهجیا للباحثین فی اللغه العربیه، حیث حاولوا ان یتماشوا مع فکره عالمیه القواعد التی کانت من معطیات هذه النظریه، فطبقوا قسطا من مفاهیمها علی اللغه العربیه. لقد لاحظ کتاب هذا البحث ان هناک علاقه بین مناهج وتصورات العلماء اللغویین المعاصرین العرب فی دراسه نحوهم العربی وبین جهود تشومسکی فی نظریته التولیدیه التحویلیه. استهدف هذا البحث معتمدا علی المنهج الوصفی - التحلیلی الکشف عن آراء محمد حماسه عبد اللطیف النحویه وترجیحاته وفقا للنظریه التولیدیه التحویلیه. ومن اهم النتایج التی توصلت إلیها الدراسه ان تشومسکی یعتقد فی نظریته التولیدیه والتحویلیه بالبنیه السطحیه والبنیه العمیقه للجمل ویتوافق عبداللطیف مع هذا الرای ویری بان الإعراب بمجمله والتنغیم ایضا یکشفان عن البنیه العمیقه. ویشیر عبد اللطیف إلی اهمیه سیاق الموقف وهذه الإشاره تدل علی عدم تقیده بالمنهج التولیدی التحویلی الذی لایهتم بسیاق الموقف او المقام.کلید واژگان: النحو, الدلاله, النظریه التولیدیه التحویلیه, تشومسکی, محمد حماسه عبد اللطیفOne of the important issues in the affairs of the Arabic is the study of the relationship of this language with modern linguistic research theories, especially after the emergence of the new science of language as an independent science. At the beginning of the twentieth century, when the direction of linguistic studies changed with the ideas and orientations of the linguist, Ferdinand de Saussure, linguistic research in the Arab world was affected by these trends, especially after Noam Chomsky presented his transformational generative theory. This theory provided a methodological framework for researchers in the Arabic language, as they tried to conform to the idea of the universality of grammar that was one of the endowments of this theory, so they applied some of its concepts to the Arabic language. The authors of this research have noticed that there is a relationship between the approaches and perceptions of contemporary Arab linguists in the study of their Arabic grammar and Chomsky's efforts in his transformational generative theory. This research, based on the descriptive-analytical method, aimed to reveal the grammatical views of Muhammad Hamasa Abd al-Latif and his preferences according to the transformational generative theory. Among the most important findings of the study are; Chomsky believes, in his generative-transformational theory, the superficial structure and the deep structure of sentences, and Abd al-Latif agrees with this view, and Abd al-Latif believes that the syntax as a whole and intonation also reveal the deep structure. Abd al-Latif refers to the importance of the position, the position and the context, and this reference indicates that he is bound by the generative-transformative approach that does not care about the context of the position or the position.Keywords: grammar, semantics, generative-transformation theory, Chomsky, Muhammad Hamasa Abd al-Latif
إن التضاد والتقابل عنصران اساسان فی الحیاه البشریه وما تحتویه، ومنهما تتکون المفارقه. وللمفارقه اهمیه بالغه فی الادب، فبها ینسجم الاثر وینمو حتی یبلغ قمه التاثیر فی المتلقین. وإنها لتاتی علی انماط متعدده، لمدی تاثیرها وکیفیه إنجازها، حسب درجتها وصیاغتها وطرفیها ای المظهر والمخبر، وحسب روی المبدع والوظیفه التی استخدمها للتاثیر فی المتلقی، وحسب اختلاف الاذواق والعواطف والإدراک المعرفی ومدی الانفعال ومستواه فی المبدعین ثم متلقی الآثار الفنیه. وللادب اشکال مختلفه کالشعر والقصه والدعاء؛ والدعاء هو ما یدعو به الإنسان ربه عامه، وما بقی من الادعیه الماثوره من ایمتنا المعصومین (ع)، خاصه، فی مخاطبه الله سبحانه. وبما انهم امراء البیان وملوک الکلام، کانت ادعیتهم المثل الاعلی فی هذا النوع وعمرت بالصناعات الادبیه المختلفه والتقنیات الکلامیه المتعدده، ومنها المفارقه التی یهدف البحث إلی دراستها، إذ حاول البحث ان یقصر دایره دراسته علی بعض انماط المفارقه کالبناییه، والمفهوم او التصور، والسلوک الحرکی