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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « incompatible couples » در نشریات گروه « پزشکی »

  • فاطمه خلیلی آلاشتی، شهربانو دهرویه*، نغمه توکلی
    زمینه و هدف

    پژوهش حاضر باهدف بررسی اثربخشی آموزش حل مسئله بر جهت گیری زندگی، عاطفه مثبت و منفی و درماندگی آموخته شده در زوجین ناسازگار شهرستان قائم شهر انجام شد.

    مواد و روش ها

    روش پژوهش حاضر آزمایشی و طرح تحقیق شبه آزمایشی با گروه کنترل بود. جامعه آماری شامل کلیه زوجین مراجعه کننده به مراکز مشاوره شهرستان قائم شهر در سال 1401 بود. 30 زوج به عنوان نمونه به روش نمونه گیری در دسترس انتخاب و به صورت تصادفی در دو گروه آزمایش و کنترل (هر گروه 15 نفر) گمارش شدند. سپس آزمودنی های گروه آزمایش طی 8 جلسه 60 دقیقه ای آموزش حل مسئله را دریافت کردند. جهت جمع آوری داده ها از پرسشنامه های جهت گیری زندگی (شییر و کارور، 1994)، عاطفه مثبت و منفی (واتسون و همکاران، 1988) و درماندگی آموخته شده (کوینلس و نیلسون، 1988) در دو مرحله قبل و بعد از آموزش در هر دو گروه (آزمایش و کنترل) استفاده شد.

    یافته ها

    نتایج تحلیل از آزمون تحلیل کواریانس نشان داد آموزش حل مسئله موجب بهبود خوش بینی در جهت گیری زندگی، افزایش عاطفه مثبت و کاهش درماندگی آموخته شده در گروه آزمایش شده است (05/0=p). 

    نتیجه گیری

    با توجه به یافته های پژوهش حاضر، در حوزه درمان و مشاوره زوجین ناسازگار، آموزش حل مسئله در جهت سازگاری زوجین و حل تعارضات آن ها؛ بسیار کارآمد و نویدبخش به نظر می رسد.

    کلید واژگان: حل مسئله, جهت گیری زندگی, عاطفه مثبت و منفی, درماندگی آموخته شده, زوجین ناسازگار}
    Fatemeh Khalili Alashti, Shahrbanoo Dehrouyeh*, Naqmeh Tavakoli
    Background and Objectives

    The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the effectiveness of problem solving training on life orientation, positive and negative emotions, and learned helplessness in incompatible couples in Qaemshahr city.

    Materials and Methods

    The method of the present research was an experiment and a quasi-experimental research design with a control group. The statistical population included all couples who referred to counseling centers in Qaemshahr city in 2023. 30 couples were selected as a sample using available sampling method and randomly assigned to two experimental and control groups (15 people in each group). Then, the subjects of the experimental group received problem solving training during 8 sessions of 60 minutes. In order to collect data from life orientation questionnaires (Shier and Carver, 1994), positive and negative affect (Watson et al., 1988) and learned helplessness (Quinless and Nilsson, 1988) in two stages before and after training in both groups (experiment and control) were used.


    The findings from the analysis of covariance test showed that problem solving training improved optimism in life orientation, increased positive emotion, and reduced learned helplessness in the tested group (p=0.05).


    According to the findings of the present research, in the field of therapy and counseling of incompatible couples, training in problem solving for the compatibility of couples and solving their conflicts; It looks very efficient and promising.

    Keywords: Problem Solving, Life Orientation, Positive, Negative Affect, Learned Helplessness, Incompatible Couples}
  • Seyedeh Malahat Athari, Mostafa Jannat Feridooni *, Hadi Hashemi Razini

    One reason for family breakups is failing to treat the problems of incompatible couples. The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of emotion regulation (ER) and logotherapy (LT) on the psychological distress of incompatible couples.


    This study used an experimental design with pre- and post-tests and a control group. The statistical population comprised all incompatible couples who had sought counseling services at Avaye Kherad, Neday Baran, and the Life Counseling Center in Sari City, Iran, in 2021. The research sample comprised 69 couples who were selected using purposive sampling and divided into two experimental groups (18 people in each group) and a control group (18 people). To collect data, the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS) Questionnaire (Lovibond & Lovibond, 1995) was used. The collected data were analyzed using the ANCOVA test (with a significance level set at α=0.05) and SPSS version 25.


    The results of the analysis showed that ER and LT were effective in reducing the psychological distress of incompatible couples. The mean depression score was significantly lower in the ER group (10.27±2.19) compared to the LT group (11.61±2.30) and the control group (15.05±2.38; P=0.001). The mean anxiety score was also significantly lower in the ER group (8.77±2.07) compared to the LT group (13.72±2.24) and the control group (13.94±2.18; P=0.004). The effectiveness of ER (10±1.87) in reducing stress was significantly higher than LT (13.38±2.59) and the control group (15.38±2.42; P=0.001).