حسب بنیتها الدلالیه کما جاءت فی ادعیه کتاب مفاتیح الجنان ابتداء من اول الکتاب حتی قسم الزیارات، لیبین إمکانیه هذا الشکل فی استخدامها لتسلیط الضوء علی الغرض وترسیخ الاثر فی المتلقی، کما یحاول ان یبین إمکانیه الادعیه فی تخصیب الشکل و المعنی باستخدام المفارقه فی هذه الانماط، فقام البحث بتحلیل نماذج من الادعیه تحلیلا وصفیا ضمن مقارنتها بالدراسات التی اجریت حول الآثار الحدیثه خارج البحث، وتوصل إلی ان الادعیه قد استوعبت العدید من التقینیات التی تندرج ضمن التقنیات الجدیده، وان المفارقه لم یکن لها حضور شکلی فی الادعیه فحسب، بل استخدمت فی الادعیه استخداما دلالیا بارعا یساعد علی عرض المعنی والمقصود بشکل اکثر ظهورا و بروزا.کلید واژگان: المفارقه, الادعیه, مفاتیح الجنان, بنیه المفارقه, الدلالهThe irony comes in different forms and multiple patterns, according to the amount of influence, how it is formed, sides of paradox, appearance and meaning, creator's point of view, function of paradox in presenting image and meaning, etc. The research tried to determine the circle of its study on some paradox patterns such as The structural irony, the irony of conception or visualization and the gestural irony according to their semantic structure in the supplications of the keys to heaven, to show the possibility of this form in using this technique, which is considered a new technique even though it was used in ancient literature since the early ages to shed light on the purpose and establish impact on the recipient. It also tries to show the possibility of supplications in enriching form and meaning by using paradox in these patterns .For this purpose, the present study analyzed the prominent examples of supplications in Mafatih al-jinan and compared them with the studies done in other works outside the research and came to the conclusion that Supplications due to their literary and artistic richness and connection with the world of revelation, many It contains the verbal techniques that made it stand out among the old literary works, and another point is that the contradiction in the supplication was not only a formal presence, but it was also skillfully used in the meaning dimension and helped to present the meaning to be more visible and prominent.Keywords: irony, supplications, Mafatih al-jinan, the structure of irony, indication
تتسم ظاهره الاستبدال اللغوی بالنصیه، وتساهم فی خلق نص متماسک بحیث تمت رسائل الإمام علی (علیه السلام) الاستبدال اللغوی بصلات لغویه ودلالیه لضخها مظاهر لسانیه جدیده. وعلی اساس مقوله إمکانیه مساهمه کلام الإمام فی المشارکه فی النظریات والظواهر اللغویه ومنها ظاهره الاستبدال اللغوی یهدف المقال إلی دور کلام الإمام فی إثراء ظاهره الاستبدال اللغوی مظاهر ومفاهیم لغویه جدیده وتبیین نوع الاستبدال لدیه بالإضافه إلی معرفه شکله. ویسعی إلی الإجابه عن کیفیه اشکال الاستبدال ومیزاتها الدلالیه فی رسائل الإمام، وتبیین رویته اللغویه تجاه الاستبدال، وفی هذا المجال انتهج المنهج الوصفی-التحلیلی، معتمدا علی علم الدلاله والآراء اللغویه لتبیین الاهداف والاسئله، بحیث توصل إلی ان شکل الاستبدال قد یتفاوت ماده ویتداخل صیغه وبالعکس، ویلتحم مع الجانب الاسلوبی کما یوجد للاستبدال المعجمی الترادف بحیث تنضوی اشکال الاستبدال لدی الإمام تحت المستوی المعجمی والنحوی وقد تخرج إلی المستوی البلاغی والاسلوبی بحیث تتضافر مع الجوانب الاسلوبیه، ما یولد المستوی المعجمی والنحوی مستوی بلاغیا واسلوبیا کمیزات لغویه ودلالیه بحیث لا تنحصر رویه الإمام تجاه انواع الاستبدال علی الاسمی والفعلی والقولی بل تتعدی إلی الحرفی والمعجمی، معتمده علی اسلوبیه التداخل والتفاوت والتمایز اللغویه منهجا بین المفردات حین الاستبدال اللغوی، وتنبثق میزات الاستبدال الدلالیه لدی الإمام من اسلوبیه التداخل والتفاوت والتمایز لتبیین الدلالات ومع العنایه بالمقام ووجود علاقه الاصل والفرع اللغوی بین الوحدات اللغویه وکذلک إخضاع الاستبدال لغرض البنیه الداخلیه المرتبطه بالنص والبنیه الخارجیه المرتبطه بالمقتضی والمقام.
کلید واژگان: الاستبدال, الدلاله, الرسائل, الإمام علی, علیه السلامThe phenomenon of linguistic substitution is characterized by textuality, and it contributes to the creation of a coherent text so that the messages of Imam Ali (peace be upon him) were linguistically replaced by linguistic and semantic connections to infuse them with new linguistic manifestations. On the basis of the argument that the imam’s speech can contribute to participation in linguistic theories and phenomena, including the phenomenon of linguistic substitution, the article aims at the role of the imam’s speech in enriching the phenomenon of linguistic substitution with new linguistic manifestations and concepts and clarifying the type of substitution he has in addition to knowing its form. It seeks to answer how the forms of substitution and their semantic features in the Imam’s letters, and to show his linguistic vision towards substitution, and in this field he followed the descriptive-analytical approach, relying on semantics and linguistic views to clarify the objectives and questions, so that he concluded that the form of substitution may vary in substance and overlap in form and vice versa. It merges with the stylistic aspect, and there is a tandem lexical substitution, so that the forms of substitution of the Imam fall under the lexical and grammatical level, and may come out to the rhetorical and stylistic level so that they combine with the stylistic aspects, which generates the lexical and grammatical level as a rhetorical and stylistic level as linguistic and semantic features so that the Imam’s.
Keywords: substitution, meaning, Letters, Imam, Ali -
تحاول الدراسات الاسلوبیه دراسه بناء الشعر وتحلیل اجزایه بغیه الکشف عن نظمه وفقا للمستویات الصوتیه والترکیبیه والبلاغیه لتمیز بعد ذلک بین نتاج الادباء وتحکم علی الرصین السمین منه؛ مما هو غث هزل یتخلله الوهن والخور. والاسلوبیه تطمح إلی دراسه البنیات الاسلوبیه فی الخطاب الادبی" البنیه الإیقاعیه والترکیبیه والدلالیه" وغایتها فی ذلک کشف العلاقات التی تربط هذه البنیات بغیه الوصول إلی ما یتفرد به الخطاب الادبی من حیث بنایه اللغوی وإدراک القیمه الفنیه والادبیه التی تکمن وراءها. وقد استهدفت هذه الدراسه دراسه الاسلوبیه والاسلوب لغه واصطلاحا ومستویاتها الثلاثه: المستوی الصوتی والمستوی الدلالی والمستوی الترکیبی وقامت بالمقارنه الاسلوبیه فی قصیدتین: إحداهما لشمس الدین الکوفی والاخری لابن شهید. القصیده الاولی یرثی بها الشاعر مدینته الحبیبه "بغداد" والاخری یبکی لفقده قرطبه. وبعد دراسه سمات الاسلوبیه وخصایصها فی کلا القصیدتین وعقد المقارنه بینهما خلصت إلی ان کلا من الشاعرین قد استخدم سمات الاسلوبیه لیودعها معانی یعجز ظاهر اللغه عن إیصالها للمتلقی، وعند المقارنه اتضح ان کل واحد منهما قد تفوق فی بعض تلک الخصایص علی صاحبه واخفق فی بعضها؛ کما انه ظهر ان هناک توازنا مقصودا فی إیقاع القصیدتین وان التکرار الصوتی متناسق له دلاله علی قصد الشاعر علما ان هذه الدراسه استخدمت المنهج التحلیلی والوصفی وایضا استفادت من الاحصاء لبیان خصایص الاسلوبیه فی القصیدتین.کلید واژگان: الاسلوبیه, الدلاله, شمس الدین الکوفی, ابن شهیدStylistic studies intend to study the structure of poetry and to analyze its parts and the purpose is to reveal its arrangement according to the phonological, structural and rhetorical levels, in order to distinguish between the literary products and to judge the volubility of it; the literary text is interspersed with weakness and refraction. stylistics studies intend to study stylistic structures in literary discourse, "the rhythmic, synthetic and semantic structure." Its