    Based on the findings of this study, it can be concluded that emotion regulation and logotherapy can be effective therapies to reduce the problems of incompatible couples.

    Keywords: Emotion regulation, Logotherapy, Psychological distress, Incompatible Couples}
  • حسین زعیمی، علیرضا رجایی*، محمدرضا صفاریان طوسی، حمید نجات

    زوجین ناسازگار دارای مشکلات هیجانی، شناختی و اجتماعی بسیاری از جمله در زمینه تحمل آشفتگی هستند. بنابراین، پژوهش حاضر با هدف مقایسه اثربخشی درمان هیجان مدار و درمان پذیرش و تعهد بر تحمل آشفتگی زوجین ناسازگار انجام شد.

    روش کار

    این مطالعه نیمه آزمایشی با طرح پیش آزمون- پس آزمون با گروه کنترل بود. جامعه پژوهش زوجین ناسازگار مراجعه کننده به مرکز مشاوره خانواده شهر تربت جام در سال 1398 بودند. نمونه پژوهش 24 زوج بودند که پس از بررسی ملاک های ورود به مطالعه با روش نمونه گیری هدفمند انتخاب و به صورت تصادفی با قرعه کشی در سه گروه مساوی (هر گروه 8 زوج) شامل دو گروه آزمایش و یک گروه کنترل جایگزین شدند. گروه آزمایش اول به روش زوج درمانی 8 جلسه 90 دقیقه ای تحت درمان هیجان مدار و گروه آزمایش دوم به روش زوج درمانی 10 جلسه 90 دقیقه ای تحت درمان پذیرش و تعهد قرار گرفت و گروه کنترل در لیست انتظار برای آموزش ماند. ابزارهای پژوهش شامل فرم اطلاعات جمعیت شناختی، مقیاس سازگاری زناشویی و مقیاس تحمل آشفتگی بودند. داده ها با آزمون های کای اسکویر، تحلیل کوواریانس تک متغیری و آزمون تعقیبی بونفرونی در نرم افزار SPSS نسخه 20 تحلیل شدند.

    یافته ها

    یافته ها نشان داد که گروه های آزمایش و کنترل از نظر سطح تحصیلات و دامنه سنی تفاوت معنی داری نداشتند (0/05P>). همچنین، هر دو روش درمان هیجان مدار و درمان پذیرش و تعهد در مقایسه با گروه کنترل باعث افزایش تحمل آشفتگی زوجین ناسازگار شدند (0/001P<)، اما بین دو روش مذکور در افزایش تحمل آشفتگی زوجین ناسازگار تفاوت معنی داری وجود نداشت (0/05P>).

    نتیجه گیری

    نتایج نشان داد که هر دو روش درمان هیجان مدار و درمان پذیرش و تعهد باعث افزایش تحمل آشفتگی زوجین ناسازگار شدند و بین آنها تفاوت معنی داری وجود نداشت. بنابراین، متخصصان سلامت و درمانگران می توانند از هر دو روش مذکور برای بهبود تحمل آشفتگی در گروه های آسیب پذیر از جمله زوجین ناسازگار استفاده نمایند.

    کلید واژگان: درمان هیجان مدار, درمان پذیرش و تعهد, زوج درمانی, تحمل آشفتگی, زوجین ناسازگار}
    Hossein Zaimi, Alireza Rajaei*, Mohammadreza Saffarian Tousi, Hamid Nejat

    Incompatible couples have many emotional, cognitive and social problems, including in the field of distress tolerance. Therefore, the present study was conducted with the aim of comparison the effectiveness of emotion-focused therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy on distress tolerance of incompatible couples.


    This study was a semi-experimental with a pretest-posttest design with a control group. The research population was incompatible couples who referred to the Family Counseling Center of Torbat-e-Jam in 2019 year. The research sample was 24 couples who after reviewing the inclusion criteria were selected by purposeful sampling method and were replaced randomly with the lottery in three equal groups (8 couples in each group) including two experimental groups and one control group. The first experimental group with couple therapy method 8 sessions of 90 minutes underwent the emotion-focused therapy and the second experimental group with couple therapy method 10 sessions of 90 minutes underwent the acceptance and commitment therapy and the control group remained on the waiting list for training. Research tools included demographic information form, marital adjustment scale and distress tolerance scale. Data were analyzed with chi-square, univariate analysis of covariance and Bonferroni post hoc test in SPSS version 20 software.


    The findings showed that the experimental and control groups did not have significantly different in terms of education level and age range (P>0.05). Also, both emotion-focused therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy in compared to the control group increased the distress tolerance of incompatible couples (P<0.001), but there was no significant difference between the two mentioned methods in increasing the distress tolerance of incompatible couples (P>0.05).