purpose is to reveal the relationships that bind these structures, in order to reach the uniqueness of the literary discourse in terms of its linguistic structure and the realization of the artistic and literary value that lies behind it. This study aimed to study the stylistics and style of language and terminology and its three levels: The phonemic level, the semantic level, and the syntactic level, and made a stylistic comparison in two poems: One is Shams al-Din al-Kufi and the other for Ibn Shahid. In the first poem, the poet laments his beloved city "Baghdad" and in the other he weeps for his loss of “Cordoba”. After studying the stylistic features and characteristics in both poems and comparing them, the conclusion is that both poets have used stylistic features to give it meanings that the apparent language is unable to convey to the recipient. Upon comparison, it became clear that each of them had surpassed in some characteristics over its owner and failed in others. and there is an intentional balance in the rhythm of the two poems.Keywords: stylistics, Sound, structure, semantics
یمکن عد اتجاهات عدیده للبنیه فی النصوص الدینیه. کما ولکل نص بنیته الخاصه التی تعطیها الهویه ولها دور فی تحدید ادبیه النص. لهذا فالنصوص الدینیه الادبیه نری فیها البنی المختلفه بالتزامن والتی من ملامحها اختیار البنی المنهجیه النحویه والبلاغیه. والقرآن الکریم بوصفه نصا دینیا ادبیا یضم مثل هذه البنی النحویه والبلاغیه التی توثر فی ازدیاد اوجه وبطون الآیات المعنویه. اکدت آراء لمنظرین ان المشاکل فی النص اثناء الترجمه تنجم عن الصیاغات المحیطه به؛ فلذلک طرحوا نظریات مهتمه باهمیه بنی الجمله. تهدف المقاله معتمده علی المنهج الوصفی التحلیلی إلی تحلیل البنی النحویه البلاغیه فی سوره الفاطر وکیفیه اصداء هذه البنی فی ترجمتها الفارسیه وان تتطرق إلی عملیه نقل معانیها وبلاغتها فی النص المترجم ملفته النظر للاتجاهات النحویه البلاغیه التی تکون من اسباب إقامه التکافو فی النصین المصدر والهدف. تبین من خلال البحث ان توظیف البنی النحویه البلاغیه بالوانها فی السوره کان لاجل التصریح والتدقیق فی المعانی اولا وتعزیز التماسک والتلاحم فی تراکیب الآیات والفاظها ثانیه. هذا وان اداء المترجم المفضل تتعلق بنقل البنی النحویه اکثر من البنی البلاغیه.
کلید واژگان: البنیویه, الدلاله, الترجمه, البنیه النحویه, البنیه البلاغیه, سوره الفاطرThe audience's perceptions of the text's meaning and author are influenced by its structure. The impact of a work is multiplied if it has a straightforward, logical structure combined with linguistic and moral aesthetics (eloquence and eloquence). Every text has a unique structure that gives it individuality and influences how literary the text is. Religious writings can be categorized in a number of structural directions. This essay examines the grammatical and rhetorical structures of Surah Fatir and how they manifest in its Persian translation using the descriptive-analytical technique. One of the causes of parallelism between source and destination texts is paying attention to grammatical and rhetorical tendencies. The translator has attempted to translate the verbal and conceptual complexities in accordance with the structure of the source text into the structure of the target text using the simplest expressions in an artistic manner and with respect for veracity. This has involved interacting with the grammatical and rhetorical structures used in the Surah. Furthermore, the desired performance of the translator is more closely linked to the transfer of grammatical than rhetorical components.