    The results showed that both methods of emotion-focused therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy increased the distress tolerance of incompatible couples and there was no significant difference between them. Therefore, health professionals and therapists can use both mentioned methods to improve distress tolerance in vulnerable groups, including incompatible couples.

    Keywords: Emotion-Focused Therapy, Acceptance, Commitment Therapy, Couple Therapy, Distress Tolerance, Incompatible Couples}
  • نسیبه نخستین، توکل موسی زاده*، آذر کیامرثی
    زمینه و هدف

    بهبود صمیمیت و مهارت های ارتباطی در زوجین ناسازگار یکی از راهکارهای جلوگیری از فروپاشی زندگی است؛ لذا هدف از پژوهش حاضر یررسی اثربخشی طرحواره درمانی بر صمیمیت و مهارت های ارتباطی در زوجین ناسازگار مراجعه کننده به مراکز مشاوره شهر تهران است.

    روش کار

    روش تحقیق نیمه آزمایشی با طرح پیش آزمون- پس آزمون و گروه کنترل و دوره پیگیری بود. جامعه آماری شامل کلیه زوجین ناسازگار مراجعه کننده به مراکز مشاوره شهر تهران در نیمه اول سال 1400 بود که با در اختیار گرفتن پرونده های موجود زوجین ناسازگار مراجعه کننده به مرکز مشاوره شهر تهران، تعداد 10 زوج (10 مرد و 10 زن) به روش نمونه گیری در دسترس انتخاب و در دو گروه 5 زوجه (5 زوج در گروه آزمایشی، 5 زوج در گروه کنترل) قرار گرفتند. ابزار گردآوری اطلاعات پرسشنامه صمیمیت زناشویی تامپسون و والکر (1983)، مهارت های ارتباطی ماتسون (1983) و سازگاری زناشویی اسپانیر (1976) بود. به منظور آموزش طرحواره درمانی از پروتکل طرحواره درمانی یانگ استفاده شد که به مدت سه ماه و در 10 جلسه به طول انجامید. از آزمون تحلیل واریانس مختلط با اندازه گیری مکرر برای تجزیه و تحلیل داده‍ ها استفاده شد.

    یافته ها

    نتایج نشان از این داشت که اسکیماتراپی بر صمیمیت و مهارت های ارتبطی در زوجین ناسازگار تاثیرگذار و پایدار می باشد.

    نتیجه گیری

    با توجه به نتایج این پژوهش، به طور کلی طرحواره درمانی تاثیر معنادار و پایداری بر صمیمیت و مهارت های ارتباطی در زوجین ناسازگار داشته اند. به عبارت دیگر طرحواره درمانی سبب بهبود صمیمیت و مهارت های ارتباطی در زوجین ناسازگار شده اند.

    کلید واژگان: اسکیماتراپی, صمیمیت, مهارت های ارتباطی, زوجین ناسازگار}
    Nasibeh Nakhostin, Tavakol Musazadeh*, Azar Kiamarsi

    Background &


    The social developments of the past decades at the global level have faced the family system with new and diverse changes, challenges, issues, and needs. During this period, the family has been increasingly threatened by multiple and complex causes and factors. When the functions of the family, such as biological, social, cognitive, and emotional functions are damaged one after the other, its members gradually lose their sense of satisfaction. The gradual decrease in the satisfaction of family members due to incompatibility between couples first causes psychological dissociation and then social dissociation. In fact, the functioning of the family is formed based on the relationship between the spouses, and the conflicts between them cause the family system to undergo serious problems. One of the factors that can be mentioned as an influential factor in the occurrence of marital conflicts is intimacy, which in fact, with the reduction of this factor, the process of incompatibility moves forward quickly, and as an essential factor, it can be paid. Marital compatibility can be more in couples that have a higher level of intimacy. In other words, couples with higher intimacy are more capable of facing problems and changes related to their relationship, and as a result, they experience higher marital satisfaction and compatibility. On the other hand, communication skills are considered to be complex processes that enable a person to behave in such a way that others consider him/her adequate. Skills are the necessary abilities to perform purposeful and successful behaviors. Communication skills are the ability to symbolically and efficiently convey the meanings and messages that a person has in mind. When the couple's communication is of better quality, they can be closer to each other and can share their thoughts and feelings, as a result, they feel more intimate and avoid possible misunderstandings that arise in marital conflicts. They prevent seizures. Various treatment methods have been used to solve marital problems. The existence of incompatibility and unhealthy functioning of the family leads to the emergence of various family complications and damages. Therefore, it is necessary to implement therapeutic interventions to increase the functioning of couples, and one of the most effective therapeutic approaches in this field is schema therapy. Schema therapy is effective in improving the sense of closeness and psychological state of couples, marital relations, communication documents and sexual performance of couples, communication beliefs, and marital compatibility, and reducing the desire for divorce. The schema therapy approach is a fundamental evolution in cognitive therapy. The schema therapy approach was formed and developed at the heart of the cognitive therapy approach, based on the attachment theory. Schemas, as traces of a complex set of cognitions, feelings, and tendencies to react, are placed in the neural networks of the brain based on previous experiences. As soon as these patterns are activated in the later stages of life, people will feel trapped. By presenting the role of schemas and coping responses in conceptualizing psychological problems, schema therapy has been able to play a greater role in explaining psychological problems. Despite conducting various studies in the field of the effect of the use of treatment protocols on marital psychological characteristics, there are still many gaps in this field. Each of the conducted research is limited to certain statistical societies and cannot be generalized to the whole society. Also, the way of implementing treatment protocols may be of different quality, which requires repeating these training and comparing their results to reach the final conclusion. Conducting the present research can bring significant and interesting results by examining the effectiveness of the schema therapy protocol. Despite the effectiveness of schema therapy in improving subjects' behaviors in various studies, there have been few studies that have been conducted to investigate the effectiveness of schema therapy on intimacy and communication skills. Therefore, the research gap in this field is quite evident. Considering that the compatibility of couples plays an important role in the stability of the family, schema therapy can be used to achieve this goal, so the research question is whether schema therapy can affect intimacy and communication skills in incompatible couples. Is it effective for counseling centers in Tehran?


    It is a semi-experimental research method with a pre-test-post-test design and a control group and a follow-up period. The statistical population included all incompatible couples who referred to the counseling centers of Tehran in the first half of 1400, and by taking possession of the existing files of incompatible couples who referred to the counseling centers of Tehran, the number of 10 couples (10 men and 10 women) who due to conflicts Marital have referred to counseling centers in Tehran using available sampling method and were placed in two groups of 5 couples (5 couples in the experimental group, 5 couples in the control group). The data collection tool was Thompson and Walker's Marital Intimacy Questionnaire (1983), Matson's Communication Skills Questionnaire (1983), and Spanier's Marital Compatibility Questionnaire (1976). In this research, Yang's schema therapy protocol was used for schema therapy training, which was used for three months and in 10 sessions of 120 minutes, as shown in table no. The mixed variance analysis test with repeated measurements was used to analyze the data.


    The results showed that schema therapy is effective and stable in intimacy and related skills in incompatible couples. Also, the difference between the scores of all components in the pre-test and post-test stages, as well as pre-test and follow-up is significant (P<0.01), while the difference between the post-test and the follow-up stage is not significant. (P>0.01). This finding means that schema therapy has not only improved the marital intimacy components of couples in the experimental group, but this effect has also been stable in the follow-up phase. Also, the results of Table 6 show that the difference between the scores of communication skills in the pre-test and post-test stages as well as pre-test and follow-up is significant (P<0.01), while the difference between The test and the follow-up phase are not significant (P>0.01). This finding means that schema therapy has not only improved the communication skills of couples in the experimental group, but this effect has also been stable in the follow-up phase.


    According to the results of this research, in general, schema therapy has a significant and stable effect on intimacy and communication skills in incompatible couples. In other words, schema therapy has improved intimacy and communication skills in incompatible couples. Every study has some limitations, and this study, like other studies, is not exempt from this case, which can be mentioned as the following limitations. In this research, only questionnaires were used to collect information, and due to practical limitations, interviews were not used to collect knowledge data. Also, the limitation of the sample size and the sampling method inevitably used the available sampling method. The main limitation of this research is that the current research sample was selected from among incompatible couples referring to counseling centers in Tehran, and the generalization of the results of this research to other people should be done with caution. Also, in this research, the possible effect of some intervening variables such as family, cultural, social, and economic factors and personality traits such as mental health or underlying family problems and their role in the research variables were not investigated, which found generalizability. It reduces research.

    Keywords: Schema therapy, Intimacy, Communication skills, Incompatible couples}
  • صدریه ندری، امید مرادی*، حسن امیری
    زمینه و هدف

    خانواده مهم ترین نهاد جامعه بشری است که اولین و بنیادی ترین نهاد جامعه به شمار می رود. قدم نخست برای ایجاد این نهاد اجتماعی ازدواج است. ازدواج در همه جوامع، موضوعی مهم تلقی می شود و داشتن زندگی زناشویی موفق برای اکثر افراد، هدف اصلی و ایده آل است. هدف از انجام پژوهش حاضر طراحی و تدوین الگوی سازگاری زناشویی مبتنی بر ابعاد هوش در زوجین سازگار و ناسازگار شهر کرمانشاه بود.