Keywords: Structuralism, Semantics, translation, Grammatical Structure, Rhetorical Structure, Surah Fatir -
القیود تزید الکلام معنی وتغنیه إیضاحا وعمقا فکلما ازدادت قیود الکلام ازدادت معانیه وکثرت دلالاته. والقیود الداله علی الزمان والمکان من اکثر القیود استعمالا فی اللغه العربیه؛ إذ إن لکل فعل زمانا یحدث خلاله ومکانا یقع فیه. وقد استخدمت الخنساء هذه القیود بکثافه فی نتاجها الشعری بغیه إثراء نصها ورفده بوظایف جمالیه ودلالیه فاعله. إن الخنساء من اشهر شواعر الادب العربی وفی مقدمه شعراء الرثاء الذی یعد من اقدم الاغراض الشعریه المرتکزه علی القیود الزمکانیه تهدف هذه الورقه إلی دراسه القیود الداله علی الزمان والمکان فی شعر الخنساء للوقوف علی دورها فی خلق المعانی وإبداع الصور البیانیه فی شعرها. تعتمد هذه الورقه علی المنهج الوصفی - التحلیلی وتستفید من الإحصاء فی بعض جوانبها، وقد توصلت إلی نتایج اهمها ان الخنساء افادت من طاقات القیود الزمانیه والمکانیه لبیان عواطفها فی فقد اقربایها، فابدعت فی الکثیر من المعانی والثیمات المبتکره. ومن خلال توظیف الشاعره لهذه القیود الموحیه رکزت علی صفات المدح بغیه تمجید مرثیها والإطراء علیه حیث تجعله فی قمه تلک الصفات. فضلا عن الدلالات التی تنتجها هذه القیود فی النص الشعری، فقد اخضعتها الخنساء لإغناء الصور التشبیهیه والاستعاریه المبتکره، إذ اغنت الصور حسنا وجمالا وظرافه، کما وظفتها لخلق بعض الصور الکناییه.کلید واژگان: قید الزمان, قید المکان, الدلاله, الجمالیه, شعر الخنساءAdverbs add to the meaning of the word and clarify its different angles in such a way that it can be said the more the verbal adverbs are, the greater its meaning will be and its implications become wider. Time and place adverbs are most commonly used in Arabic because every action takes place at a time and occurs in a place. Al-Khansa is one of the most famous Arab poets and the pioneer of making jeremiad of that nation. In this article, the author intends to examine the time and place adverbs in Al-Khansa's poetry in order to clarify how the poet has used them to creating meaning? And what roles have these adverbs played in the images which she has created? The method chosen to conduct this research is a descriptive analytical method and sometimes the use of statistics. The results of this research point to the fact that Al-Khansa has used well-known adverbs to express her emotions, which more reflects the grief of the loss of her relatives, and has created meaning and innovations through the proper use of them. She has added to her admiration through using adverbs which has placed him at the top of that trait. Occasionally, by using specific adverbs, such as giving or delaying, she extracts her intended meaning. The poet has also used the adverbs for the richness of the simile and metaphorical images she creates, and she used them to creat metonymic images.Keywords: time adverb, place adverb, meaning creation, dedicating beauty, Al-Khansa
التکرار ظاهره اسلوبیه تفنن العرب فی استخدامه، إذا ارادوا معنی إضافیا، لا یتحقق بغیره، ویربط بین اجزاء معنویه متعلقه بمرجع واحد یقع علیه التکرار، وله لطایفه البلاغیه والمعنویه التی یحددها السیاق الذی جاء فیه، والمقام الذی فرضها، ومقتضی الحال. ویکون التکرار فی اللفظ والمعنی معا، وربما یقع فی اللفظ من دون المعنی، او فی المعنی من دون اللفظ، سواء اکان فی الجمله ام فی اللفظ المفرد. فمن تکرار اللفظ المفرد الذی رسم به ابن مقبل لوحاته الفنیه کان تکرار الضمیر؛ إذ بدا کلا منها بالمرجع الذی یشکل اساسها، ثم عدل عنه إلی ضمیره المغنی عنه، یستکمل به اوصافه المتعدده، او یذکر به بعد طول فصل، او یونس به نفسه، او یوکد معنی اراد تقریره فی نفس المتلقی، او یظهر لوعه وحسره ملات قلبه، إلی غیر ذلک من المعانی التی جادت بها کیفیات التعبیر الشعریه لدیه، وتوقف البحث عندها.کلید واژگان: التکرار, السیاق, الدلاله, الإطنابRepetition is a stylistic phenomenon used by Arabs when adding an extra meaning they cannot obtain without it. It strings together the parts of a piece of information related to a single reference displaying repetition.Repetition also has its rhetorical and semantic features dictated by the context in which they occur. Moreover, word and meaning repetitions can occur, and may occur in wards, not in meaning, and they happen in a sentence or a single ward. In so doing, Ibn Muqbel asserts among other things, a meaning he wants to instill in recipients, relying on his modes of poetic expression.Keywords: repetition, context, Denotation, brevity, Equality