    روش بررسی

    پژوهش حاضر از لحاظ هدف کاربردی و از لحاظ روش اجرا کیفی از نوع تحلیل محتوا بود. جامعه پژوهش را تمامی زوجین سازگار و ناسازگار و نیز همه متخصصان حیطه مشاوره خانواده در شهر کرمانشاه در سال 1402-1401 تشکیل دادند. برای انتخاب حجم نمونه مصاحبه انجام شد؛ انتخاب نمونه به روش گروه کانونی با ده نفر از متخصصان حیطه مشاوره خانواده و نیز چهل نفر از زوجین سازگار و ناسازگار، بعد از اشباع نظری مصاحبه ها، صورت گرفت. اجرای مصاحبه ها در مرکز مشاوره دانشگاه رازی بود. در ادامه پس از تایید اساتید و خبرگان حیطه خانواده، کدگذاری و تحلیل محتوا با استفاده از نرم افزار مکس کیودا، الگو تدوین و طراحی شد.

    یافته ها

    نتایج نشان داد، مولفه های هوش اخلاقی شامل صداقت و راست گویی، استقامت و پافشاری برای حق (ایستادگی برای حق)، قبول مسیولیت برای خدمت به دیگران، توانایی در بخشش اشتباهات خود و توانایی در بخشش اشتباهات دیگران است؛ همچنین براساس نظر صاحب نظران، مولفه های بعد هوش معنوی در بسته آموزشی سازگاری زناشویی مبتنی بر ابعاد هوش، شامل تولید معنای شخصی در زندگی گردید. در آخر نیز مولفه های اصلی هوش هیجانی شامل حل مسیله، شادمانی، تحمل فشار روانی، خودآگاهی هیجانی، خوش بینی، انعطاف پذیری، روابط بین فردی، مسیولیت پذیری اجتماعی و همدلی بود.

    نتیجه گیری

    براساس یافته های پژوهش می توان نتیجه گرفت، تدوین الگوی سازگاری زناشویی از نیازمندی های زوجین به شمار می رود و برای آموزش های پیش از ازدواج و مداخلات مناسب به منظور کاهش تعارضات زناشویی مفید است.

    کلید واژگان: الگوی سازگاری زناشویی, ابعاد هوش, زوجین سازگار و ناسازگار}
    Sadre Nadri, Omid Moradi *, Hasan Amiri
    Background & Objectives

    The family is the smallest unit of society. People marry to start their families. The form and characteristics of the family depend on social, historical, and ecological conditions. Marriage is a couple's internal and external union as husband and wife to start a happy and eternal family based on faith in one God. Marriage is a bond that couples are expected to enjoy, but it is observed that some couples do not enjoy this bond. Therefore, considering the importance of marital adjustment in the health and stability of the family system, it is essential to identify the factors contributing to this adjustment. Thus, this research aimed to design and compile a model of marital compatibility based on intelligence dimensions in couples Living in Kermanshah City, Iran.


    This research was a qualitative study with a content analysis approach conducted through group discussion and semi–structured interviews. The statistical population of this research included all family specialists, as well as all compatible and incompatible couples aged 20 to 55 years living in Kermanshah City, Iran, in 2022–2023. In the first stage, the purpose of the research was to assess educational needs. Hence, the researcher selected the people referred to the family court and counseling centers in a 3–month process and agreed to cooperate. Thus, using the snowball method, the addresses of one couple from each couple who were almost like themselves, willing to cooperate in the research, and were known as compatible couples were obtained. In this way, 20 couples were selected. Then, with their coordination, the interview time was determined, and they were informed. The sampling method at this stage was purposive. The initial evaluation was done to assess educational needs through focused group discussions and semi–structured interviews. The focused group discussion was conducted with married men and women, compatible and incompatible couples, or those with a marital history to obtain richer and deeper information. In this context, 10 group discussions and 10 interviews were conducted. The interviews were recorded with the participant's permission and transcribed verbatim for further analysis. To direct the interviews, a guide was prepared by reviewing the texts, a preliminary study, and the opinions of experts and professors in the field of family counseling and psychotherapy. The interviews were conducted with 12 open–ended questions. Next, the participants were selected in group discussions with maximum diversity in terms of education, age, and social, economic, and cultural status. It should be noted that ethical obligations were considered to protect the participants' rights. Finally, the package was compiled and designed after coding and categorizing with MAXQDA software.


    Ten professors of Razi University and Islamic Azad University of Kermanshah, who were members of the Psychology and Counseling departments, participated in this research. Then, until the theoretical data saturation, semi–structured interviews were conducted with 10 experts and 40 couples, and the model of marital adjustment based on the dimensions of intelligence was designed. The results showed that the components of moral intelligence include honesty and truthfulness, perseverance and persistence for the right (standing for the right), accepting responsibility to serve others, and the ability to forgive one's and other's mistakes. Also, based on the experts' opinion, the spiritual components in the educational package of marital adjustment based on the dimensions of intelligence include the production of personal meaning in life. Finally, the main components of emotional intelligence include problem–solving, happiness, stress tolerance, emotional self–awareness, optimism, flexibility, interpersonal relationships, social responsibility, and empathy.


    Different treatment methods have recently been employed to help couples improve their marital relations. In this research, the model of marital adjustment based on intelligence was examined, and based on the research findings, the developed model of marital compatibility based on intelligence can play an essential role in the marital adjustment of couples. It is necessary to help couples solve matrimonial problems and know the factors and causes affecting marital incompatibility and compatibility.

    Keywords: Marital adjustment model, Dimensions of intelligence, Compatible, incompatible couples}
  • محمود امیدی، امین کرایی*، منصور سودانی

    این پژوهش با هدف بررسی اثربخشی ترکیب زوج درمانی گاتمن و درمان ساختاری خانواده بر پیوستگی، انطباق پذیری و ارتباطات زوجین ناسازگار صورت گرفته است.

    مواد و روش ها

    جامعه پژوهش شامل زوجین ناسازگار مراجعه کننده به مرکز مشاوره آموزش و پرورش شهرستان بهبهان در نیمه اول سال 1398 می باشد که نمونه ای شامل 30 زوج از این جامعه با روش در دسترس انتخاب و به صورت تصادفی در دو گروه آزمایش و کنترل قرار گرفتند. طرح پژوهش نیمه آزمایشی از نوع پیش آزمون، پس آزمون و پیگیری با گروه گواه بود. ابتدا از هر دو گروه پیش آزمون گرفته شد و سپس گروه آزمایش 8 جلسه هر هفته یک جلسه در معرض درمان ترکیبی قرار گرفت.

    یافته ها

    پس از پایان جلسات از هر دو گروه پس آزمون و 5/1 ماه بعد نیز تحت آزمون پیگیری قرار گرفتند. ابزار پژوهش شامل مقیاس پیوستگی و انطباق پذیری خانواده السون، پورتنر و بل و خرده-مقیاس سطح ارتباطات از پرسشنامه انریچ السون، فورنیر و دراکمن بود. دادها با استفاده از تحلیل کواریانس تک متغیری (آنکووا) و چندمتغیری (مانکووا) تحلیل شدند.

    نتیجه گیری

    نتایج نشان داد که ترکیب زوج درمانی گاتمن و درمان ساختاری خانواده باعث بهبود معنادار پیوستگی، انطباق پذیری و ارتباطات زوجین ناسازگار شود (05/0>p). همچنین نتایج نشان داد که اثربخشی این رویکرد ترکیبی تا مرحله پیگیری تداوم داشته است. نتایج به دست آمده مبنی بر اثربخشی رویکرد مذکور به تفصیل مورد بحث قرار گرفت.

    کلید واژگان: ترکیب زوج درمانی گاتمن و درمان ساختاری خانواده, پیوستگی, انطباق پذیری, سطح ارتباطات, زوجین ناسازگار}
    Mahmoud Omidi, Amin Koraei *, Mansour Sudani

    The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of the combination of Guttman couple therapy and structural family therapy on cohesion, adaptability and incompatible couple relationships.

    Materials and Methods

    The research population includes maladapted couples referring to Behbahan Education Counseling Center in the first half of 2019. A sample of 30 couples from this population was selected by available methods and randomly divided into two experimental groups Were controlled. The quasi-experimental research design was pre-test, post-test and follow-up with a control group. First, pre-test was taken from both groups and then the experimental group underwent combination therapy for 8 sessions per week.


    After the sessions, both groups underwent post-test and 1.5 months later underwent follow-up test. The research instruments included the Elson, Portner & Bell family cohesion and adaptability scale and the communication subscale of the Enrich Elson, Fournier and Drakeman questionnaires. Data were analyzed using univariate analysis of covariance (ANKOVA) and multivariate analysis (MANKOVA).


    The results showed that the combination of Guttman couple therapy and structural family therapy significantly improves cohesion, adaptability and incompatible couple communication (p <0.05). The results also showed that the effectiveness of this combined approach lasted until the follow-up stage. The results obtained based on the effectiveness of this approach were discussed in detail.

    Keywords: Guttman couple therapy combination, family structural therapy, cohesion, adaptability, level of communication, incompatible couples}
  • محمد بخشی مشهدلو، توکل موسی زاده*، محمد نریمانی
    زمینه و هدف

    ازدواج از فاکتورهای مهم تشکیل جامعه سالم به شمار می رود و در این بین مفهوم انطباق پذیری و رضایت زناشویی جایگاه برجسته ای را به خود اختصاص داده است. هدف مطالعه حاضر، مقایسه اثربخشی آموزش مهارت حل مسئله و جریت ورزی بر افزایش میزان انطباق پذیری و رضایت زناشویی در زوجین ناسازگار بود.