یعد الزمن محورا اساسیا فی تشکیل الخطاب الروایی، باعتباره من الفنون الزمنیه، حتی یتحدد ویتبلور شکل البنیه الرواییه معتمدا علی شکل البنیه الزمنیه لها ویوثر فی توصیل دلالاته؛ ولهذا، یحاول هذا البحث دراسته لتبیین هذا التاثیر والتلازم بین البنیه الزمنیه والدلالیه للروایه، مما یودی إلی فهم اعمق للنص الروایی. ولم یعد الزمن فی الروایه العالمیه الحدیثه عامه، والروایه العربیه الحدیثه بصوره خاصه، قایما علی التسلسل التعاقبی کالروایه الکلاسیکیه، بل اتجهت الروایه إلی انحراف السیر الزمنی. فبناء الحدث الروایی لا یخضع لمنطق السببیه؛ لذا نری تحولات الزمن فی اعمال الرواییین الجدد. والروایی السوری، حیدر حیدر، من هولاء الرواییین الذین وظفوا الزمن بناییا لتکسیر وخرق الزمن الخطی التتابعی، والمفارقه بین زمن الحکایه والخطاب لغایاته الدلالیه؛ وهو ما یتحری هذا البحث دراسته. یعتمد هذا البحث المنهج الوصفی التحلیلی، مستفیدا من آراء جیرار جنیت لدراسه الزمن الروایی فی روایه الزمن الموحش لحیدر حیدر. والدراسه تحاول ان تکشف عن بنیه توظیف الزمن الروایی وخصوصیته ودلالاته ایضا. ومن النتایج التی توصلت إلیها الدراسه ان بناء الزمن فی هذه الروایه هو من النوع الدایری، مما خدم دلالاتها الجدلیه وفکرتها؛ وهو صراع الحداثه والتراث، حیث إن الزمن الدایری هو احد انواع الزمن التداخلی الجدلی، کما عدم التطابق بین نظام السرد ونظام القصه بسبب الاسترجاع والاستباق سبب حدوث مفارقات زمنیه، خاصه عبر تقنیه الاسترجاع؛ لان الروایه سیره ذاتیه لبطلها الشبلی عبد الله، وتطرح إشکالیه صراع الحداثه والتراث، موظفه لذلک تقنیات زمنیه مختلفه، منها ما خلخل الزمن الروایی وسرعه، مثل: الخلاصه والحذف، ومنها ما ابطاه، مثل: الوقفه والمشهد؛ فنوعت علی مستوی البناء من إیقاعه وکسرت رتابه النص؛ وعلی مستوی الدلاله، نهضت بدلالاته السوسیوسیکولوجیه.کلید واژگان: البنیه السردیه, الدلاله, الزمن الروائی, حیدر حیدر, روایه الزمن الموحشTime is a fundamental issue in the formation of narrative discourse because the discourse is considered to be one of the temporal arts and the form of the narrative structure is determined based on its temporal structure. Time is no longer a sequential concept in the modern world novel, in general, and in the modern Arabic novel, in particular. The structure of the narrative no longer depends on the logic of causality, so we see a shift in the time of the novelists’ works. Haidar Haidar, a Syrian novelist, is one of the novelists who uses time structurally and semantically to break the time continuity and create an anachronism between the story time and discourse. Using the descriptive-analytical method and Gerard Genet’s theory, this study examines the narrative time in the novel Al-zaman al-Mouhesh by Haidar Haidar. Its purpose is to examine the structure and function of narrative time and its implications. The results of the present study showed that the structure of time in this novel is circular or rotatory, serving the dialectical notions of the novel. In addition, the mismatch between the structure of the narrative and the story creates analepsis and prolepsis, and this is done by accelerating techniques such as summarizing, deleting, and showing the scene. Therefore, at the structural level, the monotony breaks the rhythm of the novel and diversifies it, and at the semantic level, it manages to convey its psychological and social concepts and implications.Keywords: Narrative Structure, Implication, narration time, Haidar Haidar, The Novel Al-zaman al-Mouhesh
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