    روش بررسی

     روش پژوهش، نیمه آزمایشی با طرح پیش آزمون-پس آزمون با گروه گواه بود. در این پژوهش از بین زوجین مراجعه کننده به مراکز مشاوره شهر اردبیل، هجده زوج واجد شرایط به روش دردسترس انتخاب شده و به صورت تصادفی در سه گروه آزمایشی یک و دو و گواه جای گماری شدند. مداخله حل مسئله و جریت ورزی در هشت جلسه یک ساعته به ترتیب برای گروه های آزمایشی یک و دو صورت پذیرفت. ابزار استفاده شده شامل مقیاس انطباق پذیری و پیوستگی خانواده السون (1985) و پرسشنامه رضا یت مندی زناشویی انریچ (1989) بود. در این پژوهش برای تجزیه وتحلیل داده ها، آزمون تحلیل واریانس چندمتغیره به کار رفت و در سطح معناداری (0٫05=α) تحت آزمون قرار گرفت. همچنین برای تحلیل داده ها از نرم افزار SPSS نسخه 22 استفاده شد.

    یافته ها

     باوجود موثربودن هر دو نوع مداخله بر افزایش میزان انطباق پذیری و رضایت زناشویی (0٫001>p)، مداخله حل مسئله درمقایسه با جریت ورزی دارای اندازه اثر بیشتری در افزایش میزان رضایت زناشویی (0٫59) و انطباق پذیری (0٫48) زوجین ناسازگار بود.

    نتیجه گیری

    براساس یافته های این پژوهش آموزش مهارت حل مسئله اجتماعی و جریت ورزی بر افزایش میزان انطباق پذیری و رضایت زناشویی زوجین ناسازگار تاثیر مثبتی دارد.

    کلید واژگان: حل مسئله اجتماعی, جرئت ورزی, انطباق پذیری, رضایت زناشویی, زوجین ناسازگار}
    Mohammad Bakhshi Mashhadloo, Tavakkol Mousazadeh*, Mohammad Narimani
    Background & Objectives

    Marriage is among the vital aspects in the formation of a healthy society, and the concept of adaptability and marital satisfaction is of significant importance. The present study aimed to investigate the effects of social problem–solving training and assertiveness training on improving adaptability and marital satisfaction in incompatible couples.


    This was a quasi–experimental study with a pretest–posttest and a control group design. In this research, 18 eligible couples referring to counseling centers in Ardebil City, Iran, to solve marital conflicts in 2017 were selected using a random sampling method. They participated in the study voluntarily and were randomly divided into three groups, as follows: one test (6 couples), a trial of two tests (6 couples), and one control (6 couples).  Educational interventions were conducted in eight 60–minute sessions to the experimental groups; however, the control group received no intervention. The required data were collected using the Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale (FACES) and ENRICH Marital Satisfaction Scale. Alson (2000), calculated Cronbachchr('39')s alpha coefficient of FACES as 0.90. Moreover, Abbaspour (2008) reported the reliability of this test using Cronbachchr('39')s alpha coefficient (0.95). Mahdaviyan tested the validity of the ENRICH Marital Satisfaction Scale using Pearson’s correlation coefficient and re–test method at a one–wk interval (for men: 93; for women: 94 and for men and women: 94.), and the reliability obtained using the method Cronbachchr('39')s alpha coefficient was .95. The validity of the questionnaire was also evaluated by Suleimanian, and the correlation of the subscales of the questionnaire with the total score was obtained from 0.44 to 0.85. Alson (2000) also reported Cronbachchr('39')s alpha coefficient for the questionnaire as 0.92. In this research, its internal consistency, using Cronbachchr('39')s alpha, was calculated equal to 0.85. In addition, Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) was used to analyze the study assumptions, and the collected data were analyzed in SPSS.


    The Box’ test results (0.365) on the research variables suggested that the homogeneity of the variance–covariance matrix was well–established. Furthermore, the mean (SD) posttest scores of the experimental group (1), in relation to the adaptability variable, was 21.23(17.25), and the same value for the experimental group (2) was 112.20 (18.22). Moreover, the mean(SD) posttest values of the experimental group (1), in relation to the marital satisfaction variable, was 142.12 (13.86) and in the experimental group (2), it was 129.11(97.7) According to these results, the increase in the posttest scores of the experimental groups 1 and 2 was more than that of the control group. In addition, the present results revealed that the difference between the mean scores of adaptability and marital satisfaction in the posttest stage was significant after controlling the pretest scores in the experimental groups 1 and 2 and the control group (p≤0.001). As a result, social problem–solving training and assertiveness training improved the level of adaptability and marital satisfaction in the studied couples. The MANCOVA results of adaptability, based on social problem solving and assertiveness training method, indicated a difference between the scores of social problem–solving and improved the status of adaptability in the investigated incompatible couples (p≤0.001) Is available. Finally, the Bonferroni posthoc test was used to compare the effects of the interventions on the subjects. The relevant results suggested the social problem solving and assertiveness training was effective. There was a significant difference between adaptability status and marital satisfaction. Accordingly, the difference between the two groups concerning the adaptability variable was 3.90; concerning marital satisfaction is 4.15, i.e., significant at p≤0.001. Therefore, the social problem–solving method, in improving the status of adaptability and marital satisfaction, was more effective than the method of assertiveness training.


    The present study results suggested that social problem solving and assertiveness training provided more intimacy to the study couples. Furthermore, the social problem–solving method was more effective than the practice of assertiveness training and increased adaptability in the study subjects.

    Keywords: Social problem solving, Assertiveness, Compatibility, Marital satisfaction, Incompatible couples}
  • مریم رستمی *، عباس ابولقاسمی، محمد نریمانی
    بهنجاری و نابهنجاری جامعه در گرو شرایط عمومی خانواده هاست. اغلب مداخله ها و روش های زوج درمانی در صدد افزایش رضایت زناشویی و کیفیت زندگی زوجین ناسازگار می باشند. هدف پژوهش حاضر تعیین اثربخشی درمان مبتنی بر بهبود کیفیت زندگی بر کیفیت زندگی زوجین ناسازگار بود.
    روش کار
    این پژوهش نیمه آزمایشی از نوع طرح پیش آزمون_پس آزمون با گروه کنترل بود. از میان کلیه ی زوجین مراجعه کننده به بهزیستی شهر شیراز در سال 1390 تعداد 30 زوج که به صورت نمونه گیری در دسترس به طور تصادفی در دوگروه آزمایش (15 زوج) و گروه کنترل (15 زوج) گمارده شدند. آزمودنی های گروه آزمایش 8 جلسه مداخله را دریافت کردند و آزمودنی های گروه کنترل در لیست انتظار قرار گرفتند. داده ها با مقیاس کیفیت زندگی SF-36 جمع آوری گردید. داده های پژوهش با روش تحلیل کواریانس چند متغیری با استفاده از نرم افزار SPSS-16تجزیه و تحلیل شدند.
    یافته ها
    نتایج تحلیل کواریانس نشان داد که درمان مبتنی بر کیفیت زندگی باعث بهبود کیفیت زندگی به طور کلی می شود (0/001˂P). همچنین بین مولفه های عملکرد جسمانی، محدودیت جسمانی، تحمل درد، سرزندگی و نشاط، محدودیت عاطفی و هیجانی در دو گروه آزمایش و گواه تفاوت معناداری وجود داشت (0/001˂P). اما اختلاف معناداری در مولفه های سلامت عمومی، عملکرد اجتماعی و سلامت روانی بین دو گروه وجود نداشت (0/05˂P).
    نتیجه گیری
    بر اساس یافته ها می توان نتیجه گیری کرد که درمان مبتنی بر بهبود کیفیت زندگی، کیفیت زندگی زوجین را ارتقا می دهد. لذا تدوین برنامه های این گونه می تواند باعث افزایش بهزیستی و کیفیت زندگی زوجین ناسازگار گردد.
    کلید واژگان: درمان مبتنی بر بهبود کیفیت زندگی, کیفیت زندگی, زوجین ناسازگار}
    Maryam Rostami *, Dr Abbas Abolghasemi, Dr Mohammad Narimani
    Normal and abnormal of each society depends on general conditions of the families. Most of interventions and couple therapy methods seek to enhance the marital satisfaction and quality of life in incompatible couples. The purpose of this study was to indicate the effectiveness of therapy based on improving quality of life in incompatible couples.
    This was a quasi-experimental pre-test/post-test design with a control group. Of all subjects, referred to the welfare institution of Shiraz in 2011, thirty couples were divided by random sampling into experimental and control groups (each including fifteen couples). Subjects of experimental group received 8 sessions of intervention. Meanwhile, the subjects of control group were placed in waiting list. The data was collected by SF-36 quality of life scale. Data analysis, moreover, was done through multivariate covariance using SPSS-16.
    Results of covariance analysis showed that quality of life therapy improves the quality of life in general (P˂0.001). Also, there was a significant difference for physical functioning, physical limitation, pain tolerance, vitality and emotional and social limitation indices between two groups (P˂0.001). However, no significant discrepancy was seen for general health, social role functioning and mental health (P>0.05).
    According to these results, it can be concluded that therapy based on improving the quality of life enhances the life quality of these couples. Therefore, designing such programs can elevate the well-being and quality of life in incompatible couples.
    Keywords: Quality of life therapy, Quality of life, Incompatible couples}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
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